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JR SportBrief Hour 4

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
September 20, 2022 2:04 am

JR SportBrief Hour 4

JR Sports Brief / JR

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September 20, 2022 2:04 am

JR gives credit to Jalen Hurts who truly seems to have turned the corner as a star NFL QB!


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Grainger, for the ones who get it done. You're listening to the JR Sportbrief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sportbrief on CBS Sports Radio. That's right, this is CBS Sports Radio and you heard the fancy voice man say it. He does have a name. Not going to tell you his name though.

You should know this though. I'm coming to you live from the Rocket Mortgage Studios. Whether you're looking to purchase a new home or refinance yours, Rocket Mortgage can help you get there.

For home loan solutions that fit your life, Rocket can. I'm going to be hanging out here with you for one more hour. I can start at 10 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Pacific. I'm being joined here by super producer and host Dave Shepherd and I have no idea. Hey Shep, how the hell did we get here? How did we get here?

One hour left? How? Well, it's called when you have fun, time flies by and you make this fun. I agree. It's that simple. I agree, I'm having fun. I don't want to leave. I have to though. That's not up to me. You're right, it's not. Trust me.

Yeah, it's not. I don't want to leave. What am I supposed to do now?

I got an hour here, it's going to fly by. Should I protest? Like what do I do? Put my feet up on the studio?

What am I doing here? Well, you and Amy get along very well. Yeah, I don't think she'd appreciate it if I chained myself to the studio while she does a show. I would agree with that. What I also know is going to happen is you're going to take the high road and a lot of people are going to clown on Kirk Cousins tonight. You're not going to do that. You're going to look at the good and then look at some of the bad and then what he can modify. But you're talking about like logistically speaking in an hour from now what you're going to do. That's what you mean.

Yeah. Alright, gotcha. Realistically, I'm just going to leave.

You can always do crosstalk with Amy at the top of the hour, at the top of the two and then she can do crosstalk at 1.45 and that way you won't have to leave at two. No, I'm going to leave. Alright, fair enough.

Fair enough. I mean, you have a lot of speaking engagements tomorrow. Yeah, I'll be at Fordham in less than 12 hours.

Yeah, Fordham University. You know, I was going to come in this and tell you this during the break because you're locked in in breaks and you know my philosophy on that. But if I can make it there, I'm trying to get out of my commitment tomorrow. Right. Because not everyone's as famous, you know, weekday national host like you are, JR. So some of us need some odd jobs. That's me. Just a guy from the Bronx, back in the Bronx.

A lot more than just a guy. But nonetheless, JR, for me, I am trying like crazy. I'm trying to wheel and deal it back here.

I'm trying to make it there to Fordham tomorrow. Because seriously, what you're doing, you know this, is necessary. I know. That's why I'm doing it.

It really is. Oh, thank you. Yeah, media for the movement tour. Who's that guy? Oh, that's probably, it's either Manny, you know, I'm so locked in right now. Nah, tell him to come in. What are we doing here?

Tell him to come in. What is he doing? You know what? He's probably, that's Amy's producer, James Bazzioni, actually. Oh, I know James. He's a good guy. Why is he hiding? Where the hell is he? I don't know. I'm going to tell, excuse me one second, JR.

He didn't come into the studio? We got so many people here at the studio, CBS Sports Radio. I'm like a party bus. You ever been on a party bus, people? You do the party bus and just everybody get on. Come on now.

Why not? I got one microphone. I'm in a room with 20 microphones.

There's like three more microphones and a producer room. What am I going to do? Just sit here and talk?

Who wants to do that? Hey, James, how are you? He's busy. James can't talk because he needs to, James, you need to do work, right?

Bot your mic is on right now. James is like, I ain't got time for this. I got to go and do work. James, how are you, man? What's up, JR? How we doing, man?

It's good to see you, live and in the flesh. He's just like, all right, now I got, I got crap to do, JR. I ain't got time to talk to you. OK, I understand, James.

It's OK. I'll talk to the people instead. 855-212-4CBS.

It's 855-212-4CBS. And also, people, don't, don't listen at this point to super producer Dave Shepherd. He says that I'm not going to clown Kirk Cousins.

