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Ken Thornberg shares the importance of the understanding of our nation as a Republic / Guest Matt Long

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
November 8, 2022 1:18 pm

Ken Thornberg shares the importance of the understanding of our nation as a Republic / Guest Matt Long

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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November 8, 2022 1:18 pm

Ken Thornberg shares the importance of the understanding of our nation as a Republic and that We the People are the ones in charge. We have a God mandate to occupy till He comes. Prayer to send Angels to do warfare for election day and to return America to her Christian Roots.

Matt Long who would order active shooter drills on election day at grammar schools across San Antonio, and wouldn't that interfere with the election process? Evidence that there are widespread attempts to mess with the elections and create chaos is being revealed.


There's an old Chinese saying my ancestors learned before the Communist Party took over our country. The family is the essential unit of human society, and that you must have honor and defend your family. But it's not always easy to do.

When the regime gives the order, you have to kill. My heart was pounding. I felt my body bouncing and twisting on the floor. They put numbers on our shoulders, then separated us into rows of even and odd numbers.

I was number nine. My brother, he's still in prison, and my sister, she was sent to a labor camp without a trial. But there's one piece of evidence they haven't been able to destroy yet.

I left everything behind. If I can't expose what they did to us, then all of our suffering would be nothing. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, chosen generation, where no topic is off-limits, and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg.

And welcome back. It's your generation radio, where no topic is off-limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses, biblical glasses. I said that again because I need to make sure that somebody knows that this was a biblical show. No, I'm just kidding.

What better it be? I'm telling you. My gosh. So, I want to welcome my next guest to the program. He is a dear, dear friend. He is the founder of Freedom Encounters, the deliverance ministry that I have been trained under and working with for almost 20 years now.

And yeah, I know. And it is my sincere pleasure to welcome back to the program again Ken Thornburg, Ken, welcome. Good to have you. Today, you know it's always fun to spend time with you. Thanks, man. Thanks.

It's good to spend time with you, too. You know, we're facing a serious – I mean, this is a very serious day in our nation's history. And I know, you know, the idea of the importance of elections every two years, every four years, you know, however you want to look at it, if you consider midterms to be important or if you just consider to be the national decision regarding the executive branch to be the really important one, the Senate races, which are every six years and alternate, you know, through, you know, different states and what have you. But here we have an election, and you and I have been talking quite a bit about the time, the season that we are in, the presence of the evil that we are seeing here and around the world, and what that means on the broader timeline, if you will.

And I think, Father, right now, my personal declarations are executed and enforced in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh. I think it's significant to understand because people hear that and they begin to say, well, you know, every time there's an election, you guys say, oh, this is the one. This is important. If we don't get this right, you know, the world's going to end and so on.

What makes this one different? Well, I think this one is, you know, we have, you hit the bullseye there. I believe people have heard us say for so long, oh, this is the most important election we've had. Well, that's actually true. And the last one was the most important election up to that time.

And the one before that was the most important election up to that time. And it's because of the direction that the United States has been going and the world, but in particular the U.S. because as goes the United States, so goes the rest of the world. And every climate that we have flown to, that we have visited, every single believer in those nations, almost continents has agreed with that statement, Greg. Say it again. So goes the United States, so goes the world.

One more time. As goes the United States of America, so goes the world. And these people will say, I don't care what country it is, if it's Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, everywhere, they will agree with that statement and say, as you go, Kim, as your country goes, it is going to affect our nation. So as we have watched the United States slip into a Babylon, instead of a nation that God created, it makes every single election more important or the most important up to that point in time. And I tell you, there's a couple of reasons the midterms are the most important, more important than those when the president is up. Number one, there are fewer and fewer people voting in midterms than in presidential elections. That means if we get half of the number of people voting in the midterm than a presidential, my vote counts twice. My vote counts more. There's a small percentage voting. There's fewer people voting for a righteous, godly person that are needed in order to capture that seat and change the direction of this country back to the nation that God created, back to the Constitution. There's one other key thing that I wanted to mention today, because Christians have been notorious for not voting, and I think it's one of the largest, biggest black eyes on the Church of Jesus Christ that there is, because he who will not vote has no advantage over he who cannot vote.

