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Tuesday, January 9th | The Presidency of Richard Nixon

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
January 9, 2024 6:00 am

Tuesday, January 9th | The Presidency of Richard Nixon

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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January 9, 2024 6:00 am

In this episode of Clearview Today, Dr. Shah talks about the good and the bad of the presidency of Richard Nixon.

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This episode of Clearview today is brought to you by Mighty Muscadine. Ryan, are you looking to boost your immune system? I'm so ill that I fainted right before we turn the show on.

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That's right. You guys can help us keep the conversation moving forward by supporting the show. You can share it online with your friends and your family. Leave us a good review on iTunes or Spotify. Absolutely nothing less than five stars.

We watch it like a hawk every day. And listen, we've been appreciative of all the five star reviews that we've been getting and the nice comments. You know, someone named us their podcast of 2023. Yeah, I saw that. I'm going to find it and read it after the break. But again, we are... Where was that? What did I say already?

Oh, we're going to leave you guys some links in the description so you can do everything we're asking you to do. Today's verse of the day is coming to us from Revelation chapter one and verse eight. Jesus says, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. I love that we talked yesterday about, you know, Christ being there at creation.

And then now, you know, Jesus in Revelation says, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He is the frame of creation and beyond. He is everything. And that word, that term almighty, we just kind of throw that around sometimes. He's powerful.

It loses its meaning if you say it enough times, but almighty. He is the one. He is the most powerful. He is over everything. He is sovereign over all creation. I mean, we can't overstate his authority.

Right. Your existence revolves around him, whether you believe it or not, whether you acknowledge him as the king or not. Everything that exists revolves around the centerpiece, which is Jesus Christ. And we really emphasize Jesus Christ as well because a lot of people will just say, well, just God is everything. But God is this ethereal, mystical force to them, you know, this higher power. But to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord, it puts specificity and it puts agency to your faith. And it puts you in a camp. And a lot of people today are loathed to do that.

They don't want to put themselves in any specific place or camp. Yeah. Well, the Bible tells us that God the Father has given all authority to Jesus. Yeah. He is Christ is the one. That's right.

Not that there's any division or schism in the Godhead, in the Trinity, but God the Father has said, I have given this position of prominence and authority to Christ because of what he has done for not only humanity, but for the world. That's right. Let's just let's just take a deep breath. Breathe it in. Blow all that out because it's Tuesday. It is.

And you know what that means. It's time for the gripe vine. Welcome to the gripe vine, everybody. Welcome to the gripe vine.

We had a hard shift out of like deep theological truths into complaining. You held a lock-in the other day. I did. You wanted to play some Kahoot. I did. I did.

All right. So for those of you who are listening and you have no idea what a lock-in is, number one, why? Were you ever in youth group? Number two, a lock-in is where you get a bunch of teenagers in youth group and you just hang out all night, literally. Some lock-ins, people go to sleep. I say those lock-ins are lame because you just stay up all night.

Yeah, that's just a sleepover. Right. Yeah. I mean, that's not a lock-in. A lock-in is you're going to stay up all night and you're going to regret it the next day. Right, right. So ours, our New Year's lock-in, New Year's Eve to New Year's Day, 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Tons of fun.

We had like over 70 students there. It was a great time. One of the things that we did was play 2023 Wrapped, which is a themed Kahoot, and it's about all the things in 2023. Now there's some old Kahoots listening to this right now saying, what in the world is Kahoot? What is Kahoot? All right, so Kahoot- Back in my day, we just threw sticks. Kahoot is a trivia platform that you can create these trivia games online and students through Wi-Fi log in with their phones, their devices, and use that to select their answers. And it's a competition.

It's a trivia game. We hosted Kahoot. Great. Love that for us. Wonderful time. So students are logging in and you create your user name. Brilliant piece of- Here's where I made my critical error.

This is what makes Kahoot fun. Here's where I made my critical mistake. There's a room of 70 teenagers hopped up on caffeine. Okay? The promise of staying up all night is laying before them. They're hype.

They're having a great time, as they should be. That leads to some names chosen for Kahoot profiles that are, I'll put it this way, in a church setting less than desirable. Here's my advice, because I was a teenager who put inappropriate names. We didn't have Kahoot, but we had things like, well, we had Jackbox, right? And that was on like an Xbox or whatever. I was only a little young.

I was like college age. But I also was an inappropriate namer. And we had Worms. It was Worms Battlegrounds, so you could name your own worms.

Oh, gosh, yeah. And Xbox Live wouldn't let you put inappropriate names, right? So you need to get clever.

The names have to sound inappropriate, but be nonsense. That's my advice. If you're out there, if you're a teenager and you're playing Kahoot games and you want to be inappropriate, use Dive Muffin or use Peef Rimguard. They will give you that little... They hit the ears harshly, but they don't mean anything.

It'll get you the reaction you want without having to break the rules. I want to ask Dr. Shaw if he's ever encountered... 100%. Working in the education system, I would imagine that he has encountered teenagers trying to do mischievous things.

100%. He was a teenager. I'm sorry. He was a teacher and then a principal, so he 100% dealt with that.

Write in and let us know if you were that teenager or if you've encountered teenagers doing that. Write in and let us know. 2-5-2-5-8-2-5-0-2-8. Or you can visit us online at We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this. We'll be back after this.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-01-09 08:30:42 / 2024-01-09 08:37:41 / 7

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