That is, that is false. Because I want everyone to actually hear what it sounds like or what an individual who went out and through three interceptions sounds like. The Philadelphia Eagles, they beat him. They beat the brakes off of him. The final score, 24 to 7. And Kirk Cousins had an issue throwing the ball to his own team. And after the game, Kirk Cousins, he talked about what went wrong.

I wonder what it is. Listen. Getting behind early, we probably had to throw a little more often than we would have liked. And didn't stay as balanced as we would like to be.

And that's probably just more the nature of the way the game went. And, you know, we certainly want to be balanced as best we can. Balance? The hell is balance? Balance is not throwing the ball to the other team.

Balance? Kirk Cousins. He'll throw two touchdowns, three touchdowns next week. And then he'll throw three more interceptions the week after that.

I guess that's what he considers balance. Kevin O'Connell. I like Kevin O'Connell. I met him over the summertime. I was up in Minnesota at the practice facility. I actually gave Coach O'Connell a hug. We did a group hug. Me and former Buffalo Bill, the horrible Harrison Phillips, we had a group hug.

We were up there doing great work with Special Olympics. And so I like Kevin O'Connell. He's a good dude. But he lost tonight. And so I'm not going to say anything bad about him. He's still a brand new head coach, only his second career game. And he pretty much said, yeah, it starts with me. I can promise you this much. Our guys, you know, even postgame, there's a feeling of wanting to get right back to work.

Bad taste in your mouth is one thing. But we know what our standard is, and it starts with me tonight. And I got to make sure I do much, much more to help our guys play to their standard.

Yeah. It's going to take some time. I know Coach Zimmer is gone, and so Minnesota has some things to prove. I don't think it'll all be in the long run with Kirk Cousins, but I think we've all known that for a long time, including my friends in D.C. Now, having said that, someone on the opposite end of the spectrum is Coach Mike Vrabel. He has shown himself to be one of the best coaches in the NFL. Maybe he can go ahead and give Nathaniel Hackett some advice when it comes down to clock management, because we have seen Vrabel manipulate the clock and even penalties in the past to his own advantage.

Well, it doesn't really matter if you're getting your behind kicked because you are lacking talent. A.J. Brown is gone. He's a member of the Eagles, so he was actually on a winning team tonight. And meanwhile, Derrick Henry, he rushed 13 times for 25 yards.

He contributed the Tennessee Titans' only score, and they lost 41 to 7. When you have Ryan Tannehill as your quarterback, two INTs, I will never forget what he did in the playoffs. Here, guys, here's an interception to start the game. Here's an interception in the middle of the game, and sure, yeah, why not? Here's one to end the game. Thank you, Ryan Tannehill.

When you don't have an A.J. Brown to give the ball to, when you can just go ahead and stuff extra defenders at the line of scrimmage to stop Derrick Henry, oh, it's tough going. And so Mike Rabel never won to be shy, never won to mince words.

Mike Rabel spoke to the media after the game, and he said, yeah, we got smacked. Playing and play calling go hand in hand. You know, there's always going to be some plays out there as a player that you wish you had back.

There's always going to be calls as a play caller that you wish you had back. Now is not the time. We've never done it.

It's not going to be about one person. We got our asses kicked, plain and simple. They out coached us.

They outplayed us. And that's the definition of it. And so we're going to get back to work and we're going to figure out a way to win a football game. Oh, nice.

I would hope so. I just I don't want to say this is a down year. I think the Tennessee Titans, unless Malik Willis turns out to be the second coming, this might be a series of down years. They peaked Tennessee Titans. They peaked AFC Championship game. They peaked.

It's like, what are they doing here? They peaked. We are long gone from all. Ryan Tannehill finally got a chance to operate in an efficient offense running off of the running back. Them days are over, man. The clock is ticking on Ryan Tannehill. And it stinks for him.

It doesn't stink for you. The clock is still ticking and running here on CBS Sports Radio. And I will pick up the phone lines. It's 855-212-4CBS.

That's 855-212-4CBS. Let's go ahead and talk to Lou. You're on the JR Sport Reef Show, Lou.

