These are domestic terrorists. The 6th was all deception.
The level of sophistication. Hactic. People were putting on Trump stuff beforehand or taking it off after work. It was members of our own government. Morehouse has been an FBI informant for a number of years. In January 6th, I said, are you working?
He said yes. This is truth. They want to criminalize dissent.
We have a federal search warrant under the property. Come out. I opened the shutters. They had the battering ram.
I hear, boom. Then they told me to come out. A whole bunch of red dots all over my chest.
They're hunting down Trump supporters. I just walked into a crowd of people. We've been freezing. We've been fighting.
And now I want you to pay with me. I spent the next three weeks in jail. They put me in a cell by my cell. Total solitary confinement in a cell not much bigger than a walk-in closet. FBI. Gun strong. Hands up, hands up, hands up. Put your hands on the wall, hands on the wall. This is psychological warfare.
It didn't have a battering ram in it, but what it did have was a turret on top. He was pointing his gun at all my neighbors ready to pull up any time he needed to. They handcuffed me. They handcuffed you? Yes. 147 days since my wife was murdered.
It's not going to be her voice now. There's an old Chinese saying my ancestors learned before the Communist Party took over our country. The family is the essential unit of human society. And that you must have honor and defend your family. But it's not always easy to do.
When the regime gives the order, you have to kill. My heart was pounding. I felt my body bouncing and twisting on the floor.
They put numbers on our chest. I felt my body spinning. I felt my body spinning. I felt my body spinning. I felt my body spinning. I felt my body spinning. I felt my body spinning. I felt my body spinning on the floor. They put numbers on our shoulders, then separated us into rows of even and odd numbers.
I was number nine. My brother, he is still in prison. And my sister, she was sent to a labor camp without a trial. There's one piece of evidence they haven't been able to destroy yet.
I left everything behind. If I can't expose what they did to us, then all of our suffering would be nothing. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice on where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio.
Hour number three, wow, hour number three. So, if you missed any portions of our program today, I encourage you to get it and go to the website That's Be sure and check it out there, And we will, well, you'll be able to pick up the show archives. We'll have that up for you this afternoon. Actually, probably before this afternoon, but we'll have it up for you very soon.
And you can pick that up again at under Archive, Show Archive. And there you go. Okay. Okay, what do we got here? Not sure what this is for. Okay.
Okay, so I got some kind of a, I guess we'll play it in that, see what this sounds like. People don't like to get stuck. Stuck in traffic, stuck in the mud, stuck at work, and two others you probably don't think much about. Stuck with a big medical bill or stuck with a healthcare program that doesn't fit who you are. Experience true medical freedom with Share Healthcare.
More affordable, more options, user-friendly, and biblically sound. You can join right now. Explore a new way to show you care with Share Healthcare. Join us today at Okay, so there's the commercial, Share Healthcare. I'm expecting Mike Sharman to join us here, but perhaps he got hung up. The number to call is 844-742-7342.
844-742-7342, and that is Share Healthcare. And you just heard the commercial spot, so there you go. All right, let me jump back over here. There we go. Okay, so you can pick up the program. I wanted to get that out there, so yeah. Okay. At any rate, there you go.
Get over to the website. Sorry, folks.,
Look, live radio, you do without a net, and so that's the deal. A few things to share. There's a lot that's going on. So there was a prayer rally in Arizona. I don't know if you heard about this, prayer rally in Arizona. It was held in front of the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center. Obviously, people are very concerned about what's happened with the election. And the evidences that are there, the evidences that have come out, Michelle Swinik was on testifying to what she witnessed yesterday.
Certainly, her witness, her testimony, the evidence that she presents is, you know, very, very compelling about what they've done and what happened in Maricopa County. The machines malfunctioned for the first three hours of the day at a rate of 90% to 10. So severely that the bucket that they have, and they have basically, you know, the three buckets she described. So you've got a bucket for, I guess, one group's votes and another bucket for another group's votes or however that works. But the third one is kind of the abstract one, but that's the one where it won't go through. Where the scan doesn't happen. And so they say, take these and put them through and we'll scan them later. Now, in a normal cycle, the workers who are there working the polls after the polls close would go over, and there might be, you know, 40 or 50 of them, and then they scan those. And then they get the results and they move on. And they certainly scan them before they send them to headquarters. In this particular instance, as Michelle testified yesterday, that didn't happen. There was no, they just sent them and they had had to bag them several times because the bin was overflowing because there were so many. So yesterday they were out in front of the chamber and they were praying.