Let me repeat that again, and I hope our listeners will write it down and share it with their friends today to sing them into getting to the polls. He who will not vote has no advantage over he who cannot vote. Now people who are ignorant of understanding our process will say, yeah, but in the Bible we're subject to the authority. Yeah, and in biblical times, Greg, who was in charge of the government's Caesar, it was a dictator. We don't have a dictator. Right. I didn't create a nation with a dictator.

Right. He created a republic. And by the way, he didn't create a democracy.

Right. A democracy says, well, whatever 51 percent say is right. And the decisions made in a democracy can change from one week to the next. Even on the very same issue, we were given a constitutional republic of law.

So when we are subject to the authorities, biblically speaking, scripturally, we are subject to the law, not a dictator, not a person, but the law, I would suggest too. I mean, if you, if you, you know, come, come back to our declaration of independence, we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, right, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. And then you add that to the preamble of the Constitution of the United States.

And I want to emphasize this declaration. It says, governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. And the Constitution begins by saying, we the people of the United States in order, no, and it doesn't say the government of the United States in order to form a more perfect union.

It says, we the people. And then all you need to do is look at the ninth amendment of the Bill of Rights, which says the enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. And what are just the first five rights? Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, a free press, not one that is, that is government driven or controlled, not a social media, not a Google that shifts votes, okay, like my friend Robert Epstein is proving 6 million votes shifted in 2020. Freedom to redress the government, not an American gulag like we're looking at in DC right now, and peacefully protest, not the 2020 protests of Antifa and the BLM, which both this president, this usurper and his accomplice Kamala Harris have validated and said, these should continue and these are good things, riots and burning down businesses and so on are good things according to these evil people who have embraced evil acts.

Okay, no, no, no. And yet you had the people who gathered in January six with a, with a righteous list of grievances to address their government at the place where in their representatives, listen to my words, folks, their representatives were convening in order to make one of the most critical decisions that they would make and the people gathered by the millions to say we want to have our voices heard. It was not those peaceful people who broke windows, who stirred up and created issues and we have the video evidence to prove it. But four Americans were murdered by a rampaging DC Capitol police that was out of control.

Gestapo agents firing rubber bullets and compression bombs. And I got to take a brief break. When we come back, Ken, I am going to toss this to you, but it's so important.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Make your products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting and now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses by a very special friend and very special guest Ken Thornburg,, Be sure and check that out. I hope you have visited our new website. Now we have just got a brand new website up this last week. Wow.

Well, what do you know? Hey Greg, there's a scripture that applies to this if you read that Declaration of Independence again or the preamble to the Constitution. Where does it say our rights come from? Government? Do our rights come from Congress?

No. Our rights come from our creator. God is the one who is the purveyor of those rights to every citizen a right to vote, for example. And then he says in his word, occupy until I come.

We repeat that again. Occupy until I come. Part of that occupation is performing the rights that we have as citizens as we are the rulers. The representatives are not. We are the rulers. We pick them.

They only go to Washington or our capitals or whatever at the behest of the individuals who go to the polls and vote righteously. So part of the occupying until we come can only be fulfilled at the polls. Here here. Every believer, every follower of Christ to be obedient to the word of God is actually required to vote. Here here.

It's not an option. So when we have an election where so many of the issues, Greg, are biblical issues, gender and marriage and abortion and some of the other things that are borders. Borders. Borders are a biblical issue, ladies and gentlemen. God is the one who sets borders and God is the one who said there will be nations, nations. That's right.

Absolutely. So if we don't vote, we are being disobedient to the word of God. Now, one of the things that I want to ask people to pray today is that the angels of Almighty God would go to every single polling place in every state. Even if they're late praying, this is a whole lot of people that still need to vote. Even though we've had a record number turnout up front, we had. It shows that people are very concerned.

But here's the point. Ask the angels of God to go to the polling places to do two things. Number one, to destroy the enemy at the polling places, to do warfare with them, because those demons are in every single voting booth telling people to vote unrighteously, to vote with the world and to even vote against their consciences.

Second thing, we're going to ask God to give those angels a word for every person coming into that booth. Straight from the throne of Almighty God that says, vote righteously. Vote correctly. Vote for the most godly, righteous candidate for every single seat. Don't vote because mommy and daddy have done it for a hundred years. And I don't care what party it is.

It doesn't matter. Party is a point. Believe it or not, when I go to the polls today, I am going to actually be voting for four different parties.

I've already figured it out. Four. Four.

Not one. Because I'm going to vote for the most righteous, godly person that made the effort to run for office and represent the people of either my city, my county, my state, or my country. You see, I'm looking at the individual, not the party. Now, are most of them going to be at one party?