What's up? What's going on, buddy? Man, you got a great show, JR. And you just jarred a memory about party buses. I had a bad experience one time. And I will never, ever go on it again. You know, what about my party bus? I treat the studio like it. Oh, of course.

My party bus, they kept playing. It's time for the percolator like five times in a row. Time for the percolator.

Time for the percolator. Okay, go ahead. My sports question and comment is about Jalen Hertz. He is awesome. And he reminds me a little bit about Dante Culpepper.

What do you think of that, JR? I hope not because Dante Culpepper was big. That was like a defensive end playing quarterback. So if you want to talk about his, I assume, his running ability, his... Yeah. Yeah, well, the other thing is Dante Culpepper was out there throwing the ball out to Randy Moss and two other badass receivers.

So it's different. He had like full range in his prime, in his peak, which was only a few years to just air the ball out. And I don't think that's where Jalen Hertz is right now. Can he get there? Maybe.

But, yeah, I don't know if I'd put Dante Culpepper and Hertz in the same place. I mean, can he run? Yes. Are they big and strong?

Yeah. But Dante Culpepper was like bigger and stronger than everybody else. The comparison, that right there, what you just said is the comparison, JR. I think along the lines, they run the same and they kind of throw the same. But like you say, the other guy had like the two or three badass receivers.

You're right about that. Yeah, no, Dante Culpepper, he was good. He just, he ain't last long, man. Hey, Shep, what was he doing at his peak? To your point and Lou's point, in 2000, and remember, we're talking about a league that featured Peyton Manning, Brett Favre, at their peak at the time. He was first team All-Pro. Like, people forget how high his peak actually was.

That two, three year stretch, like you said. It was such a flash. It didn't, and thank you, Lou, for calling.

I appreciate you, man. No doubt about it. Yeah, Dante Culpepper was, okay, there he goes. Dante Culpepper was here and then he was just gone.

That was it. Not to talk about this guy a little bit, but I know you mentioned it before. It feels like Culpepper's been out of the league, what, 15, 16 years? He last played in 2009, yeah.

It's hard to remember. Yeah, he was with the Lions on his way out, yeah. You know what year the same guy who was born his year still playing, you know who that is?

Born? Tom Brady. They were born the same year.

That's incredible. You think Dante Culpepper, you think 15, 20 years ago, and he hasn't touched a football since then, essentially. Tom Brady and, wait, wait a minute. They were born the same year. Dante Culpepper is 45 years old. If you would ask me how old Dante Culpepper is, I'd be like, I ain't seen him in like 10 years, maybe more.

He's, I don't know, I'd say he's 40, not 45. Really? Yeah. Okay.

Damn. You know, Randy Moss makes a lot of quarterbacks look pretty good. Well, I mean, he threw 50 touchdowns with that guy. Must be nice.

Randy Moss, Chris Carter, yeah, he was just out there balling out. I'm not mad at him. 855-212-4CBS, Abel is calling from Corpus. Christy, you're on CBS Sports Radio. What's up, Abel? Abel, you're live. Hello?

Yeah, you're live. Can you hear me, sir? I hear you loud and clear. Can you hear me? Yeah, there you go.

Okay. Can you hear me now, Verizon? I love, this show's great every night.

Thanks. It keeps me going, like, I'm about to fall asleep. I was like, let me turn on CBS Radio.

I was like, all right, here we go. Oh, I'm like, I'm like drugs. I'm like drugs. I'm the opposite of melatonin. What am I? A Red Bull? Am I a five-hour?

Like, what am I? Like a Four Locos, maybe. I've never had, didn't they, wait, Four Locos, didn't they ban Four Locos? They did and they brought them back, though. And what they did to them, they increased the alcohol percentage.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. So they took, wait, wait, they took Four Locos away because Four Locos, it had too much of a get your hype thing in it. Yep. And then they, so they took it away and then instead of putting too much of a hype, they put more alcohol in it? That's exactly what they did.

They went from 12% and now they're 14%. You sound like a pro. You'd be down in these things, huh?

Damn it. Look, if I had, I have never had a Four Loco in my life. Hey, Chef, if I have a Four Loco, I might bust out into convulsions, man. If you ever get one, just get the lemon lime one.

