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Wednesday, April 17th | Dr. Shah’s Book Club (The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell)

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
April 20, 2024 1:00 pm

Wednesday, April 17th | Dr. Shah’s Book Club (The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell)

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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April 20, 2024 1:00 pm

In this episode of Clearview Today, Dr. Shah reviews one of his favorite books on leadership by John C. Maxwell.

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Read - Can We Recover the Original Text of the New Testament
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Listen - Sermons by Abidan Shah, Ph.D. Podcast


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That's and use that promo code T-O-D-A-Y. Welcome to Clear View Today with Dr. Abbadon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm Ryan Hill.

I'm John Galantis. And you can find us online at If you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, write in and let us know at 252-58-25028. Or you can email us at contact at

That's right. You guys can help us keep the conversation going by supporting the show. You can share it online with your friends and your family. Leave us a good five star review on iTunes or Spotify, anywhere you get your podcasting content from.

We're going to leave a couple of links in the description of this show. And of course, today is April 17th. You know what that means. Our date, the word is coming from 2 Timothy 4, 17 says this. It says, but the Lord stood with me and strengthened me so that the message might be preached fully through me.

And that all the Gentiles might hear. And I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. I love this letter of encouragement, Timothy, from Paul. And he's reminding him that though he's suffered, though he's gone through the unthinkable at this point, that God was with him every step of the way. And what an encouragement to Timothy, who maybe was not in the mouth of a lion, but in leading a church and dealing with people.

Maybe he felt like he was in the mouth of a lion at times. And just as God stood with Paul, God stood with Timothy, and God stands with us in suffering as well. You know, one of the things that we worked on as a team that I really...

I was kind of jealous a little bit, but I'm really just glad I got to be part of it. Dr. Shaw, David, and Ryan filmed a documentary that tracked Paul's second missionary journey across Greece. And when I read verses like this, I can't help but think.

I got to write the scripts for those documentaries, or for all those minisodes that we filmed. But I guess what I'm saying is, that was a huge theme. And what Paul is saying here in 2 Timothy kind of mirrors that missionary journey and the language that he used. The Lord standing with him, strengthening him. Because his whole purpose was that all the Gentiles of Greece and Macedonia would hear the message.

Yeah, I'm glad you said that. So it's not just that Paul gets through the suffering and just makes it to the other side. It's so that the gospel goes forth and the Gentiles might hear there's a purpose in our suffering. It's to connect us with the mission of God. That's exactly right. And we want to remind you guys, if you like these Date the Word verses, every single episode is brought to you in part by the Date the Word app.

You can download it for free on iPhone and Android right this moment. I know... I'm sorry to cut you off. No, you're fine. You had something else to say about that. No, your hands are purple. They are purple.

What is that? You look like Thanos. Today is Wednesday. Or you look like you strangled Barney the dinosaur. I wanted to strangle somebody this morning. Today I have a bonus gripe. Not a grape. Not a grape because it looks like I have a grape.

You crush grapes, right? A gripe. So gripe, that's our Tuesday segment.

I know. The gripe is heart ready for the harvest. A bonus Wednesday gripe. The gripe is ready for the harvest and you've got to harvest it when it's ready. I'm going to allow it. Welcome to the gripe vine!

Here's my gripe, okay? In Awana, we have various dress-up nights. Yeah, the kids love it. Yeah, it's a good time. If you don't know, it's a children's program that we do here at Clearview Church.

Sure. Dress-up night. Kids get extra points for dressing up. It's a fun time.

A great time is had by all. Love it. Well, coming up, at the time of this recording was last week, but Wednesday was tie-dye night. Yes, yes.

Okay? So for those of you who have never done tie-dye, it's a simple process, but it's sort of time-consuming. So you have the tie-dye. You kind of bunch the shirt up in different patterns and rubber bands and all that kind of stuff, and you use the dye and dye in different sections.

It is dye. It's fun. We did it as a kid, when I was a kid. Yeah, it's fun.

So then what you have to do is you have to let the shirt sit overnight, then rinse the shirt, or whatever it is that you're tie-dying, rinse the shirt, and then wash the shirt. It's a fun process. The way you entered the studio this morning implied that you did not have fun.

