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Absurd Truth: Harry and Meghan Photo-op

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
January 13, 2025 3:35 pm

Absurd Truth: Harry and Meghan Photo-op

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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January 13, 2025 3:35 pm

Harry and Meghan went to the wildfires for 20 min for a photo-op while liberal podcasts grift off the wildfires to raise money for Democrats. Meanwhile, Author and Columnist, Kurt Schlichter, joins us to give his perspective as a Ret. National Guard member in California.

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Subscribe to the Miracle Files wherever you get your podcasts and join us on this thrilling journey of faith and miracles. Dana Lashes absurd truth podcast sponsored by Kel-Tec. It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man. So a couple of, I'm not reading the first one because that's disgusting. We're not doing that one.

Some of these are just so nasty. I'm just not. And Florida has to make their stuff public. I'm not doing bestiality stories. We're just not doing that.

I'll just, so no. This is, I can't, what happened this weekend in Florida? Okay, so one South Florida lawmaker, here's a little happy story. He filed a bill to designate the American flamingo as the official state bird for Florida.

Can I be real? I thought they already had that. What is up with birds that we thought were mascots or like representatives, and they weren't like just last week, we made the eagle the official bird.

And they just now are making the flamingo the official bird. I didn't know that that's kind of a Florida man deputy crashed his patrol car into another vehicle because he was watching a naughty video that he should not have been watching. Like County Sheriff's Office, the internal affairs investigation found that Deputy Tristan McComer was looking at something not safe for work before the crash happened. His body worn camera captured the steering wheel airbag deploying after he crashed right into the back of another car. He picked up his cell phone, went to check on the other driver.

And apparently, he told a sergeant that the brakes locked up before he re ended the other car that stopped for school bus, I might add. And then they found out that he was looking at his phone right before impact. And apparently, he was looking at something that was not only inappropriate, but visually inappropriate. And so he was entirely distracted. He's in super big trouble now. And he wasn't wearing a seatbelt and he was watching his phone while driving. He was watching prawn in case you didn't know.

And he admitted to lying like during the whole thing. So that's not good. That's not good. That's that's no. This. No, I'm not doing this. I know that was in Polk County, but I'm not not talking about that.

This. See? Oh, a Florida man was arrested in an alleged plot to bomb the New York Stock Exchange. It was a plot that charging documents were unsealed Wednesday. Oh, he South Florida resident heroin, Abdul Malik.

Yeah, sounds like Florida guy. He was charged with the attempted use of an explosive to damage or destroy a building used in interstate commerce. He apparently the FBI got a tip that he was storing Oh, they followed up on something that he was storing Bob making schematics and an unlocked storage unit in Coral Springs. And they found all I mean, he was making bombs, bombs, bomb after bomb after bomb. And he was he apparently met with undercover FBI agents. He was asking them for photos of the New York Stock Exchange and other items. And he was very serious about it. He said he wanted a reboot of the United States government.

And he apparently had was ISIS adjacent like he tried to join ISIS or was trying to join ISIS. So at least they stopped that one. It's our friends over at All Family Pharmacy. This is such a great service.

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Injured, visit for an office near you. Justin Trudeau announces he will resign as Prime Minister of Canada. Republicans get off to a very smart start in the new Congress.

And the left loses its mind as Trump talks about acquiring Greenland, the Panama Canal and even Canada. I'm Greg Kourambas. Join Jim Garrity of National Review and me each weekday for the Three Martini Lunch podcast. We'll give you the good, bad and crazy news of the day.

And hopefully a lot of laughs too. Follow the Three Martini Lunch on Apple, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. I told you this.

The Harry and Meghan people, they went out there to tour just like they did after Uvalde where she chartered a plane, flew to Uvalde for a photo op for an afternoon. I mean, you could just do the work that you signed a contract to do over at Spotify or Netflix, where they called you blanking grifters because you couldn't turn out any content after securing a hundred million dollar deal. And all you have to show for it is an incorrectly named podcast. And a bunch of people that that's the only people they interview are the same damn people that they interview all the time because they have no friends. Nobody likes them.

They're absolute fake grifters. She can't act. And he's a little bitch. That's who you got. I mean, I don't want him.