The one that tastes like lemonade. No, I don't, nuh-uh. I'm afraid my heart will be bouncing out my chest, man. What else is on your mind, Abel?

Besides that, the Cowboys. And I'm not a dumbass or a moron. I'm not in the fantasy world, you know? Thank you. But that was a good win. That was a tough win. And we got that lead, I wasn't even comfortable with it. 17-3, I was like, okay. Our defense was already like working their asses off.

Wow. Cooper slowed down. You know, he assumed mistakes, the fumble with the tight end. But they played a good, Kelly Moore didn't get cute. Which, like last week.

I was like, what was this last week? Yeah, you Cowboys fans have reason for optimism. I've heard all the same stories and heard all the Joneses talk like this to let us know that Dak Prescott might come back sooner than later. So I've heard all of that.

And good, if Dak Prescott comes back, then that's better than what you've seen from Cooper Rush without a doubt. Exactly. And I got to give the defense credit. But to say this, Abel, and my apologies for cutting you off. No, sir.

No, no, no. Joe Burrow, what the hell did he feel when he went to bed last night? He was hurting.

Yeah, he's hurt. Another six sacks. He's on his way to being Russell Wilson. Like, what do we need, three more years before he's like, I need to leave?

Like, what is this? Like, can we get an offensive line, please? But our defense, and I love the pressure because right now they're dealing with the first four and just letting Micah lurk.

Micah's just lurking, and then he'll pick his spot. Yeah. The defense I love. And Dan Quinn, if my car's not doing it, Dan Quinn, I will put the head codes with him. Yeah. Jerry Jones has let the world know he feels the same way.

It's something he's very, he's very keen on saying at every opportunity. Hey, Abel, I appreciate you, man. Be careful with them Four Locos, okay? You too, sir. You have a good night. Okay. Thank you. Appreciate you.

How can you, how is that possible? The Four Locos, is Four Locos an energy drink? Listen, I know we got a lot of, we got a lot of truckers, we got a lot of car drivers.

We got a lot of people doing amazing work, keeping this country rolling and making sure people are safe. I know. But is Four Locos, is it, do you drink it for a party? Or do you drink Four Locos to stay awake? Like, which one is it?

Is it a combination? Because if it's going to get you drunk and get you hype, you don't, that's not appropriate. That's dangerous. Like, like Four Locos or something?

I don't know. Ron Artest would have before a basketball game. Then Ron Artest said he drank Hennessy at halftime, right?

Isn't that what Ron Artest said, Shep? I think it was Hennessy that he would have. I just, I don't, Four Locos. Yeah, Ron Artest would have Hennessy at halftime. Four Locos?

I'm going to Google Four Locos. I also want to know, I want to hear from you because I'm not drinking that. I don't know if my heart could take it.

I'd be, I'd be going up for the big one in the sky. But JR, he wasn't stupid enough to do it while playing with Kobe Bryant though. That needs to be clarified too. That Ron Artest, you want to tell me he didn't have an airplane bottle of Hennessy with the Lakers? Not with the Mamba. No. He did it when he was what, a rocket, a king?

Probably a king. Think way back, like right after the St. John's days when he was with the Baby Bulls. The Bulls? That's when he did it. Not the Pacers. Oh no. He was punching people with the Pacers.

Yeah, some people might say that's worse. I think he, I think he, being with the Kings, he'd also have reason to drink. There's a lot of people that have reasons to drink with the Kings. Yeah, Vivek ran a D.V.

By the way, not a good two weeks for Kings. I mean, you gotta, I mean, you gotta watch. I mean, listen, no disrespect to King Charles III, but I mean, you can't be nasty to people because they don't remove a pen within a second. Like, did you see that clip go viral? You know what I'm talking about? I guess the man has lived that way his whole life.

What are we supposed to be surprised about? Come on now, Charles. Do you think King Charles wipes, is that who he is? That's his name, right? King Charles III? King Charles III, yes. You think he wipes his butt? Yes, I do. You don't think, oh, the royal whatever comes in and does it for him?

I don't think royalty gives you an exemption from wiping your butt. That's just me. I don't know. He didn't want to, he didn't want to move, he didn't want to move a two ounce pen from in front of him. I know.

