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When Opposition Comes

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard
The Truth Network Radio
March 24, 2022 8:00 am

When Opposition Comes

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard

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March 24, 2022 8:00 am

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If you want to achieve your future plans, you need a Right Now Plan, one that includes a strategy for dealing with the challenges life is sure to bring. In just a few moments, Pastor Paul Shepherd shares his Destined for Victory message when opposition comes.

But first, he joins us from his studio. Pastor, if there's been one thing that has been certain over the past many months, it's been the uncertainty of these times. In this booklet you've titled, Trusting God in Scary Times, tell us about this great resource and how what God did in Abraham's life can be an encouragement to us. If you've ever been through some tough times, and my grandmama would have said, if you haven't yet, keep on living, because it's going to happen.

It's going to happen, right? And the result is you're going to wonder, Lord, how in the world am I going to get through this, whatever your this is? And so I wrote this part of the series and I wrote this booklet with the desire and the hope and the prayer that God would help people understand that he is available to us even in scary moments. His faithfulness is certain and although it doesn't feel very good, the Lord has promised that he is going to finish the good work he began in us. So I pray that those who receive this booklet, which they can have at their request this month as they donate, I pray that it will be a real blessing and it will help them through the scariest moments in their lives.

Yes, the Word of God tells us in 2 Timothy 1 verse 7 that the Lord has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and of a sound mind. Again, this booklet is called Trusting God in Scary Times. It's our gift to you this month by request for your generous donation to Destined for Victory. Call 855-339-5500 or visit to make a safe and secure donation online. You can also mail your gift to Destined for Victory, Post Office Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538.

Again, our address is Destined for Victory, Post Office Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538. There are things that tend to position themselves between the right now and the destiny we plan to arrive at, and I want to talk to that issue especially because sometimes our opposition can be fierce, can be foreboding. The things that come against us, if you're not careful, can cause you to live in fear. Faith in Christ doesn't remove all obstacles, it equips you to handle them. Coming your way next on today's Destined for Victory, Pastor Paul Shepherd reminds us that fear often makes us our own worst enemy. Life will be filled with opposing forces without us allowing our own fear to become one of them. With this message, when opposition comes, here's Pastor Paul. Psalm 27, in the interest of time, I'll just quote verse one for now, some of you know it. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? In this series where we've been talking about fearless living, I want to talk today about those things that position themselves between where we are and where we want to go. There are things that tend to position themselves between the right now and the destiny we plan to arrive at. And I want to talk to that issue especially because sometimes our opposition can be fierce, can be foreboding. The things that come against us, if you're not careful, can cause you to live in fear. In fact, if you'll be honest with yourself, some of us would have to say, you know, there are things that I should have done by now but I've allowed fear to grip me to the place where I never did enroll in that school, I never did launch that career, I never did establish that business, I never did take the next steps. I have something in my heart that I've not acted on and when I think about it, I've been afraid. Well, in this fearless series, I want to make sure that we get rid of all fear because God has not given us the spirit of timidity or fear. He's given us a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind.

And whatever you want to get done for God, whatever you want to get done to improve your life and the life of your family and loved ones, whatever you want to do that is a God-glorifying step to take, I want to encourage you, now is the time to move out and don't let fear stand in your way. So, I've entitled this part of this series, When Opposition Comes. First thing I want to do, I want to establish just three points and I'll be done with you in this message. The first point is you are called according to God's purpose, therefore you will face opposition. That's the first thing I need you to know because sometimes people act like they are surprised when opposition shows up. Not you, but somebody on your row is shocked when they find opposition because a lot of people are like, why would somebody oppose this? This is a good idea.