Send him back to the UK. I don't and her where she's here. But this they went and toured where they a fire had a disaster area. And they apparently according to reports on the ground, they were there for like 17 to 20 minutes. And they got photos and then they left. So you're telling of course, if you're that much of a fame whore, you're going to drive two plus hours in notorious traffic into a disaster area around which numerous roads are closed. So you can pretend to deliver meals and get a photo op so you can try to swindle more people into donating to your stupid Archwell Foundation.

I mean, that's just peak left, peak left. They're not the only grifters out there. You have this I'm not even gonna say their name the Democrat podcast. They were wanting people to donate to fire relief through their act blue Democrat campaign fundraiser apparatus. So a portion of that is somehow going to find its way to Democrats. Be super careful who you donate to with all of this stuff.

Because there are so many grifters that are out there. That's what that one podcast is doing. They were trying. I mean, that's, that's, it's, you're, you're donating through the app.

Lewis can't say what you said, because that's a great point. Overseas scammers have more integrity than this. They're, they're literally grifting off of people's suffering and death. Yeah.

It's, that's just horrifying. Either help and do it the, you know, Gospel of Matthew way. Either help, as was, you know, discussed in the New Testament or don't. I can't stand the big braggy people to like, I delivered a casserole. Like, I mean, just just do your just do the good deed. And don't seek accolades. But we live in a click me, thirsty trap kind of society where everybody's got to get attention for something. Did you really do it?

And does it really count in the good book? If people didn't give you comments about it on social media? I mean, that's where we're at. Now the LA fire department, did you guys see this story where it said that they were left using women's handbags to throw water on fires? So this was I've seen this all over social media. So now the LA department chief Eric Scott, who's a public information officer, he told the Wall Street Journal that they're not handbags, but their bags, their canvas fire bags that they use regularly to put out small fires as they're easier and faster than reconnecting and connecting a hose. So if they're trying to get a fire put out, that's like starting, like they see something smoking, they do that because by the time apparently they'll get the hoses either switched or hooked up or get another truck out, it'll be a lot bigger.

But not to say they don't do that. But apparently they start and try to at least stop it or contain it immediately with the bag. So apparently what happened was some of the as they were putting out one fire there, what I guess embers blew on like somebody's property or something like that. And it blew over their flame retardant firewall. And so then it started kicking on.

And so that's what they were to try to get that in while they were getting everything else moved. They were using those bags, which I guess that makes sense. I know nothing about firefighting.

I know nothing about fire science. If they say that works for them, and it makes sense, then it makes sense. But at least it's not a women's handbag. I was like, Are we really doing that? I mean, I guess it would work if it's top quality leather and it has a nice interior. You know, I guess it would work.

But you know, hopefully it's not you know, suede interior ruin it anyway. But this store, I mean, it's just it's so sad. They had two people detained in Brentwood near the VP's house, because they were out after curfew hours. So I don't know. Now you have the celebrities and the wealthy people out there hiring $2,000 an hour private firefighters to protect their homes and people are livid. Why would people be mad though? I don't I don't understand why they would be upset because they can't do it. Is it bad that they're doing it?

I mean, if you're hiring and bringing in people to help, then isn't that you know, even if it's starting with your own property? I don't I don't really have a problem with that. I don't think I'm not going to shame people for being able to afford something. I mean, I don't know. I'm just I don't know.

I'm just not. And they can do that. They can, you know, they can bring out private firefighters. There was one guy who had I told you this last week, they ran him off social media because he was asking about this. And apparently other people have done the same thing.

One guy said that he criticized this other individual who apparently was talking about it from LA. And he said his family's evacuated and this guy's hiring private firefighters to risk a house to save to risk their lives to save a house that, you know, he certainly has insured. Well, that's his prerogative. Shut up.

Shut up. That's his prerogative says prerogative then. And I mean, someone goes should so should potentially life saving resources, even if private be diverted to save your house while people evacuate?

Why not? And it's not you're not diverting from those resources. You're bringing your own. You're hiring people who have no obligation under any kind of municipal job to go in and fight fires. They're bringing in people to do it. I don't have a problem with it.

I don't know that you're really seeing some of the class warfare shine in California. They're going to be turning on each other, our partners that help bring you the program. It's our friends over at Kel-Tec. They make some really awesome firearms are incredibly innovative.

