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Wednesday, September 4th | Zip Up for America

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
September 4, 2024 6:00 am

Wednesday, September 4th | Zip Up for America

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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September 4, 2024 6:00 am

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In this episode of Clearview Today, Dr. Shah talks about why having a biblical understanding of sex and marriage is important for our nation.

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Where's my Mountain Dew? You're listening to Clear View Today with Dr. Abbadan Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm Ryan Hill. I'm John Galantis. You can find us online at, or if you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028, or you can email us at contact at

That's right. You guys can help us keep the conversation moving forward by supporting the show. You can share it online with your friends and family. Leave us a good five-star review on iTunes or Spotify, anywhere you get your podcasting content from. Absolutely nothing less than five stars. For any reason, I will find you, and I will make you leave a five-star review.

I can't stand to see those four-star reviews. Y'all think y'all cute. I will find you, and I will weep in front of you. Y'all must really think y'all are cute. Have you ever seen a 32-year-old worship pastor cry? Because you're about to.

Cause you will. I saw on, I think it was Snapchat or text messaging, you guys went to, was it Defy Gravity? Defy Gravity Trampoline Park. I don't know if we've ever talked about this on the show, but the last time I was there, I went with Dr. Shah's daughter, Abigail, and her husband, Jarrett. Jarrett's a Marine, great guy, Star Wars fan. Shout out to Jarrett.

But that night, he didn't do good. He lost his keys in the foam, that big, gigantic foam pit. If you've never seen pictures of this place, just imagine a kid's dream trampoline park. I mean, even for adults, it's fun.

It is a lot of fun. But he lost his keys in the trampoline park, and that made the night a lot less fun, real, real quick. David was there.

He looks kind of shell-shocked. So, I took Gavin there. That was the first time we'd been back in, I don't know when that was, a year and a half, two years ago. Had he been before? Never. As a baby.

Okay. He went that night. Oh, gotcha, gotcha. He went that night, but he was a baby. He's not jumping himself.

I mean, he was bouncing on the little thing, and people were kind of holding him. So, I took Gavin, and I took Holden this past weekend. I had a feeling this would happen, but I tricked myself into thinking that it wouldn't. You've got five youngins. I do. Five kids. I mean, you know this is a truth that you could probably speak to. Kids don't know, when they're having fun, they don't know how to shut that off.

Oh, yeah, 100%. There's a valve that an adult can have when it's like, okay, we're having fun, now let's settle back down, let's get serious, or it's time to go. Kids don't have that.

He can't figure out. Did your kids ever have that problem? Absolutely, absolutely. Do they still? Mine are a little bit older now, so our youngest is five. He still struggles with that somewhat, but they're kind of like, you know, they've learned to measure their expectations, and they have a better understanding of the passing of time.

But when you're little and you're having fun, man, that's like a huge chapter of your life. I mean, Gavin's only three, so a several hour window is like, man, this is like the greatest experience of my whole life. Whereas us, we're like, it's a couple hours.

We know that this is going to come to an end. We paid for 90 minutes, and they gave us a wristband. And all the wristbands, it's a cool system they've got. The wristbands are different colors, depending on your time slot. So they gave us a green wristband. So every like 15 to 20 minutes, something like that, they would make an announcement. Attention jumpers, if you have a blue wristband, your time is now up.

Please make your way back to the lobby to check out, blah, blah, blah, all this stuff. So I told them, I said, hey, buddy, when they say your green wristband, you know, that's our time to go. And I saw the dread come over him every time. And when they finally called it at the end of 90 minutes, like by like 60, 70 minutes, me and Ellie were ready to go.

Holden was ready to go. But Gavin is like having so much fun. He's like going up to strangers and trying to play with them. Like there was a dad there trying to spend quality time with his son. And Gavin was like all up under him. And I was like, hey, Gavin, buddy, people, you know, people don't like that. You know, they want people to spend time with his son. He was like, oh, I want to spend time with his son, too. I was like, all right, yeah, go for it. So anyway, they call the.

