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Absurd Truth: Zoom Is Fake Bacon

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
August 7, 2023 3:06 pm

Absurd Truth: Zoom Is Fake Bacon

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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August 7, 2023 3:06 pm

Zoom’s terms of service now require you to allow AI to train on ALL your data. Meanwhile, the USWNT loses in penalties after a miss by Megan Rapinoe.

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Dana Lashes of Sir Truth Podcast, sponsored by Kel-Tec. It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man.

All right, so this is in Olga Lusa. Florida Man said when his family members were trying to evict him, you can't because he's got an explosive device. He was arrested after he claimed to have a bomb when family members tried to evict him from their home. The police, the statement from the deputies said that they were called to a home off Tyner Street before noon Thursday. There was a disturbance.

They talked with the guy on the phone. They got him at least out of the home's garage. And then after he threatened his family with an explosive device, and they had to get the bomb squad there. He was taken into custody.

They kept the surrounding area closed and restricted traffic until it was all cleared. So he was charged with making a false bomb threat and aggravated assault. So that's, yeah, you can't, not even to family. You can't make that kind of threat like that, especially when they're trying to evict you.

He seems like kind of like a squatter a little bit. Let's see this. A Florida Man shoots 100 poisonous toads. This story if I can pull it up, but I'm about ready to throw, take this whole entire screen and throw it across the studio because it keeps freezing up on me. And I don't think I'm gonna be here. I'm gonna do a different one because I can't get this to open. We're having some technical difficulties here. Yeah, I can't get it.

I can't get it to open. Let's see this Florida Man got sucked up by a tide and capsized his boat and was lost at sea for like two days. That sounds horrible. See boats. He wasn't on a cruise. But this is does happen over actually just end of last week, Charles Gregory, he was out for a fishing trip off the coast of St. Augustine. And the tide rose a lot faster than he thought it was going to. And so he, the wave hit his 12 foot john boat, knocked him into the water. He managed to get back on board, but it really quickly took him out to sea.

So for two days, his 25 year old struggled to stay alive. He clung to his boat. He was basically abused by jellyfish. He was stung a whole bunch. And he was like as red as a lobster. And he was scared to death. Finally, boat crews pulled him from the Atlantic after an air crew spotted him 12 miles offshore, according to the Coast Guard.

And footage released by the Coast Guard showed a dramatic rescue. And the boat was going down. So he said at night was the worst.

It was freezing cold in the water. He said it in the day it was horrible being so sunburned and dehydrated and hot. But he also has I can't even rehabdomyososus whatever that is.

It's a condition that causes the breakdown of damaged muscle and muscle cell contents that is worsened by dehydration. So man, and in severe sunburn. So he's on the road to recovery.

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So take care of your liver with Liver Health Formula and get a free bonus gift at get liver help dot com slash Dana. Is there a memory that stands out to you right now in this moment? I mean probably equal pay chance after the final. And I think they were saying equal pay but could have been saying a lot of things. I think this team has always fought for so much more. And that's been the most rewarding part for me of course playing in World Cups and winning championships and doing all that. But to know that we've used our really special talent to do something that's really changed the world forever.

What's your favorite? I think it's equal pay. I don't want to say it exactly as I said it on break but you know it's a slow news day when I'm talking about this dumb broad. Welcome back to the show.

Top of the second hour. So I think this is actually a peek inside a cultural movement. Because it's not really about Rapa Nona. It's not about women's soccer either. And of course you know she we're all talking about she missed her penalty kick.

I mean it was just the most schadenfreude moment I've ever seen. And I mean she just she lost it and ended up 5-4 victory for Sweden over the US. I mean this was the chick that got what medal did she get?

She got what is it presidential medal of freedom or something for her activism in 2022. She I just want to reiterate she got a medal because she bitched about her vagina. No it's accurate. You can get mad with my phrasing but if you're angry or over the way I said it then what she actually didn't get a medal for then you're disturbed.

So it's on you not me. That's true though. It's entirely true. You can go out and you can complain about being a chick and you're literally given a medal for it. What's funny is that she would have been excoriated and canceled if she had played against men who wanted to identify as women and run her off of her team. She would have been an activist against that. Because she is a seamster. She is a situational activist. She cares when it suits her. She cares when it is best to her advantage. She cares if there's benefit in doing so. Case in point have you ever seen her speak up for any of these other female athletes who are being literally actually disenfranchised?

