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JR SportBrief Hour 4

JR Sports Brief / JR
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June 12, 2024 10:08 pm

JR SportBrief Hour 4

JR Sports Brief / JR

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June 12, 2024 10:08 pm

NBA Finals Game 3 update l Travis Kelce & Russell Wilson feeling good l This Day In Sports History


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For more details, request your appointment at Presented by T-Mobile, the official wireless partner of Odyssey Sports. With an awesome network and great savings, there's never been a better time to join T-Mobile.

Visit your neighborhood store to make the switch today. It is! The J.R. Sportbreeze Show here on the Infinity Sports Network. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia.

Thank you so much to everybody tuned in and locked in all over the country. All of our good friends in Canada, people listening in Mexico and overseas and submarines and… Hey, dammit, somebody could be listening in a spaceship right now. Out of space. Maybe there's an alien listening to the frequency. Hello, hello, hello.

A coming peace. Thank you so much to super producer and host Ryan Hickey. He's in New York City holding it down on the boards. There is no show without you, the listeners.

So, we appreciate you. 855-212-4227 is the number. It's 855-212-4227. You can find me online at JR Sportbreeze.

I'll let you know. Yeah, the NBA Finals are going on right now in Dallas, Texas. Downtown Dallas. Dallas Mavericks lead the Boston Celtics 25-19. There's no Chris Staps Porzingis dealing with a leg injury.

What a shock. He's out tonight. Chris Staps Porzingis could be out for the series. Tom Brady's having a ceremony. They're retiring. Oh, well, we already know.

His number's done. They're having a ceremony to put him in the Patriots Hall of Fame. The Ring of Honor.

Whatever the hell they call it up there, Tom Brady is it. A packed Gillette Stadium. I'm sure a lot of people got their phones out just to see the Boston Celtics and whether or not they can take a 3-0 series lead. Thank you for listening to the show. I get started every single weekday at 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 Pacific, if you've missed a minute or if you've missed a second.

You can hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. Thank you to people listening live on their local affiliates. Sirius XM Channel 158. And if you've got a smart speaker, ask it to play the Infinity Sports Network.

How about this? Now it's 25 to 23. Kyrie Irving has woke up so far in this game. Nine points already in the first quarter. We know that Kyrie Irving, he's stunk in the first two games. Game one, Kyrie could only come up with 12 points. In game two, Kyrie had 16. In Hickey, we said the over, we take an over 20, right?

Yes, we both took the over. He's almost there. Unless he just falls flat at the end of the game.

I don't think that's going to take place. And Luka Doncic, what a surprise, right? He got another shot in his chest for a bruised chest, I guess what I call it. Luka has 11 points. And the Celtics, Jason Tatum getting busy early.

No Kristaps Porzingis. Tatum has nine points to lead the Boston Celtics. Hickey, I guess at this point, Tatum is just like, Oh, y'all think I can't score?

I'm just going to turn it on when I need to, huh? That feels like this game for him especially, right? We know Kristaps, at least in terms of scoring brutal first two games, been kind of quiet for a large part of this postseason. This feels like one of those plant your flag, I'm still here, I'm still great sort of games that you can get from Tatum.

And like you said early on, so far at least trying to make a strong case for that. I think Jason Tatum gets a bad rap. He's one of the most talented scorers in the NBA. And I think people look at him and say, Oh, you know, he takes his foot off the gas, he doesn't go full bore. But the fact of the matter is, I don't think he needs to.

I don't think he needs to at all, man. You're right because, I mean, we've seen the first two games, right? The Kristaps Porzingis in game one and Drew Howlett in game two were the two best players for the Celtics. You don't need Jalen Brown and Jason Tatum to both be great in order for the Celtics to win. They're up 2-0 with their two superstars taking, we'll say, somewhat of a back seat and not taking over the game the way you would expect a superstar to. So you're right in the sense that he doesn't have to, right?

