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David Sumrall we can listen and empathize with each other / Senator Ted Harvey discusses Lauren Boebert

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
November 10, 2022 12:54 pm

David Sumrall we can listen and empathize with each other / Senator Ted Harvey discusses Lauren Boebert

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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November 10, 2022 12:54 pm

David Sumrall we can listen and empathize with each other. Respect the pain of others and acknowledge their challenges. Really listen. Also, J6 numbers 880 arrested 3717 charges 440 pleas 274 plea title cards 88 in prison 600 days no rights many for defending a defenseless woman Testimony on video of the murder of Roseanne Boyland as David watched the one-minute clip.

Senator Ted Harvey Stop Joe PAC discusses the just in results showing Lauren Boebert is within 64 votes and will likely win. Kari Lake will win, Blake Masters to close to cal. Herschel Walker's race is the one to decide the Senate balance. GOP will take the House.


These are domestic terrorists. The six was all deception. The level of sophistication.

Pactic. People were putting on Trump stuff beforehand or taking it off afterward. It was members of our own government. Morgan has been an FBI informant for a number of years. On January 6th, I said, are you working? And he said yes. This is treason. They want to criminalize dissent.

We have a federal third ward in front of the property. Come out. I open the shutters that had the battering ram. I hear boom. Then they told me to come out. A whole bunch of red dots all over my chest.

They're hunting down Trump supporters. It's like dogs. I just walked into a crowd of people. We've been screaming. We've been fighting.

And now I want you to pray with me. I spent the next three weeks in jail. They put me in a cell by my cell.

Total solitary confinement in a cell not much bigger than a walk-in closet. FBI. Guns drawn. Hands up. Hands up. Put your hands on the wall. Hands on the wall. This is psychological warfare.

It didn't have a battering ram in it, but what it did have was a turret on top. He was pointing his gun at all my neighbors ready to pull up anytime he needed to. They handcuffed me. They handcuffed you? Yes.

You got one? 147 days since my wife was murdered. So I got to be her voice now. There's an old Chinese saying my ancestors learned before the Communist Party took over our country. The family is the essential unit of human society, and that you must have honor and defend your family. But it's not always easy to do.

When the regime gives the order, you have to kill. My heart was pounding. I felt my body bouncing and twisting on the floor. They put numbers on our shoulders, then separated us into rows of even and odd numbers.

I was number nine. My brother, he is still in prison, and my sister, she was sent to a labor camp without a trial. But there's one piece of evidence they haven't been able to destroy yet.

I left everything behind. If I can't expose what they did to us, then all of our suffering would be for nothing. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits, and everything filtered through biblical glasses, my very special guest, David Sumrall. And David is the producer and director and stars in, which is a documentary that really goes in depth about January 6th and what happened on the 6th of January.

He's also the founder of the website, And he's been working for years on trying to bring people together and to get people dialoguing and talking and speaking to one another and not speaking over one another, but actually talking to one another and finding solutions. And obviously, there's gonna be things where we are going to agree to disagree. But we have to find the middle ground so that we can move forward.

David, in your years of working with as, what are, I don't know, two or three points that you can share with the audience, where you've had those kinds of conversations of, we're just gonna have to agree to disagree, but then finding a common ground to move forward from that place? You know, if you're in far between having some of the positive deals with strangers, you know, it's really difficult. People are kind of polarized in their thoughts or beliefs, you know, their principles, however they stand in our vision.

You know, everybody's very individual. But you know, I think the takeaway for me is people need to be better listeners. We all want to talk, we want to say, and someone needs to listen to everyone, I get that. But when we're having some of those conversations, it's like we're only listening enough so we can think of how we're going to respond, you know. And when you say something and I focus in on it and that's what I'm thinking about, I've tuned you out already. You may be making the other half of a beautiful point that might have reached me, but I'm thinking about my comeback.

I'm thinking about my retort. And I think that's the thing. We need to be better listeners, for one, and realize that I think the thing that people are finally understanding more is the one thing that we all have in common is pain. And everyone seems to be suffering in one way or another where it's emotional or physical, it doesn't matter. It's the pain that we need relief from. And there's a solace in that conversation with people that want to hear about it. That want to take a minute out of their day just to say, hey, that's important to me. And I want you to know somebody's here.

