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12.8.23 - JR SportBrief Hour 1

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
December 9, 2023 2:01 am

12.8.23 - JR SportBrief Hour 1

JR Sports Brief / JR

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Yeah, Graybar does that. I'm Snoop Dogg, and I'm giving up smoke. I know what you're thinking. Snoop, smoke is kind of your whole thing, but I'm done with it. I'm done with the coffin and my clothes smelling all funky. I'm going smokeless.

Solo Stole Fix 5. They took out the smoke. Now you can have a nice blaze without any clouds ruining your day. Go smokeless.

Go to Tell them Big Snoop Dogg sent you. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. This is the JR Sport Brief show on CBS Sports Radio. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. A big shout out to our producer holding it down tonight. Manny Rodriguez is in New York City.

You could be anywhere in North America. I'm glad that you're here. We got a lot to discuss over the next four hours.

This is when I get started. 10 p.m. Eastern, 7 Pacific. Shohei Ohtani rumors are going wild all over the place. People are tracking his flights. They're saying he's in Toronto. They're saying he's in California.

They're saying he's in Japan. I think people got to find a better thing to do. LeBron James is trying to win the first NBA Cup and so is Tyrese Halliburton. The Eagles and Dallas Cowboys are going to go at it again on Sunday. Heisman is going to be giving away tomorrow. Got the Army-Navy game.

It's just a lot. We got the Chiefs getting ready to go at it with the Bills again. Those games are always fun to watch. This is always fun.

I'm sitting here in the studio right now. The Golden State Warriors are going at it with the Oklahoma City Thunder in Oklahoma City. Man, they run up the clock. 101 to 97, the Warriors lead. It's like old guys versus young guys.

Never thought that I'd look at Steph Curry and call him an old guy, but maybe if you've watched Klay Thompson play recently, he sure as hell looks like an old guy. So we'll be talking about the NBA end-season tournament. It's going to come to a conclusion tomorrow.

It's just just a lot going on. You can always listen to the show on the free Odyssey app, A-U-D-A-C-Y. You can always tune in on your local CBS Sports Radio affiliate.

And if you got a smart speaker and you're smart enough to talk to a computer at any point, just go ahead and ask it to play CBS Sports Radio. I'm not going to call out any names because I don't need any of my equipment trying to answer me. Before we do anything else, Manny Rodriguez. How the hell are you doing, man? You good, Manny? I'm all right, man. How are you?

Why do you sound so miserable? My favorite basketball team isn't as good as I thought they'd be, and it makes me a little sad. Let me take a wild guess. Is this the New York Knicks? Did I guess correctly, Manny? Is it the Knicks?

Yeah, the Knicks. I'm sorry. I'm having headphone troubles in here. No, it's okay. Listen, man, we pay enough for great equipment here.

What can we do, right? Things are going to break. Why the hell are you sad about the New York Knicks? They've only been, I don't know, kind of average for quite some time now. Yeah, I mean, I don't know my life with them being average, but I thought they'd be a lot better than average, how average they've been this season. Oh, in my life, they've been good enough to go to the finals a couple of times, and then they suck the majority of it. Yeah, they've sucked for literally all of my life. It's actually not so great, but you know, it is what it is.

That's why they make me sad. It's, well, maybe, maybe I'm used to it, but it's okay. Are you doing otherwise, Manny? We haven't worked together in a while. Yeah, no, I'm doing all right otherwise. I do updates now here around here, JR. Can you see, can you believe that?

Yeah, well, listen, you gotta, you gotta make your money any way possible. So, what's the last time, what's the last time we worked together on the show? Oh, good heavens. Probably like last summer, not this past summer, last summer before that.

Last year? Probably. I could probably check back in my emails, but I think this is my second time working this show.

Damn. So, is there anything that you want me to do? Do I need to, like, change anything for you?

What do I need to do? Shep gave me the lowdown, and he kind of just told me it's just like any old other JR show. So, all right. If I mess up anything, it's Shep's fault. Simple as that.

