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Absurd Truth: Larry O'Donnell's Lies

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
January 3, 2025 4:02 pm

Absurd Truth: Larry O'Donnell's Lies

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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January 3, 2025 4:02 pm

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell says America has suffered more terrorism at the hands of Military Veterans than Southern Border crossers. Meanwhile, Reporter and Columnist Carrie Sheffield joins us to break down how Trump should shake up the White House Press Pool in this age of new media.

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Dana Lashes of Sir Truth Podcast, sponsored by Kel-Tec. It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man.

I'm Sergio Sanchez from my friend Dana Lash. You've heard it said, don't cry over spilled milk, but don't stab anyone as well. So there's this guy in Edgewater, 68 years old, who said that he was, I find this funny, self-medicating with beer.

I guess what most of y'all do after we're away. He was self-medicating with beer to help his post-traumatic stress disorder. But he stabbed his sister in the face because she asked him to clean up some spilled milk. He stabbed her in the mouth, in the face, in her body, serious injuries. She wound up at the hospital. The sister told police that her brother is schizophrenic, bipolar, was arguing with her about that spilled milk. The woman said that her brother asked her one of his, took one of his two knives at her and he said he was going to stab her eyes out. My goodness.

Sister, I think it's time, I think it's time that you look for a new apartment, time to move out. The way things are right now, and because of these, well, one known, truly known ISIS terrorist attack by the terrorists in New Orleans, the other one, we don't know yet. I mean, it's an explosion that took place after a suicide. There's a guy popped, you know, popped one in his head, shot himself in the head, the guy in Vegas, and then ignited the explosives inside that cyber truck. Islamofascism, Islamic extremists, I don't know, man.

I don't know. And this guy had personal problems. He was, according to the reports, maybe he was unfaithful to his wife.

He had a new baby, went back to an old girlfriend. This guy, obviously not stable. You're in a condition like that where you take your life, you're not stable. You're mentally ill.

There's something wrong with it. At least we know that there's one incident inspired by ISIS, inspired by Islamic radicals. And we need to go back in and police the ranks in the military because this unfortunately provides ammunition to some of the internal American enemies. People, for example, this fool over at MSNBC, Larry O'Donnell, he was running the numbers saying, yeah, we've suffered more from our military than from individuals coming in illegally from the southern border. It's cut 15, Steve O. The New Orleans terrorists, like Timothy McVeigh, reached the rank of sergeant in the United States army.

The simple fact is this country has suffered more deadly terrorism at the hands of American born citizens who are veterans of the United States military than people who have crossed into this country at the southern border. Oh my goodness. Before you say going, oh God, he's right. Absolutely. He's right. My friend, only the feeble-minded would follow an idiot like this in this conclusion. If you run the numbers on just under the Biden administration, run all the crimes, all the shootings, all the rapes from the Hungary family, the childhood in Houston, to this college student in Georgia, to the Northern California, San Francisco area, all these people have been killed by illegal immigrants through the years, especially by this Biden administration that just opened up the border, all the dead in the wilderness and the desert, all the dead in the wilderness in South Texas that die from exposure to the heat, to the elements, all the dead people as a result of lax border policies, more people have died as a result of lax border policies, especially under the Biden administration than any harm that has come to this country by some kook, some crazy veteran, or maybe even active veteran, active service member in this country.

It's important to put everything in perspective. And with the Trump administration coming in, perhaps I'm thinking Tom Holman has the right mindset, or let's do the internal investigation, let's do the... They do this at at the CIA, I believe they still do it more, they do this at the FBI, where they have regular reviews of the agents to make sure that they're not being bribed, they move people around, make sure they're not being bribed, they're being influenced, being forced into criminal activity by someone, they're being blackmailed. They do these interviews.

