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Doc- A Mission of Rescue

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff
The Truth Network Radio
November 19, 2022 1:00 am

Doc- A Mission of Rescue

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff

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November 19, 2022 1:00 am

Today, Nikita speaks with good friend Doc. Listen as he shares his fight against Human Trafficking.


We're partnering with the Persecution Project Foundation right now to help embattled Christians that are being attacked for their faith in the Sudan. Go to right now and give whatever you can to help these dear families in the Sudan. We'll be starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. Today we've got with us Doc. Doc, welcome to It's Time to Man Up. Hey man, how you doing?

I am doing great and it's great to have you with us, man. We are going to talk about a topic today that is very relative to today's day and time. And one thing I like to do each week is just that, just bring timely stories or a message that's relevant and you certainly qualify.

And so, what we're going to talk about for our listeners today, we're going to expand on this. I'm going to ask you to expand on this, but it's called the SWAT League. And it's an acronym that breaks down to Sports World Against Trafficking.

And maybe Doc, you could just kind of open up our conversation to our listeners. Maybe they're not familiar with trafficking and what exactly that means. What human trafficking is and who does it impact. Well, yeah, I mean, I think that most people have probably heard the terms human trafficking by now, and I think most people know it's a bad thing.

You know, that doesn't necessarily mean that they really have an idea what it has to do with them or what it could have to do with them. So human trafficking, a lot of people, especially when they think about children being trafficked, probably focus their thoughts over to other countries, maybe third world countries, things like that, where they kind of envision children being sold. Unfortunately, it's something that's very rampant here in the United States. It happens in every state. I would be pretty assured in saying that it happens in the majority of our middle schools and high schools, as shocking as that might sound. And when it comes to trafficking, there's a lot of debate, obviously, on the statistics, because it's such a hidden thing.

You know, we only know what we know based on, you know, the ones that we rescue or the Johns or our pimps that we are, you know, we're able to arrest. But the reality is it's a it's the fastest growing crime in the world. And it's a one hundred and fifty billion dollar global industry.

I hate even having to call it an industry, but that's you know, that's what it is. And it's it's just a sick thing. I mean, it's the target age.

You ask who it impacts. I mean, the target age of victims in the United States for girls is 12 year olds, a 12 year old. And then for boys. Yes, there are boys who are trafficked as well as 13. The average age is 13. That's the target age that they're brought into traffic. It's interesting.

Those are interesting numbers, Doc, because, you know, even even through studies and of past generations or even cultures. And and I know 12 and 13 is a real critical time in a boy or girl's life. And, you know, in the Jewish culture, for example, and I'm sure I know you're familiar with this. You know, they've got a rite of passage, right?

They've got this bar mitzvah or or bat mitzvah for the girls and and a rite of passage from from their childhood, basically, from being a girl stepping into to womanhood or for a boy stepping into manhood. And so very interesting age, not that it's solely limited to 12 and 13 year olds, but that's that's a critical age in a young man or young woman's life when it comes to to their their maturity. Right. And so interesting to me that that's kind of a target number.

Doc, let me ask you something else in relation. So because, you know, you mentioned you said something about a crime and I made a note. I wrote down it's like it's actually like the I think I said, in fact, I think I saw it on your website.

We'll we'll give folks that. But it's kind of like a hidden crime in plain sight. Did I see that on your website, a crime hidden in plain sight? Yeah, there's a couple of terms I think that are used a lot. A lot of people call it modern day slavery.

It's the it's a crime hidden in plain sight because, you know, basically saying you may be seeing it, but you don't realize you're seeing it. And, you know, it's it's the demographics are really broad. I mean, there's no race, there's no social demographic that's immune. You know, there's wealthy children that have been trafficked. There's obviously children who are from more poor backgrounds or who who have more need that the traffickers can prey on or more prone to be lured in.

