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R1672 Seeking Clarity

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Truth Network Radio
February 20, 2022 8:00 am

R1672 Seeking Clarity

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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February 20, 2022 8:00 am

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There's a great deal of noise in the world in which we live, but God's Word provides clarity. Join us with Dr. Don Wilton next. This is The Encouraging Word, featuring the Bible-based teaching of Dr. Don Wilton as we open God's Word today on this particular topic, seeking clarity.

We'll head to Matthew chapter 24 in just a moment, but as we study God's Word here in this wonderful love month, though Valentine's has passed, we're still concentrating on loving our spouses in unique ways. If you haven't seen the Pray for Your Spouse, 31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband, 31 Days of Prayer for Your Wife that we have as a resource on our website, drop by and take a look at it. It's That's just one of the many resources there. Online at

Those resources and even hearing this program is available right there at And now today's great teaching with Dr. Don Wilton. I want you to get a copy of God's Word, and I have a hard copy in my hand as I always do, and you might want to go to your computer or your tablet or your iPhone, and you might have the Bible app, but I want you to see this for yourself. I'm going to speak to you today on a most important critical subject, seeking clarity. So I'm going to take us into a passage of Scripture that's really marvelous. We're going to be in Matthew chapter 24, and I'm going to read to you actually just the first four verses, but I'm going to talk about a lot of other things together.

You ready? Matthew chapter 24. Here's what the Bible says. Jesus left the temple and was going away when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple. But he answered them, and he said, You see all these things, do you not? Truly I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down. As Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately saying, Tell us, Jesus, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of your coming?

And when will be the end of the age? And Jesus answered them, and he said, See to it that nobody deceives you and leads you astray. So Jesus is right here at a pinpoint, and he's got his disciples. And the disciples have been following him around, and they notice the crumbling of the buildings and deterioration. And they asking questions about this because Jesus spoke so much about the temple. They worshiped in the temple, the house of God, the place where God is. This presence of God. And Jesus was already teaching them about the coming of the Holy Spirit that would come into their hearts and lives by which they themselves would be the temple of the living God.

So you can imagine the clarity they needed. And so they leave the Temple Mount and they cross through the Kidron Valley to the beautiful Mount of Olives. The Mount of Olives is much higher than the Temple Mount. In fact, the point of the Mount of Olives is the very point of the ascension of Jesus. That's where Jesus took back to heaven.

He went up from the Mount of Ascension, which is the highest point of the Mount of Olives. And it was there that these disciples asked him a very important set of questions. In fact, what was one question about the temple now had morphed into three questions that all had to do with the temple.

And they broke it down, you and I have just read about it. The Bible says in verse three, tell us when these things will be, these things. What do you mean, Jesus, that the temple, there's not going to be one stone left on another. Second question they asked him in verse three is, what will be the sign of your coming? They got it.

They were just like you, just like me. Jesus, when are you coming? I mean, if the temple is going to be demolished, if it's going to fall apart, is that connected?

You say that the temple is going to be totally destroyed, not one stone left upon another. What will be, Jesus, clarify for us, when are you coming back? And then they just put this in there because they understood it, what will be the signs? Could you just elaborate on this, Jesus?

What are the signs of your coming? So what was the statement that Jesus made? The statement that Jesus made, first of all, was pertinent to those people. Remember now we're talking about trying to seek clarity here.

You're asking questions, aren't you? When Jesus speaks to us, what He says to us is relevant to us. What Jesus' response was, was pertinent to those people, those disciples in their day and age. He was speaking to them in their now. God speaks to you in your now. He's speaking to you now. The second very important point about His statement was that this statement was referring to the future. He was speaking pertinently, relevantly to those people in their time. But get this, the statement Jesus made was referring to the future.

Look back there at that verse three again. When will these things be? None of us has a clue really about tomorrow. He holds tomorrow. And what we're going to find out here, and I just want to put this in, I know that you've got a lot of things going on in your life right now. You're facing an uncertain future, but He holds your future. He was talking about the future because He owns the future.

And you're about to embark on something and God knows you're standing on your temple mound. You recognize that something is going on, but He was referring to the future. So this statement Jesus made was pertinent to those people.

It was referring to the future, but get this one. It was guaranteed by His word. Now I love that, friends, I love that. Look at verse one there. Jesus says, He says this to them. He says, I want you to know the truth.

I truly tell you. I want you to know that I am telling you that I am Jesus. And I'm going to answer you truthfully because I am God. You and I have got to take a hold of the absoluteness of who Jesus is. When Jesus speaks, that's it. People have said for generations, if God says it, that settles it.

It was guaranteed by Him. This has the stamp of the temple. Jesus is the temple. He is our high priest.

He's the son of the living God. So here Jesus responding to this group of people who obviously had tremendous questions about their day and age. He makes the statement to them pertinent to their time, referring to the future, but guaranteed by His word. So what was the clarity that they looked for? What were these disciples seeking after? The clarity that they looked for, get this, number one, took a little time to digest.