And I think that's the theme for J-6. You know, so many people call every single day. I just need to talk to somebody.

I just need that hope you were talking about. I just need a little glimmer of sunshine in my day or I'm at the end of my rope and I'm hanging on. And you know, that's the reality. And just being a good listener for those people, that's why the letter writing program is so good for these guys because they get to read that letter with no interruptions. And when they're writing back to these people, no one's cutting in and interrupting their train of thought, they're able to just unload and let it out. That's therapy in so many ways and the fact that somebody's interested enough to listen to them means a lot to these guys. So I think, you know, that's my takeaway, being better listeners, because honestly, if we started out the conversation every time with, how many of you people woke up this morning?

Yeah. How many people took some form of transportation to get here? How many people got dressed? How many people brushed their teeth? I hope you all did. You know, who drinks coffee?

Let's go over all these things because they're all in common. Who has a family? Who has pets? Who has a house? Who has bills? Who has problems? Who has sorrows? Who has failures and successes? Who needs help with that?

Who needs somebody to talk to? So that's been our focus and I, you know, I get a lot of flak. People say, why do you support this and why do you support that? You know, it's not that I support other things, it's that I just don't throw them under the bus. You know, and God didn't throw people, oh, you're a sinner, you're going to hell next. That's not the way it works, guys. And you're never going to get them with hate, you're going to get them with love. And you know, call me what you will.

But I think that's the thing about using sugar or something, I don't know. Yeah. I just think we need to get back to humanity side of things. We were programmed through the 70s and 80s to cut each other down. The guy with the quickest wit, he's the funny guy.

You know, if he can cut you to the bone in less than two seconds and leave you laying there flopping, bleeding, he's my hero. And that was our comedy, that was our shows, that was our, you know, our whole MO for a long time. And it's still that way, you know, and people think that's strong. That's defending yourself. What about having a conversation about what about defense would be changing that person's opinion from then on forward? How about they never did that again because the conversation you had, how about they got a glimpse into your life because of what they said to you?

Any of that would be better than, hey, F you, you're a dumb dumb, whatever it is, and move on down there. No, that's why we have these communication yet nobody really wants to listen. And that's kind of the taking action thing.

Nobody wants to take action that takes too much work. It's it's hard. You know, we've said for years, Greg, we'll fight those battles will be out in the street, we'll do it for you. You know, we'll go have those conversations that you're too scared to have, or you don't want to have. And we've been having them for 30 years, against all kinds of people.

And that's the point. It's supposed to be okay, if you're going to put me in a box and say, Hey, you can't talk to these kind of people, why never get to the bottom of things, you're going to throw me a label, you're going to put me in a in a category, because I'm willing to have conversations with people that I don't agree with at all that I don't believe in, I mean, with a Satanist or with anybody else that is opposite, polar opposite for me, I'm still going to talk to them, and you're going to throw me in a box and say, I'm a bad person. Because I like open communication with people so I can learn. Well, that's on you, not me, I'm still going to be me, I'm still going to talk to people and try to get them to understand that we have way more in common than we do different all those things we do every day, or are far outweigh the three things that we don't agree about which whichever it is, and those three things, like it or not, were probably brought on by programming, or societal issue, you know, and that's not necessarily right, either we see the walk away from the biblical side of principles, and it's all part of the game. Well, that's, yeah, and that way, I've been talking about that quite a bit.

You know, I mean, I consistently talk about that, folks is, you know, the indoctrination side and understanding that influence, hopefully, recognizing it in our own selves, and then, and then helping others to recognize it as well. But you know, it's, it's, I was making a note, it's, it's, it's sometimes it and it's hard to share, you know, it's hard to be that that transparent, I hope that that's one of the things that that I model to some degree here on the program, and I've shared before about, you know, going to a grocery store, you know, and and having somebody that is a complete stranger, walk up and ask me a very personal question, you know, how is whatever going or whatever it is, and, and my my initial, you know, kind of used to be like, you know, how in the world do they know about that, and then realizing that it's because I said it here, into this microphone, sharing with you, my audience, who I think of as, you know, as family, and I know, I mean, I remember when I came out from the accident, David, I had I had some people that, you know, I was sharing about that. And I had some I had some, and I'm pretty sure I know who it was, but I had a guy that kept putting in the in the in the comments, you know, every day, he talks about his stupid accident. And, and, and I know what that I, you know, I realized after at the time, I started, you know, I let it impact me, you can't do that, you know, I didn't get angry about it.

