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Golf With Jay Delsing - - How to get ready to play your best golf

Golf With Jay Delsing / Jay Delsing
The Truth Network Radio
April 26, 2021 10:02 am

Golf With Jay Delsing - - How to get ready to play your best golf

Golf With Jay Delsing / Jay Delsing

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Jay Delsing spent 25 years on the PGA Tour and is a lifetime member of the PGA Tour and PGA of America. Now he provides his unique perspective as a golfer and network broadcaster. It's time to go On The Range with Jay Delsing.

On The Range is brought to you by Vehicle Assurance. And good morning. Welcome to Golf with Jay Delsing. I'm your host, Jay. I've got Pearly May with me. Pearly, what's going on this morning? Got my driver in hand and ready to rip it, baby. Let's go. Yes.

All right. So we formatted the show like around the golf. Our first segment is called The On The Range Segments, brought to you by our friends at Vehicle Assurance, 866-341-9255. If you need some additional coverage, you need some help with the insurance on your car. No matter what the car is, they have it for you.

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314-805-2132. All right, so John, this show, an overview. We wanted, I wanted to try to put something together with some stories from things that you and I've done together about how to get ready to play your best golf. From the driving range, the putting green. What sort of things to work on. Drills. How to get your mental side right. What not to do. You know, there's a thousand different ways to think about this. Most of the time when I see folks doing it, they're not doing it the right way.

They're not giving themselves the best chance to play well. Well, you just pointed out that there's a lot of things. And when it goes through, we can both relate to this. When we played our best golf, we did an awful lot of those things at a high level. And it started long before we got to the golf course, right?

I mean, it started long before the day of the tournament for that matter too. So there's so much that goes into it, which is why the more we understand that the more you can respect those guys on tour because it's just, it's a way of life. If you really want to play great, but you're talking about the weekend warrior, the guy playing a couple days a week, that kind of stuff. But I'll even start though, even with those folks, which we've talked about, get your body in shape, get some walking under your belt, if you can jog, get jogging under your belt, if you can do some stretches, that kind of stuff. That's just a huge, huge place. If we're not playing sports all the time, if we don't have our bodies in shape, trying to play this game is really, really rough. It's really limiting if we're not there. You know, we've seen it, the story about Guy Burroughs and, you know, whiffing a three wood from the middle of the fairway because his group was on the clock and he was carrying around about an extra 50 to 80 in the front.

He was sweating and just trying to walk to keep up. I know it's, and he promised, I promised him, I wouldn't tell, he goes, you're not going to tell anybody. You saw that I, and I said, Guy, which we affectionately call them Guy. I said, I'm telling everyone that, that story. You whiffed your three wood from the middle of the fairway with a perfect lie.

Of course I'm telling everybody. So, but Pearl, the conditioning stuff, it's not only a golf thing, man. It's a life thing. As we get older, you want to be around, you want to see your grandkids, whatever your age is. It's, I know people are probably tired of hearing us say it, but get your butt off the couch, walk, do anything.

It's going to help every aspect of your life. Yeah. It's a flexibility. I think the walking is absolutely huge because that's part of it.

You know, it's funny, Jay, I reflect back when I played my best golf is also when I was in my best running shape. I don't think that was just, so it was just a physical thing. It was a mental thing. It was, I was just able to be able to concentrate a little bit deeper. You're going to talk about a couple of drills in a second.

It's tough to do those drills, tough to do the right thing. If you can't focus for more than five seconds. Oh, Pearl.

I mean, think about it. One of the reasons, you know, one of the reasons why I've worked out, been in the gym for, I mean, you couldn't tell if you looked at me, but I've been in the gym for the last 25, 30 years. It is because it helped me blow off the stress. It helped me blow off the stress of some of the personal stuff that was going on in my life. The trying to cope with the, the stress of the PGA tour, just life, man, it, it, it helped a boatload, but all right.

So Jen, let's try to take it in some sort of sequence, which is completely unlike what we do on the show, but let's try it anyway. You don't see your go to your, we're talking about being, have some degree of prep before you go to the golf course. And some people are going to just throw this right out the window.

They're going to be, you know, to, to do what they do. But if there's a way to go to either the driving range or the putting green, and you can't do both before you get on the golf course, what do you think people should do? I'm going to say, go to the putting green and get some putting chippings and steal stuff in. Cause that's where most of it is, but I'm going to start someplace earlier while you're driving to the golf course, give a little talk to yourself and say, Hey, what am I after today? I'm after having a good time. I'm after accepting that I'm going to hit some lousy shots. I'm going to accept that some guys are going to start their cart when I'm ready to hit. Somebody's going to be talking when I'm ready to hit. Someone's going to get into us, whatever the case is. It's the same thing that I encourage in for business, just be prepared for like funky things to happen. So you're not surprised because you know, darn well they're going to happen. So just a couple of minutes of prep in the car before you even get there.