Yeah, I like that. That's okay. Any changes between last summer and now? You got any kids? Like, did you have any life-changing events? Did you hit the lottery?

What's going on? Lottery would be nice, but I did move in with my girlfriend in Manhattan. So, I live in Manhattan now.

I moved out of Westchester, moved out of my parents' house. So, yeah, some pretty big change this past summer. The hell is going on with you and Shep? Shep talks about moving in and living with his girlfriend, and now I gotta hear you talk about it too? Well, I mean, I mean, it's the first time you've heard it. It happened about six months ago now. So, I mean, it's the first time you've heard about it in six months. It's been half a year.

My lease is almost up. What a mother schmuck. You and your girlfriend, Shep and his girlfriend, and me, I just don't do nothing but work. Yeah, you know, listen, listen. Don't hit the player. Hit the game. You know what I mean?

Oh, okay. You heard it from Manny Rodriguez. Well, we gonna have some fun, Manny, tonight, okay? You ready for this? Hell yeah.

Of course he is. Listen, if you want to holler at us, it's simple. The phone number is 855-212-4CBS.

That's 855-212-4CBS. I understand. It's Friday night. We gonna have a lot of weird people calling up saying weird type of things and, and I'll just deal with it because that's, that's my job.

That's what I do. And if you want to, well, there's also a lot of weird people on the internet. We know that already.

You can find me online. I'm everywhere at JR Sport Brief. Speaking of weird, today has been a weird day in baseball free agency because we know Juan Soto has dominated the news and baseball over the past couple of days. Major league baseball winter meetings are going down in Florida and Soto gets traded from San Diego to New York and we know that, okay?

We've talked about that here on the show over the past couple of nights. Every day that has gone by, especially this week, we hear more and more about Shohei Ohtani. Where is Shohei Ohtani going to go? This is like, uh, squid games. It's like everybody gets eliminated or somebody gets eliminated every day.

I don't know if it's as painful as squid games, but somebody gets eliminated. And so earlier this week there's teams that is just like out of the running. It's New York Yankees, New York Mets, Chicago Cubs, but one team that seemingly has kind of just kind of upped its odds to acquire Shohei Ohtani happens to be the Toronto Blue Jays. Yes, the Toronto Blue Jays have all of a sudden been inserted into the list as to one of the top teams or locations where Shohei Ohtani would go. And I say to myself, well, damn, he going to move further out East and it's not going to be the Mets. It's not going to be the Yankees. He's going to go East and not go to the Cubs. He's going to go to Toronto. Now me, I love Toronto.

I love the city. I don't care about their teams anymore or any less than any teams here in North America. I do not care.

And the great words of the great Mike Tomlin, I do not care. But Shohei Ohtani, this man has basically been stalked because of this news. You got a bunch of reporters who have run around all day today with their Twitter fingers or X fingers.

I don't know what the hell you call it today. They're running around trying to be first, trying to be the first dude to break the news. We had a report earlier today that a decision about Shohei Ohtani and his future was imminent. We had a report that Shohei Ohtani was hanging out at the Blue Jays facility. There was another report that Shohei Ohtani was up in Toronto.

There was a report that there was a reservation set at a Japanese restaurant for Shohei Ohtani after his announcement to celebrate. It's like, come on. I don't envy people who just run around and just want to be first. I want to be good. I want to be right.

I want to have fun. But trying to chase a story, man, it's what two people that do that in sports. What's this guy's name?

Woj, Schefter and Sharanya. And then maybe there's some other guys. It's like four people. Everybody else is like way down the line in second. These guys are glorified publicists.

Man, we had people tracking planes today because they were that thirsty about Shohei Ohtani potentially going up to Toronto, hitting home runs and not this year, but maybe next year, striking folks out. And I'm like, give it a break. I know this is the holiday season. It's the first day of Hanukkah, the first night of Hanukkah.