That was hard to watch. Move this, please. Yeah, a 70 year monarch rang and you're complaining because someone doesn't move a pen within a nanosecond. That's not a good look, Charles. He's the king. He's not our king. He ain't my king either. I ain't got no damn king. I'm just J.R. And LeBron ain't my king either. He's just a basketball player.

It's the J.R. Sport Reshow here with you on CBS Sports Radio 855-212-4CBS. I'm going to take more of your calls. And by the way, somebody just mentioned Tom Brady. We're going to talk about him because Mike Evans, he defended his king, his highness, Tom Brady.

We'll talk about him. And yes, I'm dead serious. If you drink Four Loko, if you have participated in Four Loko, I didn't know that this stuff was back on the market. I know we got a lot of people driving right now. Ain't Four Loko dangerous? Aren't you not supposed to have it while you're driving?

You know, somebody's chuckling right now, but that ain't... I'm just trying to be safe here. 855-212-4CBS. This is the J.R. Sport Brief Show. You're listening to the J.R. Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio.

I've been listening to you maybe 10, 11 months, and I always appreciate you being poignant, intelligent, and exactly when you have to be. Call in now at 855-212-4CBS. That's right. It's the J.R. Sport Brief Show here with you on CBS Sports Radio.

I know, I know. We've talked about these beat-downs that took place on Monday Night Football. The Titans losing to the Bills, 41-7. We also talked about Philadelphia beating the Vikings, 24-7. Philadelphia's 2-0. The Buffalo Bills are 2-0. Tennessee is 0-2. And the Vikings, they have evened themselves out at 1-1. And so, I've really focused tonight on the elevation of both Tua Tongaveloa and then Jalen Hurts.

Got a couple Alabama guys, and yeah, Jalen had to go to Oklahoma, but it's nice to see the progression. Philly, I think they're going to be in the playoffs. Buffalo Bills will definitely be in the playoffs. And I think the Dolphins, yeah, they played on Sunday.

I think they're on their way as well. And so, it's nice to see the emergence and see some other quarterbacks kind of get that chance and that opportunity to continue to grow. And so, Jalen Hurts, he's mature as hell. You already told everybody. Yeah, I contributed three touchdowns tonight. I'm going to enjoy this win.

Yeah, but we got D.C. soon. We got to take on those commanders. And damn it, NFC East rival, they should handle them too. I can't perform without the other ten on the field.

And the same on the other side. They need me to do my job for them to eat. So, it's a collective group. It's a big team win, a big time team win. It's something that we'll definitely enjoy, but we have a short week and we're headed to D.C. So, we'll enjoy it for a little bit and get ready for the next opponent.

Okay, I agree. Young quarterback making his bones, earning his keep. I'm going to see him have a spectacular year. I am thrilled that Philadelphia, it looks like they might have their long-term quarterback.

It's a beautiful thing. And so, speaking of a long-term quarterback, we also mentioned this guy, Tom Brady. He's the definition of a long-term quarterback. He is still here.

He has not gone anywhere. Yesterday, Tampa Bay, they played a boring-ass game against the Saints. That was until late. And speaking of interceptions, Jameis Winston, he decided to go out there and throw three of them himself. And at one point, Tom Brady couldn't convert.

I believe it was on a fourth. And Marshall and Lattimore wanted to let him know. They start to draw and they start to argue and they start to push in and shove in. And Leonard Fournette gets involved and Mike Evans, who absolutely hates Marshall and Lattimore, comes from absolutely nowhere and shoves him to the ground. And so now, Mike Evans, the NFL, not only did he get ejected along with Marshall on Sunday, he's been suspended for a game. And we've got to see if it's going to stick. But his response after the game as to why he was out there looking out for his QB, I guess he's at the altar of Tom Brady.

And why not? I mean, we're in New Orleans, you know. It gets spicy sometimes. Got a little heat in the scuffle. Glad nobody got hurt and glad our guys responded. He was just a little too emotional. Like, you don't throw punches at guys on the field. And I think he threw a punch at Lenny and he pushed Tom or something like that. And I just can't let that happen to my teammates. So I just shoved him and then it turned into a brawl. Yeah, you got to leave Tom Brady alone. He's a senior citizen at this point.