He doesn't have to be Superman. He doesn't have to put up 30 shots like sometimes Luca has to in order to keep the Celtics in it and win a game. So you are right, like when he's dishing out 12 assists like he did in game two, like whatever it takes to win. And some games, other guys are hot, feed them. I think that is a sign of a good winner. I think why he gets a bad rap, if you will, is just he has, I would say too many inefficient games.

Yeah. Because he has clutch at, you know, he has some big playoff games. It's not like he can't do it, but he's done it plenty of times.

He's also had plenty of stinkers more than you would like your superstar to have as well. I think a big part of it also is his disposition. He's very relaxed. He's very chill. You don't see, you know, Jason Tatum yelling and screaming at guys. He's not destroying the officials. He just goes out there and plays. I mean, even at the end of the games or at the end of the games postgame, he's pretty much relaxed and chill. Thank God. And this is why I like him.

Hickey. He's not one of these guys on social media. He doesn't get involved in the crap, man. He just plays ball. And so I think that part of it, he's not polarizing.

And so it doesn't drive people to just be like, oh, yeah, no, he's a killer. He stands up for this. He just goes out there and balls.

And that I really appreciate. Jason Kidd, who we know has spent the past couple of days saying, oh, well, Brown is the best player. And he's just like, well, Tatum is one of the best in the world. Jason Kidd was chatting it up with Sirius XM NBA radio yesterday. And then Jason Kidd is continuing just to play mind games. Listen to this. My comment about Jalen Brown is from watching tape and watching game one. I thought, again, he was the best player.

Also a Cal alum. So we have ties. And so I said that. Everybody thought it was mental warfare. That's not mental warfare. That was just my opinion. But some if it was to be true, then I didn't mean to cause such a stir. Jason Kidd doesn't have a clue about anything going on in the world.

Nothing. You know, Joe Missoula, the head coach of the Boston Celtics, he had some kind words for his, I would say, his star player, one of them. And Tatum, listen. I think he's only going to get better. And he makes greatness look easy because of his ability to impact the game in many different ways. And he's just going to continue to get better and better and better.

And it's an honor to coach him. Speaking the minute that he says that Jason Tatum rises up for a huge dunk to pretty much end the first quarter here. The Dallas Mavericks lead after one 31 to 30. Jason Tatum with 13 points to open up the first quarter. Jalen Brown has four. Sam Housel off the bench with six.

Kyrie Irving, nine in the first quarter. And Luka Doncic with 13. Luka Doncic has talked about how physical this series has been. He feels the physicality has stepped up even as they've approached the finals.

Take a listen to what Luka had to say. I think it's up a notch for sure. You know, both teams played a lot of games throughout the season. But I think the physicality has been on point for sure. Big deal.

Big deal. I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of the series looks like. This one may go down to the wire. I know it feels like the first two games Boston Celtics had the Mavericks chasing them. With no Chris Staps Porzingis things should be a little even. Let's see what the Celtics do. I wouldn't be surprised if they went up 3-0. Would not be surprised if they lost this game. If I was putting money on it I'd give this one to the Celtics. Or excuse me, I'd give this one to the Mavericks at home.

And so we'll keep you up to date as much as I can on these NBA Finals on Game 3 before I get the hell up one out of here. We also know and we've talked about it a good majority of the show. Our top six list was dedicated to this individual. And that's Jerry West. Jerry West passed away at the age of 86.

We found out this morning at about 9.30 a.m. Eastern Time. And let's just take a listen to CBS Sports HQ drop the news earlier today. Breaking news coming out of the NBA. LA Lakers legend and basketball Hall of Famer Jerry West has died. The Clippers releasing a statement saying West died peacefully at his home this morning with his wife Karen by his side. West enjoyed one of the more accomplished basketball careers of all time. So much so that he earned the nickname as the logo. And of course his silhouette serves as the basis for the NBA logo still to this day. He was a 14-time All-Star all with the Lakers. He's the only player to win Finals MVP in a loss back in 1969.

Then he finally broke through, won his only title as a player in 1972. West was just as good in the front office as well. Won eight titles with the Lakers and Warriors as well as two Executive of the Year awards. Jerry West was just 86 years old and thank you so much as well earlier on in the show. We had an excellent conversation with Marcus Thompson from the athletic and he is from Oakland.

