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JR SportBrief Hour 3

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
August 25, 2023 1:42 am

JR SportBrief Hour 3

JR Sports Brief / JR

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August 25, 2023 1:42 am

JR talks about the bottom line when it comes to the latest Shohei Ohtani injury

JR Sports Brief
JR Sports Brief
JR Sports Brief

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It is the JR Sport Brief show on CBS Sports Radio. I'm coming to you live from Washington, DC. Shout out to everybody locked in, tuned in all over North America. I'm going to be hanging out with you for two more hours. Two hours down, two more to go. It's halftime of the show. I get going every single weeknight, 10 p.m. Eastern time, 7 p.m. Pacific. Thank you to super producer and host Dave Sheppard.

He's joining us live from New York City. Thank you to you. Yeah, you for listening. Everybody on the free Odyssey app, your local CBS Sports Radio affiliates, Sirius XM Channel 158. When I'm in my car, I'm going up and down the highways and the byways.

Not tuned in to Sirius. Shout out to everybody on a smart speaker, people listening on a transistor radio, people on an airplane, a submarine, overseas, inseas, out of seas, all that good stuff. We've had a busy night so far. We've talked about a lot and in a few seconds I'm going to remind you of something that you should probably know already. Here's some JR wisdom. Don't, don't kiss your co-workers. Don't, don't do it.

It doesn't, it doesn't end well. We'll talk about that momentarily and I'll tell you why and how it's related to sports at the highest level. Shohei Ohtani torn UCL, but it looks like he's going to continue to hit the rest of this year. It looks like Shohei Ohtani, well, it doesn't look like he is definitely going to be a free agent and his own general manager, even though Shohei Ohtani is, I guess he's back to being a one-way player. That's all offense for now. His GM for the Angels said he still thinks he can be an excellent two-way player.

Listen to him kiss Shohei's ass. I would never put any limitations on players in general and especially him. So I think he's shown, you know, it's, it's obviously possible to do and excel at it. You know, I think injuries happen. We've gone through, you know, an abnormal amount of injuries this season. There's no excuses. Injuries are part of the game and you know, professional athletes and especially the guys in this room.

There's quality makeup and they're workers and I think I expect him to bounce back and do what he needs to do to get back to where he was. Oh, come on, man. Come on.

Come on. How's he supposed to hold up? He's, he's going to be in his age 30 season next year. He's just supposed to pitch and hit the rest of his life. He's shown that he can do it, I don't know, in two, two and a half year increments and, and he going to get hurt. We don't know. We've never seen anything like this. I just know Shohei Ohtani is going to get paid either way.

So good for him. We saw two, count them two preseason football games tonight. Maybe you didn't watch them.

Hey, I'll spare you some time. The Indianapolis Colts, they smacked the Philadelphia Eagles, no jailing hurts. Who cares? 27 to 13. Gardner Minshew, nine of 11 passes completed for a touchdown. The starter for the Indianapolis Colts, Anthony Richardson, six of 17 passing and a sack. He sucked. Can't wait to see how this looks in the regular season.

I think they've thrown him to the wolves too soon. And the Steelers, well, they just beat the Falcons 24 to nothing. There was no Desmond Ritter. Kenny Pickett barely played. Four, four. That was it.

That was all she wrote. This was a who do I need to cut type of game. There's going to be plenty of tape for the coaches to look at and say, we're going to cut that guy and that guy and that guy and that guy and that guy and 20 other guys. And that's tonight's football folks. Can't wait for the regular season to start. I told you that Jerry Judy, the latest Denver Broncos wide receiver to go down to an injury.

No Tim Patrick, no KJ Hamler. And now Jerry Judy is out maybe only for a few weeks with a hamstring injury. Giannis Atetokounmpo made it very clear in speaking to the New York Times. He is not going to sign a contract extension with the Milwaukee Bucks this season. Giannis wants to wait at minimum until next season. He wants to see whether or not the Milwaukee Bucks are going to be completely dedicated to winning a championship. He would love to play his entire career with one team, the Bucks, but he said winning a championship is more important.

