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Find a retailer near you, that's You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio.
It is the JR Sport Brief show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. Happy Monday night to you. I'm going to be hanging out with you for the next four hours. This is when I get started, 10 p.m. Eastern Time, 7 p.m. Pacific. I hope you had a tremendous weekend. I hope you had a good Monday. If not, I'll try my best to help you out for the rest of these next four hours, okay?
I can only do my best, all right? 10 p.m. Eastern, 7 Pacific. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Thank you to super producer and host Dave Shepherd. He's coming to you live from New York City, and we got a busy night. The MLB Home Run Derby.
There's another one. Yeah, I don't know where the hell the All-Star Weekend, the All-Star Game, I don't know where all this came from, but it's upon us. Looking at Randy Arozarena now in the finals of the Home Run Derby, just knocked out Luis Robert Jr. Julio Rodriguez has been certainly putting on the show tonight for the hometown fans in Seattle, and so we'll talk about the Home Run Derby as we move towards a champion.
We'll see whether Vladimir Guerrero Jr. or Julio Rodriguez are going to end up in the final against Arozarena. We also have plenty of news that's come down the pipe today. We mentioned this last Friday night. Pat Fitzgerald, the former now head coach of Northwestern, initially given a two-week suspension surrounding all of the hazing activities that were unfounded or founded, and now he's been fired, now that we found out a little bit more details. The Yankees fired a hitting coach, and they brought in a former MLB All-Star in Sean Casey. Chris Paul spoke over the weekend in his first press conference as a member of the Golden State Warriors.
Still didn't sound all that enthusiastic about it. Damien Lillard, find out that he might not be traded for months and months and months. We got details surrounding the NBA tournament.
Victor Nbenyama bounces back. We have a surprise American in Wimbledon right now. All my tennis fans out there, we'll talk about him. He's coming to you from where I live in Atlanta, Georgia. Major League Baseball draft was last night, and we're in the midst of Major League Baseball celebration of its game.
All-Star game will take place tomorrow following this home run derby tonight. So we got a full show for you. If you follow me on social media at JR Sport Brief, you would already know everything that we're going to discuss tonight.
And it's real simple. If you want to talk to me, we got a phone number. It's 855-212-4CBS.
That's 855-212-4CBS. Shep, how are you this evening? You doing good? I'm doing well. Thanks for asking, JR. How about you, man? Excited for this home run derby tradition? No. No, I'm not.
I wish I could tell a lie. I think there's a lot of, it's very regional. And shout outs to all the regions tuning in to us all over North America on the free Odyssey app on your local radio affiliate, Sirius XM 158 on a smart speaker. Look, it's a spectacle. That's what I'll call it.
I mentioned this already. Thinking about how the All-Star game is here tomorrow, I just got to go, wow, okay, it's the middle of July. Well, it's July 10th, tomorrow.
Tuesday is July 11th. And I go, okay, fine, we're here. It's the MLB All-Star game. But I feel like the All-Star game has lost some juice. I feel like the home run derby.
Yeah, when you sit down and watch it, I feel like it's lost some juice. But let's be honest. Am I really telling a lie here?
Let's think about this. I was, I've been able to watch part of this home run derby as I got ready to go on air for the show. And I'm saying to myself, there's some great stories here. You got Rushman, who's from the Pacific Northwest. He's cranking bombs at home, basically in Seattle.
Okay, this is great. Young Orioles catcher, he's lighting it up. Vladimir Guerrero Jr., we all know about his daddy. And Vladimir Guerrero, not shy to go out there and crank home runs himself. Pete Alonso is back. Two-time home run derby winner. And Pete Alonso, he even talked about this before the derby earlier today. Pete Alonso was with the media, and he basically said, yeah, he doesn't consider himself to be an ambassador of this home run derby.
But he did say that he's a huge advocate. Listen to this. It's so fun. It's a great event, and it's a great display of talent that the game has to offer. So, I mean, it's fun doing it, and I really enjoy it. So, I guess so, yeah. I'm a big, I'm a bit, I wouldn't say ambassador, I would say huge advocate. Okay.
