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Dr. Carole Lieberman discusses the drama surrounding Harry and Meghan / Michele Swinick discusses the Arizona election

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
December 16, 2022 12:59 pm

Dr. Carole Lieberman discusses the drama surrounding Harry and Meghan / Michele Swinick discusses the Arizona election

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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December 16, 2022 12:59 pm

Dr. Carole Lieberman discusses the drama surrounding Harry and Meghan and the narcissism that Meghan has displayed. The effect of their behavior on the Queen and her death. What are they doing to the traditional values? How Charles' behavior affected the boys and Dianna.

Michele Swinick discusses the Arizona election and the Kari Lake case and what is missing.


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And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And it is my sincere pleasure to have with me. She is a expert used by trials. Really, she has appeared in trials all over the world as an expert witness. She has also been on television programs all over the country as well and around the world.

And she's been with us before as well. It's my sincere pleasure to welcome Dr. Carol Lieberman to the program. Dr. Carol, welcome. Good to have you with me. It's good to be back.

Thank you. Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, it's interesting, this royal family thing. I mean, some people are, you know, I guess naturally kind of dispositioned to kind of move away from anything having to do with the royal family and some of that drama. But by the same token, there's a lot of intrigue as it relates to this whole situation and certainly has been, I think, ever since Diana and what happened in her life. And now we have Harry and Meghan. And initially, a lot of people perceive that Meghan was the new Diana. But I think that that maybe is being dispelled. I certainly hope so. For anybody who has watched even one of the episodes of the Netflix documentary, alleged documentary, so much of it is edited and used stock photos.

And I mean, it's really the person who edited it deserves an award. But first of all, the reason why this is this whole, they in general and this documentary in particular, but you know, the things certainly with the Oprah interview and things that we've seen already that have come out of their mouth, really bothers me in particular because I lived in London. And I studied at Anna Freud's Hampstead Clinic, and I did research at the Maudsley Hospital.

These are all in London. And my first terrorism book was for there was published by London publisher for their first anniversary of 7-7, which is there 9-11. And my more recent terrorism book was when the London Book Festival award. And so I went there for that.

And I was on Good Morning Britain. And I just have all kinds of I have my, my ex husband was a professor at Cambridge. I mean, I could go on and on and I won't take the time, but I'm just trying to say a lot of personal interaction and involvement and relationship with either the royal family directly or individuals that are that are closely connected with them. So this is something that that touches very close to home, as well as your own professional. Exactly.

Examination of the situation analysis. And and also, I mean, like another thing is I'm the American ambassador of Kate's dress, you know, the sexy dress that Kate Middleton wore to that got her to win the prince because it was in conjunction with my book Bad Girls. And I talked about her as the as the quintessential good girl who used bad girl secrets to win her prince. So anyway, that's enough to give a general sense.

Right. So I'm not just a casual observer, you know, a psychiatrist is sort of looking at them for the first time. And, and clearly, they, there's a lot of psychopathology there, their hatred for their need to put down the royal family aggressively in the way that they have been doing. And for Meghan, it has to do with first of all, she's a malignant narcissist. And but it had to do with when she went over to England, you know, when she was engaged to Harry and then married Harry. She had these deep down, she had these hopes that she would become the next Diana that you know, you're exactly right, that she would be the crown jewel, so to speak, of the royal family.

And, and when that didn't happen, you know, when she her attempts to outshine them, you know, for example, there's something in this in the fourth episode, where they show them taking their trip to Australia. And they say, well, this is when everything changed here, because when you look at all the pictures of the wedding, there were crowds lined up for miles, cheering them on and you know, they had gotten all wonderful welcome. And so then they say, well, it all changed in our after our trip to Australia, because the royal family got concerned that, that everybody was going to love Meghan and Harry too much or more than them. And so then they started putting things in the media, you know, putting negative things out in the press.

Right. And, you know, that really is not the true story. In fact, there are there have been people who come out and said that, you know, when when they were in Australia, she didn't attend some events like for that the children had they had made presents for her these these children.

And she didn't go she said she was too tired. I mean, there's all kinds of behind the scenes thing. But to watch their Netflix, you would think that it was the royal family who was jealous of them when in fact, they were jealous of the royal family. Prince Harry wanted to it was, you know, he wrote the book that's going to be coming out soon, as if we haven't seen enough.

