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CGR TUESDAY 031423 Ken Thornberg Three Evils Enemy Hiding in Plain Sight Matt Long the Danger of the CCP

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
February 14, 2023 9:57 pm

CGR TUESDAY 031423 Ken Thornberg Three Evils Enemy Hiding in Plain Sight Matt Long the Danger of the CCP

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Sexual predators and comprehensive sex education both break down inhibitions. That's what they start with. They also gain trust with the child and then slowly start to get them towards sexual activity.

Anything goes. You are teaching children adult child sex. You're teaching transgender issues. Children are moldable.

And influenced by that. They said, okay, now we need you and your team to be able to explain what homosexuality is to a four-year-old student. To introduce this kind of material at that age, frankly, it's child abuse. You're going to teach our children that it's okay for any two children of any age of any sex to have sexual intercourse with each other as long as two components are present. It's not a neutral venue.

There's no such thing. Okay, the schools are doing your job. They are discipling your children.

But they're not discipling them in the faith of Jesus Christ. It's only the exceptional child that even survives that system. Most do not survive.

Most have not survived. They believe that children are sexual from birth and that they do not have a sexual background. They deserve and have the right to be sexually active and to seek sexual pleasure. And if anyone is stopping them from that, then you are judging and oppressing them. Even kindergarten now, they're wanting to teach them more and more perverse information and acts and put that into the children's minds. They're being orchestrated.

In my humble opinion, it will be worse before it gets better. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. And now chosen generation where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. So we've been, man, we've talked about a lot of things today. We started out, we got into some conversation. I wanted to talk to you a little bit about, well, about the racism issue.

We got into talking about the statue, the New York, the new New York Ginsburg pro-abortion statue, the mutilation of art, the attempts. And I read to you out of the 45 goals of the Communist Party and what they have to say about that. Oh, I didn't do that. All right. So a lot of information passed on to you today.

And there we go. And very important, I hope that you caught it. And then we talked about marriage as well. We talked about today being Valentine's Day.

We talked about husbands and wives and things that you can do to improve your marriage. Remembering that what God has done in you and not making your wife or your husband an idol, that the source of your fulfillment and completion is not your spouse. It's God. God is the one who's completed you.

And so important to reflect on and know and understand those things. So I hope you were blessed by all of that. And I'm very, very excited to welcome my next guest to the program. He's with us on a bimonthly basis. And he is the founder and CEO of Freedom Encounters. He has all been my trainer and mentor regarding deliverance ministry.

He's been doing it for over 40 years now. And I'm very pleased to welcome to the program, Mr. Ken Thornburg. Ken, welcome. Good to have you. Hey, it's always great to be with a crazy man like you. It's just wonderful.

Oh, man. Well, there's there's a lot for us to get into today. I was talking to the audience in the first segment to about, you know, some of the artwork that they've put up. Did you see that new statue that they put up in in New York over the New York Supreme Court?

Yes. You know, and I think it speaks to, you know, what what you and I have concerns about, I guess would be an appropriate terminology for it. And and, you know, what, what it symbolizes really, obviously, it's, you know, specific to New York and its Supreme Court.

But it really has, I believe, implications for our nation as a whole. Well, yeah, because New York City is pretty much where it all began. A lot of, you know, American history started there.

You know, the first, the first of this, the first of that, the first of everything before it expanded. And so, and of course, New York is the one city that most people from out of the country visit first, unless they're coming over the border in the south, of course. But I mean, as far as visitors, legitimate people, legitimate visitors, business people, everything, the first place they come is New York. And in fact, there's a lot of people that never leave New York before they go home. And they consider that a view of America. So when we're in Europe, we tell people, well, there's the United States, and then there's New York. New York is really not a part of the United States.

Really. And people, they listen to what we have to say. We explain to them, you know, there's a borough there that has, you know, a million Russians that can't even speak English.

It's the only place in America where that's the case. So they're just quite amazed at what we have to share. But that, you know, to me, that whole symbol, that statue is a sign of Satan being both overt and covert.

For example, there are extremely powerful people, billionaires, people that are worth, you know, more than what some states bring in and their entire business community and their entire state in the year. And these people are Satanists, but they don't advertise this. What they support and where they put their money is in helping develop Satanism, kind of like the Grammy Awards did this last week.