It's akin to, like, trying to beat up an old person on the street. You can't do that. 855-212-4CBS. We got Jackson. He's calling from Baltimore. What's up, Jackson? You're on the JR Sport Brief Show. Hey, how's it going, JR? I'm excellent.

What's up? Good, brother. No, I was just going to let you know that Four Loko actually got banned from it, like, being an interview drink for a long, long time. When I was in college back in 2007, man, we used to drink that stuff all the time. It used to be an absolute, just, we used to get absolutely hammered on off of that.

And they finally were like, we're going to put a gosh on this. So, Four Loko now has no sort of energy, no guano or anything like that inside of it. This is booze. It is just, it is just a plain malt liquor at this point. Oh, it's just like a Smirnoff. So, exactly, man. Okay.

They still smoke. So, can I get Smirnoff at the Bodega at a corner store? I can still get a pack of six of those? Heck yeah, man.

Of course you can. I don't know. I haven't had one in, like, I don't know how many years. It's been a minute. Hey, listen, hey, listen, you know what?

Four Loko still gives you that, still that great buzz, but I'm going to let you know that it does not have the same pack of that energy, you know, that everybody thinks that it does. Oh, good. But I also want to just throw some quick comment out there, man. You know, being from Baltimore, I'm a Ravens fan. I love the way that Lamar played. I mean, he just was absolutely incredible. I think it's time to pay this man.

I really, really, really do. They offered him some money, a lot of it. Hey, listen, I understand that, but I think they really need to reevaluate that. And a lot of people here in Baltimore are hating on him. They always are crying for Huntley, and I really just think that they need to sit down and just let Lamar, you know, do his thing and let him, let's get this man paid and let's do it.

Okay. You know, let's win a Super Bowl like he promised us. Okay, well, thank you, Jackson, for calling from Baltimore. I don't know about that Huntley part.

I mean, I'm not in Baltimore every day. I ain't been there in a couple of months, but I don't know if people are clamoring for him. People want Lamar to be paid.

That's it. And Lamar just wants the biggest and highest amount of guaranteed money he can get his hands on. And if he continues with games of three touchdowns in the air and another 100 yards and a TD on the ground, then he's going to be well on his way.

I don't know. Maybe Lamar Jackson will be the Aaron Judge of the NFL. I'm going to say no to the money, and I'm going to go out there and earn myself even more.

We'll see. It's the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. I'm going to take more of your calls before I roll out. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. I'm going to get off the radio. I just wanted to let you know I commend you for what you're doing, JR. That's great what you're up there doing, the speaking engagements and talking to these college students and stuff.

We need more of that. Call in now at 855-212-4CBS. That's right. It's the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. I'll be talking to college students all over North America for this entire semester.

Basically, between now and, I don't know, December. It's fun. It's great. Shout out to all my friends at Special Olympics.

Shout out to all my friends at Experian. We all believe in equity and diversity and, more importantly, inclusion. How about this?

It's a simple concept, treating other people like human beings. I plan on starting the tour at Fordham University on Tuesday afternoon and then just bouncing around the country, spreading the good news. It's fun. I have a very interesting story.

If you're not familiar, I just wake up and, poof, he's on CBS Sports Radio, man. I started on YouTube in 2009. I'm a business guy. I'm a marketing guy. I come up with ideas and execute them and sell. That's what I do.

And then, boom, the TV producer said, hey, stop doing that for other people. You like sports. Talk about it. I like sports amongst many things. So I put me on TV and radio in New York City. My first radio job was on WFAN in New York City. Yeah. And here I am, CBS Sports Radio National. I got a lot of things to do, but it's very important to me to share the information I have with others and also to let people know in the nicest way possible, don't be a jerk. Oh, JR, you're a jerk. No, I'm not.