So here's the not fun part. Okay. So I have five children, plus my wife and I, so that's at least seven items. Seven shirts, yeah. Plus, we had two pairs of leggings or sweatpants, one hoodie. I mean, there were multiple things that were tie-dyed. Oh, y'all are going all tie-dyed. A whole wardrobe. Right, right.

There were multiple things that were tie-dyed. Great. Love that. No problem. Wonderful. I had a great time.

Elizabeth, when she left, she was like, hey, will you make sure that you rinse the tie-dye before you leave? Sure. And then put it in the washing machine. Absolutely. No problem. I can handle that. I thought, mistakenly, this is on me.

It's not on anybody but me. Got you. You know, I mean, we've got a substantial amount of things to wash, but 10, 15 minutes, I can rinse it out. Yeah.

And just drop it in the washing machine. Yeah. Boy, was I wrong.

What happened? I was washing clothes. Uh-huh. Because you have to rinse it until the water runs clear.

Right, right. I was rinsing shirts and hoodies and pants over the sink for 45 minutes. Why? Did it just not work the way you thought? No, it just took that long. I just didn't expect it to take that long to get all the excess dye out of it.

You didn't do something wrong. No, no. I just miscalculated the time. Okay, okay, okay. I made an error, but my gripe is... Why does it take so stinking long to rinse tie dye out of a shirt? Why in the world?

It's 2024. Why does it take that long? I thought you made a mistake that made it take long. The only mistake I made was miscalculating the time. It was an error completely on my part. I am totally to blame, but I was still going to gripe about it. And it's one of those gripes, too, because it was like, hey, we're going to meet early this morning to record.

Let's all be there at nine. Yep. It's like the studio's set up, lights are on, cameras are rolling. Yeah.

I was like, no problem. Rinse it, da-da-da-da. So I'm like, hey, Siri, text John Galantis, I'm running late, I'm stuck in tie dye. Nothing sucks the fun out of tie dye, like really running late and being like...

But you're doing it for this really fun thing. So you see your kids and they're all like, woo-hoo, dad, I'm wearing a tie dye shirt in Rwanda. And they're like, I don't want to see that tie dye shirt. Really, really what it is is I better see that tie dye shirt for years to come. For years to come, it better be part of your wardrobe. We kind of cheated because Gavin has this Mickey Mouse shirt that's already sort of tie dye, so I was like, I think it'll work. Perfect.

Yes, perfect. Did you think that driver did tie dye? No, not a chance.

You don't think that was a thing in India? Not a chance. Well, maybe. Who knows? Maybe not tie dye, but I wonder if they... They had a lot of Western stuff. I wonder if they dyed clothes. Yeah, well, probably.

They had a lot of Western stuff where he was, so maybe they did. Let's ask him. My question is, is he going to do tie dye night to night? I don't know. Let's figure it out. We'll see. Let us know your tie dye experiences or blunders, or if you ever miscalculated the time for something. I need some comfort here in knowing that I'm not alone. Oh, yeah.

2525825028, or you can visit us online at We'll be back after this. Hey, what's going on, listeners? My name is Jon.

And I'm Ellie. And we just want to take a second and let you know about Dr. Shah's new book on the market right now called Can We Recover the Original Text of the New Testament? Boy, that is a long title. True, but it's a very simple message. The original text of the New Testament is not only attainable, but there are lots of different ways that scholars go about discovering it. There's a lot of people out there saying that the original text is lost forever or that it's hopeless to actually try to find it, or that there's many texts of the New Testament. But alongside Dr. David Allen Black, Dr. Shah has actually compiled papers from some of the world's leading experts in textual criticism, including one written by himself on various methodologies for extracting the original text. And listen, if you're interested in textual criticism, this book is a great introduction to the field. You can pick up your copy on Amazon, or you can buy it from our church website. That's We're going to leave a link in the description box so you can get your copy today. Love that. Ellie, let's hop back in.

Let's do it. Welcome back to Clearview Today with Dr. Abbadan Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can visit us online at, or if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text at 252-582-5028. That's right. And we are here in the Clearview Today studio with Dr. Abbadan Shah, who is a PhD in New Testament textual criticism, professor at Carolina University, author, full-time pastor, the host of today's show, Tye-Dyed King, maybe? Tye-Dyed Extraordinaire. Tye-Dyed Legend. If there's one thing we get people write into the show all the time, they say, if there's one thing we know about Dr. Abbadan Shah... What did you just call me?

