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CGR FRIDAY 012723 Tim Schoeff CGR Wellness Blood Pressure Kidneys

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
January 27, 2023 12:32 pm

CGR FRIDAY 012723 Tim Schoeff CGR Wellness Blood Pressure Kidneys

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. Get more at

That's Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical classes. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Now more than ever, all US veterans need your help if you have an old car, truck or van. You can donate it today and help them, and they'll come pick it up for free. Plus, the money raised helps our nation's disabled veterans and their families. Call the number on your screen right now. Within a few days, we'll come and tow it away for free, running or not, and the proceeds greatly help you as veterans.

So please call right now. We thank and praise God that God has enabled us to put the board well here in this community with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry. And this community is so grateful because now they are getting pure and fresh water in their home and they are doing well and their health is doing good. Therefore, we would like to request all our supporters and Pastor Greg Young and the Chosen Generation Ministry that there are many villages in Punjab, those who are really having big problem of getting pure and fresh water in their villages, in their communities. And if God is putting in your heart to donate anything to do or to put the board wells in a needful and poor villages, then you can directly contact Pastor Greg Young or Chosen Generation Ministry. And we pray and we bless all the people, those who have been doing and supporting this board well through Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry.

And this pastor is doing the ministry in this community. And please keep us in your prayer. And we are praying for all those who have been supporting to put this board well through Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry. God bless you and God be with you all. And always keep us in your prayer. We are also praying for you. Thank you. And you can see the board well that we have put here.

And it's giving water for the people. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia! Thank you very much, Pastor Greg. And thank you very much to Chosen Generation Ministry. God bless you.

Thank you. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.

My sincere apologies. I believe that we were soundless for a few moments there. Something in the technology just turned off. And so the sound turned off.

I don't even know why it all of a sudden did that. But at any rate, there we go. We're good now. And I'm glad to be with you. I've got a great program lined up for you, by the way. We are going to be talking about today is Holocaust Memorial Day. And we'll have Dr. David Wormser on the program to discuss that. We also have a documentarian who's done some documentary work on Kenosha and the events that took place there.

Good Boy Productions, Rob Montz will be with us. And we'll talk about Kyle Rittenhouse. We'll talk about the epidemic.

And there's an epidemic that is the story. And there's an overlapping connection with all of those that were involved and a part of what took place in Kenosha. We'll talk about that. We'll also talk to Don Jans today and connect some dots with regards to what Marxism always does to divide us and to create chaos and those kinds of things. And then we'll talk about why it's strategically important that we have an impact in the second largest populated nation in the world. And we are. And we'll talk about that and what we're going to be doing going forward. So all of that is coming up for you on today's Friday program. I want to begin very quickly by just asking you to join me in an unspoken prayer request for a dear friend of mine who lost a loved one early this morning. And if you will please keep them in your prayers, I will be most appreciative of that.

All right. Well, I want to welcome my guest and he's with us now on a bi-monthly basis. And of course, I've been talking all week long about the products and the importance of taking these products in order to improve your health and what it's done for my health. And I'm very pleased to welcome back to the program, my good friend and our expert in this area of naturopathy with 40 years experience, Mr. Tim Scheff. Tim, welcome. Good to have you.

Well, Pastor Greg, thank you. Appreciate the opportunity to be back and to share with you and your listeners about natural health and what it can do for you. And you know, it doesn't have to be expensive. We have products out there that are under $20 that they can take on a monthly basis that's going to help change their lives, whether they're dealing with blood sugar, if it's energy level, digestive health, there's different things that you could do and it really doesn't cost all that much.

But take away the help that you get from these types of products and it can cost you a lot. You don't feel good. You have to go to the doctor and then one doctor sends you to another doctor, to another doctor. I was just in the, went and got blood work done. And incidentally, congratulations on your excellent blood work. I saw that the other day that you sent me another A plus.

That's two in a row, dude. That's rocking it. It's pretty, pretty cool. Thank you. Thank you.

I appreciate it. Well, and, and, and as I've mentioned to my audience all week long, I really attribute it to the CGR wellness works. They, they have taken my health to, uh, to another level when it comes to, uh, to the blood health and, and, and how well I'm doing with that. So, uh, very excited to be able to share that, uh, what, you know, with the audience.

Well, and that's actually proof in the pudding right there. You know, what you're doing for yourself on a regular daily basis is affecting your blood work and keeping it where it needs to be. And to get an A plus on your blood work after all that you've been through, that says something that's pretty important.