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Visit for an office near you. And now all of the news you would probably miss. It's time for Dana's Quick Five. If this is something that matters to you, the Cheetos people are bringing cane.

That is very aggressive listening. The Cheetos people are bringing back the cheese pizza flavored poofs. Cheesy poofs. Yeah. They had those at one time? I didn't know that. I don't know. Apparently, I guess there were a lot of people who like them.

I don't know. But they said that it's been out of the lineup for 20 years. So it's the Cheetos puffs cheese pizza flavor. If that's a big thing.

If snacks are your jam, then there's something for you. Time is an illusion and doesn't exist as we know it, according to many physicists. Well, I actually don't think that that's wrong because time is determined by the sun, right?

I mean, by our days and nights and the moon and the sun and the rotation around the sun. So if it's not like that elsewhere, then that does suspend the idea of time. Think of it. There are galaxies where you do not have that. So yeah, that completely makes sense as an illusion.

This is something though that physicists have kicked around for quite a long time. But the arguments are pretty compelling for it. Some DC grocery stores are limiting egg purchases amid a nationwide shortage, because Biden was such a great president and made the economy so great that they now are having to limit like super expensive eggs. You know, I mean, the butter is more expensive, the milk is more, everything's more expensive. But apparently, they said yes, they have to limit people to three dozen eggs. So they used Whole Foods and Chevy Chase. Tell me that you are a reporter that doesn't get out of your bubble without telling me that you're a reporter who doesn't get out of their bubble. So this one reporter went to a Whole Foods and Chevy Chase, a super bougie store in a super bougie zip code. And they said, Oh, the customers are only allowed three dozen eggs per person. What?

I just like wait until you go to the real world and you're not in Whole Foods and Chevy Chase. It's even worse for this. Even worse for those folks.

Good grief. The UK has less than a week of gas left after temperatures plummeted. So it's an ally, they're running out of gas, they said that their storage sites are less than 20 or 26% less than they were at the same time last year.

So they're about half empty. And they said that we're an outlier from the rest of Europe. Now we're seeing the implications of you know, the storage etc. And so they said that they're confident they have sufficient gas supply and electricity capacity to meet demand. But just saying the natural the natural gas they said they get theirs from a diverse range of sources. And that storage remains healthy.

Imagine if they didn't have to worry about it because we were actually, you know, super self sufficient, not just for our own sake, but that of our allies, which plays into national security because we could be selling them plentiful American natural gas instead of them having to get the dirty Russian stuff. Welcome back to the program. Dana Lash here with you at the bottom of the second hour. You can listen coast to coast.

You can also stream the radio program channel through 47 direct TV, find a separate sub stack as well. I was reading this piece this morning. In fact, because I think I was I'm following along with everything that they're saying the latest out in California, because there are so many lessons wrapped up in this heartbreaking story of wildfires in California. And I was listening to them talk about the next 72 hours as being 72 hours of hell, the winds are going to pick up again.

And I mean, it could get a lot worse. My friend Kurt Schlichter has a piece over a town hall today. There is no bottom for blue California. He lives out there. He knows a little something about emergencies, emergency response, emergency infrastructure, infrastructure just in that area. He knows a lot about it.

So who better to talk to than our very good friend Kurt Schlichter, himself a veteran. And of course, he was there leading the response in the LA riots. Everybody saw that he I mean, he was out there. That was him.

He was I mean, not him like he caused it, but he was out there responding to it. I just realized that sounded so bad. Kurt. Hi. How are you?

Hi, Dana. I'm not sure I was leading. I think I was pretty much my achievement was perfect attendance at the LA riots. I did command most of the military forces in northern San Diego during the fires in 2007. I had a read force cavalry squadron task group of about 1300, which is in addition to 1000s of others in other sectors. I'm a little concerned about why there's only about 1700 Cal Guardsmen activated right now.

It's about 7% of the total. I don't know what they're doing. I don't understand it.

But you know, I the problem is I don't think the governor does either. So yeah, and he's the guy who calls them out, which is the scary thing. You guys know our friend Kurt Schlichter, by the way, from his book series as well.

And I just I have to think that his his last book the attack. I'm just saying, I don't want to get into the weeds with with the first off before we before we go further. You're not in the line of danger. I know you're near the danger, but you're not in like a direct fire line.

