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JR SportBrief Hour 1

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
February 14, 2024 7:26 pm

JR SportBrief Hour 1

JR Sports Brief / JR

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February 14, 2024 7:26 pm

Tragedy strikes the Chiefs championship parade l Calls on the shooting l 49ers fire Steve Wilks

Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul

When the whole family comes together to watch the game, nobody wants to miss a second of the action to run to the grocery store. With Instacart, you can get all your weekly groceries in as fast as an hour.

Less time shopping means more game time. Let's go. Visit to get free delivery on your first three orders. Offer valid for a limited time, $10 minimum per order. Additional terms apply.

A Peanut Butter M&M's Production. In a world where Super Bowl winners get the world's admiration and a fancy ring, but the runners-up get nothing, one retired cop returns. That's one retired quarterback. Read the script.

Oh, sorry. One retired quarterback returns to claim what's his. Um, that's claim a ring with diamonds made from M&M's peanut butter, but you're on a roll. The Ring of Comfort, coming soon to a Super Bowl new you. It is the J.R. Sportbree show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Much love to everybody tuned in and locked in all over North America. Thank you so much to our super producer and producer and host Ryan Hickey. He's holding it down for us on the boards in New York City and much love to you wherever you might be all over the United States of America.

This is when I get started every single weeknight, 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 Pacific. You can always tune in on the free Odyssey app, your local CBS Sports Radio affiliate, Sirius XM Channel 158, and everybody tuned in and locked in on a smart speaker. All you got to do is ask it to play CBS Sports Radio and then boom, CBS Sports Radio.

It does pop up. A couple of things. First of all, happy Valentine's Day. Now that we got that the hell up on out the way. And, you know, I always and this is not a matter of playing radio or doing radio, you know, every day I tell you thank you, right? Most times I tell you thank you. I say thank you for tuning into the show. Thank you for being supportive. And every now and then, jokingly, not jokingly, I say, hey, if nobody told you that that they love you, just know that I love you and I appreciate you.

No lie, no joke. There is no show without people whether you love me, hate me, appreciate me, love the show, hate the show. There is no show without the people who support or feel any type of way about it. Now, having said that, we know today was supposed to be a love filled day, not just because of Valentine's Day, specifically in Kansas City. We know that today was supposed to be all about celebration. We know today was supposed to be about dynasty. We know today was supposed to be about celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs as they went through downtown Kansas City and passed Union Station and just celebrate their latest championship, which they just won.

On Sunday. But unfortunately, you know, something that we're all very much used to at this point in time, specifically here in the United States of America, occurred again. And it is it is a shooting. I'm sure you know by now that there was a shooting post celebration, post parade, post formal, I guess you don't want to call it a press conference, formal or post ceremony where I guess people had some beef. Folks got the shooting. Unfortunately, we have one person who was killed. There are 10 to 15 people injured.

As of right now, as I look via NBC, there are at least three people in critical condition because shots were fired near Union Square Union Station, I should say, in Kansas City. And it's just like, whoa, really again? And I get it. None of this is a shock to anybody. None of it's a shock to anyone.

But and why and how should it be right? We've heard these these occurrences. It's normal now. Like they don't even pop up on the news. They don't even occur.

They don't even hit the consciousness. It's just, oh, again, because we're so desensitized to it. It's less than human. There's no other way to say it.

It's it's just disgusting. You know, we don't know the full circumstances of of what took place. We don't know the circumstances of the individual that has been killed.

We don't know the circumstances of the people have been hurt on critical condition. We do know that there were two individuals who apprehended. This was reported to have happened directly in front of two police officials or police officials.

And today in Kansas City, to celebrate this Kansas City Chiefs championship, there was reportedly eight hundred, approximately eight hundred thousand people in attendance to celebrate. And there were reportedly via the city of Kansas City, there were approximately eight hundred police officers who were on hand. And so whatever happened, whoever was involved. They didn't care. They didn't give not two dams about a police presence. They did not care that they were less than moved. And it appears that folks got to shoot.

