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Thursday, January 9th | Overcoming Life

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
January 10, 2025 12:00 am

Thursday, January 9th | Overcoming Life

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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January 10, 2025 12:00 am

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In this episode, Dr. Shah discusses how to live the life of an overcomer and what we can learn about overcoming in the book of Revelation. 

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What's going on Clearview Today listeners? It's David here from the Clearview Today Show and I just want to let you know that today's episode and today's secret word is brought to you by Mighty Muscadine, king of the superfoods. Mighty Muscadine offers a variety of products from their signature Muscadine grape juice to powerful dietary supplements.

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Not only are you saving money, but you're supporting our show as well. So thank you. Today's secret word is rigamarole.

And that's a lengthy or complicated procedure. And today's contestant is Dr. Abidansha. You're listening to Clear View Today with Dr. Abidansha, a daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm Ryan Hill. I'm John Galantis. You can find us online at Or if you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028.

That's right. You guys can help us keep the conversation moving forward by supporting the show. You can share it online with your friends and family. Leave us a good five star review on iTunes or Spotify. Absolutely nothing less than five stars. Link in the description below.

You're here in the studio with Dr. Abidansha, who's a Ph.D. in New Testament textual criticism, professor at Carolina University, author, full time pastor, and of course, the host of today's show, Dr. Shah. Thank you. Thank you. Round of applause. Round of applause.

That's more than polite golf claps, by the way. Thank you to you and you and you and all of you. Thank you. Welcome. Welcome to the show. I forgot the email, too.

If you want to email us, you can email us at contact at That's the one. That's the one, yeah. Our version of the day today is coming to us from First Corinthians, chapter one, verse nine. God is faithful by whom you were called into the fellowship of his son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. It's kind of fun, Dr. Shah, reading some of these verses, especially knowing that Paul is writing to the Corinthians in the context that he's writing. But I like that reminder that just God is faithful. And so because of that, well, really, that's the that's sort of the reminder. And then it's like you were called into fellowship of his son. But, you know, you can trust it because God is faithful.

You know what I mean? Amen. Amen. Is that the burden is not on us. The burden is on God.

Yeah. And it's a good burden because that's a burden to keep us called. So it's not just that he calls and then he forgets us or he calls and he changes his mind. No, he doesn't. He calls and he keeps us in the fellowship of his son, Jesus Christ.

That's right. And then, you know, the presence of Jesus, you know, acts to lighten that burden as well. There's something else that can lighten a burden if you got in your life. I thought you had like the secret word.

I don't get the secret word. It occurs to me that many of my problems might be solved if I just acquire more money. I'm about to help you acquire more money right now, Dr. Shah.

A million dollars. But every single time you meet someone new in your life, you have to very sternly warn them not to ever, ever cross you. So like pretend...

I'd do that anyways. Let's say we're meeting for the first time. Hi, I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you. Ryan, I'm John. Hey, it's good to see you.

Before we start this off, because I feel like we're going to hit it off. Yeah. Just a word of warning.

Don't you ever, ever cross me. Oh. For any reason. And I'm not joking. Oh.

OK, cool. Now we can get this friendship on the road. You got to do that with every single person that you meet. And I get how much?

A million dollars. Only problem is if I meet someone like the president of the United States. What would I say to him? Like, don't you ever cross me.

Have him say like, excuse me, security, get him out of here. Yeah. If you're just talking to like random strangers, it's not like that. It's not like if you meet a cashier, it's not like that. It's like if you meet someone, if you get to a point where you introduce yourself, like you're meeting this person.

And it's kind of tough because like you do meet some pretty important people. I do. I can do it.

If I can come up, camouflage that somehow. Hey, look, the thing about me is it's like I tell people all the time, you know, they never cross me and just hold eye contact for like one second. And, you know, we'll be friends forever. Sure. Yeah. That's like the rule of life. I mean, that's how you are, too.

I'm assuming maybe I can play it all. Yeah. Yeah. You can try to camouflage it.

