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CGR MONDAY 020623 Rick Manning CCP Balloon We Must Become Self Sufficient Adrian Kubricki Poland Rusia Ukraine

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
February 6, 2023 2:04 pm

CGR MONDAY 020623 Rick Manning CCP Balloon We Must Become Self Sufficient Adrian Kubricki Poland Rusia Ukraine

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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That's chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

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That's We thank and praise God that God has enabled us to put the board well here in this community with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and chosen generation ministry and this community is so grateful because now they are getting pure and fresh water in their home and they are doing well and their health is doing good. Therefore, we would like to request all our supporters and Pastor Greg Young and their chosen generation ministry that there are many villages in Punjab. Those who are really having big problem of getting pure and fresh water in their villages in their communities and if God is putting in your heart to donate anything to do or to put or to put the board wells in a needful and poor villages then you can directly contact Pastor Greg Young or a chosen generation ministry and we pray and we bless all the people those who have been doing and supporting this board well through Pastor Greg Young and chosen generation ministry and this pastor is doing the ministry in this community and please keep us in your prayer and we are praying for all those who have been supporting to put this board well through Pastor Greg Young and chosen generation ministry God bless you and God be with you all and always keep us in your prayer we are also praying for you thank you and you can you can see the board well that we have put here and it's giving water for for the people thank you very much and thank you very much to chosen generation ministry God bless you thank you welcome to chosen generation with your host Pastor Greg Young but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy and now chosen generation where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses and now here's your host Pastor Greg and welcome to the program great to have you with me thanks so much for being here i know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day and i thank you for keeping it tuned here to show generation radio well my my dear friends i've got a great great program for you coming up today Larry Klayman is with us uh bottom of hour number three we're going to talk about what why is it that we can find all these documents the Biden documents the Hunter Biden documents the Trump documents but we can't find any evidence to to help us understand who is it that wanted Jeffrey Epstein dead and what secrets does that hold hmm can't figure that one out i don't know Larry Klayman's on it we'll talk about that also Pastor Steve Say is with us today Pastor out of Texas uh spoke up at a new Braunfels City Council meeting about the perversion that's happening to our children and suddenly he is a target was not was not even at January 6th as i understand it uh but you know remember the Biden bus that came through Texas you know the Biden bus campaign where they tried to literally run people off the road with their bus and then claim that it was the people who they tried to run off the road who were responsible and and it was so pathetic that they couldn't even get the DA that Soros bought here in Texas to file the charges so what did they do they filed a civil lawsuit against all those people Pastor Steve's one of those and we'll talk with them about all that coming up I'm going to talk to you about it remember Dudley Moore and the movie Arthur I don't know maybe you do maybe you don't but I want to talk to you today a little bit about how all of those kinds of films Pretty Woman Dudley Moore and Arthur are all designed to break down we go after elite hierarchy but what we also go after is proper moral traditions and etiquette I want you to think about that because they've got to break those morals down to get us to do what they're making us do think about it the injection injection think about shutdowns think about all that stuff uh also Dr David Wormser is with us today we'll get uh boy big news uh sad news big earthquake in uh Turkey 7.8 there are people who are buried alive it's a horrific situation and in the midst of all that Erdogan is making wild and radical threats because well you know Iran China and Russia are getting all the press Erdogan wants his um let's see Adrian Kubeki is going to be with us also the general Polish council out of New York and we'll be talking with him about Poland's role in because understand they understand that Putin's next move is to invade Poland that's his next move and the Polish are saying uh no we want to stop this in Ukraine we don't want them invading our country so there you go we'll talk about that coming up bottom in the hour but right now joining me as he does each and every Monday the president and CEO of Americans for Limited Government and my good friend Rick Manning Rick welcome good to have you hey Pastor Greg how are you I am well I am well and and and this coffee is doing its job this morning so yeah so I'm it's you know each each moment that passes I suddenly feel like brain cells are coming alive it's quite amazing yeah it's miraculous oh my gosh this is crazy all right so uh man um I know everybody's talking about um you know the balloons right I mean that's kind of the the the big thing is everybody's everybody's on the balloons somehow we've bounced okay so but I want to uh I want to share really quick a video that I put up having to do with the the China situation and and the influence of CCP and um this is from a very uh well-known and famous basketball player and let me see if I can get this to come over here so that my viewing audience can see it as well and I hope you win a championship but if you talk