He's from the Bay Area. He talked about his own interactions with Jerry West. He talked and he's actually written books Marcus Thompson about some of the biggest and best dynasties that we've seen in the NBA. Also wrote a book about Steph Curry and Kevin Durant and our rights for the athletic. So thank you to Marcus Thompson for joining us. If you missed that, hit rewind on the free Odyssey app.

You can get that. And then we gave you a new top six list inspired by Jerry West. Because if you want to talk about the top six faces of the NBA, Jerry West, he is and was the logo literally. And number six, I gave you Jerry West and number five, I gave you Wilt Chamberlain and number four, I gave you Bill Russell. And number three, I gave you Larry Bird. Number two, Magic Johnson.

And number one, I gave you Michael Jordan. It was just so damn cool to I said this at the open. It was cool to look at Jerry West, the person as well as a basketball player. He said one of the most notable things I've ever heard in my life during his town hall from about a year ago. And he didn't want to leave people with one word about basketball. He wanted to leave people with a word about life and life experience. Listen to what Jerry West had to say about just being a good human and not just a basketball player. I'm always surprised that people make such a fuss of me a lot of times.

I don't quite understand it nor will I ever understand it in my life. I think the most important thing for people to understand is how to treat people, how to interact with people, treat people with kindness. I truly care about people. There's a lot of ways to give and I've been fortunate enough in my life to be able to give financially.

It's the West Virginia University which has allowed me to have an education and more importantly led to a career that didn't dream possible. So I've tried to help kids that were in a similar situation except they can't be athletes. And I hope I help make a difference in their lives. But give of yourself if you can. And I think some of the things in our lives, you know our families are important, really important. And obviously it's a thing that I'm most concerned about in my life now. But you can make a difference. It might be a kind word, it might be a pat on the back, it might be saying hello to someone. We're not all the same, but we are all the same because we all have feelings, we care, and life is about giving. And give as much as you can.

Hey, hickies. You know, nothing lasts forever. Look, I don't know how long I'm going to be here. Hopefully it's a while.

But you never know what tomorrow brings, right? And I'm just thinking about, just off the top of my head, some of the legends in the NBA that have been lost. Relatively speaking, the NBA is 78 years old, okay?

That's grandparents. Like they are people who have been around long enough to watch the league since its inception. And maybe not straight from the beginning, as there was only a handful of teams. But when the league really started to grow, you know, in the 50s and then getting into the 60s, as Allen from Toronto talked about Koozie, and there's the Russells and the Chamberlains of the world. Like there are individuals who could see them play. And of course, the real big explosion over the past 45 years?

Like there's a lot of people who've seen it. And so to lose a Willis Reed, to lose a Bill Walton, to lose a Jerry West, you know, we can think about baseball, whose history goes back way further. And these are guys that you just, it's like, I'm flipping through the newspaper.

And they're kind of hard to imagine and wrap your hands around, your ideas around. But when it comes to the legends of the NBA, like these dudes are living and breathing. And the NBA is moving along, so is life. And some of these legends who are tangible, we're losing them, man.

I know, it's sad. It is kind of cool. I guess I never thought about it in that aspect of just like how young, if you will, the league is compared to a lot of the other leagues around. Like that some of the greats that like really started, like you said, are still alive or have just recently passed. But it's still like, it was still recently enough to where, like you said, it's not like Babe Ruth who's just a folk here at this point. Like, I don't think anyone on this earth right now has ever seen Babe Ruth play.

So it's just like, you can't really ever envision what it's like to watch him or obviously know people that watch him. It's because it's been so long ago. It is cool, but now also you're seeing the sad part of it as well, of just like because the league is relatively young, a lot of the premier early players, for the most part, are still around, which is cool.

Yeah, it is. Like you said, Babe Ruth. I mean, damn it, we can go back. Honus Wagner? Like, if you're listening to the sound of my voice right now, I could guarantee you. You didn't see Honus Wagner play. You didn't.