So like I was saying, I was sitting there at the doctor's office or at the, at the hospital, getting my blood drawn yesterday. And then one of my neighbors was there and I don't associate with him a whole lot, but he was telling me, you know, he can't breathe. Uh, his heart is racing. He's already had a liver transplant and he's lived a pretty rough life, you know, as far as the way he's taking care of his body. But the thing with him is he's got sick and he's going from doctor to doctor to try to find help. And he can't find the help he needs to get better. The point of that is take care of yourself. Now do the things necessary to prevent yourself from getting in a place where you're going to have to be running from doctor to doctor.

That's what cost you. He doesn't have the health to do what he wants to anymore. He's just pretty much just hanging out, trying to get better and nobody's helping him. And I find that to be one of the tragedies and help that happens when you get into the healthcare system, they just bounce around like ping pong ball. I had it with my dad, you know, where they're bouncing me around there from doctor to doctor. So, you know, I get it when you get 90 years old, you're going to have some things going on, but there again, do what you can now. Check yourself for in the future.

Yeah. The preventative just, just makes so much sense. And, and, and I guess, you know, the thing, the thing that I would just encourage you folks is, is, you know, if you're not taking any kind of supplement right now, you're, you're, you're really operating at a deficit. You know, when, when my whole system, when my endocrine system and my pituitary gland and, and, and everything crashed, I had lost weight. I had gone down to about 217 pounds. I was at 13% body fat. I was working out every day. I thought that I was in, you know, really good shape. And, uh, and, and in fact, um, I, I felt like I was in probably the best shape of my life, but I ended up getting pericarditis. Then I ended up getting pleurisy and pneumonia and then shingles and, and my endocrine system collapsed. And it happened in a very short period of time. And there were things that, that were missing in what I was doing that I didn't realize.

And I had, I drifted away from my, from my natural path at the time, but there were, you know, you just, it can sneak up on you and you won't realize it. And and so what I'm telling you is, is, is it's so important that you are staying really in tune with what's happening with your body. Go ahead, Tim. I'm sorry.

No problem, pastor. Hey, I just want to talk about healthy kidneys today. Kidneys are very important part of our body. And I just wanted to share with your audience today that, uh, the number one cause of kidney failure right now is diabetes. Would you believe that 47% of kidney failure is related diabetes?

That's huge in my book. So that means when your sugars are out of control, you have too much sugar in your blood. Your kidneys are processed in that sugar and what it's doing, it's destroying the kidney.

So on today's program, we're going to talk about things that you could do naturally. That's going to lower your blood sugar. The second leading cause of kidney failure is high blood pressure because that puts too much pressure on the kidney and they can't handle it. The kidneys take a lot of blood from the heart and it filters it through the heart or through the kidneys and the kidneys are responsible basically for filtering out waste out of the blood.

That's one of the things they do. They sometimes they will help reabsorb different nutrients that are available they can put back in the body such as glucose and proteins, that type of thing. They're very small organ.

They're right there in this right above your belt line is where the kidneys are and they weigh about four to six ounces or not very, very big. But as I said, 20 to 25% of the heart's total blood goes through the kidneys. So that's a lot of blood that they've got to filter out and what it's doing, it's still learning urine out and then it's put it over into the bladder and then you're just peeing out your waste.

So they're very responsible for taking away the waste. Another thing that your kidneys will do is they help you maintain pH. pH is parts hydrogen in the body and there has to be a pH balance in the body for you to feel good. If you get too acidic, you're going to have trouble. If you get too alkaline, you're going to have trouble.

Either way, it's not good. So you want to maintain a base and that's what the kidneys will help you to do. Again, as I mentioned, we're going to talk about blood pressure issues today and kidneys are very important to help keep that blood pressure where it needs to be. One of the things you'll see in a lab is the bun level will go up and that's a lab that's associated with the kidneys and that's going to tell you that the kidneys are not processing and filtering out the waste the way that it needs to be. So very important to take care of your kidneys. It also helps with vitamin D absorption.

It helps maintain an electrical balance. So a lot of things to be said for healthy kidneys. So I'm going to go ahead and share a little bit more with what we're going to look at today and that's going to be, first of all, we're going to look at diabetes, high blood sugar, too much sugar in the blood and that's epidemic here if you look at people here across the country. That seems to be one of the things that everybody suffers with and it's ugly too. I mean, when they have their sugar lows, my wife will do this, she'll drop. I mean, she starts sweating.