And then I think putting chip and you can always swing away around the bar on the putting green to get yourself loose, but you got to get that touch. I think w where are you coming from? You want to go bomb drivers. You want to go bomb drivers.

I know exactly exactly. No, I see that all the time. People run from the car. They don't hit a couple of pitching wedges or a couple of, you know, uh, uh, their most lofted wedge to get a sense of a touch and feel they're banging.

They want to pay their driver straight from the car. I mean, we're talking about maybe a little waggle and then, and I mean, you know, the majority of your shots are going to be taken with the wedges in the putter anyway. And I I'm with you.

I mean, uh, I don't see it happen very often, but I, if that's all I could do, I would definitely go to the dry to the putting green and hit some putts and pitches, get some sense for how fast or slow the greens are today and try to get a little feel. I totally agree. I totally, that's, that's the way to go. Uh, and at the end of the day, your rhythm with your little pitches and chips is going to relate a whole lot more, hopefully to the rest of the swings in your golf bag.

And you could actually kind of start from there nice and slow and have a lot of feel to it, Pearl. I remember the time I think we were up in, uh, Reno Tahoe when you were getting for me and I'm like, I'm not going to the range. I'm just, let's go to the, let's go hit a couple of pitches and chips around the green. Let's go hit a couple of putts. I've already been on the bike and, and, and rode, uh, a little bit to get, uh, my body warm. Let's just go. And, um, I didn't think anything of the first tee, you know, the first tee is a crapshoot sometimes no matter what, but there, you know, I was loose.

I was fine in Rotella. Talk to us about this. How many times to use your warmup, your, your practice in the morning as a warmup, not as, Oh hell, I got to go try to find my swing. Where's my game. What's this? What's that?

You know, not as that, but truly as let's get our body loose. I've played a lot of events. First of all, without a driver in my bag. Second of all, with the driver in my bag, but never hit it in the driving range.

And people are like, why don't you get your driver before you play? Cause I don't want to hit a bad one and start thinking about it. I was, I was in a good place in my head. I knew I just wanted to make good swings. I felt good about it. I didn't want to stand up there until I hit a bad one. So I thought that that's for me. I mean, it was just a little mental game. I could go out there knowing I had to get a bad Z shot that day. Yep. Maybe you should call Bob. I don't know.

One eight, one, eight hundred Rotella. So I think that the, the bigger thing about that with the, with the shorter stuff is it can easily set up a really beneficial rhythm and tempo to the whole round of golf, to the entire round of golf, instead of man, that driver's tough to swing sometimes in that first swing without any other swings going to the driver is can, can definitely set you off on the wrong foot. Absolutely. It's, it's a piece of it.

Another, another thing is if, depending on the time you do have a little bit of time on the range, just what you just said, I'd hit about three quarters wedges, same thing to just feel the flow, feel the flow through your whole body, clicking your weight, making your turn. That's where everything can start clicking from there. Yeah.

Hell yeah. And you hit something a little more solidly and Pearl, what we're about on the show, what we're about when we get on, when you're on my bag and I'm playing, we are about the fundamentals. We are talking about setup. We are talking about ball position. We are talking about rhythm and tempo, and we don't really need to cover anything else. We are not sitting out there with a bunch of swing devices and all of these things trying to work out. We're about fundamentals, get the ball in the right place, get the, get a sense for the rhythm of the day, the rhythm of the round.

Some short game stuff was paramount my last 15 years on tour and try to play from the same place every day. Well, yeah. Checking your tendencies. Exactly. Which is kind of what you referenced at that last piece is, Hey, you had a tendency of having a little bit of a high right arm, high right shoulder, maybe a little bit of ball position, that type of thing.

So check those things, get those squared away right off the bat so that you can, you can feel what that's supposed to feel like. And then off you go. All right. So Pearl, that's going to wrap up the, on the range segment. I'm going to give the tip of the cap, the tip of the cap this week, it's brought to you by the Dean team of Kirkwood, Colin and Brandy are our buddies over there. They both helped you with your new purchase pro. They helped me with a, a car for Joe.

You could reach them at three one four nine six six zero three zero three. And the tip of the cap today goes to mother nature. She's one tough, tough cookie. And we got so much snow in the middle of April that we had about tip our cap to mother nature because she just whipped our ass and won again and destroyed our flowers and made golf tough. I saw, I talked to a couple of my younger students who are like, yep, Mr. Delsey, we had to play golf in the snow, in the snow. And I thought, man, it's a tough enough game when the sun is shining and it's 70 or 80 degrees out playing in the snow in the cold. Mother nature wins the tip of the cap this week.

Mother nature is always in charge and we can't afford to forget that. Yeah. And ask Sandra shopley, what he thinks about mother nature and the Augusta wind that he got at the 16th and Augusta this year wasn't blowing too kindly on him. That's the tip of the cap from the Dean team of Kirkwood three one four nine six six zero three zero three Pearl.