They call the green wristbands and it's exactly what I thought. Full meltdown. I mean, when I say this dude's world shattered, his world broke entirely apart and we had to take him out of it. But you can't just pick him up and walk out. You've got to take your socks off. You've got to put the socks back. You've got to return stuff.

You've got to go to the cubby. You've got to put his shoes back on. Now, Holden's running around.

You've got to go get him. So now we're dividing and conquering. But Ellie doesn't want all these people staring at her while Gavin's screaming. So I've got to go handle Gavin. It was like exiting that place was probably the most ungraceful I've ever been. I feel that. I feel that.

I feel that when we were I there were several times when the twins and Evie were little. So we've got for a while. We had three under three, right? Like that's that's intense. I remember you used to say that.

I always thought that was clever. The three under three. So that that was intense. And it was not graceful to get anywhere, because if one melts down, chances are the other two are going to follow.

And then Joanna came right around the heel, right on the heels of that. And the twins are older, but we still had like four under four. And then, you know, I mean, there was it was intense for a little while. And as they've gotten older, it's gotten much easier. But but those young years, it is hard for them to shut that fun off. Part of me wants to be okay with it because I get what people say. They're like, you're going to miss that when they're teenagers and they don't want nothing to do with you.

You're going to miss that. And I'm like, I hear you. I hear you. It's just so hard for me to value this right now in the in the middle of the trampoline park when everyone else is having fun and all the other kids are behaving. It's hard to be like, yeah, I'm going to miss this one day.

I will tell you this. I I miss I miss when they were little itty bitty like snuggle babies. I miss that.

I miss when they were kind of toddling like Holden's age. Yeah, I miss that. I do not miss diapers. I do not miss sleepless nights. I do not miss trying to like shuffle everyone together in a stroller with a diaper bag. I do not miss that. I don't miss that.

I don't. We're going to ask Dr. Shah. Dr. Shah is a father of four, so I'm sure he's had his share of public meltdowns and public embarrassment with the kids. Yeah, it's it's it's like trial by fire.

Everybody wants to go through it. 100%. Write in and let us know your your public meltdown story with your kids.

Or maybe it was you. Yeah, I was about to say. 2-5-2-5-8-2-5-0-2-8. Or you can visit us online at Stay tuned. We'll be right back. Hey, Ryan. Hey, John. Hey, man. I'm having an awesome time doing the Clearview Today Show with you.

Thanks, man. I hope people are having an awesome time listening to it. Well, listen, I think our listeners would actually be interested to know that Clearview Today is not the only podcast we produce. Oh, do go on.

Oh, well, go ahead and stop what you're doing right now. Mosey on over to your podcast app and subscribe to Sermons by Abaddon Shah, Ph.D. As many of you know, Dr. Shah is our lead pastor here at Clearview Church, and every single week he preaches expository messages that challenge and inspire us to live godly lives. One of our core values at Clearview Church is that we're a Bible believing church, which means that every single sermon is coming directly from the text. And it's great because whether you're driving, cleaning the house, working out, whatever you're doing, you're listening and receiving timeless biblical truth. And God works through every sermon differently, which means you're always going to get something new. Sometimes it'll be conviction.

Sometimes it'll be encouragement. That's right. You guys can check out Sermons by Abaddon Shah, Ph.D. on the Apple podcast app. You can find it on our website as well. That's You can even read the transcripts of every message on Dr. Shah's website. That's

Love it. John, you ready to hop back in? Let's do it. Welcome back to Clearview Today with Dr. Abaddon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can visit us online at

If you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028. That's right. And we're here once again in the Clearview Today studio with Dr. Abaddon Shah, who's a Ph.D. in New Testament textual criticism, professor at Carolina University, author, full-time pastor, and the host of today's show.

Dr. Shah, I want to ask you a question. Have you ever been somewhere with your kids when they're little, you know, you got little or maybe when they're big? I don't even know. But you're having fun, right? It's like a family fun day. And it's like, all right, guys, time to go on home. And once the fun stops, just the meltdown start. Have you ever been in that situation? It's happened. It's happened before.