She feels like she's going to pass out. So the pancreas just can't produce enough insulin and a lot of that goes back to the inability of our bodies to process the heavy carbohydrate intake. Even if you try to remain sugar-free, not eat a lot of processed sugar, you really have to watch it because it's in everything that you eat or drink. I mean, all your high fructose corn soup can be in your breakfast cereal.

It can be in any of your soft drinks. They're all loaded with it and if you just keep pounding it, pounding and pounding, you'll exhaust that pancreas and it won't be able to do what it needs to do. So you're looking at different signs for that type of issue and we're not giving medical advice out here on CGR Wellness, but we're just telling you the signs that you may want to look for before you go to your doctor. You want to look at hunger. If you have a lot of hunger that's just not the same as it used to be, if you're fatigued, maybe you're peeing more often, you've got a dry mouth, itchy skin, those are some of the things that you need to look for when it comes to diabetes.

Blurred vision is another thing that tends to show up after your glucose has been high for a long time. A lot of folks will get yeast problems, both in men and women. You get that in between your toes and if you have just different areas in between your thighs there, you can pick up that and it's just a real flakiness of the skin and you'll know it. I mean I give a lot of foot baths at my office and I can always tell when somebody's had way too much sugar because over a period of time their feet just flake. I mean it's just like a shedding and it all goes in that foot bath and it's pretty gross but you know those people will be having a lot of problems.

Women don't get that underneath their breasts so the yeast forms in the moist parts of the skin. So maybe you'll have cuts that are slow to heal or pain and numbness in the feet or legs. All those are signs that you may want to check your sugar levels with your doctor and see where you're at. I'm with you. All right, I was just thinking you're about ready to take a break here so. Well, we got about 10 seconds so yeah, you're right on track. Yep. So we'll take this break and then we'll be back to talk more about blood pressure and healthy kidneys and a healthy blood system.

Back with more right after this. From the Diabetes Solution Center, diabetics understand all too well the pain of pricking your fingers. But now by wearing a small remote device called a continuous glucose monitor or CGM, you can immediately reduce your pain. It's easy to use and helps you make more accurate diabetes treatment decisions. If you are testing your blood sugar 4 or more times daily, injecting insulin 3 or more times daily or using an insulin pump, call the Diabetes Solution Center right now to learn about this groundbreaking new CGM technology. And if you have Medicare, you can get a new CGM at little to no out of pocket cost.

Shipping is free and will even bill your insurance company for you. If you are testing your blood sugar 4 or more times daily, injecting insulin 3 or more times daily or using an insulin pump, call the Diabetes Solution Center right now to learn how you can get your own continuous glucose monitor or CGM at little to no out of pocket cost. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets. I wasn't really feeling any different, so I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food-sourced, non-radiate, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes.

I started thinking clear, even believe I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosenjinradio at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosenjinradio.

Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and if your products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Are you or someone you love struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and want to be set free from the chains of addiction? Then call Addiction Helpline America right now to get the help you need. From drug and alcohol addiction to dual diagnosis treatment, we provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy, substance-free lives. With one call, you can be on the phone with addiction specialists across the country who will guide you on the next steps to find the freedom and healing you desperately need. Call Addiction Helpline America at the number below. We provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy, substance-free lives. One phone call today can change your life forever. Don't wait another minute for that right moment to be set free.

Take that bold step and call Addiction Helpline America at the number below or visit My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Now more than ever, all US veterans need your help. If you have an old car, truck, or van, you can donate it today and help them, and they'll come pick it up for free. Plus, the money raised helps our nation's disabled veterans and their families. Call the number on your screen right now.

Within a few days, we'll come and tow it away for free, running or not. And the proceeds greatly help US veterans, so please call right now. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My very special guest, Tim Sheff, who is with us here twice a month, but we're always, always talking about CGR Wellness, and that's the products that I've got right back here on my shelf. And you can sign up for a free account, And it's really important that you use to sign up for your account. That's how the ministry gets its credit so that that way you're helping to support what we're doing here. And then it's also important that you use Chosen Gen Radio, Chosen Gen Radio, and you're going to get a $20 discount on your first order.

And that'll also be another way for the company to be able to make sure that Chosen Generation Radio and Faith Harvest Church and our ministry gets the necessary credits so that you're supporting our work in India and supporting our work here in our country as well. So we'll be most appreciative, but you will be blessed. And Tim is here to tell you again why this is so critically important.

Tim? Well, I know I achieved poor health very early in my life. I was probably in my early 20s and my health was just a total wreck.

