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Kamala's Mockery of 'Jesus is Lord'

Discerning The Times / Brian Thomas
The Truth Network Radio
October 31, 2024 1:00 pm

Kamala's Mockery of 'Jesus is Lord'

Discerning The Times / Brian Thomas

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October 31, 2024 1:00 pm

Kamala Harris fires back at pro-lifers by mocking their declaration that Jesus is Lord at a rally in La Crosse, Wisconsin.  

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Blessings to Israel presents, Deserting the Times, a program committed to encouraging you to view current events through the lens of the Bible. Now, in honor of the one and only true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, please join us for today's program. Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally. No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street. Welcome to Deserting the Times.

My name is Brian Thomas alongside my lovely wife, Danita. And we are here today to discuss what you just heard. That was our vice president expressing her displeasure for people who were at her rally. And I'm sure as many of you know by now, she was referring to those who were declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

And so we're going to talk about that on today. But before we get into it, I need to remind you as we always do, that your eternal state is far more important than your current state. If you've never received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, I encourage you to do so today. Otherwise, if you leave this out of life without having received Him, you will spend eternity in the lake of fire separated from God.

So will you please give your heart to Jesus Christ on today? All right, well, Danita, you heard it there again, our vice president mocking protesters who are declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ. And she says, well, you're not welcome here. What was your initial thought when you saw that clip?

First word that comes to mind is wicked. But I just think that it gave me the impression that, like you said, Christians are not welcome at her rallies. And it just made me think about she's just saying what's in her heart, because what she stands for does not align with Christianity.

It does not align with biblical principles. And so she knows that. So it was so easy for her to just roll that off the cuff and just say, you're at the wrong rally. And so she's really speaking what's truly in her heart. And what she stands for, what the platform she's running on stands for. She was just speaking her truth, as she would probably say.

Yeah. And it's really sad to think about our nation that this is where we are, that we have someone not just only running for presidency, but somebody that's already in the White House that is expressing this type of mindset and these type of feelings toward the Lordship of Jesus Christ. But in case there's anyone out there who has not heard more of it, I want you to hear more of the context. So let's listen to a little bit more of what she said that led up to this exchange. Because ours is a fight for the future.

And it is a fight for freedom, for freedom, like the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body. And again, we're not going to be gaslighted on this. We remember Donald Trump hand selected three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v. Wade. And they did as he intended. Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally.

No, I think you met to go to the smaller one down the street. All right. So there you have it. Again, she is up and she's speaking about abortion, which it seems like every other time she opens her mouth, that is what she's promoting now, the Democrat Party. And for Christians out there who who try to support this type of thing, there's no doubt now as to where they stand with this love for taking the lives of unborn babies. And she's speaking of that. And she's talking about Donald Trump.

And it was Donald Trump's appointment of those conservative Supreme Court justices that led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. And so that's what she's speaking of. And of course, as a Christian, we we look at that and we say, well, that's that's a good thing. And she said, well, she's going to reverse that on day one of her presidency. But I just look at it and I see her her body language, the mockery, the laughter, which she does a lot of that. But the just the flippantness and the smugness in her reaction to to these young men saying Jesus is Lord.

But what more do you or do you have to say or to think on it? Well, a marker that you typically reveal what's in your heart, like I was saying earlier. But that's someone who has no respect for things human or divine, nothing human or godly.

That's what Mark Marker is. And that's what she's doing. I want to share a verse really quickly. Second Peter three verse three says, know this, first of all, that in the last days, markers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts and saying, where is the promise of his coming? And so what she was doing was, you know, forget your Jesus, you know, don't bring that up in here. That's pretty much what she was saying. And that's been something ongoing with the Democrat Party for a long time now.

They laugh at Christians, Hillary Clinton called us deplorables. And then like Obama, he actually said, we're going to fundamentally change America. And he meant what he said, and fundamentally change means anything that is, was the basis of our country before our biblical principles. And all that comes along with that they wanted to change that. And you notice too, that she's been saying this quote, and it's been saying it, you know, she repeats a lot of things over and over again, like she's, you know, reading the script.

But she always says something about seeing what can be unburdened by what has been. So our country, our fundamental principles, our biblical principles, that that's a burden to them. Everything about having Christ in whether it's in schools, or, or wherever on the walls in the courthouses, or wherever it may be, the biblical principle of husband and wife, not husband and husband and wife and wife. They they're burdened by our view of, of marriage, one man, one woman, they're burdened by the fact that a child is a child at conception. They're burdened by that, and they want to fundamentally change those things. And and so she's just, you know, going along with what their agenda really is. And what it is, is is anti God.