It's called Spare, because he always felt like he was the spare prince, you know, that William was going to be king and he was the spare, you know, if something happened to William, well, he's fifth in line, but still. So, um, so he was jealous of that. And, and so instead, they're projecting on to the royal family, their own jealousy, you know, their own feelings of ill will. So it really what this is, is this is the left's woke version of victimhood.

I mean, they are they are literally playing out. We're the victims here of all of this. And and it's just really a an exaggerated version of two truly privileged people who are who are trying to pretend as though they're the victims of of others that are that are also perceived as as privileged.

Yes, yes, that's right. Like there's a part where they're given this, that's called, they're given a house to live in, and they complain about it, because it's only on the grounds of the royal palace. It's not a big palace, or it's not big enough, or it's they said, you know, the ceiling was low.

I mean, seriously, I think a lot of people would switch with them to live in that small palace. Um, you know, so all these things, it's just so, so ungrateful. Psychologically, one of the other things that I think is interesting is how when, you know, Harry, at the very beginning, I thought that Harry was, poor Harry. He's a victim of Meghan. A victim of Meghan, right. Right. Right. You know, Meghan did pulled out all the stops, to push his buttons, and know what she needed to do and say and be like, in order to get him to fall in love with her. Right. And she did all of that. And she trapped him and so on.

The psychological games and using his own insecurities and playing on those and elevating those and all of those kinds of things. Sure. Yes. And so I thought, okay, you know, that's too bad. And, but then I, as time has gone on, I have realized that really, yes, she did, you know, play him all that, but he was sort of a willing victim. Because, um, you know, he had all of this animosity that he didn't really express, but he had all this animosity towards his brother, his jealousy, and his brother, his father, you know, he's furious at his father, as is typical of when parents divorce.

Right. The boy, you know, little boys are furious at their father for leaving their mother. And, um, well, and the whole thing with Diane, I mean, let's be honest that it was a terrible situation. There were a lot of things. There's obviously always two sides to every occasion, and every situation, but but it's it's clear, his his liaison with Camilla was was inappropriate. And, you know, and and he really kind of left Diana in in kind of a very cold and isolated situation, which was truly unfair to her because she she, I think she really did have a good heart. I think I think she was a good person. And she was trying to do good things with her position. And and with you know, I mean, what she did with the mines and the children and the orphans and and bringing attention, you know, to some of the real evils in the world. I mean, there were a lot of really neat things that she did. Yes, she was wonderful.

Absolutely. And he was a scoundrel. He was.

I know it's so bad. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, carried on with Camilla before he married Diana. And then he just continued. And yes, he was a scoundrel. In regard to his marriage. Diana was Yes, she was she, you know, she did do all these wonderful things. And if she hadn't been distracted by Charles, you know, Charles, Miss behavior, she could have done even more.

Yeah. But, um, so okay, so so getting back to Harry, so he's furious as his father for all of that, breaking Diana's heart, right. And, and to some degree, he's angry at the palace sort of in general, because, um, because, you know, the you know, there were all these rumors when when Diana died in that crash, there were all these conspiracy theories, right?

About how the pet was the palace who orchestrated her death. Now, I'm not saying I believe that. But certainly they were, they were around a lot. And they would have made Harry question whether any of this could be true. Well, they didn't help, we're gonna, we're gonna get into our break, our first break here.

But they certainly didn't help their cause. And, and there was certainly animosity that seemed to exist between the queen and Diana, how real all of that is, we don't know. It seems to me that that, you know, as we just mentioned, Charles was really the scoundrel and all of this, but, you know, that you can probably speak to the psychiatry of this, because that's kind of a mom thing, right? It doesn't matter how bad your son is.

I mean, we see that in in coal in society as a whole, moms covering for sons that are doing things they shouldn't be doing. And oh, that's my boy. He's so good. He'll never No, no, no, no, no. When in fact, you know, it's like, look, you know what a discipline the kid, okay, discipline your son and get him on the right track for gosh sakes.

All right, we'll be back right after this break. An important message from the Diabetes Solution Center. Diabetics understand all too well the pain of pricking your fingers. But now by wearing a small remote device called a continuous glucose monitor or CGM, you can immediately reduce your pain. It's easy to use and helps you make more accurate diabetes treatment decisions. If you are testing your blood sugar four or more times daily, injecting insulin three or more times daily or using an insulin pump, call the Diabetes Solution Center right now to learn about this groundbreaking new CGM technology. And if you have Medicare, you can get a new CGM at little to no out of pocket cost.