And while they were praying, snipers and heavily armed individuals and drones were flying around watching them because prayer is dangerous. Well, yeah, kind of. Okay, hey, very pleased to welcome back to the program.
The General Legal Counsel for SHARE Healthcare. I want to welcome Mike Sharnett to the program. Mike, welcome. Good to have you. Well, thank you very much. I was lost there in Zoom Never Never Land with the little swirls swirling. Oh, goodness. And they were splicing me and saying, no, I'm here waiting. So I got off, came back on again.
You know, it's Zoom, Zoom does that sometimes. Yes. The technology lets us do what we're doing right now. The bad news is I don't always get technology right. You know what? I have that.
I have that same thing. You know, they call it a smartphone. Right.
But, you know, it seems pretty dumb to me because there are times when it's supposed to be connected to something and two things are sitting right next to each other. And, you know, what's the deal? You know, I think, you know, technology works about as well as our healthcare system, Mike. Yeah. But, you know, we're probably going to get more of the amen chorus on what we've just been talking about than anything else we're going to be saying in this half hour.
Well, I don't know about that. I think the, you know, I think healthcare is, I think healthcare has, you know, means a lot to a lot of folks. And my question for 30-some years of using that common need that we have of healthcare to try to allow the body of Christ to live out, John 17, of us being united in a way that we otherwise aren't going to or can't, and then have a tool that shows the watching world what can happen when Christians come together in Christ's word according to His will.
And bam, all sorts of good things happen. You know, and people have a, we always have a need for healthcare. And we always have expenses related to it. But right now we're having an even deeper problem because of inflation. You know, we have 8.2 to 8.5% inflation, which that's just a number, but that's exactly what one month's wage is. That's 8.2 to 8.5 of our income for the whole year. Right. And we've lost a month of income, and that number isn't even what the government really thinks.
How do I know that? Well, because there's this thing called an inflation bond, an I-bond, that you can buy from the Treasury Department. And they promise you that they'll give you the interest that is always going to stay constant. You give them 10,000.
That's as large as you can do. And they say the interest zone is going to stay constant with inflation. Right now the I-bond is paying 9.62% interest, which means that's what the Treasury Department really thinks inflation is. So people are having that much more of their income cut in, and so what can they do? Well, hopefully they need to find a solution to one of their biggest expenses. And I think one of the larger expenses that you can potentially have is the health care expense.
And especially right now, there's so much going on in the health care world that I think people are being drawn to that. Yeah, and when you have one month's income cut off, you're going to have other fixed things you're going to have to keep. You have to have a roof over your head. You have to be able to get from place to place to work.
You have to have food. And so what gets cut often is people's health care. So government says that they're going to health. And so using California as an example, you have the California individual mandate on it, which now this doesn't make sense at all to me. They say, okay, we want to help the people who don't have insurance, so we're going to make everybody who doesn't have insurance pay us a tax, which the average is right about $1,200.
That makes no sense whatsoever. And then they say we want to make health care affordable. So the affordable health exchange one that they have there in California, Covered California, that winds up just for a young, healthy individual will be $257 per month. But with Share Health Care, the entity that I work with and that I represent, that same individual will be $149. So with Covered California, that government that's supposedly trying to help you, if you're older, if you're a 49-year-old, that price goes up to $393. If you're 59, it goes up to $599. With Share Health Care, since we're the body of Christ, not the young body of Christ, not the aging body of Christ, but the body of Christ, it still stays $149. And with, again, using Covered California as an example, if you have that, you wind up having an out-of-pocket maximum of $8,700 a year.
Well, we just have $1,000 per event personal expense. So those are just a whole lot of data dumps on people to just get them attuned to the fact that government is not the answer. People working together and working together in accordance with the biblical word does work.