That's going to wrap up the under range segment, but don't go anywhere. Folks. We will be right back with the front nine, the golf with Jay delsing. Hello, friends.

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800-518-1626 you can call them or reach them on the web at SSM physical therapy dot com. Your therapy our passion. Grab your clubs we're headed to the front nine on golf with Jay Delsing. The front nine is brought to you by the Ascension Charity Classic. Welcome back this is golf with Jay Delsing I'm your host Jay Pearlys with me Brad Barnes-Mead has taken care of us here in the ESPN studios. We're headed to the front nine John.

Ascension Charity Classic baby this September Norwood Hills Country Club can't wait. Gonna be a big time gonna be a big time so between now and then what are you gonna work on you're gonna work on your fundamentals this happens to be the next subject on your show here. Oh Pearly what do they call that in radio a segue I don't know if they call it that or not that's what we're calling it. You and I shouldn't be on you and I shouldn't be on a segue all the accidents are gonna happen with you and I on a segue. Did I ever tell you about my story with the segue? I'm playing so so I'm playing and there is a hero in his from the Marines who had lost one of his legs from just above the knee and I was walking down the fairway and oh no I had just come off the tee and he was there and I was just walking to a second the second tech of tees out in California and I said hey man which which form of the service were you in and he said the Marine Corps and I shook his hand took my hat off I said I so appreciate your service you know whatever whatever and he was just delightful and he said hey what kind of driver you hit and I go hell look at this well you want to hit one and I said can you hit one and he goes yeah I said hey give me that sorry Howard and my caddy got another ball we were in a pro-am and I teed it up for him and I turned it over gave it to him and he he just smacked it it didn't go straight but he smacked it and it was one of the new tailor-made's he goes man I hadn't hit that before I go yeah it doesn't go straight for me all the time either but it's really funny yeah he goes hey have you ever been on a segue and I go I don't even know what a segue is this was probably oh god pearl probably probably just when I turned 50 so almost 10 years ago and he goes yeah and he shows me the segue I go oh boy I'm awful at balance if there's not a ball associated with something I pretty much had never done it and he goes oh it's so easy to get under do you switch so the question is not did I fall down but did I fall down on my face or on the back of my head uh face face yep face planted right in front of him he looked at me I started laughing I was kind of on all fours with a little push-up position I had that the bar hitting me right in the middle of my chest on the segue and he said you good I said great could you imagine me complaining oh yeah I kind of bruised my sternum to a stud marine who's lost his leg I just kind of sheepishly I'm like you take care of that segue and uh oh yes damn that was tough okay I gotta I gotta ask you I gotta ask you did you really think it was a good idea before you did it or did you just feel you had to do it I felt like I had to do it because he was a hero and this is this guy and I was like this golfer you know and I felt I did I knew it was gonna end I was only trying to nudge it and I hit the gas and the thing went backwards my head went down brutal my my group was my group was enjoying it I could tell you they were enjoying it um yeah oh my god I know brutal um anyway anyway so fundamentals let's get back to the fundamentals John um I remember just struggling so hard trying to identify my it wasn't as hard identifying my tendencies I had a high right arm I used to have a um a tendency to go way too fast to rip the club off the ball things like that um but um man um identifying them was one thing trying to figure out where my body was in space just killed me so hard so difficult the times we would work on pitching I can remember in Australia just spending hours on that green trying to get that just off the green obviously trying to get a feel for the the pitching and the different trajectories the different spin on the ball and then probably the epic for us which was one where it was a major payback was the time we spent at pebble on the green at the end of the day for I don't know were we out there four or five hours just working on getting that club head swung first of all I'll never forget this so first of all I shot a typical good ball hitting terrible take care of the ball around the green because my putter was so inconsistent 70 what three or four or five something like that which is and and I said John I'm not getting off of this coming off of this green until I have an understanding of what I'm doing wrong and we spent at least five hours on that putting green after playing of what an hour around the golf of at least five hours long oh at least but I also remember there was there was just kind of that that commitment on your part it was kind of the okay I've had enough now I can't go on I can't keep trying to do this the way I was doing it and you know what Pearl what I what gave me the confidence is what we worked on and understood about pitching with a square club face with a ball in the same spot with my hand position varying only three different variants for high medium and low and understanding how good I was getting at that that that gave me the confidence that we were going to figure out this butter well the bottom line is you have not deviated from what we learned and what you kind of committed to from that day and I don't remember what year that was but that was that was a long time ago and it was actually committed to it literally you have not deviated from that that's that's a lot to say for any professional golfer no and I haven't and I and I sit there and look at the guys on tour when we follow the game and watch the way they pitch the ball watch the fundamentals the the guys that are the best of it are doing the exact same thing that we implemented the ball in the center your stance the club face is not wide open pointing for us right-handed golfers way out to the right it's pointing where you want your ball to start and then what I tell most people most amateur golfers do less you don't need to raise up you need to stay in your posture you need a mini little pivot and you need to let the head of the club lead it is that easy yeah absolutely and then