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JRSportBrief Hour 3

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
March 23, 2023 1:11 am

JRSportBrief Hour 3

JR Sports Brief / JR

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March 23, 2023 1:11 am


6- Willis Reed

5- Derek Jeter

4- Mark Messier

3- Tom Brady

2- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

1- Bill Russell


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That's slash positive. Hey guys, this is Kenan Thompson. I have a problem with you. Yes, you. None of y'all told me that Auto Trader has millions of new and used cars that I can shop from home. I thought we were friends.

I put smiles on your face, but I'm not smiling. No one told me that with Auto Trader a dealer can deliver cars to my home or that I could shop by price on Auto Trader. No one. Consider this friendship that you just learned we had officially over.

Finally, it's easy. Auto Trader. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. And I would happen to be JR. Here with you every single weeknight starting at 10 p.m. Eastern Time, 7 p.m. Pacific. Much love to everybody listening all over North America. My friends in Miami, Florida. My friends out in Honolulu, Hawaii. My people down in, I don't know, San Diego. And maybe you up in Vermont somewhere. I don't know. Just color the rest of the map in the country, North America, all up.

Just color it. Thank you for listening, okay? So whether you're at home, at work, you know, on the road, relaxing, chilling, you're just hanging out here with me. I appreciate that. Anyway, I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia.

Thank you so much to our producer, super producer Dave Shepherd holding it down in New York City. As we are now going to hang out with you for two more hours. If you've missed a minute of the show, you can always go ahead and hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. We've gone through a look, a preview, I should say, of the Sweet 16. Those games are going to get underway Thursday and Friday, and then we're going to go towards the Elite Eight.

Time flies when you're having fun, right? I feel like the tournament just started earlier on in the show. And thank you to Deshaun Tate, by the way, college basketball expert, for joining us to talk about all things Sweet 16. We discussed the return of Ja Morant tonight at home. The Memphis Grizzlies beat the Houston Rockets 130 to 125. Ja Morant scored 17 points off the bench in 24 minutes. And that's a home game. He got a standing ovation.

He was warmly welcome back. Let's see what things look like for Ja Morant when he hits the road in games that actually matter. Paul George, we learned that he has a sprained knee, going to be reevaluated in two to three weeks. And, you know, we're just still waiting on Lamar Jackson and God knows where he goes. And it's just a wild world. Elijah Moore is now a member of the Browns.

Nicole Hartman is now a member of the Jets. We're waiting on Aaron Rodgers. And so the world continues to turn in professional sports. And yes, we analyzed and took a look at some of the numbers from the WBC for the United States of America. Cool. Made some money for MLB for Japan.

Japan absolutely loved the WBC. The rest of the world? Eh, not so sure. Let's see what baseball can do for the regular season.

But now it's time to switch gears a little bit. Every Wednesday night into Thursday morning, I bring you a new top six list. If you follow me on social media, you already know what the list will be. If you were with us prior to the break, you know what the list is. I'm going to give you a top six list of captains in sports. I want to take a look at some of the best leaders in sports. The leagues are so young now. From an NFL perspective, from an NBA perspective.

We can look at Major League Baseball, I guess a little bit different. There's a lot of don't change the rules, old school, unspoken rules. And sometimes, you know, it's always good for change. Change is necessary regardless of how much you don't want it or you resist it.

Change is necessary. But there are some values I believe that you don't waver on. It's just, it sounds difficult, I guess for some. It's just common decency and respect. It's how you carry yourself. It's how you respond to people and situations.

It's about having a little bit of dignity and just not being a complete jackass. You know, right before we went to break, we talked about the Memphis Grizzlies and you have someone like Dylan Brooks. This dude was suspended tonight because he picked up his 16th technical foul. He's shoving cameramen. He's talking crap to the Golden State Warriors. He's wearing funny outfits to the game. He's scowling. He's doing pom-pom taunts.

That's why he was given a tech and was suspended. Like, these are dumbass things. Like, let's think about it. There are a lot of people who have fun and taunt and talk trash. Don't you gotta be a little bit more than good? Don't you gotta be great? And even the great ones, you let your game do the talking. I don't care what sport it is. You don't have to result to or resort to just me-ism.