And it's demonic. Yeah, and I was just looking up as you were talking about that, how Kamala is always talking about that unburdened quote, and there is, there are reports out there that that is a quote from Karl Marx. Of course, we know the fact checkers out there trying to say that's not true. But either way, you know, we know that she, she is really into Marxism.

That's very obvious. And you mentioned Obama, and I think about how much he promoted Islam, he promoted Islam more than he promoted Christianity during his presidency. I mean, every time you turn around, he was trying to suppress or water down our nation being a Christian nation saying we're not a Christian nation, and he's always elevating Islam. And so but one of the verses that came to mind are actually the first verse that came to mind when I heard about this incident was from Philippians chapter two, verse nine through 11, which says, Therefore, God also has highly exalted him and given him the name, which is above every name that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow of those in heaven, and of those on earth and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. So Kamala is one day going to declare Jesus Christ is Lord. And the Bible clearly says here that everybody is everyone who is alive today and everyone that has ever lived. And I think about right now we have close to I think it's about 8 billion people in the world. Some people think the population may have been at that same number or close to it back in the days of Noah when the flood came.

And so we don't really know exactly how many people but let's just it's safe to say billions of people probably, you know, close to 20 million. And I think about the day when that comes and when it says also under the earth. So that's talking about again, everyone who has has lived and died. And imagine every single person that has ever lived declaring they're going to bow the knee and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord is going to be amazing. And I tell people today do it today voluntarily. Don't wait until the time comes when you are a rejecter of him, you're still going to have to do it, but you're going to declare it and then you're going to go into the lake of fire.

So come to Jesus today. And that goes for Kamala and anyone else out there. But I again, you look at this and you see the what's what's in the heart, I think is you say we can't know a person's heart with 100% certainty. But when whenever Kamala goes off script, you see things that come out. And this was one of those unscripted moments when she just reacted. Her natural instinct was to say when she heard Jesus is Lord was to say, you guys are at the wrong rally. And I think that really gives us insight into her heart.

And it lines up with all the other ideology that she promotes with the killing of unborn babies and transgender is all this kind of stuff that is not of God. Matthew 15, 18 says, But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart. So I think that is a window in into our heart. And one more verse I want to share. First John Chapter four, two through three. By this, no, the Spirit of God, every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. And every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming and is now already in the world. When I see someone mocking and telling someone they're not welcome at the declaration of Jesus is Lord that that is the spirit of Antichrist that is speaking.

And again, is troubling that that is what we have in our nation's capital already. So any more thoughts? I just was thinking that, you know, the verse that says at the name of Jesus, demons must flee. And you typically see when someone gets very offensive when you mentioned Jesus, these are people that, you know, the demon within them is trying to push back on you. And that's what I think happened here.

Wasn't what is really in her the spirit that resides in her heart wanted to push back. And that's what came out. And that's one of the things I tell people a lot. If you have any doubts as to whether Jesus Christ is truly God is the Messiah. Just look at what the way the way that the world reacts to him. You don't hear people calling out the name of Allah and Buddha and Krishna in a profane way.

You never see that. But we all the time see people profaning the name of Jesus Christ. That lets you know again, as you said, there is a reaction that comes because he is truly Lord, whether people want to accept him or not. So let's let's listen now. I want to contrast, though, what you heard as the reaction of Kamala and her stance toward Christianity. I want to listen to a montage of what Donald Trump had to say recently.

He was speaking at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention. The missionaries who go to the world's most dangerous places. And I don't know how you do it. You're among the bravest people in the world. And you do a job that nobody could do.

But you and the pastors, podcasters, producers and patriots whose ministry lifts up the spirits of tens of millions of Americans. You do an incredible, an incredible thing for humanity. And we really do appreciate it. Thank you very much. It's incredible. The people who make God's work, your work, God's work, your work.

That's what you do. And I want to thank you all. Incredible job.

Thank you very much. Here at home, Christians knew that victory depended not only on the force of American arms, but also on the faith in American hearts. And we've got to get more of that back in our country today. We really do have to get more of it back. I'm here today because I know that to achieve victory in this fight, just like in the battles of the past, we still need the hand of our Lord and the grace of Almighty God.

We have to have that. What they cannot stand is that in the end we do not answer to bureaucrats in Washington. We answer to God in heaven.