after we get the fundamentals down it's what drills are we going to do to kind of maintain those fundamentals what what's the that's by the way that's another segue not to bring up a poor subject but what you know what are we going to do once we kind of get what the fundamentals are to her put that into drills that we're going to bring to the golf course for practice or in between rounds for practice right right so uh so one of the things that we were doing when it comes to the fundamentals of pitching and chipping the ball was the trajectory are you hitting the trajectory was crucially important did it match the shot that I saw in my mind tie so if you're out there folks if you're out there trying to figure out your pitching look at think about the difference and I'll give an extreme example so that you can understand it easily understand it think about the difference of how much run the ball is going to have on it if you pitch something somewhere between you know around knee height compared to something that's going to come into the green some somewhere around 10 or 15 feet above head height the higher ball is going to go going to have so much less role and so much let's pitch forward than that little lower shot and that's why that's really important so we want to run those drills for pitching to to call that every time it to the trajectory when you get to the next level which obviously Jay is and as we get lower in our handicap we also want to be able to kind of identify what kind of spin meaning side spin and we put a little hook spin on that that pitch we put a little draw spin on that pitch those are all the things that we what really want to do drill hit a couple with the low draw swing hit a couple of the high draw spin and and move it around like that so you can really identify that and feel all that I'm going to back them I'm going to back them off of that a little bit John because I feel like that's really higher level what I'm going to say instead of that you can certainly do that for the guys that are you know less than a five handicap maybe less than an eight handicap certainly give that a whirl but but look on where you want your ball to land try to hit a spot and that is extremely important and even give yourself a target put a tee out there put a I'll take a chapstick or my car keys something out there I want that ball to land it doesn't have to be perfect I used to take the my my children's the girls hula hoops and and and land it inside of a three-foot spot at a certain trajectory and you won't believe the results you're going to get and by the way that is high level that is what the guys on the pj2 are doing they're trying to hit a spot at a certain trajectory and they know if they do the rest will take care of itself great point yeah absolutely great point yeah Jay talk a little bit about the the the putting the the the the clock putting the putting clock is wonderful and so guys that's about getting three or four balls in a circular area around a hole and start at two feet away I'm not getting started two feet away once you make all three or four of those balls at two feet go to three feet away and knock all three of those in and then go to four feet and that's the end of the drill so we are talking about if you have four balls out there we're talking about you need to make 12 putts in a row four from two feet four from three feet and four from four feet and here's the kicker if you miss one yeah start over and why is that important because it puts pressure it gives meaning it makes you care it makes you concentrate trust me the first time you have to restart you don't think any big deal the third or fourth time you get over that four-footer and it's the last one and you start thinking damn if I miss this I got to go back and I might not be able to get to the 19th hole it might not be able to it'll make you focus it'll make you concentrate and that's purposeful practice John and that's crucially important and depending on how bad it goes pull you pull your truck up turn the lights on and keep on going and and make that happen you know Jay I was literally doing that today and I've played so little I've practiced so little it is was the toughest thing to concentrate even for that long I knock a couple in and then absolutely whiff one and I'm thinking what is going on here and I'm like it's not my stroke my mind completely wandered it was like I completely lost where I was at and here's the cool thing Pearl I'm sorry go ahead finish your point no there's a lot to making those 12 putts there's a lot to it right and so my point is if you do this have your head where you need it this doesn't take a huge time commitment the problem is start letting your mind wander not be there for a couple of those putts and now all of a sudden it will take you 30 minutes to do this but if you get your head together this thing you can knock this thing off in less than five minutes and that's with you know missing one I remember guys in college when I first started seeing that obviously Phil Mickelson has been on TV doing that drill for forever and it's amazing how it helps I think Jay across the board it helps you learn how to focus and that can permeate throughout the rest of your game you know what did John Wooden say to us Pearl in college practice doesn't make perfect perfect practice makes perfect so that is definitely something to keep in mind that's going to wrap up the front nine but come back Pearly and I will be on the back nine this is golf with Jay Delsing hey everybody it's been skill you're listening to golf Jay Delsing if you have a car and you're struggling to get some protection for that car let me recommend vehicle assurance one eight six six three four one nine two five five is their number they have been busy in business for over 10 years and have a 30 day money back guarantee which is one of the reasons why they have over 1 million satisfied customers they are known for their painless claims process and their premium vehicle protection so whatever that car looks like they can help you you can find them at vehicle assurance dot com or call them again at eight six six three four one nine two five five for a free quote get the protection and the peace of mind you deserve don't miss the hottest rookie class in PGA Tour champions history stars like Phil Mickelson Ernie Els Jim Purick and more compete at Norwood Hills Country Club September 6 through the 12th join legends Jack Nicklaus Tom Watson and Hale 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think he's got nine children I think three of them are working in