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Thanksgiving 2022 Special w/Robby

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff
The Truth Network Radio
November 26, 2022 1:00 am

Thanksgiving 2022 Special w/Robby

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff

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From Lithuania, he weighs 123 kilos. The Russian nightmare, the Cheetah Kolob. Now, the Devil's Nightmare. Welcome back to another episode of It's Time to Man Up. Robby Dilmore, the Christian car guy. We're here doing a Thanksgiving special show just for you, the listener.

Robby, welcome back to the Man Up show. I almost feel like, you know, it's a Thanksgiving parade. Every Thanksgiving morning you get up and you watch Macy's. Now I'm like, man, I get to be with Nikita and talk about this amazing holiday.

And so how fun is this? Well, that's actually very interesting. In my notation of Thanksgiving and some of the history behind it, I actually had that towards the end. But since you brought it up first, let me throw a question out there because some of the listeners may or may not know. So speaking of Thanksgiving parades, do you have any idea when the very first parade was implemented?

I don't know what the right word is. And who actually did it? You probably do know. I actually do. I might when you say it, but I'm guessing around 1890 and we'll say in New York City, but I don't know. Okay.

Well, actually, it was not New York City. So I'm going to really stump the list. Okay.

Hey, listener, get your brain on right now, okay? So do you know? Do you know?

Do you know? So it wasn't the 1800s. It wasn't. It was not. It was the 1900s.

It was not New York City. Oh, two for two. Okay. So what are your guesses out there?

Oh, I wish you could call in and give me your guesses, but hey, it's not that formatted show. Anyway. All right. Did you come up with the right answer? So I'm going to give you a hint.

You'll get it right away. The City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, and 1920, so kicked off the Roaring Twenties, and it was a department store called Gimbel's. Oh, wow. Gimbel's Department Store, 1920, Philadelphia, staged a parade of about 50 people, and guess who kind of was at the rear of the procession? Who rounded out the Thanksgiving Day parade? Well, I'm just going to guess it was Santa Claus, but I could be wrong. It was.

I got one right out of three. I got one right, Robbie. And of course, we're going to do, hey, you and I are going to do a special Christmas show too. Oh, yeah.

Just for all the listeners out there. Okay. But since that time, you did hit on a very major department store that has had an annual Thanksgiving Day parade. Who is? That would be Macy's.

That would be Macy's in New York City. Last question, Robbie. Here we go. You guys get a quiz. I like this, though.

This is fun. It makes me feel festive, like, man, I'm getting ready. So when did Macy's implement their first ever annual Macy's Day?

New York City Thanksgiving parade. Well, considering the competition between Gimbel's and Macy's, I'm going to guess it was 1921. You were close.

You were close, by all accounts. 1924. Okay. So Gimbel's had a hand up, I guess you might say. Yeah. Gimbel's had a hand up for a couple, three years there, and then Macy's jumped on board. Yeah. And now, of course, I mean, Gimbel's, they're not even around, right?

I didn't research that, but I'm guessing they're not. Well, they used to be in New York right almost across the street from Macy's. And I would guess they're, you know, again, if you remember the movie Elf, if I'm not mistaken, he was in Gimbel's. That's where he was hanging out, right? That's where the whole thing was done, you know, with the Santa Claus and all that stuff.

That's right. Because, yeah, he was, like, doing some special thing and, like, and then all of a sudden one of the, he was sending people, what did he send people across the street to, like, the other store or something? Like, wait. And then the customer's like, oh, my gosh, I can't believe, like, you're doing this, sending me to your competitor.

But then their revenue blew up or something. That part of the story. I think you got that. It's another movie.

OK, I'm combining two movies. OK, well, it seems like it was similar, though. It was.

I think that's Miracle on 34. It's that whole holiday feel. There's no doubt about it.

Yeah, well, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and again, Robin and Eric are going to do a Christmas special, so maybe we'll have to cover that on the Christmas. But the point is the same, I think, right? I mean, there's a message in there about helping others, though, I think. No, there absolutely is.