Yeah. Like if you're meeting the president, he's like, yes. I tell him all the time, don't you ever cross me?

Don't you ever cross me? I think you can get away with it. Yeah, that would be a tough one. I mean, it can't be done.

It just you have to just you just have to be just a word guru, you know, find a way to like maybe put it in words that are like really tough synonyms that you've never used. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

It would be it would be tough. I mean, what kind of synonyms? Like, like, like words like I don't know. It's like, hey, I'm not an intimidating person. Right. Right. Right.

But yeah, I would say I would say that. Like if I met someone, I feel like there's some secret message going on here that I'm not. Ryan is over the trigger happy.

He wants to hit it. Don't do it. My fingers itching over here. You're going to get shamed if you don't do it. I know I don't want the wamp off of shame.

I would I would say I would probably not take the money. Number one, no one's going to believe it if it's coming from me. Like if I met someone like imagine like some of the guys that are coming in, like visiting the church or like chamber members. And I'm like, hey, I'm John. Nice to see you. I don't need your shenanigans.

Yeah. Look, just don't you ever cross me before you before you get on with this. Don't you ever try to cross me. Don't give me those shenanigans. Shenanigans is too common. I don't want to get shamed with the wamp wamp of shame. I'm gonna let shenanigans go.

That can't be it. I don't believe you said it twice. I think he wants me to hit the wrong. I feel like I'm being lured into a trap. It's like I'm being a mafia. I'm going to I'm going to leave shenanigans alone.

Like a Vanity Fair kind of stuff. Why don't you why don't you hit it? Why don't you hit it? And then I'll know then. Then you don't get to use it again. Yeah, yeah, that's it. That's it.

You're out if you if you falsely call it. Why don't we just cut the break? Let it ride. Yeah, kind of like shenanigans. Guys, don't go anywhere. More shenanigans coming your way.

We're gonna take a quick break and be right back with more Clearview today. Relevant and biblical content right to your phone every single day. That's right. Every single donation, big or small, goes directly to the production of this show. It helps us keep the lights on in the studio.

It helps keep the mics hot and running. So if these conversations are making a difference in your day or if you just want to help us keep the gospel of Jesus Christ in the airwaves, we would appreciate your support. You can give by visiting our website. That's Clearview today show dot com and just click on that button that says give today. And remember, your support truly makes a difference in our show.

Thank you for being part of this community. Now let's get back to the show. Welcome back to Clear View today with Dr. Abaddon Shah, a daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You can visit us online at Clearview today show dot com. Or if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to two five two five eight two five zero two eight. That's right, Dr. Shaw. We got a letter today. It's not really a letter. It's more of an email, but it sounds cooler to say we got a letter. I would normally play the theme song, but I'm not gonna lie. It's a heavy letter.

This this this listener is going through is really going through it. Wow. Melanie T. from South Carolina.

What do you think the T stands for? I mean, if she's going through a trial. Yeah, Melanie trial.

Yeah, I would say so. Melanie trial writes, Hey, guys, love the show. I just discovered it here lately and it's really been helping me.

Thanks, Melanie. I'm reaching out because I'm at a point where my heart feels like it's on the verge of giving up. I've been through a lot lately and has left me feeling completely drained.

She doesn't say what she's going through, which I think is smart. It's left me feeling completely drained, like I'm standing at the edge of a breaking point. I've prayed and sought answers, but the silence has been overwhelming. I'm in desperate need of encouragement for some scripture or truths I can hold on to. I'm also wrestling with guilt and shame for having such weak faith. Thank you for being a voice of encouragement and hope. Just knowing there's a show like yours out there gives me a spark of strength to keep going.

Blessings, Melanie trial. Wow. You know, that's funny. I've not really put that in words before where it's like I'm going through this right now and I really need some encouragement, but I also feel guilty. Yeah. But I felt that. But I've not really put that into words before. I felt that 100 percent.

Yeah. What I would say to someone like that or someone, because I'll probably need to hear this myself tomorrow, is that, you know, whatever difficulty you're facing in your life, it's a season. It has a timeline to it. It has a beginning, a middle and an end. And you may be in that middle right now.

