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Kingdom Age Transformations (Part C)

Cross Reference Radio / Pastor Rick Gaston
The Truth Network Radio
December 25, 2024 6:00 am

Kingdom Age Transformations (Part C)

Cross Reference Radio / Pastor Rick Gaston

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December 25, 2024 6:00 am

The prophet Isaiah foretells of the future glory for Jerusalem. Though they are in darkness for now, in the millennial Kingdom they will shine bright for the nations to see. The Lord will reign gloriously from Mount Zion and Jerusalem will be honored as the City of Peace.

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The verse is saying the best of what the nations have to offer will be given to you and so you know the priests that are going to be a lot of priests in Israel, Jewish priests, how do they survive?

What's their income? Well the Old Testament you know you made an offering to the temple the priests and many of those offerings would eat the food that you brought. Well that's not going to change and Gentiles will be bringing things. This is Cross Reference Radio with our pastor and teacher Rick Gaston. Rick is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Mechanicsville. Pastor Rick is currently teaching through the book of Isaiah.

Please stay with us after today's message to hear more information about Cross Reference Radio. Specifically how you can get a free copy of this teaching. Isaiah chapter 60 is where Pastor Rick will be teaching on this edition of Cross Reference Radio. Hebrews 10 14 for by one offering he is perfected forever those who are being sanctified.

One offering done. Matthew 5 17 do not think I came to destroy the law or the prophets I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. He is a fulfillment.

No need to go backwards. Romans 10 4 for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. And so I don't know why anybody would say well we're gonna they're gonna be offering bulls and goats and all again at the temple that they're not going to be offering. There will be reenactments as memorials but it will be all symbolic as were the original sacrifices. They were all symbolic. The temple tabernacle of the Jews given to Moses based on a pattern shown to him in heaven. All symbolic for example the lampstand. Well God doesn't need candles to see anything on lampstand. He sees in the dark but the teachings behind it are of utmost value to all of us and you know we love it. That's why you buy reference materials and you study and you go to Bible says we love the teachings that come out of these events. We love a teaching on the tabernacle on why the you know the the showbread and why you know the lampstand and the wick was trimmed to keep it burning bright because when it goes down that's not what God wants and we apply that to our lives. Well those those living through the millennial kingdom they're going to be applying these things.

We'll be set. We're in like a whole nother category sort of like the angels. The angels to us the unfallen ones are another category but they're ministers to us.

They help us in in our walk with Christ and serving Christ and I believe in guardian angels to to the righteous. Why not when we receive Lazarus goes to heaven. It says the angels took him to Abraham's bosom when it talks about the death of the young it speaks about their angels see the face of God. These aren't things to be troubled by these are things to be excited by God's got this system in place and it's it's just got this rhythm that's moving and we've joined that rhythm.

The flesh tries to work us out of it and it has some success but not it doesn't win and that's what the whole meaning of they overcame him by the word of their testimony and the blood of the lamb and that speaks to all believers. Well God he's going to provide a temple for assembly and worship there in Jerusalem. The priesthood system will again be in place without the Jewish priesthood system because the royal priesthood systems another you know that's having to do with teaching and upholding the kingdom truths. So I think I've hit that good enough, but there will be everybody United Jews and Gentiles in a single religion hasn't been that way globally since Noah and his family on the ark and not all not long after they left that ark and had children did things begin to drift from God. Well verse 8 who are these who fly like a cloud and like doves to their roost nice. This is figurative language describing the rapid influx of Gentiles to Jerusalem not to live there to come worship. And likely also a reference to the day in aviation literally from taking flights to Israel. Why not? Why would we think that okay all the things that God has allowed us to learn he's just going to wipe out we're going to go back to traveling by cart and you know outhouses and yeah see all of a sudden now.

He's like no I want some of the new stuff. So it keeps it real to me and it should keep it real to all of us but also here they are flying like a cloud like doves to their roost. Well, what do we see today? We see these entertainers, you know traveling from Western civilization to places like Tibet or India to learn some senseless demonic teaching and try to come back and say they had some experience. And if they wrote about the guy that says like five minutes in heaven, then you weren't in heaven. I died and I went to heaven. No, you did not. Or what are you saying? They threw you back.