his agency and he can help you with any of your insurance needs whether it's personal whether it's for your business call Ed and he will help you out okay so John the on the back nine let's talk a little bit about some full swing stuff okay so we kind of covered putting we talked about chipping pitching we talked a little bit about the mental aspect let's talk about some some full swing stuffs you got a look on your face like you got some sort of story about me that you want to tell just something one of the things that when I when we were playing the tour John I was playing all those years we had ball hitters that stood out on the range and hit balls all day long VJ Singh comes to mind Bobby Watkins comes to mind guys it would stand out there and pound balls and pound balls and that is not the way it works well for me and whenever I've tried to do that I usually bind myself up so much in the mechanical piece of it what worked for me John was when we would go in the range and you would literally call shots out and I would almost have like a time constraint where I couldn't stand over the ball too long I had to hit the ball within three or four seconds of you calling a shot to a target yeah we kind of played off of fun on out from from our caddyshack and Jay would at least start his backswing if not if not be at the top of his backswing and I would call low draw high fade and at first he kind of looks at me like what are you thinking about and I don't I don't remember when the first time is we tried that but I remember it worked like a charm pretty much every single time to kind of get you athletic get you loosened up kind of lose that sense of control you know you know the adage got to give up control to get control and boy I'll tell you what when you don't have control if somebody's telling you that that is a tough thing to say but that that's fun on our drill we called it helped you tremendously we we used it a hundred times for sure and I can remember one of the times we were down your I was a second stage of tour school you were down there down in Columbus Georgia was that uh Callaway Gardens yeah yep yep yeah yeah that's in Georgia but it's it's in Callaway Gardens yeah and so you were just struggling to hit the ball you just didn't have your rhythm you just couldn't find it and we went to the range and we started doing that and I'm giving you telling you it's slinging hooks and block fades and whatever the case is and just kind of loosened you up and I remember you went from having absolutely no sense of it to really playing well and getting through that and and just shooting some marvelous golf it's really a good way to break it up and and I think you know you can we can make the statement give up control to get control but what is it mean and how do you how do you do it and I think that's actually a drill that it references or or makes sense of that statement yeah and the other thing that we did John and I think this is important folks to absolutely pick out a target while you're doing this this is going to be a low draw towards this flag or this rock you would pick out trees we would pick out I mean we were picking out targets every single time so this was it sounds random but it was very purposeful this is going to be a low and and if I this is going to be a low fade this is going to be a high fade if it didn't come out right we did it again to a different target and it was it was absolutely fun another way to do it John is for folks to pick out parameters on the driving range I've got a seven iron and I've got I cannot move on to the next portion of my bag until I land three or five shots between this point and that point and that gives them some room Pearl it doesn't have to be oh I have to hit these right at the flag stick nope I'm going to pick out an area say hell Pearl say fit even 15 steps apart that's 45 feet apart I need to land five seven irons in between these two targets before I can move on and that builds confidence absolutely I think I'm starting to remember one of the first times we did the final nodule we were down at Shreveport Louisiana back in my buddy my dad's buddy's backyard and his lake house in the crabgrass and in our in our shorts and t-shirts and I had a myth a baseball myth and I'm running and I would go run and start taking off and I would yell what shot you had to hit out of a lousy lie in the rough you remember that I do remember and I was sitting them all with my 60 and I'm like that was for you we might have had a nickel of ultra or two in our hands and that was I remember you run it all over the yard and I was actually you know hitting a little shots in front of you and you were diving to catch him and sometimes they actually went right in your glove well and it was another one of those weeks too and if I remember why why we were doing that where things were clicking for you and then he went out and just shot nothing the next day in a windstorm should we tell the story about the car in the car on the way back after the first day oh yeah go ahead tell the story I'm feeling this obviously left the last of your impression on you and I love it oh this one just destroyed me I I shot what I shoot 75 76 76 and meet it was like a it was like a yard sale I just left strokes it was a tournament I'm leaving strokes all over the course and I come into last holes a reachable par-5 I had a nice drive jack it up why not make it a five or maybe even a six and I'm like I don't want to hit balls I throw my clubs in the car we get in the car and I am down I mean I am feeling low and I look at pearly and I said you know I don't think I can ever make a cut again and what do you say my buddy my I think God I got my buddy caddying for me if I if I don't I'm in the car by myself and I'm fine I can have this conversation not worry about it but I got John there my confidant my friend and he says I waited about 30 seconds and said I I'm wondering if you could ever make a cut either I'm like there was some swearing going on big time bigger than Dallas after that but I was like come on man and then we started doing this crazy thing out in his backyard and the next day I'll never forget that day either I shot 65 I three-putted the first hole I shot 65 I think it was a low round of the day in rain windy conditions and wound up finishing fourth third yeah he had a great finish he had a great finish and there were some other crazy things that happened that week out of the golf course as well but yeah but what but that Fana nodule I think loosened you up to where you can get the you can get the weighing the click the dynamic