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JR SportBrief Hour 4

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
December 22, 2023 2:09 am

JR SportBrief Hour 4

JR Sports Brief / JR

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December 22, 2023 2:09 am

JR says goodbye to the 10pm slot for the last four years!


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That's slash positive. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. Wow.

It is the JR Sport Brief Show on CBS Sports Radio. I even had to think about it. Like, think about this. This is probably going to be the last time that I play this music, like, ever.

Like, ever. Hey, Shep, turn it up a little bit. It's the ghetto boys. Mind playing tricks on me. Like, I'm probably going to change the music.

Yeah, shout out to Fates. Oh my goodness. Anyway, this is the JR Sport Brief Show on CBS Sports Radio. This is the last hour of the JR Sport Brief Show on CBS Sports Radio. The JR Sport Brief Show is going to be moving from this time slot. Starting on January 2nd, it's going to begin at 6 p.m. Eastern.

3 Pacific. This is it, folks. This is my last show for this year. It's my last show right now working with super producer and host Dave Shepherd. Just, wow. Damn. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. I was able to share the news with you yesterday after it was shared all over the place.

All these news outlets that, you know, a lot of the listeners probably don't even look at or read. But yeah, just again, thank you. That's it. Thank you. My journey in radio has been a little bit different. I started off by creating a YouTube blog, the JR Sport Brief, in 2009. And kind of took that and grew it into its own entity and went to Olympics.

Olympics, plural. Like, my life has been crazy. I ain't planning to do none of this stuff. I'm in Brazil at the Olympics. I'm like, yo, what am I doing here?

I'm in London, spending two months in London for the Olympics. What am I, just off of a YouTube channel? What? Sitting down with Manny Pacquiao and Kobe Bryant and Pele because of a YouTube channel? What? Have done TV, radio, sports has just given me everything I got in life.

Everything. And even my journey in radio unique. I started off on WFAN in New York. My folks down here in Atlanta, shout out to my main man Reggie. Reggie and Rick.

Reggie and Rick are like, hey, man, come here. Do the morning show on V103. I'm like, I bet. Easy. That's it. NBA TV. The pandemic came. They said, come back to New York.

I'm like, I don't want to really want to go back. They said, hey, take a national show instead. It's a national show. They say, yeah, you'd stay in Atlanta, do the national show. I said, all right, cool. I'll do the national show.

So, yeah, you could do it anyway. I don't care where you ask that. Fine, I'll stay. And then the pandemic came. So I've been sitting here since 2020, March of 2020. And now it's coming to an end.

This is the last hour here. I started off with another. There's two people that I work with. I'll call them super producer. It's super producer Stu Kovacs helped set things up when there was no sports. Made this real simple, made this real easy.

And for the past two years, been working with super producer and host Dave Shepherd, who has made it very easy to sit here and talk about sports and have fun and not not worry about anything and just just show up and make the time go by and have fun, have some fun for the listeners, you know, at times when it's necessary to be serious, be serious. But that's life. Sometimes you got to give some you give a little and that's what it is. So thank you to everybody listening to the sound of my voice right now. It's been a pleasure hanging out here with you all. And I ain't going no damn way. I'm just just moving up. I'm taking prom time with me. Any place I go is damn prom time.

And no Deion Sanders either. No shout outs to you. Everybody that's called up, everybody that's text, everybody that's messaged, messages that I haven't answered yet, emails, all of that good stuff. So I ain't going nowhere. I'm just moving up. And it is bittersweet to not also continue to be working with super producer and host Dave Shepherd, who's been an excellent part of the show, who's helped develop this show and get it to where it is right now. And so I'm going to take your calls here this hour.

That's 855-212-4CBS. I want to try to get on as many people as possible as things will be a changing. Even, you know, the music that you just heard, you ain't going to hear that again. You probably will not hear that again unless you, you won't listen on a podcast or you have it saved. I can play it anytime I feel like it. But that'll be the last time probably that that'll get played. There'll be a few changes here with the JR Sport Brief Show as it moves. January 2nd, it will start at 6 p.m. Eastern Time, 3 p.m. Pacific.