We do. We answer to God in heaven. So today I come before you as a friend and an ally and a fellow believer to ask for your help and your support and your prayers for this country. We need your prayers most importantly. And I make you a simple promise in my first term. I fought for Christians harder than any president has ever done before.

You know that you know that and I will fight even harder for Christians with four more years in the White House. We do it because you're the people we want to hear from the pastors and the ministers and the rabbis. The people in this room are the people we want to hear from, and they have to have a political voice. We're going to bring it back, and I really believe it's the biggest thing missing from this country.

It's the biggest thing missing. We have to bring back our religion. We have to bring back Christianity in this country. Your efforts have inspired millions and millions to live their values and put faith at the center of their lives so importantly. And in turn, these legions of listeners, citizens, soldiers, ministers and everyday American believers not only helped defeat fascism and communism, they helped to build America into the greatest nation in the history of the world. Now you see the contrast between his stance in speaking to Christians and about Christ and God in heaven.

Of course, as we always say, Jesus Christ is God. Contrast that to Kamala Harris flippant attitude toward Jesus is Lord. And I know there are those out there that will say, Well, of course Trump is going to say these things. He's pandering to the audience. He was at a national religious broadcasters convention. Some people will say that, but know that he did say what he did for Christians during his first term, and that is true. Trump did a lot for Christians and our faith, and I just love to hear him say we answer to God.

We answered to God. I've never heard Kamala Harris speaking that way. Have you?

No, not at all. Even I mean, she goes to religious places like she'll go to the black church where she knows that she's going to be celebrated because of her blackness. So they'll prop her up in there. But, um, one of the thing, a few things that jumped out to me was one, like you mentioned, he encouraged people that were doing God's work and what these young men at this protest were doing, you know, really, they just declared their savior. Um, they didn't, uh, you know, say anything derogatory to her, but to her, to the spirit inside of her, it was derogatory. But, um, he encouraged, um, um, podcasts or even people that are in the gap that are being censored on a lot of platforms, he encouraged them to keep doing their work.

And I appreciated that. And he didn't loosely say faith, you know, everybody, you know, Kamala thinks that her faith says a woman is in charge of her own body and can kill the unborn child in her. So I'm like, what faith is your faith? But he specifically said Christians. And he said, we need Christianity in our country. He recognized that and that he believes that God is, is in control and we need God's hand on our country. But, um, one of the, and also he said, he's a believer that's between him and God.

Um, we pray that he will, if he is a believer that he had the sanctification process will continue to work, will work in him. Um, but I, I wanted to give a couple of specific examples about what he did do in his first term. Um, in 2017 he, um, signed an executive order to defend freedom of religion and speech in America. In 2018 there was, he signed an executive order to ease restrictions that were imposed by the Johnson amendment and the Johnson amendment limb it limited political participation by tax exempt religious groups. And then the speech he just, you just heard, he did say, we need to hear, we want, he said, we want to hear from pastors and ministers in the political process. So he's welcoming the Christians into the political process and Kamala does not do that.

Um, and then he also in 2020 he um, there's an executive order and you can look it up as executive order one three nine two six and it's for advancing international religious freedom. So not just wanting to touch what's happening here in our country, but everybody knows that United States arms reach across the world. And so instead of going to countries like the, like the democratic party did and went and said, you must have your people get abortions. You know, they pushed, they pushed abortion in other countries and say, we'll take you up, take money away if you don't do that. And they give money to countries to help them to push abortions.

And um, they also go to other countries and say the LGBTQ and transgender, a transgender agenda needs to be pushed forward in your country. But what Trump is doing is saying, we want to advance international religious freedom. So he wants to help those Christians that are persecuted in other countries. He wants to not just, no, it's not just here. So he wants to reach organizations across the world to be able to um, to celebrate Christ if they would like to celebrate Christ.

And I thought that that was great. And then another thing he did, he did was he announced a new division within the department of health and human services that was devoted to conscience and religious freedom. And what this does is it protects, it protects Christian doctors and nurses and organizations from having to um, go against their religious beliefs. If they don't want to perform an abortion or give an abortion appeal or something like that, they don't have to because they can declare that their religious faith and Christianity does not, does not permit that and they want to stand on their faith. But if you know recently, and we'll show you a picture, a article of this, Kamala has said there will be no exemptions. There will be no religious exemptions for anyone when it comes to abortion.