It's a practical, real, and present help in this real and present dangerous time that we're living in. Well, and California is just one example. I mean, there are states all across the country where individuals are engaged and involved, and everyone's trying to figure out what their health care situation is going to look like. What makes medical health care sharing work, Mike? Well, Share Health Care, you can think of it just like a medical co-op or think of it like passing the plate across the nation and across denominations.
It's a group of like-minded people who are generally healthy and generally trying to live in accordance with the Bible. And we have a very systematic, organized way of doing it. So the main answer to your question, what makes it work, is we want it to. We want to follow what God wants. We want to help one another. We want others to help us when we have a need.
We know that they're desperate, and in our desperate times, we want their help. So the organized part of it is that whenever anybody joins Share Health Care, they automatically get a bank account, their own individual personal bank account at Lime Bank in Bolivar, Missouri. A brick-and-mortar bank, but also a digital online bank. And it's the only bank in the nation that's been FDIC approved and Federal Reserve approved to have these health care sharing accounts. So that when somebody has a medical need, now all of us today self-pay patients. Share Health Care is nothing more than a way to help you do this organization, this facilitation to get your medical needs paid. So we all say this. And this isn't insurance, correct?
That's right. You know, insurance, you send a check off to an entity. You know, you really don't know them. You don't know who's being helped by it. We're qualitatively and quantitatively different than insurance. So when a person has a medical need, they talk to their doctor, the health care provider, the hospital, and that health care, they send their bill in. We look at it and say, okay, this $100,000 bill that you just gave us, if we can send you your money in 24 to 48 hours, what sort of discount will you give us?
And there's a long pause because they don't believe we can do it. And they say, well, if you can do that, well, we'll cut 65% off and let you have the $100,000 bill for the $35,000 because they want cash and there always is a discount on the medical bills. And the reason we can say within 24 to 48 hours is because that bank, my bank, has a proprietary algorithm that lets us just push a button and all the right amounts of money go from various individual accounts into the person that needs account. And then the check goes out from that person's account to their health care provider in that person's name.
So if Greg Young has a medical need, the check will go out to your health care provider in Greg Young's name. So that's basically how it works and why. And what about the Christian values, the moral, the ethical values? How does that play a role in the decision as to both from a membership perspective and then also from a covered medical expense perspective? Right. So from a membership perspective, one, by preference, we are a Christian organization.
Okay. But then also there's 32 states that have specific what we call safe harbor laws that permit health care sharing ministries to be completely exempt from insurance and they each say that it needs to be a faith-based entity in which members are of the same religion and share in accordance with their faith. So our religion is Christian, so we're sharing in accordance with that. In terms of how it works, we have three freedoms that we say are our platform, the tripod, so to speak, that we're on. The first is medical freedom. Second is financial freedom.
We already kind of touched on the financial freedom. And the one you just asked about is religious freedom. So we as Christians don't want to have our insurance dollars or health care dollars paying for abortion, aborted patients, the gender disruption things of turning Bobby into Barbie and Billy into Bonnie. Right. And that, if we were to pay for it, that's repugnant to our biblical values.
So since we are faith-based and since we're exempt from the Affordable Care Act, exempt from insurance laws, we can share in accordance with what is appropriate and proper that would please God, not displease Him. So as an example, would you guys cover a sex change operation? No. Okay.
No, and not just not only not the sex change operation, but none of the hormone changes anything of that nature. Nope. You don't have to go on health care exchange to have that down to join the military. Okay. Yeah. And notice that our taxpayer dollars are funding those kinds of things these days. Yeah. Well, I had my little sergeant back in the 70s would have said about that. Yeah.
Well, I was in the 80s in the Air Force and that wouldn't have flown back then either. So tell me if, you know, we're in open enrollment right now, which a lot of people are familiar with. Does open enrollment play a role in when you can sign up with Share Health Care? Not when you can sign up. There's always open enrollment year-round 24 hours a day with Share Health Care.
Obviously, people are more attuned to it during the open enrollment period. And even if somebody calls up, I was chatting with somebody in August and they were wanting to join Share Health Care and had health insurance and they wanted to drop insurance and join Share Health Care. And Chad went to us and said, well, you know, if you want to and if you think that's appropriate for you, you can do that now.