If you want to holler at me, knock yourself out. All of the videos and messages, all the news about the move is on my social media. So if you're on Twitter or X or Instagram or Facebook or YouTube, or YouTube, you can find it at JR Sport Brief.

That's at JR Sport Brief. Andre, he's calling up from Louisville in Kentucky. You're on CBS Sports Radio. What's up, Andre? What's going on, JR? I talked to you a couple months ago.

I was the one that we was talking about the Special Olympics and stuff. Yes, sir. How you doing, man?

Doing good, doing good. I had a chance to read your message last night that you put out on social media. I just want to say thank you for everything that you do for all of us Special Olympics athletes around the world. And I also sent you an email to invite you to come out to some of our events here in Louisville. Oh, well, thank you, man.

Resend it, please. And then I will try my best to get out there. And I will say thank you to everybody, not just to you, but everybody in the Special Olympics community for helping to change my life for the better many years ago.

It is it is I don't even I don't know any other word to use or say, but a blessing right to just be around folks playing sports. Don't get the opportunity to. So thank you for being in that space, man. Hey, is there any way you can connect me back over to Shep and I'll give him my email address for you and then I'll get yours, too? Yeah, absolutely. Well, listen, you want to take my email is public.

You ready? You know what it is? Yeah, well, I think it's J. You said yesterday, I think it was J.R. Sport Brief at, right?

Yeah. J.R. Sport Brief at Gmail is one S. Okay.

One S. One S. Okay. J.R. Sport Brief at Gotcha. And if you email me, I will I will answer you. I may not answer you like in five minutes, but I will answer you. Okay, I'm going to email you tonight. I'm going to send Shep my email to you.

Okay, that's fine. You could do. Listen, I'm not I'm not hard to reach, man.

You could call me up and hit me. I'm around. Okay. All right, my friend.

And you be good. And I will definitely be listening to you here in Louisville, Kentucky on ninety three point nine in the Ville. I appreciate you, Andre.

Shout out to everybody in Louisville. You have a great holiday, okay? You too. All right. Thank you so much to Andre. Thank you.

Thank you. And let me let me say this for anybody who's tuning in just for the hell of it. What is this called? This is football, right? NFL football.

Yeah. And NFL football tonight, Thursday night, the Los Angeles Rams, they beat New Orleans thirty to twenty two Los Angeles Rams. They have a record of eight and seven.

New Orleans now has a record of seven and eight, and the Los Angeles Rams are actually sitting in playoff position right now with one of the wildcards. And then also probably even bigger news tonight for Los Angeles as the Dodgers, they have secured Yoshinobu Yamamoto. Yeah, the Japanese guy, the twenty five year old who struck out everybody in Japan, the Dodgers gave him a 12 year deal, three hundred and twenty five million dollars. That is the most money ever committed to a pitcher. And when you think about length for a pitcher, twelve years.

Wow, that's crazy. Eight five five two one two four CBS. Glenn is calling from Toronto. What's up, Glenn? Yeah, man, how are you doing?

I just I only found out tonight. It's sad that you're going, but I'm happy that you got you got a better time slot. And just want to quickly say something about the year.

It's been amazing that we had three first time champions in the NBA, in MLB and in the NHL. And just wish just wish you the best, man. You've been here. I've been listening to you for quite a few years and going to miss you. Best of luck. Best of luck in your in your new venture and wishing you and your whole your whole crew and your all your crew's families and your family the best, merriest Christmas, Happy New Year. And hopefully I'll get time to listen to you in the new time slot.

Well, thank you so much, Glenn. Thank you for calling from Toronto. Jerry is calling from Pittsburgh.

You're on CBS Sports Radio. What's up, Jerry? I'm going to ask you something to tell you something. This is probably going to shock you. So don't think I'm crazy. OK, J.R.

I want to start off with. I was watching the sports channel on BBC or something about in China where they have these A.I. intelligence people that they made a woman who is now broadcasting sports on television, doing away with a regular human being.

She looks very, very gorgeous. She's a robot, but she's like looks like a human. She's they're going to get rid of people. They want to put these A.I.

people in there. And I said, wow. Wow. And then then it showed that they had a little hockey ring and they had two hockey people, like three feet tall A.I. And they was playing with each other, programming. And they actually these little programming hockey players, they made up their own mind without being programmed. They figured things out without being told that.

