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11/4 Hour 2

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
November 4, 2022 3:33 pm

11/4 Hour 2

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Sexual predators and comprehensive sex education both break down inhibitions, that's what they start with. They also gain trust with the child and then slowly start to get them towards sexual activity.

Anything goes. You are teaching children adult child sex, you're teaching transgender issues and you know children are are moldable and and influenced by that. They said okay now we need you and your team to be able to explain what homosexuality is to a four-year-old student. To introduce this kind of material at that age frankly it's child abuse. You're going to teach our children that it's okay for any two children of any age of any sex to have sexual intercourse with each other as long as two components are present. One's using a condom and they both give consent.

Did I hear that correctly? It's not a neutral venue. There's no such thing okay. The schools are doing your job. They are discipling your children but they're not discipling them in the faith of Jesus Christ. It's only the exceptional child that even survives that system. Most do not survive, most have not survived. They believe that children are sexual from birth and that they deserve and have the right to be sexually active and to seek sexual pleasure and if anyone is stopping them from that then you are judging and oppressing them. Even kindergarten now they're wanting to teach them more and more perverse information and acts and put that into the children's minds and once those that poison is in a child's mind it doesn't leave. They'll always remember what they learned and it's by design it's orchestrated.

In my humble opinion it will be worse before it gets better. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. And now chosen generation where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical classes. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical classes and very pleased to have my next guest with me. He is a practicing attorney, a litigator. He also has written and researched deeply into deep throat and into the issue of Watergate and exposed the media and their complicity in really burying the real story. And now we're going to talk about that book a little bit. But what we really want to talk about is what's happened with President Trump and Mar-a-Lago and this particular case. And does the president, the office of the president, has that executive right, have those executive privileges been destroyed? And what does that mean for us going forward?

Because the similarities between this and what happened with Richard Nixon as the president, there's a lot of similarities there. So I welcome John O'Connor. John, welcome. Good to have you.

Top of the morning to you, Pastor. Thank you. Thank you, sir.

Thank you. Well, they're, I mean, it seems to me like there are some parallelisms between what's going on with Mar-a-Lago and President Trump and the 45th president and what happened to Richard Nixon and the post-gate that you exposed. Well, that's right. Now, in Watergate, in Watergate, it was solely the press and the media that really covered this thing up. Obviously, the CIA helped, which was involved. But essentially, as you mentioned before, the real story about Watergate never came out. And as a matter of fact, as I have told it now, I've got two books out, Postgate, and then this last one is The Mysteries of Watergate, what really happened. The Post is trying to deplatform me on those.

You know, I can't buy an ad on Amazon for the books and so forth and so on. That's just the kind of thing it is. But the problem with Watergate was that a very successful president that overwhelmingly won 49 out of 50 states for reelection was a very successful president. He went down in flames as a result of biased journalism that really made up a lot of things, distorted an odd reality. There was a burglary. There was a break-in. People were arrested, but distorted what really happened.

And as a result, he was removed. Now, before Trump even got into office, I know that there were, there was, I've got a quote of this from a journalism student that I talked to of a graduate program where the dean said, don't worry about Trump. We're going to Watergate him. So Watergate became a weapon, a political weapon. You can protect your opponents. You can protect Hillary Clinton from all kinds of corrupt dealings. And you can also prosecute Donald Trump. So right now, you know, they have used the media in hand-in-hand with the legislature, the Congress, to try to, and the FBI now, to try to handicap the guy. And it works to some extent.

They never knocked him out, but boy, they damaged him a lot. And that's what happened with Mar-a-Lago. We've got, let's show you how our democratic institutions are perverted with the help of the media. And so in Mar-a-Lago, remember that the archives are supposed to be a neutral librarian. The only reason this system was set up was because of Richard Nixon. The legislature wanted to make sure that Nixon wouldn't destroy tapes. So they came out with the law of the Presidential Records Act, which basically said, we own them. Technically, the government owns your records.

The president had always owned their presidential papers. Now we own them, the legislature says, but you, the president, have access to them, exclusive access for 12 years. And you only have to give them, show them to another branch of government, whether the president, the incumbent president of Congress, if there is a real need for the information and they can't get it elsewhere, the president or Congress can't get it elsewhere.

Well, that's not what happened in Mar-a-Lago. The archives became kind of a little, for want of a better word, a little tattletale. And they tried to, and they referred a matter to the FBI that wasn't, there was nothing wrong. Uh, basically they got these documents from Trump and you had some classified and unclassified documents in there, no big thing. And the archives acted like we should all clutch our pearls and rattle our teacups because it was so shocking that a classified document might be next to an unclassified document.