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And the proceeds greatly help U.S. veterans. So please call right now. And I apologize. Let's leave that stuff in the green room and let's continue with the rest of our conversation. So we have this situation with Meghan and Harry and they've created this, they've really tried to create a cottage industry around their own wokeness and victimhood. And she is an extremely strong advocate of the whole woke ideology and being a victim.

I mean, she's relying on, she's multiracial. So that's got to be a thing. There's just so much to unpack in that, Dr. Carol. Well, yes. And that is really another thing that is very concerning because I mean, that is what, you know, although I've called her and I still believe that she's a malignant narcissist, she has various psychological problems. But I think she was crazy like a fox when it came to planning what her, not just her victimhood, but, you know, what her platform was going to be, actually, because you've heard that she said that she wants to run for president. Have you heard that?

No, I haven't. But it's not surprising to me. I mean, you know, wow.

Yes. And so, you know, I mean, I don't think it's likely she would be nominated for president. You never know these days. You know, she is running, you know, she planned before she married Harry that she was going to, you know, take her being biracial and take that to the top, even though, you know, and even in her Netflix documentary, you see that as a child, she was quite privileged thanks to her father who she doesn't even talk to or see, you know, who paid for private schools and all of this stuff. Right, right. But so she planned on using and is planning on using her being mixed race as being a spokesperson, you know, like the next Obama, basically. Well, or Evita, right? She may see herself as like an Evita, isn't it? Wasn't Evita, right?

The what country? I don't remember what her She was the president of one of the South American countries, you know, What did she use as her? I don't remember what she used as her Well, it's not so much the platforming as much as as Megan just seems to have this, as you said, narcissistic, unrealistic view of how she perceives herself, right? And so right. And so, you know, Evita was somebody who who, you know, was I sort of kind of loved by her people, you know what I'm saying? And so Megan has this self self aggrandizing view that everybody loves her and everybody, you know, should love her. And those that don't love her are just haters.

And you know what I'm saying? And so that should sweep her. She's she's, you know, they're going to be the princess of America. Yes, exactly.

And Evita was this kind of femme fatale, you know, with all this fancy clothes and all of that. Right. Oh, yes. Right. Exactly.

Yeah. See, I'll let you borrow that. You can take that. You can develop that and run with that, doc.

Yeah, that'll be good. So, yeah, it's well, you know, I guess what is as we bring this home? What is the lesson for us mortal people as as we look at this situation? What should we take away from this?

Well, you know, we should take away that we should we should see the real understand both of them and understand what they're doing and take away how this is not how you how you should act towards your family, especially a family that has given you so much, stop being so ungrateful and get one thing. Harry has been in therapy. You know, he flaunted that. And, and really, you know, he's the worst piece of advertising for therapy that there is. Because clearly it didn't take, he's like the Woody Allen therapy.

It didn't take with Woody either. And he had more therapy than Harry. But, you know, sometimes there are character flaws that you just can't, I mean, I actually, I do think Harry should get real therapy, good therapy, psychoanalytically oriented therapy that gets to the bottom of all these things that we've been talking about, and more, you know, what is making him be like this. So he is speaking, he is using the mouthpiece of Megan to express all of this rage that he has towards various people in the in the royal family. And that is, you know, that's what he's getting out of it. Yes, to finish what I was saying before, he's not just this, this entrapped man by Megan, he's actually he, you know, a light bulb must have gone on at some point.

He's, he's a participant, right? He's, he's, he's clearly a participant and part of he's, he's, he's decided that he's going to hold on to the steering wheel to some degree, and drive along with her and and use all of this and and it's really a shame because at the end of the day, what they're doing is what the left wants to do and that is to destroy all forms of institution. Every traditional institution is a target of the left. And at the end of the day, folks, what we need to take away, I think and realize from this is, is that Harry and Megan is the is is is the left's perfect premier for how do you destroy family values?

How do you destroy traditional values? And and and and I'm sure that their whole world is just going to get weirder as we go on. Do I have 30 seconds? Go ahead. Yep.

30 seconds. The culmination of all this is how I believe that Harry and Megan's antics, you know, starting back a ways, at least from the time you know, they got married, or the from the time that they did the exit. They killed the queen. And I know that that's kind of you know, people are taken aback. But what I'm talking about from a medical standpoint, right here, broken heart stress and the broken heart. Yes, exactly. To me, that's the worst part of all.