about anything if you say anything against Chinese government you're not going to be playing basketball and then be African and I was like well I thought that I thought that was freedom of speech I thought I was going to be playing soccer again and I was like well I thought that I thought that was freedom of speech I thought that was Adam Silver and NBA was preaching for the whole time when it comes to problems are happening in America you know they're the first organization that's saying this is wrong this is what should happen blah blah blah right I was really good friends with Colin Kaepernick till I started criticizing China and Nike now he doesn't even answer either but when it comes to China I now the whole world knows that you know they are bowing down to money and business and they have no morals no values or no bread principles if your mother if your sister if your daughter was in those concentration camps getting tortured and gang rape every day would you still you know pick money and business over your morals values and principles they usually turn around and leave the room they don't answer me I wish I could take you guys in some of the countries out there like China like Iran like Russia like North Korea Venezuela Cuba and you guys will see what a real dictatorship means how can a Chinese dictatorship can pretty much control a hundred percent made American company and fire an American citizen from that company he said this is your last NBA have fun with it I hope you so he was uh he was eliminated from the NBA he's no longer playing they told them this is your last year you've spoken out you're done yeah no that's uh you know NBA makes a lot of money from uh China LeBron James is a billionaire because of his deals in China they have shoe deals with Nike and the like that are all in China and they uh and the fact is they view China as their next big market so yes they're they are going to protect China you know what's more insidious about it is that um when this whole issue came up when the NBA was doing a China tour and people started talking about what was going on and they the general manager for the Houston asked our Houston Astros Houston Rockets right um came out and spoke up he's gone he he got booted um the um and ESPN which is a Disney property um showed was covering the China you know the NBA in China and ESPN showed maps of China that included Taiwan as part of China so they took the Chinese map of their territory which included which wiped out the sovereignty of Taiwan and showed that as the map of China so this isn't just the NBA this is their their television partners and ESPN which is a subsidiary of Disney yeah um which by the way has major holdings in China so yeah this is uh yeah stand up to China lose your career um come on that's uh yeah and just so the folks are clear that was that was if Enos Kanner formerly known as Enos Kanner he changed his name actually to Enos Freedom right and and and he dared absolutely dared to speak against the NBA's golden child whose name you mentioned LeBron James he called out LeBron James for his behavior and his support of the CCP while standing there in quote-unquote solidarity supposedly fighting for black lives matter right while at the same time standing with an absolutely evil entity yeah LeBron James wanted to fight against slavery from 170 years ago and wouldn't stand up against slavery that's happening today okay that's the reality that's the that's the fraudulent nature of what they were doing and one of the things that uh that's kind of you know popping up now and we're beginning to see a little bit um is a real questioning of whether or not America made a mistake in 1998 in giving China most favored nation status also known as permanent normalized trade relations um senator Tom Cotton uh Rick Scott uh and a couple of other senators uh to have a bill that uh is in the senate which would end permanent normalized trade relations with China um I've been working with them closely on in fact they got a note from and say hey the bill you suggested we introduce um a couple years ago we're introducing it so um can you do something on it so it's a so this is not this is an idea that propped it cropped up in my head as I was looking around at what the problem that that was causing and you know I think with a balloon uh surveillance with the predictions we're gonna be at war with them in two years there's absolutely no excuse ever again for anybody to stand up and say oh we we cannot we have to become remain reliant on China we have to have our supply chains all reliant on China that is a recipe for surrender no well and and you know and folks so we so we're you know just to kind of um bring back up so you have this in your arsenal of arrows to speak with this was part of the big issue when it came to the the response that we that we were going to make regarding the what we know now we know it's a Wuhan virus obviously we also know that Fauci and our NIH were literally working in subversion with the CCP against our own people and that's that's treasonous in and of itself and and we know that there's no rule of law under the Biden administration all that being said Rick the reality here is is that we have an essential minerals problem and and until we tell these the and and these wacko greeny climate change policies have to go they're they're not designed to save the planet that that's the first wave of individuals and and and god bless them because they think that they're on this great pure mission but the truth of the matter is is that there's terrorists standing behind you and and a lot of very wicked money standing behind that whose only purpose is the globalization of our nation or of of the world well actually actually it's the weakening of our capacity to be independent and that's the major thing but China is taking advantage of that in terms of rare earth metals and that they control 90% of the known rare earth metals in the world and so they go around they do these deals and they and they have done deals with countries around the world using their uh their silk road