No, I'm about 12 miles away. I live in the South Bay. It's this nice little hidden community where we don't allow the realities of blue California to intrude, where cops actually do the job. And if you're a hobo, you're going to get turned around and sent off towards the poor sections.

Remember, California is a feudal state. Because I'm well, until last week, when I stopped practicing as a full time lawyer, still got my ticket. But I was part of the elite being a trial lawyer.

Yeah. So I was part of the favored. You're part of la law like you could have been that series. Oh, that was early in my career.

I actually was. I knew it. So you know, you because you've, you've grown up in this area, you have witnessed, you know, the coming and going of countless Democrat lawmakers. And you've heard the warnings too. I mean, good grief in Texas, we see the news where they're like, Oh, well, you know, it's a wildlife land and wildlife management. They're telling, you know, the governor of California that they need to watch for undergrowth.

And they need to, you know, clear this and, you know, just do basic stuff. And, you know, you had a lot of rainfall out there. I mean, on paper, it doesn't make any sense as how it has spread this fast and is this bad? No, it really doesn't. My, my favorite excuse is, well, it's climate change, which I say, so you were aware there was a giant crisis that was going to cause fires to be that much more dangerous.

And what did you do besides bans, straws and plastic grocery bags? Right. That's a great point. And then you get that blank stare that you always get from the, you know, the semi-sentient, mindless DEI hires that they put in charge of things out here, because their grandfather came from the right continent. It's, I've been putting up with so, it's so long, it's now just kind of, hey, you get what you vote for.

Wow. And you get what you vote for. And you didn't vote for any of this. But yet, now you and a lot of people are feeling the effects of it. Gavin Newsom, is he going to be forced out of office finally, because I know there was a recall effort that just fell short of the requirement. What is it going to take for people in California to see what these policies deliver?

I don't know. See, normal people fill up that empty space inside them with faith, family and, you know, the flag. These communists fill it up with this kind of leftist woke ideology. And that's literally more important to them than anything else. They would rather risk having their house burned down than somebody have an obstacle filling their baby. Wow.

And that's, I mean, that's, that's literally it. I keep hearing how all these Californians are being red pilled. Forgive me, but if I don't quite believe that, but, you know, there's been plenty of red pill opportunities in the past. And, you know, they may be upset and grumble, but at election time, you know, they're going to vote for the communists again. Because, you know, Trump is bad. Trump is bad.

And they, I mean, heaven forbid that that's a question that we were talking about, like, at some point, are you so tribal that you're more tribal than you are in favor of your own success and your own security? And your own life. Yeah.

And your own life. There's 24 fatalities there now. Well, you know, we're always hearing, we're always seeing about these, and it's predominantly young women, probably on SSRIs, who will like take in an illegal alien or decide they're going to go camping in, you know, Yemen to really connect with the, you know, the third world, who don't understand that the world is a dangerous and ugly place because it's been secured by the very people that they look down on.

Us gun-toting knuckle draggers who make the world safe for them have somehow lent them to the false impression that the world is safe if you don't have gun-toting knuckle draggers. Yeah. And this is the same thing. Karen Bass as mayor. I don't see her going on politically anymore after this because there are a number of people demeaning that she resigned. But it also seems like it's a battle of who can get who under the bus faster, between Newsom and Bass.

I feel like they're not going to have a lot of unity already. I'm kind of seeing some stuff. What are your thoughts on that? Well, look, Karen Bass makes Kamala Harris look like that chicken, a guy in a beautiful mind. Wow. I mean, she's wow. And a communist, too. She literally loves Castro.

More than Justin Trudeau's mom or less? Sorry, that was a bad joke. Sorry, go ahead.

Send him a birthday card. No, I mean, but there's a similarity there. It took a communist like Castro to turn an island full of Cubans into a poor country. It has taken a communist like Karen Bass to turn a place like California into a hellhole.

Man, socialism, Dana, it could do anything. It's we're talking with our friend Kurt Schlichter, Los Angeles out of line of fire resident. And he knows a thing or two about responding to natural and some political disasters as well.

And he's joining us via Skype. And you have to get his book out the attack his latest book The Attack because that which brings the arsonists. It's what so they've three I think arson it will to definitely fire bugs and then one of them that he was detained and I think they're still investigating, which it seemed weird that the way that it spread.