And I was going, wow. Now I'm thinking like, what do you think? You know, after they get all this A.I.

stuff, maybe like 15 years down the road. And you always talk about officials saying they argue in too much time about maybe making the A.I. official to make the games go faster. These people look like regular people like you and me.

You can't even tell the difference. And it shocked me when I see this. What do you think about that? Down to 15, 20 years about A.I.

people doing stuff. Well, how about how about how about I've already been digitized myself so somebody can deliver a one minute sport brief without me doing it? Well, there was a guy on China, he went to court to fight to marry one of these women. Yeah, I mean, I've seen people try to marry their pets.

No, what I'm what I'm telling you is you don't have to wait 10 or 15 years. I listen very carefully to me, Jerry. Yes, I have digitized myself to deliver a one minute report without me doing it.

OK, I am going to be in Las Vegas in a couple of weeks sharing this with a bunch of people, Jerry. So this this. Yes, you're correct. What you saw exists.

And even a schmuck like me can do it. Yes. OK. Do you think in the future they might make like officials and stuff like that in sports? Because in baseball, they showed that square behind a pitcher where they might get rid of it. In Major League Baseball right now, not in the Major League level, but at the minors, they are utilizing at some levels, you know, automated strike zones. And at some point that's going to become part of the Major Leagues.

What you have to keep in mind is that the Major League Baseball, the umpires, they have a union and so they ain't going to be easy to get rid of. But yeah, there's going to be more technology in all sports. It's just a matter of when.

That's inevitable. So that won't shock you like down in the future if you see like AI people, you know, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it won't. I might be dead by then, but no, I don't think so. You ever heard of Isaac Asimov? You ever heard of him?

No. Well, there's there's there have been things written over the past, I don't know, 50, 60, 70, 80 years about technology and robotics and the future. And a lot of what has been written almost 100 years ago, a lot of it has basically come to fruition. And so we all know what's going to happen. I think it's just a matter of time. Unfortunately, I don't want to sound ominous. It seems like it's going to change a lot of stuff in sports and everything if they do all that, don't you think?

Technology has changed the world, flattened period. Right. OK.

I just wanted to let you know that I've seen this, you know, they're making little hockey players to do this and all that stuff. I'm going to clone you, Jerry. How about that? Hey, you may need more people like me.

We need more Jerry's. Yeah. OK. Thank you for listening to me, my friend. No problem, Jerry.

Thank you for calling from Pittsburgh. No doubt. Jerry's like what I'm at, what I'm going to talk to you about is kind of stupid. Nah, bruh, it ain't stupid. Nope.

Nothing crazy about artificial intelligence. Not at all. Celeste is calling from San Diego. You're on CBS Sports Radio. Hi, JR. How are you doing? Excellent.

What's up? I just wanted to tell you thank you for all the wonderful shows that you've done in the past couple of years. I'm kind of a new listener over the past year, but I will definitely be listening to your new time slot at 3 p.m. I think is it 6 p.m. Eastern time?

3 p.m. 3 p.m. your time in San Diego. Yes, that's awesome. Well, I will definitely be listening. I just wanted to say good luck in your new venture, which you don't need because you're awesome, but just going to throw it out there. And Shep, good luck to you, too. And thanks for everything. You've been awesome.

Oh, thank you, Celeste. I'll talk to you soon, OK? You will. Take care.

Bye bye. All right, cheers. Thank you so much.

Mark is calling from Maine. You're on CBS Sports Radio. Thank you. I just want to thank you so much, man. You know, you've been such a guiding light, man. Every night I go home from work, you're always there and like I'm going to have to find a way to like listen to you on a new time slot. But I just want to say like, you know, one thing you've always been so kind. There has been so many people that call up with the most crazy thoughts and crazy opinions.

And they're just out of this world. And you have always given them complete respect and honesty. And you've always been like, hey, I get where you're coming from. I might not agree with that, but I respect your opinion.

And that is something that you do not see, man. And that is why you are the absolute best on radio. I love you very much.

You producing it, man. You guys are the greatest. And I wish you nothing but the absolute best. Thank you, Mark.