So you can see a contrast there. And so I'm thankful for, for what he has has done. And he also, um, and I don't know if this was said in the clip that you played, but he also did mention rabbis. So he, um, you know, he mentioned the Jewish faith as well.

Yeah. Trump has done a lot for Christianity. I think about him moving the, uh, embassy, the U S embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. A lot of people don't, don't pay attention, but every, anyone who follows our ministry know how much we have a heart for Israel than the love for Israel.

And we, we stress that that importance. And I'm glad also you mentioned about Kamala, the fact that she was at a so-called church. And I have to put that in quotes the very next day after she mocked Jesus is Lord, she's in a pulpit quoting scriptures. And, um, it's just, you know, that the, again, the arrogance of it, the hypocrisy of it and what we often see people on that side of the aisle politically, they will say, not given a woman a right to take the life of an unborn baby. They say that's wrong. That's sin. I've, I've heard people like, uh, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, they've said things that the Bible calls sin.

They flip it around opposite. And to say, well, if you, if you're not willing to, to allow a child to have sex change surgery, that's, that's seeing if you're against that. So we're at a time in which the Bible declares, it said that they would come when people will call evil good and good evil. And the thing that troubles you though, is one thing for those of us down here on our level, you know, just the ordinary common citizen to, to have those feelings in ways.

I mean, that's wrong. But when you see at the very top of our nation, the leaders of our nation, uh, that's, that's a really troubling sign. And that's, that's a sign that we need to pray. We need to call out to God for repentance for our nation. So real quick, I'm sorry to cut you off, sweetheart, but the, when you mentioned that people will probably say, Oh, Donald Trump is just pandering. He's just saying it because he wants to get in. He gets in in his last term that he had, and he did what he said he would do. It's not like he promised to do things for the Christians and then did not do it. He has a record. And I think that people, as we go into these voting seasons, look at the record, they show you what they are about and what they're going to do. And his record is proven that he did. He signed multiple executive orders to encourage religious freedom and freedom of speech. So these are things you need to keep in mind.

Yeah. And that rhetoric that you hear out there that he's going to make himself a dictator and he's going to put people in encampments, all of that kind of stuff was like, well, he didn't do it in his first term. So what makes you think he's going to do that now? Um, but let's listen to his running mate, JD Vance on his take at a rally concerning what Kamala had to say. And I, and I say this as, as a, as a Christian, as a person who was baptized for the first time, just a few years ago, there was something really bizarre with Kamala Harris's anti-Christian rhetoric and anti-Christian approach to public policy. I don't think we've, I don't think that we've, that's right.

Jesus is king. And I don't think that we've seen, I don't think that we've seen anything like this in modern American politics. You saw this video that Gretchen Whitmer, we know Gretchen Whitmer is, she's the governor of Michigan. That's right.

I agree. But Gretchen Whitmer does this really bizarre thing where she acts like she's given somebody communion, but it's a Dorito. And of course, Gretchen Whitmer isn't, isn't like a minister of anything except for, you know, a church I don't necessarily want to talk about, but think about how sacrilegious that is and think about how offensive that is to every person. Frankly, whether you're a person of Christian faith or not, Donald Trump and I are going to fight for your right to live your values because that's what the first amendment protects. And I think whether you're a Christian, a Catholic or any other faith or no faith at all, when you see an American leader, when you see a surrogate of Kamala Harris insulting people of the Christian faith, I think that we should say to every single one of those people, you're fired.

We're not giving you any more power. We're going to respect Christians. We're going to respect all people of faith.

All right. So the contrast, again, you see on one side of the aisle, when it comes to the Trump Vance ticket, how they are declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ, they are speaking in terms of supporting the Christian faith. You don't see that on the other side of the aisle. And I'll be quick to point out, because I know a lot of people start saying things about especially Donald Trump with his character. And I'll be the first to say, listen, Donald Trump is boastful. We need to pray for him.

We do. And he has a lot of characteristics that I do not approve of that the Bible does not approve of. He did in that other clip that we played, he said as a fellow believer, again, only God knows whether he's truly received him or not. But as you said, there is a sanctification process that there are people who are further along in that than others. And again, we pray that he will be humble. But the thing about it is we look in the Bible and we see kings that did not declare Jesus Christ or did not declare God at the time Jesus Christ did not come to the earth. So they did not declare God as their God, the God of the Bible.