He said, no, I just want to let it run out. It's easier for my employer. Okay. So it doesn't affect that you can do it. People might have preferences and they just choose to wait for open enrollment. Now, I notice also that there are some choose how you share membership levels. Could you explain a little bit about what those are and kind of some of the differences associated with that?
Well, the only difference is how you choose to budget. Okay. So I mentioned the 149, 249, 349, which is the main one that almost everybody chooses.
That's about 72 to 74 percent of our membership is in that. Okay. And that has a $1,000 per event personal expense, which means if you go to the doctor and just for your regular checkup. And that's going to be only about $140. And he says, well, you know, it looks pretty good, but there's something here I want to run a full blood scan. Well, that's going to be probably about $800. Okay. So now you're near $1,000. And then he says, there's something in this blood scan. Let's go do, you know, an MRI or CAT scan, whatever.
And now you're over $1,000. Okay. Then let me use that example other than you because I don't want to put cancer on you. Okay.
Now, the scan shows for this hypothetical person out there that there's cancer. Okay. And it runs on for years of the treatments.
They only have that one $1,000 per event personal expense. All right. Right. Because the diagnosis is the event and that event will carry on until it's resolved. Right.
Either the search for the diagnosis or like you said, the diagnosis itself. Right. Well, I mean, let's take maybe even something a little bit, you know, like a broken bone. Right. Right. You go to the urgent care and they say, well, we can do this, but you're going to need to go to, you know, the orthopedist to do that. And there's only one event there.
Even though you're in two different places, there might be multiple healthcare providers. Right. Right.
You might even have to spend some time in the hospital, perhaps, depending on how bad the break is. Correct. So, the $349 on the $1,000 per event is for a family of four and then $50 for each one after.
Okay. So, let's say on the highest one, you only have a $300 per event. So, the family might want to budget that way, but their monthly amount is higher.
That's $649. Okay. So, that's the only difference is how do you feel like budgeting? Do you feel like having a higher monthly amount and a lower per event whenever that hits?
Or are you a family that you've got, you know, a bit of savings you've already done for healthcare, and so you want to have the lower monthly amount? Because we have, for any of those programs, they all have the exact same services. It's not like you get this cheaper one that has less services. And we're going to run out of time, but real quick, I'm glad you brought up services. So, you know, we've all struggled with and heard the, you know, keep your doctor, so on and so on. How does that work?
Is there in-network and out-of-network, or how does that work, Mike? With sheer healthcare, that's the medical freedom part. Your network is any licensed medical professional in the world. If you like your doctor, keep them. If you've been trying to get rid of this doctor, but he's been on a network you're in, get rid of them.
Okay. Or the hospital system or whatever. You get to go where your healthcare needs you to go. Naturalpathic.
I noticed something about that on your site. I'm very heavily into naturopathy and so on. If someone is, you know, vegan and into naturalmatic medicines and things of that nature, how does that work? It works the same as it would with an MD or a nurse practitioner. You get to go for what is medically necessary care to any one of those licensed medical professionals for treatment, but not for maintenance things. You know, if you go to your chiropractor just because it makes your back feel better, well, that is not shareable.
If you go to your chiropractor because you've had some trauma or something that's gone on, yes, you can go to him because it's medically necessary. Same with naturopaths, same with an MD, same with an MP. Okay. Whatever is medically necessary. All right.
Folks, listen. Share healthcare. The phone number to call, 844-742-7342, 844-742-7342 or go to the website and you can find them at,
Again, the number to call, 844-742-7342, ShareHealthcare, giving you healthcare freedom. Mike, thanks so much for being with me today. I greatly appreciate it.
Well, thank you, Pastor Greg. And we'll have you back in just a couple of weeks. Sounds great. Awesome. All right, folks, we're going to take a break.
Back with Matt Long right after this. People don't like to get stuck. Stuck in traffic, stuck in the mud, stuck at work, and two others you probably don't think much about. Stuck with a big medical bill or stuck with a healthcare program that doesn't fit who you are. Experience true medical freedom with ShareHealthcare.
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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio.