You may be closer to the end than you realize. But don't lose heart. That's right. Right. That's what Psalm 90 says before our hearts give up the song. Yeah. Spirit fill us, satisfy us with your love.

Yeah. That's a great song, by the way. Oh, we've been singing that song for a couple of years now here.

It's a worship initiative. Shane and Shane wrote that song. But man, they do a lot of Old Testament songs, right?

Yes. They go through the song. They songify the Psalms. So one of the things I really love about worship initiative, I think are like as we do a lot of songwriting here. And I think we I didn't. It's not that we learned this from them.

I think we're doing it. But it's basically like as close to verbatim scripture as possible. That's how their songs are. A lot of their songs are that way. But it's like it's not really Lord, I'm going through this or this is my thing.

It's like this is just straight up as close to scripture as you can get. But I love that because it's that scriptural that we feel like our hearts are going to give up and give out on us. And I really love that that song that we do. And it's such a great prayer, too, that at the end of the day, God, you're you're there to satisfy us.

That's right. And you don't have to be ashamed of praying that God satisfy me. Amen. Bring me some bring me some peace. Bring me some equilibrium.

I love that language. It's not God fix the problem or God take me out of the problem. It's God satisfy me. Like be be what I need in even in the midst of this difficult situation. And I think a lot of times, Dr.

Shell, we think about how do I overcome this problem? And we think of overcoming as just kind of getting through it. You know what I mean? Like to overcome. It's not necessarily like, yes, I'm victorious. It's like, OK, I overcame. I'm done.

I'm on the other side through it. But it's sort of right. And maybe you can kind of speak to this. It sort of robs us of what God had in store for us through that trial. Right. It's not that the trial and I used to think like this and I think you've helped me think of it differently. It isn't that the trial was there to test me. That's like, all right, how much can you withstand? Right. You better you better have faith in me or it's like something good.

You're going to be better off for having gone through this. Trial is usually sinned by God, of course, is what I'm talking about, because Satan also uses the same trial as a temptation. The word parasmos in James is the same word for trials as the word for temptation.

It depends on who is behind it. If it's God who is behind it, then his goal is definitely not to just frustrate us or feel as defeated. Many times, I know in my life that's happened when I have faced trials. Satan is there to use that as a temptation to discourage me, to get me angry, to make me say things that I will later regret, or to make decisions that are in the moment, emotion based.

But God is there in the same trial. But his purpose is to actually shape me. And sometimes it's not just shaping me in the sense of making me more like Christ.

Of course, he's doing that. But sometimes his purpose is to stop me from stepping into a sin that would be very harmful for me. So sometimes God will allow me to fall, allow me to struggle, allow me to go through a difficult time.

And I'm like, why? I don't need this. I mean, this is the last thing I needed. And God's like, no, this is the thing that you need the most, because if you didn't have that, you would, in your puffed up state, do something, say something or make a decision that would be that would be so harmful. It may take you off the ministry. Wow.

Yeah. I never thought about that, that the trial and I mean, again, this is something that I've kind of grown it. But but I think a lot of people out there, even Melanie, listening to this, like you need this trial. That's the worst thing you can hear when you're going through it. I promise you, I know what that's like. And I know all of us sitting around this table in this room know what that's like to to be going through something. And I mean, it hurts. It's painful.

And to hear you need this. I mean, that's what James says, right? Count it all joy when you fall into various trials. Count it all joy.

And that's not what we feel in the moment. And I know sometimes people hold up that pie in the sky or this award we're going to get on the other side when all those things are wonderful. And I'm looking forward to those crowns. Don't discount them. Don't discount those crowns in heaven. But sometimes the benefits are right here, right now, five minutes from now.

You may be making a very bad decision. Yeah. And God is protecting you. He's it's like it's like how you discipline your children.

I hope you do. And I've seen you do that. Popping their hands when they do something bad or they're behind, whatever, you know, in proper measurement. But doing that makes them think twice when that same scenario is confronting them. Yes. Yes.