You have a wonderful holiday, OK? You as well, too, sir. Thank you.

Peace out, brother. Thank you. Bill from Toronto, you're on CBS Sports Radio. What's up, Bill? Hey, JR. How you doing tonight?

I know it's bittersweet for you and me as well. So I just wanted to say that. And I've had, you know, we've had great, great chats over the years. And when you said you're national, you're international, of course. And, you know, being in Toronto and being a Bills and Sabres fan, I get you on the fan, 590 in Toronto, and I get you on GR55 in Buffalo.

But they both, you know, those cities have prime, you know, sports franchises on them. So I might not get you as much, and I work in the evenings as well. So I'm probably not going to be able to hear you guys anymore. And that's kind of sad for me because, as I said to Shep earlier on, when he fills in for you, we've had great chats as well. And, you know, I'm just going to miss you guys. And it's been a lot of fun going back and forth over the years.

Well, thank you, Bill. I mean, the beautiful part is that CBS Sports Radio, outside of the radio affiliates where it airs live, you can get it on the Odyssey app. You can go to CBS Sports Radio. You can go to Sirius XM.

The station is readily available, you know, just in a million places. So go ahead, find it the best that you can, and holler at me anytime. I'll be around. I'm not going anywhere, just moving up. No, I know you're not, but yeah, for sure. But unfortunately, I drive in the evenings and whatever. So I'm just, I'm a bit old school, as you know, with all that. And I just, you know, I listen to you on the radio stations when I can and everything. And of course, call in when I hear something that's engaging, which most of it is anyway. And as I said, I just really enjoy you guys. And it's been a pleasure.

And yeah, and I told my mom that I spoke with you last week when she came up with the Bums the Bums rush that was, I didn't hear Mike Chirico say it on the broadcast, though. So that's, but anyway, she was pretty excited to hear that I was chatting with you about it and that you factored, you know, that you were excited about it, too. So anyway, all those things, you know, brother, it's been good. And I hope you can get up here for a beer one day, like we said, and chat about video games and all that stuff we've done over the years.

When the weather gets a little warmer. Okay. Okay.

We'll see you in July then. All right, Bill. Take it easy, brother. Thank you so much. All right, buddy. Yeah, you take care.

Thanks. Daniel's calling from Chicago. You're on CBS Sports Radio. What's up, Daniel?

Yeah, we live in AJR. Yes. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm going to carry something. But the best, the man of the, the man of respect, the man of respect. And the reason why they put you, because you belong to the guy, that's why the change. It's tough for you. But it makes nice people. You want everybody to see you. You want everybody to know you.

And they want everybody to hear you. That's why the change. He said, oh, okay.

Is that what happened? Okay, Dan. Yeah, that's the reason.

That's the reason. Okay. You got a big, you got a big old, you got a big old echo, Dan. You know that? You got a big old echo. Hello.

You got me now? Yeah. Thank you for turning that echo off. Well, thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you.

Thank you. Yeah, that's why I'm going to miss you. I don't know. I'm going to do it because I'm going to listen to this call. I don't know. I'm going to do it, but I'm going to find a way to talk to you because by that time we can call programming, look at programming and all that stuff.

But guess what? You are the man. You are the man. You're the man, Dan. You want to put you where you belong. Prime time. That's what it was. That's what I want to do. They want to showcase you.

They want to showcase you to the world. Okay. Well, thank you, Dan. I appreciate you, man. Yeah.

Yeah. Thank you, brother. Have a good night, brother.

Talk to you soon. Are you still going to be staying in Atlanta? Yeah, I ain't going nowhere.

Yeah, I'll be here in Georgia. Yeah. Oh, okay, because I'm going to come over there to go to Cheetah.

Oh, you're going to come to Club Cheetah with me? Oh, we good. Yeah.

Let me know. I'm going to Spring Street. Yeah. Oh, okay.

Yeah. I'll come there. See you all the time. I'll let you know.

Bring dollar bills. Okay. Oh, no problem. I don't have a problem with that. Yeah.

Bring a thousand of them. Thank you, Daniel. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Take it easy, brother. Thank you, brother.