And that's nothing, there's nothing wrong with that. But the FBI then opened a criminal case. Then the FBI, then Biden asked the archives to give documents to the FBI.

Which the archives is not supposed to do. They're not supposed to give up documents unless there's a need. There was no need other than the need created the need created by Biden, a false need, a false need created by the archives in Biden because they did this archives, did this in consultation with Biden.

And, uh, and so they created a false need. Then they said, well, we need the documents to that. And then now they've opened up a case on Trump. My only worry in this may be like Watergate, pastor, um, is that like Watergate Nixon did technically obstruct justice on a couple of occasions. He, you know, they're fairly minor instances of that, but he did it. Um, and I'm afraid that if Trump, if they catch Trump moving documents to prevent their seizure, that they may have him on that.

Now let's see if they develop that evidence. It's interesting if I, if I might jump in my, my, my back in the day, I had a several businesses that I, that I owned and my corporate attorney in his law, law dissertation, when he graduated from law school, he actually did his dissertation on Watergate. So I thought it was interesting. Yeah.

Yeah. Uh, Troy Wilkinson. And so what, what Troy told me was, is that the whole thing, I mean, why is that the whole thing? I mean, Watergate was, was really nothing more than a minor trespass misdemeanor because the door was taped unlocked. So you can't even, you can't even have breaking and entering when, when, when the premise that you go into is not secured, it wasn't even secured. The door was not locked. So when they pushed on the door, it just opened. Right. Now it opened because, and this is the opening, yes, both to the building and to the suite.

Right. And, and, and that had been done, that had been done by one of the burglars. Um, but, and so you could always say they conspired to do this, but here's the point that I think Troy's making is that tape, think about this, uh, uh, Rick, um, the tape was on the door and it allows entrance from the outside. You don't need the tape for exit.

All the burglars are in there. Why did this experienced CIA James McCord leave the tape on? Why did it leave the tape on? It makes no sense. Well, there is a reason because there was another CIA guy that was lurking in the hallways that was going to try to get the information that the CIA wanted and, and curated and keep it from the white house.

This is a CIA inside job. And, um, so that's one of the curiosities is why the tape was on the door. Why, why, why that evidence was left there? Why, why it wouldn't have remained? Why wouldn't they have just cleaned it up? And, and then you would have, you wouldn't even have had any evidence. There would have been like, how in the world did they, they couldn't have gotten in there. How could they have gotten in there? But now you knew how they got in there because they left the tape on. Well, that's right. And, and some suggest even go so far as to suggest the McCord wanted to get caught.

I don't think so. I think it another reason to keep the tape on the door. But let me give you another piece of evidence for your, for your audience. Uh, one of the burglars were told to get against the wall, put their hands up and so forth. And they were getting ready to be pat, patted down. One of the burglars furtively reached into his breastcoat pocket to grab something. The arresting officer, who's a big guy said, stop, I'm going to shoot.

Stop it. The guy persisted. He grabbed something from it and tried to get rid of it.

And right as he pulled out his hand, the officer grabbed the arm and he said, I almost broke his arm. And this was a very strong fellow. His nickname was Musculito. He's a Cuban guy who actually, believe it or not, nobody talks about this. He was an active CIA agent at the time.

Everybody acts like, oh, he's just a dumb Cuban. You know, anyway, what he had in his hand was a key, was a key to a desk. Uh, at the time the police didn't do anything, didn't try to find out which desk. But as the arresting officer said, that key indicated the target of the burglary. Now the Washington post reporter who's was tied in with the jailhouse, the jailhouse guy was there right away. He knew the key was seized.

He knew about this incident. They never reported it. And so why didn't they report it? They didn't report it because the key was to a desk of a certain person in a certain office that had nothing to do with the campaign, but had everything to do with a referral program where an out of town visitor would get referred to prostitutes down the street.

Very high price call girls at the Columbia towers apartments. Uh, and they would go into this office. Uh, they would make a call, let it ring for two rings, hang up, and they would get a call back. The call back would be from a girl whose picture would be provided by the secretary, uh, that had the desk. And, uh, that's what the burgers were after.

Whatever she had in her desk, which might be pictures also might be names and so forth and so on and other materials that were in there about this program. So this was, and, and, and that sounds real similar to the whole Eric Swalwell, Chinese spy whore thing. Right. Right. Right. And so, right. Exactly. So what we have is we have these guys.

Oh my goodness. Okay. And that's why, but the post, they shared their general counsel with the DNC. Uh, they didn't want any dirt on the DNC. This was so really scandal.