I won't say if the person is in this room. Meltdown would never happen. Meltdown. I don't know.

Maybe it was just because it was scared of me. But it was kind of like it was it would be sniffling and fun just lasts forever. Yeah. They can't shut the fun off. I don't know what it is. We were talking in the intro.

We took our two kids to the trampoline park over in Raleigh, the defy gravity trampoline park. And they were kept calling, you know, when you when your time was up. And so they were like, hey, if you're wearing a green wristband and Gavin just fell all to pieces, his heart just shattered into a million pieces. I wish this could go on forever. As a parent, how do you cut the fun off? It is hard. It is hard to do that. But I mean, well, you did right. You prepared him. You reminded him, but it still didn't work.

It didn't work. It is what it is. Those emotions. I don't know if it's just being three or I don't know if it's his personality, but those emotions just overtake him.

They just take him away from here. Three is tough. Three is a hard one.

I feel like they start to feel things very deeply at three and then get really, really upset. Yeah. Yeah. It is what it is, man. It is what it is. Shout out to my son.

Shout out to Gavin. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the Clear View Current, where we cut through the chaos of today's headlines with a clear Christian perspective. We're here to keep you up to date on what's going on in the world, big or small. You sent us a pretty interesting headline today and I really was not expecting that. I thought it was one of the weirder headlines that I thought was going to come out of it. It was it was public support for polygamy is growing, especially in the Christian context.

What in the world is that? This is I think it's there was an article in The New Yorker. How did polyamory become so popular? That's the title of this article. And this came out.

I'm trying to get the date right December. And it just talks about how the shows that have come out in the past few years on TV and then other things that are going on, that people are becoming more acceptable to polygamy. Yeah, it's it's bizarre behavior.

Yeah. This this stat right here, according to a Gallup poll, is just really funny. But it's also really, really sad and indicative of kind of where we are with our view of marriage. It says few U.S. adults, 11 percent believe having an affair is morally acceptable. It's not morally acceptable. Most people would agree that it is not morally acceptable to have an affair. Right.

But more than twice as many. Twenty three percent don't have any issues with polygamy. As long as your partner's cool with it, you know, some version of this open relationship and you see increasing in media coverage, like you see it so much. And I remember it used to be like, that's weird. But people these days are like, it's really not that weird.

Don't haven't don't have an affair, but just get married to both. But it's only, quote unquote, not weird because you say that it is. Yeah. And so I guess if enough people say that something's fine, I guess it's fine.

But you have a state called Utah in 2020. They reclassified adults voluntarily living in a polygamous relationship. So now there is no like a jail time or so penalty. Just an infraction. Yeah. Just like a slap on the wrist.

Yeah. It's like, don't do that. Oh, OK. Oh, OK. We won't.

It's like, oh, you better not. It's also funny, too, because now we're we're twisting it and distorting it so much where it's like there's polygamy, which is like, hey, I'm just with a bunch of different people. We're just having fun. We're an open relationship. But then there's now it's like now there's polyamory when I'm in love with these people. Right. You know, I'm I'm these are like loving relationships and marriages, which is a big fat lie. Right.

Yeah. You know, according to Pew Research, again, I'm going back to this article. Life research did a great job putting it all together, but it's coming from other sources. So New York, the New Yorker, Gallup research, Pew Research, according to Pew Research, only about two percent of the global population, only two percent of the global population and less than point five percent of Americans live in polygamous households. So maybe it's not catching on quite as much as we thought. I don't think it's catching on. It's just public opinion.

Right. It's like, well, you know, if they're not hurting anybody. And then what's also interesting is even in Muslim countries that legally allow men to have multiple wives, fewer than one percent of Muslim men do so. And the practice is more common in sub-Saharan Africa, where 11 percent of the population lives in arrangements that include more than one spouse.

So we think all everybody in the Muslim world is doing that. Like growing up, I did not see but one or two relationship like that. One was actually in the church. Really? Yeah. Wow.