Love you. You know, bring 10,000 singles. 10,000 singles. Yeah, man. I'll take, I'll take prom. I'll just take prom time wherever I go. I've told people this is prom time right here, right?

It's prom time, prime real estate after the game, Monday night football, massive clearance. I'll just take the clearance with me, man. Hey, Chef, where's, where's, where's my guy at? Hey, he said I'm the best, right? What do you, when I lose customers or something like that, where that guy at? You're the best, man. You're the best.

When you're not on, they lose customers. I love that guy. I love that guy.

I don't know where he is, but I love him. Chef, when's the last time he called? Like, I don't know, months ago? It's been a minute. It's been a minute. Yeah. Yeah. You think we lost him as a customer?

No, I was about to say. We know it's because it's, we know it's because we didn't lose him as a customer. You know, sometimes, you know, I don't know if most people know this, but you know, 98% of your audience, they're not the ones calling in. So it's very much a likely scenario that he still very much listens. And he's a regular in that regard, but he's not just a regular caller anymore. He ain't got time, he ain't got no, he got better things to do than call me.

No, no, I didn't apply that. And the reality is, and I think this is, you know, a lot of people are asking me, you know, why does JR make this move? He's got such a, he's got such great chemistry with so many people across the country, across North America, across the world, with the Odyssey app. And the truth of the matter is it's because there's a lot of people, unfortunately, that can't catch you live because 10 to 2 is late for a lot of people. And there's a, there's a whole new audience that, that wants to catch you live.

That doesn't, you know, they can't because of the schedule that we're on. Yeah, listen, man, I just, just get up and do stuff, man. I don't worry so much about the time, you know, this, this is a, this is a great spot. I'm taking the people with me. Yes, you are. That's it.

Take, take the folk with me. 855-212-4CBS. This is 855-212-4CBS. I'll get some more of your calls. Only got, I don't know, damn, only about 30 minutes left in the show. I'm gonna try to get on as many people as possible.

Hit me up. It's my last show for the night, last show for this spot. It's the JR Sport Brief Show on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio.

First time caller and listener. I'm loving the show. Your show is just absolutely outstanding. I gotta tell you, I've been listening to you.

I've been feeling and agreeing with your flow. Call in now at 855-212-4CBS. It's the JR Sport Brief Show on CBS Sports Radio. Are we wrapping things up?

The JR Sport Brief Show here on CBS Sports Radio. Damn it, it's about to be done for 2023. It's about to be done for this time slot. Let's just get your calls on. That's 855-212-4CBS.

That's 855-212-4CBS. Craig is here from Arizona. You're on the JR Sport Brief Show.

What's up, Craig? Hey, JR, you know me. Hey, I just want to say that like you and Chef, I've been so blessed to work in sports. I worked for the NBC network in LA in, you know, in the late 80s or the 80s. And many of my new friends there were black men.

I'm a white guy, as you can probably already tell. They were black men like Chef? Like Chef? Oh, yeah, like Chef.

They were black like Chef. I'm sorry, I missed that. I was just screening some calls.

I don't think that's the case though, right? Oh, okay. I'll just make it short. Go ahead, Craig. Yeah, but me and my new black buddies in LA, we would... Yeah, I got to be careful with this call, I guess.

No, it's okay. I'm giving you crap, black buddies, but go ahead. Yeah, but we would play hoops together and then we'd go smoke doobie and we would just laugh about stuff and then they would imitate white women. I would imitate black women.

We would just laugh and laugh and laugh. And I can't tell you how many great times I had with those guys. And when I started listening to you three and a half years ago, you kind of brought that all back to me. And so I thank you from the bottom of my heart tonight tonight that we're living proof that everybody can get a loft. That's right. That's right. You're damn right. I'm not going to ask any more questions, but you damn right, Craig.

Thank you, bro. Hey, I'll catch you. Call me in 2024, okay? Call me then. Oh, I'm going to do it, but it's kind of a different deal. So I'll figure it out. Yeah, we'll figure it out. I'm not going anywhere.

Just moving down the block. Appreciate you, Craig. You have a great holiday and New Year, okay?

You got it. You too. All right. Much love. Thank you, Craig. He's the guy who called me. You're a great sports psychologist.