He doesn't want to play for a team for 20 years just to win one damn championship. Damian Lillard making it clear, yes I'd like to to leave Portland but I have nothing but positive things to say about them and so I won't say anything. And then we got news today that Isaiah Simmons is now a member of the New York Giants. We know that the Arizona Cardinals are going through a complete rebuild and they swapped him out for a seventh round pick which is basically robbery. Isaiah Simmons the newest linebacker, defensive back, strong safety, free safety. He's everything. He's a Swiss army knife and his new head coach Brian Deball was asked about him. Isaiah Simmons what does he bring for you guys?

Yeah I'd say it's obviously pretty early. Joe's done a good job with his staff of again just evaluating and keeping conversations open about you know a number of players, him being one of them. And again he's almost 6'4, around 240, explosive, high pick. So just got off the phone with him a little while ago, said hello to him, introduced ourselves. So we'll put him in our system and you know start teaching our stuff. Where do you put him in your system? Like where do you envision like if you see him as a guy you can move around or you want to keep him in one spot? Yeah I'd say let's get him here first and then you know kind of see what he does but you know I think he has some multiple role potential but again we got to see it. Bruh just go out there and hit somebody.

Hit somebody that's it just go hit somebody. Watch this dude become an all-pro with the New York Giants. I think it'll be amazing. Arizona Cardinals they don't care. They suck anyway. They're going to be a toilet team this season and why pay some guy all of this money just to be a toilet team? Not necessary.

I get it. His seventh round pick and all of this. Look everybody Steve Keim is gone.

Ain't nobody caring or giving a damn about what he did and who he drafted and who he brought in. 855-212-4 CBS. That's 855-212-4 CBS. I did give you some JR wisdom. I told you not to kiss your co-workers.

I am going to take your calls and then I'm going to explain to you why kissing your co-workers or at least the people who work for you either way is a bad idea. We got Chris from Chicago. You're on the JR Sport Brief Show.

What's up Chris? Hey thanks for taking my call. Originally I called about the whole nickname one. I can't believe you guys missed the big unit. Mr. Johnson and Randy. Whoa that's a that's a lot in one sentence.

Sorry but you did hit a couple other ones though. The main reason I called was Randy Johnson. Big unit.

Best one. But I had a question about the whole Shohei Ohtani thing. The narrative kind of became that Ohtani was the unicorn because how the U.S. specializes players. Is this justification now do you believe for the U.S. specializing the players and keeping them to either hitters or pitchers?

Oh man yeah I don't I don't know if I'd say the U.S. specializing in it. I think it it lends credence to the fact that hey you you got to do one or the other. I don't know if it's completely shut or closed the door on additional guys coming through and hitting and pitching. Shohei Ohtani really he might be one of a kind because in the developmental system here in the United States of America yeah you're going to do one or the other. You're going to hit or you're going to pitch. I mean we can take a look at Jacob deGrom and unfortunately he's someone else who went down to an injury. Jacob deGrom was was playing shortstop and then he got thrown into being a pitcher and when he actually pitched he's one of the best pitchers that baseball has ever seen. He can't stay healthy.

He wasn't out there doing both and so Shohei I don't know if we would have seen more of these guys either way but the fact that he got hurt yeah I think I think this might close the door a little bit but I wouldn't completely rule it out man. Okay thank you for telling my call. I love your show man. Thank you Chris.

Much love to all my folks listening in Chicago on The Score. 855-212-4CBS. That's 855-212-4CBS. Don is here from Birmingham, Alabama. Hey how about you? Thank you for taking my call and all that. And thank Jeff for taking my call really. Anyway.

Go ahead. Yeah anyway they they alternate with everything I have a hard time pronouncing. He could still pitch. His whole pitching deal was set up wrong. To protect your arm you have to pitch on a regular basis.

You have to keep the tendons and ligaments out. That's something like this. You're talking about Otani?

You're talking about Otani right? Yeah right. Even when he was pitching it they tried to get him on a five-day rotation because that protects the arm. I don't know if he did you know that sometimes it'd be two weeks before he'd pitch again.

Well it would be two weeks but when he pitched again because of of injuries and health that's why. Well not always. I'm just saying. Most times they try to hold on.

Yes sir. They try to protect the dude especially more recently because he would be suffering from arm fatigue. That's that's that's what it was. Yeah I know he came to Atlanta and he didn't pitch in Atlanta.