that you can't read about you just have to feel and you were able to capture it I think after some of those those funky drills we did and it was awesome and so what we're really talking about here though John is getting out of the head out of your head right getting out of this rut that we golfers get in and we get stuck on oh it's my elbow off just hit the ball come on man let's just hit the ball hit it hard somewhere that's what we were trying to do hit it solidly somewhere and folks nine times out of ten your solid ones are straight yeah you know what I mean and so that's kind of what the the point of this funny stories are not so funny stories are you know pearly and is it is wonderful counsel for me that where they've taken me over the years like I don't know if we I don't think we had to stop at the liquor store in the way home pearl I think we already had some I'm pretty sure we already had some back at the lodge yeah but Jay what a great place to play from not in your head John one of the stuff I'm telling the younger kids that I'm working with is they're like well so what should I be thinking of I said think about scoring low think about having a blast think about anything but your golf swing just feel your golf swing and work yourself around the golf course the way you see the ball going just do that and boy these kids are coming back with some fun stories you can hear the excitement in their voice you can hear the I can see the the lower scores coming for them it's really takes the makes the game much more fun and one of the things probably I know you've heard me say this a bunch and then we've got to wrap up this segment but they both come to me and three of them have come to me and said boy I don't feel like I'm out there very long that 18 holes it seems to go by so much quicker I've had that a few times and that is a wonderful wonderful feeling when all of a sudden you're like this is the 18th hole already because I've had plenty of times where I'm like are we done with the front nine yet when do I get to go home exactly that's no doubt about it well um that's going to wrap up the back night but don't go anywhere we have the mickle up ultra 19th hole we got an episode of whack and chase this is golf with j delsing this is build with the third president of the st louis cardinals and you're talking to j delsing and wait oh that's right what's the name of the show golf with j delsing let me start after my knee replacement I was able to swing the golf club pain-free again ssm health physical therapy guided me through the rehab process and when I was ready one of their specially trained k-vest certified physical therapists put me on that 3d motion capture system it is awesome they evaluated my posture alignment and the efficiencies of my golf swing and it's helped me tremendously they gave me golf specific exercises to help my swing and be more efficient and repeatable call them at 800-518-1626 or visit them on the web at tell them j sent you for a special pricing discount your therapy our passion are you looking for a great career do you like meeting nice people working with your hands and fixing things inside the home marco appliance parts company would like to encourage you to consider a 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membership provides you access to the missouri buffs the links to dardeen and the golf club of wensfield cart fees are included there's no food or beverage minimums and no assessments 24-hour fitness center is fantastic there's two large pool complexes and three tennis courts stop in the golf shop you got to see my buddy bummer he is an absolute great guy that would love to help you with your game and love to show you around the facility he and his staff run golf league skins games members tournaments couples events there's live music there's great dining opportunities out there outside inside anything you and your family need golf wise fun wise visit whitmore or call them at 636-926-9622 professional golf returns to st louis in 2021 the ascension charity classic presented by emerson stars like phil mickelson ernie ells jim purik and more compete at norwood hills country club september 6 through the 12th tickets clubhouse passes hospitality suites and pro-enforcement are on sale now all proceeds go to north st louis county charities visit ascension charity or call 314-938-2828 pga tour golf is back in the loo the ascension charity classic have you met your local farmers insurance agent ed fogelebach he proudly serves st louis area families and businesses and is ready to review your existing policies and provide a no obligation quote today call the fogelebach agency at three one four three nine eight zero one zero one to get smarter about your insurance again that's the fogelebach agency with farmers insurance at three one four three nine eight zero one zero one we are farmers I want to tell you about dean team volkswagen of kirkwood my friend callen burt runs the store over there and he helped me buy a used volkswagen for my daughter joe when she turned 16 we've had the car for over a year it's running great it's nice and safe and we've taken it there to get it serviced just recently pearly that does the show with me just bought a nice toyota truck from colin so i want you to know that if there's any sort of vehicle you need anything at all you can get it at the dean team volkswagen of kirkwood you can call them at three one four nine six six zero three zero three or visit them at dean team vw grab your clubs we're headed to the front nine on golf with j delsing the 19th hole is brought to you by mikkelov ultra welcome back this is golf with j delsing pearly may is with me and we are headed to the back nine or yeah no where are we headed pearl we're headed to the 19th hole baby 19th hole the mikkelov ultra 19th hole we'll go ahead and pop one of those and uh we're gonna go right to whack and chase when it comes to your golf game do you need help from the experts so do we we're still looking for those experts but until then john and j will have to do it's time for whack and chase on golf with j delsing john j i don't know what the heck you guys are doing but the people love whack and chase social media baby social media all the social media pub j's been doing we got one more whack and chase david is on the line now hey david thanks so much for joining us excuse me you're fine guys i'm so excited to be here big fans of the show and as we get into the winter month i'm thinking about getting on the course already hopefully it's sooner than may but who knows i'm up in iowa right now and i'm really