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R1142 I Believe in Heaven and Hell, PT.2

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Truth Network Radio
July 5, 2022 8:00 am

R1142 I Believe in Heaven and Hell, PT.2

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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July 5, 2022 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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God has an encouraging word for you and me today, from the Bible itself, from Dr. Don Wilton, our teacher on the encouraging word. Today, the topic is heaven and hell.

Oh my goodness, I believe in heaven and hell, and more than that, I believe God wants you to spend eternity with Him in heaven. And even more than that, you know, it's not just about the fire insurance we have to save us from hell and provide us an opportunity to be in heaven, but a taste of heaven on earth right now. An opportunity to walk with God in such a way that we, though everything's not going to be easy, that's not what I'm meaning at all, but Dr. Wilton is going to share with us about how, as we understand our belief in heaven and hell, how it changes the way we live today. As we study God's word, know that we're available to talk or pray or connect with resources at 866-899-9673 or online at

And now, Dr. Don Wilton. May the Lord write His word upon our hearts today, I present to you God's encouraging word, this absolute truth. I'm sharing with you truth. That's why I believe these things. Jesus Christ is real to me.

He's my Savior and my Lord. I'm not a religious man. I'm a Christian man. Religion cannot give me what my Christian faith gives me. Religion gives me a belief in something. Christianity gives me my belief in someone. His name is Jesus. And Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to our Father, which art in heaven.

But by me. I want to invite you to trust the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior today. I want you to give your life to Christ today. Not tomorrow. Because you may not be alive tomorrow. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

I pray you and I will be alive tomorrow. But none of us know this is the accepted time. This is the day of salvation. This is the moment that God is giving to each one of us as we gather together in pulpits all across the world today. As the word of God goes forth from little places and big places under trees in rooms of every kind and persuasion among every person of every culture, in every continent, in every manner you and I could ever imagine.

And it's the same word. Jesus loves you. He died for you.

He wants you to be with him in heaven forever. I believe these things. You know that the Bible tells us a number of things about heaven and hell.

Let me share just a few. Very brief things today about a huge eternal subject. Number one, the Bible tells us that both heaven and hell are places.

They're real places, folks. In Luke chapter 16, Jesus told the story about two men. One a rich man and the other man a poor man and about their two lives and about how both of these men died and faced the absolute certainty of life after death. You see, until I had studied these things, I always was under the impression that when a person dies that they're dead. The Bible says not a single person who's died is dead. Eternity is real. And both heaven and hell are real places.

Jesus said it. One man died and he went to hell. The other man died and he went to heaven. The Bible uses many different terms to talk about hell. Hell is the final place. That's what the Bible talks about in the book of Revelation. Hell is the final place. Bible talks about the abyss, about Gehenna, about Hades. But hell is real. Jesus said so. All across the world today, people are trying to get us out of hell.

People write books. Everywhere in the world today, preachers are standing in pulpits and will not talk about hell in case it offends somebody. But hell is a real place, my friend. Sometimes it's a little frightening to have that direct comment, but hell is a real place. It is a real place. And I think that one of the enemy's tricks is that he tries to get us to think that it is not. What's going on in your life?

Is the enemy playing tricks with you? Let me tell you a solution to that. One, root yourself in more scripture. The more time you spend in God's encouraging word, the stronger your roots will be. And two, invite others to pray with you through whatever is going on. And we stand ready to pray at 866-899-WORD. 24 hours a day, we would love to connect with you at 866-899-9673. Let us pray away that fear of hell and knowing that you can be assured a place in heaven.

866-899-9673. We'll be back right after this with the conclusion of today's message from Dr. Don Wilton here on The Encouraging Word. Are you seeking or rejecting God? The proof of love is the investment of time. You already know God loves you. He sent His Son to die on the cross for your sins so that you could be forgiven and free. But have you ever wondered how to love Him in return? The Bible says, love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. How do you do that?

How do you practically live out that kind of love? This month, Dr. Don Wilton wants to help encourage and inspire you to pursue the God who is pursuing you in his message, Going After Jesus. Going After Jesus is available on CD or DVD for your gift of any amount today. Write to us at Post Office Box 2110, Spartanburg, South Carolina, 29304. Or call us toll free at 866-899-WORD or visit online at

Thank you for your support. The Encouraging Word is a viewer and listener supported ministry that broadcasts the good news of Jesus Christ around the world. Now back to today's message from Dr. Don Wilton on the reality of both heaven and hell and how it changes the way we live our life. All across the world today, people are trying to get us out of hell.

People write books. Everywhere in the world today, preachers are standing in pulpits and will not talk about hell in case it offends somebody. But hell is a real place, my friend. I don't like it.

Least of all do I like preaching about it. But I'm so happy to tell you that just as real as hell is, heaven is equally real. It's a place. Jesus said, I'm going to prepare a place for you. And in this place called heaven, there are many mansions.

It's incredible. In fact, when Jesus taught us to pray, he began his whole prayer by pointing us to heaven, our Father who art in heaven. Heaven is a wonderful place.