So instead of sticking their hand in that electrical socket or picking up a hot iron or something, they remember that and they back off. But that backing off is good for us. The backing off is in the area of pride. Yeah. Yeah.

So, you know, in a moment of pride, we begin to say things, do things. But we remember that, oh, last time I remember that that was that did not end well. That was painful. That did not end well. OK, I'm going to stop.

And God is like, good, because you're about to go down the same road that Satan did and look where it landed him. Yes. That trial that hurt was to prevent you from really hurting yourself beyond repair. Right. Yeah. Good point.

Good point. I love the I love the emphasis you put on God allowing these things in our lives, too, because sometimes people will. In fact, I've heard people say that God, you know, causes these difficulties or God causes the hardship that we face or God is the source of the disaster in our lives.

And, you know, I've heard you preaching from the pulpit. And in scripture, that's not the case. God allows these things to happen, but that doesn't mean that he is the source of those things. I think that's an important distinction. Right. I mean, he is behind the scenes using even the evil in this world to bring us closer to him. Right. And which is which is what makes him God. That's right.

He doesn't cause evil, but he uses it until one day when he will destroy all evil and the evil himself. Right. Right. Right. And again, we say that standing behind Christ, we say that recognizing that we are not challenging the enemy. We're saying that knowing that he that is in us is greater than he that is in the world.

It's not us. Right. Calling down the enemy and taunting him and reminding him of his future doom.

We're simply standing behind Christ and saying, hey, that's God will even use that until that day when he will do away with it completely because we won't need it. And I think for people, were you going to say? No, go ahead. I was just going to say, I think for people who are listening to this, like Melanie and we appreciate you writing in and, you know, we love that when people write in like, hey, love the show.

I love this. But then we also appreciate when people write in and say, look, I'm really going through it right now. And I, I hear what you're saying, but it's not registering for me. And I think one thing, Dr. Shay, you have taught me and hopefully it'll help you guys out there is that it's OK to fail. Like, I'm not saying fail in the sense of like I fall deeper and deeper into sin. But I think there's a lot of people who take it like if you go through a trial and you don't overcome victorious, like something's wrong with you. You know, you might not even be saved if God's not helping you to overcome this victory. A lot of views people have on the whole concept of the, I guess you can say doctrine of overcoming. Some people think if you don't overcome, then you must not be saved.

It's kind of like the losing salvation. Right. That's not correct. Some people think if you don't overcome, then you will lose the rewards God has for you to some extent. That is true. But I don't think that is really the whole truth because God is gracious.

Right. So there is truth, but it's not the whole truth. Some people think if you don't overcome, then you were never saved to begin with.

That's why that those are the ones that are wild to me. And when when they say overcome, do they mean like just conquering the problems in your life? Conquering the problem, the situation, the trial, whatever you're facing. If you're having trouble making it through that difficult scenario. Or you're messing up.

OK. You're messing up can also fall into this. Perhaps you were not saved to begin with. Because if you were saved, God would be using you and blessing you and helping you. So either you were saved and you lost it or you were never saved to begin with. Those two are sounds similar, but they're not. No, they know it kind of catches it kind of not in a metaphorical way.

Ties things up in a neat little boat, like in case we missed something. So not only am I struggling to get through this difficult time in my life, but now I'm worried that perhaps I lost my salvation or I never was to begin with. But there is also the hypothetical warning, which is warnings are given to help you overcome, but maybe like parental threats. It sounds like my wife. It's like if you do that one more time, you're getting spanking and then they'll go to do it. She was like, that's it.

I'm getting the wooden spoon. No, no, no, no, no. She's like, well, don't do it again.

They do it again. She's like, I'm getting the wooden spoon. No, no, no, no, no. She's like, then don't you do it? And it's like, yeah, no, there's no, the kids learn like there's no whooping coming.

There's no whooping coming. Yeah. Yeah. Like God is like God is up there threatening us. We're like, OK, I'll stop. I'll stop. He's like, OK, then I won't do it.