Yeah, I made something up. You don't have to result or resort to me-ism to make your mark. Tim Duncan is one of the greatest basketball players I've ever seen in my life. Tim Duncan ain't say nothing. He just bust your ass.

Kevin Garnett on the opposite side and my main man Gary Payton. Oh, they talk trash while he was giving it to you, but they were able to back it up. And so there's different ways to lead. There's different ways to go ahead and be in charge. But we got too many people right now who do a whole lot of talking and don't say nothing.

Can't back it up. They got Twitter fingers. They go on social media. They gotta cry. They gotta whine.

They gotta cry and whine in front of the media. And so tonight, I want to give you a top six list. Some of the best leaders. I want to give you a top six list of some of the best captains that we have seen in sports. And I'm not going to waste any more time.

Let's go ahead and hit the fancy music and get started. Six, five, four, three, two, one. It's time to get J.R.'s latest top six list only on the J.R. sport brief.

It is the J.R. sport brief show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. I'm going to talk about leaders. I want to talk about individuals with some dignity. I want to talk about some some folks who, man, when it came to work and sometimes outside of it. Respect, justified and earned.

Let's talk about some of the top six captains in sports who are some of the best leaders. You know, let's start here. This is real recent to memory. What number is it? Number six.

At number six. He just passed away on Tuesday. He was 80 years old. His name, Willis Reed, a New York Knicks legend, two championships, 1970, 1973. The man had to run out there onto the court, busted up, tore up hip, just inspired his squad to win another championship. He was a rookie of the year, a two time champ, two time finals MVP, a seven time All-Star.

It had his whole career was done by the age of 31, went on to coaching. This man was not about silly games. He showed up to work. He did his job. He bust ass. People followed him. He didn't complain. He inspired, was a great man, was silent, didn't talk trash.

But if you try to roll up on him, he whooped your ass instead. And yesterday we spoke to one of his former teammates. Henry Bibby joined us yesterday here on CBS Sports Radio. He was a part of that New York Knicks 1973 squad. And I asked him, why was Willis Reed such a great leader off the court as well as on?

And this is what Henry Bibby, coach, told us. People would know him as a great basketball player. People doing that time.

I don't think a lot of people. We didn't have the social media as they have now. So a lot of people didn't know about it at the time how how great this guy was as a player, how legendary he was as a player. But more so than that, you know, he was a he was a great person, a great friend. I was his roommate. Willis was the godfather of my son. So Willis and I go back a lot of years of just being a great, great person, a great person to be around.

He would give anything to a person to help them. Everyone loved Willis Reed. You talk about the Knicks.

And, you know, there are a lot of great players who played for the Knicks, who who are still playing for the Knicks. But Willis Reed is the name that everyone cheers about. Just a great person to be around. A great demeanor. Just a gentle giant, so to speak, who really, really didn't get his due as a pro basketball player. Much love to the family of Willis Reed. I wish we had more athletes like this, man.

Yeah, we got to go back to 1965 in the 70s to get that that type of work ethic. I got Willis Reed, some of the best leaders, one of the top captains in sports. He's at number six. Let's move on. Number five.

At number five. Let's go to the let's go from the hardwood, I should say, to the diamond. And let's look at a five time champion. Let's look at a Hall of Famer. Let's look at one of the best postseason performers.

Let's look at someone who was in a pressure cooker of New York City. And still rolls to the occasion just about at every single possible time. Almost seemingly a perfect career, even through through injury or pressure. His name is Derek Jeter.

I know there's a lot of people for the life of me. Derek Jeter is not this Derek Jeter. Hey, sign me up to play baseball and give me 3400 hits. Sign me up for baseball and give me a 20 year career. Give me five championships. Give me a 321 average in the World Series. Give me give me MVPs in the World Series.

Give me winning. Any baseball player would love to have the career that this man had. And it didn't matter what was going on in the tabloids when it came to playing baseball. Derek Jeter showed up to work and he whooped ass. His former manager, Joe Torrey, talked about what made Derek Jeter so unique.