And it clearly is. The whole idea of Thanksgiving is a gathering together. Right. And that, you know, from the Jewish standpoint, you know, that's the festival of boots. OK.

Right. And that's the it's the it's the one where, you know, if you talk about end times, you know, that's that's the big harvest of all the harvest. You know, where we separate the wheat from the chaff is going to be there when obviously God meets with his people in the biggest harvest of all. Well, and that is something to certainly look forward to. And I hope all of you out there and listening land are are looking forward to that day when when Christ returns, when when the new heaven and the new earth is established and and but until that time, until that happens, which, hey, that could happen tonight. It could happen today while you're listening to this show. It could happen 100 years from now.

We don't know. I guess the key there. Would you would you agree, Robbie, is, hey, just make sure your heart is in the right place for whenever that might happen. Yeah. Yeah. And and not just your heart, but your stomach. Because the whole the picture is to some extent that's beautiful when you think about it is what are you hunger for and what do you thirst for?

Right. Where what are you hungering for and what are you thirsting for? And so as that harvest comes in, the thankfulness of that is is worship.

And it really is a picture in its own way of a very spiritual need that we hunger for and thirst for a harvest where, you know, they're bringing in the sheaves. It's a great thought. And so let me ask you this.

OK, I might throw a couple more questions out there. Good, good. I like I like these holiday questions.

Because all this kind of ties in together because you you made mention a gathering of the sheaves, a gathering together. OK, so this is the Thanksgiving holiday man up special. Right.

And so let's go back just for a moment to a little bit of history is speaking of Thanksgiving. So, Robbie, any idea here in America anyway? Now, this show is listen to multiple countries around the world. Right. I think I think you told me last time was like, I don't know, 74, 75, 76 countries or who knows even more now.

I don't know. But a lot of countries. Right. So not every country celebrates Thanksgiving like America does. I know there is a version of Thanksgiving in old Canada, but let's center on America for a moment.

So any idea when when at least what I could research when the very first Thanksgiving celebration took place? This one, you probably do. You're grinning.

You're smiling. You probably know. I know it was in the sixteen hundreds there somewhere. Yes.

Yes. You know, whether it was 1640 or, you know, 1660, I'm not sure. How about so subtract 300 years from when you think Macy's did their first Thanksgiving Day parade and you come up with. Oh, 1624. 1621. Oh, sorry. Your guess was 1621.

The actual was 1624. So six out of 1924, 1621, the Plymouth colonists, along with and I always butcher this name, though forgive me out there if you're part of this this this tribe, but the Wampanoag Wampanoag Wampanoag tribe. I think that's awesome. I think that you might be, you know, a member of the Wampanoag. I may be.

It's one thing for sure. For those who follow my wrestling career, I am not part of the Russian tribe. I'm pretty sure there was a Wampanoag and wrestler at one point. There was a Wahoo McDaniel.

Yeah. Who chopped chop. And I want to tell you right now, we're kind of getting off topic, but that's OK for the moment, because I know a lot of wrestling fans listen to the show. Man, if you took a Wahoo McDaniel chop, you knew you were in the ring with Wahoo McDaniel. Chief Wahoo, by the way. He was amazing. He used to come in with that headdress on.

And man, people loved Wahoo, man. And do you know he had a football career prior to his wrestling career? No, I did not know that. You would have known that, would you? Because you didn't even know anything about wrestling till we met.

A couple of years ago. I didn't know who Wahoo McDaniel is, but I'm working on it. McDaniel doesn't sound very Indian, by the way.

Well, yeah, but Wahoo does. But he was, I'll tell you, he was full blood Indian. Listen, he played for the New York Jets. He played for the Miami Dolphins. Yeah, if I remember right. And I guess the Jets stadium, he played linebacker.