policies that say you know we're gonna do we're gonna build you some infrastructure but we control your metals roads and bridges 90% yeah so they control 90% of the the rare earth metals we have plenty here here domestically we just need to mine them and we need to be able to process them yeah we have we have we have within our our continent all of those abilities and and at one time 29 of the 32 we were the dominant player with 29 of the 32 now we're down to where I believe there are only two that we have any control over and we have surrendered the others we'll be back with more coming up right after this here's an image from the diabetes solution center diabetics understand all too well the pain of pricking your fingers but now by wearing a small remote device called a continuous glucose monitor or cgm you can immediately reduce your pain it's easy to use and helps you make more accurate diabetes treatment decisions if you are testing your blood sugar four or more times daily injecting insulin three or more times daily or using an insulin pump call the diabetes solution center right now to learn about this groundbreaking new cgm technology and if you have medicare you can get a new cgm at little to no out of pocket cost shipping is free and we'll even bill your insurance company for you if you are testing your blood sugar four or more times daily injecting insulin three or more times daily or using an insulin pump call the 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people like you get sober and live happy substance-free lives one phone call today can change your life forever don't wait another minute for that right moment to be set free take that bold step and call addiction helpline america at the number below or visit my passion is the fight for freedom my father fought for a world war ii defending our country today we are no longer fighting with guns instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights i am patriot mobile now more than ever all us veterans need your help if you have an old car truck or van you can donate it today and help them and they'll come pick it up for free plus the money raised helps our nation's disabled veterans and their families call the number on your screen right now within a few days we'll come and tow it away for free running or not and the proceeds greatly help us veterans so please call right now did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer visit to support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation now back to chosen generation with pastor greg and welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses my very special guest is rick manning president of americans for limited government get more from him at get get okay rick uh so john tester is uh calling for a hearing he's a democrat senator out of montana calling for a senate hearing to uh i guess investigate what happened here and try to figure out how it is that this balloon traveled from what we understand right literally across the the entire united states including alaska before it's finally spotted by some rancher out in montana that's like hey uh what in the world is that doing up there and and then it takes however long it took before we finally address the issue yeah we didn't get a briefing out of the pentagon until the balloon was over missouri um and um it's uh there's a couple things about this that are that are they're either lies are dangerous and the lies are dangerous too but um number one we know the flight path of the balloon the flight path of the balloon went over over uh alaska we know so went through essentially our norad defense system right you know our where we're expecting missiles to come from russia um over the you know that's we've got a ton of effort looking up in that area we either didn't see it um and it wasn't discovered until montana but we did see it and and a decision was made by the white house to not shoot it down um and not shoot it down when it was in still when it was in our waters our territory waters but not over land okay or not shoot it down okay or not shoot it down over land which is unpopulated so you have a so the that was a decision initially that we were told that the biden administration the white house made the decision not to shoot down the balloon at the end when we finally shot down the balloon the you know the white house said oh we decided to shoot down the balloon we've had an order in to shoot down the balloon all along but the pentagon wouldn't follow the order well if a pentagon didn't follow the order that was issued to shoot down the balloon that's court-martialing that's court-martialing a whole bunch of topics top brass out of the pentagon as president's commander-in-chief but if it's more likely the biden biden gave the no-shoot order and then try to catch it off to uh to the biden to the pentagon afterwards then we had the pentagon say oh there's balloons flying everywhere the blue there are balloons flying over america during the trump administration now they have to admit that oh well but we didn't detect them we looking back we were able to find them but we didn't detect them so what kind of defense what kind of intelligence agency do we have where we can't detect balloons flying 60 000 feet above our um above our uh skies and when we know that balloons are one of the one of the ways an emp could be delivered quite easily into this country and apparently we're not paying attention at all to it so it's a so the either the intelligence community had a catastrophic failure or the bite administration completely went laid on his back put his paws in the air and said we're not going to do anything about it and based on the the records of the two it's really difficult to tell which is which but given the the extraordinary ties that the biden administration has to china it's highly likely that the uh that we were looking at a um that we're looking at a biden administration that did a no-shoot order and that the tails of previous balloons being flown around uh were essential cover-ups uh that made it so yeah i want to i want to in our