Yeah. Sometimes people envision or they interpret the book of Hebrews as just this vain threats, this parental warnings book. He just says, like, if you do that, you lose it. And if you lose it, you'll never get it back again.

If you had that taste and you lost, you're not going to have. And it's like, no, I think you missed the context of the book of Hebrew. Hebrews is written to the second generation Jewish background believers who were beginning to slip back into the old traditions, even though they did not quite grew up in it. OK. Or maybe they grew up in it, but they were not like their parents, really born and raised in it. They were second generation means their moms and dads got saved. And then they raised their children in in Christianity because they got saved. Right. And so now parents are dead.

These are second generation. And they're looking at the old traditions, the sacrifices, the temple, the feast, the festivals. And they're like, oh, we miss those things. And so and they're also becoming a little disenchanted because the people in the church now are not Jewish background people. They're Gentiles.

And being Gentiles, they are they are given equal access. And that is frustrating. That's like, oh, you should you do not have the same pedigree that we do.

You should have to go through and jump through all the hoops to get to where we are. Yeah. Right.

So you don't have that. And so they're becoming a little, I would say, passive aggressive and distancing themselves, not showing up for church like they used to. Going back to the temple. The Jewish background believers. Second generation. If you keep that understanding and then read the book of Hebrews, see if it makes sense.

Yeah. It starts to come to life once you have that context. And so the writer of Hebrews, I think it's Paul, is writing to them and saying, you cannot go back. You cannot go back.

You cannot go back. Christ is greater than Moses and Melchizedek and angels and everything. The blood of bulls and goats cannot pay for your sins. You know, you walk by faith, you know, just because you don't see those things does not mean those things are not there.

They're there. But keep your eyes on Jesus, right? Walk by faith, not by sight. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of everything. Once you understand that, it begins to make sense.

Do not forsake the assembling. All these are coming from Hebrews. So Hebrews was written to second generation Jewish background believers who were beginning to slip back into their old religion and even getting a little upset that the Gentiles had equal status like them. And this letter was written to say, no, no, no, you cannot go back.

If you go back, there's nothing left for you. Now, think about that for them to go back to Judaism. Right. Because now is Judaism. It's not just Old Testament saints waiting for the coming of the Messiah. Now is Judaism.

Right. Which is a religion without with the truth. Just but devoid of Christ. Devoid of Christ. Yeah.

How can you how can you be saved now? Right. You see, that makes sense. But if you don't look at it in the context, then it's like, can we be saved and then lose the salvation?

Can we? That's not what it's about. Right. Right. If you're going from a wedding to a groomless wedding.

It doesn't even make sense. What are you going to do? It's not a wedding anymore. Right. This sin that they were falling back into or this envy or this desire to go backwards. Yeah.

Losing your salvation. Yeah. This is how we linked into Hebrews. Oh, yeah. You're right. You're right.

You're right. Because people say if you don't overcome this trial in your life. You've either lost your salvation or you were never truly saved. And Hebrews was written to tell them, no, that's not the case. You have salvation. Yeah.

Hebrews was written to also tell them, keep going forward, keep running the race. You are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses. That's right.

That's right. Now. I understand what the who the witnesses are. I see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and and I can see Moses and David and all of all the rest.

I see them. But a Gentile person who has just been saved, they don't understand the great cloud of witnesses. That's true. But in time you can learn and grow as you understand the Old Testament and see the great cloud and even see your own parents who have walked with Jesus Christ being in that cloud of witnesses. So thinking about I know there are several people who heard Melanie's letter and immediately identified with what she was going through, like, oh, that's me.

Nobody's articulated it. That's exactly what I'm feeling. And I feel bad for having to go through it.

Like, I feel like maybe if this if if I were a better Christian, I wouldn't be going through this. Yeah. You know, a lot of us, I think that we think trials are punishment. Yeah.

The God is trying to communicate with us and say, OK, I'm putting this trial in your life because I'm very unhappy with you. Right. You know, what would you say to Melanie and others who are desiring this overcomers lifestyle?