Yeah. Because they will be the only choice and they will be the best choice. But if we ask the angels of God to submit a spoken word to every person's mind during the time that they are in that voting booth, the odds are good that we're going to be picking up millions of godly votes. And if we do it for all of the voting booths in this country, we don't have to just be one in Texas. Right.

Because God's not limited by time's facial dimension. And so what Ken has just spoken, we know you have heard, and we ask now in the name of Jesus Christ that the angels would go and accomplish this mission right now across this country, across all 50 states, every city, every county, every state, including Hawaii and Alaska, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh, we pray. Amen. Amen. Ken, thank you so much. We're out of time. I'll be back.

Matt Long on the other side. Hi, I'm Tim Sheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit That's the chosen generation radio. And welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here.

I do know you have a choice on where you can listen each and every day. And I'm very excited to welcome to the program and to join the Hill Country Patriot Radio and my good friend, Mr. Matt Long and The Matt Long Show. Matt, great to be with you. Thanks for having me.

Absolutely. Always good to be here. We love you. You and I have been doing this a long time.

I can't wait. When I get back to the Capitol in January and continue a tradition, you started that long time before I ever got on the air. You got ahold of me and said, Matt, we need to talk about taxes on my radio program. And so I would call in from the Capitol on Tuesdays.

And that was the beginning of me talking to people over the radio. So thank you very much, Pastor Greg. Big day. Big day.

Everybody go out and vote. We got some weirdness maybe happening in Texas. Wow. You know, when you were talking to me about this last night and our mutual friend, Weston Martinez, reached out to you and made you aware. And I looked at that video and I was just absolutely I don't know.

I'm stunned, but I'm not stunned. Remember, we're talking about Bear County and we're talking about San Antonio. We're talking about the place that declared itself.

It's City Council declared itself an international city. Let's not forget that. Remember that right.

Right. That, you know, under under the brothers, the brothers communism, yeah, the natural communistas, you know, they declared that San Antonio is no longer a part of Texas. It's an international city. What's disappointing in that to me is, you know, you think back about the Alamo, right? And look at the battle that took place, you know, regarding the Alamo.

That's one of the things that Weston was talking about with Don Buckingham and her and his support of Dr. Don is, you know, he's confident that she's going to not allow them because they keep going after the Alamo. But here we have the Alamo, a tremendous symbol of liberty and freedom and fighting to the last man against tyranny and authoritarianism. And San Antonio goes and this was during the Obama years, folks, you can go back and check it. San Antonio goes and declares itself to be an international city. And the governor of Texas says, nada. Okay.

Yeah, not a word. So Weston, if you don't mind me picking it up here, well, then Martinez had a press conference in front of the Secretary of State's office a few days ago. And what he had was proof.

And he had it. He's got this even and we've got documents to go along with this. So this is more than just idle talk. But apparently, recently, 20 different precincts and judges, election judges were brought together for a training in San Antonio for this election. And they were told that on this day, on election day, on Tuesday, November 8, that there would be schools in schools across the San Antonio, there would be active shooter drills and fire drills.

Now, let's give it a little background to that. I think we all think fire drills are good and drills, safety drills are good. But let's think about this in big cities like that. Many, many, many elections take places in schools. Now, apparently, in this presentation, they said, look, we're not going to do this at a school that's having an election. But let me ask you, Pastor Greg, if you drove by an elementary school on your way to vote somewhere, and you saw sirens and the SWAT teams and all that, and you didn't know that it was just a drill, you would think something seriously was going on. Do you think that would have any effect on anybody going out to vote if they didn't feel safe?

Well, it just absolutely stuns me. So, I'm reading here, this is October 26th article, let's see, Security Info Watch. After Britt Kelly's son participated in a lockdown drill two years ago in his Lamar Texas kindergarten class, he had nightmares. Oh, my gosh.

That's terrible. In August, Mary Jackson's daughter, a kindergartner in Leander, asked her mom to put a special lock on her door to keep bad adults out in the wake of separate lockdown drills. This is, so, there apparently now is a reevaluation about the anxiety and stress created amongst K-12 graders regarding these mandated lockdown drills. Texas mandates that schools complete lockdown drills, two lockdown drills a year.

This is the story dated October the 26th, coming out of the It's not indicating that they're going to have measures regarding this today. And maybe they've rethought it.