This is courtesy of Graham Bessinger. He's a very special young man. He calls you Mr. T, right? Well, he started out calling me Mr. T. And then, you know, now it's gotten to Buddy now. Now we're Buddy.

But we're still very close. He's a special young man. You know, I met him when he was 21 years old. And that first year in 96, a lot of the older players were looking for him to do something because he had those leadership abilities in him and everybody sensed it. But he came to work every day, you know, never had an excuse.

Just went out there and played all the time. And he there were days he, you know, he'd look at me and I'd look at him and it was like sort of give you a half nod saying, OK, I'll take care of this. And he he was a great leader on that club, even though he was reluctant to when we named him captain. It really wasn't something that he was striving to be. But, you know, whether you gave him the title or not, he was the guy that everybody looked to. Derek Jeter did not have a perfect career. Nobody does. Nobody did. But it seemed that in so many instances, things for the most part would always go right and go his way. I attribute that to to his work and showing up for it.

I want to talk about captains and leaders. I got Derek Jeter at number five. What's the next number?

Number four. We got to hit the ice. We got to go to Canada.

We got to go from Canada and then we got to go to America. We got to go to the only individual to be a captain on the ice and take two teams to hoisting a Stanley Cup. And that man is Mark Messier. OK, first of all, winning a championship, multiple championships, five championships with the Oilers, and then helping the New York Rangers finally win a Stanley Cup in 1994. That's about 50 years between the New York Rangers winning a Stanley Cup.

And about now it's almost another 30 years. But that I got nothing to do with Mark Messier. Maybe if the Rangers bring him back, they win another one. Mark Messier is a two time MVP. Mark Messier, a 25 year career. Mark Messier, a six time Stanley Cup champ. I've had an opportunity to interview and meet Mark Messier.

And by shaking that man's hand and having a conversation with him. Oh, man, I could understand why anybody would want to follow him. How about one of his old teammates? Oh, he knows him from the Rangers, the Oilers.

Adam Graves, Mr. Get all the goals. At Mark Messier's retirement ceremony, he talked about how special the captain was. I can't do anything but smile when I see mess's face on behalf of all of his teammates. Mess, it was a privilege to skate alongside you.

And it is an honor for us to be here to celebrate. Mess, the person. Mess, the player.

Mess, our friend and leader. On October 4th, 1991, Mark became a New York Ranger. I have often been asked, what was the greatest impact Mark had on our entire team? And in one word, belief. He made us believe that the Stanley Cup was our destiny.

Hey, that's why they call that man the Messiah. Mark Messier, I got him at number four. We want to talk about captains and leaders after Mark Messier at four. What's the next one?

Number three. Man, we just saw the last of this guy, didn't we? I think so. It's Tom Brady. Yeah, when he's not out there flipping tablets and getting ticked off and retiring and unretiring. For the most accomplished football player that the NFL has seen with seven championships, seven rings. You don't hear a negative word about Tom Brady from his teammates. I've spoken to some of his teammates.

You can go ahead and read it publicly for all of his success. Tom Brady wanted to go out there and be treated as, quote unquote, one of the boys. Didn't show up, didn't show out, didn't act different, was out there with his teammates like one of the guys. One of his former teammates, Jesse Holly, he explained what made Tom Brady so unique.

This is courtesy of the fantastic view. My locker was a locker down from Tom Brady's. First, he was pissed off. They got the AFC Championship rings. So he was pissed off about that. I was like, man, what I would do for the AFC Championship ring. He's mad about it. He's like, that's just to go to my dad's house. I don't even want this to go to the trophy room. I'm like, AFC Championship ring right there.

You want to put that in the big house? Every day. It was it was so routine, like clockwork. We get off the practice field. We come back to our lockers. In his chair was a tape cutter, a chocolate milk, a towel and an iPad.

Every day. Tom said, what's up? I said, what are you watching? And he said, come here. And there was a camera in practice that was designated just a Tom Brady. The camera angle was shot from the back. So it wasn't from the side of an aerial. It was shot from the back. And he said, I'm looking at my footwork and my head placement. So every single play he wanted to make sure that this is again, this is after MVPs, after Super Bowls, after he's I mean, he's Tom Brady. But he said, I want to know that on my drop back that I didn't step in the bucket. I want to know that if I was throwing left that I looked to safety off right.