And that's horrific. And everybody's gone after and so many have taken potshots at her. But those that knew her who were close to her, have spoken so highly of her and and what she did for so many years, to really try to hold together and stand against so many onslaughts, including the attacks that have come against Britain and the UK that have turned it into a place that, you know, even from 20 years ago, I don't recognize, quite frankly, I really don't. She was the one constant, and it's a shame that they are being allowed to even destroy the memory of that and the damage and the harm that they did.

And hurting her heart is is just really an atrocity. Dr. Carol, thank you for that. I greatly appreciate it. We're going to take a break.

I'll be back on the other side. Arizona elections. Carrie Lake, I've got Michelle Swinnick. Carrie only has part of the story right there is so much more corruption to be exposed in that election.

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Nikko products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. I made the silly thought, I thought, well, I'm late getting in, so Michelle will be all ready and she'll laugh at me because I was late. No, no, no, no. You cannot be later than Michelle. She won't allow it.

She will not allow you. If you're going to be late, she's going to be later. It's just, that's the way it is. So, you know, I used to have this, so I've been doing this 11 years now, but I have had some times during all of this, right, where you've got a window that's open and it's been open for like an hour. And all of a sudden, you know, those automatic videos that go off, folks, right, you know, it's like, dun-dun-dun, here's the news. And you're sitting there and you're having this really intense conversation with your guests, you know, good, intense.

I don't mean like arguing, fighting, but you're on a good topic. And all of a sudden there'd be this noise that would go off, dun-dun-dun-dun, and you're going, what the heck? And I look up and of course, you know, I've got like 25, 30 tabs open and now I'm looking. And normally what happens is at the top of one of those tabs, you have that little sound thing. There she is. You have that little sound thing going, right?

So you can look at the top and go, oh, that's the one. But no, no, no, no, no. On these automatic ones that fire, they don't always do the little sound thing. So here you are punching, close, close, close, close, close, close, my God, which one are you? Finally, you just, you have to shut all of them.

You're like, okay, fine. Now, the problem is, is you have some of those open because you are actually going to refer to them in the conversation that you're about to have. But now you can't because they're gone.

You just, you closed them. So, you know, there you go. That was nice. That's just, that's exactly what just happened. Thank you very much.

That's just loverly, loverly, loverly. So everything is closed, you guys get nothing. No, that's it. I, you know. All right. So we'll see you. Thank you. Thanks for playing.

Great to have you in the game today. No, there's not a consolation prize. Hey, park's closed, moose out front should have told you. Sorry, sorry. The consolation is we're out of here.

I don't know. So anyway. Well, hi, Michelle. Nice to see you.

Good morning. Notice I have no hat on today. I know I was going to say we're hatless.

Yeah, I actually am. But the flag's still upside down. So that's something. Well, there's a country that's still a tyrannical disaster.

No, you don't say, you don't say. So baby steps, right? Like I'm actually, I'm actually like somewhat back together, but the country isn't. So let's work on that. Let's work on that. So here's the deal. So Carrie Lake did file this lawsuit. So that's, that's a good thing.

That was last Friday. Yeah. So that's a good thing. But you're, you're kind of saying, hey, there's, there's some, there's some evidence that's not on the table. Now, now I saw something.

Yeah, a lot of evidence. I saw something that just popped up. This is dated December 14th. What are we, what are we on? We're on the six, so two days ago.

We are 16. So just two days ago, Carrie Lake gives critical update on the strongest election lawsuit in US history. So she said in her video, my legal team has been working nonstop, investigating and gathering sworn declarations from whistleblowers and witnesses. Excuse me. You said nonstop. Go ahead. You said they were, she said her legal team was working nonstop. I think I have, I think I have a tab open. There's some sound coming through.

I can't tell what tab it is. I've been saying I'm not, I'm not a fan of the attorneys, but that's OK. Keep going. Our lawsuit exposes many of the issues that have plagued our election system in Arizona. Yeah, it's it's a start. It's a start.

And have disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of Arizonans. Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that Election Day in Maricorruption County. She doesn't say that, but she really needs was an absolute debacle. Oh, debacle. Sorry. I love that.

Oh, my God. Look at the debacle. Look at the debacle. You've got to pop those. If you get a debacle, you better pop it. It's got all kinds of puss and junk in it.

Are you funny today? You know what? Look, folks. So. So, yeah, the next little bit is going to be just kind of out there.