I just kind of stopped talking about it. But you know, you know, you have filmed traumatic events. And those traumatic events have happened to you. And they certainly are a part of your conversation.

When, when you are relating to someone else. They're the way that that that that we bring the guards down, because we say, well, here, let me let me let me open this up and show you in here. And and then the other person says, wow, okay, what, let me show you what's in here. And that's how we connect. Oh, that's a beautiful thing, and that's exactly where we need to be. And that's that, uh, sharing is caring that, you know, another cliche, but it is and listen, our experiences, everyone's on a different place on the path, sure, they're all on the same path.

And look, some people are further ahead, and some people are still further behind from maybe where where I am, or where you are. But that's the beauty in sharing with each other, hey, I've been there. And if you'll let me help you over that speed bump, I can explain to you but but listen, I'm having a hard time. How can you help?

How is your experience your life? I'm in pain, you've dealt with pain. How can I deal with pain better like you have. But if you don't tell people that you're in pain, or that you've suffered from pain, they don't know.

And they don't know who to ask for help. Right. And this is the circle.

This is the thing. And when we're too scared to be honest, then you know the programming is real against us as well. And just like Bloody Hill, now you said I was the director, I wish I could direct that well. Andrew Mullenax is the director. If you want to see what I directed, go watch Writing History.

That's a total different thing. But it's those relationships, it's knowing if Andrew and I had never spoken at the event that I met him at, he said, I'm in film, and it's a hobby, but I'm good, and if you ever need help with the film, and that's just us talking about experience, who we are, how we are, in a setting that was just comfortable. Just people, what do you do? Well, I'm a teacher, I do this, but this, oh okay. And I just filed that away in my memory banks.

And then when the opportunity came up and said, hey, who wants to do a film, I thought, Andrew Mullenax said that he was, I really want to see what he can do. That's how God works. That's how communication works. That's how people work together. That's how we all come together and do something.

That's a part of putting together the team and recognizing, you know, fearfully and wonderfully made, and how God orchestrates things to come together. We got to take another quick break. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Children's Generation Radio. My guest is David Summerall. Get more at the website, Sign up for the emails.

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Neato products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My very special guest is David Sumrall,, David, one of the things that we've focused on is the January 6th situation and the defendants and what have you. I had Matthew Counsel here on the program. I've had Trennis has been on the program now a couple of times. Thank you for that introduction.

But I've talked a lot about J-6, I think it's Nina May has been on the program as well. What really happened, all of them were there, you were there. A lot of people are incarcerated in an American gulag. Talk to me about the numbers, how many, where do we sit, what's going on and the pressures that they are under that are pretty excruciating. As of the end of October, we have 880 defendants, almost 900 like we always said. A total of 3,717 charges for 800 people, almost 4,000 charges. There's 440 defendants with a plea.

There's 274 who have a known plea with a title code attached. There are 88 people in prison right now across the country, not just in DC, there are several prisons. There are thousands and thousands of distraught children and family members who miss their loved ones who they haven't seen for over 660 days, no visitation, no chaplain, no rights, they're hostages, they're not political prisoners, they're hostages.

You're talking about the 88 or you're talking about others in addition to that? The 88 that are in prison have not seen their family members at all. There's no visitation, there's no chaplain, there's no church, there's no anything. These guys, they're in a really bad place. I do believe that the situation about January 6th is completely fear-induced for everyone. We saw what they did out of the gate and how they said they were going to do a manhunt and nobody should, you know, these are all insurrections, all this stuff, sedition, whatever, and people didn't support, you know, because they didn't want to be on a list of supporting somebody that was in trouble and I understand, you know, in the beginning the optics were horrible and people shot away, you know, for good reason, I understand. I really do because nobody wants to be associated and look, everybody said, y'all did bad things, y'all made us look bad, y'all were horrible, we don't act that way and then they thought that we killed a policeman. So of course everybody backed off, we're not touching that, we didn't do that, we didn't go there, y'all are bad people. But now people, now you know the truth, we've put video out, we evidence, I mean we've shown the actions of the police, we've shown the murders that they lied and told you they were different causes, like natural causes in drug overdose, looks a lot different than hand grenades and sticks.