And, you know, that's another thing. It's one of the misconceptions I had when I first started learning about it is, you know, my vision was, OK, mom and daughter at the mall and they get separated and, you know, somebody throws the girl in the van and takes off. But most of the time it's fraud and coercion where they and that's one reason the age of the target agency, they're luring the kids in where they're being kind of coerced into going with someone and just don't realize who that person really is, because they're kind of feeding on a need they have. And it's not always sex trafficking. It could be labor trafficking or whatever. But, you know, the sex trafficking has really gotten so much attention because of how vile and all that it is.

That was actually that that just leads right really right into my next question was, was is there a difference for for our listeners out there? Is there a difference between human trafficking and sex trafficking or are they one in the same thing? Well, there's there are different types of human trafficking. Sex trafficking would be one of those types. So sex trafficking, labor trafficking is basically, you know, forced labor, cheap labor, that kind of thing where somebody is using someone claiming ownership of someone kind of like you would think of slavery in America's past. Sex trafficking is what it says. They're basically prostituting or selling children or, you know, and they're not always children. That's just usually when they come in to the life is as a minor. I've probably met with about 250 survivors over the last several years that I've been involved in this. And I've yet to meet one who was not brought into the life before they turned 18. I'm sure there's exceptions, but most of them are being brought in, you know, as minors. But anyway, to answer your question, yes, sex trafficking is one type of human trafficking.

OK. And would you I'm just curious because I'm just learning more and more about this. And your your your website was was quite enlightening, to say the least. You'd already mentioned one statistic, one hundred and fifty billion dollar. And yes, it is unfortunate to to call have to call it an industry, but it is what it is.

Right. But the statistics are staggering to me. I think I read also on your site every every six seconds someone becomes a victim of human trafficking.

Is that right? Based on the numbers that are estimated, you know, that that's globally, obviously. But, you know, the FBI estimates right here in the United States, there are over one hundred thousand women ages nine to nineteen that are being trafficked, which, you know, that's more than enough to fill most football stadiums.

You know, that's a lot of people, you know, so it's very prevalent. And even with covid going on, the you know, when I talked about the fraud and coercion, sometimes that's in person. It's somebody who befriends someone, a girl or boy, and lures them in, you know, just in person. The other thing that happens and a lot of people hear about it is online social media.

There are predators online who pose as other kids or poses, you know, whatever, and lure those kids into meeting them somewhere and don't know what they're going to. And unfortunately, it's a trafficking situation. And it's all it's also, you know, it's sometimes it's where they're held in bondage, you know, where they keep them.

And sometimes it's they hold them through. And it's all there's always bondage. But sometimes it's through through threat, you know, where they may, you know, invite them or they may come over and get risque pictures of them or something and hold that against them. You know, we're going to put these on the Internet or we're going to write whatever you don't do what we tell you. Blackmail. So I think the old term blackmail. Right. And yeah, you know, it's interesting because I've seen a few videos recently that really honestly, doc, just just turned my stomach. And it was in some cases high profile individuals.

In other words, one just Joe Blow. I mean, it was it was high profile. I'm not trying to pigeonhole anybody here. Just understand, though, and in these different communities, people that are known in their community. Let me just say it that way. But what kind of turned my stomach was it was that the videos I saw was actually a person who who was portraying themselves as a as a minor, communicating with these individuals. And it was a setup. It was a setup to to go meet them and expose them for their perversion.

And it was incredible. I mean, some of these people are like like I mean, they're they're like getting out of Dodge as fast as they can. But but the person's filming the whole thing. So you get to see who they are and and and they mention their name.

And I mean, I just when I first became aware of this, I just kind of just I guess it just it is kind of hidden in plain sight because you just don't really at least I didn't really kind of think about it or or certainly not talk about it. But that's why I wanted you on the show, because this this message needs to get out and the awareness needs to be created. You mentioned having met about 250 individuals. Am I right to say only about an estimated I know these numbers can can kind of be, you know, again, there are estimates, right, but only an estimated one percent of victims are able to escape or are rescued.