But yet God still use them like Nebuchadnezzar. So you know, when we look at that, we have to look at Trump and say, well, whether he's truly a believer or not, at least he is doing things that is supportive of the Christian faith. Right? Yeah. And that's very important because I think that people will try to use that against him. But at the same time, you have to look at the fact that at least, you know, Kamala could have said to these young guys at her rally, OK, thank you.

And then moved on or whatever. And like Vance said, Vance said, yes, Jesus is king. She could have said, yes, Jesus is Lord. If she really is, if she really believes that. But it shows that she does not care.

Like I said, mockers, they don't have any regard for anything human. She wants. She just her whole campaign is abort your baby. So she has no regard for what is human. She has no regard for what is divine. God created us the way he wanted us to be. And she is all about transforming, supposedly transforming a boy to a girl, girl to a boy, even using taxpayers dollars to do it. There's no regard for God's what he has created and the beauty of it and how it represents him.

Not at all. Revelation, 1916 says, and he has on his robe and on his thigh a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And as I just listened to J.D. Vance, that was a verse that came into my mind. Jesus Christ, he is the King of Kings. He is the Lord of Lords.

Whether people like it or not, he is coming back again. And as we said earlier, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. And again, when I think about how that's going to be, you know, the largest crowd that I've ever been a part of is a hundred thousand.

That was at a NASCAR race we went to last year. A hundred thousand people. And when you hear the roar of that many people, I've been in smaller crowds, like 15,000 in a indoor arena. But you hear the deafening sound when all of those people in unison start to cheer or to chant or whatever it may be. And it's so loud that you cannot speak to the person next to you. You cannot hear if they were to say something.

Imagine again, billions of people declaring Jesus Christ is Lord. Um, man, that's, that's just a moment that I look forward to what that's going to be like. You know, it's just something that I think we can't even put into words. All right, so we're going to wrap things up here shortly, but let's hear from the rally goers, the two young men who were the ones who, uh, spark, sparked this whole thing with Kamala mocking and, uh, declaring that, well, they're, they're at the wrong rally. Let's, let's hear them being interviewed on Fox news. We remember Donald Trump hand selected three members of the United States Supreme court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe V. Wade. And they did as he intended. Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally.

No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street. All right. So that moment we brought to you yesterday today, we'd like to bring in those students who yelled that out to Kamala Harris and two pro life students university at the university of Wisconsin lacrosse, both juniors, uh, Luke Pulaski and grant Beth. Join us now, Luke grant. Thanks for being with us this morning.

Um, Luke, I'll start with you. Just take us into that moment. What, what happened yesterday? We see the video clip. Is there any, the more you can tell us about what you guys had to say and what happened afterwards from that video? Thank you. Uh, yeah, it's great to be here.

Um, I would say the first thing I want to bring up, this is our first time taking an interview with anybody. And I think it's important because this is our raw, like untold story. There's a lot happened that lot that happened off camera, uh, that we sat at the protest and, or, well, while we were protesting and I guess we could start off with when she, after she talked about overturning Roe V Wade and Donald Trump, I yelled out to the crowd that abortion is a sacrament of Satan. And when I said that, I deeply do believe that as a Christian and about 10 seconds go by. And that's when the video of, uh, my friend grant and I, uh, proclaiming that Christ is Lord and Jesus is King. Uh, when we said that, and I think it's important to say this is a small venue and we were about 20 to 30 yards away from Kamala. At this point, there's a lot of controversy that says she wasn't talking to us or we'd laugh.

We didn't get kicked out. Well, I can speak on grant tonight's behalf, um, on video grants getting pushed and shoved. And, um, there's about five seconds after, or before she tells us to go to the smaller rally down the street, you can see on the video, she waves, she waves, she was actually waving to me.

I took this cross off my neck that I wear. And as we were getting asked to leave, um, I held it up in the air and waved at her and pointed to her and she looked directly in the eye, kind of gave me an evil smirk. And, um, yeah, I just want to clear that up and confirm that she 100% was talking to us. And there's other controversy that says we left. Um, we were getting shouted at, pushed, assaulted, um, screamed at. So we were walking away, but there was about three, um, attendees, their volunteers that kicked us out with press with badges or whatever they had. And I specifically remember this one man saying you were uninvited and unwelcomed to this event. You need to leave. And all they did was walk us out the door. They didn't tell us why no cops escorted us out.

Uh, no secret service. And, uh, yeah, that's our story. All right. So let's pause there for a moment. And, and again, let's just look at what these young men are, are talking about that they face. Now, one of the things I thought as I was watching this interview though, I just thought to myself, you hear all the time, a good man is hard to find.