You know, the police killed four people that day, Officer Sicknick's death was blamed on us, although it wasn't our fault. I think there's enough proof out there, folks, that you can know that what I see in those 14,000 hours of government footage, not including the public library that I've accumulated, I mean I've got the biggest collection probably, these guys are all telling the truth. All these stories that you hear about in jail have all been verified, I have not found anyone who has lied about what they said happened. Now you can believe me if you want to, you can get your license to be an investigator and go dig through this footage yourself and prove it for yourself. But I'm telling you what I see and what I hear and last week, we came across all the Roseanne Boylan footage and I'm telling you people, I can't reproduce it, I can't share it, I can't broadcast it, I can't publish it or print it or I'll go to jail, that's the way it works as an investigator for the 14,000 government, it's their stuff, right?

But I can tell you, I can tell you, it doesn't say anything in the rules about me telling you what I saw. So let me tell you real quick, real quick, Roseanne Boylan, when you see her on film for 8, 9, 10 minutes, at the tunnel, kicking her feet, kicking her feet and screaming, you can hear her screaming for her life, screaming, you'll never forget what it sounds like, you'll never forget the tone of her voice, guys, there are people sitting in prison because they tried to defend her, they tried to get to her, they tried to help her, they tried to stop the cops, you're killing her, you're murdering her, you're killing her, stop, stop, it's all on video, folks, every stinking detail. And I'm telling you, it hurts to watch that over and over and over, but when you see that these people are begging the police, please stop, there's people down here, stop, you're killing her, stop, stop, and she's screaming, folks, this is the reality of what you've turned your back on, there's people suffering in prison right now for trying to save that woman's life.

And you all thought, well, maybe they did something bad, maybe they did something bad, we're just gonna stay silent, get your pocketbooks out, support their families, support their legal funds, help these people get out of harm's way, they are dying for you, we've had six suicides of civilians since the day because the weight of this federal government is too heavy, they need help., go to, reach out to us at, reach out to us and let us know, you know, David mentioned earlier, 50,000 people on Monday watching the program, a buck apiece, $50,000, we would right now be able to give at minimum 20 grand to these families to help them out of our ministry, that would be benevolence and it would be a legitimate thing for our ministry to help these families. We could do that. And you could be a part of it. Gosh. They need it, man. They really need it.

There's a new book out, American Gulag Chronicles, go to, scroll down, American Gulag Chronicles, Letters from Prison, if you want it from these guys, from their hand, from their mouth, from their brain to paper and it shows, it's chronological, it shows when they got there, how they felt. Everything is happening now. All right, we got to take our break. Blessings to you, my friend.

Senator Ted Harvey coming up next, we'll talk election results right after this. David Sumrall, God bless you, God bless everything that you're doing, my friend and blessings to you and your wife, Wendy. We so appreciate y'all. God bless you, my brother. Thank you, sir.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Folks, it's, you know, we were talking with David Summerall. And again, I just want to encourage you, you know, these people, many of them being held right now in the American Gulag, go to But these are individuals and as David said, as a private investigator, and I've been a private investigator, when you look at evidence, you have a legal right to look, but you don't have a legal right to bring the evidence and put it out in the public. But you can legally testify about what you've seen.

You can say, I saw this. And what David was talking about was Rosalyn Boylan kicking her legs and screaming as she was being crushed by the DC Capitol Police. And these men rushing forward trying to protect her body from being destroyed and murder from taking place and yelling at the DC Capitol Police, stop, stop, stop, you're killing her. And they're the ones that are in jail today and have been held for over 600 days, haven't seen their families, have no rights for simply trying to protect a woman who was screaming for her life, who ultimately was beaten to death by a DC Capitol Police officer with a stick because she lost her baton.