So really the part of this whole deal was the CIA knew that way back then the DNC was involved whether knowingly or unknowingly with providing sensitive intelligence at that point, what likely to who the, the, the to Russia or okay. Well, hang on. Let's all right. Hang on. Cause we're going to go into a break. So tease it real quick.

About 30 seconds. Okay. The CIA was involved as well.

And I'll tell you how the two branches merge. It was a CIA job as Mark felt said, this is CIA job, a White House job, lower lieutenants or both, but it wasn't a high level White House job. The powers that be knew nothing about it. Um, so I'll, but there was, but there was a real spy ring issue that was actually going on. And the real issue was that the DNC was passing sensitive intel to foreign agents and folks, that's a problem. Hello.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Make your products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. You can support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting www.chosen generation And now back to chosen generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My very special guest is the author John O'Connor and attorney Postgate how the Washington Post betrayed deep throat covered up Watergate and began today's partisan advocacy and you can also find him at Postgate and the mysteries of Watergate. The new book is the mysteries of Watergate and we're talking about the parallelisms and it's interesting John you know I grew up and Richard Nixon was the first president that I was really aware of I was about six years old when Nixon became president in 1968 and he was so he was the first president that I was really aware of in grammar school and our family was very conservative we were Republicans I've been a Republican my entire life my first president that I ever voted for was Ronald Reagan when I was 18 years old proud to say that by the way but the parallelisms between what happened to the 37th president and I've always believed that Richard Nixon was at the root of all of this a good president a great president and the right person but of course he's been you know maligned and vilified in so many ways and the parallelisms between the 37th president and what's happened to the 45th president are really eerie and now folks if you missed any part of our first discussion there's a parallelism between Eric Swalwell the Chinese spy whore and what's come out and Swalwell is still in the house judiciary committee which is just mind boggling to me when you consider he was running a Chinese prostitute spy ring or at least he was a stooge in it and now we discovered that there was a DNC prostitute spy ring being operated out of the same office suite where where this water gate quote unquote break-in took place all covered up by the Washington Post and the CIA and the DNC John am I am I am I am I summarizing this fairly well well yes but I would give one little fillip here please the the there was a high-priced call girl operation down the street from the DNC okay it had been protected by the CIA the CIA even had a bouncer there that helped helped out and they were taping the Johns with the prostitutes and we don't know if there was any drugging going on but this had been going on for a while this day they tried to get information from people and they also tried to use this and the taping as extortion does this not sound like a Jeffrey Epstein kind of an episode I mean based on what we understand about that right I mean that that's more like it was extortion there's extortion but dragging information that could be used for extortion purposes so the now what happens is one day the madam says to this crazy lawyer that was her lawyer young guy crazy man can you set up an operation with the DNC a referral operation and and people to me that come in from out of town he said sure he set it up now I think the CIA was behind her request she it made sense without the CIA for to get new uh clients but the CIA probably was behind the request and I'll tell you why because once you get the DNC referring people now the CIA which had infiltrated the White House through now the CIA could talk a young lieutenant into breaking into this into the DNC once now this is complicated for John Dean for the young lieutenants in the White House they think they're going to get an intelligence portfolio that they can brag about at some later date oh I have all this dirt on Democrats and so the young guy was doing that for advancement he says so in his book Blind Ambition that that was his general call he doesn't admit to Watergate okay okay so here's why the CIA wanted so much to break into the DNC because then it would legalize their entire program if the president says you can do something if he says you can do X it's legal as a national security matter if if Adolf Hitler was walking down the street in 1938 before we have a war with Germany and Rose help decides to shoot him he can be shot he could deputize Greg to go shoot uh Hitler and that's okay because it's national security the president has that power under the constitution okay the CIA through hunt gets presidential authorization to uh tape this spot this uh prostitute ring now in the future if congress ever finds out about it it's legal because the CIA was forbidden from domestic operations anything they did in the United States is illegal under their charter right so in order for them to be able to be operating and and and getting but but the reality about this as well that that that i that i'm hearing and maybe i'm hearing this wrong and can you stick around for a little bit do you have to run or do you can you stick around for a little bit no okay you know it's my mother says what's time to a pig oh okay so john will be staying with it but but the question that i've been i that i that i also have in my mind is is there was in fact illegal activity going on and sensitive information potentially being gathered that could be then given to foreign agents so the CIA did have an interest a national interest in figuring out who was getting the information and what information were they getting let's talk about that when we come back yeah let's talk about that sure hi i'm tim chef a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years i went under use to a product that 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the carter administration for breaking in to and doing his job of trying to roll up the plo and roll up the weather underground he got prosecuted but what's interesting about