You did not. Hickey, did somebody see him play one guy? I don't know, right? I mean, I guess there's always one, people living longer than ever.

Well, there is. Well, not even him. You know Bob from Maryland, right?

Yes. There's a lot of listeners who hear us right now who know Bob from Maryland. Hey, Bob, I know you didn't see. I'm asking Bob. I know Bob. God bless him. I know his dad was an umpire in Major League Baseball. Let me pull this up real fast.

Let's see. Honus Wagner was born in 1874. He passed away at the age of 81 in 1955.

He debuted in Major League Baseball in 1897. And his last appearance was more than 100 years ago in 1917. I'm going to go out on a limb and I'm just going to say, Bob, Bob doesn't remember Honus Wagner.

And I don't think anybody listening should. Maybe you saw him later and after the fact. Maybe.

Possibly. But you ain't see that man play. This is, hey, nothing lasts forever. Nobody lasts forever. And that's why you got to appreciate. And not just sports stuff. You got to appreciate what you got.

Why you got it. Hey, there you go. There's some JR wisdom. Rest in peace to Jerry West. It's the JR sport. We show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network.

The phone lines are open eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. We come back from break. I'll give you an update on game three of the NBA Finals.

We did have some NFL mandatory minicam still go on today. And speaking of appreciate what you got while it's going on. Russell Wilson had some words about his new experience in Pittsburgh. Travis Kelce had some thoughts about his career as he continues to get older. And then, of course, before we leave, I'm going to share with you a few things that took place this day in sports history. We got a lot to do. Have a good time while I'm here.

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Sport Brief show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. Game three of the NBA finals, the Celtics have taken a. Well, this lead is going back and forth. Dammit, Boston leads a 38 to 36. That's what the hell we got going on right now.

Jason Tatum, 13 points, Kyrie Irving, 11, Luca, 13, almost halfway through the second quarter. Trying to crown a champion. It's talking about greatness.

You want to talk about greatness? This isn't the only big event happening in the country tonight, because if you go up to Massachusetts right outside of Boston, South and Foxborough. The New England Patriots had an entire ceremony tonight to honor Tom Brady. The fans filled up Gillette Stadium. Legends filled up a Gillette Stadium as Tom Brady went into the Patriots Hall of Fame. Let me tell you this.

This is so big. Randy Moss, Randy Moss cried at this ceremony. Randy Moss cried.

He has straight cash on me. He cried. Shouts to another great from West Virginia. Also.

You want to you want to think more? Bill Belichick was there. Bill Belichick. He just got the boot from the Patriots. We got so many rumors about Robert Kraft trying to get him the hell up on out of there.

Bill Belichick, they praised him and cheered him so much at the ceremony that Bill Belichick couldn't even get a word in. He's just like, thank you, Patriot Nation. Thank you, Patriot Nation.

Thank you, Patriot Nation. Hickey, you think he's going to watch Patriot games at home? Oh, good question. Probably.

You're going to watch everything, right? And would he be, let's say, that upset if they lose? Maybe not.

Here's a here's a better question. Who's setting up league pass at Bill Belichick's house? Who's getting the you think Bill Belichick sits down by himself and sets up the YouTube game day subscription? You think he does that or what? Probably not. Maybe Nike's dog. I mean, he's drafting players.

I'm sure he can set up a, you know, Sunday ticket account. I don't know. I don't know about that. Yes, you're right.

The drafts were not very good. So. Oh, crap. I wasn't going that far. But she's Nike.

He should get more blame, honestly, for the bad Patriots drafts. The dog. Yeah. The dog. What is it? Was that a husky he had or something like that? It looked like a husky. Yeah. Yeah.

Great for the cold New England winters. Bill Belichick wasn't the only person involved in this Tom Brady Appreciation Hall of Fame night. This Patrick Mahomes sits courtside at the Dallas Mavericks game.

Talk about his chiefs in a second. John Cena was the voice of the Tom Brady love affair video. And Tom Brady's kids also narrated a video. And then to open up the entire ceremony as Tom Brady walked out.