But people believe this stuff without the scripture. Well, that's all going to be gone. We're not going to have any more of those. You know, I died and I saw myself on the operating table. Well, was it gory? Shouldn't have been gory.

Anyway, I guess I'm the only one that well if I'm looking down at them cutting me open, I think it's going to be pretty gory. Well in verse 9, again, second note tough crowd, surely the coastlands shall wait for me and the ships of Tarshish will come first to bring your sons from afar their silver and their gold with them to the name of Yahweh your God and to the Holy One of Israel because he has glorified you. Yeah, the survivors, they're going to love this stuff. And they should. That's what the plan is. Jerusalem, Israel will be bustling with human activity to worship commerce and peace.

Micah 4, 3. They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. That's why the gates can stay open.

There's no need for that discontinuation of armed forces. Money is redirected. Verse 10, the sons of foreigners shall build your walls and their kings shall minister to you for in my wrath I struck you but in my favor I have had mercy on you. Yeah, the wrath of God came out. Armageddon did a lot of damage to the Promised Land.

Who's going to clean that up? Well, Ezekiel tells us that there's specific steps taken to clean up the battlefields. Well, what about all the civilian targets? If I were a military commander today in the Pentagon and I had to, when they do, they have a war plan for every country and if the Chinese communists, you can bet their three gorge dam is on the radar to hit. Well, if you hit that dam, that three gorge dam, so much water would be released, you'd probably, without exaggeration, kill a billion people. It would be just incredible disaster. Well, my point is there are targets that are going to be hit and the damage is going to be catastrophic.

Again, who cleans this stuff up? Well, the survivors will. This will bolster the economy.

Just think, you know, that it's going to be so much better for the survivors. But late in the millennial reign, they'll have nothing to base it off and they won't remember these things, it seems. Verse 10, the sons of foreigners shall build your walls.

I did read that. And so in Jerusalem, these walls are not for fortification. They're probably architectural, practical walls with cafes and restaurants and hotels without the crime, without the skateboarders. And so you got that one.

So if you've had a business, you know, they can be a little bit of a problem. No offense, if you're a skateboarder, we love you. Just no skateboarders in church. Anyway, verse 11, therefore, your gates shall be open continually. They shall not be shut day or night that men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles and their kings in procession. So there's not going to be any shame involved in bringing offerings to build up Jerusalem. Again, who pays for that? Somebody's got to pay for the supplies, the construction workers.

They got to eat still. They're not, you know, like us not marrying or given in marriage. They are still where we were before we went to heaven. The gates in the Bible speak of the authority, sort of like where all the plans for war were made or the leaders of the city. God promised Abraham that his descendants would possess the gates of their enemies. Well, that hasn't happened. And what is included in possession of the gates of your enemies is that you're the capital of the world now.

You're the superpower. The pace of commerce and everything else is now centered in Jerusalem and it spreads out to the rest of the world. So Isaiah's quote applies to the Millennial Kingdom, but New Jerusalem also. In both cases, the gates do not close. Revelation 21, 25 of New Jerusalem, where the saints from heaven will dwell, its gates shall not be shut at all. They just will forever open. And as it says here in verse 11, the gates continually open and not shut.

Let's keep moving on. Verse 12, for the nation and kingdom which will not serve you shall perish and those nations shall be utterly ruined. Well, God's going to rule with an iron hand. You're not put on with any nonsense. Be very happy about that. We will not be susceptible to correction or sin.

That's gone for us. But those, again, survivors will be. And Zechariah 14 verses 16 through 21 give us an excellent teaching on the end times. Psalm 2 is another one.

No more Bible hijackers or pseudo-Christianity or repugnant religions all gone. Verse 13, the glory of Lebanon shall come to you, the cypress and the pine, the box tree, to beautify the place of my sanctuary and I will make the place of my feet glorious. Well, in Isaiah's day, Lebanon was known for her beautiful landscapes. You know, the Ottomans, the Crusaders, they stripped that land and other people's doesn't look today what it looked like then. In fact, today, Lebanon has been confiscated by Islam and Hezbollah.