That's why Shep isn't here. But the fact is, can you wait a little bit longer for your presents? Can you wait a little bit longer for your gifts? I mean, this isn't about little kids here, right? This isn't some little kids snooping around the house trying to figure out what gifts are stuffed up in the attic. This isn't some, you know, nosy kid trying to figure out what they got days before the holidays. These are grown ass adults. These are grown ass men trying to figure out where this guy's going and I get it.

If it's going to make you money, good. But can everybody else just wait a little while longer? Shohei Ohtani's going to make his decision. I don't think it's rocket science to think that he lives in Southern California already with the Angels and that all he'd have to do is take the highway north and play for the Dodgers. A team actually worth a damn and a team that's a little bit more familiar with winning than the Angels.

Well, a whole lot more familiar with winning than the Angels. That's where I think Ohtani is going to go. And so amongst all of these stupid rumors and people chasing flights and running after stories and even Drake is wearing Ohtani jerseys. Jim Bowden was on CBS Sports Network. He was on HQ and he basically gave his thoughts and gave the latest update on what's really going on with Shohei Ohtani.

Listen to this. So I've talked to the clubs that are still involved in the Ohtani sweepstakes and the three teams, the Dodgers, the Blue Jays and the Giants. I mean the Cubs are still technically alive. The Angels are still technically alive but everything has pointed to the Dodgers, Blue Jays and Giants being the last three teams that are left standing here.

I've talked to sources of mine from each of those teams. They tell me that no announcement is imminent and that he has not made his decision yet and his representatives have told me that the negotiations are ongoing and that's where it stands. So you know that doesn't mean something couldn't happen over the weekend but we are being told the process continues.

The process continues. So for all the news that we got this morning that a decision was imminent that we're going to find out about Shohei Ohtani potentially as soon as today we got nothing. On the east coast today, Friday is almost done.

There's this two hours. I know Shohei is hanging out on the west coast. All of those rumors about him being in Toronto have been debunked. They said that he is comfortably in his home in southern California and I'm sure it's a very nice home and I don't think we're gonna have to wait any longer.

What else is there to figure out? It's been reported that he's visited with the teams. Dave Roberts opened up his yap earlier this week and decided to tell everybody that yeah we the Dodgers sat down with Shohei Ohtani. He came through and had a nice a multi-hour visit with us. Shohei Ohtani is going to make his decision over the next couple of days and then the world can actually open up to the rest of free agency because major league baseball really is looking at right now probably the biggest free agent they've ever had in league history.

I know earlier this week I gave you a top six list some of the most impactful free agent signings that the world of sports has ever seen. Shohei Ohtani gonna get paid. Is it half a billion dollars?