It was public service announcement performed live by Jay-Z. And so, I mean, if you bought a ticket to see Tom Brady get inducted into the Patriots Hall of Fame, you got a whole damn experience tonight. And Tom Brady doesn't have to worry about his family being embarrassed, you know, after the event. So kudos and congratulations to him.

This is much better, I guess, on his his side than the roast that he got about a month ago. Anyway, I told you that Travis. Well, this ain't Travis Kelce. Patrick Mahomes is sitting courtside.

Big Dallas Mavericks fan. Great game that we have going on so far. Earlier today, I guess when you got a lot of money, you can just get on a plane and go whatever the hell you want. Because the Chiefs are still in minicamp. And Travis Kelce spoke. And since we've been talking about championships and greatness, Travis Kelce spoke to the media.

He has his newfound additional fame with Taylor Swift. His brother just retired from the NFL. He just got a new contract extension, an additional two years that runs through 2027. He is a 34 year old tight end. We just saw this past season for the first time in like forever, maybe ever.

The man didn't haul in more than 1000 yards receiving. And so he was asked about his longevity. Like Travis Kelce can quit tomorrow and host. Nicky, isn't he hosting like a game show right now or something coming up?

That's right. And acting in a different TV show. Travis Kelce can replace Pat Sajak as the host of what's this thing called again? Wheel of Fortune.

Wheel of Fortune. Right. I don't know. Oh, oh, no, you can't.

We can't. This the guy who has all the other jobs is going to host it now. Ryan Seacrest.

Is that permanent or just an interim basis? I think Ryan Seacrest is going to be the new host of Wheel of Fortune. What can he let somebody else get a job?

I bet ABC if Travis said, hey, I'm interested. I think Ryan maybe could get this assignment off. Yeah. But you want somebody to do the job forever, right?

Yes. Travis Kelce wouldn't do that job forever. Not doing it. Who's in a game show? He likes to have fun. Picky. He doesn't seem like somebody.

He's not someone that jumps around from thing to thing and just gets bored easily. I have refused personally. So I love The Price is Right.

I emphasis on loved. I love The Price is Right. I have not watched one episode since Bob Barker stopped. Not one. Not a Jim Carrey guy, huh? Drew Carrey. Drew. Sorry, Drew. Oh, I think Jim Carrey quits show business outside of being Dr. Robotnik in the hedgehog movie Sonic. No, like I'm hardcore.

I'm with my people. I haven't watched an episode of I love Jeopardy. I haven't watched an episode since Alex Trebek left and passed away, you know. And so I haven't watched Wheel of Fortune as much because I got things to do. I ain't watching no episode. I don't know.

It's the change is tough for me when it comes to these people that is I respect the loyalty. I believe Vanna White is staying on. She is.

Does that change? You know, it's still like half of the, you know, no partnership. No, no.

OK, you're out. I'm glad she's there. She was trying to get as much money as Pat Sajak for a long time. And they would never give it to her. They're like, he hosts the show.

You push the buttons like, no, we're not giving you the money. It's like, you know, come on. You're not wrong. And it's like nowadays Vanna White with technology, she doesn't even have to work as hard. She used to have to turn. Remember, she used to have to physically turn the letters around like the old scoreboard. I guess the still scoreboard at Boston. Yeah.

Fenway, Wrigley. Yeah. Like Vanna White doesn't even have to do that. Now she runs left to right, walks left to right. All she has to do is push the screen and boom, the letter changes.

And if we're being honest, they don't need her. You know, the letters, I'm just saying the letters, if you want to with technology, they can just show up. All right. If I say a boom, there's a I don't need Vanna there to hit the screen.

Why are you trying to take Vanna White? I'm not. I'm not.

I'm just like you just mentioned the you know, the technology going into the game of Wheel of Fortune explaining and kind of more even forwarding the point. But I'm with you. Oh, my God. I'm glad Vanna White's employed. I want to put that out there.