CBS, which is quite shocking. And on one hand, you have the covert people appearing publicly, like they're good, wonderful, great folks. And on the other hand, you have Satan coming out from the shadows in the last decades now, becoming out into the observable dimension of human events, making himself very well known, promoting himself. And people wonder, how can this happen? How can this happen in America, just like with the Grammys? I mean, it took most everybody by storm. It totally shocked them to the point where they didn't have time to object, to change it, to stop it from occurring. Now, it looks like it's an acceptable thing, satanic clubs in the schools.

No one probably listening to this broadcast would be saying, I would have expected that to happen. Sure. Of course, someday there's going to be satanic clubs and schools. Really?

I don't think so. And those of us have been around a little longer than many of those listeners absolutely would not have expected that. So we have this covert thing where the people pushing it are not being open and public about what they truly believe, about the fact that they literally worship Satan, and that's one of the reasons they have their billions of dollars.

Because to those who worship him, he supplies their desires, he gives them what they want on this earth, only to give them the big shock when it's all over. No, no, no, I follow you. The other side to that is that there are signs that there is a pushback against that. I was really impressed to read about the Hunt family that owns the Kansas City Chiefs. All of their posts, everything that they have shared, has a biblical connotation, not just a connotation, but quotes, you know, scripture verses, and you listen to, there was Steve Wozniewski, I believe is his name, former player from the Chiefs was talking about that. And that was one of the reasons that he went to that organization was because Clark Hunt, who now owns the team, Lamar Hunt's son, is very open about his relationship with Jesus Christ. A lot of the players are, I mean, they're quarterbacks.

And by the way, there were a number of players on Philadelphia's side as well. And I find it interesting now that there is this kind of this pushback within the NFL of saying, hey, wait a minute, we are going to start speaking up. We are going to start talking about our faith. I think part of that is because just like in Hollywood, Hollywood is realizing that people of faith do go out and buy movie tickets and watch films.

And, you know, and it's in their best interest to serve that audience. And so I think to some degree, the NFL may be doing that. And I think we, as you said, I don't think we should assume then that, oh, everything's good.

And we're and we're, you know, we're headed back to wherever it is, we think we're headed because I don't, that's not what's going on, obviously. And it's, I don't believe it's going to happen. And I think that probably disappoints a lot of people listening, they would rather not believe that. I read a quote, and it kind of fits in with what John Eldridge has written in his latest book called Resilient, which I recommend people obtain a copy of and read. It says what kind of man is able to withstand the dissolution of the comfort culture and keep standing.

Young E. Cho, who was the pastor, leading pastor of the largest church in the world out of South Korea, said the following about America. The dollar is king. Entertainment is its queen. And sports is his crown prince. What have we just been talking about?

Entertainment and sports. And this is something for people to really consider. And I would suggest they write this down and pray about it.

And what is their role in it? Are they able to stand against it? This is what's created the comfort culture and help cause America to become weak.

And I'll read it one more time before our break. The dollar is king. Entertainment is its queen. And sports is his crown prince. Well, and I would add 116 million watching the Super Bowl, the largest of all time that kind of gives you a clue. Well, and I would suggest, too, that you also pointed out billionaires.

And so you actually have already touched on all three. Back after this. If you are testing your blood sugar four or more times daily, injecting insulin three or more times daily, or using an insulin pump, call the Diabetes Solution Center right now to learn about this groundbreaking new CGM technology. And if you have Medicare, you can get a new CGM at little to no out-of-pocket cost.

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Take that bold step and call Addiction Helpline America at the number below or visit My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Now, more than ever, all U.S. veterans need your help if you have an old car, truck, or van. You can donate it today and help them, and they'll come pick it up for free. Plus, the money raised helps our nation's disabled veterans and their families.

Call the number on your screen right now. Within a few days, we'll come and tow it away for free, running or not. And the proceeds greatly help U.S. veterans, so please call right now.

And welcome back to Children's Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And my sincere pleasure again to welcome my very dear friend and the founder of Freedom Encounters. And listen, if this is a prayer ministry for deliverance, there is no Christian anywhere that doesn't need deliverance ministry so that you can begin to enjoy the absolute freedom and the full measure of the words that Jesus spoke from the cross when he said, It is finished. And I so encourage you, really, this is not a costly process. The victory over spiritual conflict is 85 bucks for over 20 hours of incredible teaching. And then you can find someone near you to take you through the prayer process, which takes about two to three hours, and then maybe some follow up after that, depending on your situation. You can make a donation to that individual.