Maybe it's time that in our military as we need to clean up the military and get rid of the DEI appointments, get rid of these men that are dressing women that are leading the military, try to evaluate the mindset of the military, do a better job of that in taking care of our veterans, our present military members, and our veterans, and finally commit to having a fighting force that's ready to answer the call when necessary. Tom Holman, his comments, of course, confirming that this Islamic terrorist in New Orleans, he took his truck, killed 14 people, that, you know, it's in the military, came from the army, but as you heard in that cut, it's time to make an assessment of what's going on. And I'm reminded of a comment by a friend of mine, a friend of the station's here in South Texas. He's a professor at St. Mary's University, Jeffrey Atticott, Dr. Jeffrey Atticott, who has been studying Islamic terrorism since the beginning, and since 2001, he set up an institute up in Central Texas up in San Antonio to study all this. Under the Trump administration, it is important to, again, emphasize who the real enemy of our nation is.

It's not white supremacists, it's not white racists. That is the boogeyman that the Biden administration tried to create and distract everybody from. The FBI and federal authorities have been going after the wrong people for several years now. They've been going after Christians, after concerned parents that want to attend school board meetings. They've been going after, and Lord knows how many hours and how many millions of dollars have been spent in investigations into the January 6th individuals, grandmas, and business people, and patriots who simply wanted to pause the process on January 6th four years ago because they had legitimate questions, suspicious activity during the election, the COVID election, the election that I don't trust that it was anywhere foolproof compared to previous elections.

They say it's not 100% foolproof, but man, with all the rules that were relaxed in many states. Patriots have showed up to Washington and foolishly, even though they were waved in, they walked, they were trespassing, and the FBI and the Justice Department, they went down hard on all these people. They sent them away. I think the first thing that President Trump needs to do when he gets into office is to pardon the overwhelming majority of all individuals who were there on January 6th inside the Capitol, walking around trespassing for us, for whatever reason they were in there. Either they were waved in or somebody opened the door and maybe a cop said, hey, come on in. They were just walking around, which by the way, Liz Cheney receiving a medal from Joe Biden.

My goodness, that is rich. That's another middle finger to the American people. Liz Cheney, the liar. Liz Cheney, the one who suppressed all this information, all this video, all this testimony from public review and created a narrative to try to convince the American people that Donald Trump, he was involved in an insurrection, that the Capitol riot was an insurrection from the J6 Committee.

Yes, she receiving a medal from Joe Biden for this, just a middle finger from Joe Biden to the American people. The enemy of this country are the Islamic radicals who attacked us on 2001, attacked us even before that, 1993, the first World Trade Center attack, the USS Cole, embassy attacks, numerous other attacks, 9-11. We didn't learn anything from that, who the enemy is, who the wet dream that they have to kill Americans, to behead Americans, to throw a nuclear bomb at America. That's the real enemy. My friend Jeffrey Atticott from St. Mary's University. Again, the incident that took place with ISIS, this ISIS attack in New Orleans, it proves once and for all that the radical Islamic extremist, that is the enemy of America.

And under Donald Trump, I hope and pray that Tom Holman and company, they're able to help us refocus. Imagine a young woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, feeling alone and unsure of what to do, and she's searching for hope. And that's where Preborn Ministries comes in.

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So again, that's pound 250. Say the word baby or donate securely at slash Dana. Okay, so let's do some headlines. And now all of the news you would probably miss.

It's time for Dana's quick five. I say let capitalism be capitalism. Look, check this out. President Biden blocking the proposed purchase of US Steel. I recall an interview on this issue of how big the steel production industry is in our country. Of course, it's not what it used to be a century ago, but US Steel is only one of many players.

It's only a small group compared to the many players and producers that we have in our country and the sources of steel. So President Joe Biden, and this is something that Donald Trump likely would have done as well. This is not to poopoo Joe Biden, but also Donald Trump, you know, he's very, he's a more pro-union guy and very populist in the America First mindset. Yeah, probably would side with Joe Biden on this one.

I'm just saying because I get the impression that that's where Donald Trump would be. President Joe Biden blocked the proposed purchase of US Steel. It was a $15 billion deal. Of course, they can do the sign of the cross says national security issues on. I don't know, they just, they need the cash at US Steel. And I'm sure the unions got in the way I suspect that they did got in the way of this. Hey, we need to protect the country.