Welcome back to the Matt Long Show. How about that? I think we hit her just right. I think we hit her just right. I believe we did.
If I did things right on my end, but I'm never sure of that. Good morning, Pastor Greg. Well, good morning, Matt. Good morning. It's an interesting day in America, isn't it? Man, I could not believe it, Pastor Greg. I woke up and I looked at the Arizona news because that's the top. And I wish I could show you a shocked face, but I can't.
The longer the votes are counted, the more likely it goes to a Democrat. And I'm sick and tired of this. Well, I got to tell you, I had many in your audience may be familiar with this story.
I'm sure you probably even covered it. The Maricopa County election judge who said that she believed that the Gateway Pundit covered it, but believed that this was a pre-programmed event. Her name is Michelle Swinnick. And I had Michelle. She's a friend of mine. I had her on my program yesterday. I had her on the program right before the election. And she was working with Brigitte Gabriel in Act for America to ban the machines. Because she said that all of the evidence that she had come across, basically none of the machines had been certified, none of them had been legally approved, predicated on Arizona's own election code. Not one of them.
Not one of them. And so she was working as an election judge that morning, checking people in. And all of a sudden she said that within 15 minutes of getting started, she started to see this line develop.
And it just kept getting longer and longer. And it literally circled around in front of her and around the building. These are people she'd already checked in that were supposed to be inside voting that were now in line that was backed up all the way out the door. And so she's like... And they weren't getting to vote, is that what you're saying? They were just in line.
No. What happened is that, and we have to be very specific about our process, so what happened is that they had gone to the machine and they had quote, unquote, they had punched in their vote. And then they had their paper that was now supposed to be scanned and it was at the point that you scan.
And you know, it's interesting, I'm down here in Bandera. And this is the first time that I'd experienced this down here. I mean, we've done touch screens for years. But this time around, it was a touch screen. And they actually, when you got there, they fanned out three pieces of paper and they said, pick one. And I was like, okay, so you pick a piece of paper.
Now, I hadn't experienced this before. I think the last time I was there, there was a kind of a dummy strip that you stuck in, but it didn't print anything. Well, this time they had a page that you put in and you punched in all your stuff and you voted. And I voted, you know, for everybody but Andrew Murr.
And then, again, I didn't vote for anybody in the Murr race, by the way. Anyway, and then there was an option to print, which I didn't know if you were supposed to or not, but I pressed that option and I printed. So I get this print out and it's got who I voted for on it. And now I roll over and there's a gal at the machine and she says, okay, now you're going to scan this. So you're going to take it right here and you're going to put it in. And if the green light goes off, then that means that it accepted it. And I was like, all righty.
So I did and it did and everything was fine. So apparently, in Arizona, the deal was is that they were getting the paper, but when they went to go to the machine that was supposed to do the actual scan, it would error. And so she said that between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m., the error rate was 90%.
Good Lord. 90% of the people. And if you've got only two of, let's just say you've only got two of the scanners, I think one of the stories I heard was that they had 12 machines to vote on and 12 scanners. And so you would vote, you would do the machine vote, get your piece of paper and go to the scanner.
And in the stories I was hearing in Arizona that if there were 12 booths, there were only two scanners that were working and one of them only working part time. And I, you know, Pastor Greg, it's not like this was a surprise election, was it? I mean, we've had two years for crying out loud. You know, we're repeating a lot of things that have been said over the last week by every conservative pundit out there, but it needs to be said more and more.
These guys have had two years. Well, but here's the other thing. When Michelle got there, she asked them, there were people who were allowed to be there the night before who were a part of the test. And she asked them, when you ran the test, was there any problem? And they said no. Now, I had yesterday also on the program Greg Stenstrom.
Greg Stenstrom and another gal, Leah Hooper, have written a book called Parallel Election. And he discussed that what they're doing is, is when they, the night before when they do this, run these things, they run in test mode. Well, you're not supposed to run in test mode. You're supposed to run a blank sheet, but you're supposed to run it in election, in live election mode and then don't touch the machine. Because that's the only way that you get the baseline that you need in order to do the proper forensic audit. So you can't do the proper forensic audit if they run in test mode and then they switch over to election mode on the day of the election.