And I had tried, you know, exercise, took karate for a while and did everything I could to try to build my body up. And I was still getting sick all the time. It wasn't until I was led into the field of natural health that I ended up making some positive changes. And it wasn't until back in early 2000, late 1990s that I found these products that are available at CGR Wellness.

And I'll tell you right off the bat, you know, and I have no reason to lie to your audience or you or anybody else. These products changed my life. And it was because I had an incompetent digestive system and I wasn't able to utilize the nutrition that was available in these tablets or capsules. My body just didn't break them out. In the toilet, I would pass tablets and pills and stuff like that.

So, you know, I wasn't getting use out of them. But like, I switched over to the liquid delivery system and the products that we talked about here, like the Vibe, it literally changed my life. Energy came back, you know, slept better, focus was better. It just changed my life. And that's what we're sharing with these folks here today is what we can do to change your life.

And like I said, it doesn't have to be expensive. One of the things that we've got here is the apple cider vinegar gummies. Now, these are very important in the area of bringing down blood sugar or helping balance it out. Now, these are apple cider vinegar do several different things.

They're always available at CGR Wellness. I know weight loss is hard. And this particular product will help with the cravings. Now, it doesn't take them away totally, but it will help some with cravings to where you're not craving food all the time. So you can take a couple of them and that'll kind of slow down the cravings. Wait, if you don't have the cravings and you don't want to eat in between meals all the time, yeah, you're going to lose some weight.

Maybe not a lot, but hey, I'll take what I can get. Metabolism. Everybody needs to have a good robust metabolism to be able to have the energy you need to get things done during the day. Now, this apple cider vinegar gummy that we're talking about helps in the area of digestion. It has a probiotic, it has a prebiotic and a probiotic in it, which will help in the area of intestinal health when it comes to gas and bloating.

It helps detox the skin and it improves circulation. And these aren't the regular gummies that you can pick up at your supermarket store or some of your big box stores. These are vegetarian friendly.

They're non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free of course, no artificial or sweeteners. A lot of the companies will use a gelatin type thing or an animal-based gelatin as a filler. And we use a pectin-based product with our gummies. And the reason we do that is for the digestion. So again, we're going to be able to stop the cravings. We're going to be able to help with digestion and we use the mother. Our products are certified organic and the research that we've got out there right now tell us from the Journal of Diabetic Research that the mother is very important because it helps people utilize their insulin more effectively. So your post blood meal sugar levels are going to be much better because you've increased your insulin sensitivity and you're able to absorb your insulin better, which is overall going to lower your sugars. And that's what you're really wanting to do.

And like I said, this does not have to be expensive. This product is available for under $20 to be able to get on that product to help you better utilize your insulin. Now even if you aren't a diabetic, maybe you're a pre-diabetic, still it's a thing to do now rather than to wait until you've been diagnosed with something that you don't want to have, do it now.

Therefore, you're going to be better down the road. What we talk about is prevention and using the mother in this particular ingredient is very important. That's what's going to make your insulin better used by the body. The pancreas is what produces the insulin. Carbohydrates is where the pancreas gets exhausted from. So lower your intake of carbohydrates.

Use your apple cider vinegar gummies. And I think you're going to find a great product here. And the taste. Pastor Greg, wouldn't you agree that the tastes of these are pretty doggone good?

You know what? I think the taste of these things is absolutely excellent. As a matter of fact, I have some sitting right here in front of me and I've got to tell you folks, they are absolutely phenomenal.

They're, they're, they are delicious. I take these every all, you know, throughout the program in the morning. I usually take, you know, anywhere on I'm, I'm a fairly good sized guy, but I take about five or six of these a day. And, and, and I find they make a big difference.

And another thing that I find and we're gonna take a quick break. But another thing that I find that they do is, is, is they work a lot like, you know, drinking coffee as well as far as regulating and probiotics. They are great for helping, you know, to just keep you keep you cleared out. And so all of that is a is a huge benefit.

We're gonna take a quick break again, sign up at And and I want to just emphasize this isn't about making a sales pitch. This is about talking about good health.

And it's both spiritual and physically important that we are taking care of our temple and our body back with more after this. Are you or someone you love struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and want to be set free from the chains of addiction? Then call Addiction Helpline America right now to get the help you need.

From drug and alcohol addiction to dual diagnosis treatment. We provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy substance free lives. With one call, you can be on the phone with addiction specialists across the country who will guide you on the next steps to find the freedom and healing you desperately need. Call Addiction Helpline America at the number below. We provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy substance free lives. One phone call today can change your life forever.