I want to make sure that when I handed it off that I actually carried out my fake. Oh, my goodness. And Tom Brady actually did all of this in the locker room. He didn't have an office in the facility like somebody who plays in Denver right now.

Hey, good luck. Russell Wilson on your knee recovery. He had arthroscopic surgery.

He'll be OK. Anyway, I got Tom Brady at number three. You want to talk about a top captain? You want to talk about a leader? You may not like the guy. He may have whooped your team's ass. Tom Brady is a.

He could have been a jackass of a teammate. He could have been Aaron Rodgers, but he wasn't. Tom Brady at number three. What's the next number? Leaders and captains.

Number two. Man, they called this guy the captain. A matter of fact, when this captain retired. He played in more games than anybody. He had more points than anybody. He had more minutes than anybody. He took more shots than anybody. He blocked more shot.

I mean, I can go on and on. It's Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. This man was whipping ass at UCLA. This man goes to the NBA and he's like, oh, yeah, well, I'll pick up a few MVP six of them. I'll pick up a few rings. Yeah, sure.

Why not? Six of them. You know, I'll stick around for the better part of 20 years and go down as the NBA's all time leading scorer. Until some guy named LeBron never heard of him. Took the title a couple of months ago. Not even a couple. Last month.

Time flies, doesn't it? Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. I got to give him credit. You want to talk about being a captain and a leader? You may not always agree with everything that he says or has said, but he's been an activist. He's been someone who wasn't afraid to go against the grain. He's been someone who's been willing to speak out for those who are not as fortunate to have a voice. And for that, I find that to be an ideal leader, someone willing to stand up for others.

We got too many people who sit on their asses, sit on their hands, not really willing or able to say anything. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar turned 75 years old last year. And James Worthy, big game. Listen to him. Listen to the love that he showed Kareem. Happy 75th birthday to my mentor, my teammate, my captain.

I love you, Kareem. You've been a major inspiration in my life. Set aside basketball, just your integrity, your consciousness, your leadership. Throughout the years, I was fortunate enough to see a couple of games. You at UCLA, when I was a kid, had no idea that I would end up playing my whole career with you. And it's been special because I know basketball is what you did for a living, but basketball is not who you are. You are a special human being with a lot to offer to the world, as you have your entire life being an activist. In the 60s, I remember you as a 19 or 20 year old kid in a photo with Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown, Bill Russell.

And you have continued to be that shining light. I got Kareem number two. You want to talk about a captain? You want to talk about a leader? One of the best?

I got Kareem there. It's the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. We're going to take a break. We come back on the other side. I'm going to tell you the top captain, the best leader that we've seen in the world of sports.

Don't move. Number one on the other side is the JR Sport Brief Show, CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. Hi, JR. Pleasure to speak to you. You know, I just recently discovered your show a few weeks ago and just got to tell you that you've got a very easy listening style.

Call in now at 855-212-4CBS. It's the JR Sport Brief Show on CBS Sports Radio. We're in a funny time and era. And that's what happens when change, people change, morals change, attitudes change. And I always say that quite simply, sports is a microcosm of life and it it reflects a lot of what's going on in society because it's it's not separate.

And so you can take a look at any sport, anything going on. And tonight with a new top six list. We're delivering to you the top six captains in sports, individuals who happen to be the best, the best leaders, not making dumbass decisions.

Not dabbling into social media, not screwing up their lives. These guys were the epitome of being leaders. And in a few seconds, I'm going to share with you who I have here at number one on the list.

Before I do that, let's go ahead and and give you a recap. And number six, I'm going to give you an individual who just passed away. He was a champion for the New York Knicks. He was the epitome of class, grace, toughness.

It's Willis Reed. And number five, I gave you Derek Jeter. And number four, I gave you a captain. I gave you someone who was a captain on two Stanley Cup teams. I give you Marc Messier or for two teams, I should say.