excited about the chance of maybe getting some feedback on my game iowa wait a second well you need another pin get the pin out put a pin up on the map i traveled north and i kept 101 espn with me at all times oh man we love you we love you thank you so much so what are you looking i want to help you the lights on you know yeah we definitely need to keep the lights on it's tough enough doing this uh this gig without the lights hey david where are you at with what what question have you got for j tonight that uh that he can dig deep into his archives of uh of 50 years of professional knowledge to uh to talk about wow i don't know about that david well here's my situation i have worked hard over the last couple years i've got my handicap down to a four and of course 2020 is a challenge and it was a challenge to get on the course and so i've seen the handicap go up probably right around a seven or eight right now i'm still really happy with that still playing some of the best golf i ever have my biggest challenge is i want to bring the club to parallel and i've never been able to get my flexibility to the point where i can get that club out there uh you know parallel so that way i'm always hitting that ball flush when i'm coming back down um it's why it's not like i have a slicing issue but there's a lot of times where i get on that first tee i'm feeling really confident i think i'm loose and then i duff it and only goes like 25 feet in front of me and i'm looking around wondering if i if i should just pack up and go home then so well if you have any advice i would love it because i would just love to have the fluidity get it to parallel and come back down to the ball and not be like all right am i going to dump this thing or what so i want to confirm something jay you know my swing and it's just gotten shorter and shorter is he talking about getting it to parallel on the backswing or the follow through exactly david perley if you blink you miss perley's backswing now and i'm pretty sure i'm short of parallel on the backswing and the follow through i think so i don't think parallels even in the equation well um so gosh you're a good player and um let me ask you um are you are you thinking you're thinking mostly for your long game right it doesn't really matter if we get our our short irons uh back to parallel you're thinking more like you want your driver your three wood some of your longer stuff to to to just get a little bit longer well maybe i mean and maybe that's because maybe this is the issue that we've identified here is i don't quite know what my issue is because i can tell you off the tee i'm probably around 305 and i'm happy with that i don't think i'm damn i'd be real happy with that right now he's jealous of me by getting a parallel or even close to parallel i'm going to parallel baby well i'm i'm trying to do the whole anthony kim thing from 2009 right like if i don't bring it all the way back and i bring it through i have more control but i i guess yeah i have more issues probably that second shot where i'm you know it's a difference for me trying to get the ball let's say 10 to 15 feet from the pin sometimes i end up i'm on the side i'm not even on the green so i i guess control out of the fairway is what i'm trying to solve and my assumption was the issue is i'm not bringing that club in the right slot every time to come through it okay but back to the parallel issue when is it when do you feel that you're not getting it there and when you want to get it back to parallel is it the first tee is it when the pressure's on is it when you're into the wind or a tight hole when does it when does it occur it's the first and second shot and i guess i notice that i feel like i notice it more with my iron play usually when i'm working with like a six iron and higher well or lower six you know six five four three so you've told us a little about a little bit about your game but tell us a little bit more do you play some competition are you playing for money you're playing in leagues tell us a little bit about where you're where you've been and where you're at with your game i stopped playing golfer money because i always lost the money i uh you know i i played high school i grew up born and raised in st louis i played at chamenade i wasn't the best golfer on the team by any means but i kept through with college and um you know the the correlation i thought with my game getting better was the more i played which is a really common sensing to say but you know and you know a couple years ago i walked you know 60 something rounds of golf i got my handicap down to a four and i was really pleased with that and so a big a big thing is just having the consistency and i love the game it's how i bond with my dad it's how i bond with my friends that's awesome and you know it's the one sport that i feel like i can play well you know as i get older i'm only 28 it's not like i'm it's not like i'm i'm worried about having to get up the game but you know if there's is there something that i can do now to to prolong how i quote unquote feel competitive when i play right now i mean that would be great but am i playing in tournament play no i think that's that's better off for everyone david tell me what you've tried to do to try to fix this so what when you're out on the golf course or you feel like i don't know you just feel like uh this is what you need to do what do you try to do i try and do some stretches i probably do like i don't know maybe five ten minutes before i mean i think ten is like really exaggerated it's probably closer to five minutes but i really just try and get loosened up i know during my round i'm constantly trying to swing that club um you know my practice swing you know something i didn't do for a long time was i didn't get to do a practice swing because i didn't want to waste a good swing on the practice i wanted to hit the ball exactly i understand so you only got so many in there we got to remember that we only have x amount of good swings uh in our lifetime so the heck if we want to waste them on the practice swings yeah i mean i don't want to deplete them if i'm playing a team i don't want to lose it by ten you know that's a lot of golf ahead of you guys well i am very confident that uh that uh jay can help you in a big way here and if he can't i've got some things i'm going to throw into the mix no absolutely well first of all um david congratulations on having such a damn good golf game and playing you know since your early years and um we both hate you that you're 28 because we're both 60 and you know we're we're old but