Because you have no baseline. You know, Pastor Greg, we've got this same thing going on in Houston. And it's a nightmare in Houston. And I don't know, Michael Berry has been covering that extremely well. And they've got a mess in Houston.
It just really looks just like Arizona in a lot of ways. Ballots, not enough ballots being delivered. And then when they ask for more, they don't come. And then the machines weren't working and they couldn't test them.
That also came up in Houston that they did not run a test at all. And so they just started running the machines. And this is becoming an embarrassment. You know, Angela and I talked about this yesterday, and I don't know that we spent enough time on it. But I have a fear, I have a fear that we'll get a lot of conservatives across the country who will say, you know, we're sick and tired of Arizona screwing everything up. We're sick and tired of waiting on Pennsylvania, waiting on, you name the state that we've been waiting on.
And so we need some national election guidelines. I know, I know. We do not want that. Agreed.
Don't want that. Let me give you a Pennsylvania story. So Greg was in Pennsylvania on the day of the election. They walked in at 7 a.m. and there was a table that contained 25,000 already filled out ballots. And they said, well, where did these come from? Well, they're, you know, they're mailing. Well, why are they out of their envelopes? Well, we already took care of that.
Well, wait a minute. No, no, no, that's not how the process works. There's a chain of custody. We need to see the envelope. We need to match the signatures. We need to make sure that these pieces of paper represent actual individual legitimate voters that have the right to vote according to the code. They said, well, don't worry about it. We've already taken care of it. You just need to run them.
You just need to, you just, the workers are just going to grab these and scan them. 25,000 votes. Wow. Right at the beginning of it. That's what happens to me. Now, let me tell you some more about Arizona real quick, because this is important for folks that are here.
Okay. So, six to nine, 90 percent mess up. From about nine to 11, 80 percent mess up. Then from 11 to about two, 60-40. In other words, the machine got progressively better as the day progressed at the times when there were less voters there to vote. And the machine just did it as if it was pre-programmed to happen.
And then at about 3.30, 4 o'clock, a technician shows up and he does some magical reset. And from 4 o'clock on, there's no problems at all. And the majority of voters were there from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Yeah. None of it makes any sense, and Arizona has to straighten that out. And if you think, and a lot of Texas listeners here, and if you think that we've got that all figured out in Texas, we have amazing laws on chain of custody of the ballots in Texas. We do.
We have great laws. However, over the last four years, and this is personal eyewitness. This is not a story.
This is not coming from a good friend. This is a personal eyewitness. I have now eyewitnessed on two different occasions where the chain of custody was not clear and the Secretary of State just gave a waiver over the phone and said, go ahead and count them anyway.
And this are the two that I have eyewitnessed these in person. And we also, they've been giving, the Secretary of State is regularly giving waivers to counties that can't quite meet the election law, and we've got to stop that in Texas. Well, so in Arizona, to your point, because 90% of the ballots wouldn't run, they had a little drop box where you had for, you know, where that would happen, because in the past that has happened.
However, normally that would be somewhere between 10 and 50, okay? And they would just run them at the end of the night because not a big deal, right? Well, in this instance now, they filled the bin so full, they actually had to take and open the bin and dump the bin into a bag. They had to do that twice.
Michelle had to certify the bag and sign for the bag. But here's the point. They're not supposed to open the machine. They're not supposed to touch any of that stuff.
That's not supposed to happen. So that's number one. Number two, her roommate ran his 15 times, he said. He tried 15 times. And then they were like, well, you know, we can spoil it and this and that and the other. And he said, no, I don't want to do any of that.
I want to know that what I have in my hand is what you're going to look at. So he stuck his in the bag. Now, she was there till 7 o'clock when the polls closed.
So think about that, too. The machines only worked properly for two and a half hours the entire day. From 2.30 to 7 or 4.30 to 7, that's when the machines were perfect. That's it. That's it.
The rest of the time, they were screwing up. All right. So she leaves the polling place at a little after 7 o'clock. Obviously, everything is supposed to still be there, the bags, everything, all the ballots, all of that. Now, they have a thing online where you can check to see was your vote counted. So she gets home within an hour. She says, hey, you know what? Why don't you look and see if your vote was counted?