And listen, it's all like two stories. He played like linebacker and he'd make a big tackle and the PA announcer would go, and in on the tackle, guess who? What do you think the whole entire stadium said? Wahoo. Wahoo. Is that not cool? That's football. That fits with Thanksgiving perfect. It ties right into the colonists sharing an autumn harvest feast. People are like, these guys are like all over the map. But hey, I think you're tracking along with us here. But anyway, all that to say, let me just get last story about Wahoo.

So he left professional football for professional wrestling. Any idea why? Any idea why? Oh, I have no idea.

A lot of questions for you today, Robbie. Wahoo. Here's why. He made more money in the offseason wrestling professionally than he did playing professional football. And so he's like, I'm out. I'm done. Oh, yeah.

Like he made millions in professional wrestling where he made pittance back in those days in professional football. Yeah. In the 60s and stuff. Right. So, OK. All right. Back on track here.

Stay focused, Nikita. Back on track. We got the Indians.

We got the Indians tied in there. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Autumn harvest feast that acknowledged, you know, that day as so that was 1621, one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies, in the colonies.

OK. And for more than two centuries, for more than two centuries, days of Thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. OK. And it wasn't until. Hmm. All right. I'm going to give you a clue here.

I already told you two centuries. Really? Because if you test. All right.

I'm testing the listeners. OK. All right. So. So when when was Thanksgiving? When did Thanksgiving become an actual national holiday to be held each November? I'm thinking it was Lincoln. I could be way off here, but I think it was in the 1860, like 1860 something. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, Missy.

You are good. In 1863. Oh, three. Right in the midst of the Civil War, dude. That's for real, right? Oh, that's a better.

President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of Thanksgiving. Right in the midst of a horrible time of this. Yeah.

First time in the country. But, you know, from a lot of people's standpoint. Yeah. But try trying to bring, I guess, some semblance of peace. Right. In the midst of war. Right.

I think it was a book, War and Peace. Anyway, that's a whole another show. Wow. But so. Yeah. So. So. So 60.

OK. Think about 1621. One documented one of the let's just say the original Thanksgiving with the colonists and and the Indians. And then fast forward to 1863 and now becomes a national holiday Thanksgiving. And what's interesting to Robbie is in in September of 1620, I want to backtrack just for a moment. In September of 1620, a small ship called. What a Mayflower. Mayflower man. Dig, dig, dig.

I have an educated guy across from me here. I'm just saying left Plymouth, England. Isn't that interesting? Left Plymouth, England, carrying one hundred and two passengers.

Now, this is a little trivia for the listeners who may not know any of this. Carrying one hundred two passengers, an assortment of religious separatists, they were called. They were an assortment of religious separatists seeking a new home where they could freely practice their faith. And other individuals lured by the promise of prosperity and land over ownership in the, quote, New World. So religious freedom, right, that that we get to experience today, they were seeking all the way back, Robbie, in the early sixteen hundreds.

I guess as much as things change, some things remain the same. Right. Nothing.

What's the expression? Nothing new under the sun. Yeah.

The Bible talk about that. Yeah. Freedom, period. Right.

The freedom to be who they who they were felt like God called them to be. Right. Yeah. Which is, you know, it ain't so easy to get. So just continuing on this bit of trivia.

So it was a very it was what they call the treacherous and uncomfortable crossing. I, Nikita Kolov, be sure to check out The Man Up Show, now available on television, broadcast and podcast. Go to or the Truth Radio Network. Check out your local listings or better yet, download the Truth Network app today.

You're listening to the Truth Network and Truth Network dot com. I can't even imagine all those people in a little bitty boat. If you've ever seen the version of the main flower and you try to figure one hundred people down in the hole in the inside of that during a storm. You don't even want to think about that if you've ever been in a boat during a storm, a big storm. It is unpleasant as it can be. But if you were in there with one hundred people in the bottom of that boat.