And as of right now, the NBA, the NBA sports show, right. The FBI has not gotten involved. They have not taken over. This is something that Kansas City, the police department that they're looking into. So this this appears to be nothing more than two knuckleheads getting into it.

I don't know. Maybe at the end of the parade, just folks get into it like like drunk people do at the end of events or, you know, angry people do when they are in a crowd. Except for in days past, when you got a beef with somebody, you got the arguing with them. Maybe it threw some hands. And in the society and culture and the world that we live in, specifically here in the United States of America, forget throwing hands.

You just pull out the weapon. And it's it's it's terrible. You know, as I sat around putting the show together of this afternoon, you just go, oh, wow, I get to get to talk about drunks, right? I get to talk about a shirtless Patrick Mahomes. I get to talk about. Travis Kelsey throwing back beers. I get to talk about players laid out with bottles of Hennessy. And there's some there's some realism in that, too, that I think we need to tone it down on the parade. I'm not saying that because today I've been saying that for years, just all sports in general, just the drunkenness is just think we can relax a little bit, save it for in private.

But that's what I thought I was going to have fun with. And I'm still going to try to have fun tonight. I'm going to bring you a new top six list in a couple of hours where we're going to talk about the top six dynasties that we've ever seen in the world of sports. We're going to get into LeBron James. We found out last night early this morning that the Golden State Warriors tried to pursue LeBron James and LeBron James. And the Lakers said, no, no, thank you. I'm going to hear from Shaquille O'Neal from his press conference last night. And so we we got a lot to do.

But I would be remiss not to to mention something a little bit more real, tangible. Sports is real. You know, my job is to stand here and talk about sports. But you know what? This is it's a part of sports. And first of all, before I'm a sports broadcaster, I'm a human being. You know, I feel for people who can't go to a parade with their children because some numbskulls might pull out a weapon.

Like I understand going into a movie theater or a supermarket or a church or a club or a bar or a baseball stadium or a kindergarten classroom. And having to worry about. Hey, is somebody going to, you know, pull something out like that's where we're at right now. And it is just. Disastrous. A matter of fact, this is this is a disaster.

This is Sam McDowell on social media. This is via a Chiefs fan giving their firsthand account of what took place. You know, following the parade, following the ceremony when shots were fired, like the security guard was like, get over the damn fence right now. There's a shooter.

We hop over. I hit my face on accident. But then so I had it in there.

I had no idea where he was. I had in there. There's like an FBI agent.

They made it. She's like, are you OK? Just like find your friends and everything. But then so I just had it all the way over here. It was like second shots in Union Station.

And she's like, get out of there right now. So we have no idea. But it's just your shots inside Union Station to that. That's what I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure I heard shots in Union Station. There might have been a little bit outside.

I'm not sure, though. I'm pretty sure when I stand outside, it's like, boom, boom, like real quick. And then the security guard was like, get over the barricade, get in and say, like, get over here right now. Just come on. Come on. Let's go.

And then so we went to the Union Station. I had no idea if my friends were OK. It's just terrible.

And terrible is is a word that you can go ahead and and start with. Children's Mercy Hospital treating 11 children from the rally. Nine of these children have gunshot wounds. You can't you can't make this stuff up.

You really can't. This is Kansas City Police Chief Stacy Graves giving an update. This is the last update. There's there's scheduled to be a press conference soon. This is police chief Stacy Graves in Kansas City.

At the conclusion of the chief's rally today, there were shots fired on the west side of Union Station. Immediately, officers responded to the area, took two people into custody and also immediately rendered life sustaining aid to those victims. We're still gathering information on the number and the status of victims. But like I said, we know that one of the victims is deceased.

I'm angry at what happened today. The people who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment. We had over 800 law enforcement officers, Kansas City and other agencies at the location to keep everyone safe. Because of bad actors, which were very few, this tragedy occurred.

Yeah, we don't know the details. We know that there are two individuals, suspects who have been detained in what was supposed to be a great day, a fun day in Kansas City. This is it's just another reminder of where we're at in the country. It's not just on, you know, politicians. It's on the people in society to to say, hey, we want to make a change and make a difference. And yeah, out of what, 300 plus million people here, what do we have, 325, 330, 340? I don't know.