No. Like in the event of a nasty showdown, a war, just go Venezuela style, nationalize everything doesn't matter where it comes from. Oh, Japanese own this doesn't matter. It's like in Venezuela, all US companies own these carmakers.

Oh, it doesn't matter. We're going to nationalize it. In the event of emergency, you know, with the power, with the power of the state centralized state, they nationalize everything.

Anyway, so Joe Biden flushed that Nippon Steel deal down the toilet. The US Surgeon General warning about a link between alcohol and cancer wants a label on it. Dr. Vivek Murthy saying put a label on alcohol, the more alcohol you consume, the greater the chance of cancer, he said.

And as far as the better diets, according to the US News World Report, the top diets, if you want to lose some weight, live healthy, the Mediterranean diet followed by the dash diet. I'm Sergio Sanchez, you're listening to the Dana show from South Texas, our partners at Caltech, the p 15, standard capacity 15 rounds, I highly recommend the p 15, especially if you're looking for a concealed carry, striker fire pistol. This is from the inventors of the Micro Compact Pistol category striker fire reliability. It is the p 15 stands for 15 pews. I mean, maybe not the pew part, but 15 rounds comes with two standard capacity magazines. One's a 15 round minimal pinky extension. The other's a flush fit double stack mag that holds 12 rounds.

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Carrie, where do we start on this? It's the correspondent press group that organization up in DC that makes decision on where to sit people from WAPO and ABC and CBS and all that, right? Those are the people that are calling the shots. They don't have right to do that.

Do they? I mean, this is federal property. This is a White House press briefing. I mean, can you explain how all that works up in DC?

Yeah, so it's an interesting legal question. And it's something that the Trump administration was very interested in. And they took a respectful approach and a hopeful approach. And the media, of course, the liberal media at the White House Correspondents Association responded very poorly, and did everything they could to attack Trump. And the last year of the first Trump administration, I was a journalist in the White House press briefing room. And I was only invited because I was a guest of Kayleigh McEnany, the press secretary. I was not a member of the White House Correspondents Association.

And I was granted access. I was a reporter for just the, which is John Solomon's outlet. And Chanel Rione from One American News, we were allowed in as a guest of the press secretary. And just through this dynamic, Chanel had applied to join the White House Correspondents Association and was rejected. And so basically, the history of the White House Correspondents Association, which is every year they have the big dinner and that dinner is now used to attack Trump at all costs.

This group is a outside nonprofit. And just by courtesy for decades, the White House Press Office has granted basically control of who's allowed in the press room and who gets to sit where, who is granted basically access to the leader of the free world. And what was so striking to me, my first press conference when I was in there with President Trump, I wasn't allowed a seat.

I had to stand in the aisle in the back with Chanel and she had to do the same thing. And it was striking because both of us asked Trump questions that were substantive. Chanel asked a question about Iranian foreign policy. I asked a question about Hong Kong. I had just done one of the last interviews with Jimmy Lai, the Hong Kong billionaire before he was in prison.

And I asked Trump about the protesters in Hong Kong and about Jimmy Lai. And then I believe she was with NBC News and she was seated in a plum location in a seat in the front row, I believe. And she asked a question about QAnon. I thought, how ironic is it that the quote unquote legitimate establishment, legacy media, NBC, or whoever it was on the front row who has the seat and all of the trappings and the good old boys club or in her case, good old girls club, whatever the stuffy establishment, elitist, out of touch, not understanding the voice of the people. She's asking about an internet conspiracy theory.

And the reason she's doing it is because she wants to drag the president down and she wants to make him look bad. And I'm here and One American News is here asking substantive questions because we want answers for our people and we want us to move forward. And what's interesting is that the people in the room as it currently stands, we see it over and over. It is not proportionate to the voice of the people. And so I find it so I find it rich that the Washington Post, for example, their motto is democracy dies in darkness. Well, the root word of democracy is demos and demos means people. And if half of the people are not represented in the press room, then you are failing.