Abbadan Shah. It started to run together. Look, when you start to talk fast on the radio, man, sometimes your lips get ahead of you.

What do I do? You eliminated several letters from that sentence and just compressed the words together. This is a 30-minute show, man. We got to roll. Dr. Shah, tonight is Tye-Dyed Night. Is this something that you plan on taking part in tonight? No.

Not gonna happen. No. I'm no hippie.

No, I'm just kidding. Was Tye-Dyed the first go-round in our culture? I had a Tye-Dyed shirt, but I did not make it or anything.

That was the 70s, though. Was Tye-Dyed around when you came to America? Was it around in India? No, but see, when I came to America, there was sort of a revival of Tye-Dyed.

Really? In the 90s? Yeah, there was. And I saw guys wearing a Tye-Dyed shirt. But that wasn't your bag? I wore one. I had one, but it was never... And I didn't wear T-shirts at the time. I've never been a T-shirt guy. Even when you were yelling, coming to America, you didn't wear one? Well, I guess because you wear a school uniform to school.

Well, it's not just that. You just don't wear... Nowadays, kids in India or teenagers wear T-shirts. Growing up, we never did.

Okay. Yeah. You wore just collared shirts? Collared shirts. Like polos? Yeah. Polos, some, but really button-down collared shirts. Like a collared shirt.

Okay. We always wore like that. Wow. It's just a different culture. I was going to ask, is that because you guys grew up Christian or was it because just boys in India, that's what they wore? That's what they wear.

Wow. And even to this day, these are far more prevalent than polos or whatever. Because most of the time, these kind of clothes are handmade. Okay.

Okay. I mean, they're stitch. Doesn't mean that they are like Seville Row or German Street in London stitched very well. What I mean is, you have tailors down in neighborhoods and they'll make it for you. And so most people wear collared shirts. No tie-dye shirts happening. No.

I did wear, one time I bought a, or I went with my dad to buy some clothes and I liked this one shirt. It was kind of, it was like the snap buttons on it. Ooh.

Okay. And it had like an elastic thing over here. So it was like kind of really tight. Yeah. Like how it kind of hugs you, but it was kind of really loose and all that. It was kind of like the style back in the mid to late eighties. Right.

My mom didn't like it. Really? Yeah. She was like, that looks so worldly.

She said that looks worldly. Yeah. I was like, this is going to lead me down the wrong path. I'm going to make wrong friends and lose my way.

This shirt will be the beginning of the end for you. I just, yeah. Wow. Not good.

That's pretty funny. Well, you know, you've given people some fashion advice on the show, but we want to give people some literary advice as well. Today is Dr. Shah's book club. Dr. Shah's book club. Get excited. Oprah's book club out of here. Reese Witherspoon's book club.

I got respect for you, but we're not talking about it on the show. Fix yourself a hot beverage. Pull up a chair. We're going to give you some reading recommendations today. See, there you go. Product placement. It's all about branding. What is on the bookshelf for us today? Great question.

Today's book comes from John C. Maxwell called The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Guarantee you John Maxwell would wear that striped sweater. Yeah. A hundred percent.

Yeah, he probably would. And you guys have read this book, right? Yes. This was the first book that we read as a team together. Yes. Yes.

So what I mean by that is on the Clearview staff every month we read a book, a book designed for leadership, or if it takes longer than a month, but we're always reading something to help us foster leadership, foster culture. Oh my goodness. What happened? David found the shirt. No way. It's not for real.

It's not the exact shirt, but it is close enough. How did he find it? There it is. Oh, okay. That's fine.

Okay. That's like Saved by the Bell style. Doesn't it seem like somebody who's lost their way? It looks like, honestly, it looks like a vagrant. It's giving wayward. It's giving vagrant. This is insane.

This has nothing to do with John. Well, John Maxwell looks like he'd probably wear this. It looks like something they would wear on Full House or Saved by the Bell. That's what I thought it was from.

This looks like something Danny Tanner would wear. Yes. 100 percent, yes. Or maybe Joey. If we're really going to split hairs. It was black. I mean, this is exactly how it was.

Exactly. David, get on the mic for a second. What did you type? What are your search terms? I know we need to talk about John Maxwell. That's hilarious. We need to talk about John Maxwell, but what did you search?

Striped elastic arms and waist shirt men. Well, this is it. This is the thing. But this, see this?