Is that fairly accurate? Right. Yeah.

I mean, because and a lot of that is because there's a lot of drug force, drug abuse, abuse and addiction. So a lot of them end up there's obviously a high suicide rate when somebody has been raped once. You know, that's a traumatic event.

Imagine being raped 15 times a day. Yeah, repeatedly. Yeah.

Yeah. I mean, I mean, eventually, I mean, it I'm sure there's some sort of numbness to it, but there's also forced drug addiction. So there's a lot of suicide. There's a lot of death by overdose and a lot of that. So it's, you know, it's and there's a lot of, you know, it's just something that's hard to prosecute because, you know, think about, you know, somebody with a chemical dependence getting credible testimony is not the easiest thing in the world.

Right. You know, they they kind of get these victims into thinking, you know, becoming dependent upon their their pimp and you really have to stop it before it happens. You know, the rescue rate is just so minute that that you really just have to stop it before it starts.

That's just that's just staggering. And and it just kind of takes on that, obviously, with social media and access to minors and and and portray yourself, you know, as some, you know, just, hey, this is just an innocent meeting. But knowing, you know, what your intentions are, it gives a whole new really takes you to a whole nother. I can think back of my younger days growing up, back in the days when when missing persons were on milk cartons.

I mean, there may be some listeners out there going, I don't even know what he's talking about right now. But right. I mean, there was that time, right? That's almost kind of the the beginning of of this whole right.

This whole miss the missing person. Would you say, Doc, that even back in those days, that that may have been a I guess a form of of human trafficking, right, or sex trafficking with the missing person on the milk carton? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, I know I know people that have been doing this, you know, for in this industry, you know, working to prevent about 30 years.

And I mean, I mean, obviously, you can't say every case. But what what's happened is, especially the gang oriented, the gang led trafficking. They've learned, you know, I mean, think about selling a drug.

All right. So if you it's all based on greed, it's not even about to the to the pants. It's not about sex. It's about power and money. And and so, you know, you think if you sell somebody crack, you know, you sell that crack and crack job. But when you've got a human body, a human person that you know, you basically claim as your property, you can sell that person over and over. And, you know, it just they're I guess they're over here.

And they would think of it in business terms is a lot lower. If you would like to support Koloff for Christ Ministries for a gift of twenty five dollars, Nikita will send you his two CDs, Adoration and Declaration for a gift of fifty dollars. Nikita will include his book, Wrestling with Success, and for a gift of one hundred dollars or more. Nikita will include a signed copy of his newly updated life story, A Tale of the Ring and Redemption.

Go to and donate today. Nikita Koloff here and I am excited. Did you hear the huge announcement, the big announcement? Well, maybe it's a minor announcement. Anyway, Facebook.

Go look up my new fan page, Nikita Koloff Fans, and like it and follow today. So why tell me tell me why why did you decide to get involved? Oh, God, you know, I worked in faith based, which obviously as a Christian, I mean, I am still a faith based person and still love leading people to the Lord. But it was something where I got exposed to it through some of my other ministry work and through you just a couple of months after I first started learning about it, some some things that just were coming into my life. You know, I'll put it this way, it wasn't something I was looking for.

Obviously, nobody's really looking to to learn and see some of this just moral depravity. But I mean, it was something I just felt like I had God just gave me an idea of some things I thought would would bring people together to help. And it felt like I kind of had to. Well, in fact, you mentioned ministry. It's how we you and I originally met through right through ministry.

And we've known each other for for many, many years. And I've been blessed to be a part of some of the things you've done, whether it's been crusades around different parts of the world or prison ministry and and just a variety of different, as you mentioned, different types of ministries that that I've been a part of. And your your vision for just reaching, reaching the lost. And now in this case, reaching, you know, reaching the what might seem to be the unreachable. But and or as you keep going back to this, the crime that's hidden in plain sight, just awareness of that.