This is it. I'm taking I'm taking two weeks. Oh, I need to do that. And I'm and I'm caught up and I'm going to recharge.

You're going to replace episode. You're going to. I'm going to replay if there's if there's something that breaks that I think, oh, I got to say something about this. I'll I'll pop in for a minute and and yeah. And say something. Yeah.

I can't afford to go anywhere. Who can? Oh, let's speak in a little little tidbit. Yeah, I was watching I was watching Fox News. The show's at night.

You know, Tucker and Hannity and Laura. And I do that so you guys don't have to. I encourage you not to watch these shows. Right. So I take the hit. I'll watch the Sunday shows.

So you don't have to do it. Oh, God. God bless you. Thank you for that. Appreciate it. Watch good content. Don't watch that stuff.

I'll keep an eye on the bastages for you. OK. Yeah. So it was interesting because there was a guy from Rebel News, you know, the group up in Canada.

And I don't know if they have an outlet here or not, but it doesn't matter. But they did great stuff with the truckers. You know, they yeah, yeah, yeah, no, they're nuts. Yeah, no, no.

Some of the people that come on there are really, you know, some good people. Yeah, good. So one guy, he went over to Moscow, Russia, right.

Russia. And no, this is good. So he went to the grocery store and it was loaded full. I mean, and these are products that we get here. I mean, there was milk for days. I mean, there was it was there was there wasn't a bare shelf anywhere.

I mean, it was fully loaded. And you know what? And they had they had chicken. They have beef. They had all kinds of steaks. They had rabbit. They let you name it. They had it there. Guess what? Their ground beef is per pound.

I had no idea. Two ninety nine. OK, we're the land of beef.

We have we have all the beef in the world where we did before they started sabotaging the food processing plants and the animals. But two ninety nine. Well, let that let that sink in. I understand.

You don't think this is manufactured? Please. All right. Let's get to Arizona.

Speaking of manufacturing. Well, can I can I just add something, though? Please.

Running one and one. Just do me a favor before you buy into. You're not going to go to Russia. You're not going to go there. And they don't know where you are.

You're not going to see anything that they don't want you to see. I'm just telling you, I've I've I the pastor that I that I talked to in Ukraine actually had to get me started and actually has family. That that live in Russia. Because he's from Russia.

And and what. What people are, what they're allowing to come out and what people are are being allowed to see versus what the real Russian people are experiencing. Sounds like here. It's not the same. No, I don't I don't. Hey, I don't disagree with that.

I don't disagree with the disinformation. I mean, why do we do the shows that we do, folks? Why do we why do we even bother? Why do we do this? Why does TECN TV exist? We exist because mainstream media and even a lot of those that profess to be alternative won't tell you what what's what's really going on.

They won't they won't tell you what's really going on. And and that doesn't even mean TECN, you know, that that we all agree. But we have free speech on this platform. We have free speech on this platform.

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Native products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. Get more at That's Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass.

God, we could do this for like forever. I was just telling Michelle my experience. I'll have to share it with you again.

Maybe I have over the years, but my first experience there in Phoenix, Arizona, 128 degrees of dry heat. Look at the time. Come on, we've got to talk about corruption. So what's going on? So Carrie files the lawsuit, but what you're saying is there's a lot of meat that's not on her bone. Oh yeah, and I've been saying this since the day of.

So what is the meat? Okay, hang on. So, but first I want to let everyone know there's two other lawsuits. Okay, there's two other lawsuits and I just saw the update. So Finchem filed an election contest.

Also, I haven't read through it to see what he pulls out. And then Sonny Borrelli, who's a senator, he filed a lawsuit. Okay, so there's two other lawsuits.

So it's not just Lake. Again, remember everybody, the election issues, the election fraud, the election malfeasance and maladministration has nothing to do with the candidates. It's you, it's your, you got hosed, you got screwed, has nothing to do with the candidates. For the most part, except for these these couple that I mentioned, technically, they've all really moved on anyway. Okay, because they're going to have good lives and they'll have money. Don't worry about them. You, you're the one that's going to take it. Well, you are already taken in.

All right. So as far as Carrie Lakes, Carrie Lakes really focuses on the signatures, which is great, but that's 2020 also. Okay, so when you're filing these things, there's certain there's certain things that they have to really prove. They have to go overboard and prove because it's not it's not just black and white. You would think as a normal people, hey, listen, you guys didn't follow the procedures. You made up your own rules, et cetera, et cetera.