that is at trial he went through the fbi's relationship with the cia and what he said was that hoover jader hoover the legendary head of the fbi was so sick and tired of the things that the cia was asking it to do the cia needed the fbi to to act for them domestically right because it was otherwise illegal he got so tired of what they were doing he banned uh break-ins and wiretappings across the bureau uh at least break-ins back black bag jobs uh mainly so he wouldn't have to do it for the cia because he didn't like what the cia was doing he thought they were going too far afield and the stuff they were doing was just really cowboyish and stupid now it's interesting john that you said that because again you know we watched this film i think it was leonardo de caprio played uh played hoover right what right and and and and hoover was very i i thought very poorly represented in that film as as some kind of deviant right they tried to make it it was a silly movie they tried to make everything seem like he was a everything spawned from his uh late and homosexuality they were saying and that's just nonsense felt who's a very clear eyed guy had been watching like the other agents watching hoover like a hawk just to determine as a gossip matter whether hoover was uh you know was gay right he may have been a repressed gay man but and he never married and so forth but but uh you know there's no evidence that he acted out any homosexual motives he may have had so that was that was a very silly movie hoover was a very wily bureaucrat and people this is but yeah but just so folks just so we understand this is all about this is propaganda and it's all designed to tear down at the foundations of america's moral fiber so here we have hoover who actually is going after bad guys and who sees an agency that is acting not in the interests of the american people but has really kind of almost criminal activity that they're engaging in and he says you know what my bureau is not going to support your criminal acts it's you know it's snowed in the nsa and and big brother i mean folks we've had the same issues going on and here you had your client who was who was actually taking down a real threat in the weather underground and in the and in that communist student movement and bill ayer's and that whole bunch that were at that have actually ushered in and that's what we're facing today the 45 goals of the communist party i mean those are the guys that started all of this stuff back in the 1960s and they won and carter helped them to win and and we're we're fighting as a result of it and i just john i'm just trying to get people to understand that there is a a real bridge here between between these historic what we think of as historic events and the parallelisms of what continues to happen to our country today right and let me maybe this is a little bit off track but i'll go there greg uh wrongly wrongly uh they uh indicted felt for trying to roll up the plo and the weather underground unbelievable that that was wrong so bill ayer's and bernard at dorne two of the leading weather underground people were led off of their bombing spree and and they escaped in the liability because of felt supposedly unconstitutional actions now we know today they weren't unconstitutional and that's why they enacted visor to protect agents from false prosecutions however they got off they ended up being professors in chicago one at northwestern one in illinois yeah they raised uh the the son of their comrades who were in jail for life who had shot people up on the brinks truck at a brinks truck robbery two weather underground there's that son their adopted son chase a boudin became the prosecutor for the city and county of san francisco and he was the one who decided that no criminal should go to jail and this whole san francisco destruction started where people were going into stores and just living it so yeah you have a straight line what to the description of our society today not to mention that bill ayer's was the one who announced and in his living room launched barack obama into the presidency of the united states and barack obama's presidency was was the ignition point at which everything that they had been doing for the previous roughly 40 years all came to fruition they they essentially enacted every agent that they had put in place every manchurian went active in 2008 in obama's term all of them well well i i i think that's right uh and i don't know enough about i don't consider myself an expert there but what is interesting about Watergate was that and it's the start of it here we have an agency that's gone rogue that has broken into the dnc they know the post knows it's a cia operation and what they do is they protect the cia there are even documents in the cia in which the cia admits that they had a dealer brags the local guy brags that he had a relationship with bob woodward and woodward agreed not to out their cover company you know they they operate undercover well one of the burgers was operating undercover with mulling company a pr agency who was the employer who shared hunt with the white house now why would a pr agency want to share an employee with the white house the only reason that they want to do it is if it's an undercover deal and it was it was an undercover deal very clearly the the the company did not need a 52 year old retired spy uh as a copywriter uh and he reported directly to richard helms all right so this was a cia operation from the top one of the arrested burglars james mccord was also a retired so-called retired cia agent so there was a lot going on here that was you know clearly planned by the cvia so much so greg that they were threatening lives uh at one point uh now you may be too young to have watched the movie all the presidents man nope but i know yeah yeah there's a tremendous scene in which deep throat comes into the garage and his lips are quivering and he tells woodward and woodward everybody's life's in danger watch out and he goes on to explain that it's the cia is worried about their program being found out not just so much for Watergate but for all the other things that will come out once they figure out they're in Watergate right that's precisely what i'm saying today well and and go ahead they did they were they did kill some people and and and i want to also bring in the fact too i i know i mentioned that you know things of a manchurian nature were activated in 08 with obama but let's not forget that hillary clinton was a clerk during Watergate she took copulous