I guess there aren't enough of us who give a damn unless this comes knocking on your doorstep. And when you think about future parades and future celebrations, what are we going to have? Controlled environments, I guess now, right? We're going to have to have closed arenas for parades where we're not going to be able to roll down the street no more, folks.

That that might be over. Parades might have to be, you know, I don't know. In case they have to be blocked off, it has to be like Times Square. In order to get in, you've got to be screened just to, quote unquote, celebrate. I don't know if we're going to see any more buses rolling through downtown and open air.

And if you happen to be a professional sports league or a franchise, you know how to help comfortable are you rolling your 400 million dollar player, you know, down the block when someone can just pop off. And by the way, there there is no one life more valuable than the other. A life is a life. And unfortunately, one has been lost today in Kansas City post parade. There have been two suspects who have been detained. There appears to be 11 children from this parade, from this rally who have been hurt.

And nine of these children have. Gunshot wounds. It's the J.R. sport we show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. Not fun. Not cool. Can't ignore what the hell is going on in life. And please believe these are the worst shows to do.

Had to do a show when Kobe Bryant died for hours. OK, I certainly don't want to sit here and bemoan and beat down the fact of how terrible this is. I think we we all know. But I will certainly keep you updated.

I have always prided my show and myself on being an open forum for just about everything except for ignorance. And so if you want to holler at me, it's simple. It's eight five five two one two four CBS. That's eight five five two one two four C.B.S. We'll keep you updated on this this disaster. That's what it is. The Kansas City Chiefs parade, unfortunately, is shooting taking place right after one person dead. Two suspects detained. And it appears that there are 10 to 15 who are injured.

And it looks like, according to CBS News right now, that there are nine to 11 of them, which happen to be children. No details. It's the J.R. sport we show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. We got a top six list coming later on in the show about some of the best dynasties. I mean, if we can stomach it, maybe we'll talk more about what took place at the parade.

But it's a difficult thing. If you want to holler at me, you can find me everywhere at J.R. Sport Brief. And we come back on the other side of the break, talk to Hickey, give you some news on something that went down with the 49ers. We'll take a look with the phone calls.

It's J.R. Sport Brief show CBS Sports Radio. When the whole family comes together to watch the game, nobody wants to miss a second of the action to run to the grocery store. With Instacart, you can get all your weekly groceries in as fast as an hour.

Less time shopping means more game time. Let's go visit to get free delivery on your first three orders. Offer valid for a limited time.

Ten dollar minimum per order. Additional terms apply. Peanut butter M&M's production in a world where Super Bowl winners get the world's admiration and a fancy ring.

But the runners up get nothing. One retired cop. That's one retired quarterback. Read the script.

Oh, sorry. One retired quarterback returns to claim what's his. That's claim a ring with diamonds made from M&M's peanut butter.

But you're on a roll. The Ring of Comfort coming soon to a Super Bowl. OK, picture this. It's Friday afternoon when a thought hits you. I can spend another weekend doing the same old whatever, or I can hop into my all new Hyundai Santa Fe and hit the road with available H track all wheel drive and three row seating.

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There's joy in every journey. Twenty twenty four Santa Fe available early twenty twenty four. You're listening to the J.R. Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. It's the J.R.

Sport Brief show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. Today was supposed to be a great day in Kansas City. And unfortunately. We had a shooting post parade, post rally, post ceremony. One person is now deceased. There are two suspects in custody. There are 10 to 15 people who have are noted right now of being injured.

And it appears that nine nine nine children included in this have gunshot wounds. There's expected to be a press conference in Kansas City to the phone lines are open. It's eight five five two one two four CBS is eight five five two one two four CBS before we go ahead and hit the phones.

You know, Hickey, it really stinks. You know, I think you and I have a good time kind of tossing ideas back and forth for the show. And it was just it felt like minutes, minutes before or right after, kind of right in the mix of of getting ready to try to finalize what was going to go down tonight. It's just like, oh, this is. This is certainly unexpected. Not not surprising. But yeah, a little bit different of a show than than we had planned on doing tonight.