Here are these two young men. I mean, I'm just so godly proud of them. They are in college college age, you know, in their probably early twenties and here they are declaring that Jesus is Lord and standing against abortion. So there are good men out there. So just as a side note, I want to tell women out there, listen, if you're searching for a man, you pray to God to lead you to one don't compromise because there are good men out there. They are men who are truly living for the Lord Jesus Christ.

So I just want to get that in first. But I, as you heard him talking to, he said people shoving them and that was an elderly lady. And you just look at how much that goes against conventional wisdom where, you know, it should be the older person guiding the young on what to do morally. And here it is, this elderly lady is shoving him away because he is standing up for the lives of unborn.

But, but what are your thoughts? I just commend them for standing, you know, standing up for Jesus Christ and caring about the unborn. And a lot of people in the church are not standing up for the unborn.

And so we have these brave young men break. They have a Jesus confidence, a Christ's confidence to go to this, um, rally. They went in a, in a, in a Dean Dan aligns, um, to declare that Jesus is Lord. And I just commend them for doing that because, um, Proverbs 24 verse 10 says, if you do nothing in a difficult time, your strength is limited. And I truly believe that that's where, you know, that's our church, the church, they're doing nothing. They're not saying, um, they're not teaching about sin.

They're not standing firm. Many have made, um, skin color there, um, got their God in a sense. Um, so no matter what the person is doing or how the person is going to impact this generation generations to come, they don't, you know, it's, it's not, it does not matter.

Um, the, the race trumps at all. And I just commend them for, for doing something as, as, you know, it may seem small to yell Jesus is Lord, but we know that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow demons flee at the name of Jesus is powerful, but they took a stand and I really commend them. And I pray and we should all be in prayer for them for their covering and their protection, because of course, you know, they say, they're saying that they are being labeled certain things and this is what they did to Jesus. You know, and this is something that's a cross that we have to bear when we stand for Christ and I commend them. So let's keep these young men in prayer to help them to, um, navigate, you know, the, the troubles that they may face as a result of standing for the Lord.

Yeah. And as you said, people who profess to be Christians, the church not doing anything, we must stand up. The Bible declares that for those who know what's right and don't do it, that is sin. And I keep hearing these numbers out there that somewhere around 40 million Christians are not voting, not, not doing anything to try to, to, to defend the lives of unborn babies. And the Bible says you're, you're in sin because you can do something, but you're not. And don't get so haughty to think that you are so righteous that you are above getting involved in things that are happening politically because that's what it really is. You're, you're coming across with an arrogance that, well, I'm, I'm so good and righteous.

I can't get into that, that messiness. And listen, we're not in a utopia and we're not going to be in one until Jesus Christ returns. So until then we are all fallen human beings. We have to work with what we have and this is what is before us. And so, you know, as the church, we are to be salt and light.

Prior to refrigeration, salt was used as a preservative to preserve meat, to keep it from what decaying we as the church are to keep our society from decaying with immorality. And we see it happening again from the highest office, the promotion of immorality, the decay is coming from the top. We as believers need to push against it. So I don't want you to be one out there who takes this approach of, well, I'm just not going to get involved because it's all just too messy.

No, we are to be salt and light in Jesus Christ is watching. He is watching to see who is making a stand, who is willing to get involved. So let's listen to a little bit more of this interview.

Let's just listen to the second young man that was at the rally. So where was this event held exactly? This was held in our University of La Crosse's gym. So did you pay tuition to go to the university?

I do. I do pay tuition to go to the school, but this was a free event. This is in a really small venue. They only said there's about 2,500 people there, which when she told us to go to a smaller rally down the street, I didn't really think that for a political rally, there could be smaller than 2,500 people. You were allowed to be there. You paid to be there. Yes, correct.

Correct. Grant, I want to get your point of view from there. So is there anything you want to add to Luke's story?

And what did it feel like? I mean, she basically said, you said, or Grant said something about, or Luke said something about Jesus, right? Jesus is King, Jesus is Lord. And she said, you're not welcome here.

I mean, I want to know what you felt in that moment and if there's anything you want to add to his story. First of all, thank you, Rachel. Thank you, Will. Thank you, Charlie, for having us. We are very blessed to be here. We are very blessed to speak on the national stage.