All right. Well, I got to tell you, he ain't winning a third time, not tonight at least. Pete Alonso was knocked out by Julio Rodriguez early, who decided to crank like 41 home runs. And that's what I mean when there's still some excitement, and it's a spectacle.
But when you're cranking 41 home runs and, you know, Mookie Betts had a poor showing only had 11 home runs, Vladimir Guerrero at 26. It's, it's a spectacle and you would expect these dudes at some point to get worn out. So Pete Alonso was also asked, man, when you're up there swinging and swinging and swinging some more, like you don't get tired. If Pete Alonso was asked about whether or not players go up to him and, and check in for advice, listen to this.
I wouldn't say tips, but it's more so like, Hey, how do you feel afterwards? But usually there's a lot of, a lot of adrenaline, a lot of excitement into it. So you really don't feel it. And then also you really don't have to play a full game the next day. Typically, all star game, you get one or two at bats and then, and then that's it. So it's not like you have to be fully prepped for nine innings. You just got to be ready for maybe two or three or four innings on defense and, and, and at bat or two. Yeah. Well tonight I told you Julio Rodriguez had 41 home runs in the first round.
Pete Alonso only had 21 home runs and he was eliminated following round one. And, and this is where I think a lot of the, the quote unquote juice. And I know when you say juice and baseball, you can easily think about drugs and steroids and PEDs.
The juice is gone. Like not, not just from a steroids perspective, but from a name recognition perspective. If I go through the all star game, let's think about both the all star game and the home run Derby. I feel year after year after year, we don't have those same legacy names, guys who you expect to be in the all star game year after year, year after year after year.
And sure, I can think about a few dudes where you just go, okay, Aaron Judge. I'm sure he'll be a major league baseball all star in 2024. I don't care where Shohei Ohtani is. I'm sure he will be an all star. Vladimir Guerrero, Jr. will be an all star. If Clayton Kershaw's arm doesn't fall off, Clayton Kershaw will be an all star. But then we have other guys who you just have to look and go, how the hell do he make the all star team? How many guys got hurt for this guy to make the all star team?
Who is that guy? You know, there was a, there was a time, and I don't even want to say it was that long ago, where I can look at an all star team and an all star roster and just say to myself, I know every single one of these players. I know their stats for this season.
I know what they did last season and the year before that. And now we've entered into a space where I just have to go, who is that guy? You know, so, so granted, okay, looking at the home run Derby tonight, at dollars Garcia, I know him from the Rangers.
I know he got big arms. I know what he's done the past few seasons, but to me, he ain't no year after year after year star. You know, if I got to think about someone like, I don't know, Luis Robert from the White Sox. Okay.
Yeah, sure. I know him. He's having an absolutely amazing season. 20 years ago, him, he's having an absolutely amazing season, 26 home runs, 50 RBIs here at the break.
This is his breakout season and nobody knows who the hell he is. And so to turn on a home run Derby, it's real different than I'm sorry. And I'm going to go, I'm going to go back a little bit, maybe even before the steroids really got jumping here. I felt like the nineties, I knew I was going to see Mark Maguire or Ken Griffey Jr. Matter of fact, they're playing this entire all star weekend and home run Derby and a game.
Everything's taking place in Seattle. Ken Griffey, Mark Maguire, Sammy Sosa, Cal Ripken Jr. participated, a Gary Sheffield, Fred McGriff, that old drug using Barry Bonds, Bobby Bonilla, Juan Gonzalez, Jeff Bagwell. Whether these guys were cheating, a lot of these names were cheating. These were hall of fame caliber dudes. Mulvaugh on crime dog, Sammy Sosa. Yeah, more drugs, the big hurt Frank Thomas, the current group.
I'm sorry. It lacks the star power and the recognition that we currently get in the home run Derby. And I think it also ties into something that's been discussed just plenty, like the popularity or, or baseball space in American sports in American society is not the same. If we went back to the nineties, and I wish I had a time machine sometimes, if we went back to the nineties, yeah, baseball coming out of a strike had to be rebuilt and back up.