I'm not looking for her to get fired. Absolutely not. Well, look at Travis Kelsey. He is I guess he is as football old as Vanna White is game show old.

Travis Kelsey says he ain't going nowhere. Listen to this. You know, I'm still a little kid when I come into this building, man.

I know I'm 34 years old, about to be 35. But I have a love to do this right here in the middle of the heat in June. You know, I love coming to work every single day and doing this. So I'm going to do it till the wheels fall off. And hopefully that doesn't happen anytime soon. But I am I can definitely understand that it's towards the end of the road than it is the beginning of it.

Uh huh. Travis Kelsey is just like, I got a couple more things to do before I ride off into the sunset with Taylor Swift. Probably will culminate with a marriage. That'll be great for them.

And then you got another guy. Well, he's just trying to restart his damn career in life. Russell Wilson spoke to the media today and in the most Russell Wilson esque positive way possible. He says, I feel rejuvenated, like I've hit the fountain of youth. I feel the fountain of youth, man. I just feel, you know, I feel revived in every way. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I feel confident.

You know, I think at some point you got to know who you are. You know, as a player, as a man, as a competitor, you know, somebody who's been fortunate to play this game and I don't doubt it. You know, I just trust it. I felt really I felt really good last year. You know, I felt really confident in the midst of everything.

And so I think right now I have all that confidence. I know Justin Fields is already second. I know Justin Fields sits in the quarterback room with him.

It's just like, oh, well, you please already, please. He had listened to Russell Wilson some more. He says he loves mentoring Justin Fields.

Oh, yeah. I think there's a great obligation in this game for me personally to continue to give as much knowledge as I know. I've been fortunate in the midst of all the play, you know, a lot of games, you know, a lot of big moments and everything else. And so now I love this game. And so I believe that much is given, much is required. So I'm constantly, constantly learning individually.

But you're also you're also learning by teaching to as well and giving ideas and everything else. So I've always been a huge Justin fan and I've always loved watching this game. Listen, the way that Ryan Hickey wants to retire Vanna White, Justin Fields wants to retire this man, Russell Wilson. Hey, Marco Belletti on a on a scale of one to ten, ten being I can't stand this guy.

Where does Justin Fields rank on the scale of I can't stand in Russell Wilson? I'm going to go with nine because it's only been a day. That's tough. And Hickey, Marco, did you hear about Hickey wants to get rid of Vanna White?

I did notice that. Yeah, you're going to be management material real soon there, Hickey. Good for you. I don't want to get rid of her, I'm just saying. We don't need you to turn over those letters.

We know what the hell's back there. Get out of here. She's a staple to the show. I'm just saying.

Well, she was. So what? One day. Look, Vanna White is not going to be there forever.

All right. And similar to Travis Kelsey, I'm sure Vanna White is closer to the end than she is to the beginning. When Vanna White is over, what are they going to do? Just throw. They have to throw a new model back there or they can just take the approach of, hey, the computer does it by itself.

We don't need a model. We'll save ourselves a couple mil, right? I can hear the contract negotiations now. I'd like a raise. Why? I don't need you in the first place.

The only reason I put you out there is because you've been here forever. I mean, yeah. No, obviously, between the two of you, it's going to be Ryan Seacrest and nothing. That's what it's going to be. Oh, no, you got I mean, the reason why they must be real. The reason why they put Vanna White there 40 years ago was because they needed a beautiful woman to sell the show and turn the letters. That's it. Now, why wouldn't they still do that when it's time to replace her? Money?

No. What are they going to have? They're going to have a virtual woman on the screen next, right?

That's definitely possible. Like I said, I want to go back. I don't know if you guys remember, I want to go back to the Wheel of Fortune days where you didn't get the money, where you had a pick from that pit of garbage. Do you remember this? There was like this little room that it was like, all right, yeah, I guess for five hundred dollars, I'll take that lamp. That's what I want them to go back to. You don't get the money.

You've got to pick from this bevy of basically yard sale stuff that nobody wants and you've got to spend all your money there. That's what I want to say. Me and the show about the same age. I don't remember that. You know, see, that was back in the day. That was the best. No, I don't remember that.