It's sobering. And you know, we want to help, but we need your support to do it. And I'm not trying to raise money off of somebody suffering. But as a ministry, we have the ability to be able to do something that that others can't necessarily do. And that is to give gifts of love and help and benevolence to those in need. But we need your help to be able to do it. So consider a donation today at, forward slash Pastor Greg, cash app dollar sign Pastor Greg CGR, dollar sign Pastor Greg CGR, or at Venmo at Pastor Greg CGR. And if you want to make a bigger donation for $75 or more, we'll send you a Children Generation Radio mug.

And I've got five books here, four for sure. This one here, Goodbye Constitution Freedom America. The Road to Tyranny, Democ Republic or Democracy? Does it matter?

Boy, does it matter. And finally, the answer setting brushfires of freedom from our regular Friday guest has been with me for almost 10 years now, Don Janz, who when he goes and speaks at these Tea Party groups. It's just so impactful.

It's one of the best speakers I've ever heard. All right. I'm very pleased to welcome as we've become friends and it's so nice to have met such incredible people over the years of doing this program. And this gentleman is one of them, a former senator for the great state of Colorado, the state that my father lived in until his passing, and a state that I have a number of other friends residing there. I welcome to the program, Senator Ted Harvey. Ted, welcome. Good to have you.

Ted Harvey Good morning, my friend. Thank you for having me on. Don Janz Oh, my pleasure. My pleasure. is the pack and the website. I didn't know that. That's exactly right. And I actually I think I lived in the same county that your father lived in until he passed away. Douglas County, right? Yeah. He was in Castle Rock. Yeah.

15 minutes up the street. Yep. He was. Yeah, he was.

He was in Castle Rock. He was he was hit by a vehicle and on the driver's side T-boned one one month before my accident, literally to the day. That's crazy and and and died one month to the day from from my accident and and when I went to heaven, they actually said that your dad had just been here. And and and and that he left me the family crest. That's amazing. Which was pretty cool. Yeah, no doubt.

Which was pretty cool. So, well, you know, we we have an inheritance that's been given to us. It's called the Constitution of the United States of America backed up by the Declaration of Independence and insured by God Almighty himself and rights endowed to us by our creator. And that was really what Tuesday was about was was do we believe that and will we vote for that or are we going to vote for globalists and communists and and and and a very dark, godless world? You know, the Democrats continually beat on drama, save democracy, and I would argue we saved the republic.

The the founding fathers who wrote those incredible documents put together a system of government that allowed us to fight our revolutions at the ballot box. And that's what we did on Tuesday. And I think we sent a pretty strong message across the country, across the world that these radical leftists that have taken over the Democrat Party are not going to take over the country. And I think we will take back the house and I think we'll take back the Senate and we're going to be putting a stop, at least legislatively to the radical leftist agenda of the left. But President Biden is still there. President Biden has the administration and he's still able to keep the borders open. And he's still able to stop domestic drilling on federal lands and in the seas and in the oceans and we've got to do everything we can as a party now to send some tough bills to his desk and have him veto them and show the American people just how radical this administration is and hopefully set up the election for 2024. You know, there there was talk of a red wave then as the evening progressed and and and I was watching Real America's Voice, Steve Bannon, Ed Henry and Karen Turek and you could see in Ed Henry's demeanor and so on as the evening progressed that there was certainly great great concern that the red wave as it were had had not had not seemed to materialize. Now two days later, as as as we wake up this morning in Arizona, it appears Kerry Lake and Blake Masters are both going to carry that Herschel Walker's in a runoff in Georgia for sure. And there's a pretty good indication that that that you know that the Republican Party and so on is not going to do what they did last time with I think it was James right John James or something like that that that they didn't really get behind him.

They're going to get behind Walker they they they want this seat and they're going to push for it. There's one other there's a there was another seat that was kind of up in the air. Which one was that?