There were less entertainment options. More of the baseball players were just nationally known. I don't know how many, how many baseball players are household names here in 2023? Aaron Judge, maybe you know Otani, you know, maybe just, you heard about him. Maybe your grandmama heard about Otani, maybe not even Mike Trout. I can't even call him a household name. Like how many people can you roll up to that have no interest in baseball and say, I know that guy.
And I think the pickings are slim. You know, even before we had the steroid news break, people knew Mark Maguire. People knew Barry Bonds. Like these are Ken Griffey Jr. He had a video game.
He had shoes. Who's the baseball player selling shoes and video games? We got Derek Jeter. And I like Derek Jeter, his old ass. Derek Jeter is out here selling MLB the show. You got an old dude selling a baseball game.
Come on now, Jazz Chisholm, because he couldn't do it by himself. And so, yeah, baseball is different. Baseball has changed. The standing of baseball in the United States of America is certainly different. So I don't want to take away from the show and the excitement and the fun of watching it. You know, one of my friends hit me up and he said, man, this home run derby is trash.
And I'm like, oh, this is some, there's some great, you know, physical feats here, but I understand it. Where are the big names at? Where are the Hall of Fame names at? And you know something else that's missing here from the home run derby?
I think a lot of people got used to this for the better part of like 20 years. We know Chris Berman from ESPN is gone. And so the soundtrack to the home run derby is also gone. I'm sorry. I think Carl Ravitch is doing it.
It don't cut the mustard. How many times have you heard Chris Berman screaming this on ESPN during the home run derby? Yeah, that's a, that's a lot of backs. That might've been 20 years worth of back, back, back, back, back, backs. Gone. And the home run derby, unless we get some solid names in here, Hall of Fame, consistent names, and less no names, this is where it's going to be.
I don't know what's worse. Is it the home run derby? Is it the slam dunk contest?
Who knows? It doesn't matter if the stars, the big name stars, aren't participating. No disrespect to Luis Robert Jr., who I think most baseball fans, you could, I think most baseball fans, people who follow the sport on a day to day basis, they wouldn't know Luis Robert Jr. if he walked by you on the concourse on the way into the game. And that's just where we're at right now. Congratulations to, you know, all of the guys participating tonight.
Randy Arosa, Raina, Vladimir Guerrero, Julio Rodriguez. One of these guys is going to win. And at least, at least there'll be a name. It's the JR Sport Reshow here with you on CBS Sports Radio. We are just getting started. 855-212-4CBS.
That's 855-212-4CBS. We'll keep you up to date as to who wins this home run derby. Julio Rodriguez looking to win it all at home at T-Mobile. T-Mobile Park, home of the Mariners in his home park.
We'll keep you updated. We're going to get into the NBA and Wim Benyama, his bounce back. We're going to look at the NBA's announcement of a new tournament.
The New York Yankees have fired a coach in season for the first time in 26 years. We got Chris Paul talking to the media for the first time as an official member of the Golden State Warriors. We have a surprising American tennis player making some noise. We have Pat Fitzgerald, the former, now former head coach of Northwestern. He's been given the boot.
We got a lot to do. It's the JR Sport Reshow, CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. JR wants to hear from you. Call him now at 855-212-4CBS.
That's 855-212-4227. It's the JR Sport Brief show here on CBS Sports Radio. Home run derby is going on in Major League Baseball.
I'm sitting here in the studio checking it out. I know the hometown hero Julio Rodriguez, he was just eliminated from going to the finals. Vladimir Guerrero Jr. just hit 21 home runs to knock out Julio Rodriguez who only had 20. And so, Randy Orosarena from the Tampa Bay Rays, Vladimir Guerrero Jr., they're going to face off here in the finals. So, we're going to see a little bit of an American League East matchup as we have Vlad Jr. who represents the Blue Jays and you have Randy Orosarena who represents the Rays. They're going to battle it out to see who walks away with this home run derby title which I think is actually given away right now in the form of a chain.