That's a YouTube rabbit hole. I'm telling you. And everything was overpriced. Can I get that vacuum cleaner for three hundred dollars? It was like 1983.

What is it? What were they ripping off of? They were ripping off Price is Right combo? I'm telling you, they didn't have any money. So they they took a bunch of stuff from probably Pat Sajak's basement or his garage and they put it in a corner. And they said, here, you can buy this and get that blender for four hundred dollars.

It was garbage. That's what you got. And then you took like about one hundred dollars and a gift certificate.

Get the hell out of here. We put you on TV. Be happy. Now you can win a million dollars. And what else do you win? Nothing.

If you're stupid. Right. Nothing. Pretty much. And again, with all those now expensive prizes. Now we need to get rid of another salary. And that's why when Van is gone, that'll be the end of that.

We'll see how much longer Wheel of Fortune last on air. I saw somebody thought the answer to a puzzle was. Was it can I say, can I say it? I mean, the four words you can say in a sentence. Right.

It's not a curse. I don't know. Well, it was the four words. OK, one, two, three, four. How can I say that? I don't know if you're supposed to say them in that order. I feel like that. I think that matters.

I feel like a jumble. Just have the audience themselves put it together. So I will put it. I can do this. Come on now.

We're professionals here. I got this. All right.

You ready? You don't have to hit the dump button. Don't worry about it. DM as well. Right in the kisser. OK. On the other side. Yeah. There you go. Like that. That was an answer of a guy on Wheel of Fortune.

Like what are we doing here to that? Send Pat into retirement. Maybe. Well, I didn't know he was retiring until last week. He announced it like last year. Didn't even notice.

Oh, we did. Oh, I didn't know. What a send off for Pat Sajak. One of the last things he has to do.

It says it right on the screen, right in the blank. And the guy is just like in the other end of it. It's like, come on. Like this is Wheel of Fortune. This is not a Web site. This is not. Come on, man.

Which is which is why honestly, is there anybody else? I can't think of anybody else with all the years that he did with a 40 something years just to sit down with Pat Sajak and just hear some of the stories of the stupidity that he has heard and probably has to laugh about after this show is over. I would love that. Just be a fly on the wall. You need to talk to me.

Talk to somebody else. I just sit in the corner, man. He's been a jerk to some of those. Well, no, that's wrong.

He's he's he's had his share of of being a smarmy jerk. And I want to this is why not on TV. I want it afterwards when he's poured himself a nice drink, sitting in the back.

Nice. You know, all kind of relaxed. And I just want to sit in the corner and hear some stories. I like it when the fans in the audience go, what? Like that's like one time it was this girl was probably in the college, a high school addition, and she just got annihilated.

I don't know. Just hey, congratulations to Pat Sajak on a great career. And Travis Kelsey, go win another championship. And Russell Wilson, leave, leave Justin Fields alone. It's the J.R. sport we show here on the Infinity Sports Network. We come back.

I'm going to tell you about some things that took place this day in sports history. Plug in a Hyundai EV and the extraordinary happens. It's not just the ultra fast charging capability and long range in the IONIQ 5 and IONIQ 6 or the adventure seeking spirit of the Kona Electric or the groundbreaking 601 horsepower IONIQ 5N. And it's not just the comfort in knowing that every Hyundai EV is backed by a 10 year, hundred thousand mile limited electric battery warranty. Hyundai's EVs transform a low hum into a loud adventure. They bring color to your journey and turn energy into main character energy.

So forget everything you thought you knew about EVs and turn the extraordinary into something truly electrifying. There's joy in every journey. You're listening to the J.R. sport brief back in the days when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore, but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again. It's time for this day in sports history. See, back in those days we had radio and you couldn't see anything.

And it was primitive and lousy and we liked it. On the J.R. sport brief show. I wish I was 50 years younger and I'd kick your ass. Hey, if your team won a championship, maybe it took place today. How about this day? June 12th and 1991, the Chicago Bulls, they won their first championship. They beat the Los Angeles Lakers. It was game five. Michael Jordan had 30 points. The Bulls beat the Lakers 108 to 101.