Wow. So it happened quite interestingly where there was no marriage, but there was a couple who used to come to church and and they were in church a long time. And in fact, the family was in church and part of church even before my dad came there as a pastor. And then I remember growing up years watching this couple. They couldn't have any children. And so that was kind of a sad part in their life.

But then I remember this is back in the 80s. There was some word around town that their house cleaner had sort of moved in with them. And they put it out there as if this move was to help her out. Yeah. Save some money.

Save some money. Help her because her situation was so bad. But that's not what was happening. What was happening was that this wife had sort of like Sarah presented this girl to her husband so he can have a child.

Bro. Yeah. So it's like an Abraham, Sarah, Hagar thing happening. They were like really applying the Bible in a whole different weird sort of way. Wasn't the whole point of the story like, hey guys, don't do this? Yeah, don't do that. But they were like doing it.

Yeah. That was in the 80s. What was the opinion on that? What was like public opinion on that? Well, they kept it hush hush.

It was never like put out there. And then this woman had a baby and they doted on the baby. And even this wife would like take the baby out and go places with the baby. And it was like, wow, you're doing this in broad daylight. They were like a throuple, like a three person couple. I guess so. And it was kind of wrong on every level.

It was like nobody would ask and they would keep doing this. So it was like, oh, this is my house cleaners child. But you're loving all over this child that actually is your husband's child also. But not through you. So it was tragic, horrible. And it didn't end well. I don't know what happened there, but it was never, it was not a happy ending.

Wow. It completely goes against what God has said. If you go back to the book of Genesis chapter 224, therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother, it's all singular, and be joined to his wife, also singular. And they shall become one flesh, again, singular. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, not the man and his wives or the men and his wife or their wife.

But it was man and his wife and were not ashamed. So it's very, very tragic. Yeah. There's a clear design and it's being stepped on even today.

And even, like we said, even if it's not happening more and more and more, public opinion certainly plays a role in how much things grow. Even if that doesn't happen, like you said, the polyamory where loving anything, anyone, whatever, children, you know, this is all part of that umbrella. This is all part of that umbrella where it is used as a foil. So you say, oh, the polygamy, yeah, that's so dumb. What you don't realize is something else is being passed under the same umbrella. But this one is more about something very deviant and abusive and wrong.

Yeah. There was a message that you preached and I'd love to, if we can, I would love to link this message in the show notes of this episode, because this sermon that you did really touched myself and my wife. I think to this day, it's one of her favorite sermons you ever did, but it's called If the Foundations Were Destroyed. And it basically was saying exactly what you're saying, that homosexual activity in the Bible is clearly depicted as immoral. It's a sin before God. And it is also the first step to any civilization beginning to crumble.

There was a point you made in that sermon where you said this, it is the doorway to, like you said, other even more depraved activities, such as being in love with children and stuff like that. And you said, I remember you said it might not be this year, it may not be next year, it might not be 10 years from now, but it's coming. And I think we are starting to see the very edges of it finally starting. Cause that sermon was like five or six years ago. But we are, I think we're in the beginning stages of starting to see some sympathy towards people who, it's definitely happening.

Yeah. The further we get away from biblical values, the further we get away from our Judeo-Christian foundation, then the door opens up to these kind of things. And I'm not saying everybody in the world who is non-Christian are all good with this behavior, not necessarily, but the foundation on which our nation was built, the freedoms and yet the responsibilities that are in this very beautiful, delicate, intricate, wise relationship is no longer there. So further we get away from the Bible, the more we're open to junk. And that's why we need to return to biblical value.

We need to return to our foundation. Everybody's welcome in America, but you're not welcome to do whatever you want to do. Or you're forcing your Christian values on me.

Yeah. I mean, I'm not forcing you to become a Christian, but I'm just telling you that this nation, the foundation is poured in biblical foundation. So that's how this thing works.

That's how America works. That's a wrap for today's edition of the Clearview Current. Thanks for tuning in and staying connected with us as we navigate this crazy world's events together. Until next time, keep your hearts lifted, your mind sharp, and your spirit joyful.

I always feel like a news anchor when that music plays us out. Good job, man. You really sell that line every time. Hey, Dr. Shaw, today's verse of the day is coming to us from Daniel 9.4.