You work that out with them. If you're interested, if you'd like me to help you with that, I'm happy to do so. We can make an appointment.

You can do it by Skype or Zoom or in person. Either way, all of that will work because it's God that does the work. Jesus Christ is the one who does the surgery. And I just wanted to get out there, Ken, for folks. Again, And then, of course, also, anyone who's been vaccinated ever should engage in being prayed for.

The prayer that we prayed last time that Ken was here about three weeks ago, and it is available for you at their website at That's right. And I should mention, when it comes to preparation, we have edited the victory over spiritual conflict preparation to about 10 hours.

Oh, wow. Yeah, so it's really been reduced. It's a lot easier.

People can purchase the media or they can stream it over our website. The other thing that people need to know, in case they don't, is that Freedom Encounters Deliverance has no manifestations. Amen. They need to understand this. It's not a Hollywood thing. Yep.

You know, Hollywood's given this stupid idiotic idea of screaming, shouting, and spinning heads, and who knows what. And vomit and all that other kind of stuff. If you bring a friend to your deliverance, there's a good chance they're going to fall asleep during your prayer time. I'm serious. I've had a lot of people do that.

Yep. It's not scary. It's not weird. It's a conversation literally like Ken and I are having right now. Honest to goodness, I've done hundreds of these. You've done thousands. But I'm telling you, I've been involved with the ministry now for 20 years, and I can just tell you, it is the most efficient, most effective deliverance ministry that I have seen.

And I've talked to people who have come from other places that use Freedom Encounters. Is it the end all be all of everything that you may need? That's not what we're saying. Right. But it is going to clean your house. It is going to get you ready so that other healing that is needed, any other healing that is needed, has the opportunity to stick. It has the opportunity to be able to take root because it will be the only thing on the inside taking root. Okay.

There won't be anything else there to interfere with it. And that is so important. It makes a big difference. Yep.

Gigantic. And we give people the tools to help them do that also. All right.

Only about two minutes and I apologize, but let's very quickly get back on what we were talking about regarding where we are and perhaps where we can be. Well, it's an idolatrous Trinity, you know, sex, money, and power. Those three have influenced every single person. Now, another quote, another point that I was wanting to share today was about social media. Joyce Meyer for a lot of years have had a saying she would do up in front of a group of people and people would laugh because they identified with it. And here's what you would say. What about me? What about me? What about me?

And everybody would laugh and then she'd say, are you laughing because it applies to you and everybody's nodding their heads like this. Social media is the platform for the big me. Think about it. Think about it. Think about what you're putting on to Twitter or Facebook or Instagram or, you know, whatever alphabetic thing that you want to put together.

And of course, the Chinese communist program of TikTok. OK, think about that and what it needs to be. And this is where I want to challenge our listeners and viewers. It's all about the big he, not me.

What are we doing? Amen. It's all about him. That's the key. The key is, is to get the focus on the focus.

And that's really been the theme of our program today. OK, even when you're talking about the relationship, she doesn't complete you. He doesn't complete you. Not that he.

The he. God is the source. God is the one. Plug into him and you'll have everything for life and godliness. That's what he's promised us.

Everything for life and godliness. But you got to be plugged into the right source. Plug into God today. Through Jesus Christ, his son.

That's the only way to plug in. Ken, thanks so much for being with me today. We're going to take a break.

Back with more coming up. Matt Long and I will be on it right after this brief break. Are you or someone you love struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and want to be set free from the chains of addiction? Then call Addiction Helpline America right now to get the help you need. From drug and alcohol addiction to dual diagnosis treatment, we provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy, substance-free lives. With one call, you can be on the phone with addiction specialists across the country who will guide you on the next steps to find the freedom and healing you desperately need. Call Addiction Helpline America at the number below. We provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy, substance-free lives. One phone call today can change your life forever.

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That's, coupon code chosengenradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Neither products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Call the Diabetes Solution Center right now to learn about this groundbreaking new CGM technology. And if you have Medicare, you can get a new CGM at little to no out of pocket cost. Shipping is free and will even bill your insurance company for you.