Don't wait another minute for that right moment to be set free. Take that bold step and call Addiction Helpline America at the number below or visit Hi, I'm Kim Schaff, a certified natural health practitioner for over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product called UltraShot. This is a healthy alternative to the other heavily caffeinated energy drinks out in the market today.

Available at UltraShot has four powerful blends to wake up your senses. One ounce of UltraShot, about six hours of clean energy for me with no jitters or crashes at the end. UltraShot has seven different B vitamins in its formula that work synergistically with each other.

The mineral chromium, manganese and vanadium are specifically selected for its sports cellular energy and healthy blood sugar levels. UltraShot also contains exotic herbal. UltraShot is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use or a handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go. When I'm driving, I've got another three hours to go to get to my destination, I reach for an UltraShot.

Thanks to UltraShot, I keep my focus and stay safe on the road. Get yours today at Enter coupon code chosengenradio at checkout to receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's coupon code chosengenradio.

Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Need the products to not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Here's an important message from the Diabetes Solution Center. Diabetics understand all too well the pain of pricking your fingers. But now by wearing a small remote device called a continuous glucose monitor or CGM, you can immediately reduce your pain. It's easy to use and helps you make more accurate diabetes treatment decisions. If you are testing your blood sugar four or more times daily, injecting insulin three or more times daily or using an insulin pump, call the Diabetes Solution Center right now to learn about this groundbreaking new CGM technology. And if you have Medicare, you can get a new CGM at little to no out of pocket cost.

Shipping is free and will even bill your insurance company for you. If you are testing your blood sugar four or more times daily, injecting insulin three or more times daily or using an insulin pump, call the Diabetes Solution Center right now to learn how you can get your own continuous glucose monitor or CGM at little to no out of pocket cost. Hi, I'm Tim Sheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under usage to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets.

I wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food-sourced, non-radiate, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clear.

I even believed I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosenjinradio at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosenjinradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. Hey, welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.

Yeah, there we go. Okay, so just really quickly, folks, again, want to remind you,, and this is where you get the nasal spray. They have a dietary supplement, and then I deal with shingles, and I can tell you, when my shingles flare up, they have a topical spray. I spray that on my face or my scalp or wherever the shingles is cropping up, and literally 24 to 48 hours later, everything's gone. Everything is calmed, smoothed out, and gone, and I use their ointment on my leg, both my knees and my leg, where I have the pain from my accident, and I use that at night, and it makes a world of difference.

And then, of course, I add in the CGR Wellness, the Flex product, the glucosamine, and it just makes a world of difference. So, I encourage you, you know, it's all about your health. That's why we're doing this, okay?

Really, we're doing this for your health. There is a benefit to the ministry, no question about it, and Tim's heart in doing this with me is because he wants to see the ministry blessed through these products so that our orphans have clothing and a roof over their head and food in their belly, so that our widows get the sewing machines that they need, so that we are able to do the outreaches, so that we are able to put new wells in. And by the way, we're getting ready to put a week from tomorrow. We got a lot that'll be happening this coming Saturday. Tomorrow, I'll talk about it in the last half hour, but we're having our pastor's outreach. I'll be training our pastors this tomorrow. Then a week from today, in the evening, we'll be putting in well number 36, and then that next morning we'll be graduating 20 women, and our goal is to be able to provide them with the sewing machines. It's a $1,300 expense to buy 20 sewing machines for these ladies, and that's the reason why it's so important that you are investing in your health.

I just want you to get that. You're investing in your health. As you invest in your health, you're blessing the ministry, and you're helping us in India. Tim, over to you, and talking about health. Hey, that's a win-win, isn't it?

I mean, you can bless the ministry, and you also can take care of your health. And we're talking here today about blood sugar, and we're gonna talk about blood pressure a little bit. The first product we talked about to be able to help you utilize your insulin better was the ACV gummies available at CGR Wellness, and that's gonna help you, as I said, better utilize your insulin so you can get some of your blood sugar numbers down. The next product that we need to look at is Vibe, and we've talked about Vibe a ton. Vibe is your all-in-one, vitamin, mineral, phytonutrient product.

It has over 30 fresh fruits and vegetables in that particular bottle, so it's huge. Again, it's almost organic. I'd say it's about 87% organic and about 13% mineral, but it works in four areas of the body. It supports cardiovascular health, anti-aging, healthy cell replication and immune function, and it's a squeaky clean product. You're not gonna find any addies or chemicals or anything like that in these products. Our preservatives are from natural sources, so Vibe is the foundation.