They were there for a four-day stretch and he didn't pitch. But do you see that? Okay. All right anyway. I'm just yeah talk. I'm saying if you handle property he could still he could be a closer and still hit if it's handled properly if it's run properly.

You know. And I don't I don't know how you would run it properly just to have him talking about it. Hold on hold on damn damn oh my god am I talking to one person two three or four. It's like sometimes he pauses and then he doesn't pause and then he talks and then he talks and talks and talks and then he doesn't pause. I'm I'm like where's the natural cadence to a conversation. You talk I talk you talk I talk you talk I talk.

All of that goes out the window. Oh my goodness. Hold on I need to I need to collect myself. They say silence is terrible on the radio. Prepare yourself for silence folks.

Hey Don you still there? Oh my god he was he was talking that whole time. He's talking that whole time. Go ahead Don it's all you. No well I want you you ought to take some tips from from Shep. Listen to him sometimes.

See how he runs his. You know because he he gets what then he talks to the guest. You get a subject and you go on and on and on and on. How many guests have you talked to tonight in the first two hours? Well I don't know Shep would know.

Go ahead Shep. It's it's it's been a lot it's been a lot Don. Don in fairness. Trust me I learned a lot from JR man. Anyway you told me you said that I think last night or you said you could take constructive criticism.

I don't think you can. Well tell me well tell me how I should do my whole show Don I'm all ears. Well I'm not saying I'm saying well I'm just telling you to include more cause.

You should you know listen to listen to Shep how he does. He'll put a subject out there then he takes the call then he'll move on to another subject. You start out with a subject and I'm going to take your calls and then there's another subject come up I want to take and you're going like that for 45 minutes you want to take the first call.

You want you want to know why it's constructed that way Don? Okay tell me. I receive more calls than any human being here on any sports talk radio station in the United States of America. No you don't you don't be Paul Finebaum sorry. And you know that how? You know that how?

Anyway what is your show? No no it's not it's not no no it's not no it's not in it's not it's not how I'm asking you it's not anyway. Continue with your constructive please tell me I've been producing for the better part I don't know almost 30 years you you tell me continue. Well you may be getting old seen out who knows? No well give me more tips. Hey answer me this do you have a mirror sitting in front of you when you're talking? No no but no Don I need you you told me about constructive criticism.

I need all of your tips because you've been producing your whole life please go ahead. I'm just telling you I'm offering you some friendly constructive criticism include more calls and don't run from jump from subject to subject by the time you get ready to take the call it was 40 minutes ago that you two was talking about the subject. Don I'm gonna say this take some calls do another subject take some calls it ain't that hard. Don I I do and I'm gonna say this to you again and for whatever reason you disputed it I take and receive more calls people who don't even get on air unfortunately than any person. I talk all the time it's my job to talk for four hours.

I listen to I listen to you talk to a lot of times with the other callers to see what they're thinking I I want to hear your mouth 50 minutes out of every hour. Are you so now I've gotten to the point now what Don I've I've now drawn a conclusion my apologies Don. I don't think Don is smart Shep I'm sorry I'm gonna take a step back because I think Don is not a smart person. Well can I just can I just give my two cents on this quickly JR so Don what you have to understand is I am telling you matter of fact I am literally Don I will screenshot this for you first of all JR's lines are full basically more than 50 percent of every single show he does. I cannot say that about probably any other national radio show you have to understand that. JR actually and I am not just saying this does probably the best job you will ever hear a talk show host do in terms of letting a caller speak without interruption.

I need to work on that 99 percent of people that get behind a microphone need to work on that and take the tutelage and the blueprint that JR has laid out for that. I am telling you Don in every single monologue he does an opening segment he is one of the few that will go against the grain and take calls especially if such callers have a proven track record. I am telling you something I learned from this man every single night and I love you Don you're a good man I appreciate you calling the station you're a good caller but Don you got to show JR more respect here man. Well I'm not disrespecting him. Got you because he he Don he is truly one of he is truly I'm not just saying this because I work on his show he is truly one of the best in the world at this and he treats callers like they are family and friends of his and you know that. Well no he does that sometimes sometimes they'll bring up something they won't talk about it they like it oh that's stupid.