Lacksault Nevada. Yeah. And that and that and that one looks that one looks pretty pretty strong. And then you were just talking to me about about Lauren Bobert and and and I was just doing some look and NPR of all places is suggesting that that it looks like Bobert is going to pull out a victory when again two days ago you know Bobert was a loser according to even Fox. Well, there you go. But so talk to me about I mean this this this kind of this turnaround if you will is it is it is it is is it like they're like like somebody had their finger in the dam and now all of a sudden the dam's busting loose. I think it was the narrative that that the media wanted to push that the red wave was humongous and then the red wave didn't come in and that means that the Democrats were victorious.

I think I've never been a big proponent of the red wave. The poll after poll after poll and every one of these seven very tight races was always within the margin of error. It was always within two to three points either direction.

And they tightened up even more two or three days out. And so there was never this huge red wave that was going to go over the country. And when you look at the huge gains that the Republicans made during the Obama years. That was when the Republicans were down by 70 votes in the House.

And so when a big red wave came in that that was a red wave and the Republicans picked up 60 votes 65 votes I think under Obama. Well, we've never lost those seats. We have, I mean, right on Monday, the Republicans were only down five seats in the House. So if the majority of the seats that the Republicans had to gain, we'd already gained them since 2012. And we may have lost a few here and there, gained back a few here and there. But in 2020, we picked up seats. So there was not a lot of competitive seats across the country that the Republicans could pick up.

Whether you like it or not, the way we draw our congressional seats, they're drawn politically. We got to take a quick break. We'll get into that breakdown, folks, for you. And then we'll set the table in the next segment as to where we actually are and how is this going to play out over the course of the next two years.

We'll be back with all that coming up right here on Children's Generation Radio. This is important for us as believers to be engaged in. Amen. Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, retailers, shopping channels, and now even banks have tried to cancel myself and MyPillow.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My very special guest is Senator Ted Harvey, and we're talking about the breakdown of the congressional districts and how those are set up and the politicking. They call it gerrymandering, Ted, is kind of the buzz term for it. What does that mean to the average person, quote unquote, gerrymandering, and how is the district political, if you will?

Well, it is gerrymandering. The political entities in each state get to draw the lines. The political entities that are in the majority get to draw the lines. So the state legislatures of each state get to draw the lines. But for the most part, they draw the lines to be where they're not competitive, where both parties control their own districts.

And the Constitution pretty much lays out, and also Supreme Court rulings lays out, that you have to have communities of interest together. You cannot divide up districts based on race and things like that. So they get to be to the point where you can't really gerrymander very much, and they end up being where they're not very competitive. And to the point where, over the last eight years, the Republicans have won the races that they can win, and the Democrats have won the races that they can win, and there's not a lot of room for a huge wave one way or the other at this point. And so I think that's why the Republicans didn't pick up a huge amount of seats other than those that were changed because of demographic shifts, where blue states lost congressional districts and red states picked up congressional districts with the new census.

And so there's not a room for a huge red wave. And then you look at the Senate races, the competitive Senate races were mostly in states where they had incumbents, and it's tough to beat an incumbent. And the Democrats didn't beat any of ours except for one, and we maybe picked off two of theirs. So we're going to hold two, we're going to pick up two seats in the Senate and we'll be in the majority. And that's the way I had predicted from the get go that we would pick up one or two Senate seats going into this election. You know, with a huge red wave, we might have picked up New Hampshire, but that didn't work out.

So on the Senate side, what was Laxalt would have been considered one of those two? That's a pickup. Okay.

And then Vance in Ohio? No, that's a hold. That's a hold. All right. So... Pennsylvania was a loss for us because we had that seat. Right. I remember.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And Arizona really isn't a loss if Masters pulls it out, and we don't know. If he pulls it out, that's a gain.

If he doesn't... Right. I don't think we're going to win that race.

Okay. And you look at that, Kelly was always ahead in that race, poll after poll after poll. Masters was coming in, he was down five points probably two weeks ago when he was bringing it together. But I think he's probably going to lose by one or two points.

And that's not shocking. But I think Kerry Lake is going to win that in the end. They're still counting a huge number of votes. So what's the other Senate pickup? Chewbacca? No, Chewbacca is... She's beating Murkowski. Well, I know. But Murkowski... Yeah, but you knew Murkowski. But in the control of the Senate, we've got to win Georgia.