Just yeah, to say the least, just a little bit different. Obviously, it's very sad. And honestly, just like for how sad it is, at least for me, it's also frustrating. Just because you said before, not only is this now unfortunately more of a theme and a common occurrence than just a rarity, but it's also like when you look at what today was supposed to be for the players, the coaches, the fans, like I know the Chiefs have won three and five years. Right. And we'll see how far they go. But it's not like winning championships happens as a fan that often for any team you root for, you know, you may get none.

You may get one. And it's just like so these days are so rare and so far and few between that when they happen, it's supposed to be like as fans. This is supposed to be one of the best is your life.

Your team was a championship. You're there with them celebrating and just almost all together as a city. It's like we accomplished this and to have this shooting more that to have now this tragedy associated and now turn what was supposed to be one of the best days of everyone's life to now one of the worst and scariest days.

It's it's sad and equally sad is frustrating. Yeah, very, very much so. And I mean, let's think about this. Yesterday, almost at this same exact time, Matt Verteram joined us from from Sports Illustrated.

He was right here on the air with us this exact moment, 24 hours ago, and he was on his way to the parade with his dad. Like, what is the the expectation? I mean, yeah, you know, any time you step outside your house, anything can happen, right? The worst can happen.

It is our worst fear is to walk out of the door and not come home. It doesn't happen more often than not. And it happens for a lot of people every day. It happens to somebody.

Well, there's billions of people here on planet Earth. They're holding the latest press conference right now. This moment, let's go ahead and and get to some of your calls and then give you an update as there is a press conference going on in Kansas City right now. This minute, the second where there is an update, eight five five two one two four CBS, eight five five two one two four CBS. Dan is here from Wisconsin. You're on the show sport, we show CBS. Go ahead, Dan.

Hey, J.R., thanks for the call. You know, I'm from Wisconsin and I was at the last Packer Party or parade when they had it. I looked around and I thought how great this was. You know, I'd like to say it's once in a lifetime event. There's all kinds of people, children, older people, we're all there having a good time. And I noticed last year when I watched the parade in Kansas City, I thought it was getting just a little bit out of hand with the free flowing of alcohol. And I have nothing against it. I like to tip and feel myself, but I just think I just hope that the boiling pot, when the pot boils lower, is this going to be the end for everybody? And I have my thoughts and prayers go out to any of them.

Children, people are hurt. It's a sad day for all sports fans. Yeah, thank you, J.R., for calling from Wisconsin. No doubt about it. Yeah, it's not not just sports fans.

Yeah, there's there's the hard element that I had mentioned last break. When you think about like parades in the future, I can remember. And so I've never been to a championship parade. In a weird way, I've skirted it. I'm not one for crowds like, yeah, sure, I can go into arenas and I can go into stadiums, but I typically I know my way around pretty good. I don't like people breathing on my neck. I don't like to be on top of anybody. I don't like people being on top of me.

I enjoy my personal space. So I guess that's why I've never been to one of these championship parades. You know, back when I was in high school, the New York Yankees were winning everything, everything, everything, everything, everything. And where I went to high school was only a couple of blocks away from where the New York Yankees would hold their parades. And I'd have a bunch of classmates who are just like, hey, we're we're going to the parade. We're going right down the block to Broadway. Don't you want to come to the parade?

And I'm like, for what? You know, is Derek Jeter writing me a check? You know, am I meeting Paul O'Neill? You know, now I know I know some of these guys. Hi, Bernie Williams.

You know, is Bernie Williams giving me a guitar? You know, like I didn't have any any want in me to kind of show up at a parade, you know, be pushed around by everybody, you know, be told I can't go this way. I can't go that way. You got to go this way. And here I am, smashed up, can't see anybody.

I see the top of Mariano Rivera's head, I guess. And it never it never got to me that, oh, man, I need to go to a parade. Well, I mean, unfortunately, based on what we got today, we may not necessarily see the same type of parades. We might strictly see controlled rallies.