Well, that's going to forever change. And Isaiah, of course, he did not see Islam. It did not exist until 500 years after Christianity. But he says, you know, just the beautiful things will come to Jerusalem willfully. But he also says that, well, we'll come back to if you don't come and worship this consequence, he says, I will make my place, I will make the place of my feet glorious. Well, he describes the temple as the footstool of Yahweh, an item for comfort. And that's Psalm 99 5, Psalm 132 7 and Ezekiel 43 7, if you want to look that up. Verse 14, Also, the sons of those who afflicted you shall come bowing to you, and all those who despise you shall fall prostrate at the soles of your feet, and they shall call you the city of Yahweh, Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

Still future, of course, bowing at someone's feet depicts submission. Millennial survivors will be just overtaken by the truth and perhaps a bit overboard. But Isaiah captures that moment, and they would be corrected, of course, like John is, and you know, the angels say, don't be worshipping me, you get me in trouble, and I'm going to smack you upside your head, don't do that again. Okay, that's the Brooklyn angel saying that to John. Well, they're going to be babes in Christ, you could say, really in need of instruction. The church at Philadelphia in the scripture, not Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, they had a similar thing said to them, indeed, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not, but lie, indeed, I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. And this again has to be fulfilled in the millennial age, because there's no other part in history where we've seen this, and we're not going to see it.

And there's a double meaning there. You can also have them worshipping before your feet in the sense that you're witnessing them worship the Lord. They're right there worshipping in front of you. You're going to witness this complete turnaround, and also the misguided worship of someone actually coming up to a Jew and just so grateful and having to be gently corrected.

This is so real. This is just, this is how humans do things, and this is how God corrects the things that humans do that need to be corrected. Surviving Muslims, surviving Buddhists and Hindus, etc., surviving Roman Catholics, surviving those who just didn't know that were not judged and allowed. They're going to be so full of gratitude and love. They have not experienced these things before, and it's going to be almost like, I know when I was converted, I was almost giddy with excitement.

I got this giggle. I was so happy to be out of the world. And why should I think they're not going to be happy, no longer maneuvered by Satan, just glad to be spared the judgment that was purged out. So the Jews will not be the only tribulation converts. And from those from being under Antichrist to Jesus Christ, they're going to express their gratitude.

Well, verse 15, whereas you have been forsaken and hated so that no one went through you, I will make you an eternal excellence, a joy of many generations. Well, in the day of Antichrist, the hatred for the Jews will be worse than it's ever been. No more traveling to Israel, no more tourism.

He's going to shut that down, not immediately, but by the second portion of his reign. There'll be no body going to Israel. And he says, whereas you have been forsaken and hated so that no one went through, they're going to probably ban, you know, outsiders, be a forbidden place. Nobody's going to want to go. They're going to have such hatred for them anyway. Christ will overturn us when he comes back. Verse 16, you shall drink the milk of Gentiles, the milk and milk, the breast of kings.

You shall know that I am, that I, Yahweh, am your savior and your redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob. Yeah, Zechariah talks about them, you know, where they pierced, they wept over the one they pierced, and it's going to be that amongst the Gentiles too. See, that's the part I was talking about. And you think of Sodom and Gomorrah, you just think about, you know, sexual perversity being judged. But there's other evils there being judged too. And so the same thing with the Jews, they're not the only ones that are going to be coming out of darkness.

But we have some interesting here. There's a lack of gender function agreement. What do you mean the milk of the breast of the kings? Well, they've, you know, kings are masculine and versus queens would be feminine.

Well, it's only a problem if you missed a symbolism, what it means. He's saying Israel would be nursed and cared for from the wealth of the kings. Whatever, to keep with the terminology, whatever breast milk they have, it's under the rule of the kings, bringing it to the Jews. And so the verse is saying the best of what the nations have to offer will be given to you. And so, you know, the priests that are going to be a lot of priests in Israel, Jewish priests, how do they survive?

What's their income? Well, the Old Testament, you know, you made an offering to the temple, the priests and many of those offerings would eat the food that you brought. Well, that's not going to change and Gentiles will be bringing things, you know, cherry pie.