No I've never heard JR say that. What you just said is stupid. Huh? I'll say it again and this is the this is the entertainment part of the show what you said is stupid. Okay.

Go ahead. Well I mean there's a lot of times people want to talk about it they'll put in there too since you say oh that's stupid I don't care I don't care about that but that's not any way to treat gifts. Shut up. He's just joking Don just JR's a good really good man just so you know his sense of humor.

Anyway I enjoy it have a good one. No you don't bye don't ever call again. Well how old and crotchety is he? How I mean damn well you should take more calls. What? Nobody takes more so JR I will say this out of the shows here you and I take the most calls.

Yeah. Like the shows that I do on every Sunday like I and that's a blueprint like I I've learned so much of what I do from two people in this industry Scott Farrell and JR Sportbrief. Yeah what the hell is he talking about? You should take more you should take more call. As he listens to all the other shows. You should take more calls. Like you wouldn't you go from you go from one topic and you should take a call. Well bruh you want to know something there's so many topics I have to fit in the show and you want to know something there's so many callers.

Yeah. Maybe you should learn how to actually call and speak. Maybe it'd be easier if you had a thought and I don't care what your thought is. If I was talking about Shohei Ohtani and you called me up about Giannis and Teta Kumpo if you got on the air and said hey JR this is what I think about you I wouldn't have nothing to say.

You're old and maybe maybe I'm old and see now and for me this is all funny to me. People are gonna say JR you're so mean. Get out of here.

Oh man. Somebody put something see I'm mean now I mean somebody put something in his what do you drink before you go and prune juice. Is he regular? I mean is he upset? Does he need to get it out?

That is one of the craziest things I've heard. You need to take more calls. Do a subject and take a call. Do this and take a call.

Do this and take a call. What? A million people here man what am I supposed to do? You want to know why I can talk about a subject and and get to a million calls because people listen to this show. People actually call up and want to talk.

There's a lot. I don't have to stretch anything out for an hour and hope that people are listening or that they'll talk to me. A damn 855-212-4CBS is old and crotchety. Tony's calling from Massachusetts. You're on CBS Sports Radio. What's up Tony? What's up Jay? I'm just telling Chef you know my boy's in the hospital with him all day. Then I got to go to work.

I work overnight man. Your show is like the best show I listen to. Then I got to hear somebody talking. I know I ain't got to call in and defend you but I'm just you take more calls than any show that I listen to. Bottom line I don't know what he's listening to but he ain't listening to the JR show. Bottom line he wants me he wants me to talk about Otani and then to take a call and then he wants me to talk about Anthony Richardson and then take a call and then he wants me to well guess what that's not the way it works it's your show if you want to run your show you where you want to run it then start your own show. What was his name? Don from Birmingham.

Don from Birmingham. Well we can hey Don start your own show. Tony you gonna listen to Don's show?

Oh hell no. I'm gonna listen to your show. Even when I can't get through I be mad. I'm like man he's taking up all the time on the phone and I'm not gonna be like him because you gotta be with that wanna get through and talk.