You are dying. You are making democracy die in darkness, Washington Post, because you are twisting and you are not representing the voice of the people. And they've come out. The Washington Post has come after my group and independent women's forum and independent women's voice, which we take as a badge of honor.

But it's unfortunate as this causes severe mistrust and distrust and a decline in our social fabric and social capital because of the way the media is so destructive and so out of touch. Kerry Sheffield, senior policy analyst, independent women's voice. The Trump press team has an opportunity here. We've seen some signals that they want to. And Sean Spicer, God bless him, he started that process. He allowed for the first time Skype questions and remote questions into the press room from outlets that were not here, that weren't in the swamp. And so he was getting people in who were bloggers and non-traditional, but getting people in the room who are non-traditional and having more open access to conservative voices to be proportionate. We're roughly in a 50-50 country, but it's not that way in the press room. So now there's some balance. And there is more balance now over in the market. And the eyeballs and the ears have been moving toward a more independent minded and conservative minded and liberty minded press. We have more outlets now and more sources.

And thank God for Elon Musk and X that they've been able to grow exponentially there and express themselves without being off-boarded and denied revenue sources. Newsmax is growing. One American network, as you mentioned.

Who comes to mind? Daily Wire, Blaze. I got your article, your write up, your opinion piece on Daily Signal.

They're all over the place. And I would argue that if you add up those numbers like you're saying, man, you got more than half of the American public that are going online. The number one source for news is online as a platform of people going on X and going online to seek news information because they don't trust the low rated leftist liars, the propaganda peddlers at MSNBC, the clueless news network and ABC News shooting themselves in the foot, finally proving their leftist Marxist bias going after Trump, the attacks on him. And they completely crapped on any legitimacy that they have is it's the market is speaking and people are moving towards the new independent, liberty minded and conservative minded press.

Those people should be at the front of the line, front row in that pressure. And that's how do we make that happen? Well, that's what's going to be interesting because the there there were two journalists in the Trump years who sued the White House because they the Trump White House had revoked their press access and the Trump courts lost in court. That was Jim Acosta from CNN and then a reporter with Playboy. And but but the thing is, I in the piece that you mentioned, the Daily Signal piece that I looked at this, I interviewed Hans von Sposkovsky, who is a legal expert. He said he believes the case would have been won. The cases would have been won on appeal. But he recommended that when it comes to revoking passes or or he said the problem was more about the initial access or the initial credentials that were given and then being very clear on the standards of how they would be revoked. And so that's really where the the legal battle is going to be. But ultimately, at the end of the day, as you mentioned at the top of our conversation, the White House Press Briefing Room is a government property.

And it's no sense that an outside private nonprofit would be dictating who is allowed in that room. And I am all for freedom of the press. I mean, I'm a journalist by training. That was my journalism degree.

I've worked in journalism in one way or another for almost 20 years. And I support freedom of the press. But at the same time, not allowing someone on to government property is not the same thing as stopping or shutting down or in the case of big tech, completely stifling through algorithms and bias and things like that.

But again, those are private companies. So it's all of this is is up for debate in the courts. But I think that we will see the trial and error of the I think that we will see the Trump administration do more there.

Chanel Rione from One American News. I mentioned she has spearheaded and created a separate nonprofit to be a competitor to the White House Correspondence Association. So there had been some talk that the White House would recognize both credentialing bodies. That's why there would be more competition. So we'll see what happens. I think there's a lot of exciting. Well, I do hope things get shaken up. Look, there are influencers who have more eyeballs. There's local TV stations and big markets that have more eyeballs than than MSNBC at any given hour or CNN, for that matter, that they've just lost their audience, maybe based on ratings or maybe even some influencers that have big following. Those people need to have staff sitting there.

Lord knows they're getting paid for all the attention that they get online. But this is a time to shake things up. And I do hope it happens under this administration and whatever you can do to make it happen. We wish you luck, Kerry, and appreciate your time today and keep in touch. Appreciate you joining us today on The Dana Show. Thank you so much. God bless. Thanks for tuning in to today's edition of Dana Lashes, absurd truth podcast. If you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.
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