final two minutes i want to take this into one one other area as well and that is we have a general that has essentially issued a high alert order and and basically said that he believes that war is potentially imminent and that that's that's their goal that the that the goal of the uh ccp for all of this is in fact to put us into uh a a war situation and there is a webinar that you can go if you want to get more information it's called war footing atop us general orders war preparations to deter the ccp and you can find this at present danger china dot org present chain uh danger china dot org uh moderated by frank gaffney panelists or lieutenant general william jerry boykin captain james fennell colonel robert manus colonel grant newsham colonel derek harvey and dr bradley thayer final minute i you know i i know there's all this talk that happens about oh you know these bunch of neacons calling for war china is the one in my opinion that is calling for war and if we don't pay attention to this we're going to be the losers 100 correct you say um once again it goes back to the fact that china has been at war declared war it has on us about 2005 yeah and they have uh been gauging unrestricted warfare against us and this this is an escalation and you can tell it's an escalation by the way the chinese reacted when the balloon was finally shot down you know they they called an aggressive maneuver by us and we you know went uh saber rattling about shooting down a weather balloon it was just a weather balloon they shouldn't have cared so bottom line is we're in trouble and i would suggest anybody who's interested go to that webinar it's really important gaffney's put together a great team on it rick manning thanks for being with me today i greatly appreciate it we'll be back with adrian kubicki coming up right after this brief break we're going to talk poland russia and the ukraine are you or someone you love struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and want to be set free from the chains of addiction then call addiction helpline america right now to get the help you need from drug and alcohol addiction to dual diagnosis treatment we provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy substance-free lives with one call you can be on the phone with addiction specialists across the country who will guide you on the next steps to find the freedom and healing you desperately need call addiction helpline america at the number below we provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy substance-free lives one phone call today can change your life forever don't wait another minute for that right moment to be set free take that bold step and call addiction helpline america at the number below or visit hi i'm kim shep a certified natural health practitioner over 40 years i want to introduce you to a product called ultra shot this is a healthy alternative to the other heavily caffeinated energy drinks out of the market today available at ultra shot has four powerful blends to wake up your senses one ounce ultra shot about six hours of clean energy for me with no jitters or 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by wearing a small remote device called a continuous glucose monitor or cgm you can immediately reduce your pain it's easy to use and helps you make more accurate diabetes treatment decisions if you are testing your blood sugar four or more times daily injecting insulin three or more times daily or using an insulin pump call the diabetes solution center right now to learn about this groundbreaking new cgm technology and if you have medicare you can get a new cgm at little to no out-of-pocket cost shipping is free and will even bill your insurance company for you if you are testing your blood sugar four or more times daily injecting insulin three or more times daily or using an insulin pump call the diabetes solution center right now to learn how you can get your own continuous glucose monitor or cgm at little to no out-of-pocket cost hi i'm tim shep a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years i want to introduce you to a product that changed my life the product is called vibe available at i thought i was on a good nutritional program before i discovered vibe i was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets wasn't really feeling any different so i tried vibe is it all the one vitamin mineral supplement it's a liquid multivitamin it's cold pressed whole food source non-radiate gluten-free and has no pasteurization vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work it supports four areas of the body cardiovascular health immune health anti-aging and healthy cell replication vibe is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go the first time i tried vibe i had more energy in about 20 minutes i started thinking clear even believe i slept better get yours today at coupon code chosen gin radio at checkout and receive twenty dollars off your first order fifty dollars or more that's coupon code chosen gin radio get yours today these statements have not been evaluated by the u.s food and drug administration did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer visit to support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation now back to chosen generation with pastor greg and welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses and i'm i'm very very pleased to be able to welcome to the program uh he is a diplomat sociologist an expert in public relations and communications former journalist and spokesperson uh of lot right polish airlines that's right uh and also the most recently appointed general counsel for poland in stationed in new york that's right thank you for having me good to have you adrian kabicki adrian so let's let's start with and and i and i think what you were just mentioning to me is is an important point to be made as it relates to the situation that we're seeing in the ukraine and why poland would have an interest and a concern in in in everything that's happening and and what putin is doing and certainly a vantage point that most