If you are testing your blood sugar four or more times daily, injecting insulin three or more times daily, or using an insulin pump, call the Diabetes Solution Center right now to learn how you can get your own continuous glucose monitor or CGM at little to no out of pocket cost. Hi, I'm Tim Schaff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that... Back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And good morning, good morning, good morning. It is so great to be with you. Welcome to Chosen Generation Radio and the Matt Long Show as we join forces here together. It's great to be with all of my dear friends in the Hill Country Patriot Radio. And I'm going to do it.

Shout out to my friend Harley. And it was fun to hear his voice in my ear. It's been a while. So that was great fun, man. I enjoyed that.

All right. Hey, well, so you're in the snake pit, right? I am. I'm just outside of the snake pit and beautiful down here.

I got my tall boots on and I'm ready to wade into the deep end or the shallow end or whatever. But my biggest concern right now is, you know, we've been being about the Chinese balloon, the Chinese this, the Chinese that. Seems like I don't know if we're being distracted while something else is going on.

That's one theory I'm hearing. But since I pay a lot of attention to the Texas border and not a whole lot of China, I'm finding out that we have had an over 700 percent increase in the number of Chinese nationals crossing our southern border illegally. In fact, in the first quarter, which starts in October of last year, October, November and December, we had almost as many in that three month period that we did crossing in the entire maximum time period recording the message. If you are satisfied with your message, press one to listen to your message.

Three, you know, just last week. Thank you. Your message has been sent goodbye. All right. Thank you. Goodbye.

Thank you, ladies. Listen, you know a whole lot more than China than I do. And so when we had our conversation yesterday, I said, help me out. Let's talk about China today. So I'm turning this over to you there.

Pastor Greg, take it away. Well, we do have a really serious issue when it comes to China. And and and most people, I think, are aware, you know, they've heard the term the CCP.

And and there's a lot of spin out there as as it relates to that to that situation. I think that most people understand that the CCP, which is the Chinese Communist Party, are a huge danger. They have been playing a long game for a very long time. They they have been going into countries and making loans and then putting members of their party on the boards that determine how those funds are spent. And then knowing that the nations that they are loaning to are not going to be able to pay the money back. And there is going to be a time of default, at which point, according to the agreements entered into by these nations, the CCP is able to come in and start really calling the shots. There has been a very slow and very specific effort here against the United States of America.

We talked about this a little bit in, I think, at one point, but it's important to go over and understand that there are essential minerals that are necessary for the production of chips, for the production of virtually everything, medicine, everything else. And China has taken full and complete control of those. At one point in time, the United States of America had the majority, about 29 of the 32 locked up, and we were the ones that provided those to the world. Now we're down to two and China controls the other 30.

And a lot of that has to do with the climate changers and the green climate and all this kind of stuff. But understand that standing behind all of that, pulling all of the strings has been the CCP. They have infiltrated our government. Go ahead. Well, I was just thinking, you know, I got to put on my pin foil hat here.

Let me ask a dumb question. It seems like they're spreading their influence and power everywhere at the ports and the airports, like you just mentioned, around the world. Chinese are now sneaking in across the border.

We've got the balloons and whatever those other objects in the sky are. All of this going on and the Chinese tell us they want to take over the world. Is that really, I mean, when I say that, it sounds like a crazy thing to do. But does China really want to be in charge of the world?

Is that what they want? Well, okay, so let's just for a second, imagine, you know, a world map. Okay? Just for a moment, let's imagine a map of the world.

Okay. And all right, so we're going to imagine this giant map of the world. And when we think about that map of the world, we have to think about, you know, the world globally and the positioning of China and the positioning of Asia. And then where are they in relationship to Israel and the Middle East?

Okay, they're north and east. Yep, exactly. They're coming in from the north and they're going to have to move east, but there is between China, from China to Iran, there's landmass that they move directly into the Middle East and become that threat to Israel. And let's not forget what scripture says about that million man army, right? Right. That revelation talks about that is supposed to march in from where?

From the east. Exactly. Exactly. So, and so I think we need to bring that scriptural context into play here when you're asking the question, well, I mean, am I, is it a tinfoil hat idea to think that, you know, that China, well, I mean, we're talking about a nation of 1.3 billion, 1.4 billion people, right? I mean, I mean, they have a million man army. They've got it.