Thank you. Hey, Jerry's here from DC. What's up, Jerry? Hey, JR. Congratulations, man. I haven't talked to you in a few months, but hey, I love it. I feel good about it. Now I know I can split my time from Bloomberg Radio to your show. It feels good to do that right after rush hour.

It's great. Keep up the good work, man. God bless you, your family, and I got family in Brooklyn, so I think about you when I'm in Brooklyn. So keep it real, man.

I appreciate you. I was just in Brooklyn. I don't know, a month and a half ago? I was just in Brooklyn, yeah. Well, you know what? I was in Kingsborough. Oh, Kingsborough?

First walk, second walk. Oh, yeah. OK, all right. Yeah. Yeah, so you know I'm not right in my mind from being up there for so long. You know what I mean?

Well, listen, more than two days in Brooklyn, we'll do some things to you, man, OK? It's done it for me for years, baby. Look, congratulations, man. Keep up the good work, and God bless. To you as well, Jerry.

Thank you for calling from DC. Erskine calling from Tuscaloosa. What's up, Erskine? What's going on, brother?

What it is? Hey, man, congratulations on all your success and newfound success. But more importantly, congratulations to your newfound fans, man.

These guys don't know what's in store for them when you move to the new time slot. I hope they're ready to just lay back, kick it, and enjoy the ride. So they're going to have to definitely buckle some seat belts and get ready, because I know you're going to continue doing your thing, which is bringing it every day, 100. You know, only once in your life, you know, being a Georgia Bulldog fan, I'll take that for you.

But for the most part, man, all points always. Congrats, brother. Thank you, Erskine. Appreciate you for calling from Tuscaloosa. I had somebody yell at me the other day. He was like, Roll Tide.

I had on my Georgia hoodie like, Roll Tide. I just looked at him like, I'm supposed to care? You think yelling at me, Roll Tide in the street, that's supposed to elicit some, you know, emotion out of me? I'm like, you're an idiot. Like, what do you think?

Come on, man, you're an idiot. I hope you hope that makes you happy. How miserable is your life? You got to yell Roll Tide at me like that's going to change my life. I'm like, my life is good.

You're an idiot. Tim is calling from Illinois. What up, Tim? You're on CBS Sports Radio. Yes, sir. You and Good Shepherd are the best.

I'll keep it short and sweet. Number one, congratulations to your new time slot. I can adjust all I want. And let me tell the whole nation and whoever else, change is good sometimes, you know?

You need change to kind of switch things up and, you know, try to, like anything, make things better. And your agents of inclusion, totally awesome. I'm pushing that. I get to watch that from work, by the way, JR. So I have the luxury of watching agents of inclusion from work. And I do that during my lunch hour.

So I get the best out of that. Thank you for supporting Special Olympics. Thank you. Yes, sir.

Yes, sir. My father, real quick, Lamb's Farm up in Libertyville, a wonderful place. But they take such good care of special needs people. And so my father was incorporated in that for, like, five or six years of his early years out of college. And he worked there. But when I was born, 68, either way, five years old, he brought me up to where he was at. And I learned so much, man, from those special needs people.

And where I'm at right now is 55 years old. But I'll tell you, dude, I look forward to your show moving to its news time slot. Good Shepherd, dude, you are one of the best producers on the planet right now.

So you guys both, I'm going to leave it at this. You guys both rock the world, man, and you rock the world and change the world. So keep doing what you're doing and just blow everyone away, man, with all your good results, because that's all you do.

You bring out good results. Like Greg from Michigan, man, I'm speaking for all of America right now, man. We're going into Christmas, man, and be grateful for what you have, people that don't have stuff. You know, give it to them, man. Yeah, well, they don't have anything.

Give them out, man. And that's what you guys do over the airwaves. Thanks over the airwaves, not AI over the airways.

You guys have literally you two have changed things in the past three and a half years since I've listened to you. I love you. I'm not going anywhere. Well, damn it. I'll be here too, Tim.

But right now I got to go to a news flash before I get fired. Okay, go, go, go. Thank you, brother. Talk to you in 2024. Yes, sir.

I can't wait. All right. Thank you, man. Much love to you.