one of the things that i want to point out to you you can sit there and smash a t-ball 300 yards plus that is so unusual okay it just is unusual for an amateur to be able to do that so um my guess my guess so let me let me back up if you want to get a longer backswing now i'm going to say this david i don't think it's necessarily going to do what you want it to do but i'm going to tell you how to do it but jay shouldn't be distinguished between driver and three woods and irons and i'm going to so well he says he's going to but that's why i brought it up i was wondering when he was going to someday someday someday hard me to do it when john's talking over me he's talking over you what a rude guy i'm playing both sides here okay fine fine you're on your own oh we have david here remember never mind so so bud what i'm thinking is what the longer um your driver your three wood your three four five irons um if you want to stretch that backswing out a little bit this is odd i'm sure you've never done this but the the answer lies in your lower body so they've done studies before that if you can move your lower body back and i don't mean sway i just mean load it up now right into your right hip and into your right quad if you can rotate that hip back one inch one inch is equivalent to up to 14 inches longer in your backswing david now you don't want you don't want 14 inches i'm sure well i need to like two and a half feet so i want to go two and a half inches that is what you're saying you need new hips and traction okay david's fix so yeah yeah you're not sticking up for me meat after he's just slamming me over here i said i was playing both sides i defended each of you once i am done now so david what i would do here's what i would do if if i'm you i wouldn't worry nearly as much about making that backswing longer i'd worry about i would focus on your rhythm and some of the fundamentals especially in your iron game so you smash this drive out there 300 plus yards and you miss the green that is not really swing related there's something in the fundamentals that are not matching up for you and i'm sure it's going to have to do with your aim or your ball position i'm almost a hundred percent david are you watching the golf on tv oh i watch it religiously okay i would challenge you big time to watch how many pros with a five iron or less take it to parallel with those clubs i would challenge you i think jay's exactly right for once on this on this it's a shotgun theory david you got to be right occasionally on this parallel thing and and getting more into your rhythm pace that kind of stuff so so if i'm directionally challenged i mean how do i fix this aiming issue so we got to get you on the range we got to get your body stacked your feet knees hips shoulders stacked on top of each other your forearms but they need to be level you're a right-handed guy right you've got to be careful that your right forearm isn't sitting an inch or two above your left form and address i'm almost positive that it is it's a very strong feeling position but david it will do you in i'm an expert at this i did this for years he knows that you should piss me off david and david even when i was watching and tell him not to do it he would do it anyway so keep that in mind yeah and i did he's right and it still pissed me off and i couldn't do it but you got to get your forearms level and they all have to be those parallel train tracks david they all have to be added left of your line and that is it man you don't need much you need a little tweaking with your fundamentals you need to stay in touch with me if i can help you i will and um and man 300 yards i pass up to t we love that and david this is the way we end our whack and chase segments if we help you and this actually works we want you to call everyone you know tell your friends about the show call us back and tell us how great we are and if it does i got no problem doing that you guys are the only ones ever talked off that's why i love listening to you guys i'm so glad you're on one on one espn and i you know i don't know if i'll get to put this work in here in 2020 it might have to wait till 2021 but you can expect a follow-up call from me for sure we're really appreciating now here's the caveat though but you keep missing those greens with your short irons and everything tell them we never met yeah i who are you i don't wear them on yeah that's right what phone call what's 101 espn david thanks so much thanks all right so pearl interesting how that that david's um issue is you know he's talking about the length of his swing and it's really as far as i'm concerned not hugely important especially for a guy that's as good a player as he is yeah i i think there's a lot of things to work on much of what we've even talked about on this show i would i would probably never work on that yeah it's it's one of those things but you can see why some with the with the golf things that are out there how you can get yourself you know worked up and the bigger thing is just trying to recover from 2020 because of covid and he didn't get to play any yeah exactly so go back to the drills we've been talking about the other stuff but he was he was a fun interview it's it's fun to hear the passion and the desire that people have to get better and the things they want to work on but as you and i have learned way too many times it's important to work on the right stuff and the show's up in iowa pearl we're moving north it's from iowa we got a new uh a new pin on our board from the state of iowa well pearl that's going to wrap up she's like what are you talking about you looked at me you lost me out you lost me on that one thanks for the explanation though i'm back on okay you're back on well good because now it's time to get back off because that's going to wrap up another show that's fantastic jay enjoyed the heck out of it again but thanks for being with us me thanks for taking such great care of us here at the espn studios and we will see you next week on golf with jay delson hit them straight st louis peloton let's go this holiday with the right music and the right motivation from world-class instructors we're going to pick it up a notch it's the holiday season you might just surprise yourself with what you're capable of work out to thousands of live and on-demand classes from running to cycling to yoga try peloton risk-free with a 30-day home trial new members only not available in remote locations see additional terms at one slash home dash trial peloton motivation that moves you
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