So, very interesting. And again, people aren't going to be dying. Later on, Isaiah said if somebody dies at 100 years old, it's going to be like an infant died. So that's going to do quite a bit to the population and that's going to provide the workers necessary to build up many places and cities and just, again, without the corruption. So verse 16, again, the symbolism is profound, Isaiah drawing from that environment of the ancient world. Verse 17, indeed, instead of bronze, I will bring gold, instead of iron, I will bring silver, instead of wood, bronze, and instead of stones, iron, I will also make your officer's peace and your magistrate's righteousness.

So, upgrades, evidently no inflation because there's no corrupted government. We already referenced the magistrates being righteous from Revelation, I will make you kings and priests added to that, the converts in the tribulation period that will be given opportunity to run government. They will remember the reign of Antichrist. They will remember corruption and iniquity and yet in that number of survivors, God knows how to select the righteous and that's why I read from, you know, two men will be in the field, one taken, the other left. That one's taken to judgment, that's the first meaning of that verse. Anyway, verse 18, violence shall no longer be heard in your land, neither wasting nor destruction within your borders, but you shall call your walls salvation and your gates praise. Well, remember I said those gates are going to be reminders that you could have been locked out and you will be saying, thank you Lord that the gates of heaven are open, I shall enter your gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I shall enter your courts in praise. How profound, David was talking about the literal temple, but yet did he see the Holy Spirit said this goes all the way into the New Jerusalem.

Well, verse 19, the sun shall no longer be your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you, but Yahweh will be to you an everlasting light and your glory and your God, your glory. So again, radical changes. And so you can't say, well, wow, the light's going to be coming from the Lord, that's the only change. Of course not.

That's why I've been harping on it all night. All these things are going to be just different. I don't know, maybe there'll be another color added to the rainbow. Only Satan tries to take a color from the rainbow.

You should know that one, because their rainbow has six colors, ours has seven. Okay, I guess it's nap time almost. Let's finish this up. We need a cheering section here. No, we don't. We don't.

Anyway, where am I? So verse, it doesn't say, incidentally, that the sun and the moon have gone. It just says the light will be the Lord. I don't know how that works out.

You know, the earth turns by the gravitational pull of the sun. I don't know how it's going to work out, but it's going to be pretty interesting. I plan to have a side job, a sunglass shop, if this is going to be, it's probably going to be light without glare. Yeah, it's going to be like, it's going to be, be too busy taking notes to do anything. Verse 20, your sun shall no longer go down, nor shall your moon withdraw itself.

See, there's the evidence why it doesn't say they've gone away. For the Lord will be your everlasting light and the days of your morning shall be ended. Or Revelation 21 for God will wipe away every tear. Verse 21, also your people shall all be righteous. They shall inherit the land forever.

The branch of my planting, the work of my hands that I may be glorified. Remember to reject that dominion theology that God has done with Israel and never going to be back. The church is replaced.

That is just a lie. There is a literal Israel and Paul in Romans 11 said, so all Israel will be saved. Well, if it was the church, then the church is lost because you have to be lost before you get saved.

It would make no sense. Verse 22, a little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation. I the Lord will hasten it in its time. And so their little nations will not be insignificant and God's blessings will be unmistakable like his miracles. And they will be accomplished quickly.

He couldn't get the word out. Thus he says, I the Lord will hasten it in its time. Now the wise guy, Bible student would say, Lord, we've read about your I come quickly's.

What calendary time were you using here? Because to us it's like really drawn out. So anyway, he knows that even in some places in Isaiah, he says, according to the time of man. Well, that concludes this. We're going to continue with the millennial teachings as we move through the rest of Isaiah. But that is a good first start. And even if you don't agree with it, there's nothing that was said that's bad. Like that's going to be evil. It's all going to be this transformation.

It does not Christ transform us into the image of his son. Thanks for tuning in to Cross Reference Radio today. Cross Reference Radio is a ministry of Pastor Rick Gaston of Calvary Chapel Mechanicsville in Virginia. If you'd like to learn more about this ministry, we invite you to visit our website,

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