November 1, 2024 6:00 am
The LORD thru the prophet Isaiah laments for Babylon; the humiliation of Babylon is predicted as well as its fall. Though gone, the spirit of Babylon will live on and return at the end of the age to be judged again.
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judgment of both babylon ancient babylon and apocalyptic babylon are a matter of fulfilled and future prophecy as a second one you have apocalyptic babylon on the horizon of antichrist which is going to also be judged revelation 18 7 in the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously pause there he's talking about apocalyptic babylon but is that not the same behavior that was founded ancient babylon about cross-reference radio specifically how you can get a free copy of this teaching but for now this verse 6 where he's talking about the being babylon being an instrument of his judgment god was angry with the people judah of course and all the judgments were you're going to go into captivity for this temple is going to be wiped out and uh... syria served the same purpose for the northern kingdom which is already gone by this time go to a syria the rod of my anger in the staff and whose hand is my indignation so god is saying i'm using a syria i'm allowing a syria to conquer the northern kingdom he did not allow them to take jerusalem though he did allow them to wreak havoc in judah well a syria became very arrogant in doing this and even though the prophets of israel served notice to the syrians that yahweh was doing this they didn't they dismissed it no we're this and we're that and of course god says i'm going to deal with you for that and ironic to us god is going to use future babylon to judge syria things change so they were merciless the babylonians to the elderly they were violent unnecessarily violent with their brutality and god says i'm going to deal with you for that and we would like to have seen god just put an end to it when we read sunday about uh... p quoting peter that the long suffering of the lord is salvation what could that possibly mean it means that he could have just snuffed us all out and not provided salvation but because he's long suffering he has this plan of salvation we know is the gospel and it is god having to put up with the wretchedness of a fallen human race to achieve his goals and he is long suffering and we're very grateful the difference between long suffering and patience is patience is you putting up with things and long suffering you're putting up with people and so jeremiah chapter forty picks it up when he is being released uh... verse two and the captain of the guard took jeremiah and said to him yahweh your god has pronounced this doom on this place that's jerusalem and judah now yahweh has brought it and has done just as he said because you people have sinned against yahweh and not obeyed his voice therefore this thing has come upon you the unbelievers knew why judah was being judged and that they were the instruments of judgment there's no evidence that they were you know this great revival and babylonians were coming to christ quite the contrary the prophecy says because of their arrogance god's going to deal with them too and so yahweh used babylon to punish his people like he did as Syria and yet they went overboard in both cases and now they're going to pay for it verse seven and you said i shall be a lady forever he's continuing his personification of babylon so that you did not take these things to heart nor remember the latter end of them so you knew these things and you didn't take them to heart my prophets reached out to you but you what you did is you rationalized and what the babylonians would do is well that's their god finding this increasingly on scholastic posts like wikipedia with this now this approach that this is what they believed and they're almost making it sound like it's mythological anyway the babylonians of course that pattern of yahweh is the god of the jews but he's not us over us and god is saying well that's not true and you know it and they just dismissed it Nebuchadnezzar he boasted of babylon's beauty and god instantly dealt with him but prior to that instant moment he kept warning him we picked that up in daniel chapter four verse thirty but i'm not going to read verse twenty five but in verse twenty five of daniel four daniel advised the king he said listen this dream you had it's against you and i wish it was for your enemies but it's you i advise you do righteously don't abuse people and that was pretty much it well the king goes about his business and now we pick it up verse thirty then king the king spoke saying is not this great babylon that i have built for royal dwelling by my mighty power and for my honor and majesty while the word was still in the king's mouth a voice fell from heaven king Nebuchadnezzar to you it has been spoken the kingdom has departed from you and of course he went insane which is one of the the bible says that some insanity is due to self exaltation to a high sense of pride that belittles others exalt yourself and steals from god all at the same time that's what Nebuchadnezzar did and he went out of his mind lost his mind he was restored a long time later well we come to the new testament and we read about the fate of apocalyptic babylon and times revelation seventeen five and on her forehead a name was written mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots end of the abominations of the earth mystery babylon that means you gotta you have to add up the scripture verses to find out who's being who is babylon in the end times who is apocalyptic babylon and in doing that you find out wow there's a this tentacles that belong to this this mother of all harlots why would she be called the mother of all hearts because babylon is a cradle of idolatry it is believed that is where the tower of babel was where humanity sort of just huddled together after the flood instead of going out to all the earth until the tower of babel was built and the languages were split revelation eighteen two and he cried mightily with a loud voice saying babylon the great is fallen is fallen and has become a dwelling place of demons a prison for every foul spirit and a cage for every unclean and hated bird nothing new there spiritually that's who she was and we're going that's how they got the name the caldeons the star gazers where we come all the astrologers the the wandering ones who they go into the spiritual realm the paranormal they were thought they prided themselves as being these superior sorcerers well that that's why they were out of rhythm with god verse eight therefore hear this now you who are given to pleasures