I don't know. I don't think it's gonna go up to 600 because how long that how long you gonna pay this man? We've never seen anybody like Shohei Ohtani and if you're listening to the sound of my voice a you don't remember babe Ruth and then b if you take a look at babe Ruth's numbers pitching and hitting at the same time at the level that Ohtani is doing it no babe Ruth did not do this and so once Shohei Ohtani decides and selects where he wants to play then we can start handing out other deals all the other free agents underneath him are gonna say I deserve that much Juan Soto who is currently a New York Yankee on an expiring deal he's gonna say oh well Shohei Ohtani makes this amount of money or this much money I need to make this the market right now says 40 ish is the top of the line for some of the best players in the league Aaron Judge is making 40 per got a couple of pitchers Verlander Scherzer in that 42 43 range you you got Garrett Cole also of the New York Yankees just want to Cy Young he's making 36 if the top hitter on the Yankees can make 40 and the top pitcher can make 36 which is almost 40 do the math if you take Shohei Ohtani who's to say that he doesn't walk around and say hey I want 80 I want 70 is he gonna run around and give you a discount is Shohei gonna say screw this I want 50 per I think that's what he's gonna do it's just a matter of the years so if you're waiting on Shohei Ohtani if you're reading the stupid rumors about his airplanes and all the airplanes and where he's sleeping and what he ate for breakfast and and where there could potentially be reservations at a Japanese restaurant quit give up find something better to do Shohei Ohtani is going to select his team soon enough I believe over the next couple of days definitely over the next week and then the world will go on I think he'll be a Dodger and for all of my people listening to me right now in Toronto on the score man I'm sorry if he doesn't choose the Blue Jays yeah man that'd be a gut punch wouldn't it it's the JR sport brief show here with you on CBS Sports Radio it's eight five five two one two four CBS that's eight five five two one two four CBS we got a lot to talk about we're gonna get into the Dallas Cowboys and the Eagles we're gonna talk about the Chiefs and the Bills we're gonna talk about the NBA in-season tournament the final goes down tomorrow but I want to ask you this question eight five five two one two four CBS it's eight five five two one two four CBS where do you think Shohei Ohtani should go I think he should stay in Los Angeles I think he should just join the Dodgers I'm gonna take your calls on the other side of the break Ohtani is he going to Toronto I don't know I don't think so I'm gonna tell you about a coach in the NFL at least an assistant a coordinator he don't want to go anywhere it's a Friday night I'm just getting warmed up I'm just getting started it's the JR sport brief show on CBS Sports nobody wants a surprise in their jelly donut it's toothpaste that's because the middle is the most important part at Graybar we're at the 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you're in Odyssey podcast thanks for calling Discover this is Anjali hi it's Jennifer Coolidge I just got an alert for a strange charge on my card no problem we make sure you're never held responsible for unauthorized purchases on your Discover card let's see did you purchase something from a t-shirt cannon store yesterday absolutely not no I already have like three zero dollar fraud liability guarantee it pays to discover learn more credit card limitations apply radio you're listening to the jr sport brief on cbs sports radio jr wants to hear from you call him now at 855 212 for cbs that's 855 212 4227 it's the jr sport reshow here with you on cbs sports radio happy to be here with you another friday night just hanging out minding my business talking about sports not that difficult we open up the show tonight we're gonna get into football we're gonna get into Lebron James the playing tournament the Heisman we're gonna talk about all of that but the rumors of Shohei Otani's next destination they have just been running wild all day long I mean people are tracking reservations at Japanese restaurants in Toronto people are looking at flight plans it's it's getting crazy and then it was confirmed but I don't even know who that Shohei Otani's in Southern California at home minding his business he's not in Toronto plotting his uh his next trip he's just minding his business and I'm sure over the next couple of days we'll get a response and then all the other free agents will kind of fall in line as to uh you know what type of money they're gonna get because Shohei Otani is pretty much the benchmark you know whether you are a pitcher or hitter uh his contract is likely to be massive and everybody else will kind of say oh well uh yeah I'm less than Shohei so give me my money 855-2124 CBS that's 855-2124 CBS I think the man is going up to the Dodgers what do you think about all of this hysteria surrounding Shohei Otani the man who can hit and pitch but won't be pitching next year as he repairs or recovers from that torn UCL in his elbow let's go ahead and hit