Very important point. The disciples with Jesus were on the mount, on the mount. They were on the place where the temple was. Now you and I today probably would not imagine that it's too far to go from the temple mount. We go down some steps and walkways and then we turn right close to where the eastern gate is that will only be opened by Jesus when He comes back again. And then down through the Kidron Valley and up into what is called the Garden of Gethsemane and the Church of All Nations and the Church of the Teardrop.

We're not quite sure exactly where they were on the Mount of Olives, but you can guarantee this. It took them some time. They had time to digest this. Just want to say this. Sometimes you and I have a shotgun approach. That's the value of Bible study. That's why I invite you to be in church. Right now, God's teaching you, isn't He? That's why I love our Sunday school teachers and discipleship leaders and D groups. These godly people, men and women, young people that spend so much time studying and preparing. It's very important to get into those groups.

Be part of that. It took time to digest. The second thing I want to tell you about the clarity they look for, it took listening to formulate. I can just imagine with these disciples the chatter among themselves and they listen to one another. Perhaps, and I wouldn't have any doubt out of the 12 of them, I guarantee you every one of them had a slightly different opinion.

Does that sound like us? They all had an opinion. They all loved the Lord, but they all had an opinion. And then they converged in this. So you had all these multiplicity opinions and then they converged. They listened to one another and then they listened to Jesus.

You know, that's one of the hardest disciplines of life. So get this, the clarity they look for took time to digest, took listening to formulate, but took determination to ask. Friends, you and I have got to be determined to settle on one thing. We're going to go to Jesus.

We're going to go to his word, the Bible. Please forgive the interruption. We'll be back in just a moment, but Dr. Don wants me to remind you, we're here for you. Praying with you at 866-899-WORD any time, day or night.

The number again is 866-899-9673. Or you can also meet us on our website at A place to hear today's program and other great resources and sign up for the daily encouraging word as well.

That's all online at It's easy to celebrate Valentine's Day by buying candy and flowers, but when was the last time you actually prayed for your spouse? Join Dr. Wilton as he unpacks a powerful message on the forgiving family. Plus you will receive 31 days of prayer books for my husband and wife. This offer set will help you learn how to support each other through prayer and how important forgiveness plays in the family. Not only are marriages under attack, the family is also under attack. Support your spouse through prayer and see what God does in both of your lives. Commit to praying 31 days for your spouse. Commit to praying 31 days for your spouse. Let God change your spouse.

Let God change your family. Call us today at 866-899-WORD and request the February offer for your gift of $25 or more per set. Thank you for your support of the encouraging word.

That's just one of many great resources on our website at Now let's dive back into today's great teaching with Dr. Don Wilton. Friends, you and I have got to be determined to settle on one thing. We're going to go to Jesus. We're going to go to his word, the Bible.

We can't go to anybody else. We listen to one another, but who has the final word? I've said many times before, and I'm so grateful that I serve a church that not only endorses this, but celebrates this and compels me to do this, that the word of God is the centerpiece on the mantlepiece of the church. God speaking through the man of God by the word of God under the unction and the inspiration of the Spirit of God to the people of God. You've got a beautiful picture here when it comes to seeking clarity. It took time to digest it. It took listening to one another.

There's great value in that. Listen to one another. Don't shun people's opinions, talking, sharing. Do it in love and in grace.

There's an acid test here. If you get bent out of shape over spiritual biblical things, there's something wrong with your shape. If you get angry over biblical spiritual things, don't fall out of fellowship with people. We're all different, we all try to think through these things. But it takes determination for us to go and say, you know what, let's settle this thing.

Let's go. That's what the disciples did, which came to that final point, it took faith to trust. The clarity they sought took time to digest and took listening to formulate, took determination to go to Jesus.

The one true source. And then it took faith to trust. So what kind of clarity did they receive?

Let's try and complete the story. What clarity did they get? I've kind of summarised a lot here. Here's the clarity. This is the clarity they received. Number one, Jesus said, be careful. Look right there in verse four.

He said, don't be deceived. Just cast your eye down to verse 23. Verse 23.

You got it? Verse 23. Then if anyone says to you, look, here is the Christ, Jesus is coming. There he is.

Or there he is. Look at this. Do not believe them. Look at the next verse, for false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders so as to lead even the very best of God's people astray. What clarity Jesus began with us. He said, don't be deceived. There are many, many false Christs and they masquerade in signs and magnificence and wonders and bigness and all of the other stuff that goes on that we attach a kind of an idol worship. But we're not looking to Jesus.

We're not looking to Jesus. So the first point of clarity they received was to be careful. The second point of clarity they received was to be watchful. To be watchful.

You know, I love that. Go all the way down to verse 36. Here's what Jesus said. He said, I want you to know that just as Noah obeyed me, built a boat, put all the animals on and just did what I told him to do without any mind as to A, when it would begin to rain, when the floods would come.