I just play one on the radio, a very nice one. 855-212-4CBS, let's get to some of your calls before we roll out. We've talked about the behind whoopings that took place tonight in the NFL. Eagles beating the Vikings 24 to 7, the Bills beating the Titans 41 to 7 beatdowns. We talked about Tom Brady and Mike Evans saving his behind, even though nobody was going to touch Tom Brady. We talked about the Jets comeback. We talked about the Cardinals comeback. We talked about the Dolphins comeback. Talked about how good hurts look tonight. Talked about how there's an expectation for me. I expect the Bills to have an amazing regular season. I want to see them actually go to the Super Bowl this year.

Anything less than that is like, yeah, okay. Let's get to your calls before we go. 855-212-4CBS, who do we have here? Ashano calling from Charlotte.

You're on the JR Sport Brief Show. What's up, Ashano? Hey, what's going on, Dale? How you doing, man?

Amazing. Go ahead. Just want to say real quick, I know you're closing up, man. Been rocking with you and Amy over the summer. And I love your shows, man.

Y'all keep doing your thing, man. Thank you. Anyway, I'm on New York Transplant down here in Charlotte, driving for Lyft.

It was kind of a perfect way to all the stuff that was going on and talked about by yourself and other parlors sitting at a QT. So I'm chilling. I'm taking a break.

Anyway. Quick trip. Big time New York sports, Homer. Rocking with the Giants, but I'm a realist, too. You know, we're 2-0. Didn't look impressive, but I'm happy.

We got a lot of stuff to work on, and we got to take some steps and stages. I don't know where your fandom lies, you know, whatever the case may be, or if it's just pretty neutral. But for me, you know, I'll take what I can get. 2-0 right now is great.

I'm not overlooking Cooper Rush. I'm more worried about Philly. I've always been worried about Philly winning that division this year, because it's great. But I do want to say this to any New York sports fans that are out there listening.

Make your fandom real. Be happy for what we get. I mean, I look at everything New York. I'm happy about Aaron John, not a match there, but I'm happy that they clinched, you know, wildcard spot, you know, all these good things about New York, because we've been kind of, you know, struggling for the past decade or more.

It wasn't until, and thank you, Ashano, for calling from Charlotte. I'm going to answer your question about, you know, the New York Giants and the football scene. And yeah, we haven't seen the Jets, Giants, Yankees, and Mets all win a game on the same day since 2009. That's a long time.

And sure, there's a limited window for that to happen, primarily September. It's been a long time. The New York Giants are 2-0. Came back and shocked everybody against Tennessee last week and then playing the Carolina Panthers like, oh, they won that. Man, yeah, they're going to play the Dallas Cowboys on Monday Night Football. Saquon Barkley, we know he is a beast if he's healthy.

Daniel Jones is a little bit of a surprise, but we know what he is. He's probably still on his way out the door from the New York Giants. And so I'm not going to look at the Giants being 2-0 and just fall for it.

It's still a fool's goal. This is still a rebuilding program. They're trying to figure out who they want to be a part of the offense. Kadarius Toney one day. Is it Kenny Galladay the next? And what wide receiver is going to be happy? Who's going to be upset? This is just how it goes in a rebuilding situation.

That's where the Giants are. New general manager, Shane, new coach, Dayball. Don't know who the quarterback is going to be long term.

They got a lot of question marks. I'd be shocked, shocked, if Daniel Jones is sticking around into the future. Let's go ahead and get to Rodney.

Call him up from Alabama. Go ahead, Rodney. Hello.

Yes, you're live. Oh, cool. But yes, I don't know if you remember, I called like three years ago, and I said, Jalen Hurts MVP season. He's looking good, man. I believe it.

Okay. A good season. Yes, but even for what he's done right now, I don't MVP. I mean, maybe just me being like, you know, just excited. It is.

Yeah, probably. I believe I think this team has potential to go. I believe we're winning. We're winning the division. I agree.

I haven't made a good note. Maybe make it to the NFC championship. We'll have to see.

I wouldn't be shocked. But yes, you go, you go to the playoffs. You do have a chance. Yes.

I don't see in the defense play good. Like I'm a Jeff, I'm a Justin Jefferson fan because I'm LSU fan too. But you wish you had him, huh?

Yes. I was mad that night. But my man Darius Clay had him in Alcatraz on lockdown the entire night.