I'd mentioned how New York City and Times Square celebrates New Year's Eve. They make people show up. They make them go through a checkpoint. Everybody in that that that Times Square area, everybody gets scanned. Everybody gets checked that you don't have anything dangerous on you, that you don't have a weapon. And then you got to wait in that pit. If you haven't been screened or checked, like going to the airport, you ain't getting in.

And so it wouldn't surprise me if we saw more of a controlled environment when it comes down to a future championship celebrations. That's just flattened period. 855-212-4CBS. Dave is here from Miami.

You're on the Sherriff's Sport Brief Show. Hey, JR. First of all, my thoughts and prayers go out to the families. This, when I first heard this today, I had a pit in my stomach just like 9-11.

I'm directly connected to 9-11. I had a cousin that was a police officer and he passed away that day. And for me, it's like it's still painful. It still resonates. And it could take some time to get over to get over the initial pain.

But I think moving forward, just like you said, I don't see more parades happening. You know, it's a sad day, but. You know, it's something you have to go without taking my call. I appreciate you. Thank you, sir. Thank you, Dave, for calling from Miami. And there's a there's an update here as this press conference is going on via CBS News. There has been one person killed and this number has gone up. One person killed. Twenty two people shot following the Kansas City Chiefs parade.

Two suspects are detained. And that is the latest update that that I have in front of me while I'm on air with you. 855-212-4CBS. Greg is calling from Michigan. Go ahead, Greg. Hey, Jerry, Mr. Positive, very, very tragic day today.

I love Dave from Miami's Fox very articulate. When it comes to guns and I don't want to get political. If you have a right to your life, you have a right to defend it.

A right by definition is a moral sanction to independent action. Obviously, they have no right to these kids. They say rumor has it that it was young people, 17, 18 years old. That's what's coming across in Michigan a little bit. And here's the thing. We need to do, you know, gun control. We have to look into it more deeply. But the problem is, my friend, is that if you and I didn't do it, we turn the other way.

We just go, that's not me. We're responsible gun owners, gun owners. So this is a problem that, you know, the cat is out of the bag.

We are never going to be able to put guns back into the bag because you'll get them through the black market, you'll get them through whatever means, illegal means. So I've read the books, I've read the studies, but we have to do, you know, we have to just look at mental health issues, mental health issues. We have to look at so many variables to get to the crux of what's happening.

And Jay are very, very tragic. And you're right. It's going to change the dynamics of big, open, hundreds of thousands of people getting involved. Yeah, well, we've seen this. We've seen this in many instances.

And thank you, Greg, for calling for Michigan. It don't matter if it's a parade. Couple of years ago, we had somebody shooting at folks from a hotel window in Las Vegas. It's disastrous. And people, I don't care who you are. And to me, it's not a political issue. Can people browbeat it for political purposes and idiots follow along? Yeah, sure. Is politics involved?

Yeah, sure. But for me, it doesn't start being a political issue. It just starts with being a decent-ass human being and having a little bit of common sense. And that's where it's lost on a lot of people.

You know, I certainly see commentaries. I put out my two cents on it and I said, hey, you know, you can't go to church, you can't go to a concert, you can't go to the mall, you can't go to a movie, can't go to a parade, you can't walk into kindergarten. And you know, just a couple of the responses that I've seen, not the majority, are the chances are statistically low that you go outside and get shot. The chances are low. Well, I haven't been shot, I go to all of these places. And that is a poor perspective and that's just unfortunately a lack of a life experience.

That's just a lack of common sense. Because the fact is, it doesn't matter how many people get shot. It doesn't matter if you got shot. It doesn't matter if you don't know anybody that got shot.

The fact is, one person getting shot is enough. And certainly we don't know the full details. We don't know the circumstances of what took place today. There is still a whole lot being shared.

As of right now, there is an additional update. There are three suspects who have been or are being detained. That goes up from the two suspects that we were told an hour, a couple of hours ago. And so, yeah, we don't have the details. So I'll tell you this, I don't need to know the details to know that as an overall, there is and has been a gun issue in this country. Whether or not you want to pick it apart and say, well, it's mental health or it's guns. Is it the guns?