Who are being removed from teams or demoted on the podiums because they're beaten by a dude who wants to wear a skirt? No you haven't because it's situational for her. The irony is that she kind of gave some word salad in support of dudes who wanted to cosplay as women so she actually betrayed her own cause. I don't know why she's being celebrated as some major activist because she's betrayed her own cause. I mean she's like oh well equal pay. The whole thing that makes people mad about the whole equal pay thing as it relates to soccer because we know that it's a myth when we're looking at the rest of the workforce. In fact the main study that they base this on and I've written about this.

There have been scores of really good deep dives into this. They actually ignored the choice that women were making and they also were trying to compare entry level female positions with those of like doctors etc who are men and then trying to make an argument that way. Women are starting to outpace men in terms of CEO positions but that's a whole other story. The issue is that she's trying to sell equal pay for women in soccer but in order to say that they are unequally paid and they're penalized strictly for sex is to ignore the reality of the situation. The reality of the situation is that women's soccer does not get as many eyeballs as men.

You don't see people lying in the streets for somebody like Megan Rapinoe but you do for Lionel Messi. In Dallas, they were everywhere. I have a friend who was down there and was like, I just watched the team pull. There were pictures on Facebook.

It was crazy. I've never seen anything like that. There's this resurgence or this growing fandom for the sport. It was always pretty popular and I think women more so than men, at least in the United States, played soccer. I think a third of the girls in the United States play soccer or have at one point more so than the dudes do. But there's this growing fandom for soccer in the United States. I think some of that is also fueled by people are just tired of the politicization of sports everywhere else and they want to be able to just support the athleticism and get involved in it because everybody always looks like they're having so much damn fun whenever you're watching these matches.

It really does. You don't see people lying in the streets for Megan Rapinoe. In fact, she makes it toxic. I've never seen anyone actually turn people against a sport the way she does. If you want someone to oppose something, make her the face of it. I mean, she has a walking Bud Light bottle. I mean, it's crazy.

She makes it absolutely toxic. So you're denying the reality that not enough people watch women's soccer as men's soccer. Now what's weird is that the fault of it is the women.

You have a third of the girls in the United States that play soccer, but yet you still have more people watching men's soccer matches than women's soccer matches. Something's not adding up, is it? If you want to blame someone, blame your own damn feminist, your little millennials and your baby Gen Xers and everybody else. Blame everybody else. Or you don't have to blame anyone and you can just get the hell over it and go on with life. I mean, not everything has to be a struggle where you're a victim.

I realize that that's the number one job profession in America, victimhood, but not everybody has to be a victim. And the other thing is too, you know, like I said, she was forcefully dragging people into an area where they didn't want to be. They didn't want politics with their soccer. They didn't want any of this.

All of this is because she just is thirsty for attention. So the thing about equal pay, you know, women make choices. Also, the idea that, you know, if you if they make choices, they choose, you know, equal pay elsewhere. That's what a lot of that was chalked up to. Women just by nature choose different positions and different hours, etc.

different have different priorities than men. There was this one story which I thought was really hysterical. They had I don't know if you knew this.

So Elle Decor. Have you guys ever heard of that? No, because you're dudes. The ladies.

Have you ever heard of it? No, because you're busy. You're raising your kids and you're paying bills. It's like this, this fancy bougie decorating magazine. I mean, let me share with you this. So it goes, step inside Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird's ultra stylish New York City apartment. Now property is expensive in New York. And so you have this Megan Rapinoe who got with a female WNBA player.

My gosh, of course, it makes sense. And they get into they have a huge apartment in New York City. I mean, this is a fancy bougie apartment. They have this whole thing. Oh, look at their big spacious apartment in New York City. That seems like and she's also simultaneously complaining about equal pay. While she lives in a place that a handful of average American homes, you'd have to sell a handful of them to buy.

Is that not a little bit disjointed there? She lives in this bougie New York City flat, totally decorated to the nines. All the latest stone for the countertop, the latest fixtures, the latest appliances. They have very expensive art on the walls. I mean, they have floor to ceiling windows. It is super bougie. It's all decorated to the nines.

It's featured in these design magazines. And she's also complaining you guys about equal pay man. Because not enough people want to watch her play soccer. I mean, she lives in a pad that's nicer than a lot of most people's homes. I mean, it's swank. If you're wondering where all the marble in the world is, it's in their kitchen. Their whole damn island is looks like it's made of marble.

Juan showing throwing some images up from the spread. I mean, super swank, dude. Like the paint job on the walls. They got a Japanese toilet, don't they? That looks like cane. It looks like they got a Japanese toilet. That's a Japanese toilet.

How much you want to bet that it sings to you when you approach it? I don't see a bidet though. That's a Japanese toilet, isn't it?

Isn't that one of the fancy toilets? It does kind of look like it. Looks like one. It looks like one.