Yeah. Well, just the thought of being in a storm all on water. It does not excite you at all. Like not. I'm not a big water person. I had a discussion with a friend the other day about cruise ships. I'm like, you don't even feel like you're on water. They're like, yeah, it's too big that if you don't feel you got to at least feel you're on the water. I'm like, I don't want to feel I'm on the water.

I want to be on the water. Right. But to your point.

Yeah, I can't even imagine. And it lasted. Get this. It lasted. The trip was sixty six days.

A specific number. Yeah. So not only are you on the water in the midst of a storm or treacherous crossing. This is not like six days or six hours.

This is like sixty six days with those hundred plus people together. And this is the North Atlantic like it. Yeah. It is not calm. No, it is a very stormy sea.

Not at all. And so they drop anchor at Cape Cod and near the mouth, I guess the mouth of the Hudson River. And then one month later, the Mayflower crosses the Massachusetts Bay, where the pilgrims then, as they were called, are commonly known, began to work.

The work of establishing a village at Plymouth. Interesting. So they left Plymouth, England, and they come to America. And isn't that interesting? So now here's one last little tidbit of trivia. So throughout this this first brutal winter, so they came in and apparently they came and landed in the in the right.

I've experienced a few brutal winters in Minnesota, by the way. I'll bet you. Yeah.

Is it via Siberia? Yeah. Not to mention. Yeah. Anyway. So the colonists.

So they remain board ship get this where they suffer from exposure of scurvy outbreaks of contagious disease. And only half of the Mayflower's original passengers and crew live to see their first New England spring. Only half. Yeah.

And talk about the struggles. Right. So fast forward.

So let's fast forward. That's a little trivia for our listeners today. Our nearly 90 percent of Americans talking about you mentioned the stomach.

Right. So what's kind of what's some of the traditions of of Thanksgiving now in terms of eating? Well, like like what's your favorite? Your family's like in my family, I can guarantee you that I'm going to smoke a turkey.

I mean, it's not like that's just going to be the highlight of the deal for it. And that turkey will be stuffed with dressing, you know, that I like to actually I know a lot of people in the south, they make their dressing outside. Ours goes in the turkey. OK. And it's and it's bread dressing. That stuff is to die for.

It really is, especially when it's been smoked. And then, of course, my wife makes the traditional, you know, sweet potato casserole with the marshmallows. Yeah. Like like yams or yams or sweet potato. I don't know.

I guess so. I guess they look like yams, but they also look like sweet potatoes. I don't know. I don't either. They look like all kind of thrown together. I'm like, I don't I don't get it.

I'm not sure. And then there's this green bean casserole that she puts together with mushroom soup and these onions that goes on top. Like that's that's the cool thing. But then the you know, to me, I have the secret way that I get the drippings from the turkey during the smoking process to make this gravy. OK. That like is is like you put that stuff on the green beans and on the turkey, you know, it's just like, oh, yeah, mashed potato. Oh, of course.

Yeah. And my wife makes these mashed potatoes with sour cream and stuff that are just. My mouth is watering like right now. What about cranberry sauce?

Of course. Some people don't like cranberry sauce. I like it both ways. You know, the one that's kind of look like the can when you take it out and the other one that's all kind of got the big, you know, cranberries.

Yeah, I go both ways. So I you know what my one of my especially say, my my my sister, my sister makes my my mom used to me was a fruit salad like a. Oh, yeah. Like with the whipped cream and all the fruits. Oh, yeah. Yummy, yummy. Yeah, maybe maybe some nuts, some crushed nuts in their walnuts or something. And well, and then last but not least, what about desserts?

Like what? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm famous in my household for my sugar free pumpkin pie. Now, here's how I got that way that I'm famous for it is one year I was making the pumpkin pies because my wife was busy and I forgot to add the sugar.

Come on. And we had a bunch of gas. So that that year for, you know, it's everybody's already for this pumpkin pie stick in their mouth.

What? I'm like, I think I forgot something. I forgot one key ingredient. Let's load up the whipped cream on top. And I don't know about you, Robbie, but I like I mean, I like I get I can eat pumpkin pie without cool whip, but I don't know, just something on it.