How nice a gentleman, a good Christian boy. And then you have this. We're putting this. So if you're just listening on the podcast, you're not going to see the shirt. But if you're watching the video, this is the shirt right here.

And you can see how vicious and deranged this looks. I'll do this for you. If you text into the show, if you're just a listener, if you text into the show, 2525825028, I'll send you this picture. I'll send you the shirt.

All right. Now I want to get all of us. Back to John Maxwell. I want to get all of us this shirt. John Maxwell would 100% wear that. I want to get all of us this shirt and just unironically wear it on the podcast. Let's do it. Let's make that our podcast shirt.

Every month, we'll wear it. That's funny. That's our book. My mom's somewhere in heaven. She's lost her way. She's still disapproved.

No longer a decent Christian boy. Oh, that's funny. Too funny. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, I remember us going through this as a team and just every single chapter, obviously there's 21 of them, but every single chapter was just hard hitting. It's stuff that makes sense as soon as you hear it. You think it would be common sense, but it's actually putting it into practice. It requires some finesse.

It requires some skill. To back up a little bit, John Maxwell is one of my heroes. I think a lot of him, and the first time I heard of him was somewhere in 1997. And I heard about this pastor from Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, I think it is. Yes. Let me think for a moment.

Skyline in California, of course, but yeah, San Diego. And that he was leaving the ministry to go into teaching leadership. And I was like, man, what a guy.

Why would you do something like this? Why would you walk away from the ministry? And even a successful ministry, a growing church, a booming church, and going into this. And then, so I listened to him here and there, still not quite settled on him. And then later on, I began to listen to his leadership principles, and I realized, oh, okay. And then I also understood that what he's trying to do is he's still trying to share the gospel, but in a whole different way. So he is reaching a segment of society who otherwise would not listen, and he's still making a difference. Now, he'll say that in his podcast, in his speeches, whatever, he will say, I'm a person of faith.

I'm a person in Jesus Christ, but maybe you may want to try something else, or you may want to just meditate or something. He gives people that out, but he does not shy away from saying, this works because I know Christ. He shouted you out on his show at one time, I believe, and I can't remember how that came about.

I remember you, I think you set it up, or how did that happen? So we have a relationship with the John Maxwell Foundation through our leadership initiative that we do here with our students, a certification program right here at Clearview in North Carolina. But we have a membership to their organization, and through that, you get exclusive access to things.

You get kind of sneak peeks, behind the scenes stuff. But there's also an opportunity where you can submit a ministry, or you can submit, it's a word of the day, on his Minute with Maxwell kind of just real brief broadcast. And because of our relationship, because of our subscription, we can submit that word, and it's a shout-out, like shout-out to Abedon Shah of Anderson, North Carolina. And we were on Minute with Maxwell, we were on that episode. That's really awesome. If we can find it, I would love to link to it.

Yeah, people found it. In fact, I had a gentleman who wanted me to work with him. He's been kind of busy for me, but I'm hoping to reconnect with him, he's a pastor. And he follows John Maxwell as well, and he heard my name mentioned, he's like, wow, I didn't know there was a person here who is connected to the John Maxwell leadership, the whole organization, and so he reached out to me. But anyways, John Maxwell has written many books that I've read, of course, the one on developing the prayer ministry of the church.

It's a different title, but that's what it's about. Developing the leader within you, let's see how successful people think, be all you can be, be a people person, that book helped me a lot, looking at different kinds of people and how you relate to them. Developing the leaders around you, again, a great book, 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, which we're going to discuss today, 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, I haven't read that book, but it's a really good book. Thinking for a Change, that book, good book. I think we read that book together.

We did. That was a great one. Yeah. Winning with people, winning with people, 360 Degree Leader is a great book. I recommend that wholeheartedly. Leadership Gold, Lessons I've Learned from a Lifetime of Leading, great book. Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, and this book I bought years ago, it came out in 2010, and I've read most of it, and it's a great book on communication. So anyways, there are so many other books that he's written, and one just came out, if I can find the name of that book, it's right here, Change Your World. Change Your World came out right in the middle of the pandemic, and he was calling people to step up and be the leader you're supposed to be, be the change agent, be the one who is courageous, and it was a great, great book.