Edmonton and the Rangers. And number three, I gave you Tom Brady. It didn't matter how much success he had, how much he was tormenting other NFL teams. When it came down to his own locker room, Tom Brady carried himself as just one of the guys.

Didn't want to be separated. And number two, I gave you the captain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. And right before we went to break, you probably heard a nice piece by his former teammate, James Worthy, about how great of a basketball player he was, but more importantly, how amazing of a person he was. I had Kareem Abdul-Jabbar at number two when we want to talk about captains and some of the best leaders that we have seen in sports. And so with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar at number two, if we want to talk about a leader, then we are left with this number right here. Number one. He is number one. He is known for wearing number six.

That number is on the sideline of every NBA court this season. It is Bill Russell who passed away last summer. If you want to talk about a leader, if you want to talk about someone who had an effect on a game, not just because of what he did on the court, but what he stood up for outside from and away from the court, he is in the same cloth, cut from the same cloth, more so, being older, than Kareem. You have Bill Russell who was drafted out of the West Coast and comes into the NBA and is an 11-time champion. And more importantly than that, he is playing in Boston, a city that even up until now has always had a complex history with its black players. And Bill Russell wins Coach of the Year, excuse me, he was Sportsman of the Year, even while he was player coach in 1968.

He won a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011. And then we all know about 1968, a complicated year in sports and in civil rights. You had Muhammad Ali on his speaking tour. Kareem participated in that. You had Jim Brown participate in that. Bill Russell was never afraid to speak his mind.

He wasn't afraid to give you one of them crazy loud laughs. He was no nonsense and he was a leader in the truest sense. You could look at just what he did on the basketball court and say he was a winner.

He was so much more than that. He's one of the biggest athletic legends here in North America. And if you want to take a look at what Bill Russell did and what he meant, listen to this. Another great, Jerry West. He spoke to Michael Cooper, told him about what it was like facing Bill Russell.

The greatest winner that ever played professional basketball, Bill Russell. Eleven World Championships and they made a trade, they traded two white guys for a black guy then, which was in Boston, which was a city that was filled with racial tension. And pretty soon, his dominance as a defensive player, they had some guys that weren't very good defenders, but they had two young men coming off the bench, Casey Jones and Sam Jones, that added to their defensive presence. And they were just, they could win any game.

An offensive game, a defensive game, a physical game. He was like the plastic man. He could drive, there's pictures of him in the air.

His body is like flat and he reaches over. An enormous runner, really fast. He could do everything that a team needed to make up for the mistakes that these other players made, particularly defensively. And his rebounding ability allowed them to run up and down the court and that's why they scored a lot of points. And that's just on the basketball side. There's so much more that this man did even outside of that. He set the table for what we saw.

Activism in the NBA, there's a reason his number six is on that ground. You want to talk about a captain? You want to talk about a winner? You want to talk about a leader? I got Bill Russell here at number one.

Let me give you a quick recap. Top captains, best leaders. I got Willis Reed at six, Derek Jeter at five, Mark Messier at four, Tom Brady at three, Kareem at two, and Bill Russell numero uno. The phone lines are open. It's eight five five two one two four CBS. That's eight five five two one two four CBS. I forget nobody. I just can't fit everybody into six slots. The phone lines are open.

Tell me someone you think should be recognized as one of the best leaders in sports. I'll talk to you on the other side of the break. You're listening to the J.R. Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. While it's exciting talking to you, Mr. J.R., you are clear, concise, accurate and honest.

I love listening to you. Call in now at eight five five two one two four CBS. It's the J.R. Sport Brief show on CBS Sports Radio. We got a lot of jackasses in sports right now.

I mean, I can go on and on about the reasons. And so tonight, with a new top six list, I wanted to I wanted to give you the opposite of a jackass. I wanted to tell you about some of the best captains, some of the best leaders that we have seen in sports. And if you missed the entire list.

If you missed the fancy audio, you can always go ahead and hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. At number six, I gave you Willis Reed. At number five, I gave you Derek Jeter. And before I gave you Marc Messier. And number three, I gave you Tom Brady. At number two, I gave you Kareem Abdul Jabbar. And at number one, you want to talk about a winner. We'll talk about someone who had influence, wasn't afraid, someone who spoke his damn mind, did not put up with nobody's crap. And number one, I gave you Bill Russell.