Yeah there's a bunch of people like like this guy right here. Thank you Tony like Mike from Cleveland you're on CBS sports radio what's up Mike? Hey what's going on JR? I don't know my feelings that got that old man hurt my feelings I'm gonna cry. Hey hey man uh tell tell the old man to quit drinking a couple hours earlier and take his ass to bed all right? I'm sorry but that that's that's great. With Tony we were talking you you were well I guess you were trying to have a conversation with three different personalities there about Shohei. I still think he could pitch I think for me I think it's he throws so hard a lot I got you know that's why so the injuries come from that you know and so if he wants to still pitch and still hit not saying he can't but I think they need to utilize them in a different role instead of having them as a starting pitcher use them as a long reliever you know that's where you can space out the times he pitches you know what I mean you can space them out to where okay hey man you want to go how's your arm feeling feeling good okay you got this this window of time to this window of time to where you can use them and he can go out there and throw three or four innings use them as a reliever something like that to where to where like you're not you're not wearing the guy out and is that but isn't that also potentially to his detriment if he is unaware of when he's exactly going to pitch I mean when you know you're gonna pitch you have your ramp up days you have your long toss days you have your days where you don't do nothing you have your rest days when you enter into the reliever role it's now you're putting yourself in a window which would also affect the days that he'd be available and eligible to go out there and swing I I is it possible that he does it yeah it is and not even in a long relief role but in any relief role not as a starter I I just I don't think I don't think that would be the best use of him I think you put him out there tell him to go five and you better have a deep bullpen it really depends on the team that acquires him and brings him on it's it's it's tough going it's no simple answer but I don't relief I think he'd be even more susceptible to injury that's a fair point the um the other thing is I mean hard fact of life hard reality is the guy whose numbers he's most comparable with is Babe Ruth and the reality is with Babe the Red Sox sat him down basically and said okay you need to make a choice you're going to be a pitcher or hitter make a decision and he decided to become you know one of the greatest players of all time one of the greatest hitters of all time the next team that signs him because I don't think he's staying with the Angels I think the next team that signs him might have to have that conversation with them like listen man I'm not paying you 500 million dollars 400 million dollars guaranteed money to get hurt the last month and a half two months of the season it's gonna happen it's time for you to to make a choice you had to run it's fun I'm not I'm not I'm not so sure I'm not so sure because there's there's entertainment value and thank you Mike for calling from Cleveland I gotta hit the break there's entertainment value it's putting butts in seats it's telling people that you need to come see a unicorn and not just a slugger I don't think will you have teams who will be afraid of bringing him on yes but I don't think anybody will just come out and publicly state it no we don't want him to pitch you at least at minimum want to still have that illusion even if you have a clock that oh my god he's not gonna pitch until 2025 in June you you want to still have that illusion there that people are coming to see a once in a lifetime guy it's the JR Sport Brief show here on CBS Sports Radio 855-2124 CBS I'm gonna get to your calls yes I talk to people I do a lot of them and then we're gonna talk about a guy who kissed his coworker at work and got fired hey he works in sports here on CBS Sports Radio you're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio you're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio JR first and foremost I want to say you make my drive uh because I go to and from the hospital to uh it every night and you make my drive amazing so thank you call in now at 855-212-4CBS you're welcome it is the JR Sport Brief show on CBS Sports Radio I'm getting a lot of messages from our last segment people loved it well not really they didn't like the guy who called up 855-212-4CBS as I take more calls following some advice uh John is here from DC you're on the JR Sport Brief show what's up John JR what's going on my man I'm good I'm on K street where you at I'm by the stadium where you at hey man actually I'm about to ride past you I'm on the beltway I'm headed to Richmond and I was supposed to went to the Soul Circus tomorrow too and I did not know what happened I'm at the circus tomorrow I ended up having to work because I'm not gonna be in town for the circus tomorrow so I had to reschedule that with my grandbabies but okay it's all right I just found out you were gonna be there I'm like heck maybe I should cancel so I can come up this I'm gonna be on I'm gonna be on CBS in the morning for the news I'll be at the circus we're inviting like 50 people from Special Olympics are gonna be out there so it's gonna be fun man I'm gonna definitely catch you on the news in the morning I'm gonna tune in to that I'm gonna be on I'm gonna be on CBS 9 so let's watch CBS 9 in the morning and I'll be there I definitely am I'm definitely gonna tune in hey JR um well first let me get my Otani uh Otani uh uh thing out the way I think I think the Angels and the rest of baseball like you said I think they kind of relieved that he kind of hurt himself I've all players have any time for a player to get hurt because like you said now they don't have to pay that back