There's so much in this book that I can talk about, but let's just look at the first one, which is The Law of the Lit. Leadership ability determines a person's level of effectiveness. I think that's something that really helped me a lot, knowing that it doesn't matter how good at a task I am, if you can't lead, you're going to, you can be effective, but you won't be maximally effective.

Your ability to lead determines how effective you are. I heard a preacher say one time in a message, he said, God did not give him that big church at the time he was really praying for that big church, it didn't happen. And he said this, and I've often quoted him or put it in my words, he said, if I had gotten the church, the one I have right now, back then, I would have brought it down to my size. That's true. And same thing, clearly today, I mean, it's a booming, great, big church, but if I had this church 20 years ago, I would have whittled it down to my level. I think that's tough for people who are, like when you're there, it's easy to acknowledge, but when you're here and you're like, I'm not ready for what I desperately want, that's a hard pill. That's something we've talked about, too. We're not saying don't dream, don't have a vision, don't have a big hope for the future.

Set those goals high, set those goals far out and big and sensational. But the prayer is not God give me that, it's God make me ready for that, make me able to handle that. It's also a generational thing, too, because I don't think, I mean, I'm not you specifically, but I didn't grow up hearing you have to work hard for what you want. I grew up hearing you can have what you want in life, you're special. You can be whatever you want to be. You can do anything you want to do and be anything you want to be.

So it's like, I want to lead worship for a 2,000-member church. So to hear, hey, you're not ready, at 21 years old, you're not ready for that. That stings, yeah, it hurts. And now at 32, it's like, well, of course, yeah, that makes perfect sense. But back then, that was tough to hear. Yeah, because you're seeing people successful who are young, and your mind says, why them, not me? Yeah, yeah.

What are they doing that I'm not doing? Oh, yeah, I can dress like them, I can act like them, I can talk like them. But what you don't understand is there's so much more to that person than meets the eye. That's what you're seeing behind that screen or on TV or whatever, there's so much more about that person.

They are a good business manager. Now, I may not agree with that person's theology, okay? I may not agree with everything on John Maxwell's theology. I'm not looking to him for my theological views.

As long as his core views are where they need to be, I'm okay with that. And they are. But you have to really understand that that person has become successful because they had other things in place. Of course, God had a plan for them, but they had other things in place. That's exactly right.

Business, vision casting, perseverance, hard work, education, the right team, they understood the culture to which they were talking to, the culture in which that church was set. And so when I would look at that, I would go, oh, wait, yeah, now I know why they are doing it and I'm not. I gotta get there. Where do I need to get there? And then I began to study and research and talk to people and read books and books like this and began to slowly make a difference. It really helped me a lot when we started doing this stuff because I would look at some of those people that were in my field and say, okay, ask that same question.

What do I need to do to get there? And the answer was never better tech. The answer was never better musicianship. It was always be a better leader, be a stronger person, be a better Christian. John Maxwell says it here in this first chapter in a kind of a box, he says, the higher you want to climb, the more you need leadership. The greater the impact you want to make, the greater your influence needs to be.

True. That's the law of the lid. So if I want to be part of something successful, I've got to stretch my capacity as a leader. And it's like from there, it just opens the door to so many other conversations. We talked about this a little bit yesterday, but young people's minds are so influenceable that when you say stuff like that, like if you were to read that quote to them, the law of the lid, everything to a young person is new and they're like, oh, I never thought about it that way before. And that's how they get sucked into all these TikTok influencers so easily. And Dr. Shaw, I think you said it yourself, they put it in such a way that's fresh and new and it's like, I never thought of it that way before.

It must be true. So also with you guys, when you're doing the leadership initiative going through John Maxwell's program, because they're so influenceable, they're learning real foundational leadership truths. And I think the way that this book is written really fosters that for a young person's mind. I was like, I don't know how old we were.

I think I was like 23, 24 when we read this for the first time. And I remember every chapter had that, oh my goodness, that makes sense. Here's another chapter, which is chapter number nine, the law of magnetism, which says who you are is who you attract. Yeah. Very true. Yeah. Very true. So of course, I'm from India living in the southern part of the United States in North Carolina in Henderson, which is a black and white community.

So very divided. And so, okay, if you go by that, who you are is who you attract, well, there are not many Indians here. So you have to read deeper into that principle. It's not just your outward appearances, it's more about how you think, who you are, what you believe, what you stand for, what your convictions are. That's what is being referred to here.