Maybe they rethought it and they thought, well, maybe that's not such a great idea. You know, churches, you know, I've been a part of several churches here in Texas and they have active shooter security teams and they do drills, but they don't do drills in the middle of the stinking service. Okay. You do your drills when the room's empty. You do your drills when there's no one there. I understand that you want to do, you want to prepare your team for, you know, as a scenario, but if you're going to do it with people that are participants, you're going to say, hey, we're having this active shooter drill and, you know, would you, would you mind being a participant in it, pretending that you're there at the service level? You warn everybody ahead of time and, and you don't involve individuals that are going to be traumatized by the experience. Yeah.

You know, I have to say, I got to step in here. We, I don't think there's an issue with having fire drills. We all did that.

It did not. I don't think fire drills did anything. I remember the tornado drills. I would have, I would have nightmares about tornadoes.

That was my most typical nightmares. The kid was a tornado outbreak and I couldn't go anywhere. And, and, you know, those were the ones that kind of bothered me was the tornado drills. I think the school children have to have drills and I think that's important. I don't think we want kids to get traumatized.

That's a scary story as you're telling, but I can see how that would happen. But having a, you know, you have to have two per year, per school year, having them on election day when so many people vote at schools is insane. We have this letter I sent it to you last night from Serene Hills Elementary. That is in, oh, I had it before, Serene Hills is in Lake, I believe Lake Travis.

I'm not sure. Serene Hills Elementary, they're having a lockdown drill today, today, November 8th. And I got the letter to the parents and guardians are letting all their people know. So I guess if you were concerned about your kid getting traumatized by one of these, the parents got the letter the day before, or a couple of days before, and you can talk to your child, look like you're going to play a game at school tomorrow.

It's very important that you learn the rules of this game. So I think that's good, but for crying out loud on election day, are you adding some other rumors around the country about plans for today, Pastor Greg? Well, what I have heard, what I keep hearing, and I've had guests on the program that have talked about this, is that people need to be very aware because there has been rumblings about the possibility in some of the larger cities of real uprisings or even rioting. And I think this was a tactic that the left used. Remember that we had all those threats in 2012, that if Obama wasn't reelected, there were going to be riots in the streets and all this other kind of stuff that went on. And there were even incidences in certain areas where you had members of certain groups that were attempting to intimidate voters in particular areas. Now, what I mean, those nasty republic, were they nasty republics, Pastor Pastor Greg? No, they were not.

No, they were not. Now, what I will say is this, and we're about out of time, what I will say this very quickly is, is I believe that people are awake. I think parents are awake, I think Americans are awake, and I think that they are sick and tired of what's happening in our country from the spectralization of our kids, the abortion issues, the issues as it relates to open borders, inflation, all of the issues that people are facing right now.

People have said, no, I'm going to go out and I am going to remove the people who have been making this happen, get them out of office, and I'm going to replace them. And I think that there is a movement towards a more traditional value, family focused, and I just would encourage people, vote values, vote for godly representation. It's so important right now. So important. Absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you, Pastor Greg.

We always enjoy getting together with you on Tuesdays. Y'all go out and vote. Oh, Pastor Greg Flister, my passion is the fight for freedom. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Well, wow. Okay, so there is a report on just the news regarding the Justice Department. Inspector General has reportedly started an investigation on U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Rachel Rollins following her appearance this past summer at a political fundraiser featuring First Lady Jill Biden. The investigation of the top federal prosecutors reported by the Associated Press. Such an investigation of one of the country's 93 U.S. attorneys, political appointees who are among the country's highest ranking federal law enforcement officials is unusual.

And the Rollins matter threatens to undermine Attorney General Merrick Garland's efforts to restore the Justice Department's reputation for political independence. The probe reportedly focuses on Rollins attending a Democratic National Committee event in July. Two people produced on the investigation told the Associated Press. She came under scrutiny after she was photographed in July arriving at a home in Andover where the DNC fundraiser with Jill Biden was hosted. She's declined to answer specific questions, but a spokesperson for the prosecutor said she's fully cooperating with the OIG.