I'm disappointed. There's not a lot of procedural issues that were not in there that are huge things. Just the fact that in the procedures, it states, as I mentioned before with you guys, if you have a malfunctioning machine, you must immediately repair, replace.

Okay, so then you have a huge this thing going on all day. That should have been one of the number one things, right? Right there.

Fifteen minutes in, you can't certify. And the other thing, too, that's that's interesting, that's not in there. You know, you've got your the original letter that the AG wrote and they brought certain points up that were in there. That's not mentioned.

Then you have the nine. You have the twenty three page. And these are I know it sounds like a lot of information for people, but you literally you need to read these things. And it's not it's not an actual believe it or not, it's not a boring read because you read through and you can't believe it. And you also if you're not here in Arizona or even if you're not in Maricorps County and you're in other places or your other parts of the country, you're going to read through and go, that happened in mine or wait a second. That kind of sounds like happened because it's it's so much bigger than Maricorps County.

It's so much bigger than just Kerry Lake. Again, remember, no false idols. Right.

And we've got to stop putting people on the pedestal. So this twenty three page report from you, you mean like superhero cards? Sorry, I know I'm not going to get off track. I'm just going to go ahead.

Or the royals that you were just talking about in your last segment. Yeah. You guys got to stop that. Right. Focus on focus on that. There you go.

There you go. Right. But you focus on that. Then maybe we can turn this upside. Right.

OK. All we were doing was that's why I closed it by talking about the importance of traditional values, which is what I was like. I can't I can't. Don't even get me started on the queen. Don't get me started on the go ahead. Yes. All right. Go ahead.

Go ahead. So and then there's the twenty three page report from the roving attorneys, which actually it is. I'm impressed that they that they put this together. Now, who are the roving attorneys?

What do you mean by that? The roving attorneys? What they did is they had attorneys that were going to various sites to talk to the people that weren't there, whether they were the clerks, the judges, the inspectors, and get their information as to what was happening. These are Terry's attorneys that were going roving. No, no, no.

These are those were these were Republican Party attorneys, party attorneys. OK. Yeah. That's hard. I just wanted to get it. OK. Got it.

Mitchell. Yes. That's the one good thing that they did. OK. So I give them credit. I'll give people credit. I will throw you under the bus in a second when you deserve it.

OK. But I'll give people credit where I was crawling out from under the bus just a minute ago. So I was trying to figure out what the heck was going on. I got hit by something. And I put it in reverse and I jumped back up.

Yeah, it's really not very nice because I got hit by a car. So stop it. I'm tired of this. I trigger you. Then I trigger you. Flashbacks. Flashbacks. Yeah. So in this you put me in a debacle.

The back play sounds OK. So so there's even more information in here. But here this is the thing that is key, too.

There's so many layers to all of the fraud. I wish they would have listed everything, because then that way it could be it'll be more of a focal point, even if the if the judge and let's just say that there are certain statutes or certain certain layers that you have to address to try to really get it uncertified or annulled or. So you can have a new election. I mean, that's the goal.

The goal here is, is, is it needs to be redone. OK, there's there's two avenues for this. Right.

I talk I'm talking behind the scenes, people said. Be careful what I say. OK, so ideally you want them to decertify the election. Right.

And redo it. Right. Because that would make sense, because it is so convoluted.

There's so many layers. Right. Yes. But it sounds like. It would be like a kind of a compromise, but it sounds more like a cluster F at the same time. OK, they would actually to. Yeah.

And then some. So it sounds like perhaps it would be more like decertifying Mericorruption County, removing the results from Mericorruption County. And then going with what the rest of the state said. So actually, just like taking Maricopa out, which is the largest county state, which a majority of the people here, 65 or so percent to take out Maricopa, Mericorruption, poof, and then go with the results for the rest. But then.

If you do that. The main main people that are on our side and again, it's not I don't care which side wins at this point. I want I want it to be fair.

I want it to be done the right way. Right. But you know which direction that's going to end up. So then you get your fissions that when you've got your Carrie Lake wins, blah, blah, blah. But then you still have all the local staff in Mericorruption County that you wait. So you have to have another election for that.

So technically, how is that? How is that any better than redoing that election? So it's a matter of are you going to redo the state or are you just going to take Mericopa out? So there's at this point, who knows which way it's going to be either way.