americans don't have and you mentioned about the georgian invasion uh or threatened or threatened georgian invasion in 2009 so let's talk a little bit about that and then and then we'll kind of walk forward from there poland's involvement as it relates to the russian ukraine war and the invasion of ukraine by russia yes uh well poland has a very unique perspective uh regionally obviously ukraine is our direct neighbor so whatever happens uh there somehow has an impact on the stability of the entire region so this is one uh standpoint the poland and polish people are very much concerned about the situation and about the developments it's not very comforting knowing that right at your doorstep there is a regular war which might actually kind of go beyond the the border beyond ukrainian uh border and might actually spill to other countries as well including poland and more on the international level uh we try to where we bring up the awareness and raise the awareness among our allies and among other countries even as distant as united states of america that even though for now this war is local ukrainians are very brave and they're pushing back and the russian invaders russia struggles with the invasion they wanted to take over ukraine within a couple of weeks from the invasion but they were not successful so everything seems local but we know that the ambitious this hunger of russia is greater than just ukraine in 2009 russia attempted the invasion of georgia they sent the the troops to georgia and there was the beginning of something that uh could have converted into the war between russia and georgia but the international community stand up and actually poland was a leading country back then we had our late president lech kaczynski standing in the center of tbilisi the capital of georgia and his words were exactly that and he pointed out that russia started starts here in georgia at the time and but it will go to ukraine it will go maybe uh to baltic countries and eventually perhaps even poland and now we are here 14 years later or 13 years later the invasion started we would we almost mark the the anniversary one year anniversary of this invasion and the polish president polish related president was right and and we were right as poland that this ambitious of russia goes beyond ukraine so something that seems distant to probably most of americans which i understand from the human perspective it's very distant america has its own problems but it's not really very distant and those who remember cold war and the situation back then must ask themselves a question whether there is a this really do we really allow russia to bring the global community to that exact point or maybe even beyond if we not stop them in ukraine right now um they might actually uh bring a lot of struggle to the entire globe to the entire international community well it's you know um i i was looking up so i'm i'm seeing a newsweek article that is uh from four days ago saying russia fleet practices ballistic missile strikes against baltic targets um i mean they they're they're already they're apparently prepared to make a move on the baltics they don't have control of the baltics yet am i right adrian i apologize for not being read up on that oh no problem uh they they don't the baltic countries are members of nato uh which means that attacking one of those countries um gets involved to other countries including united states of america and we know that russia is not capable uh to actually they are not even capable to successfully uh invade or take over ukraine not mentioning obviously nato which is uh much much greener than than uh than ukraine itself but also uh even then than russia military capabilities with that being said uh they play also the game of threats different threats and some of these exercises drills that they're running are obviously just uh to uh rattle their saber so to speak exactly shake the boat a little bit um also distract maybe the nato member countries so we observe it very carefully we don't see any in any feasible future any real risk of being attacked by russia but again it all depends on the developments in ukraine and this is why we have to be involved to support ukrainians militarily look they are willing to fight they they are really a strong fighters very brave people they already no one gave them a chance but it's already a year and they they are pretty successful with fighting the invaders but they're they're doing so also because they are receiving very very well modern and up-to-date uh equipment including recent decision of sending them western tanks so uh what is very helpful here um uh what is what is very helpful here for ukrainians that if we continue that that support they'll be able to continue to defend themselves and defend the the rest of our countries western countries because again if ukraine would have come as an easy target for russia right who knows maybe they would immediately move farther there are other there are other countries not even the nato or european union members and then baltics and then poland and who knows what and i was just gonna say i mean they they putin has said for 20 years that his intention is is to reclaim the western european territories that once belonged to the ussr and i i'm a i'm a cold war air force vet i was a russian linguist actually um so i'm i'm really aware of who putin is and and his kgb background and and you know what their ultimate goal the idea that that communism died when the wall fell is is a farce it's it's a farce they they use that in my opinion to suck in american money in order to bring in our dollars and then about 10 years ago they began closing the borders and they took all the money that americans had invested in their country and they captured it well the absolutely right the reality with russia is that they uh many times in the history and actually poland learned that hard way even given the the past 200 years uh two centuries of poland being invaded by russia in different forms russian empire soviet union bolsheviks and etc uh russia is is always making one step back