the phone lines let's start off by talking to Dave he happens to be in Toronto you're on CBS Sports Radio the JR Sport Brief Show what's up Dave Hey JR how you doing uh love your show and listening to all this craziness talking about Shohei Otani what a great player though man can pitch man can hit but one thing I wonder I haven't heard anybody mention is it going to make a difference for him playing on serve as opposed to grass how much of an issue is that do you think well I mean I don't think we're gonna see this man play the field I don't think that's going to be the case I think Shohei Otani is is a full-time DH I mean when he pitches he pitches and that's it and I know we ain't gonna see him as I just mentioned we won't see him pitch next year I think if he was legitimately gonna play the outfield I don't think we would see him at the Rogers Center playing on that carpet but I don't think that's that's too much of a factor I don't think it will be all right cheers brother take care well Dave let me ask you this sorry go ahead you're in Toronto I was just on the score a couple of nights ago I was on as a guest but before my own show here on CBS and I know that people are very anxious about Shohei Otani potentially joining the the team what are your thoughts is it realistic are people going out of their minds in Toronto right now or what are you what's the vibe up there oh it's kind of crazy everybody's talking about it wondering if he's going to come they really want to see him come here because it'd be great to have some good solid pitching and another Vatican hit in our lineup yeah so let me let me say this if Otani doesn't go to Toronto are people going to be angry or this is going to be deflated like there's nobody to be angry at but there's so much hype that's going into it already definitely deflated for sure absolutely there's there's something that doesn't seem right sometimes for a lot of professional athletes not wanting to come up with Toronto we got a great city here great teams and support and just a lot of people don't want to play north of the border the NBA Raptors found that out years ago but Stig is starting to change with that love to see the same thing happen with MLB but you still have some resistance for people who wanted to come north okay well thank you Dave for calling from Toronto that that's a real sad thing because Toronto is is one of the best cities it's one of the best cities flattened period in North America I didn't say the United States of America I'm talking North America this side of the planet Toronto is just one of the best cities flattened period eight five five two one two four CBS we've gone from Toronto Canada let's go to imperial beach in California and let's talk to Rob Rob you're on CBS Sports Radio what's on your mind hey how you doing Jr I'm excellent man what's up not much listen to you all at all time at night I'm well from work um long time listener first time caller thanks go ahead uh so yeah basically uh I don't know it just depends on how much they'd want to pay for DH and obviously going up north leaving center Los Angeles you know different weather but he is an international player and it's just a matter of where he wants no basically but um I'll take your uh your take off off the phone have a good night you too man thank you so much for calling from California Rob yeah I mean he can go anywhere that he wants it was a couple of seasons ago not well now more than a couple of seasons ago when he first joined Major League Baseball and he didn't want seemingly anything to do with the eastern part of this country and after being here for years now this just makes the most sense to me why would he explore more I will give him credit if he leaves California but it just seems why why leave what you're comfortable with you can stay in California you can just go north and you can play for the Dodgers this is a team with history this is a team that's that's been winning they've been throwing money into the team whether it's Betts and Freeman why are they even options I even still laugh when people bring up the Angels the man has made it very clear over the past couple of seasons that he actually wants to win that ain't gonna happen with the Angels they might as well take that place and make it a parking lot and I've heard all the conversations about Mike Trout and we're not gonna trade Mike Trout yeah yeah you can't you can't trade a dude who can't even show up and play let's be real now eight five five two one two four CBS it's eight five five two one two four CBS Dave is here he is calling from Hoover Alabama you're on CBS Sports Radio Dave going ahead yeah man appreciate a great show uh grew up in Atlanta moved to Birmingham Alabama 10 years ago got to go back to Hank Aaron Earl Williams Cepeda Ricco Cardi Felix Yami I go way back Soto talks about big money Soto ain't no tiny Soto ain't no tiny uh he's a prick he's not that good oh my goodness gracious man you could have stopped that you were just an ass I mean that that would have been sufficient I mean what did Soto do to you you take your wife or something what's the big deal the guy's playing bait he's not that good I'll take a guy who's