who dwell securely who say in your heart i am and there is no one else besides me i shall not sit as a widow nor shall i know the loss of children so god is calling out their arrogance they felt pretty smug they their their words are the outcome of their attitudes arrogance major factoring in triggering their abusive behavior towards others and this lined them up for judgment and their religion is what helped their arrogance along so they were acting in accordance to their demonic beliefs and again the world doesn't want to hear this the world does not want to hear that false religions man-made religions that they are an abomination of god and god tells us in the very beginning in genesis chapter four that the world takes this so seriously that if you stand up against them they might kill you even if they're your brother and that's what cain did to able because the works of able were righteous and canes were not hebrews where it says here in verse eight who say in your heart well that is who they are that is the seat of the will that's really what's going on you can have a person that's under the influence of something and they want out they're not that's not who they are but in this case they were quite content with being who they were hebrews four for the word of god is living and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit joints in the marrow and is a discernment of the thoughts and the intense of the heart that is god reading the mind and the will and the everything the whole package the heart and he this is why the pulpit is supposed to be a vehicle for god to counsel to wash and regenerate through the word of god Ephesians Paul tells us to the washing and the regeneration of the word of god this is the counseling session one of them this is the main one just in the scripture verses in cross-referencing scriptures a congregation will get so much by just hearing scripture well of course they come by hearing hearing by the word of god it says here in verse eight i this is what they were saying i am and there is no other besides me now this is incomparability now when god speaks of his incomparability he is saying there are no other gods they don't exist and that's isaiah 44 and just 45 we've read a lot of that but babylon on the other hand is not claiming to be the only city that exists they're just saying nobody can compare with us we are superior their nationalism had crept into arrogance a syria made a similar boast zephaniah picks it up and i like these kind of cross-references because you just see that the prophets were on the ball they were calling these things out zephaniah chapter 2 verse 15 this is the rejoicing city that dwelt securely and said in her heart i am and there is none beside me same thing nobody can compare with the syria Nineveh is it well the babylonians why did they pick up on the what the jewish prophets were saying because they were too they were throat deep in their own mysticism continuing in verse 9 i shall not sit this is what again personifying her her monologue i shall not sit as a widow nor shall i know the loss of children well arrogance is self-deceiving and placing themselves above reality was common for them but god sees the heart and he sees their sense of national superiority it's one thing to have to be a patriot but it's another thing to think that everybody else is worthless and this is what was going on it's kind of practice practice even to this day so judgment of both babylon ancient babylon and apocalyptic babylon are a matter of fulfilled and future prophecy that's the second one you have apocalyptic babylon on the horizon of antichrist which is going to also be judged in revelation 18 7 in the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously pause there he's talking about apocalyptic babylon but is that not the same behavior that was found in ancient babylon there's a dual application it continues in revelation 18 7 in the same measure give her torment and sorrow for she says in her heart i sit as queen and am no widow and will not see sorrow well that's what ancient babylon was saying now of course there's also the apostate apocalyptic babylon which is the apostate church that survives the that's not survives they remain after the rapture there will still be churches they just won't be the churches that belong to christ they'll all be apostate true churches will not be allowed to meet the church will be gone she has served her purpose she's not making you know the last gentile has been converted and there is no longer no need for the church and the rapture comes well that vacuum will create this atmosphere of amongst other things of continued apostasy who knows anti-precious is probably saying you know the martians took them away who knows it won't matter it's going to happen that's the bottom line you know what so i know you read revelation you say i don't understand all of it but i know what i know who wins at the end and i know what team loses and they lose badly and i know i have a choice between those two teams and i know which one i'm going on so yeah i don't have to know every single verse and word of the bible all i have to do is know enough to be able to say i know what uh don't we have that especially here in the south i'll tell you what well i'm gonna get some more of that in a minute but i can verse nine but these i never heard that in new york until i joined the military and then i got to mingle with southerners and that's what i heard you know i'll tell you what what takes i don't seem i didn't ever told you what anyway but these two things shall come to you in a moment and one day the loss of children and widowhood they shall come upon you in their fullness because of the multitude of your sorceries for the great abundance of your enchantments now we're getting to what warped what warped them their knowledge just what happened here so there is the triumph of justice yes lord deal with them but then there is the tragedy of the impenitent sinner and that is the the the great judgment uh the great white throne judgment that no one wants none of us want to be uh standing before the bema seat where we receive our rewards or you just uh we we meet with the lord and then there's the great white throne judgment which will be for those who rejected him anyway in ancient cultures religion and magic went hand in hand uh when i think it was charlemagne when he became king and he was one of the first kings to start reading the other kings like we don't read we just eat meat and kill people but charlemagne you know he had a bigger vision and he tried to wipe out the paganism and make everybody christians it didn't work well but and the ones