It does, you know, just cool whip on it. So so I'm guessing so. Those are some of your favorites. And for you out there listening. What are some of your favorite foods? And hey, you could always email me after this show. Go to Koloff dot net.

Go to my website and email me. Like if you have some favorite foods or some favorite memories from Thanksgiving. What about favorite memories? Robbie, do you have any favorite memories from Thanksgiving's?

Oh, yeah. I mean, you know, my dad was, you know, he was a huge football fan. And for whatever reason, I, I don't watch much football anymore, but I used to love to watch football with my dad. That was. And so sitting down with him and, you know, watching, you know, Detroit always played and the Cowboys always played on on Thanksgiving. You know, that was that was part of the tradition, of course.

And part of that. OK. But so so before before we have to sign off here, let's go back to test your your trivia knowledge.

What were types speaking that ties right in to to my my question. Thanksgiving Day football. OK. OK. So so we know that, yes, the Cowboys always play some of the you know, you eat the big meal, you kind of lay back and you might see some of the game.

I don't feel like. Right. Right.

Supposedly it's all that whatever it is that makes you sleep. Right. There you go.

I don't know how much truth there is there, how much science there is behind that. But anyway, so. All right. One last test of your knowledge. And so when was the first Thanksgiving Day football game played? Robbie, I'm going to go with fifty five.

I was born that years as in nineteen fifty five. Yeah. No, not even close.

OK. Not even close. Say for you out there listening. What was your first what's your guess? So I'm going to give it to you because I don't want to run out of time here.

Yale versus Princeton. Eighteen seventy six. The first. Oh my goodness.

A football. That was the most I've been wrong in any question. Yeah.

Yale versus Princeton. But hey, before we close out, though, it just the segue here, because obviously, you know, all of you. We hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving day and enjoy your family and time together with friends and and all that. But Robbie, what would you say is the most basic food aside, football aside, family and friends? What might you say would be the most important aspect or part of Thanksgiving?

Yeah, it clearly is. From my standpoint, it is actually hungering and thirsting for that relationship with God and then with others. Right. To share being thankful what God's done for you that year with those people closest to you around the table is always, you know, a cherished like thing to see.

Wow. God did that in my daughter's life and she acknowledges it and she sees it and and that's spectacular to see the people that you love, love on God. Well, and I'm reminded, too, of scripture, you know, and there's a lot of scriptures, but some of which one that comes to mind is be thankful in all things. Right. Which sometimes it's hard to wrap our minds around.

That could be an entire show itself. Oh, yeah. Right. But be thankful in all things. How thankful? As you're listening out there today and thinking about this special holiday show with Robbie Dilmore, the Christian car guy, by the way, go listen to his show on Truth Radio Network.

If you've never done that, go to the podcast, download the app, Truth Radio app and catch his show. But I mean, right. So many things that we can be thankful for, certainly our salvation, certainly Jesus looking forward to heaven one day and and the new heaven and the new earth and all of that. But in the meantime, maybe the folks when they sit down for this Thanksgiving might might appreciate just a little bit more after listening to this show and and take time pause and take time over Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe if you never have before.

Right, Robbie. And I don't know if your family does this just to go around the table. Oh, yeah. What do you think? Does your family do that? Do what are you thankful for?

What do you think? Right. And just to hear what everyone is is thankful for. And it's pretty enlightening, right? Sometimes.

Oh, it's beautiful. Are you ever surprised by what some of the things your family says? I am always. You know, your kids faith is always just it just really ignites mine. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

Enjoy your family time. And God bless you. This podcast is made possible by the grace of God and your faithful prayers, support and generous gifts. May God bless you for your continual contributions. Go to and donate today. And for a gift of one hundred dollars or more, Nikita will include a signed copy of his newly updated life story, a tale of the ring and redemption. Go to and donate today. Nikita Koloff here.

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