And now I'm picking up the phone lines. Can't fit everybody into six spots. Who's someone you want to give recognition to? I mean, I can I can continue naming people, but I'll let you do it, please. We got a lot of people here with a lot of thoughts, a lot of comments in the interest of being respectful to all of the other callers.

Tell me who it is and tell me why. Let's see who can actually, I don't know, just be a leader and follow 8 5 5 2 1 2 for CBS. That's 8 5 5 2 1 2 for CBS.

Follow directions. Let's go ahead and start off. Let's go to Chris from Maryland. You're on CBS Sports Radio.

Go ahead, Chris. OK, here we go. Frank Robinson is my nominee. What only player win to win an MVP in both leagues came to Baltimore Orioles in 1966 for World Series in six years. First black manager, first player manager and stadium baseball in his entire life until he even came back to Washington. And then as the expo or then first started Nationals until they got their feet is on the Mount Rushmore Washington's Hall of Fame.

John Thompson, who the triangle there is John Thompson, of course, play with Bill Russell as his backup and Frank Robinson played high school on the same team with Bill Russell. Thank you. Go for the other callers. Well, thank you, Chris. He didn't even take a breath. Good for him. I would have preferred he take a breath and sound like he was going to pass out from Toronto. No, no, no, not in the same category. Listen, don't don't pass out here on the radio, man.

Just be accurate, but take a breath. And Frank Robinson. Yes, he was the first black manager in baseball and also he was from California as well. He grew up knowing Bill Russell. How about that? 8 5 5 2 1 2 4 CBS is 8 5 5 2 1 2 4 CBS.

Talking about leaders, we're talking about big time captains, people in sports, they don't make them like this anymore. Let's go to Alex from Miami. You're on CBS Sports Radio. No, I got good evening. Good evening. Great show, man. I get to catch up with you guys late night over here on the East Coast. So it's great for me, man. Love it. All right. You guys talk about all of the I love them.

This was excellent. You know, top six dudes. They led their teams. Great team. How about like I think the other side of it, like you said, not the jackasses, but how about like and I don't know exactly who, but who led the bad boys, the Pistons?

Who was that captain that got championships? Who was a leader of and I'm gonna tell you, I'm just going to round it up right quick. Oh, my God, Alex.

Alex, this this is a roundabout way. Just give me a name. Are you going to name a piston? Are you going to name somebody else?

I'm going to name you team whatever. No, no, no, no. Alex, no, no, no, no. All right. No, I understand. J.R., give me a second. Well, Alex, man, Alex, you're on hold. This is what we don't want you to do.

Thank you for the compliments, by the way, Alex. I just want a name and an explanation as to who it is. I don't need the team. I don't need you telling me the bad boys. And then who do you want to pick?

I don't know. Isaiah Thomas. Hey, I'm the leader of guys off the court when we lose. Let's try this again. I'm going to bring Alex back. And my expectation is for Alex to simply share with us the name of a leader and tell us why. Let's try again.

Let's pretend that didn't happen. Let's go ahead and talk to Alex from Miami. You're CBS Sports Radio. All right, J.R., it's who you lead, right? Ray Lewis.

Tell me all those guys on that defense. And he was that captain and led them to 10 and was clean off the field. I don't know about.

Well, thank you, Alex. Appreciate you for calling from Miami. Talk about the hurricane. I don't know about clean off the field, man. The last time I checked, he was trying to clean something up off the field because he had an incident outside of a club. OK. Now, when you want to talk about football.

OK, sure. Yeah, Ray Lewis. He was a leader.

He came out, did that dance and that slide, and they played as getting hot in here by Nelly. And then he went out there and he cracked skulls. Of course, Ray Lewis is a leader. Football field, inspirational gentleman as well, despite all of his circumstances. I love Ray Lewis as a player. Basically bookended his career, the beginning and the end with a championship. Two championships.

Good for him. Still trying to understand. Hey, Shep, do you understand what the hell he meant about the Pistons? Was he going to tell us a whole story?