I hope they still give away a trophy. I personally think a home run chain is tacky but what do I know? You know, as Vladimir Guerrero Jr. walked out of the the plate area, he was surrounded by all of his teammates and buddies, Albies, Acuna, they're all showing up and everybody wants to take selfies by home plate. So, hey, that's the world that we live in. You're new, everybody takes selfies, you get a chain, you get this and so that's that's the way the world is. Who am I to complain? 855-212-4CBS.
That's 855-212-4CBS. In a few seconds, I do want to tell you about some some new blood, some new guys who are going to be joining Major League Baseball for their sake hopefully sooner rather than later. As Major League Baseball, they've they followed in on some trends here. They are making this entire All-Star break the entire thing an event.
I'll explain that momentarily. Shep, you asked me if I was excited about this home run derby and it's just like tempered excitement. It's like, yeah, I mean years ago, man, I would have recorded this. I would have recorded the home run derby. I would have rushed home to watch it live. I would have watched it again the next day and now I'm just like, yeah, it's here, it's gone and I'm like, whatever.
How do you feel about it? I mean, Jer, I echo what you said. Days of Griffey and the days of, you know, even Josh Hamilton going back to Yankee Stadium. That was must-see TV.
That was television appointment. That's not what this is anymore. So do we need to just give the guys some drugs?
Just give them some drugs, right? I didn't I didn't say that. I mean the reality is this is a situation where this was this was something that you couldn't miss, you know, going back to the 50s. You had the household names of Mantle and Aaron and that kind of trickled into the 90s with Bonds and Griffey and Sheffield like you alluded to. I mean those names obviously were synonymous with baseball. One at least was cleaning out of that three. But you're right.
It's not the same. I was curious to see and I, you know, the big talking point as well, Jer, is is baseball missing out on an opportunity to somehow get their boy, Elie De La Cruz on the All-Star playing field because he right now is the guy and this is a big miss in my opinion in terms of baseball not having him here right now. Yeah, I don't I don't know if he got enough. I don't know if he got a enough quote-unquote playing time.
I think he was called up to not recently sounds like bad English, but he ain't been in the show long enough and I ultimately think as well, I don't think it matters. I mean baseball has amazing stars. This guy could have been in the majors for for two and a half months now, three months.
It wouldn't matter how long he would have been around. People who watch baseball know about him already. The guy stole second. He stole third. He stole home the other day and it's like wow what the hell is this guy doing as Marshawn Lynch steps out with the home run derby. See this is the most exciting part of the night besides a home run. Marshawn Lynch who looks like he can hit a home run himself still a giant human being comes out wearing the home run derby chain and also hoisting what will be the home run derby trophy. Hey this is the most star-studded part of the night as a guy who doesn't even play in major league baseball.
It's just just the facts. 855-212-4CBS that's 855-212-4CBS. Warren is calling from Houston. That is quite ironic that Marshawn Lynch is the biggest celebrity here at the home run derby. Warren you're on CBS Sports Radio. Yes how you doing gentlemen? Good night and it's a I'm gonna say this to you.
You see um born in Kingston Jamaica coming to Brooklyn New York at 15 years old. You know I played ball and stuff in high school as far as basketball and football and then I joined the military so I was gone for a long time and one thing I could tell you is this man when it comes to the baseball season and a lot of they say it's a Marcus pass time it's too long. We even think brothers even think baseball is basketball is too long. It's too long.
It's not. So the difference between football and basketball and baseball um trout could walk down the street the only person you could actually I mean me growing up in New York I knew Derek Jeter was you know I knew all those players were but as far as different parts of the country baseball players aren't that recognizable unless that people know or show attorneys because what he does there are a lot of people that I ask I work for waste management they don't know who the hell Mike Trout is they don't know that so I mean baseball is not America's past time I'm sorry football is. What are you oh wait wait what are you apologizing for? I'm gonna tell you the truth. Well hold on damn we'll slow down like you don't have to say you're sorry I think most people know that baseball is not America's past time anymore that's not that's not anything too profound I don't think you're hurting anyone's feelings Warren yeah you are telling the truth so my point to you is you don't have to say sorry about that everybody knows that Vic is calling from Baltimore you're on CBS Sports Radio go ahead Vic. Hey JR how are you? I'm amazing how you doing? I'm good thank you um I just wanted to talk to you about the Orioles how good they're doing. Okay please go ahead knock yourself out. Man that offense it's so good and hopefully they'll get a pitcher they'll trade for a good pitcher and then their pitching will be insane.