We've read someone about it today, but it's real. Oh, I can tell you what I believe the Bible teaches. I believe according to the book of Revelation, at following the great white throne judgment as John tells us in the Revelation, that the new Jerusalem will come down out of where we know heaven is right now. We know that heaven is up there. We know that heaven is up there.

Right now, while we're alive, we know where heaven is because God is up there and Jesus affirmed that because when he ascended, he went up into heaven. In fact, his disciples stood around and they looked up. Jesus went up.

He didn't go down. He went up and the angel came and affirmed that, said, why are you standing there looking up? Because the same Jesus who went up to be seated at the right hand of the Father is going to come back down. Well, in Revelation chapter 21, God comes down out of heaven, back to this earth. I believe that's why in the book of beginnings, in the book of Genesis, that God created the heavens, plural, the galaxies, the magnificence of the universe. But he only created one earth. And on that earth, he placed the Garden of Eden, this perfect place where God came and walked among man. And then man sinned, became separated from God.

And from that moment on, we read he died, she died, he died, she died. And man from that moment began to soil and spoil God's beautiful creation, accepting that God from before the foundation of the world had his master plan for the redemption of mankind, that we through Jesus Christ might become recreated, remade, and rejoined, reconciled to a holy and a righteous God. And when it comes to the new heaven and the new earth, I believe implicitly in my heart that heaven will come down from up there. And this place will be recreated back to its original creation, the Garden of Eden. And this is where we shall live.

Yes, some people call it heaven on earth, it most certainly isn't right now, except for those of us who live in America, of course. Bible says both are places. The Bible also says that both are populated now, right now, at this very minute.

Both are populated, Jesus said that. Jesus told the story about the absolute certainty of life after death. Jesus told us that. He told the story about a man who died without Christ and he went into outer darkness. Bible says he was placed in eternal hell.

And we read about this unbelievable time that he had down there and all the issues that go on. But the fact of the matter is that hell is populated. The popular theory today is that somehow you and I can become reincarnated out of this. It's not in the Bible. In fact, some people would even put forward the theory that you can be purged of your sin. And that only what happens is people go to a place called purgatory, but ultimately, at some time, all people will be elevated into the presence of God. The Bible does not teach that.

In fact, there is no mention of that in the Bible. God's absolute truth, this encouraging word, that's what makes this moment so special. That's why today is the day, that's why right now I want to invite you to give your life to Christ. Because God loves you. Jesus died for you. Don't send away your day of grace, my friend. There are too many people dying on our highways and in our streets every day who have sat in church services and worshiped by way of television and have been in crusades and have heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and yet have refused to trust Jesus Christ. And it's too late.

It's too late. See, the Bible says that both are populated just as hell is populated, so is heaven. Paul put it like this, he said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Of course, I love the story that the Bible tells us concerning the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus when the Lord Jesus himself took three of his disciples up onto the Mount of Transfiguration and he was transfigured in front of them and gave to them a living portrayal of what it means to look like and sound like after we die. And he brought alongside himself two people, Moses and Elijah, who were long dead.

And there they were. Jesus was sending a message to all of us. Heaven and hell are populated. I believe in heaven and hell because both are predicted in the Scriptures. They're not only places, they're not only populated, but they are predicted.

In fact, in John 14, Jesus said, let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God, you believe also in me and my Father's house. There are many mansions, many dwelling places. I'm going up there to prepare a place for you. And if I go up and prepare a place for you, I will come.

I will receive you to myself that where I am, there ye may be also. Right throughout the pastoral epistles, we find God's servants talking to us under the inspiration of the Spirit of God concerning the reality that confronts us with the eternal prediction of our eternal home. Jesus speaking on the Mount of Beatitudes, we call that the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus said in Matthew 5, 22, referring to people who call one another fools, and that's another subject. He said, don't ever call someone a fool because if you do, you might end up in the flames of hell. Jesus said that. He predicted that. Right throughout the Scriptures, there are so many passages predicting both heaven and hell. I believe in heaven and in hell. You see, I'm a Christian man.

This is my textbook. This is truth. I wish that we could call another synod or convocation or perhaps go and consult with the famous theologian. I want to know what God says. I want to know what the Lamb of God has done for me.

I present to you today the Lord Jesus. Both are places, both are populated, both are predicted. Do you know the Bible tells us too that both are permanent? Both are permanent. Both heaven and hell are permanent.

Never go away. In fact, in Luke 16, when Jesus told us about these two people, he talks about the man who finds himself in hell, this man who had everything. He said he was clothed in purple and fine linen and he fed sumptuously every day. He sounded like a real American.

I mean, it doesn't sound the same when I say it, but he had it real good, didn't he? But he didn't know Jesus. He couldn't take his wealth with him. He couldn't buy his way out. He couldn't support enough charities. Couldn't do enough. See, Jesus wants us to have a personal relationship with him. And when we do, then we want to share what he has given us in order that his name would be glorified.

And this man came to that point. He begged, boy, he begged Abraham, the place where God is, he said, please, won't you just give me something to drink? No, I cannot do that.

Well, I tell you what, won't you just do? No, I cannot do anything for you because there is a great chasm that divides heaven and hell. Now, Jesus said that.