The ideal thing is just to redo the whole thing or at least redo it. Let me ask you. Let me ask you this. And I know you're not an attorney, but you've been talking to attorneys.

But let me ask you this. Is part of the strategy for having left some of this out? Just asking that if you get a judge and the judge is going down the list of evidence. And the judge comes across a couple of these things and says, this is too much or this is outside of the scope or this this changes the direction of the of the suit or whatever.

And now he uses that. It's like, you know, I did I did this subrogation stuff. And when you're finding an insurance company to try to get paid, you've got to be you've got to. You basically got to jam their contract down their throat and say, right, you can't. And you've got to make sure you stay and they want to take you off to stay like this. Right.

They want to take you outside the lanes and they want to, you know, they want to force you and say, oh, you went outside the lane. Sorry. Denied. Denied. And I learned from my attorneys.

And it's the same thing with a deposition. Don't say anything if they ask you what color the house is. The answer is blue. That's it. You don't talk about the white windows frames. You don't talk.

The house is blue. You you you see what I'm saying? Yeah. So my question is, so my question is, is there some of this that would be added at some point later in the case as addendums? Like went like during the trial, they would say, oh, and here's, you know, your honor, I'd like to enter this as evidence. And then you ask questions about the evidence that you just presented or does it actually need to be brought in right now?

Yes and no. So let's go. Let's go with both. So what's that might. So part of it is that is that. But I just also think based on my conversations with them, they didn't want to go down some roads that are blatantly right there in your face. OK, because they did some things that should be I mean, like I'm hardcore procedures, which, like you said, I'm taking their own words and their own rules and shoving it right where the sun don't shine.

Well, I'm just saying you need you look, this is what they're well, because it seems to me. And we're going to run out of time. And that's OK. And but but listen, folks, Michelle was on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 1 p.m. She is going to be going through this. I know she's she she'll take a little while. Actually, next week, there'll be a break because the network is taking a break because they're upgrading, which is awesome.

But this weekend, I'm going through everything, but she's going to be hitting it. So go to save my freedom that U.S. to get updates on all of this. Save my freedom that U.S. will give you the updates and the action you need to take action. OK. Yeah. And then we're I got to save my freedom that it's on here, hon.

It's on here. Right. Up the the Act for America campaign on what the next action is, because next Tuesday, Tuesday and Wednesday is a trial for Kerry Lake. All right. Trial is there. So we're going to cover that. Save my freedom that U.S. and tune in next Tuesday and Wednesday at one p.m. Eastern and tonight. Right.

That's right. Running on TV tonight. And my freedom is not in the U.S. Save my freedom that U.S. Michelle Swinnick. Michelle, thanks. God bless you. Merry Christmas to you.

Happy New Year to you. I'll be I'll be I'll check it out. I'll be paying attention to what's going on. You're awful next week.

I am. I'm off next week and the week after I'm taking two weeks. This is the two weeks. So this is.

Yeah. So this is I'm taking the Christmas week and the New Year's week. I need it. I'll be back, though. I'm not done.

Hour number three coming up right after this. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, and you're listening to Chodin Generation Radio. Get more Chodin Generation Radio dot com.

That's Chodin Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country. By contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. Sexual predators and comprehensive sex education both break down inhibitions. That's what they start with. They also gain trust with the child and then slowly start to get them towards sexual activity.

Anything goes. You are teaching children adult child sex. You're teaching transgender issues. And, you know, children are moldable and influenced by that. They said, OK, now we need you and your team to be able to explain what homosexuality is to a four year old student. To introduce this kind of material at that age, frankly, it's child abuse. You're going to teach our children that it's OK for any two children of any age, of any sex to have sexual intercourse with each other as long as two components are present. One's using a condom and they both give consent.

Did I hear that correctly? It's not a neutral venue. There's no such thing. The schools are doing your job. They are discipling your children, but they're not discipling them in the faith of Jesus Christ. It's only the exceptional child that even survives that system. Most do not survive.

Most have not survived. They believe that children are sexual from birth and that they deserve and have the right to be sexually active and to seek sexual pleasure. And if anyone is stopping them from that, then you are judging and oppressing them. Even kindergarten now, they're wanting to teach them more and more perverse information and acts and put that into the children's minds. And once those that poison is in the child's mind, doesn't leave. They'll always remember what they learned. And it's by design, it's orchestrated. In my humble opinion, it will be worse before it gets better.
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