been a batting champion who damn it helped or basically helped the Washington Winter World Series when he was 19 I'll take a dude who has an on-base percentage every year 400 I'll take a guy who can hit about 35 plus home runs and drive in a hundred every year I'll take that guy and any idiot who has to walk around and go Soto ain't Ohtani like what's wrong did you get dropped on your head I don't think any legitimate human being would even make that case let alone have to feel that they need to defend it so Soto is not old time who the hell said that ain't nobody walking around saying Soto's Ohtani nobody is saying anybody is Ohtani because there's only one of them I know it's Friday night but damn how many have you thrown back already I know what did you wait for it to get dark I know it gets dark early now what it like five five thirty must have been drinking since then sheesh eight five five two one two four CBS let's go to San Diego and talk to John you're on CBS Sports Radio what's up John not much what's up how are you doing I'm doing good how you doing I'm hanging in there what's on your mind well you said to call in and say who you want Ohtani to go to I want him to go to the Padres they got rid of Soto so I'd like him to go to the Padres now do you think he's going to go to the Padres hell no but I'd like them to yeah well we we can all dream tell me about some of your other dreams John what else would you like in the world like world peace oh I'd love to have world peace I can't stand the wars in the world yeah it's pretty pretty pretty bad stuff John yeah John is a he's a reasonable fellow like most of us looking for world peace that will never come I love his optimism it's the JR sport brief show here with you on CBS Sports Radio eight five five two one two four CBS that's eight five five two one two four CBS look I don't know if Shohei Ohtani is going to Toronto or not but I can tell you this the Jags and the Browns they are two teams that want to go to the playoffs but who the hell is their quarterback I have no idea they don't know who their quarterback is gonna be and they play each other this Sunday we're gonna hear from their coaches on the other side of the break and then there is a coach in the NFL an offensive or excuse me a defensive coordinator he don't want to go anywhere but he might have to because maybe him and a coach don't get along I got a lot of explaining to do here with the NFL I'll leave the phone lines open if you want to give me a call but you know what this is also very important how did you actually sleep last night if it wasn't an absolute dream then you need 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the jr sport brief show here with you on CBS sports radio yeah we don't have any idea where Shohei Ohtani is gonna go I assume we're gonna find out sooner than later and as we pull up on another Sunday of NFL football it's kind of crazy to think that yes it's right now December 8th December is already flying by season is gonna come to an end in about a month from now so it's gonna be crazy to think about but Ohtani's destination isn't the only thing we have no idea the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Browns are gonna try to play football on Sunday and neither team knows who the hell their quarterback is gonna be the last time we saw the Jacksonville Jaguars was Monday night football we saw Jake Browning out there versus CJ Beathard because Trevor Brown with a high ankle sprain this man has played every single game in the league for the Jags since he was drafted and then meanwhile you got the Browns on the other side they just lost to the Rams and we had to see Joe Flacco for the first time the man threw two touchdowns he also threw an interception that pretty much ended the game and he got knocked around a little bit I mean I saw Aaron Donald out there picking up offensive linemen and throwing them into Joe Burrow or excuse me Joe Burrow was hurt Joe Flacco welcome back into the NFL Joe Flacco and even outside of that now that Dorian Thompson Robinson is back because he's out of concussion protocol we don't know who's gonna start are we gonna see Joe Flacco again is it gonna be Dorian Thompson Robinson I know we will not see Amari Cooper because he is questionable with a concussion and a matter of fact this is this is wild Kevin Stefanski he was pretty much asked today like man what's going on with your own team he was asked what the hell is going on with the Browns and the quarterback situation and he ain't have too much of an answer this is what Kevin Stefanski had to say honestly America you look around the league that that's that's the league in general that's maybe the league this season regardless of who's playing any position we all have a job to do and there's uncertainty from both sides to your point and and we'll see 90 minutes before the game he doesn't know what's going on with his own team he doesn't know what's going on with the Jags and Doug Peterson yeah the head coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars he ain't have too much of an answer on Trevor Lawrence either listen to this I mean he's feeling good you know we'll see he moved around a little