just to make few steps forward uh right afterwards and perhaps you're right that giving up on soviet union was just a tactic move since they wasn't able to keep it up uh just just to to be able to bring it back in a new form uh some years later and here we probably see the implementation of that that strategy by mr putin but not only mr putin because that sentiment to the great russia not even soviet union some people say it's it's the the attempt of restoration of the russian empire which was even larger and went broader than the soviet unions so so that sentiment is alive among many people including some of the russian elites so i think i think also putting that only on the shoulders of putin is not necessarily reflecting uh the reality there are more than than just him to share the division which is even worse because sure we know that that even with with bringing down him mr putin uh will not end the problem the problem will will persist well and and this of course is the reason why this becomes a an issue for poland um now there are a couple of other countries that are that are you know that are a part of this concern as well sweden finland uh you know they're they're they're specific i mean because we forget about how geographically large russia is and and and all of the areas that that it touches um and and i think that that is is is critical when we're considering and then we look at what you know how involved how involved should nato be with regards to this situation um and in the midst of that we've got to also pay attention to the relationship both with chi and rossi and and how how are they as an axis strategizing and and and now we see the the chinese aggression with these balloons and things of that nature when we come back i'd like to talk to you about some of those a little bit of those broader because as you're looking at and representing poland obviously poland as a member of nato has an interest in in you know not just being zero laser focused on one issue but on the on just the the the global impact on poland of the move of these three entities and then erda one in turkey by the way over the weekend started making threats too about western countries that are expressing a a real concern about security threats of their consulates um anyway i just as a as a consul general i'm just curious of of you know some of some of your thoughts on a few of these things they as as you feel comfortable to speak about them we're going to take a quick break when we come back we'll have more with adrian kabeki consul general for poland in new york and we'll be back with more of that coming up right after this brief break hi i'm tim shep a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years i want to 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generation radio get more at chosen generation radio dot com that's chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass you can support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting and now back to chosen generation with pastor greg and welcome back to ten generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and my special guest adrian kabeki consul general poland in new york and so i i was kind of setting the stage just as as a as a broader view to look at as putin is making these maneuvers um you know his reliance to some degree rossi and iran have sent military assistant soldiers over there to help them fight against the ukrainians chi has been kind of warm warm cold kind of in between but it's obvious that back channel wise china is in support of what russia is doing at this point um those all have to be of some concern to poland as you guys are stepping into this kind of as the intermediary of nato and your own interests well the reality said reality of poland is that we've always been in the middle between the west and the east uh luckily uh as for centuries for ages actually poland was a battlefield for most of the world conflicts many of them started actually in poland that somehow shifted and poland is a member of nato poland is uh the member of european union and being a member of those structures uh is actually very very helpful in terms of uh kind of being safe and secured and also feeling safe polish people maybe with a little exception uh of a few weeks when the invasion started polish people were very concerned where it goes next but for now we don't really feel insecure in terms of the the real like realistic threat of of the invasion of poland within you know days of weeks from now which is great and we we owe that to being part of those structures but we also have that understanding that in global politics uh sometimes winners might actually become losers and for poland the aftermath of the second world war was actually a great proof of that poland was attacked by germany uh poland was the first country that was invaded actually brought to ruins right entire cities were were uh smashed off the surface of the earth and yet after the war we were pushed to the wrong side of the iron curtain and being being enhanced of soviet for another over 40 years and so in terms of justice and how it plays in terms of all the international dynamics we know that we have to be very careful we were discussing russia's options in terms of where to go with the invasion and we know that they decided to go west towards thinking assuming that uh the western civilization western countries the free world has its own internal discussions about the issues about different issues and is being distracted maybe and with invading ukraine no one will actually care what's what's going to happen there right on the contrary on the contrary to for instance the central asian countries that have a very strong um also strong neighbor which is china and to china this conflict they think that overall is very um that brings many benefits uh one of them is that the boat is shaken and obviously somehow they consider it weakens the america it weakens the the europe um also because russia struggles it doesn't allow russia to grow too big uh to race to to to become become a real become a real