Is it the people? How about we just got a lot of jackasses sitting around? That happens to be a fact. And unfortunately, a lot of people play this not for the benefit of society, but for their own benefit for political purposes.

And we got a lot of idiots who just willingly go ahead and follow along. So I don't I don't care what a statistic says. I don't care what a number says.

I don't care about the likelihood. Hey, how about this? Today on the west side of Atlanta, we had we had folks or folks shot at a high school. This news would have been plastered all over the country years ago. It was not.

How about a couple of blocks right down from me here at the studio in Atlanta, Georgia on Peachtree Street? How about someone went into a doctor's office and shot somebody? You know, how about the gentleman who just called Dave in Miami, talked about a personal connection to 9-11? I don't got to sit here and talk about mine, but I lived it.

I went to school a couple of blocks away. And so, you know, what may not hit you, whether the hell you live, somebody is being affected. One person being affected is enough. And you know, if there's one thing that Greg said, it's a matter of empathy. It's a matter of having a feeling and understanding how someone else might feel. And that might be a much larger issue. If people were taught empathy, if people stepped outside of the box, if people took time to know what else was going on in the world, then maybe maybe we wouldn't be so much in fear that one of the first inclinations that you have to do is to pull out a weapon. You know, maybe if you stepped outside, the thoughts in your head wouldn't ruminate that you'd have to resort to a weapon.

And so unfortunately, there's a lot of harbored hate. It's the JR Sport Reshow here with you on CBS Sports Radio, 855-212-4CBS. That's 855-212-4CBS. I want to let you know there's a guy who works for the 49ers.

He no longer has a job. We'll keep you updated on what's going on here. We got a top six list coming in about 90 minutes. We're going to look at some of the biggest and best dynasties in the world of sports. I'm Tony and this is the Tony Kornheiser show. Well, that makes it sound a bit more serious than it really is. So what exactly is the show about?

Been almost 30 years and I still don't know. Right now we have some of the best voices in football come on to explain to us what we need to know in the college and pro world. And we get weekly picks from a monkey.

Do you really need more than that? I might just tell you about my bunker game and the latest failed entry in my quest to find the best coffee ice cream. Coach Smuts, please listen on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Chris Chapman's hit podcast was canceled. As you know, my old show, the Chris Chapman confrontation was a victim of a little thing called cancel culture, but he's learned he's grown and he's ready to win back his audience.

I'm back better than ever with the Chris Chapman do over starring Ike Barenholtz. I have a new lady co-host on the pod. Lisa Gilroy. My mic is on. And Neil Casey is the professor.

Greetings my humans. The new hit improv comedy, the Chris Chapman do over an Odyssey and paper kite production. Listen on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. You're listening to the J.R. Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio.

It's the J.R. Sport Brief show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. Want to give you a quick update. The Kansas City Chiefs have just put out a statement. We're truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred outside of Union Station at the conclusion of today's parade and rally. Our hearts go out to the victims, their families and all of Kansas City. We are in close communication with the mayor's office as well as the Kansas City Police Department. At this time, we have confirmed that all of our players, coaches, staff and their families are safe and accounted for. We thank the local law enforcement officers and first responders who are on scene to assist. And yes, much love to everybody out there that helped kind of take the temperature down on that situation the best that they could.

Much love to all of the first responders, officers and public service folks who listen to this show. 8 5 5 2 1 2 for CBS is 8 5 5 2 1 2 for CBS. Right before we went to break, we did hear from from our newsman, Rich Ackerman, that Steve Wilkes, this man has been fired. He got the boot. He is no longer the defensive coordinator for the San Francisco 49ers. And if you want to think about one of the reasons why it's as simple as Kyle Shanahan letting everybody know that, hey, yeah, my bad, we did good, but there ain't too much of a fit. And you know, just over the past couple of days, not only have we heard from Kyle Shanahan about what his his preferences are when it comes down to overtime and let's just say his preferences aren't all that smart, didn't pay off. He also said that he's going to he's going to think about things and that he expects his same staff to return come next year.