I think it actually goes along with what we were saying. It says, I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession and said, O Lord, great and awesome God who keeps his covenant and mercy with those who love him and with those who keep his commandments. Who better to say that than Daniel, living in a foreign land, living in Babylon and then later on under the Medo-Persian empire. I mean, godless people who are living a life of worshiping idols. And in this culture, these were those Hebrew boys who stood up for the truth. And that's who Daniel was. Yeah.

Spirit of Daniel. I mean, so courageous, so bold. And yet, I mean, he was not brash.

He was not rude. He wasn't trying to raise a riot, but he did say, I'm not going to go along with that. I can't go along with that because of my convictions. I mean, that requires so much courage. Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah. You're in a foreign land. You're one of the exiles and yet you have been given the opportunity to rule. I mean, he is like one of the top emerging leaders.

And yet he is like, well, I'm going to hang on to my convictions. Yeah. Imagine like being taken from your home. Like today in 2024, you've been taken from your home and you're taken over to the Middle East as a captive. But then they're like, Hey, we're going to, we're going to set you up, you know, give you a nice little place. You're going to be a very important person here. You just can't do any of this Christianity stuff. Like how many of us would be like, shoot, I'm going for it.

I'm going to do it. Well, you know what I mean? Like it's easy to say you would, but actually being in that position. But it's also kind of funny because Dr. Shuh, you and also you, Ryan, kind of went on this campaign a couple of years ago. I think during the 2020 pandemic and all this stuff that was going on where we're starting to see that America really is in a state of exile. You know, we're, we're in a spiritual exile.

And I remember leaning heavily on Daniel during that time, because how do we like Daniel shine in exile? You know, how do we not just survive because a lot of pastors and a lot of churches would be like, let's just survive this. Let's just get through this. Let's just try to keep our doors open.

How do we then shine in a time of exile? Yeah. You know, when all this began four years ago now, 2020 I called one of my mentors and I said, you know, what, what do you suppose should be our course of action? Because I could see even before the shutdowns really began, I could see things were coming.

And I talked to you guys, if y'all remember that, I talked to you a lot. I said, things are coming. It's going to be a different world. And is it not a different world?

Yeah. In some ways it's like, Oh, life has moved on. We're, we're past the pandemic.

We are past the pandemic, but there has definitely been a shift shift in the mindset of people shift in our, our way of living, our way of thinking there's has been a radical shift. And those who are able to step out of this current are able to look down and go, wow, look at that current. When you're being swept with it, you don't think you're like, Oh yeah, this is great.

I mean, just feeling like, Oh, this is nice, cool water. Yeah. I'm getting dashed against the rocks, but it's, it's part of life. You know, we all get that. We step out of it and go, Oh my goodness, this is a flood. It's like when you, it's over, like when you're at the beach and like you're playing in the water and then you come in and you're like, that's not my umbrella. Yeah. Yeah. Where's my family? They're way on the other side over there. That's crazy.

So that's, that's when that happened. So I called one of my mentors and called several of them. I said, you know, help me to think, because am I overreacting?

Am I, um, just, just being overzealous here? And one of them said, no, no, I think you are given the Holy Spirit and He's helping you have a vision and chart the course in the midst of a very turbulent time. So the question you need to ask yourself is what will people say about you when all this is over?

That's true. That was, that's, he said, if you can answer that question and be satisfied and be at peace with that answer, that is the way to go. And so I prayed about it. I talked to you guys at the time and I prayed, I said, God, when all this is over, let people see us as godly leaders, help people see us as standing for the gospel, for biblical convictions, help people to see us as those who will be like a lighthouse for them, be like a pilot, like a pilot car, you know, guiding people through difficult times because they're here. And that's what we did.

What will people say about you when all this is over? Yeah, that was, that was such a, I remember sitting down and having those talks and that was such a, such a guiding light in the, in that time when everything was uncertain and the, it felt like the, I mean, the landscape underneath you was changing. Yeah, the, the keyword was unprecedented. Yeah. Yeah, everybody was trying to say that.