And get this, when they would end, when the rainbow would appear, the bottom line what Jesus said to the disciples is look, you will never fully understand or know the mind of God. But never stop being watchful. Don't lower your guard. Don't fob God off, even for a period of time. The third point of clarity they received from Jesus was to be trusting.

To be trusting. Here's what Jesus said. Jesus said concerning that day or hour, no one knows.

Anyone miss that? One of my favorite tongue in cheek questions are my fellow Christians. Any further questions?

Let me read that again. This is Jesus speaking. This is not Don Wilton. This is Jesus.

But concerning that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven nor the Son, but only God the Father. Wow. I love that. We can just rest our case in trusting God. That's what he wants you and me to do in everything. Ultimately, he says be careful, be watchful, be on your guard, but be totally trusting. Just know God. God's going to see you through. God is going to take care of it. God is going to heal you.

God is going to provide for your every need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. And the final point of clarity, be clear. Be absolutely clear. What clear about what?

I hope I'm being clear. What am I being clear about? You need to know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.

You need to live with him. You need to be absolutely clear about the massive numbers of deceivers and deceptives that are out in the world. The devil is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. You need to be absolutely clear that God loves you, that Jesus died for you, that he's coming back again.

He's coming back again. So here are some thoughts for you as we bring this all together. Just a couple of thoughts.

You ready? You might want to write these down. Let's apply this in each one of our lives because we are seeking clarity. You are seeking clarity.

And I'm talking about biblical truth in your life. You want to know. Here's some things. Number one, celebrate your questions. Questions are great things.

Don't run away from questions. I think God puts those questions in us. There's nothing wrong with questions, folks. You know, parents, we encourage our children to ask questions.

Boy, do they ask some questions. You know, it's in the asking of questions that we get to the truth of the matter, don't we? So celebrate your questions. Don't interpret your question as you doubting God. Don't relegate yourself into a corner that's like you being punished because you don't quite get it.

How can we get it? Celebrate your questions. Number two, consider who you consult. Friends, you and I know, be very careful who you go to. Watch out for this. You know, Jesus was very upfront, wasn't he?

I mean, the very first thing in answering their questions, their three questions, Jesus answered them and said, see to it that nobody leads you astray. Be careful. Let me tell you, folks, the company you keep, you hang around in the wrong company, it'll get you. You hang around with the wrong company, that's where your counsel is going to come. It will rise up in you. You'll become affected, infected by it.

Consider who you consult. That little word there means not only the person you go to and say, explain this to me, it's the person you hang with. It's the group you hang with. It's where you spend that evening. It's your gravitational pull.

Be very careful. It's what I love about the church, what I love about life groups, what I love about Sunday school, what I love about discipleship, because you're surrounding yourself with the right people. Notice I didn't say perfect people, because we're all sinners, saved only by the grace of God. But you and I know amazing people who are the right people to consult. Number three, trust in the Lord. There's the third thing. I'm just giving you some practical advice.

Celebrate your questions. Consider who you consult. Trust in the Lord. God will do it. You know, the Bible says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways. Acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. He will show you, he'll point, because he's the God of the future.

He owns the future. Trust in the Lord. One more point. Engage. It's a practical, engage your faith.

Make a determination today. You're going to act on your faith. You're going to engage your faith.

Would you bow your heads with me for just a minute? See, right now, God is engaging you by his Spirit. And the Lord is so clear. He loves us so much and he loves you. I want to invite you to give your heart to Jesus today.

He's not only the best friend you'll have, he's the only one that will forgive you, make you brand new. Write your name in God's book in heaven. Would you pray this prayer with me today? No prayer can save you. No prayer can save me. God can. Pray this prayer by faith. Dear God, I know that Jesus loves me and I've got a lot of questions.

I repent of my sin today and I confess my sin. And by faith, I believe in you. If you've prayed that prayer, you can call the number on the screen. You can call us personally. You can text us. You can write. Go to our email.

We have lots of information. Get engaged. Get involved.

Speak to that person. Share your decision today. Keep with your family.

And here's the bottom line. Make a decision today that as of today, you're going to ask God for clarity. You're going to trust him with your heart and with your life. I'd like to pray for us today before we go. Lord Jesus, I hold out my hands today. So many friends and neighbors, church people, faithful servants of the Lord, pastors, preachers, teachers, laymen, elders, servers of the Lord Jesus in so many ways. And today we have worshiped you. May the God of grace keep us safe and warm. And may your peace be upon each one of us. As I pray this prayer together in Jesus' name, amen. As friends all across our congregations and worship centers are praying, some standing, some coming to the altar, perhaps today is the day. And this is the moment that you need to come to Jesus.

It starts with a simple prayer to say yes to Jesus. I would love to lead you in this. You can just repeat after me or say me too. Lord God, I know that my sin separates me from you.

But I also know and I believe that you, Jesus, are the Son of God. And you can change my life. Come into my life. Be the Lord, the CEO of my life. I ask you to do it in Jesus' name, amen. That's just the beginning. And we'd love to spend more time talking with you online at 866-899-WORD. That's 24 hours a day at 866-899-9673.
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