It's important that we get our message out in any way possible. First of all, we didn't really intend on, you know, going at any people. People online were calling us mega-fascist. That was never our intention going to this rally. We were only here to protest our faith and we did so.

We never expected this to grow as large as it was. Essentially, she was speaking and we decided to say, Christ is King, Jesus is Lord. And we got a lot of backlash.

As you can see in that firsthand video, I was pushed by an elderly woman. We were heckled at, we were cursed at, we were mocked. And that's the biggest thing for me personally, in reflection of the event. Jesus was mocked.

His disciples were mocked. And that's okay. In reality, we did God's work and we were there for the right reasons. And God is watching us in this moment. I'm all about being a cordial person, no matter your beliefs.

But I do believe that we were sent there by God. And I do believe this timing, you know, 18 days before the election is imperative for young Americans and first-time voters like myself to understand that this is what you are going to get with a Kamala Harris presidency. Well, you know, I tell you, I am really encouraged by listening to these young men, these two young men. You know, on the one hand, it's troubling to see someone like Kamala mocking the lordship of Jesus Christ. On the other hand, it does show there are still believers out there that are willing to stand for Christ. And as he said, he said that they truly believe God sent them there. And I believe that too. I think God did that to expose things, to show us, is this what you want?

A nation that is going to be against him. And I truly think that's what we saw. But what are your thoughts before we wrap things up? I agree that God, that with God sending them there for this time, things are not coincidence. And I do think that for several years now, it's just been on my mind that God is shifting things. He's revealing things. And he's trying to get the church believers in Christ, believers and followers in Christ to wake up, open your eyes and see what's going on.

Use godly wisdom. And it's in Proverbs, Proverbs talks about wisdom calling out. She's calling out to the church and telling them what they need to do. But sometimes, you know, it's where they're not listening. They don't want to hear it because it doesn't align with their idol or something like that.

There's a lot of turning away. There's a lot of them that don't hear her call because they don't know what the Bible says. They don't fear God. Fearing God is not just a reverence of him, but really is fearing his consequences as well. A lot of them are ignorant to those things because they don't know the word of God.

In Proverbs, I want to share a verse, Proverbs 1 verses 2 and then 29 through 33. And it says, How long foolish ones will you love ignorance? How long will you mockers enjoy mocking and you fools hate knowledge? Because they hated knowledge, didn't choose to fear the Lord, were not interested in my counsel and rejected all my correction.

They will eat the fruit of their way and be glutted with their own schemes for the turning away of the inexperienced will kill them and the complacency of fools will destroy them. But whoever listens to me will live securely and be free from the fear of danger. So God is calling out. He's calling out to, um, unbelievers to please hear, you know, turn to Christ. He's sending our people out. He's sending Christians out. These young men, people who were standing in the gap during the podcast, there are pastors that are preaching the true full word of God. Then there are some that are not, but God is trying to reach out and tell us to wake up because the Lord is coming back for his church and is soon.

And you can tell by the escalation and not just, um, the, the escalation of things, but the, how frequent is real close. Things are happening so close together and you can see that God is about to judge. And, and I just feel like he's trying to tell us to listen to him, but some will turn away. And so we need really need to be in prayer that, um, the church will stand strong and teach the word of God without fear to have holy boldness because he says, when we listen, we will be secure and we will not fear. So we really do need to, um, listen to godly wisdom and do what God is telling us to do.

Yeah. And a lot of pastors out there can take notes from these two young men because they are doing more than what most pastors are doing today. You hear so many that they say, well, we can't talk about things politically from the pulpit and it is, that's nothing but a cop out.

That's cowardice because politics is simply the rude word is what policy and policy is law. And the first five books of the Bible is law. Um, so God is not anti-law. God is the one who creates law.

Right. And the one who is against law is anti-Christ. The Bible says he is the one who brings about the spirit of lawlessness. And you see that in, and the thing about it is we're not trying to make this episode all about promotion of one party versus another. But the thing about it is if you just look at what the Bible says and look at what the parties are standing for, it is just very obvious, you know, you can't get around it, that one is anti Christ. And the thing about it is, you know, we as believers have to stand up for the word of God.

We have to stand up for what's right. So I just want to share just a few things before we close that the spirit of anti-Christ, it is trying to overtake our nation. When we look at the Democrat party, national convention, they had a van there, bus, whatever you want to call it to give out free abortions. And I think they said 27 babies were aborted at the convention.