I get what he was inferring, but he wasn't being specific with who he was having on his list in terms of an individual captain. No. No, Shep, no.

He was trying to pick like the bad boy. No. Is that what he said to you? No. What he said to me was Ray Lewis. And then he was going in like a direction of like who is an alternative person that we don't think of as like clean living, someone who has not the best reputation with the fans in the media.

That's where he was going. No. I'm in agreement with you. It's taken too long.

We love Alex. No, you don't. You don't. You don't go from, hey, tell me about a, tell me about a leader towards the Pistons and then tying that together to Ray Lewis.

Just like, no. 855-212-4CBS. That's 855-212-4CBS. Greg from Michigan. He knows how to do this. You're on CBS Sports Radio. Go ahead, Greg. Hey, JR. Thanks for taking my call, Mr.

Positive. Real quick, I wish we would have talked about individuals. Jesse Owens, Jackie Robinson and Ollie. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Give me one guy, Greg. You ain't following either. Okay, sorry.

You are sorry. Wayne Gretzky because he was quiet and subtle and you brought up Messier, which I loved. They asked Messier. Gretzky was lucky. Messier looked the guy sternly in the eye and said, yeah, he was lucky for 20 years. I think he was the brains behind Messier. Messier was a leader. Tough as nails.

Ruggedly handsome. But Gretzky was so smart on that ice and I think he was a great leader. Oh, absolutely. We can't take anything away from the great one. Thank you, Greg, from Michigan for naming five other people before we got there. Let's go to JR in Virginia. You're on CBS Sports Radio. Hey, JR. How's it going, man? Terrific.

Go ahead. Tom Brady the GOAT. No question.

He's been the same since he came in the league and now that he's gone, he still was the same. True leader. True champion. Okay. Thank you, JR, for calling from Virginia. Let's go to San Diego and let's talk to Dave. You're on the JR Sportbreeze. Show us up, Dave. Oh, JR, I love your top six.

I love them. My two, I'd say Muhammad. My one, Jackie. Got to be.

Got to be. Humanitarians, 100 percent. Okay. Hey, thank you, Dave. Hey, what you doing besides listening to the radio, Dave?

What you doing? I'm opening my sports cards. I'm a baseball card collector. Oh, wow.

What's your most prized possession? I have a 10 Barry Sanders at my pops place. You have Barry, a what, Barry Sanders, a what? A graded 10. Oh, wow.

Barry Sanders. Oh, good for you. Well, it's in his possession. What do you have in yours?

Yeah, that's my pride. I leave it with my dad. My dad takes care of me. I love my dad.

30 years in military. God bless him. And that's why I love your story because you are a humanitarian, too. And I appreciate what you do for all of us. Oh, well, thank you. Thank you, Dave. I trust. Hey, look, I try my best.

I might be a jackass, too, but I try to be a decent human in the process. Thank you, Dave. I appreciate you, man.

You're 100 percent. And like I said the other night, I did wrong to you. This is your show and I apologize. OK. All right. That's OK. Don't worry about it, Dave. Thank you. No, no more. I don't need apology to apologize every night this week.

I don't know. He's going to he's going to drop an F bomb in his apology next time. He called Monday to apologize. And I said, don't don't sweat it. Jared's got a short term memory. Just don't do it again. And then he still apologized the next night.

I don't have a shot. I remember everything. No, but in terms of forgiving people, you never hold grudges. I don't hold grudges, but I remember. Right. I remember.

I can't tell him that lie. No, but I'm saying you. But you move on fast. If someone apologizes and does right by you, you're going to allow them to move on with their lives, too. It depends on who they are, Chef. Fair. Anyway, it's the J.R. Oh, my God.

I thought that was going to be a crazy dunk, but it was just a layup. It's just John Moran. He could learn from some of the leaders here. It's the J.R. sport re-show on CBS Sports Radio eight five five two one two four CBS. That's eight five five two one two four CBS.

We're talking leaders, strong personalities. We need more of these in the world of sports. Now I'm going to get to your calls and we got more to do. March Madness. Sweet 16 a start yet. I got to wait a little while. It's the J.R. sport re-show CBS Sports Radio.

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