This is a good thing I want to do. Why would people come against that? I need you to know right now at the beginning of this message, you need to quit being shocked when folk come against you, when circumstances come against you, when enemies rise up against you, when people who don't hardly know you suddenly show up to stand against you. I don't know if you've experienced that, but sometimes opposition comes from people you know well. I'm going to cover that in another point, but let me tell you, the other times I've been opposed by folk and first thing in my mind is, who are you? I've had folk that seem like almost total strangers. Where did you come from and why does what I'm doing matter in your life? Anybody like me ever had somebody show up and you say, first of all, who are you? And why are you asserting yourself in something that really isn't your business?

This is A and B. You need to see your way out, but there are a lot of folks who see their way in because you have something that you want to do for God. You want to do that God has put in your heart and they show up to oppose you. I just want to make sure you know you're called according to God's purpose.

That's why you're going to have opposition. In other words, you've got to tie this to the fact that your fulfilling God's purpose means the enemy of your soul is dead set against you fulfilling that purpose. This is a spiritual fight at the end of the day.

Please remember what Paul said in Ephesians 6. He said we're not wrestling against flesh and blood. We're wrestling against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places, and this is a spiritual fight. It often comes through people, but it is a spiritual fight. Just because you can call their name and you know their address doesn't mean it's not spiritual. The enemy knows how to use folk and he's good at it. In fact, he can use Christians who are prayerful.

Oh, I just said something. I've had some of my worst opposition has come from folk who name the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, if you ask them, they feel like it's almost their calling to come against me because they're carnal and they're thinking in carnal terms rather than spiritual terms. And I want you to know opposition comes directly to you because you're called according to purpose and the enemy of your soul is dead set against you fulfilling that purpose. The enemy doesn't want you to ever hear, well done, good and faithful servant. He wants you to quit.

He wants you to give up and therefore you need to know nothing has gone wrong. Please remember what the Bible says. Jesus said in John 16 verse 33, in this world you shall have tribulation. He said, but be of good cheer. Why?

Because I've overcome the world. In this world, you're going to have opposition. You're going to have tribulation.

Stuff's going to go wrong. Stop buying into poor theology. When some folks say, hey, now that I'm with Jesus, I'm just always above and never underneath and always.

You've got to quantify that. First of all, they're quoting from another covenant. And you need to understand Jesus himself said you're going to go through tribulation. So you're not always going to be above. You're going to be underneath. But God will get you above. If you will walk by faith and not by sight and follow him, he'll get you to where you're going. In other words, he didn't promise you wouldn't go through the valley.

He just said, I'm going to bring you out of the valley and take you to a prepared place. In this world, you're going to have tribulation. Stop thinking something has gone wrong. When, in fact, I've come to know when I have the opposition coming against me the hardest, I know I'm close to something good. I've just decided y'all wouldn't be messing with me. You demons wouldn't be messing with me as much as you are if something good wasn't about to happen that you're trying to circumvent. And so I almost get encouraged now.

Like, woo, something good going to happen here because look at all of this. I mean, demons just lined up. When one leave, here come another one.

They just lined up stage left waiting to enter your life. And they want to come in and wreak havoc, but you have got to be fearless and you've got to say the Lord is my light, my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, so I'm not going to be afraid.

You've got to choose to not walk in fear. Jesus said you're going to have tribulation. Paul picked it up in 2 Timothy 3.12. He said all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. If you desire to live godly in Christ, you're going to be persecuted. Now, we live in a country where we have religious freedom to an extent.

And so you've got to understand we're not suffering in the same way that many of our brothers and sisters around other parts of the world are suffering. There are people in jail right now. All they did was went to church. They are in our countries because it's forbidden to gather, to worship, and they are in jail.

Pastors are in jail, life sentences, and all they did was convene God's people. And I want to tell you we need to salute their faith by making sure if they can stand for Christ in the midst of that type of severe persecution, you and I here in America and other countries that are listening to this message, we can certainly take our stand for Jesus. And don't worry about the persecution. If you're going to persecute me because I'm saved, that's good.