It was crazy. And oh, another question. I don't know if it's an answer yet. But with Ryan Tannehill playing so bad, how soon are they going to get Malika Willis out here? How soon do you think they're going to get him? I don't know if that's going to happen this year, man.

I think they might have to we might get a little bit more of a mix. He played he played a limited amount of time tonight and rushing the ball and I don't know the way they treated him just even in the preseason. The way he was talked about was that he was not ready. And you got Tannehill there. We know he's a vet, but he ain't got AJ Brown there.

He's on Philly right now. Yeah. So I don't I just don't think that the Titans have the options at all, man. It's it's difficult. So I don't know if he's going to get that chance. It might really have to be late.

Nothing. By the way. Thanks for taking my call.

Absolutely. Been a big fan since the U2 days when I was like in ninth grade. I even wanted to start my own like sports thing because of you. Oh, thanks. But yes, I do have a I do have a moon review podcast. Rodney reviews on Spotify.

Go check that out. OK. OK, Rodney. You got it in there. Appreciate you, man. And thank you so much for watching. Your ass is old.

You've been watching me since you was in ninth grade. Yep. All right. Your ass is old. Thank you, Rodney. Have a good night, sir. Yeah, not me.

I'm still 18. Chris is calling from Houston. You're on CBS Sports Radio. Hey, what's up there? How are you? I'm good, man. I'm calling from Houston, man. I told my boy Landry Lockett and Lopez, man.

I need to get you back on the show, man. Oh, those are my guys. Those are my friends. I love them. And Figgy Fig.

Figgy Fig. Yeah, that's my boy. Yeah, I was calling, man.

I'm talking about the Texas, man. Where are you? Are you in the aisle three?

You sound like you shopping. I'm actually on aisle 11, man. I'm at the grocery store.

I work overnight. Yeah, I said, are you in aisle three? I got a good ear.

Well, it's real loud. I don't, you know, Chris, I don't want to hang up on you. Make your question in like five seconds. Quick. All right. So we know the Texas is going to have one of the top six on the draft. Who are you taking?

CJ Stroud or Bryce Young? Oh, man. I've seen a lot of this. I've seen a lot of it.

People are going for CJ, I guess, because of his size. But I like Bryce, man. That's me.

We got an entire another season to see what happens. That's just me. I could be wrong. What do I know? Curtis is calling from sexist hero CBS Sports Radio.

I like Bryce. Go ahead. Hey, yeah. Thanks for taking my call. I love your show.

Thank you, Curtis. I just wanted to comment. I'm a I'm a Philadelphia Eagle fan, so I just finally get a chance to call in and comment on them.

Good. I think it was a good win, but they still had me concerned because it just seems like I can never get four quarters out of the guys. You know, last week they built up a big lead, you know, and they they they let the wind up letting Detroit come back, you know, get within three points of them. And I just like to see the entire team put in four quarters work.

You know, luckily, the defense played four quarters tonight. But well, this is this is the most important thing. And thank you, Curtis, for calling from sexist. We're getting ready to they're going to tell me to shut up soon. OK, Curtis. So I got to answer you. OK. OK. Thank you.

This is what it boils down to. You might have a franchise quarterback. He's gotten better. He's improved.

He's on his way. Enjoy that. Not every team has that.

The Eagles do. You can build from that. Be thrilled. Be happy. They're going to win the NFC East.

They're going to go into the playoffs. Let that be another building block into next year, especially now this man has some weapons. Shout outs to AJ.

He had a Titan still wish they had him. It's the J.R.O. Sport re-show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. Thank you all so much to super producer and host Dave Shepherd for joining us and helping to hold things down. And thank you. Yes, you, the listeners, for tuning in.

I'm going to be back with you tomorrow, 10 p.m. Eastern Time, 7 p.m. Pacific. If you want to keep up with me, you want to keep up with the media for the movement tour. I am on social media everywhere.

That is at J.R. Sportbrief. Oh, yeah. If you're not some crazy nut, I will see what you say.

It's Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. I'll be back with you tomorrow. And yeah, I might even have some students from Fordham University here joining me. And chef, it's the J.R.O. Sportbrief show. It's a wrap.

But don't move. Amy Lawrence. She's up next.

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