bit yesterday see how he does today you know kind of kind of base it on you know medical staff how Trevor feels and if he can if he can go or not yeah this sucks I mean these are two teams that you thought might have been emerging this season certainly the Jacksonville Jaguars they had an opportunity of this past Monday night to move their record to nine and three even more respectable than what they currently are now at eight and four in the Browns let's be real the Brown season is over if you got to sit around and think about whether or not Joe Flacco should be your starting quarterback and it's almost mid-December you cooked you screwed Deshaun Watson got a broken shoulder and ain't nothing for you guys to look forward to maybe Miles Garrett maybe his shoulder maybe he'll be feeling a little bit better as well but the Jags and the Browns two teams trying to go to the playoffs they don't know where the hell they go on either eight five five two one two four CBS it's eight five five two one two four CBS Celeste is calling from San Diego you're on CBS Sports Radio what's up Celeste what's up DR how are you I'm excellent how you feeling what's up um just calling to talk about Mr. Otani uh I really would not like him to go to the Dodgers that would be terrible but I have a feeling just as you said that that's probably where he'll probably end up going I just I don't really see him going to the east coast do you no I said that I mean why why would you be comfortable in California for all these years to now say hey I'm gonna move to Toronto or I'm gonna like I mean even if he were to go to Chicago like I would think he's comfortable why move yeah I agree and Dodgers is right there it makes total sense not so good for my Padres but you know we played him last year and he didn't do too much against us so I'm not too worried but you know we'll see what happens but uh I'm really sorry about you have to put up with some of these callers that say these crazy things on the air I'm so sorry about that I feel bad you why the hell do you feel bad it makes for great entertainment because I get to insult them after it does I love what you say damn oh damn how many have you thrown down it was funny but I'm just sorry but you're awesome you're awesome I love your show I listen every night and uh keep it up because you're just you're amazing and thank you so much well thank you Celeste you have a good night and weekend appreciate you for take care no doubt yeah no I don't feel bad for me I don't care I'm like Mike Tomlin I do not care somebody calls and says something crazy to me they have now handed me great opportunity to kind of call him an ass in the most polite or disrespectful way possible let's go to Travis he's in Toronto you're on CBS Sports Radio what's up Travis yeah yeah that's me how are you good to talk to you man I've been listening to you for a long time man and uh you get you get me home from work I got a long drive home so you uh and it's always a pleasure listening to you if thank you man if you don't mind me asking what the hell do you do for a living I own a restaurant in Toronto and uh right right by the the dome and uh the I guess they're always changing the names of the arena as I call the Skydome still and uh the right in the middle there on the harbor front it is a beautiful city we'd love to have uh Shoah all the hype uh kind of drives me a little nuts speculation is uh definitely doesn't help anyone situation uh I think it doesn't it doesn't uh especially when the people are are going a little bananas right now uh with all the Toronto hype it's uh yeah like you said it's a huge punch in the gut if it doesn't happen and uh I just would like the man to be able to make a decision and then celebrate or you know you know cry so how are you how are you feeling do you think he's going to go to Toronto do you think there's a whole lot of nonsense me I'm a Toronto sports fan I'm a geography guy so it's like this is where I was born you know I kind of in stuck with my teams I'm you know belief blue and you know raptors red uh this is uh I would love it I think any team would be lucky to have that guy is he's he's an anomaly uh it's but I'm talking about you you specifically I ain't asking about anybody else have you drank the Kool-Aid do you really think he's gonna join the Blue Jays or do you think this is a lot of hype no I'm a real Toronto sports fan so no I don't think he's gonna join okay all right I'm just asking I'm just I I think you know I I love California we go there every year it's a wonderful place and yeah man the guy's got cash he's probably got an amazing house on the ocean somewhere like I I would live in California in a second if I had the kind of dough you know maybe he wants to live in Toronto off the lake I don't know I don't live in Toronto I can't afford that and I'm saying I said Otani not you oh yeah no no I think it's a beautiful place to live and he would be playing for a country there's a lot of positives definitely but does it make sense for him I kind of agree with you you know like he's he's kind of set up home shop you know he's just a skip over the river for uh to get home to Japan and stuff too it's a little