It's interesting who the players are with regards to this. I'm curious, this is just the news that is reporting why they consider this a threat that undermines his efforts to restore the Justice Department's reputation for political independence. It looks like a very poorly written story, honestly. I was looking at it and I was hoping that as I read this that there would be something in here to give me some kind of implication as to why the investigation by the Department's internal watchdog targeting one of the nation's 93 U.S. attorneys is highly unusual. If they did something wrong, then they should be looking at it. Justice Department's Inspector General opened an investigation. Let's see, the ethics concerns concerning Rollins' threat to undermine attorney general's efforts through the tumultuous years. Let's see, the Inspector General's office is focusing on Rollins' attendance of the Democratic National Committee event in July, as well as her use of her personal cell phone to conduct official business, according to two people briefed on the investigation. Also being examined is a trip that she took to California that was paid for by an outside group.

They were not authorized to publicly discuss the ongoing investigation. So, I guess the issue, I see, you know, I don't know, maybe I'm being naive with regards to this, but it would seem to me, you know, the job of a U.S. attorney is the prosecution of criminals, and it would seem to me that that's a good thing. Now, the idea that this individual is going to a fundraiser for a particular political party, yeah, that might be of concern relative to an influence or the ability to influence criminal investigations by a particular political party and create specific favors for others. And the fact that Merrick Garland, who is appointed by the President of the United States by Joe Biden, that his office is investigating, and it's a U.S. attorney that attended an event involving his own wife, I'm just not sure that this is such a story, but it appears maybe there's more, there's got to be more to this than meets the eye. I don't know. I'm really not sure what the deal is there. I brought it up, I'll be honest with you, I got started on it because it says Justice watchdog probing Massachusetts U.S. Attorney General Rawlins under elections.

So maybe there's something else that I don't know about. U.S. Attorney Rachel Rawlins elections. She has something to do with elections, announces Election Day. United States Rawlins announced today that assisting United States Attorney General Lee the efforts of her office in connecting with the Justice Department's nationwide Election Day program. So I guess Rachel Rawlins is under an ethics investigation by a DOJ watchdog. So I guess she was tagged by somebody to lead, because that's what this says.

This is article dated November 1st. United States Attorney Rachel Rawlins announced today that assisting United States Attorney Eugenia M. Karas will lead the efforts of her office in connection with the Justice Department's nationwide Election Day program. Karas has been appointed to serve as a District Election Officer for the District of Massachusetts and in that capacity is responsible for overseeing the District's handling of Election Day complaints of voting rights, concerns, threats of violence to election officials or staff and election fraud in consultation with the Justice Department headquarters in Washington.

Every citizen must be permitted to vote without interference or discrimination and have their vote counted into fair and free election. So I don't know. I guess I have to do another search and see if she is Rachel Rawlins accused of voter fraud. Let me see if there's anything coming up under that that we don't know about. Why Rachel Rawlins is recused from the Monica Cannon Grant case.

Ah, okay. And she apparently, according to Fox News, Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachel Rawlins has a left-wing track record. Rachel Rawlins accused four other DAs of misogyny for inserting themselves into the Suffolk County business. Ah, Rachel Rawlins is accused of a pure abuse of power in a potential road rage incident. Okay, well I guess this gals in the news about a lot of different stuff. Hmm, interesting. Well, keep an eye on that name folks.

Rachel Rawlins, U.S. Attorney. We'll have to keep an eye on all that. All right, election news. Obviously no poll news coming in this early as of yet, but we'll be covering that. Stay tuned, by the way, on TECN TV and right here at, We will be following the election. There will be coverage.

There'll be a team from TECN TV that will be covering the election tonight as the results roll in. There is still an expectation of a red wave, a shift in the House seats, possibly as much as a plus 60. And there's also the possibility of the Senate shifting as well.

And estimates are anywhere from 53 to 55 Republicans. The key is going to be two things folks. A, making sure that people still get out to vote and all the votes are properly counted and we don't have any hanky-panky. Pray against that. And then the second piece to this is going to be what we do in between.

The lame duck session is not looking so lame duck. All right, at the end of the day folks, we'll have the results for you. We'll have all that coming up for you tomorrow morning here on chosen generation radio, but we'll have a lot coming up for you here on TECN TV and at the website,

Just click on the player and follow along. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demand, did you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say, the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation. And I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good. And Jesus came to save the world, that no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up. And in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Hi, I'm Tim Sheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

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I started thinking clearer, even believe I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosen gin radio at checkout and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosen gin radio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Legal products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Hi, this is Master Greg and you're listening to Children Generation Radio. Get more at That's Children Generation Radio where no topic is off-limits and everything filtered through biblical glass.
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