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How Do You Keep Grief From Stealing Your Christmas Joy

Encouraging Prayer / James Banks
The Truth Network Radio
December 21, 2024 12:00 pm

How Do You Keep Grief From Stealing Your Christmas Joy

Encouraging Prayer / James Banks

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December 21, 2024 12:00 pm

In this episode of Encouraging Prayer, James Banks and Robby Dilmore, discuss how to keep grief from stealing your Christmas joy.

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This is the Truth Network. Encouraging Prayer. God offers an open invitation for His people to talk with Him at any time about anything. On Encouraging Prayer, Dr. James Banks, author of the bestselling Prayers for Prodigals and many other books on prayer, provides weekly biblical insight to help you learn to love to pray. And now, here's James. Well, such a timely episode today on Encouraging Prayer Before Christmas.

And here's what we're talking about. How do you keep grief, not the grinch, but grief from stealing your Christmas joy? James? And of course, you know, you're a pastor and you encounter this frequently, right? Where families are either suffering from the loss of a loved one or prodigals or acting out or, you know, they're not speaking to their families. It's a tough time. And really, there's a whole lot that just happens this time of year, right?

Yeah, yeah. I mean, just this morning, one of our faithful members went home to be with the Lord. And, you know, you hurt for the family because you know they're thinking, why does this have to happen so close to Christmas?

So what do you do with that? I mean, if you're in their situation? Well, we have to be careful here because we don't want to be insensitive to anything someone is going through or, you know, pile platitudes on top of pain because the pain and the hurt are real. The loss is real.

But frankly, Jesus and the comfort he gives are real as well. And we either go there or we don't. And we have to go there.

And here's the thing. Sometimes it's hard to go there when you're feeling numb because you're hurting so badly or perhaps because what has happened seems so harsh or random. And you find yourself doubting and wondering how God could allow it. And it's then that we have to not turn our backs on him or on Christmas, but do what seems counterintuitive. And that is embrace it all the more.

So what do you mean? Well, the whole message of Christmas is that God came into our pain and brokenness, and even the apparent randomness of evil in the world, even into our doubts that he's not there, or that he doesn't care. And God came into all of that and became a human being who went through every stage of human development so that he could entirely identify with us in our pain and our need. And he did it. And here's the beautiful thing because he wanted to.

He did it to be close to us and to save us. That is the beautiful truth, isn't it? I mean, I think the problem is when we make Christmas about other things, you know, we want the picture perfect postcard Christmas. And we're so wrapped up in making things that way and spending money on presents and plans that we can lose touch with the real comfort and joy of Christmas.

Yeah, yeah. I'm glad you put it that way, you know, with a hymn because we really have to, as another hymn says, rest beside the weary road and hear the angels sing. And that's what the shepherds did, right? They listened to the tidings of great comfort and joy that shall be for all the people. And we have to embrace that and run to Jesus and all that he is and sink our souls into that truth and just, you know, take our stand there no matter what.

Because when we do, we really do discover that we're never alone. No, that's right. Emmanuel, God with us, right?

Yeah, absolutely. I'd mentioned the woman in our congregation who had died, but what I didn't mention was that she was one of my best friends in the church. She and her husband had been there from the first days when we planted Peace Church. And they were the kind of people that you could always depend on, not only to be there, but to go above and beyond.

And they did it just out of love for Jesus and love for his people. And when I got the news this morning, even though I knew it was coming, of course, I immediately felt the loss and, you know, this rush of memory. And of course, I cried. But this woman also had been such a witness when she was going through battles with cancer at other times in her life. And she would still show up at a prayer meeting with a bandana on and she kept on showing up through chemo.

And that was one of the ways she was an example to us. And that example makes you want to keep going with your own faith. And so, you know, I think it helps to take the memories of those we love and all that was good about them and let that help us be strong. You know, remember all of those things you loved about them that were a gift from God and let that help you turn to him because he's the one who can get you through it all and in time bring the healing you need. John Eldredge wrote about some friends who had lost a child in his book, Get Your Life Back. And just listen to this. He says, actively choosing to love God in our pain allows us to receive the very grace the pain cries out for.

Let me give you an example. Some dear friends lost a child. That story is not mine to tell here. What I can tell you is that in their grief they began to love God. We still love you God.

We declare that you are good. All heaven was breathless. All hell was screeching in horror because they took away the enemy's weapon and turned it against him. It wasn't easy. There were still floods of tears, but they were not bitter tears nor angry or cynical because they kept their hearts open to the one who could carry them through.

Too many people pull away, walk through their pain alone, making it all the worse and lengthy. And he concludes, I can report that my friend's healing from the loss was much quicker because they chose this path because it kept their souls open to God's presence and he was therefore able to offer himself in healing love. They made an offering of their suffering.

Wow, I really like that. I mean, make an offering of your suffering. Give it all to God. I think we should close in prayer, obviously, that this is the answer. And, Lord, thank you, thank you for comfort. I think of, you know, those famous passage.

It's comfort ye, comfort ye, my people. And, Lord, we need it. And, what a unique, different message we've heard today. And, Lord, help us press into it because I know all of us have people who are in need of it. But, Lord, help us to turn that to you and take the enemy's weapon and use it against him. Help us to turn it into you and somehow or another dig deep to find the real hope and joy and the comfort that is in Christmas. And we ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. You can hear more from Pastor James by visiting his website,, or by visiting Peace Church in Durham, North Carolina. May God bless you and encourage you as you pray.
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