How do how do they get there? I mean, read the Book of Revelation, by the way, read the first couple of chapters, because the Book of Revelation mentions overcomer in the original Greek at least 14 or 17 times, if I'm not wrong. Yeah, I think you're right.

Yeah. So blessed is he who overcomes. He who overcomes. Every single letter that was written, you know, the seven letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor, it ends with overcoming. If you overcome, this will happen to you. If you overcome, this will happen. This can come to you. So with that in mind, you have to read and and see and it's kind of a homework for you. Melanie. Right. Yeah.

It's a homework for you. Go home and read the Book of Revelation. Read the first couple of chapters and find every place you see the word overcomer and you'll be you'll be blessed. I mean, I can give you a couple of them if you want me to.

Yeah, please. So the church in Ephesus that had lost his first love. Revelation Chapter two, verse four.

Nevertheless, I have this against you that you have left your first love. Revelation two seven to him who overcomes again, this is still to the church in Ephesus. Right. But at the end of that letter to him who overcomes, I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

What does that mean? Is there a tree of life in heaven? And I would say yes. I would say yes.

But there's also immediate application. OK. You don't have to go through this hassle of trying to you want to hit the buzzer? No. OK. You know how to go through the hassle of of waiting for hassle. OK. All right. To go.

I'll I'll I'll kick your behind if it's hassle. All right. Go ahead. Go ahead.

You don't have to go through the hassle of nobody on the show. I said I'm not going to threaten nobody on the show. You know what you're what you think was for. Yeah. Don't you ever cross me with the secret word or the the pantomime of. No, I got it. I got you.

You cannot you cannot use it. Was it was it pantomime? Yeah.

What is pantomime? So that was the original. That's not the secret word. No. All right. So anyway, so so you don't have to go through all the hassle or the pantomime pantomime pantomime of trying to. What was I even talking about?

How to not the hassle and pantomime of like trying to overcome on your own strength. Yeah. Yeah. Even in this life, you can begin enjoying the tree of life as you walk in fellowship with God. That's right.

So return to your first love with Christ. I would say so. Right. What is the word? What is the word?

Have you already used it? We don't know. We don't know. We have to we have to just see if there's if it comes up. There's more minutes we have left in the show rigmarole happening. I can't do it, man. You got to end the show.

We can't let we can't let the clock run out on us. What would Mr. Stu J. Epperson think about that if we went over our time? I don't know.

You're just hesitating, man. I don't know. I can even give you more.

He wants to win so bad. Opportunities to. So I have to be honest. Did you see it? I did. Make sure you guys join us tomorrow. Same time, same station. We're going to be diving into another great topic here on the Clear V Today show. Thanks again to the Blue Ultra Pure Water for sponsoring today's episode. And don't forget that you can support us by subscribing to the show on iTunes if you want to re listen or share with a friend. And you can always support us financially at Clear V Today show dot com. That's right. John, what are we in the show with today?

Two quick plugs. Number one, Dr. Shaw and his wife, Nicole's book, 30 Days of Praying for America, Daily Devotions to Heal Our Nation, available on Amazon right now. You can also get our debut album, Heaven Here and Now, which is available on Spotify and iTunes. Also want to announce that there is new original music coming very, very, very soon.

Lots of cool things in the pipeline. So be on the lookout. Also, if you would like to order a physical copy of Heaven Here and Now as a CD, those are available. You can contact us here at the show at Clear V Today show, contact at Clear V Today show dot com. That's right, we'll ship it to you. We can set you up with a physical copy. We mentioned it earlier, but if you are in the area, if you're local to Clear V Church, Dr. Shaw's new series, End Times Prophecy is starting very, very soon here at Clear V. So if you are looking for a church home or if you're interested in end time prophecy, get in touch with us here at the show. We'd love to let you know more about that.

That's right. Make sure you guys join us tomorrow. Same time, same station. We'd love to see you there. We love you guys. We'll see you tomorrow on Clear V Today.
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