See, it already exists. So do they plan on taking on the United States? Is that part of their plan? Are they going to invade here?

What do they do? What do you think they're up to? Well, it's multifaceted. I think, number one, we have to understand what unrestricted warfare is. And when you think of the term unrestricted and think of the most horrific interpretation of that, you get close to understanding what we're dealing with. So part of the CCP, part of their plan and part of their, I'm assuming it is, it's probably a five-year plan or a 50-year plan or something like that. And it basically somewhere says unrestricted warfare and that we're just going to diddle around in every country all over the world. And that would be, is that what unrestricted warfare is?

Well, and unrestricted warfare also means, remember, and if you watch, there's a film called Finding Courage that I've talked about a little bit on your program before, but I promote it on mine every day. And I really encourage people to watch this because it's a true story of a family that were CCP journalists. They were propagandists for the CCP. And then they found a faith called Falun Gong. And as a result of finding, and there was a movement of that, and as a result of finding that faith of Falun Gong, they started to be persecuted. When the family's sister was murdered in one of their camps, and the brother was tortured for 12 years.

And all the evidence exists, and five of the guards that were involved in that torture are in this film talking about why they did what they did. And at the end of the day, the bottom line is, is it was about money. They're an atheistic culture.

They don't believe in God. And the only thing that motivates them, that drives them, is the almighty dollar, because that's all they have to live for. So the more money that the government would throw at the guards, the more they would do. And they were told, torture them. And the more you torture them, the more will pay you. The more they scream, the more money will give you. And so we've got to connect those dots with the idea of unrestricted warfare. So yes, so what do you do if you want to destroy your enemy? First of all, you have to get hold of their economy, of their economics.

You've got to have some form of control. So what have they done? What did they do that we watched them do over the last 30 or 40 years? They bought up all of our debt. Yeah, they kept buying up our debt. And now what they have done, because they hold all of those notes, they're now going around the edges, and they're working with countries like Russia and Iran and others. And they're saying, listen, when we talk about one of the things that has held us, that we've held our power was an agreement that we made with Saudi Arabia, we will provide you with security, as long as you make sure that OPEC and the purveyors of oil don't sell oil, except for the US dollar. That's the only way you can buy oil. Well, now the Chinese have control of oil. And they're saying we'll sell and buy oil. And we're going to use our yen, we're going to use a different means of commerce. Wow, yeah, and eliminate the dollar.

Absolutely. Let me ask you this to just kind of close out this idea. So at this moment in time, right now, Valentine's Day 2023, if China wanted to be very aggressive, I mean, let's just say short of a land invasion, right? Let's just say that China wakes up this morning, and they said, we've had it with the United States. We're just gonna we're just gonna shut down everything would be would be would we today, if it were to happen today, how much how deep of a trouble how big how much trouble would we be in today? Well, I think initially, we would be in some in some pretty significant trouble, it would take us probably at least six months to a year. And and of course, remember that, unlike in World War Two, we don't have an industrial base anymore.

Right, right. We don't have the tools we have on this continent, within the United States, all of those elements that we quit harvesting, and gave away to China. We have the capability of taking all of that back and doing it all within our continent. Just like under the Trump presidency, we became literally energy independent. Yeah, we have that ability.

The short answer is they could do a lot of harm to right today. Absolutely. Right now we still have the ability to crawl back out of it. But it might take some time. Is that does that kind of is that we're not completely defeated right now.

But if we're pretty close to it, if we don't get our act together, is that another way to look at it? Well, and and and we've got to get away from, you know, and people were talking about it a lot more now, which I'm glad that they are, but we've got to get away from the comfort concept. You know, we've got to stop making we cannot make money, entertainment and sports our gods. We better we better we better put those things down. And we better get God back on the throne. And, and, and, and, you know, we need to start being producers.

And, and, and balance that with our consumption, because right now we are nothing but consumers. Sitting at home getting fat. Yeah, boy, you're not getting fat and happy. That's a good way to wrap up today. I always enjoy coming on with you Tuesdays and I look forward to the time in the future when we can actually sit together again in Austin, up at the Capitol like we used to do years ago back in the day. I pray for your, your recovery to the point where we can, we can join hands and join the fight up here at the Capitol. So thanks again, Pastor Greg for coming on to our program and giving us the opportunity to be on your nationwide program every Tuesday. My sincere pleasure, man. God bless you. God bless the hill country of Texas.