Okay. So he looks online. Hey, guess what? His vote was counted. Here's the problem.
The problem is the bag had just left the facility. There's no way for his vote to have actually made it to be counted. So the check-in was, they said, so in other words, they converted check-ins to you voted.
And then they would, I don't know, maybe vote for you. We don't know. We don't know. But we know that based on that evidence, that the check-in was what they were using as the evidence that the person had voted. So that now makes that ballot kind of free for them to use and do whatever they want to do with it, because it's not supposed to be that way.
Yeah, and I don't know. You know, Florida embarrassed themselves in 2000, and they've gotten their act together since then. And I was really hoping that Kerry Lake would come out of this and that we'd fix a lot of this.
But I don't know if I even had my hopes up. It just seems like a foregone conclusion that the Democrats were going to take this. Kerry still has a path if she'll stay in the fight. In Pennsylvania, Oz and Mastriano were told by the courts and by their attorneys, and the RNC was told, it has to be the candidate that fights this in court.
The candidate has standing. Oz and Mastriano backed out. They won't fight.
Both of them backed out. Both of them. Yeah.
Both of them. That's disgusting. Well, exactly. And so, you know, that's what Greg and I talked about yesterday. It's like, okay, you know what? It's probably a good thing.
I know we hate the fact that Federman won, but honestly, if Oz isn't even willing to fight knowing that he was frauded for his own election, ask yourself, is he really seriously going to fight for the people of this country? I don't think so. Right.
I don't think so. Right. Right.
Right. Well, I don't know how this is going to get fixed, but we do not need federal regulation. We need to fight that every step. I'll tell you what we need, Matt, at the end of the day, we need people like yourself who've gone in, gone through the process, and understand the process.
But now we need you to go a step further. You need to be the guy that counts the votes. Right. You need to be the guy that actually oversees, because it's, as we know, right, you'll know where this saying comes from. But it's not the person, it's not the one who casts the vote.
It's the one who counts the vote that matters. And I remember Teresa telling us that, what, I don't know, 65, six years ago, right? Yeah.
A few, long time ago. I mean, right? I mean, she's been telling us that forever.
She's been saying, will you guys wake up and realize what's going on here? Come on. Yeah. Yeah. And everybody would look at her, right?
You know, like they're looking at everybody now, right? All of us that know that the elections are being stolen, that we're the ones that are getting the eye that Teresa used to get. Well, guess what? She was right and we owe her a great big apology. Sorry, Teresa.
We should have listened to you and done something about it. Yep. There you go. All right.
Okay. Love you, man. Love you, too. And we will, we'll see you next time around. You got it.
Hill Country, I love you all. God bless you. There you go. We got it.
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I am Patriot Mobile. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. I'm your host Pastor Greg. Thanks so much for being here.
I do know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio. First Timothy 1.8, but we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully, knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for men-stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust. Folks, the law is meant for the unrighteous.
The righteous men, those whose hearts have been changed, don't need that because their hearts have been changed. Where is the church failing? Where are we falling down? What do we do about elections? What do we do about open borders? What do we do about the LGBTQ agenda? What do we do about the perversion in our education system? What do we do about what they're doing to children? What do we do about what Dr. Jim Thorpe talked about at the opening of our program today and Dr. Judy Mikovits talks about and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny and Dr. Peter Bragan and Dr. Peter McCulloch and the list go on.
These incredibly brilliant individuals who walk us through the process of understanding the evil and the debilitating results of these injections, what do we do about forced mandates and all of these things, lockdowns and so on and parents being called domestic terrorists for trying to defend their children from being told that you're born with hate in your heart because of the color of your skin. Do we have sin issues? Yes, we have sin issues and that's the problem at the end of the day folks. The problem at the end of the day is this, there's one answer, there's one solution, there's one fix to mankind's problem, Jesus Christ. And I just declare right now over everywhere my voice will go out in the name of Jesus Christ, I break off every hindrance to the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ so that the truth can go forward and so men can be set free.
Remember this at the end of the day. At the end of the day when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?
How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, sneaking in their own comfort and reviling me?
No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.
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