and it doesn't make the Angels look like they fumbled the whole situation as bad now you know what I'm saying so because they can always when he comes to the table they'll be like listen man we can't pay you all this because of this type of situation this is second time here having an injury with the elbow too so you know that's that's kind of gonna mess them up a little bit but that's not even why I called that's not even why I called oh no no no no no no jay listen man I listen to you faithfully every night you know what I'm saying my hats off to you and Shep I called it I was originally calling in because Shep seemed a little down you know earlier in the show but I'm pretty sure after Greg called talking about how he want to roll around on the floor I was like holy Shep what I've been laughing you have a response Shep Shep go ahead John to quote the famous JR sport free if damned if you do damned if you know I don't know how to respond to that there's no way to respond Shep you just gotta be quiet and be like okay this dude said he want to roll around in the floor with you but he's like I'm living the rock but here's the thing though here's the thing Greg so you listen to the show Greg is like one of the most right he's one of the purest like most genuine people so like he didn't mean it in that kind of way he just meant like he just meant like he'd always like he would always ride or die with me that's how I took it oh yeah oh yeah not like he wants to like you know like how you know like um yeah I'll stop myself right right right Shep right okay can I put it this way it's not like he wanted to go by the dock and see sailors right that that's what that's what I'm inferring yes because I got docking sailors when he said hey Shep between him and Alan Alan always called give a lot of good information Alan's like a sport historian I look forward to hearing them call but when Greg said he wants to roll around in the floor oh my god it was such an awkward moment I heard both you and JR get quiet at the same time yes what do you you know this is this is CBS not Cinemax so well thank you John oh man I appreciate it fellas y'all have a good night JR hope you have a good time at the circus tomorrow man thank you enjoy the city yes sir all the time thank you so much Gary from Vancouver you're on the JR sport brief show yeah JR I want to say something to you uh just between you you me the producer and the rest of your callers I've listened to your show by accident about two years ago and I listen to a lot of radio because I can't stand watching tv uh most of this stuff is crap now I'm going to say this and don't get a big head about this but your producer is highly professional and you as a person I don't know you from a hole in the ground but you as a as a person on the radio might be the best I've heard in 20 odd years besides maybe Red Robinson who passed away a while back but and for that fellow to say what he said I would have turned him off but you have got so much patience I just couldn't believe it I was getting madder and madder by the second I told your producer and I wanted to know just just between you and I and your your listeners and your producer uh how long have you been doing this my whole life bro my whole life I have grown up I have grown up I have grown up doing this I come from an entertainment family I have been doing this for 37 years my whole life JR I tell you something uh you sound like you have and I wanted to let you go let you and your uh that you and your producer know that when you come on I don't turn it off I listen because you make me laugh I don't always agree with you but you are very good and uh but one before I let you go uh Tawny uh I can't believe him but I don't know what he's going to do but uh I've watched him he's some player uh again don't change a thing please thanks guys oh no never that thank you Gary never there ain't nobody changing nothing not changing nothing but the side of the break it's the JR sport re-show here with you on CBS Sports Radio 855-2124 CBS because I have so many calls I'm gonna take your calls because I I'm not I'm I'm not to talk for 50 out of the 60 minutes per hour so I'm gonna take your calls and then finally we'll talk about the dude who kissed his co-worker and has gotten the boot you're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio you are listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio your show is informative and thought-provoking and I love that about us and every chance I get man keep it up it's one of the best shows anywhere call in now at 855-212-4CBS it's the JR Sport Brief Show here on CBS Sports Radio 855-2124 CBS it's 855-212-4CBS we talked about Anthony Richardson we talked about Shohei Ohtani we've talked about Giannis Atetokounmpo and not signing his contract extension we talked about Isaiah Simmons the newest linebacker cornerback safety everything for the New York Giants we talked about Jerry Judy the latest wide receiver for the Denver Broncos to go down and be hurt I mentioned to you Steven Strauss Berg used to play right a block away from me right now here in DC with the Washington Nationals MVP of the World Series this made seven starts since you want to talk about nerve damage the man reportedly you know has trouble picking up his kids turning doorknobs they had to remove a rib and two muscles out of his neck oh my god all the best to him there's no amount of money that makes me go man it's and then he has to deal with the mental aspect of it as well not a care in the world financially pretty sure he can go to sleep at night but I'm pretty sure he's staring up at the wall going well damn might take some years for him to settle into this all things considered man you a World Series MVP look at the money that you made got a beautiful family just hopefully he can he can be at peace with what he's done at the top of the