And so I really appreciate your your heart and even your desire to, you know, to be a part of this. Let me ask you, let me ask you, Doc, about the dark web. If I mean, there may be a listener out there who doesn't even they're like, what's what's that all about? Can you take a minute and kind of expound on on the dark web? Yeah, I mean, you know, there are there are websites that a lot of people are probably most familiar with the one that got a lot of attention about two years ago, Backpage, where it's kind of like Craigslist, but for things that are not legal.

And and that's kind of what that happens. I mean, there's a lot of I mean, police monitored. I mean, one of the technologies that we're actually using is we have a bot that poses a teenage girl that's being operated in about 12 cities now that intercepts transactions.

And just to give you an idea of how rampant it is, in its first year, this bot intercepted over twenty seven thousand transactions. And that's just in like 12 cities. And it wasn't in 12 cities the whole time.

It started in two cities. So, you know, we want to get that expanded into every major city, obviously, because it kind of puts the fear of God in the people that would consider doing this. But, yeah, I mean, the dark web is where a lot of these people are sold. These kids are sold online and, you know, police monitor them. They know about most of them, but they use it as a as a way to locate. And I mean, you know, it's kind of one of those kids.

Twenty two. I went to a conference and heard a mother speak who had found her daughter on Backpage. Well, Backpage got shut down. Now, obviously, you think, well, that's a victory.

We got shut back, shut down. So those girls can't be sold there. But had it not been for Backpage, she wouldn't have found her daughter. So, you know, she was able to find her there. So, you know, it's one of those it's hard to make an argument.

You could make an argument both ways. But, you know, the real, you know, the pimps and all that are, you know, I don't mean good in a way of good or bad, but the pimps that are good at what they're doing. You know, they're going to find, you know, just because Backpage is shut down, they're going to they've still got the girls. They're going to they're going to traffic there.

Yeah. They're going to find ways to do it. The key honestly, Nikita, is demand. You know, it's like any kind of industry. You've got to kill the demand. Technology, I mentioned, is one way to kill the current demand by just putting fear into people that they could get busted. But then, you know, what SWAT League is doing, you know, when we get to that, we've got an idea that we think we can help kind of kill the future demand. Good. Well, that's good. And because you said it's not just a United States problem, it's it's a global problem. Right.

And but you're doing your part here in the United States. How can how can we recognize like how do we recognize it? Like, you know, how do we recognize if we see it?

How what are we looking for? Well, you know, we we kind of educate schools, teachers, counselors on things that they can look for because they're around kids so much. There's a lot of characteristics you can look for where, you know, if there's a major change in a kid's life, their appearance that they all of a sudden start wearing a lot of jewelry. If they're leaving school with somebody that's not a parent, if they you know, there's a lot of different red flags. And it's not that any individual red flag would mean anything. But if you see several of them together, that could mean something. As far as people, you know, you just it's really hard to tell.

I mean, because it's so hidden. It's I mean, I'll give you one example as a male, you know, that travels a lot that you travel out when you check into a hotel. If you're checking in and they ask you if if the desk ask you questions that are a little bit personal, you know, like, you know, are you here for business or personal?

That's not too bad. But when you say business, if they get into, oh, what kind of business? You know, if they're you know, sometimes they're trying to get because there are hotels that enable it, you know, where they might take 10 bucks on the side for every every event they like to happen in their hotel. So there's a lot of you know, and that's one thing that our current administration has done a good job at it with some of their initiatives is not to get into politics because this is something bigger than politics. But they actually issued some stuff that helps where you can prosecute enablers strongly in addition to the traffickers. Yeah. And the most effective way is to stop stop this, you think?

Demand is really the biggest thing. You know, that's that's why you mentioned our organization Sports World Against Trafficking. I mean, what we're trying to do is something unique while we're educating kids not to get lured in to recognize if somebody if you or a friend might be getting groomed is what they call it when it's a very it's that that luring in could be a month to month long process that somebody spends patiently to get your trust to get you to go with them.