But the the number of fire bugs that live in the area where you live. I'm also not surprised that they feel so empowered to do this stuff because you previously had a prosecutor who was like, Oh, if you're stealing from a store, we're just not going to prosecute you or were when you reduce those deterrence. Does this surprise you? At all.

And apparently, of course, one's an illegal alien. Yeah, yeah. Because you've got to put that cherry on top of the gate.

No, I look in the attack. I one of the things that terrorists do because it's so cheap and effective is start a fire in these same mountains. That's literally right in the middle of the book, because it's so cheap and so easy to do. You know, imagine if we're having trouble with the Chinese or something, some of the Chinese sleeper cells, and there are Chinese sleeper cells, just go out there, start throwing matches around. Suddenly, you know, we've got this problem in addition to all the others. It's, it's really a terrible situation.

It doesn't help that a bunch of homeless junkies are living out in the woods. As well. Yeah. So, you know, again, we decided we closed down the lunatic asylums because we're good, nice people.

And now your house is on fire. Yeah. And exactly. We're talking with our friend. That's an important point that you made, too, because like, it could be very and I'm not saying that that's what this is.

But we would be stupid to not, you know, heed the threat that it poses, because I think everyone thinks that these sleeper cells are terrorists, that it's going to be a more sophisticated, you know, attack or there. And all it has to do, all you have to do is be a firebug out in California somewhere. Firebug, loony with a rifle. I mean, California, you know, Dana, I don't have a concealed carry permit in California. I commanded thousands of guys with machine guns. And I'm apparently not qualified to decide what weapon I carry when I decide what machine gun they would not give you a license. I haven't applied because I don't want to take a psychological test. And I don't want to spend $1,000.

And I don't want to do all this other stuff. It's insane. Wow.

Again, they've made their choices. You know, when, when these bad things happen, oh my gosh, how could this happen? How could it not? That's a million dollar question.

Last question for you. How does this I mean, I they said that the next 72 hours, it's going to be disastrous. The winds are picking up. They said, I think the Palisades fire was only 13% contained as of this morning. 13% That's insane. And I know that you know, a lot of people who've been displaced. I know a lot of people have been displaced and some who've lost their homes.

And it's, you know, it's horrifying to watch. But how you just made a point earlier, right when we started talking how they only have like what they've called out 7% of the guard there. Why isn't the governor called out more? What else could they be doing to respond to this? I mean, I know it's a historically bad wildfire. But my gosh, as you just said, and then we're finding out dry hydrants and everything else. Just as a nightmare.

What else can they do? Send your dog over there and go at go at Newsome. I love your dog, by the way. I'm sorry, Dave, I had, I have one of the few contractors who's not already occupied in California. He just chose us to come in. But look, I don't know what the hell is going to happen in my state. I think it's going to get worse. It's like an alcoholic.

All right, today with this thing, okay, you woke up in the next county wearing someone else's pants. All right, maybe you're not hitting bottom yet. Okay, maybe it has to get much, much worse. And it is going to get much, much worse.

There's no upward trajectory. It's not like Gavin Newsom is going to make a 180 and decide to become competent. Because of course, Democrats don't count competent. When you want competence, you get the moderate Republican, you go get the Giuliani, you hire the Richard Reardon. If you're in Massachusetts, you get the Mitt Romney.

Not one of those horrible Republicans who actually believes in something, but one who's a technocrat and can kind of pick things up a little so that the completely foreseeable consequences of your ideology don't come to fruition quite yet. But of course they are. And that's why we've got Donald Trump. There you go. And I don't know, Newsom may go and Newsom may try in 28 if this doesn't take him out.

If the high speed rail didn't, golly, I mean, will this? Who knows? I think he's out. I think he's done.

I think he's, you know, he would still win if he could run again in California, but I think he's finished elsewhere. Who else is on the Democrat bench? Pete Buttigieg? Amy Klobuchar, maybe? Amy Klobuchar. The only thing I like about her is she's very, very aggressive by throwing staplers at people, maybe by our enemies with office supplies. I mean, if politics doesn't work out, maybe she could go into WWE.

I don't know. I could see that. Kurt Schlichter, always so good to see you, my friend. Thanks for joining us. We appreciate it. Stay safe out there too. Thanks for having me. Thanks for tuning into today's edition of Dana Lash's Absurd Truth Podcast. If you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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