You wanna make sure you have enough potassium in your body to be able to help in the area of blood pressure, because potassium actually relaxes the blood vessels, and it'll actually bring your numbers back down if you are having a problem. But first, we're gonna look at some of the other products that we wanna go along with that, and we wanna look at our blood sugar pack, and that's one that you can get, and you're gonna utilize several different products from that. Our Resvante is trans-Resveracrol. One ounce of that particular product is equivalent to 300 glasses of red wine. That is in the blood sugar pack. Pastor Greg, can you put that pack up there for them to see? Yep, I sure can.

You go ahead and keep, yeah, you keep talking, and I will get that up there. Yeah, this is a blood sugar pack that's available. It has several different products in it, and you've got the Vanadium, Chromium, and Zinc. You've got the Resvante, you'll get, and the Vibe product. That's what we call our blood sugar pack. Now, you can add to that if you want, but that's just our basic pack to be able to get you where you need to be in the area of healthy blood sugar.

And let me tell you a little bit about Resvante. Resvante is basically derived from the French wine grape, and we do a little bit of adding some different things to it. We have some pomegranate that we put in there, and quite a few extra little ingredients here to enhance the product itself. And it's really not loaded with sugar.

We wouldn't have it in this pack. It's diabetic friendly. It's gluten-free, cold process. Again, the Harvard Medical School has researched this particular product, and they've said that this product actually works in other areas other than helping lower blood sugar. Why it's important in the area of blood sugar is that it actually helps in the area of circulation. It works with the blood vessels.

Pastor Greg has that nice glow about him that you see every day on the radio, and that's from Resvante. So it's helping to build new blood vessels all the time. In addition to that, it helps with cognitive thinking. So when you take these products for blood sugar or you take them for cardiovascular health or blood pressure, you're always getting a side effect, which is a good side effect. And you can't say that about a lot of drugs because you get a lot of adverse reactions when one drug works against another, but not with the supplements. So you're using Resvante for areas of blood sugar, but you're also building yourself in the area of cardiovascular health, neurological function. You're benefiting with cognitive thinking.

I take care of my dad, 90 with dementia, and I think he's fairly stable in that area. But right now, I want to protect myself so I don't go down that same path. So very important to take care of yourself when it comes to your blood sugar to protect those kidneys as we talked about. So one of the most important things that you could do is start with a vibe product.

As we said, over 30 fruits and vegetables, the foundation of wellness. Then you bring in the Resvante that'll work synergistically with the vanadium, chromium, and zinc in the vancrosin product. Now, chromium is a very important product when it comes to helping the blood sugar stay where it needs to be so it doesn't jump around.

Like I mentioned earlier that my wife will go into these lows. And chromium is something that'll help keep you stable. And it doesn't allow the sugar to go up that much.

It doesn't allow it to go down that much. And it actually will help in the area of cutting down your risk factors for cardiovascular disease. And another thing that the diabetics all have in common is that they have a lot more cardiovascular disease. And that's something that helps them maintain and build on a foundation of better cardiovascular enhancement there. The zinc in that product actually works along with the other products.

So we have three products in one. We call it vancrosin, but it's got zinc in it as well. Now, that zinc is a very important mineral that helps the body in the area of insulin. So it helps the body utilize that insulin better. Vancrosin is another supplement that we have in that product, and that'll help lower the blood sugar. Now, I think over a period of six to eight weeks is what I would look at to be able to find results.

I mean, you can't expect to get results in like a month, but you're going to start to see some improving numbers. You want to make sure you work with your doctor if you're already taking some kind of an insulin or you're taking a metformin or something like that to bring it down. You want to let him know what you're doing, and you want to work with him on that to manage your medications. Because over a period of time, what you're going to find is you may need less medication, which there again is a good thing, and you may transfer over to having less medication and be able to use more of your supplements. So therefore any of the kind of side effects that go along with like metformin, I know a lot of people have explosive diarrhea when they're on that.

You may be able to cut that down, lead a more normal life, a healthier life just by doing these things with this blood sugar pack. Again, it's always available at I encourage you to go over there and get that. If you have questions on any of this kind of stuff, you can always email Pastor Greg. He can get a hold of me. We can talk about it. I can help you to understand what's going on with these.

So you're not left out there in the dark just buying something from somebody off the internet. You actually have a resource that you can utilize that will be able to help you understand what it is you're doing and how it's working for you. So great opportunity here.