It's permanent. There's a great divide. I remember when I wrote my novel, The Absolute Certainty of Life After Death, how much I had to pray when I got to that point in that novel.

Trying to describe in a novel, in a story fashion, what Jesus said about this great divide. We don't like permanence. Our ball teams may lose yesterday and we're already thinking about next week.

Maybe we'll win next week. We don't like permanence. We don't want to be locked into something that we don't like. And Jesus says you never have to be there to begin with. You don't ever have to be locked in the permanence of hell. And this man, the Bible says, when he understood his absolute eternal predicament, he all of a sudden changed. He begged for those that were still on the earth.

He begged for his five brothers. You see, they hadn't died yet. They were sitting in a worship service. They were listening to God's encouraging word. They tuned in on their television program and heard that man talking about Jesus. They were in that Bible study class on Wednesday morning. They read the book that they would not believe.

The Bible says that both are permanent. In fact, when the man that Jesus spoke about in Luke 16 realized his eternal predicament, he said, well, at least send someone back from the grave. What he didn't seem to get was that God's already done that. Jesus came back from the grave and yet there are still people who will not believe. Beside that, Jesus said they have Moses and the prophets.

Let them hear them. Moses? Yep, this truth that I've been reading to you today.

God's word, the law of Moses. They've got that. But they've also got the prophets. They've got those preachers who stand up there and share God's truth in the searching world. They've got a group of people, men and women and young people and older people, who are standing on the street walks and the sidewalks of society telling people, begging people, pleading with people to give their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ.

This is the gospel message of which I am so deeply and profoundly honored to share with you today. Now, I believe in heaven and hell. Both are places and both are populated and both are predicted and both are permanent. But there's one more point and I close with this.

Both are possible. See, the Bible says that you're either for God or you're against God. No man can serve two masters. When Jesus came and died on a cross, he didn't give us an I think so, maybe I'll find out so relationship. He gave us his absolute word.

It's a subject that troubles me greatly to talk about hell because I know I'm not going there, but I don't want any of you to go there, least of all my friends and my family and loved ones. Listen to what Dr. Graham says at the end of this incredible book entitled Nearing Home. This is what he says. It's an amazing statement.

I just want to read to you. This is the final word that he says in this book. This is certainly what Christ did before he departed his earthly life.

His mind was on home and bringing us with him. Quoting John 16 28, I came forth from the Father and have come into the world, again I leave the world and go to the Father. Jesus said to his disciples, where I'm going you cannot follow me now, but you shall follow me afterward. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and I will receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also. And where I go you know, you know the way that you know the way to go to get to heaven because I am the way. This is what Dr. Billy Graham says in the final paragraph of this book. My friend, do you know the way? Jesus told us I am the way, the truth and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through me. No one ever grows too old to accept Christ's forgiveness and enter into his glorious presence. He continues, when we look back over our experiences along life's journey, we may have regrets about the choices we made, but remember that was then. This is now. We may recall the times we have failed our families, but that was then. This is now. Some reading this book, Dr. Graham says, may say, but I rejected Christ my whole life.

It's too late for me. I say to you my friend, that was then. This is now. The Bible's promises were true then and they are true now. They will be true forever. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation, Paul said in 2 Corinthians. For those who have received the most precious gift of Christ's redeeming blood, you have reason to look forward to the glories of heaven. For you will be perfected. You will be joyful. You will once again be active. And right now, you can be certain that you are nearing home. Do you know Jesus?

Perhaps you've heard that question from Dr. Wilton before. Do you know Jesus? It always convicts me because there was a long season in my life where I knew about Jesus, but I didn't know Him personally.

And there's all the difference in the world in those two things. You may have heard about Jesus, but to know Him as Savior and Lord is life changing. And you can do that today. It's as simple as opening your heart to Him, driving down the road, wherever God has connected you with this message from Dr. Wilton today and saying, Jesus, I'm not running anymore. I know that I need to know you as Savior. I trust you.

I believe in you. I believe you went to the cross of Calvary for my sins. And I ask you to save me in Jesus' name I pray. You know, sometimes it's confusing how simple it is to come to Christ as Savior and Lord.

I pray you not let that confusion go a day more. Let's talk about it. Let's assure you of what's going on in your life with some great resources and more at the other end of 866-899-WORD. That's 866-899-9673. We'd love to talk with you, pray with you, give you some free resources. And all that's available on our website as well at

I pray that you would again jot that number down and know that we stand ready 24-7 at 866-899-9673. Till next time, take care and God bless. Thank you for your support.

The Encouraging Word is a viewer and listener supported ministry that broadcasts the good news of Jesus Christ around the world. Well, here I am again. What a day this has been. You know, one of the things I want to say to you is let's stay connected. You know, we've got so many means to be able to do that. You can write to us, email us. We stay connected in so many ways and your life is very important to me. I see you there and God shows me and I want to be able to pray with you and connect with you and be a vital part of your relationship, your growth, your needs and main.

I'm walking in your shoes and I want to pray for you. Please don't stop. Call us.

Write us. Keep praying. Keep giving. Keep connecting. Keep rejoicing. Keep celebrating. Keep striving. God is on his throne. This is The Encouraging Word and now you know why.
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