easier to get get there but you know uh you know that being said you know I just I I I'm not a big fan of hype uh I just I just want you know these are either uh grown individuals let them make their decision and then uh you know let's wait yeah we don't have to track it we don't have to track their airplanes well Travis uh good luck to you regardless okay yeah can I just say something about uh the uh the quarterback situation in the NFL man it's got to be the saddest this year I'm I'm a Bills fan but it's like you see the team struggling and everything but like it's I want to see the best the best play and it's just it's really sad what's going on tell the tell the quarterbacks to stop running around like chickens with their head okay good luck yeah thanks man thank you so much no problem I love it he got a restaurant in Toronto I should have asked him where it is so I can stop by the next time I'm up there what month is it's December yeah I ain't going into run into Toronto until it get warmer man you could throw that out the window hey we got Ryan calling from Anchorage I love Anchorage beautiful you're on CBS Sports Radio what's up Ryan what's going on man how are you doing tonight excellent please go ahead well I just know that you were I know everybody's talking about Otani and whatnot if it's pretty I mean pretty sad that there's probably like two or three teams that's in there I was just kind of curious uh on the other aspect of the free agent market I mean there's a lot of big main guys from Bellinger to Chapman to Hayter to Snell to Hoskins Montgomery there's a lot of guys out there if there's a team that you're looking at that's hoping to add or a specific free agent I was kind of looking your general thoughts on the rest of free agency not Otani what the so what do you want me to answer I mean you just ran through a bunch of names what do you want me to say uh I just didn't know if there was a specific guy that you were interested in most in that was going to sign in free agency that wasn't no I mean outside of Yamamoto I'd love to see Yamamoto go to the New York Yankees and outside of that why do I care I mean that's why I said in the first break Shohei Otani has to figure out where he wants to play and then at that point every other every other player kind of falls in place like he's going to set the market even with whatever outrageous ridiculous contract that he gets we're not going to know where Bellinger goes or how much money he's going to command everybody's waiting on Shohei Otani you know yeah that makes sense I was curious yeah no problem Ryan thank you for calling from Alaska yeah it's difficult to look at what do you think about the other free agents and where do they go I mean we got a guy like Aaron Nola who decided to stay home what a shock there really none at all that's that's me being sarcastic but the fact is like Bellinger is going to be probably the next domino to fall uh Yamamoto well god only knows how long it's going to take for him to come to an agreement with whatever team maybe it'll be one of the New York squads I got no idea and speaking of a New York squad I mentioned this briefly by now you probably know the New York Giants they're on a little bit of a two-game winning streak they're going to take on Green Bay on Monday night and their defensive coordinator Wink Martindale it's been reported he got a little bit of a beef with their head coach Brian Dabel and so Wink Martindale had to kind of tell everybody today unlike Shohei Ohtani that he doesn't want to go anywhere and that their relationship is good except for this year they just suck listen to this the report said that your relationship with Dabel is in a bad place and a lot of tension I mean can you speak to your relationship with with Dabel we're fine I mean it's just it's it's it's the same thing as it was last year you know it was just different because we're winning more games and it's like it's it's different every place you go you know the relationship with the head coach and the defensive coordinator or assistants especially when it's new and you know it's been what 22 months now you know a year and a half and it's it's the you know it's that we're going to keep working and keep trying to win you know we're all focused on Green Bay. They're all focused on Green Bay. Nobody has any answers about nothing. Nobody knows where Shohei Ohtani is going to go. Nobody knows who will start for the Jacksonville Jaguars or the Browns and Wink Martindale he don't know where he going to be next year. He could be coaching for the New York Giants or he could be swinging his golf clubs. Nobody has any answers.

I guess that's just the story of life now isn't it? It's the JR Sport Reshow here with you on CBS Sports Radio. I got an answer for you. I got a prediction. I'm going to take a break and when I come back I'm still going to be sitting here in the studio.

You know what I also know I can't predict the future. Tomorrow LeBron James NBA in-season tournament. The finals go down. We're going to talk about it on the other side on CBS Sports Radio. Don't move. Nobody wants a surprise in their jelly donut.

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