There you go. is the site you need to go to. You just need to sign up. It's free to sign up for an account at And then once you've signed up, then you can search these things out. You can search out the blood sugar health and you can get that entire pack. If you do the subscribe and save, it's $108.86. But you're gonna get $20 off your first order by using chosen gen radio, chosen gen radio, that's your coupon code for that $20 discount on the very first order that you take. And, and you know, if if first if if the blood sugar isn't in and you feel like, Oh, I'm good on on on blood sugar, vibe and resvante are still incredibly important baseline products for you for overall vascular health, heart health, mind health, brain health, your liver kidneys, there's not any function that that those don't help and and in particular, they're they're usually beneficial when it comes to taking care of, of your, you know, your fruits, your vegetables, your it's got superfoods, just your over general health.

And as we mentioned, and I'll and I'll close before we go to break with this. This is my blood work from most the most recent blood work and it's an A plus. And I can show you that this is the second A plus that I got in a row to a pluses in a row. And this is basically you can say six months out, I started in March of last year, taking this product, these products regularly. I got introduced to them the previous October, but I really got onto a regular regiment and a regular program in about March of last year, it's been, it'll be a year and two months. And, and and my blood work six months out September, six months out, I got my first A plus, and I got another A plus to follow that up as well.

We'll be back with more coming up right after this. Hi, I'm Tim chef, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life.

The product is called vibe available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried by by visit all the one vitamin mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold pressed whole food source, non rad, gluten free and has no pasteurization vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti aging and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes.

I started thinking clear, even believe I slept better. Get yours today at coupon code chosen gen radio at checkout receive $20 off your first order $50 or more. That's coupon code chosen gen radio.