It's not like, hey, hey, let's go get the car. Most of the times it's something that takes time for that trust. And that's something people need to you know, the kids need to recognize.

You know, you mentioned earlier the friends that will, they may your friends in a school who are working for pimps that will invite other girls to come over and spend the night to have a sleepover, they'll get provocative pictures. And that's, you know, that's how they bring them in. So, you know, there's a reason why parents need to know the parents of their kids friends and where they're going, right kind of stuff.

You know, there's a lot of precautions. But anyway, there's there's a there's an indirect relationship between the sports industry and trafficking. A lot of people hear about it around the Super Bowl. It's it's not the sport itself, but anything that brings people into a city to fill up the hotels kind of increases your potential clientele if you're the pimp. And you think about sporting events, you know, you're talking about a lot of men coming into the city, looking to be entertained. You're just your your overall base of people that might want to be interested, be interested in this kind of increases and so we approaching. We've got several athletes.

Ray Lewis is our co-founder of the organization, some of the other wrestler guy, you know, staying and others that you know, involved in. And so what we are doing is while we're educating young children not to be a part of the supply is to uniquely have these male athletic role models who are so revered in our country to speak out and say, you know, this is not right. Not how you treat a person.

Right. And and try to try to put the fear of God basically into them to know if if you get to a point in your life where you think you're going to participate in this, you need to do it with the understanding that you're contributing to rape. Because like I said, the majority of victims, well over 98 percent, I would say, based on my experience, 100 percent are brought into this before they turn 18. That's a felony. That's rape. Even if they're 22, when when you do it with them, you know, if they were brought in at 15, you're contributing to that rape. And it's it's important that we're blunt and that we would make kids understand if you participate in this, you're you're you're participating in rape. And I think the voices and influence of these athletes can help reduce the future demand. Yeah.

Well, we just got a minute or two left here, Doc. And and, you know, I know there's some headway being made. I was researching a little this Operation Patriot down in down in Houston, Texas, a sting operation with 23 agencies involved. And they they five they rescued five out of the human trafficking. Forty six arrests were made. I know another state I saw where Operation Autumn Hope, U.S. Marshals recovered 45 missing children in one state, making one hundred and seventy nine arrests. And I know from your Web site, I do recognize a few faces there.

You mentioned Ray Lewis, Bobby Bowden, staying, Kurt Warner and some others there. And and and I people will get an education from your your Web site, like what I said, enlighten, educate, engage, empower and then eradicate. In our last few seconds here, where can people find out what's what's the Web site? Where can people find out more about this, Doc?

Oh, yeah. For our website, it's Swat League. So it's SWAT

You can go there. I will tell you that we've got some incredible technology. We're going to be launching in January that everybody will hear about because it's going to go out into schools and through the sports leagues and all. I don't want to get too much information out yet, just because we all traffickers here and stuff and finding out that there's some really cool technology coming out next year that I think is going to give parents a way to help protect their children. And so you go to SWAT and keep up with us there. You can sign a pledge on the Web site that you'll do everything you can to help prevent and educate.

And yeah, awesome. The more people that are aware and understand how it works, the better. Absolutely. So, folks, go to go to SWAT and partner with all these high profile celebrities who want to enlighten, educate, engage, empower and then eradicate human trafficking. Let's keep this in our prayers. Pray for Doc and his organization. And let's make an impact. Let's make a difference and eradicate human trafficking, sex trafficking. It should turn your stomach.

I know it turns mine. Till next time, on It's Time to Man Up. This podcast is made possible by the grace of God and your faithful prayers, support and generous gifts. May God bless you for your continual contributions. Go to and donate today. Hi, Nikita Koloff.

Be sure to check out The Man Up Show, now available on television, broadcast and podcast. Go to or the Truth Radio Network. Check out your local listings or better yet, download the Truth Network app today. Nikita Koloff here.

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