I'm just saying. That's a fancy bathroom. She's got a fancy pad. Cain loves his favorite videos, her missing all our open net goals. How many she missed, man? All of them, all of them in the video.

If you had a cat, all of them, all of the ones that she's taken, she's missed all of them. But oh my god, you guys equal pay. We can't play it because we'll get sued by the network that first aired it, you know, because they got rights over the, you know, thing equal pay. Oh, something like that.

Can I Hey, maybe can I like, get around the licensing issue if I complain about like equal pay or being a woman or something? Isn't that what happens? All I gotta do is bitch is a bitch that I'm a woman and I get freebies and that how it works. Man, man, I'm so trot upon man, give me my stuff. And then all I gotta do.

Make it rain. Where are the goodies at? Where's the goodie room?

Come on, like you just complain about being a chick and the goodies come down like manna from heaven and now how that works. Wait, now here's the other thing. Don't they get a milk? Wait, don't they get money? Don't they get an extra money that the men earned for them?

Red State has a deep dive on this. I know we were kind of joking at first, but now it's time to get mad. So the women's whatever they wanted to share in the men's World Cup earnings. And remember, they had signed a contract.

These chicks agents didn't I guess show up for them. So they wanted to contest it by by doing what I was just telling you about complain about being a woman and the goodies rain down. So now they have to share World Cup earnings. The men literally have to pay a fee to the women because they're women. The men are at $11.7 million from their 2022 World Cup performance. The women just 10 point or just 2.9 and they lost to Sweden. And the men lost $4.4 million or sorry, 23. So the women instead of pocketing what they earned, they get to divide an additional almost four and a half million dollars. So every player on the men's team lost almost $200,000 per player. They earned it. They did the work, but they don't get to keep it. Because patriarchy, that's their patriarchy fee.

They have to pay four and a half million dollars to the women's team because of the patriarchy. You know what it sounds like? It sounds like a bunch of broads trying to convince you that the matriarchy doesn't exist.

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That's K-E-L-T-E-C And now, all of the news you would probably miss. It's time for Dana's Quick Five. All right, so first up this, so X as you know, Twitter, and I noticed that now it's reposts and posts. It's not called retweets and tweets anymore.

I just literally saw that yesterday. They finally changed that. So X, formerly Twitter, is commandeering different handles from people. Like they took the at music handle from a longtime user, a software developer, and that account was created in 2007.

They built a big community. And now that new handle assigned to him by the company is music at music fan. So they said that they have the right to take back a username.

And that's going to, you know, that's true. But at the same time, if they're wanting to foster relationships with creators, or users, I hate the term creator, you're not creating nothing. Users of the account of their services and growing, you know, these these huge accounts, I think they need to be a little bit better at it than that. You can't just, you know, you can, but that's bad business to do that. So I don't know. I don't know who's making those decisions.

But we'll, we'll see. Also Wells Fargo customers were scrambling after deposits were disappearing from their bank accounts. This is according to NBC, they said for the second time this year Wells Fargo didn't or don't they do bank people?

Yeah, okay. They've acknowledged that direct deposits were not showing up in their customers accounts. And some of them were in Dallas, Texas.

That's kind of crazy. They were the representative they with Wells Fargo, they acknowledged that deposits were not showing up on customers accounts. They emailed a statement out just Friday morning, saying that the issue was affecting only a limited number of customers and the vast majority of instances have been resolved. But and the other would be resolved soon. But when this is like the second time this has happened, and then when phony bank accounts were resurfacing there, just like a little bit ago.

You know, I think maybe they got a bigger problem, maybe focus less on de banking people and more on actually, you know, making sure that you're banking well yourself. A this is weird. A city exit mistakenly tore down this guy's house. And now they're suing him for 68,000 in demolition costs.

Yeah, it's in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta man said the paper had the wrong address on it, the paperwork and it did. And they have their local news investigating. And so now the city after the demolition, and they, they're doing the same thing. And they they demolish the wrong house. Now they're trying to they're trying to get 68,000 with interest in demolition costs from the guy.

So clearly they're going to they're going to court stick with us. We got a lot more including AI and zoom stop using zoom. It's trash. Can people stop using zoom? Everyone needs to treat zoom the same way that that you would treat fake bacon.

Like Ron Swanson just took fake bacon and throw it in the trash. You need to treat zoom that way. Whenever anyone's like, Oh, I use zoom I die inside 1000 deaths. Whenever anyone's like, do you want to can you join a zoom call? I want to tell them to choke to death instead.

I mean, I want to say something insulting and response. Zoom is trash. It's trash. Stop using it. It's CCP owned, CCP created. And now there's a huge privacy storm.