hour we're going to talk about someone who probably isn't at peace and this is an individual who won a World Cup kissed one of his players in the mouth caused worldwide outrage and no longer has a job we'll talk about that at the top of the hour 855 212 for CBS Hayden's calling from San Diego what's up Hayden how's it going JR good man go ahead I want to talk about Shohei Ohtani really quick and you know a lot of talk I hear on local radio is about how everyone thinks he's going to go for a discount now in the off season now that he can't pitch maybe as long as he would like to and I'm not sure he's going to go for a discount I think a lot of people you know understandably are kind of viewing this guy two dimensionally as a hitter and a pitcher but yeah I'm looking at the the business side of finding a guy like Ohtani how many millions that's going to make you as a team and when it was the last time you know a player came with essentially an entire country of a fan base you know well I don't think it's a matter of him taking a discount but without a doubt teams are not going to shell out or be willing to shell out a the same amount of money even though it's still going to be a gigantic amount and then b teams aren't likely going to probably give him the same range of a contract when it comes to length this is the worst possible time for him to go down and and be injured so yeah he don't have to take a discount but the money that's going to be offered and and some of the parameters there and some of the incentives they may not have existed a couple of weeks ago as his arms started to get tired as he started to need rest as his arm blew out we're in a different space right now so it's not like Shohei is going to run around and call the shots he can only take what's being offered to him 855-212-4CBS David is calling from Detroit you're on CBS Sports Radio. Yo what's up JR it's your favorite repo man how you doing I got a I got a favorite repo man your best your favorite you know how it goes okay how are you I'm doing great man so I just wanted to tell you you know haters are gonna hate and painters are gonna paint that's just what they do so whatever dude was talking about man I don't know what he was on because you're the best I'm gonna just I'm gonna just tell you right now you're the best do you take do you take requests like if I need someone's car repossessed like can I put in a request for you you gotta put in the right paperwork and then we can make that happen okay I just need the right paperwork you see chef I told you repo men are good he he can take Don's car for me David's a good one no but I can I can arrange to have him pick somebody's car up I like that but I also wanted to give Greg the bombastic side eye boy you better stop it but that's all I got today okay thank you David the repo man from Detroit be well how many cars you get tonight I ain't got nothing yet it's been some real bad storms out here so I'm just starting okay be safe okay all right man peace I am a message from god drag on from Ohio your CBS sports radio JR it's fine to meet you man I I've been listening to you for years and I I heard a call come in and one of the things that you're not is uh you don't flap your gums 56 minutes out of a 60 thank you what's up hey I wanted to I heard you speak about the jets we got a bad storm blowing through so if I get disconnected I just wanted to get your opinion there's a lot of hate going on on the Cleveland Browns but there sure is a lot of talent on that team and they got 88 million dollars under the cap right now they've resigned every player on the team restructured I hear all this talk about the jets I don't think at the end of the year you're going to be very happy with the jets but I think the Browns are going to go 12 and five 13 and four you heard it here first okay I don't know if I go that far especially playing up in an AFC north where everybody beats the living hell out of each other but somebody called a couple of weeks ago and said oh Deshaun Watson has a lot to prove and I agree he has something to prove that he can bounce back but I think that man is going to be perfectly fine and okay I the Browns are going to be a good team I wouldn't be surprised if they got into the playoffs man I agree with you I don't know if I peg them at at 12 and 13 wins but I certainly believe that they're going to be a good team drag on thank you for calling I got to hit the break thank you Jr no doubt about it yeah I mean it's hard to say somebody in the AFC north the Ravens the Bengals Steelers should be improved I mean we're back to a space where the AFC north is just a it's a dog fight between everybody who goes to the playoffs who goes in as a wild card who wins a division we'll find out soon enough Kenny Pickett is gonna be good man we know about Burrow Lamar Jackson got weapons Deshaun Watson back for a full year the JR sport free show here on CBS Sports Radio I'll be back on the other side of the break who knew I was going to talk about Spanish football I'll explain on the other side here on CBS Sports Radio facts are facts like how contributing to employees financial security makes them want to work harder for their company in fact according to a 2023 study by principal 87 of employers say that better employee financial security means employees are more engaged and productive at work the fact of the matter is that employees want to feel financially secure in their future so consider this principle helps you invest in your employees by providing customized benefits and retirement plans to help keep your employees more engaged and productive when you take care of your team they take care of business that's a fact learn how principal can help you find the right benefits and retirement plan for your team at principal dot com slash benefits products and 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