Well, that ain't the case. A matter of fact, let's take a listen to Kyle Shanahan, I guess, first praise the defense and say that it was good this past season. Listen to Kyle Shanahan. You know, I thought they're one of the reasons that we got this far and that they did a number of good things. They did a lot of good things in that game, too, just like our whole team team did a bunch of good things this year.

But I'm sure in the last game, yeah, OK, they were good. And then he was also asked about Steve Wilkes. Is Steve Wilkes going to return?

Is he not going to be back? Listen to what Kyle Shanahan said. No, that's stuff that I mean, we'll talk about a ton as this week goes, we'll talk about a ton in the offseason. I mean, where we want our team to be, our defense are often special teams. And that's has a lot of conversations, a lot of film, a lot of personnel and salary cap things we got to discuss, drafts. So now we're just haven't even watched the game yet, to tell you the truth.

OK, so that was yesterday and we really ain't get no answers. Well, Kyle Shanahan met with Steve Wilkes today and Steve Wilkes got the boot. And so now the San Francisco 49ers are going to be looking for another defensive coordinator. And if you got to go back in time, because the San Francisco 49ers have had a good amount of success here over the past several years, a lot of their defensive coordinators, a lot of their DCs have picked up jobs.

I mean, for instance, this dude, I don't know how much longer he's going to be in his job. But Rob Salah, Rob Salah, famed defensive coordinator for the San Francisco 49ers. This man is standing around bald head, glistening in the Bay Area sun. If it's not foggy or raining, he's running up and down the steps. Rob Salah looked like a linebacker himself. He was the 49ers defensive coordinator between 2017 and 2020. And right now he's the head coach of the New York Jets. Nice contract, nice salary, nice to run your own organization. It just might not work out for him if things don't work out with Aaron Rodgers this upcoming season with the Jets. And then following head coach Robert Salah, D'Amico Ryans took over.

The San Francisco 49ers in their defense. He ran it for 2021 and 2022. And we know D'Amico Ryans, unlike Rob Salah, he's currently being hailed out in Houston, Texas, for his first year work with C.J.

Stroud as they went to the playoffs, they went to the postseason and they shocked everybody by having a positive record. So Steve Wilks is gone. He's 54 years old. A couple of seasons ago, he finished up. He was the interim head coach of the Carolina Panthers. This man didn't necessarily have a similar philosophy defensively with Kyle Shanahan. Kyle Shanahan has been there for the past six years, and it appears that maybe Kyle Shanahan wants someone who's a little bit more of a, I want to say a yes man, but somebody that he can work with.

And I don't necessarily want to go this far, but this is how it's going to be painted. Kyle Shanahan had to had to fire somebody, right? You're beefing with somebody in the organization throughout the course of the year like somebody has got to go. And for the San Francisco 49ers, I wouldn't necessarily say that this past season, you know, defense was a was an issue. You know, we know about Bosa. We know about trades and bringing in additional talent. We know about Fred Warner, one of the best defenders.

Unfortunately, Dre Greenlaw went out there and blew out his Achilles. I talked about the trade at Young, Hufanga went down early on in the season due to injury. But if you take a look at the numbers and you take a look at the stats, San Francisco 49ers, they didn't give up more than 18 points a game on average this season. That's top three in the NFL.

And so this leads me to believe that there's obviously some beef there or and I don't think it's going to make too much of a difference. Kyle Shanahan has to look at somebody and just go, well, I didn't get along with him and I had a little rancor and so we got to bring somebody else in to kind of right the ship. Hey, Hickey, what are your thoughts on letting this man go when the 49ers defense, all things considered, is one of the best in the league? I thought honestly it made a lot of sense because this defense outside of the Super Bowl with the names that they have, I did not think played up to the level that they should. Like they should have been the most dominant shutdown defense and especially the second half of the season.

They were not that. I mean, the playoffs were talking about the comebacks and Brock Purdy's slow start against both the Packers and the Lions. He wasn't great in either first half, but neither was the defense. The defense was very bad for basically the entire duration of the Lions game and for three quarters against the Packers. And again, with like that is a star studded defense and they did not play up to that level. I know they did in the Super Bowl and played a lot better, but that to me was more of a surprise than anything else. So I'm not surprised. I do think it's the right move. It seemed weird, this defense all season long.