threat to to china we and you mentioned like uzbekistan and so on that that that creates that buffer for them between russia and them so they don't have to be thinking about is putin going to create a conflict at our border there's a buffer and and and russia on the same hand does not send a message to chi that oh yeah we're friends but because russia and china have had their their conflicts over the years exactly so uh sorry i didn't mean to interrupt i just wanted to clarify for my audience the kind of that so they get a picture of that perfectly perfectly right because china eventually becomes also an important supporter of russia attempts of going forward with the invasion in ukraine and maybe farther they're not going to do anything with any of these central asian countries which obviously china would oppose to but because of this going invasion and russia is fully 100 involved in the invasion and now western is western world is concentrated on helping ukrainians and and shifts all the forces there that leaves plenty of room for for china to you know grow with their own ambitious which which we're watching yeah which we're watching again again luckily for the global stability russia china has to also deal with with their internal issues right uh which we hear about so that probably stops china a little bit in terms of their internal international attempts uh but still this is something that we must watch and observe especially from the american perspective some people say that the china is obviously a bigger concern even than russia and ukraine but what we try to put here uh as poland um is that it's all attached to each other so the dynamics in ukraine will determine it will really determine the the global set maybe for another decades or or beyond the aftermath of what's happening there right now so again even though it seems to be very local it is not local it actually it's actually a spot where where the global stability is decided well and and we're gonna run out of time here in just a couple of minutes but you know when we think about the ukrainian situation i mean i i would assume that one of the things too that is helpful in poland's sense of security has been the strength of the ukrainians to to hold the line and fight back because if they had just been rolled over in the in the first couple of weeks as putin had anticipated he would literally be knocking on poland's door right now he would be and as you remember when the war started some of the western allies polish allies were very hesitant in terms of the amount and the quality of the involvement in ukraine but poland was always very vocal that we must send them the equipment we must send them modern equipment in large quantities because this is what they need and they'll be fighting as as long as they're going to receiving that support so so luckily we were able to convince our partners to sending the military equipment you know probably some of the countries wouldn't even believe that it's possible to send modern western tanks to ukraine but here we go here we are almost a year after the invasion and we're sending them over so it's a slow process it's not maybe the best at the best of its efficiency but we are able as poland and some of our allies also some of the baltic countries some of the other eastern european countries we are able to convince the nato community to actually get engaged and luckily we're still kind of ahead of time in terms of uh in terms of ahead of russia right and and we are able to successfully equip ukrainians and train ukrainians to fight this war again not just for themselves but for all of us well and and the street credibility that that poland had too because the reality is is is that you guys could say hey you know what what's going to impact us is going to impact the rest of the world and this is why this is this is yeah this is why this is an important issue and the fact of the matter is is again if if we allow russia to just roll through the ukraine they're going to be knocking on nato's door and if you don't think they're going to try to pick off the baltics which they already had threatened to do and now even today are you know blustering about and then come after us you're missing the boat on this and and once they do you know there there were chain reactions there was an iranian response there was a china response they were in the wings waiting to to enact i believe some of their own aggressions depending on how well the russian invasion went and so thankfully listen we should take the lesson that the history is is teaching us i don't know if you heard about the history of poland poland's partitions poland was partitioned was disappeared actually from the map of europe for over 120 years and how russia did that they took a piece of land then waited the 10 years then took another piece of land and eventually after the third time poland was swallowed entirely wiped off the map of europe's and why they did those steps because after taking over a piece of land international community decided you know no biggie it's just a piece of land and and that's exactly what happened in 2014 with crimea uh that's what they do uh through the centuries the same tactics uh looking at the reaction of the international community if they remain and if they remain indifferent then yeah then there you go permission to move forward so now we have to stop that actually yes adrian kubicki we've run out of time but thank you thank you so much this has been great information i really appreciate it and i know my audience does consul general poland in new york adrian kubicki we'll be back with more today god bless you sir we'll be back with more dr david wormser joins us on the other side we're going to talk middle east right after this brief break my passion is the fight for freedom my father fought for a world war ii defending our country today we are no longer fighting with guns instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights i am patriot mobile hey there's master greg you're listening to children
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