And God bless America. Okay. Health, immune health, anti aging and healthy cell replication vibe is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one out travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clear even believe I slept better get yours today at coupon code chosen Jen radio at checkout receive $20 off your first order $50 or more that coupon code chosen Jen radio get yours today.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration negative products do not treat reduce cure or prevent disease. We always promise you a free consultation. Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to chosen generation radio get more at chosen generation That's chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical class.

is always fun to be with my good friend Matt long over there at Hill Country Patriot Radio, and the Matt long show. I just want to encourage you to continue folks as I've shared in the past, share, share, share this program with your friends tell everybody you know about watching the show. chosen generation radio is is predicated on understanding a biblical worldview of the battle that we are in. And I want to read something to you that I wrote earlier this morning. And, and it really kind of embraces a lot of what we talked about the 45 goals of the Communist Party described the destruction of our artwork. And just to give you an example, here's here's this is this is a piece of art that is supposed to embody. Hang on a minute, let me, let me get these names pulled off of here but this is a piece of art that is supposed to somehow embody Martin Luther King Jr. Okay. There are a lot of people who have expressed deep concerns about the message that this sends.

Here's another Martin Luther King Jr. tribute I guess you is, is, is what I understand that it is. So let's see. recently closed. Well now is not interesting. You don't want to give me recently closed, why not?

Why do you not want to give me recently closed. Now you're frozen completely. This is just bizarre.

So you have MLK Jr. Then we had. I guess it's way down here. So, I put up for you earlier. Oh, I guess I'll give you give you this view. But, you know, here's another one of these absolutely preposterous looking deals.

A horn horn headed woman. And there's a full size one at the New York Supreme Court. All right, so here we go 45 goals the Communist Party describes the destruction of our artwork The solution is understanding the art of man is evil. Unfortunately the church is not resounding with the powerful message of true transformation. The church has embraced LGBTQ shutdowns abortion illegal immigration and injections, because they do not know God.

They do not believe in the power of the cross and that it is finished. First Peter two, nine and 10 says, you know, we are a children generation a royal priesthood is a holy people. We fight for our nation because I believe that God ordained America for his purpose you can't separate the Declaration of Independence from the Constitution. Our Constitution outlines the republic form of representative government based on rights guaranteed by our creator more powerful is knowing that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are who we are not rights handed to us by God. Not rights handed to us, but God breathed into our being life breathed into us by God liberty from tyranny, which is a heart set free from the root of sin and a heart set on being the best one can be before a God that is given everything for life and godliness from a pragmatic approach Christianity creates opportunities for all because it values all life that is why Jefferson studied all religions and concluded that only a Christian based system would work. Again, I'm going to reiterate the church's greatest issue greatest problem is they keep putting God in a box and, you know, when we talk about Sadducees and Pharisees.

Jesus didn't say don't do what the Sadducees and Pharisees are telling you related to doing the right thing and following the law, he said that he said don't discard what they say don't follow what they do. Because what they did was is they took all of the law and they took all of those things and they taught some of that. But then they also added in their flavoring that said that guess what, it's all it's all a failed system.

It doesn't it doesn't work. And, and so they made attempted to make more adjustments that were man's plan not God's plan. And they put God in this box. And they create they kept creating scenarios with their God in a box. And that's the God that they worship.

And that's the God that they shared, and that's the God that they wanted everybody to follow. And Jesus said, that's why, that's why he said to them, that not only do you, not only are you not headed to heaven, not only are you not going to make it, but you teach in such a way that you bring others into the same bondage that you are woe to you. Woe to the church right now.

And I say this, oh my goodness, I say this with love. Woe to the church right now. Woe to those that are putting God in a box and suggesting that God didn't finish the work with his son Jesus Christ at the cross. Woe. Woe to you. Jesus said it's finished.

Oh my goodness. That's a powerful message. Just say it with me.

I believe that it is finished. And in the name of Jesus Christ, I receive the full measure of the transformation that he paid the price for me to have. He is my Lord. He is my savior. I am washed and set clean and set free. In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare it over myself right now. Amen. God bless you. Stay tuned. Sondra Whitten coming up in Texas Fully Loaded right, right, right now. As soon as I push this button, I kid you not, they're coming. Here we go.
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