Yeah, I may get fired before I even get to 2024. I'm going to get some more of your calls, and that's going to be it, man. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. First of all, this show should be on Prime Time Radio so more people can catch a whiff of this dialogue. Out of all the talk show hoes that this station be putting on, you're the best, man. You're the best.

When you're not on, they lose customers. Call in now at 855-212-4CBS. Wow. This is it.

Into Sandman. This is the last JR Sport Brief show for 2023. After almost four years, this is the last JR Sport Brief show here in this time slot. If you want to listen to the show, it's going to debut on January 2, starting at 6 PM Eastern Time, 3 PM Pacific.

You can find me. You can find all the information on social media at JR Sport Brief, Twitter, X, Facebook, IG. I put up a post that you should go ahead and check out that has a little bit more information. I want to say thank you again to super producer and host Dave Shepherd for help rounding out this show over the past two years, making it a joy to actually come to work and just sit down and talk about sports, the good, the bad, the ugly, the funny, the serious, and to just go ahead and have fun. So thank you again to super producer and host Dave Shepherd. I've got a lot of messages. I'm going to take some time over the next week and a half to answer as many as possible. So if you hit me up, just give me some time to holler right back at you.

I may miss a few here or there. I think you would understand what all the messages that I've received, some public, some not public. But I appreciate you. Yeah, you all the listeners out there, whether you like me, you love me, you hate me, you can't stand me. You think I'm trash. You think you hate me, you love me.

And a big shout out to the people that are holding it down. Yeah, I receive a lot of messages from Chorus Link. A lot of people who aren't outside breathing that air, who hit me up and take time to get through the day. I get the messages from the workers who tell me this show has gotten them through the night.

I get the messages from everybody. So whether you are a police officer, somebody studying in college, somebody writing a paper, somebody in the factory, you're in an Uber, an Amazon, a Lyft, a submarine, overseas, under the sea, over to sea, on the moon. Thank you for listening to the JR Sport Brief Show. Understand this, people listen and they pay attention. It's not just so much about losing customers when I'm not here. People listen and they pay attention. And I can bet you there's going to be more people that pay attention.

So thank you very much. I got limited time here. And so I just want to try to get on as many people as possible. I know people have messaged me.

They can't get on the lines. I understand that. They're packed right now.

But I just want to try to get on as many people as possible. So let's just rock and roll and I'll see you in 2024. Dimitri's here from Detroit. You're on CBS Sports Radio. What's up, Mr. JR? Appropriately named because you are the Jordan of radio.

I just want to say I called you a long time ago. I try to put up America on Chris Paul being overrated. I compared him to Kevin Johnson. I don't know if you remember that, but I just want to say you do a great job. And about the Pistons, they got a kid right now named Marcus Sasser who is putting up rookie numbers comparable to Steph Curry.

And I'm not saying he's Steph Curry, but he should be playing over Killian Hayes who's averaging nine points a game. Well, Dimitri, we don't care about the Pistons. Thank you, man. Have a good night. I love you. You too.

All right, thank you. You started talking about the Pistons. They lost 25 in a row. Get out of here. Sean is calling from the DMV. What's up, Sean?

What's going on, JR? I'm good, man. Go ahead.

Yes, yes, yes. I appreciate everything you do. Every Thursday night, I rest indoor soccer from 6 to 12 o'clock at night when I get off at night. I'm listening to you. Actually, I'm listening to you at 10 o'clock in my 10 o'clock game. So I listen to you at my 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock game in my earpiece while I'm reffing. You calm me down. So I appreciate it. I appreciate it.

It's less red cards and less yellow cards. I'm listening to you in the last two games. Well, maybe you missed a couple of calls too, man. But thank you, Sean. Bless you, sweet brother. Yes, sir.

I'm a lawyer by day, and I listen to you by night, referee by night in the DMV. I love you. Well, thank you. Love you too, man. I catch you at 2024.

Thank you so much. Yeah, I mean, change is cool, folks. I mean, somebody hit me. I was like, hey, don't change the music.

I probably am. You know, you want to switch things up a little bit. You know, after four years, it's like school. You want to graduate, go on to something different. Consider this my, I'm getting my master's.