That's a medal of honor as far as I'm concerned. If all you have to fight me with is that I'm doing something the Lord wants me to do and you don't like it, I take that as a compliment. Don't go away. We're only about halfway through today's Destined for Victory message with Pastor Paul Shepherd, senior pastor of Destiny Christian Fellowship in Fremont, California. Subscribe to Pastor Paul on YouTube to watch some of his best video clips. For more details, be sure to visit That's, and there you can listen on demand to recent messages or find a variety of resources at our online store.

Now, let's tune into the rest of today's Destined for Victory message when opposition comes. Once again, here's Pastor Paul. If you work on a job and they want you to lie as part of your job, part of your duty to Christ is to say, no, no, I'm a truth-teller.

I'm a truth-teller. I told you years ago, a friend of mine talked about someone who said, on my job they told me, the boss said, when so-and-so calls, tell them I'm not here. She said, I can't do that.

I said, what you talking about? Just tell them I'm not here. I don't want to talk to them. She said, I understand you don't want to talk to them, but I'm not going to tell them you're not here. I said, why? I said, because you're here.

I can't do that. I'm a truth-teller. God is listening to me when I talk. See, some of you all got to get to that place where your faith is at real. The fact of the matter is we all need to have a strong enough resolve to do right where we don't practice situational ethics.

Situational ethics is, well, it depends on what's going on at the time. And let me see how, because, you know, at the end of the day, if I lose my job, how am I going to glorify God? How am I going to get my tithes?

Where do you come up with a crazy rationale like that? I'm going to disobey God so I can pay. The Bible said obedience is better than sacrifice. And so what you have to learn to do is stand strong. If your job wants you to lie, this lady said, I can't do that. She said, I tell you what. She said, I'm willing to say he's unavailable. He said, I don't want them to know I'm there because unavailable, they'll know that I'm here. She said, the only way I'll tell them you're not here is if they call, I will put them on hold. Just a moment, please.

I'll buzz your office and say so-and-so is calling. Do you want to leave? True story.

Do you want to leave? That's how committed to truth she was. And after he saw that level of faith, he said, you're right.

And she didn't lose her job. But let me tell you something. Fact of the matter is sometimes you might lose your job for standing for right.

Come on, somebody. If people want you to do wrong and you're committed to doing right, you have to be willing to suffer. But opposition is going to come. The word of God from Genesis to Revelation, just read anywhere. Just open your Bible, start reading.

Sooner or later, you're going to come across an example of somebody who's did right and it cost them some price. Show me a Nehemiah. I'll show you a Samballah and a Tobiah who show up just after clear blue because they hear he wants to build. Some people hate that you want to build.

They don't want you to do anything but be part of their agenda. And we are builders of the kingdom of God and the truth of God. And so some people just resent that this man wanted to build and Samballah and Tobiah show up wanting to cause trouble about something they have nothing to do with. As he started building first, they would just ridicule. Later on, they went from ridicule. They said, this is starting to really go up and be something.

We better go talk him out of this. And they came, folk will visit you to come against you. They came from out of town, standing outside the wall.

There he is building the wall and he's standing outside the wall. They said, come on down. We got a meeting and we want you to attend. Nehemiah called down to some of y'all got to learn to call down from where you are.

He called down. So I'm not coming. No, no. It's an important meeting. We really need you here. Read my lips. I'm not coming. That's what you got to do because opposition is going to come.

You're called according to purpose. And stop being surprised when folks show you who they are. Believe them. I'm trying to get folk to believe people.

Some of y'all are still in denial. I don't believe that. Yes, believe them. They're that evil.

They're that agendas driven. Believe it and take your stand against it. There is no cakewalk from promise to destiny.

God gives you a promise or something, a goal in your heart, a dream, a vision, something he puts a burden, whatever it is, he gives you that. And between that promise and its fulfillment, I need you to understand there's going to be all kinds of craziness. Don't be surprised when craziness breaks out because you're trying to do something good. That's point number one.