Okay well thank you. Anytime pleasure talking to you JR. Well thank you Vic how about that an Orioles fan is actually excited about baseball it's been about 20 years. Sounds it sounded like he was really excited. He couldn't hold his excitement he barely got the words out and you know but that's that's that's the part that stinks like he can be excited about the Orioles but the fact is how many people across the country have sat down and watched an Orioles game and god bless Adderley Rushman who's who's playing in the Pacific Northwest he's back home and he was in the home run derby tonight he gave everybody a little bit of a jolt of excitement but it's just like okay sure we love the Orioles if you're in Baltimore you know and and here's the thing this is the scary part folks it's not going backwards and when I say it I'm talking about the the popularity the widespread popularity of baseball it's your team who do you root for that's who you have interest in and everybody else across the country is just like yo so what up whatever right like if you're a San Diego Padres fan do you do you care are you keeping up at all with the White Sox no and sure that's the American League but if you're a Padres fan let's stick to the the National League are you watching the Nationals no they suck like why would you waste your time used to be a point where you knew I knew every player in every lineup and yeah sure I'm not you know 10 years old anymore I don't got time to be just sitting around scouring the box score for everything but I knew a whole hell of a lot of everything and now the names they switch guys are batting 215 I I could care less we got we got Marco Belletti is sitting around here as well getting ready to deliver the news before you tell us everything going on in the world of sports Marco what are your thoughts on the the home run derby is it is it lacking the juice I feel like we don't got the the big superstar hall of fame caliber names anymore even if they were cheating yeah I mean some of it's the names some of it's the way it's done like they've done a better job of making this faster with the clock but it's also harder to watch it's harder like you know you see the ball go up you're like oh I think that's gone and then two seconds later it's like is that a kid catching it at the wall wait was that two homers ago like they're going so quick so that hurts it too the way the product is kind of put out there but I understand because the other way was too slow and yeah you're not going to get Ken Griffey Jr to do this anymore Barry Bonds it's just not going to happen you're getting some good quality players and Julio Rodriguez they're young and you know Vladimir Guerrero Jr but you're not going to get the big giant superstar and you always need that no matter what sport it is the slam dunk competent whatever you always need the guy to be involved and when you don't it's harder on the product yeah I'll tell you this it's enough for me that the biggest name the biggest celebrity the biggest guy involved in tonight's home run derby was Marshawn Lynch bringing out the trophy no it's not I wish I was just am I am I I'm telling the truth though am I not look you're you're not wrong because this obviously needed a Shohei Otani to make it something where every eyeball would be on it right I mean that's the guy right Aaron Judge is hurt you would like to see him but we've seen that before Otani was the guy that we wanted to watch it's not happening so that's you need that big guy but like baseball's problem is and this is the problem with baseball in general we don't market the young stars so it seems like it's like well who's this guy and is he really that good when in reality Vladimir Guerrero Jr who was almost an MVP a couple years should be a big name Julio Rodriguez who was a monster last year came out of nowhere as a rookie like he should be a big name he's not he's they're they're just not Pete Alonso who's won this thing twice and is it the you know set the new rookie record for home runs with 53 a few years ago they're not big names they're supposed to be but in baseball unfortunately we have how many big games two none what the world series yeah but I mean like what are the what are the names that you synonymous like Mike Trout should be synonymous it's just not Bryce Harper should have been but they're not we've been saying that for like five to eight years right so they don't market it now he's broken and his back is always busted he's just and Shep brought up a good point about having an Eli De La Cruz playing well I mean he played he's played 30 games so far but then even if he came up it's just like people who know him know him already and so what I mean we could think of a bunch of other young dudes so it's it's tough to make a dent and make an imprint and and what we're witnessing right now uh and I don't think there's any way to go backwards I just what it is right now