Not just how, what color or what tint is my skin, what is my skin pigmentation or what is my hairstyle or how do I dress? Okay. Those things may attract people, but they're not going to sustain people in the long run. Do you think it works on the negative side of that as well? Meaning whatever my weaknesses are, if I don't seek and grow out of those weaknesses, I'm going to attract.

You attract. If you play the victim all the time, you will have victim mindset people around you. If you're constantly critical about everything, it just cannot help it, but be critical. Now there are people who are critical and it's good criticism. It's criticism that helps you. There's criticism that makes you better. There's criticism that challenges you. It's really coaching.

Yeah. But then there's also cruel criticism, which is criticism just to be mean. If you're around those kinds of people, you will attract people who are just like you and they're just cruel in their criticism.

They don't care about your growth. They just want to tear you down. And those are the kinds of people you'll attract.

So yeah, the law of magnetism is very important. You have the people around you because that's how you are. Here's one more I want to give to you guys, which will help you go ahead and go right now and buy this book or download it on Kindle or whatever, which is the law of victory, which is number 15. Leaders find a way for the team to win.

Okay. Team. So the team concept is very important. John Maxwell says it too, and I don't know if he's saying it because he came up with it or he got it from somebody else, which is if you want to go fast, go by yourself. If you want to go far, take others with you. True. And this book talks about that. Yeah.

That's a great point. That's something that you emphasize a lot here, Dr. Shaw, is the team that we work with. When did the team become, I guess, a goal for you or when did it become that driving force for you? I would say back in 2009, and we moved in 2008, January into the new building, which is not this one. It was a Jehovah's Witness building that was rented out to us. We met there and began to change our constitution, our bylaws, all that stuff.

And actually not the constitution, the core values and mission statement, vision statement, we began to examine that and then cast the vision for where are we going to be in the next five years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years. 2009, God began to grow the church. It grew immediately, but then a lot of people who came to the front door walked out the back door because they were coming there for the wrong reason.

Another church was going through a turmoil and they came, but then they left. But I got a glimpse of what our church could be at that point. And I began to pray, I said, God, take me to the next level of leadership. And I had learned some other lessons, being creative, how do you publicize things, how do you organize things, organize events, reach the community, all these things. But I knew that it was time to get help.

So in 2009, began the process of seeking out somebody to come alongside me. So that's when the whole idea of team began. Wow, that's amazing. It was just one person at the time.

Yeah, but look what it's grown into today. Yeah, today we had like 10, 12 people, yeah. Beautiful. God's brought the right people at the right time.

That's right. So good. Love this book. Hopefully it was helpful for you guys. If you're looking to pick up a copy, we can leave a link in the description box below, 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.

If you find yourself in a leadership position or if you're thinking about that one day, this is a great resource for you. If you enjoyed today's episode, write in and let us know, 2525825028, or you can visit us online at Don't forget you can partner with us financially on that same website, be a part of what God is doing through the Clear View Today Show to impact the nations with the gospel.

John, what's coming up tomorrow? Talking about an undeniable reality of the Christian faith and that is doubt. You know, I don't know if you guys know this, but we've had at least 10 or 11 people write in in the last year asking us to talk about doubt. People feel bad for doubting God.

Yeah. People don't know if it's a sin or not to doubt. They point to doubting Thomas. They point to all sorts of people in the Bible who doubted. So we're going to talk about that.

How do you have doubt and or how do you really, how do you reconcile doubt in your Christian faith? I love you guys. You guys are here.

Love you guys. We'll see you tomorrow on Clear View Today. What's going on?

Clear View Today family. John here and I want to let you know about a movie being produced right here in North Carolina called Resurrecting Eden. This is a love story.

It's a period piece set in the Southern United States between two slaves who find themselves on opposite ends of slave society. There's an executive team who's putting this movie together and they're calling for actors and sponsors right here in North Carolina, Triangle area and beyond. There's two very important meetings happening on Saturday, April the 20th. There's a sponsorship breakfast happening at 9 30 a.m. And then the casting call for the movie is happening later that same day from two to four p.m. And both those meetings are being held at Clear View Church and Henderson. But it is happening very soon. So if you're an actor or a potential sponsor in the North Carolina area, you can reach out to 252-572-2358 to register. Again that number is 252-572-2358 and we're going to leave all the relevant information in the description below.
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