It's going to happen. You're going to experience opposition. Number two, opposition often comes multiplied. You know, it would be okay if trouble came in single file. This trouble comes in and the rest of the trouble has to stay off stage till you deal with that and then the next one. But how many have lived long enough to find trouble likes to bring company with it into your life. So not only do you have people problems, now you got money problems along with the people who are giving me a problem. You ever had real estate problems? Why you got money problems? Why you got people problems? You ever had kids acting crazy?

Why you got regular people problems and money problems? You ever had parents drama? You ever had marital drama? You ever had your spouse that you stood there. They stood there and said they would love you through thick and thin till death and then neither one of y'all has died and they acting crazy. All kinds of stuff can break out in your life and it comes in duplicate and triplicate.

It will often show up with company. There's an example of that. I won't read it in the interest of time but when you get a chance look at Joshua chapter 11 and you will find Joshua is in the midst of conquering of Canaan. And so in the earlier chapters you see him do conquests on the east side of Jordan. You also see conquests in the southern region of the promised land. So by the time you get to Joshua 11, he has conquered the southern region and the regions east of the Jordan. And the kings of the territories on the northern side of the promised land of Canaan. They said we heard about what these folk did down south and over on the east side of Jordan and they got together. When you look at Joshua chapter 11, a bunch of kings got together. They don't necessarily like each other but they said unless we band together, all else is going to be wiped out.

And so they got together several kings there in Joshua 11 and said we don't want to see happen here in the north what happened in the south and east of the Jordan. And they got together. So many of them responded because they had a common interest. Sometimes folk have a common interest to take you out and they'll lay down their differences with each other. I don't know if you've had it happen. If you haven't, keep on living. Folk can hate you more than they hate each other and they'll get together with each other temporarily just to come against you.

That's what happened and the result was a well put together alliance. In fact, the Bible says in verse 4 of Joshua 11, it said the people who gathered were like the sand on the seashore and they had many horses and chariots. Like the sand on the sea, that's a whole lot of folk. When you look out and you can't see anything but people and all of them against you, that's what Joshua is facing. But this message is about not fearing. It is about the fact that you're going to have opposition so don't worry about it.

Make sure even when you see your opposition multiply, it doesn't trigger fear in you. And so here's what they did and here's what you need to do. They went to the Lord, said, okay God, you see what's happening here, give us a word. God speaks up and says, here is the word of the Lord.

By this time tomorrow, they're all going to be taken care of. God said, yeah, I see it. You got to know when opposition comes against you, you're not the only one seeing that the Lord himself sees it.

And because you're called according to purpose, the Lord himself has a vested interest in you winning. And so the word was by this time tomorrow. Now, I would love to tell all of y'all in this message that that's your Rhema word for right now. But let me just say, if that's a word for you right now, you got to make sure you know that tomorrow isn't always 24 hours. We've been maying door for a night, but joy comes in the morning. But you got to understand the morning season follows the night season and the night season can go for a while. Anybody had a protracted long night? Oh, thank you for some honesty.

I see my heavy, my super duper space people. I don't receive that. I believe my trouble is going to dry up by morning. Bless your heart. You go on and walk in that faith. But if by chance it doesn't get taken care of by tomorrow morning in the terms of the calendar, just know your night season can run for a while. But when the Lord decides he's turning this thing around, that's your morning. Thanks for being here for today's Destined for Victory message, When Opposition Comes. Be sure to request your copy of Pastor Paul Shepherd's booklet, Trusting God in Scary Times.

Go to This booklet is yours for a generous gift to Destined for Victory. I'm going through the valley of the shadow of death. I'm not camping out, not buying real estate in the valley. I am going through it.

I'm on the move. And I came to tell somebody, opposition sometimes comes in multiplication, but you got to know that God is going to get you out of it. Why? Because your story can't end in defeat. You are a child of God. That's tomorrow in Pastor Paul Shepherd's message, When Opposition Comes. But until then, remember, he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. In Christ, you are Destined for Victory.
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