Just think about that folks here at a convention to elect our, to determine the president of our nation. And they're, they're giving out the murder of babies is what it is doing it for free and people are celebrating it. And again, when you look at these, these political ads that are running, just about every one that comes on for the Democrat party is promoting abortion.

There's just this, this, this love of, of death. And the thing about it is abortion stems naturally from being against God's way of where God says, sex is supposed to only be between a husband and a wife. People don't want to accept God's way. They want to do it their way.

And then when the natural thing happens in a pregnancy, then they want to, to kill the baby. It's a sacrifice to, to the devil. It's their, their idol. And when we look at, I think it was in 2012, the Democrat party, national convention, they, they booed God when they were debating as to remove him from the platform or not to remove God's name, they booed God and they were sitting there voting. Should we keep God's name in or not? And people were booing to not keep God's name in. And yet you have what evangelicals for Harris, Chris, people who claim profess to be Christians are supporting this stuff. In 2020, the, there were caucuses at the Democrat party, national convention that removed under God from the pledge of allegiance. So you just see all of these instances of going against God.

And as we saw in that clip, you, you heard and saw the people cheering Kamala when she says you're at the wrong rally, people were cheering that elderly woman again was shoving that young man out saying, you don't belong here. We don't want that Christ stuff here. So the challenge that I have out there for Christians, will you stand, will you stand for Jesus Christ?

Folks, this is, this is a battle. You know, you can't sit on the sidelines and just say, I'm not going to get involved because they are coming for the Christian. Trust me, you may think right now we can sit nice and comfortably in our churches on these nice, comfortable pews and not going to be bothered if this stuff continues. Real persecution is coming is already in other parts of the world, but it is coming to our nation and we must stand. So please folks go out, get involved in and vote the Bible. Do not support this anti-Christ spirit that is trying to overtake our nation. Any final thoughts before we close? I'll just close with a verse Proverbs 25, 26, a righteous person who yields to the wicked is like a muddied spring or polluted whale.

And we don't want to be part of that polluted whale. I think Christians are yielding to the wicked for whatever their reason may be. And I just think that it's time for us, like you said, to stand and to be in prayer for our nation, to pray for strength. If you do feel like you're having a hard time and you are fearful of standing, pray and ask God to give you godly wisdom, to give you holy boldness to stand on his word and to speak up. And sometimes it starts in the homes. It starts in those little small circles and families, family gatherings and things like that.

Or if you have someone's ear at the right time, stand. It can make a difference because you never know who is thinking the same things that you're thinking and may want somebody to just help them, to walk with them in that and making that step to stand. So I just say we need to really be in prayer for the church and for the nation, the church across the world, not just in America, because this, like I said, USA has arms that reach all across the world. What happens here will impact others. So as people would always like to say, love thy neighbor, love your neighbor and do what is right to reduce evil. You don't want to vote for more evil. Let's lessen evil. So amen. Amen. And as the Bible says, speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Babies in the womb cannot speak for themselves. We need to stand for them. And just one last thing I'll say before we close is I often hear from people whenever we talk about things on the political side, they're someone that'll say, um, Donald Trump is not my savior. Kamala Harris is not my whoever, you know, they'll, they'll say this, this political person is not my savior.

My savior is Jesus Christ. Folks don't be deceived. Don't be duped by the devil. Listen, just because we are encouraging people to vote a certain way, that does not mean that we're declaring a person to be our savior.

No more than I am a Los Angeles Lakers basketball fan, but the Lakers are not my savior. So folks don't, don't allow the devil to dupe you so easily. Um, just because we are trying to get people to support those who are trying to support the ways of God. We only have one savior and that is our Lord Jesus Christ make no doubt about it. But Jesus Christ does work through people and I shouldn't even say, but cause that kind of makes it seem like I'm sort of, um, you know, sort of saying, well we have him, but, but I'm not trying to say it that way. What I'm trying to get at is Jesus Christ is our savior and that's the way I should say it. And he uses people for his will and for his way. So let that be in our minds.

You're not in any way going against Jesus Christ by supporting a political candidate. So let's stand against the spirit of antichrist that is trying to overtake our nation. So we want to thank you for tuning in. Please come back and join us next time as we continue to discern the times by view and life through the lens of the Bible. Until then, remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Bless God's great nation of Israel until the only wise God be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen. Thank you for tuning into deserting the times. Please come back and join us next week as we continue to encourage you to view current events through the lens of the Bible. Until next time, remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Bless God's great nation of Israel and seek first the kingdom of God.
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