And so I think starting fresh is the right thing to do. Yeah, I don't I don't think so. I think when you got when you get to the playoffs and yet you take a look at the Green Bay Packers who were hot as all get out heading into the postseason, the Detroit Lions, you could put them in the same category. And then we know Mr. Dan Campbell certainly does or did a lot of gambling. I think it's an I think it's an overreaction. I think there's there's I feel like this is an episode of Transformers more than meets the eye. I think it's more than that. Yeah. You would think that the 49ers would be like snuffing people out. But this is the postseason. This is the playoffs. And there's a lot of attention naturally that's going to Kyle Shanahan. You know, we talked about it last night where he took the approach of, oh, well, guys, I looked at the analytics and I trusted my staff and oh, yeah, why didn't we tell the the players the overtime rules?

Well, we didn't do it because I told the assistant coaches or the position coaches to do it. I just think there's there's there's more politics involved here. I don't want to put a whole scapegoat on it. But I think they were beefing.

Obviously they were beefing. Otherwise, Steve Wilkes would would still have his job. But to your point, I assume Shanahan looked at it your way and said, hey, we got snuffed out in the postseason.

It's your fault that we had the fight to get here. But at the same time, you know, I've lost a little bit of confidence in Kyle Shanahan. I'm not saying that he can never win the Super Bowl.

I think saying never is stupid. I just think as an overall, the more that he talks and the more that he opens his mouth, I lose confidence in him. And so when yesterday you go, hey, Steve Wilkes sticking around, he's like, oh, yeah, well, I don't know. Yeah, maybe.

Yes. And then you fire him in the morning time. And in the same damn press conference, you're talking about how, you know, every game is a big game and the notion that we we lose the big game. Well, if every game is a is a big game, man, and why don't you give yourself the boot because you failed at those two. So I just think Steve Wilkes is getting a raw deal here. And yet it's the end of the season. They got punched in the mouth a couple of games in the postseason. They weren't bad against the Kansas City Chiefs.

I mean, all things considered, you look at the beginning, you look at the end. Yeah, Kyle Shanahan runs the offense. He ain't firing himself in that regard.

And so Steve Wilkes is gone. Forty nine is going to be looking for another defensive coordinator. And I assume this is going to be somebody that Kyle Shanahan can have a little bit more say over.

And unfortunately, we talked a little bit about this last night. As the years go on, Kyle Shanahan can, quote unquote, keep having success. You know, if the Niners keep the core together and they're winning nine, 10, 11 games for the next couple of seasons, there's going to come a point in time where they go, well, you fired a defensive coordinator. You out there running the offense. Who's left to get rid of? They don't look at him and say, hey, man, you got to go. Let's see how much rope Kyle Shanahan has when you start firing people.

People start looking at you when you don't have success. We'll see. It's the J.R. Sportbree show here with you on CBS Sports Radio eight five five two one two four. CBS is eight five five two one two four.

CBS. A matter of fact, on the other side of the break, we got a lot of inside the NFL audio release about some of those decisions made by Kyle Shanahan. He's starting to look real silly and Tiki Barber. We mentioned this yesterday. We'll hear from Tiki.

He was on his own show in New York City. And Tiki thinks the overtime rules suck. Period. We'll talk about that. We got a top six list coming in about an hour.

We're going to look at some of the best dynasties. It's the J.R. Sportbree show. CBS Sports Radio. A peanut butter M&M's production in a world where Super Bowl winners get the world's admiration and a fancy ring.

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Twenty twenty four Santa Fe available early twenty twenty four. I'm Tony and this is the Tony Kornheiser show. Well, that makes it sound a bit more serious than it really is. So what exactly is the show about? Been almost 30 years and I still don't know. Right now, we have some of the best voices in football come on to explain to us what we need to know in the college and pro world.

And we get weekly picks from a monkey. Do you really need more than that? I might just tell you about my bunker game and the latest failed entry in my quest to find the best coffee ice cream. No schmutz, please. Listen on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts.
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