Because they're updated terms are allowing an AI model or allowing AI model training rather with your data. That's their new terms of service. I tweeted this out and someone's like, well, it's not saying exactly what you think it is. Shut up.

I feel like Blanche Devereux. Shut up your trash. Like only my mom is gonna understand that he's listening Cain. Yeah, yeah. So essentially, now what it does is what they do is the privacy concerns. They're saying that the way it is now their terms of service require you to allow AI to train on your data. That means your facial recognition, your audio, all of it, unconditionally, with no opt out.

In fact, this is section subsection 10, two. It's talking about the data. It says you consent to zooms access, use collection, creation, modification, distribution, processing, sharing, maintenance, storage of service generated data for any purpose.

And they get into machine learning, artificial intelligence for the purpose of training and tuning algorithms and models. No opt out. I mean, it's carte blanche. And it confers upon zoom a full and total right to exploit whatever it wants to call service generated data. And that's like any kind of user-generated data.

Anything. So it gets into the company's use of it. It gets into like royalty free. I mean, listen to this. Worldwide non-exclusive, royalty free, sub-licenable, transferable license, any action that they want for the entire data lifecycle.

Oh my gosh, now they settled a huge suit back in 21 for like 80 something million dollars. Because they were accused of violating the privacy rights of millions of people because they share data with all these other entities. And so, why do people continue using zoom just because it's easy? Everyone always thinks it's not gonna it's not gonna affect me. It's it but it will.

This is zoom is garbage. Stop using it. So now it's like scraping all of our all our conversation.

You can't be moved from it. And it's gonna train it's it's it's a company that's based in Beijing. And it'll have access to your microphone, your camera, and they want to turn all of the data over to AI. Hmm.

Does that mean that? I mean, think of like the like, just for a second here, like what about like HIPAA stuff? Wouldn't because there are doctors that still do televisits? What about HIPAA? What about television studios?

Who ends up owning that? The content seems like a interesting issue. It's pretty broad range. You realize how many other video conference call apps that there are that are not zoom?

Everything. I mean, it's, and everybody needs to like the people over at Bellingcat even are like, Yeah, we just canceled our pro zoom account. We're not going to be I mean, people do therapy on zoom. There's all kinds of stuff that still happens on zoom. Stop using zoom. I just so that wouldn't that mean to that if you're an attorney?

I'm just trying to think of all of the things that come up when because people use zoom. Because they they're trying to act like like some of the defenders are trying to say, Well, it's excluding some of the customer, the customer content, and includes technical data. But yeah, no, I don't think so. That's the language is incredibly vague.

And I think easily, easy, easy stretch to allow that. It's completely vague as to whether or not there's, you know, any of the audio, video and chat, anything like that is excluded. So then it brings up into question of what about like, you know, confidential discussions like the attorney or dog or anything like that. And just I wouldn't I just don't like using it just because it's China owned. It's CCP owned.

I've never understood why people like using zoom. It is literally owned by the Communist Party of China. It's not hyperbole. I mean, it is. It's run by them. Why do people use it?

I mean, there are people I know personally, who bitch about China all day long, but then they'll hop on a zoom call. What is wrong with you? It's trash.

Stop using it. I think I've turned things down because of zoom. People will be like, Oh, can you like do this? No, I can't. Nope. I tell like Radio America, they the executives, they like zoom.

Because it's easy, right? People will be like, Oh, can we do a zoom call? Nope.

No, we can't. FaceTime. We have FaceTime. You can add people in FaceTime, can't you? Can't you like couch co-op with FaceTime, Kane? How many people can you add in FaceTime?

I think we had like, at least four. Okay, yeah. So I just think if a video call requires more than four people, then just keep it to an email. Right? Because nobody cares. I can only care about so many people's opinions at the same time. If there's more than four people in the discussion, I don't care about your opinion. I just don't. I just don't have the I don't care.

Right? I hate large meetings. I hate conferences. I hate all that stuff. Put it in an email. There's literally nothing that can be done.

If you if you have to have a group call, do FaceTime, keep it to four, get your business done and shut up. That's it. Right?

You also know what I hate? The small talk pleasantries. I just like to jump right into stuff. I don't like to sit there goes so how is that?

No, nobody cares. Just go right into it. Just go right in. You mentioned IP, the IP aspect is important, too. Golly, there's like a lot of stuff that goes into that. And also, again, just to reiterate, it's the CCP.

It's the Communist Party of China. Feel like that's super important, right? I mean, that's that seems incredibly important. Thanks for tuning in to today's edition of Dana Lash's Absurd Truth podcast. If you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple podcast, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-08-31 05:35:03 / 2023-08-31 05:45:56 / 11

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