is what it is uh yeah obviously yeah Otani is not participating and Judge is hurt with the toe this is uh this is new baseball and I think it's talked about so much because I think there is a great segment of the population who remembers when it was it was big time it was prime time it was the thing and it ain't that no more eight five five two one two four CBS that's eight five five two one two four CBS I'm gonna get some more of your calls I'm gonna tell you about two young men who were drafted in the MLB draft that uh hopefully they can come up to the big leagues and show some excitement some history made in the MLB draft we'll talk about Victor Winbenyama we'll get some more of your calls eight five five two one two four CBS you're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio you're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio JR it's always a pleasure to hear you because you know your product you really do a great job by not distorting what the callers are saying call in now at eight five five two one two four CBS it's the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on CBS Sports Radio Vladimir Guerrero Jr is trying to win this uh home run derby title he has 25 home runs in this final round Randy Orosarena is is in his break right now he has 21 home runs and when he comes out of his timeout he's gonna have 30 seconds to try and tie or beat Vladimir Guerrero Jr he has to get to that 25 mark otherwise Vlad Jr is a champ let's see how this breaks down eight five five two one two four CBS that's eight five five two one two four CBS we got Steve calling from Houston you're on the JR Sport Brief Show hey great show JR I remember back in 2004 I was lucky to go to the home run derby here at Mennon 8 Park and uh Max Berkman represented the Astros and uh Chris Berman he couldn't done it any better he was saying that blast is halfway to San Antonio that home run is to Galveston he got us so pumped up we were jumping up and down yelling as loud as we could cheers screaming down our face he hit like 20 home runs out of the ballpark into Crawford Street that place was going bonkers yeah I I remember watching that on television man he he went he went ape you know what in there that night and that that happens to be one of those those memorable uh home run derbies Steve I appreciate you for calling and I I mentioned this you know Berman came through and and he added that excitement it was uh it was crazy I actually saw a home run derby in person I think a couple of them uh I think one in oh one in Phoenix Arizona and another one this had to have been maybe 2015 or so in Kansas City and I was so busy running around powwow and you know I'm not there to catch home runs I watched a little bit I mainly checking it out and and talking to people and Vladimir Guerrero Jr. uh he's now your home run derby champ he beats uh Orosa Raina 25 to 23 he goes ahead and and he picks up this this victory here in Seattle congratulations Vladimir Guerrero Jr. the 2023 home run derby champion beating Orosa Raina as Ken Griffey Jr. comes out former champ multiple champ and greets him his dad Vladimir Guerrero what a performance proud of you son home run derby pretty cool and he puts on a jacket 855-212-4 CBS that's 855-212-4 CBS Kareem is calling from Wisconsin you're on the JR Sport Brief show hey uh how you guys doing you guys doing you guys doing good uh good what's on your mind Kareem go ahead yeah yeah yeah I heard you guys talking about baseball being down and I just feel like um a lot of the point that people try to make is that it's too long but it's always been this long um but it's it's just the fact that it's it's not in the culture it's not it's not in the culture music wise not in the culture and and the culture when the things that we wear and and stuff like that I think that's the reason it's down you have people like Winbunyama who've never ever played a basketball game in his life and he's already as famous as he can be he could probably sell a shoe by himself um but you guys you you have Vladimir Jr. and nobody knows who he is it's because he's not talked about in songs it's a lie well I think I understand your point and I think it goes deeper than that it's it's not so much that that baseball is is it forget music or fashion it's not it's not a it's not tied into the whole fabric of of America it's not America's game that's over it's done and and so I understand your point and I get it you know ain't nobody running around making songs about Vladimir Guerrero Jr. you know I heard a song today someone mentioned and not for good reason John Moran yeah it's these guys aren't aren't cultural touch points because the sport isn't a cultural touch point it's past Eric is calling from Mississippi you're on CBS Sports Radio. Hey JR how's it going buddy? Good man what's on your mind? Well I hate to pull you off your topic here too much but it is baseball so I'll I'll let you