that were saying we're christians they continued with their folk religion which was infested with magic and or at least what they thought was you know chance and stuff like that deuteronomy 18 forbids this stuff uh there shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire uh that in those days of course was human sacrifice today you could call it uh planned parenthood what a slick name from hell is that not they're not planning any parenthood they're killing they're killing people and those little unborn those are humans uh anyway no don't step on the eagle's egg you'll go to jail but you can go ahead and kill them anyway we know you we know and again if if if you that was you before christ your god will forgive that at the snap of a finger when you come to him that is gone uh amazing grace how sweet the sound um coming back to this uh who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire who practices witchcraft or a soothsayer one of the funniest words in the bible those these people ran around saying sooth uh anyway or one who interprets omens or it just for it says a sorcerer but for a moment that i read soccer player but and this is a similar spelling not my fault anyway or a sorcerer one who conjures spells or a medium a spiritus or one who calls up the dead well you want to pray to mary that you're calling up the dead uh don't try to play like you're not yeah well she's in heaven yeah but that's still classified as dead from this perspective uh you can't say that about christ because he's resurrected anyway verse 12 for all who do these things are an abomination to yahweh and because of these abominations yahweh your god drives them out from before you and so there you have a package given to the people saying look god doesn't want you messing with the spiritual realm he is the only one in the spiritual realm you're allowed to address and in case you don't get it i'm going to list like 40 11 different ones for you i had a flavor for everybody well of course saul he becomes king and the hypocrite and narcissist that he was uh he puts out all of the mediums and spiritus but some laid low kept a low profile and continued to do business well when saul when god wasn't answering saul what does he do he sends to the witch at endor first samuel 28 then saul said to his servants find me a woman who is a medium not a large not a small but a medium somebody they ought to fix that they're messing with the pastors reading these verses find me a woman who is a medium that i may go and acquire acquire of her so let's not get the giggles and his servants said to him in fact there is a woman who is a medium and poor so they knew that there was somebody there is his staff his cabinet they know there are people breaking the law and they're looking the other way so it was all fine it was what they wanted well god didn't think that was fine and of course he dealt with saul's very harsh words there and i think it's uh first chronicles 10 anyway coming back to verse 10 verse 10 now of isaiah 47 for you have trusted in your wickedness you have said no one sees me your wisdom and your knowledge have warped you and you have said in your heart i am and there is no one else besides me so knowledge and wisdom well daniel said knowledge will increase in the latter days but he didn't say people would know to do the right thing with it in fact we know they're going to do the wrong thing with it if they have not this relationship with god so they are possessed of natural knowledge natural wisdom which doesn't go far enough and they use these things to pervert their ways typical of fallen man to suppose that some worldly success qualifies them for spiritual success well you see this in athletes and actors do you not they think that because they have succeeded in as an actor and entertainer that therefore they also know politics so they also know biology they don't but they've got this of course this celebrity status typical of fallen men to suppose that surviving worldly opposition qualifies them to treat others poorly that's arrogance it says again it repeats it no one sees me they thought they were they felt we're not accountable we don't have to answer for this no one of any value sees this and god says i see it all i'm gonna deal with this verse eleven therefore evil shall come upon you you shall not know from where it arises and trouble shall fall upon you you will not be able to put it off and desolation shall come upon you suddenly which you shall not know and of course this began with cyrus when he conquered the city very little resistance their prognosticators and stargazers did not see this coming and it did happen so i guess when is this going to happen to the liberal universities which pretty much all of them the entertainment world the media the government when are they going to be dealt with how long will the rich and powerful god haters of the world get away with their crimes as allies with satan well we know we know that it will happen they will continue to get away with it until babylon has fallen in the end of the great tribulation period verse twelve stand now with your enchantments and the multitude of your sorceries in which you have labored from your youth perhaps you will be able to profit perhaps you will prevail so does the profit marks them god mocking them through the profit their inability to validate themselves as genuine religions in truth so essentially god says try to stop me with your chance and your whatever else to soothe that you keep saying verse thirteen you are wearied in the multitude of your councils let now the astrologers the stargazers the monthly prognosticators stand up and save you from what shall come upon you so those who seek advice from everyone tend to end up with advice from no one so what do you what do you we go we coming from with that well he says you are wearied in the multitude of your councils for them as a kingdom the councils were their caldeons their shaman they were the religious people that had taken over the culture Nebuchadnezzar didn't care for them tried to wipe them out it wasn't for Daniel so today you have people that seek they get into some difficult situation in life and they have a multitude of counselors they're asking everybody they're desperate and as a result of asking advice from everyone they end up with help from no one warped knowledge comes from opposing god Thanks for tuning in to Cross Reference Radio today. Cross Reference Radio is a ministry of Pastor Rick Gaston of Calvary Chapel Mechanicsville in Virginia. If you'd like to learn more about this ministry we invite you to visit our website
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