And I've got my... So Walker. Okay. So Walker football behind me, our pack is going to be raising a ton of money and putting everything we have into Georgia, because we have to pick up that seat. And if we do, then we'll be up by one vote. Okay. Okay.

As it sits right now. That's right. And the only other... Well, so there really isn't any other opportunities to shift it. And Lake Masters comes out in Arizona. And there are hundreds of thousands of votes you have to be counted in Georgia. I mean in Arizona.

In Arizona. Right. Right. I don't think there's enough to make up the difference in that race. It really is going to depend on how closely he tracks with Kerry Lake, quite frankly.

That's right. If it's one for one, then there's a chance. Pretty slim, but yeah.

I mean, you know what I'm saying? There's a chance. Wasn't there an independent in there as well, or a libertarian, or a constant? There was a libertarian, but the libertarian dropped out early. Yeah, but they were still on the ballot. The problem is they were still on the ballot.

So somebody who went in there that wasn't following that or just decided, I don't care, I'm still voting for you, the option existed for them to make that choice. That's right. That's right.

And that's probably what's going to make the difference in that race is people voting for the libertarian. Yeah. And it would seem that that might well be the case. So that's the Senate.

In the House now, you were mentioning to me Lauren Boebert, who I really like her. She is just such a straight shooter. And MTG, by the way, won hers by, somebody said 33%? Percent, yes, percent.

I mean, that is just gigantic, man. She smoked it. But Lauren Boebert, this morning, it looks like now, they're saying that she's likely going to pull this out.

You really feel strongly that she'll get this seat back or hold onto it? Right. I was just looking at the Secretary of State's website, and Lauren's down by 64 votes right now. There are a lot of these small counties in Colorado on the western slope that they take a while counting all of their votes.

They don't have all the technology that the big counties have. And so they're slowly reporting their count. And she's come this close, this far in just the last 24 hours. I think in the end, she'll overtake it. But it's not going to be by a lot. And there'll be a recount anytime any election in Colorado is inside one half of a percent, the state picks up the recount. And so I think in the end, she'll win the recount, and she will get reelected.

Having said that, this is a pretty conservative district. Lauren Boebert should not be within 10 or 15 votes one way or the other. And she raised a ton of money, but she needs to spend a lot more time in her district getting to know her new constituents, because this is a pretty newly drawn district when she needs to get out there and get to meet people, because there's no way she should be this close in this race, because it's a pretty conservative district. Is it possible, and we're going to run out of time pretty quickly, but is it possible that the reason that that happens is because, I mean, major media has gone after her. Colorado media has really gone after her. It's an understatement. Yeah, she's tied very heavily to J6, but to the false J6 narrative, not to the truth that I shared as we opened our segment about a woman being beaten to death, about two men whose heart attacks were caused by compression bombs that were fired directly at them by DC Capitol Police, by the murder of Ashley Babbitt, and even by Brian Sicknick and the lack of attention given to him when patriots tried to bring him to his compatriots to try to get him help, and they refused to help him.

Right. I think one of the things I want to look into, and this will have to be a postmortem after the election, is there is a ton of ski resorts in this community, in this district. Very, very liberal Telluride, very, very liberal Durango, and I want to see how many people in these very liberal ski resorts voted, but also because they have a vacation home in Telluride, and so they registered to vote and got a ballot in Colorado. How many voted in Colorado and also voted in their homes? Where they live, you bet.

Where they live. Yep. We have seen that in Colorado forever, and I want to see how many people actually voted in this race when they don't live here.

I think that would be a fascinating analysis to take a look at, because I think that's what's swaying this election as well. Okay. We're out of time. I appreciate it. Again, Senator Ted Harvey,

Check it out, They obviously can use your support. There's a lot going on, a lot more to discuss, and hopefully- We need money for this Herschel Walker. I was just going to say, absolutely, and we have to get Georgia, folks.

We have to get Georgia. All right. We're going to take a break. We'll be back. We have Judy Mikovits on the other side. You're going to love it.

Judy's awesome. We'll be back right after this. Do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless, open borders, spending gone crazy, the prospect of more mandates, lockdowns, inflation, and the list goes on?

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