know what I got on my mind here so over the last three years watching college baseball the uh the world series I've seen Ole Miss, Mississippi State and LSU and all three of their fan bases completely like take over Omaha right so you've got and they're traveling they're traveling a long way to get up there in Nebraska so I just want the opinion of somebody who's uh talked sports a lot why don't you think like maybe the the Gulf Coast or New Orleans isn't in the talks for these expansion teams I keep on hearing about with uh with uh you know such a potentially large fan base down there for a team because uh you know we're six hours away from the closest baseball team and I think that would pique a lot of interest around here help us well here's the thing when you start talking and it's not necessarily expansion teams if you think about baseball the teams that that that have that are in new cities they've moved they've relocated you gotta you gotta really expand the plot the pie because nobody wants to split it if I give you a roundabout number let's say or let's say just flat period major league baseball is generating 10 billion dollars a year they generate more than that that's that's 10 billion dollars split amongst all the teams you want to know what an owner doesn't want to do with the money eric divide more of it up come on that's that's it's simple as that and so that's a good point it's a good point that's why I asked you buddy yeah basketball is in such a space right now where they're getting they're making money more and more money hand over fist over fist over hand they're making more and more money and so look there's nothing stopping the NBA from waking up tomorrow and saying you know what the NBA from waking up tomorrow and saying let's put a team back in Seattle you want to know what they're going to wait for they're going to wait for the pie to expand just enough at the right moment where the hit and the punch to the other owners is minimal and it's minimal for a small amount of time before they go hey this is the cash that's coming in and so I think that's that's the reason why eric it's always about the dollars in the sense and thank you for calling from from Mississippi all my folks down in the Gulf and speaking of the Gulf everybody out in Baton Rouge they got something to celebrate because they had two players yesterday for the first time ever we had two players go one and two from the same school in the MLB draft Paul Skeans went number one to the Pirates Dylan Cruz went number two to the Nationals they just won the national championship at LSU these were the first dudes to go one and two and so Dylan Cruz he actually spoke to the media in DC after he went to the Nationals and he was asked hey did you and Paul talk about this at all did you think that you could go one and two and this is what Dylan had to say yeah no honestly we really we really didn't you know it's uh we we definitely contacted each other before the draft and just congratulated each other on uh just a terrific uh career so far and you know just just you know just congratulating each other really you know um I have all the love for that kid that kid is one of the hardest workers I've ever seen in my life so um yeah there was no really button heads of who was gonna go one or two but uh I'm just happy I'm uh I'm in a great organization like like Washington yeah that that lends to what our last caller just said baseball is so hot in the gulf right now and there's so many teams and so many colleges and it's hot like that because it's super super regional I think at every level think about it like this you can go to a small town in America a relatively small town and you might have a single A team a double A team you might have a triple A team and that's that's all the local folks know nobody even maybe on the other side of the state is going to be able to identify or relate with the triple A team and I think that attitude has also to a much larger degree obviously permeated to MLB and so congratulations to Paul Skeans and Dylan Cruz for going one and two uh Paul Skeans is actually the first pitcher to be drafted number one since Casey Mize and typically we know major league baseball the draft much different than the NBA the NFL these dudes aren't expected to have a major impact right away as they hit the minors Paul Skeans this dude might be in the majors as soon as next year for the Pirates struck out 209 guys and 122 innings is ERA 1.69 so congratulations to all my folks down in Baton Rouge shout outs to Paul Skeans Dylan Cruz and let's see what these dudes do when they finally get to the show it's the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on CBS Sports Radio 8 5 5 2 1 2 4 CBS it's 8 5 5 2 1 2 4 CBS Victor when Benyama showed up that's a rookie we're going to see right away I'm going to get some more of your calls talk Victor and 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