Listen to this. Jordan against the double team, the triple team, the rotating defense, the pump fake, the rotations. He has been unconscious 18 for Paxson. Magic's three point attempt blocked. Pippen comes away with it. And the Chicago Bulls have won their first ever NBA championship. And that was the marvelous one on NBC. How about let's hit the fast forward button to June 12th, 2002.

We'll hear the marvelous one again as the Los Angeles Lakers. They did something amazing. 2002. It was a three game sweep by beating the Nets 113 to 107. And Phil Jackson has a record of nine NBA titles.

Yeah. Let's fast forward. How about on June 12th in 2011? The team that's trying to win a championship now, they won their first title. It was the Dallas Mavericks beating the Miami Heat.

Here's Mike Breen, ABC. The emotions of Dirk Nowitzki, what he's always dreamed of, hoping to have another chance after the bitter loss in 2006, an unlikely playoff run capped off by Dallas, upsetting LeBron James, Dwayne Wade and the favorite Miami Heat. And Chris Bosh tried. But I love Chris Bosh. He's a great guy. Real nice guy. But he cried.

Anyway, let's hit the fast forward button some more. 2016, the Penguins. They won on NBC. This their fourth title.

Dang, holding, delaying some more. Knocked down in front, picked up by Crosby, lobbed down the ice. That was Doc Emmert on NBC. That was 2016.

What about June 12th and 2017? Listen to Mike Breen tell you about some guy named Kevin Durant. And now Golden State can dribble it out.

There it is. Redemption for Golden State. One of the great playoff runs of all time is complete. The Warriors are NBA champions again. Yeah, LeBron James got beat. Kevin Durant had 39 points.

Hey, sorry, LeBron. You got beat twice on June 12th, June 12th of 2019. The St. Louis Blues.

This is from the Blues Radio Network. They won two. A team that was in last place on January 3rd.

The players on the bench are bouncing up. History will be made tonight in Boston. 15 seconds to go as Shen blocks a puck to the corner. 10 seconds remaining. Get up St. Louis. Get on your feet.

Raise them high. Five seconds to go. And the time waits down.

They did it. It's over. The game is over. The series is over. The wait is over. And the St. Louis Blues are the Stanley Cup champions for the first time in franchise history. I got to take a deep breath. That was 2019.

Last year, June 12th. On this day, the Denver Nuggets said bye to the Miami Heat. They became champs. Listen to this. Finds truce back to Larry. There it is. Three-pointer. Won't go. Rebound called off Pope.

They're not going to foul. The Heat will let it play out. It's over. At last. The long wait is over. After 47 years, the Denver Nuggets can finally call themselves NBA champions.

Yeah, that's what happens when you get to June. That was Mike Breen again on ABC. The Bulls won in 91. The Lakers won in 2002. The Mavs won in 2011. The Penguins won in 2016. The Warriors won in 2017. The St. Louis Blues won in 2019.

The Nuggets won in 2023. Nobody's winning today except for you. You're a winner. Thank you for hanging out and being winners with us.

We're winners here, okay? You've been listening to the JR Sportbree show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. I'll be back with you tomorrow at 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 Pacific. We'll hear what Tom Brady had to say during his special day. We're going to find out who wins Game 3 of the NBA Finals. They just broke at halftime.

56-55, the Celtics lead. They're going back and forth. It's a good one. You can find me online everywhere at JR Sportbree. If you've missed a minute of the show, including the top six list of the biggest faces of the NBA, hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. You can catch the whole show there. Thank you for tuning in.

Thank you for locking in. Thank you to Marcus Thompson for joining us to talk about the late Jerry West. The JR Sportbree show is done. Thank you so much to Ryan Hickey and thank you to you for listening. Don't move here on the Infinity Sports Network. A, because I said so and B, Bart Winklas coming up next.

The JR Sportbree show is done. Have a good night. Be safe. Be cool. Be smooth. Be great.

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