Yeah, I heard that so much. You know, Dr. Shaw, talking about that quote, and I really love that quote, what are people going to say about you when all this is over? There's, there's a quote that I saw from another pastor talking about all that stuff that we were talking about earlier, you know, homosexuality, cisgenderism, polygamy, it's infiltrating the church. And there's a quote that a pastor put out there that said, the church has to overcome its aversion to these particular kinds of sinful behavior. And he goes on to say, we have to recognize our responsibility no matter the person's behavior is still to present the gospel. But that stuck with me that the church has to overcome its aversion to these particular kinds of sins. And I'm wondering about that quote that you just mentioned that you just said that when all this is said and done, you know, all the dust is settled, Christ has come back. What are people going to remember about a pastor who says something like that, that, that, you know, we have to just put aside someone else's sin and just preach the gospel.

Yeah. And there's, I get his heart. I think he wants us to focus on the gospel, which I think we should. And I always remind myself as a pastor, as part of this leadership team to constantly make sure that nothing takes us away from sharing the gospel.

Nothing takes us away, whether it's busyness or we're here to teach or we're here to disciple people, or we're here to start more programs or write books and lead movements that nothing takes us away from sharing the good news that Jesus Christ saves. But there's also a responsibility to warn people that sin is bad. And yes, we all sin. I get it.

But then there are certain sins, sexual sins that not only are sins against the body, but also sins that ultimately corrupt and implode cultures. Yes. You know, in my book with Nicole, we talked, I talk about JD Unwin. JD Unwin was a professor.

He was, JD Unwin talks about this in, in his, in his writing. And by the way, he wrote this over a hundred years ago. And he did some research and he did some research of cultures that were involved in, I mean, just went off the deep end when it comes to sex. I'm trying to find that right chapter here. But anyways, so he did research and this is what he found. Every ancient culture, right up until our present time, when they could not control their sexual urges, when, when marriage was no longer valued, right.

And protected between a man and a woman, this, this monogamous institution relationship that that culture eventually fell apart. Yeah. A hundred percent. This, this is what he did. I mean, in a sense, what he was really saying, if I can say this without being crass, he was saying, he was a Britisher, by the way, he was saying zip up for the empire. I like it.

I love it. He was saying, zip up, pull your zippers up. If you want to save the British empire for the guy.

I think someone needs to be saying that to America today. Zip up for America. Yeah.

Yeah. But that's, I mean, and he's not talking about zip up your mouth. He was saying, stop, stop having these illegitimate sexual unions and running around and doing whatever that you feel like doing.

He says, stop doing that. It's such a false premise because it's all, it's all wrapped up in freedom. You know, if this is America, but you're gonna, you're gonna control who we sleep with and who we have sex with and who we're attracted to. It's such a false premise. It's not about how free you are.

It's not about what debauchery you can get into. Yeah. I mean, it's here, it's chapter 24. Finally found it.

It's called Righteousness. And in this, he studied 86 cultures through 5,000 years of history. He was an Oxford anthropologist. And in his book called Sex and Culture, which is a thick book, and I have a copy of it.

I mean, he studied the Romans, the Greeks, the Sumerians, the Moors, the Babylonians, the Anglo-Saxons, and many others. And his conclusion was zip up if you want to save the empire. Amen. I love it. Great message. What was his name again? JD Unwin. JD Unwin, there you go, my friend. Appreciate you.

Zip up for the empire, folks. Also, just want to remind you guys that Dr. Shaw and Nicole's book 30 Days of Praying for America is available now, wherever books are sold. You can get it on Amazon. You can get it at ebook. You can order it from our Clevew Church website as well. If you'd like that link to that, you can send us a text, 252-582-5028. And let us know how today's episode helped you out by texting that very same number or sending an email to contact at

We want to be able to give you the resources that you need to be able to stand up against the false doctrines that the world is spewing as truth. Lots of great content coming your way the rest of this week. Make sure you guys tune in. We love you guys. We'll see you tomorrow on Clevew Today.
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