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We got about nine minutes left really quickly because we were just talking about this you know folks for those that watch my show and and if you watched earlier in the week you saw me share my my new powerpoint presentation of my testimony you know the significant accident that I was engaged in and what happened to me and you know that my my health falling apart goes all the way back to 2004 being given three to six months to live and if it wasn't for naturopathy there's no way that I'm here and one of the and and and getting these products getting on these products has been a leap forward as I showed you the blood work as we went into the break but folks I I do several different things and if you'd like to know more about about the the protocol that I follow the disciplinary protocol that I follow every single day email me at PG miracles at PG miracles at there are several things that I do that I'm happy to share information with you and share with you the formula that I use I Tim content mean Tim is a is a health expert Tim can tell you I am truly a medical miracle there is no natural medical reason for me to be in the condition that I'm in none and to be getting a pluses on my blood work and and to be at a place where I have such a limited pharmaceutical influence other than the pain medication that's really the most the most major part and considering everything that I've been through kinda makes sense but you know that what Tim's talking about my A1C someone I mean I get all the time to him somebody single well you know you're you maybe you know cuz I cuz I'm having they'll say well you're you gotta be you know you gotta be pre diabetic no you see my blood work you looked at my numbers I'm not anywhere near it and again it's I I firmly believe it's because of these products go ahead sir and diet is important too I mean you can't be eating a lot of carbs and things like that and filling your body with junk it just not gonna work and when you do that it's gonna affect you mentally as well that's one of the things that I think the high fructose corn syrup and diet high in carbs gonna do is gonna affect you mentally but one of the things I want to share with your listeners is that these products that we're talking about the resvante and the five we learned very early on that these products had to be powerful they had to taste halfway decent and the resvante is very very tasty I have a lot of chiropractic physicians that I work with and they also used to drink alcohol wine for their supper and what they've done now is switch over to resvante because it tastes good vibe is another product it doesn't have a real bad taste to it if you don't like the taste you can always mix it in juice or water I like to mix mine a 20 ounce bottle of water I put a lot of other ingredients in that potassium is one l-arginine is another ultra shot just a tablespoon of that for energy I put all that together and that's what I drink during the day well I want to get the blood pressure real quick and share a few things about that one of the things that you could do for healthy blood pressure is a healthy fatty acid and that's our omega-3 complete our fish oil that's 94% pure and very important you don't want the toxins that you get a lot of the other products you could buy this is a pure fish oil what it does it allows the arteries to have elasticity meaning they can expand and contract expand and contract and that way you can keep your blood pressure down to where it needs to be without that if they get you know plaque starts to form they get hard they won't expand they won't contract and then you have to be on blood pressure medication and that kind of thing and I thought I was headed that way till I got went to the doctor yesterday he checked my blood pressure I was checking on a meter at home it was high I went there 122 over 72 I'll take it you know I'm 65 years old potassium is another product I think is very good when you come into blood pressure we talked about it briefly of course vibe is your foundational product you want to make sure you have vibe in there first you can bring in the omega-3 complete but vibe does have potassium in it it does have a heart formula in it it has the coq10 in it it has the vitamin e supplement in it it has malic acid in it so there's a lot of good cardio support just in vibe it'll help with your homocysteine level and it'll also help with your blood pressure so but initially you can bring in potassium which passing will help relax those blood vessels now my research is shown is that people that have a low potassium increase they're at a greater risk for blood pressure problems and the risk of stroke so that's why potassium is very important to have in your diet once it's there it's gonna do its job and you're gonna see your blood work change just like what pastor Greg did there's physical changes that take place within the body when you take these supplements we're just not talking about something that's a placebo effect you think you're feeling better I've had people tell me okay you know they've got this certain supplement or something take it for another three months it just hasn't worked yet no it's not working it's viable work the first day you try it the other product is very important to take when you're looking at cardiovascular health I feel is l-arginine l-arginine is a great product it's a basically for the cardiovascular system it's a any it's a what I want to call it it's a nitric oxide formula so definitely when you're taking that particular product you want to make sure that you're working with your doctor that you don't drop your blood pressure too low when you're using it I would start off at one scoop of the powder a day or one scoop two times a day for l-arginine and then work up more but watch your blood pressure don't get it too low you'll get dizzy that kind of thing so remember the products for blood pressure vibe potassium l-arginine or omega-3 complete that'll help you and resvante and resvante is another one yeah so we can tweak it however you want to but we can get we can actually well and and and let me let me just jump in and say that and that's one of the reasons why you'll see underneath Tim's name right now if you're watching the program is an email at pastor Greg at chosen generation we're still willing for the first 40 we've had a few come in but for the first 40 to do that free health assessment and Tim is willing to do that with you so if you're having a blood pressure issue if you're having a blood sugar issue if you're having an energy issue what have you if you've just decided that hey you know what I've been listening to you guys and I I'm I am convinced that I do need to do something I'd like to feel better every day I'd like to have more pep in my step we want to encourage you that you can do that and that's why we're giving out my email address pastor Greg at chosen generation pastor Greg at chosen generation and just and the final moment here is a kicker to this you know if you watch the program yesterday you know that we had one of the world's leading heart doctors on the program Dr. Peter McCullough was on the program with me yesterday and we talked about naturopathic assistance and folks I shared during that segment about this and Dr. McCullough was like you know yes the these are the kinds of things that you need to be doing Dr. Judy Mikovits has been on the program another expert Dr. Brian Hooker these individuals have all indicated that these liquid naturopathic supplements and this high quality stuff this stuff is critically important to your good health and that's why we're doing this I'm I'm sharing this with you I have asked Tim to be on here to talk about this because I am getting these kinds of results this is real this is real and it's working and I encourage you to get signed up at we got a lot of work to do if we want to save a nation if we want to save a world but we're only going to get it done if we're healthy enough to get out of bed and get the job done Tim God bless you thanks for being with me today folks you're going to take a break I'll be back Rob Montz on the other side Good Boy Productions and the Kenosha boys and their problems right after this. Hi I'm Tim Scheff a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years I went under you shoot to a product that changed my life the products called Vibe available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe I was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets wasn't really feeling any different so I tried Vibe Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin mineral supplement it's a liquid multivitamin it's cold-pressed whole food source non-radiate gluten-free and has no pasteurization Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work it supports four areas of the body cardiovascular health immune health anti-aging and healthy cell replication Vibe is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go the first time I tried Vibe I had more energy in about 20 minutes I started thinking clear even believe I slept better get yours today at coupon code chosen gen radio at checkout receive $20 off your first order $50 or more that's coupon code chosen gen radio get yours today these statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration neither products do not treat reduce cure or prevent disease my passion is the fight for freedom my father fought for a World War II defending our country today we are no longer fighting with guns instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights I am Patriot Mobile that was a shooting gallery up there I could hear the tremble in his voice she suffered a very severe being the video is pretty graphic justice for us seems almost impossible it's not fun to watch somebody die and they knew she was in mode of peril they did not ask the hard questions why was the Capitol intentionally unsecure that day the FBI had information about security concerns before January 6th they're out for blood and they're getting it they appear to be winning were the actions of the Capitol Police out of line were there violations in use of force now I describe it as an inside job I'm ready to do whatever comes first
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