Wait until I'm a doctor. I'll be whooping everybody ass. O'Brien's here from South Carolina. Go ahead, O'Brien. Hey, girl. How you doing, man? Excellent, brother.

Go ahead. Yeah, I just want to say congratulations on your promotion. I've been listening to you guys the past two years.

It's my first time calling in. I think you guys are the best in the game. And I just hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. And I'll be calling back in soon, man. Thank you so much, brother.

I'll catch you in 2024, OK? All right, man. Peace. How much love?

Robbie from Jacksonville. Go ahead, quick. Hey, JR. How's it going tonight, man? Good, brother. All right, man. So first off, I'm a night owl.

And I just want to thank you and Shep for the past year. Mental health's a real thing. And I'm not trying to get into any of that. But you guys have helped me out in more ways than you ever can now. So I understand you get paid to be a sports talk radio host.

But my man, I think you need to get paid to be a therapist too. So we'll work on that next year. Dude, the last thing is, man, the guy who comes on and is talking about my black friends. Oh, dude. Like, that really crushed me a little bit. I get where he comes from.

Yeah, well, he got black friends. There's nothing wrong with it. Leave Craig from me. Craig is my guy. I know he's your guy. Oh, man, like. Yeah, yeah, I'll even it out.

I got white friends too. So there we go, Robbie. Everybody's here, OK? I appreciate you guys for this year.

Thank you so much. Have a good night. You as well, Robbie. Thank you for calling from Jacksonville.

Shouts to Robbie and all my white friends. Lynn is calling from Illinois. What's up, Lynn? Hey, Jared, what's up? What it is, man?

Go ahead, quick. Hey, I've been listening to you a couple of years now since Les Grobstein passed away from who was on the score. You know, I wasn't sure if I liked you back then, but you guys put together. And I love you guys. And I know you guys do college stuff. I'm from downstate Illinois. Don't know if you ever come down to Bloomington, Illinois, where the Redbirds are.

But if you do, I want to come out and see you. Hey, and I love your show. You guys make the college part of the show. It's great. Hey, and Shep, man, Mike's going to get hungry chasing you around the ring.

He's going to start nibbling on them ears. You guys have a good one, all right? You too, Lynn. I'm going to learn that Odyssey happened, and check you guys out and make sure Allen shows up. Thank you so much.

Al from Baltimore, go ahead. You get the last word. Got to go quick.

Yes, Jared. Hey, I want to say, I'm going to get a few things out real quick. But I definitely want to say thank you, man. There's no therapeutic to me. I called once before, and I'm in stage four cancer right now, and I'm in hospice. I came home to do hospice. But I wanted to call in to say thank you, man.

You've been very therapeutic to me. And when you do blow up, please don't get big-headed like Steven A. Smith. Hey, Al, you don't got to worry about that, man.

I'm a salt-to-the-earth type dude, man. I appreciate you. I already know, brother.

I already know. And I love you, man. And the thing is, I was calling.

Yes, sir. The thing is, I was calling. I have a niece that goes to Compton State here in Baltimore.

My daughter's a junior this year at LSU. Now, I hate to do this, Al. We both going to get cut off. OK, bro. I want to hug you up, man. I just want to say thank you, man.

Get your flowers. And I listen to you, man. I will start listening to you one day as well, man. Thank you so much.

Much love to you and your family. And I want to talk to you in 2024, OK? Call me at the beginning of January. Yes, I will call back.

All right, thank you so much. Much love to you, Al. Hey, much love to you, chef. Thank you so much, brother. JR, I love you for life.

And it has been an honor of my lifetime working with you, my friend. The feeling is mutual. Where's my man? Let's play that on loop on the way out. I'm leaving. You're the best, man. You're the best. When you're not on, they lose customers.

That's right. The JR Sport Reshow here on CBS Sports Radio is done. I'm going to catch you in 2024 starting at 6 PM Eastern, 3 Pacific. Much love and many thanks to super producer and host Dave Shepherd. Oh, you're still going to hear us from time to time.

Don't get it twisted. Here on CBS Sports Radio. Thank you, chef. Love you much. Yo, y'all too. You're the best, man.

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