notes she was a sololinsky protege and she was a Marxist and she still is a Marxist and a radical Marxist at that and her husband became the president in 1992 so from 92 to 98 so much groundwork was laid in preparation for what would happen basically 10 years later when when barack obama became the president of the united states it's it's uh it's it's amazing or 1992 to 2000 i should say uh you know those eight years changed the course of our nation and so much was put in place at a time when having come through reagan and then even i mean i suppose you could go back to hw bush let's not forget hw bush is direct involvement with the cia and and many uh would would suggest that the bush has had a role in this whole cia mess that we're talking about today as well um we need to take a quick break i know i've said a whole lot and there's probably a lot in there that that you can add and correct and i appreciate that and we'll be back with more of this coming up here you're listening to children generation radio i'm your host pastor greg tell your friends share the program and also don't forget you can bypass your a cup of coffee my passion is the fight for freedom my father fought for war war two 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attorney john o'connor author of postgate how the washington post betrayed deep throat covered up watergate and began today's partisan advocacy journalism and also you can find him at he has podcasts that are up there and and a new book out that is called the mysteries of watergate and john i was telling you in this break and then we'll get into these more of these details because i think the public needs to understand the details of this but the the connectivity between these events of of the early 1970s which really are rooted in activities that were taking place in the 60s leading up to this event in the 70s um and maybe before that but nonetheless the parallels between that and the connectivity between that and what's happening and i just mentioned to you you know been talking about donald trump was a was was a part of their club so to speak he was he was in their social circles he was he was very much a part of this whole scene and he essentially said hey you know what we've got a country here and this country needs to be saved and i'm not going to allow you guys to destroy this nation any further you guys have gone too far and they hate him for it well that's right what he is he's a common sense businessman that uh has found business judgment is what i would call it he doesn't listen to his lawyers but that's another matter for another day he's he's a bullheaded man and he gets things done he gets the ice rink done when no one else in new york could do it he brings it in under under uh time and under budget and and he was upset about the country and he came in and he fixed some things that were just very obvious to fix yeah but he threw will look i want a wall i'm gonna get that wall somehow and i'm gonna solve the border problem i'm gonna make sure we pump enough oil and so forth and so on and guess what low inflation and uh you know plenty of oil and uh the the the lower parts of our society the lower strata made great gains in in wages uh america was back and humming again and now look at it it doesn't take much to destroy a country it's hard to build it up but it takes a lot to destroy it and so that's what's happening and and and i'm actually a fan to some degree of bill clinton hillary clinton is another matter a bill clinton at least had the sense of realizing that his party was going too far left and he started the central democratic leadership council okay and actually had good ideas now he was a politician so he had to give in to the other side but now hillary's another matter when hillary gets into the state department she's much more commercially oriented when she gets in there what does she do number one she sells 20 of our uranium to clinton we're still uh reeling under that i mean there are utilities in our country that are buying their uranium from clinton and he has pricing power so that's number one number two she started something uh she started giving dual use secrets technology to russia's silicon valley skokovo and as the defense department said she's giving him information overtly that normally they would need covert aspire operations to get the defense department appalled at what she was giving to russia for money of course all this stuff ends up in contributions to the clinton foundation so we have a far different uh cat there in hillary than in bill uh to his defense but that's what's been happening and uh and meanwhile had she been elected as you and i talked about off camera had she been elected Igor Danchenko the leader of the steel dossier deal yeah had a friend named Olga Galkina which was who was clearly a russian intelligence person and he had arranged for her to get a job in the state department should hillary win and part of the deal was put was actually actively assisting the anti-trump operation a lot of his agents were involved in the anti-trump russian collusion hoax so we had so you could see it on paper that russia was burrowing its way into our country more as a result of this cooperation with the clinton campaign so you don't i'm not making this up because i'm not a guy who sees a communist under every bed well the other part of this right yeah the other part of this too is uh you know that where i think bill clinton made a big mistake was was his engagement with the ccp and he certainly opened up the door by allowing the ccp and and and the chinese into the white house to have access that that they had never before had to an american president or an american administration well you're right lorale the american country that a company that had china that had missile technology missile guidance technology he allowed for the corrupt um uh passage of that in other words lorale through bernard swartz was allowed to sell to china this very important missile guidance technology i mean how how much more important can you get much more important can you get from a technology than that right and ron brown his shady uh i don't know exactly what his position was calmer commerce guy yeah the the one that was the one that went down in the airplane that that had the the that was shot in the back of his head supposedly but it was it was clearly it was clearly greg a corrupt deal so yeah so i took your point i'm just saying at least intellectually forget about the corruption intellectually he had sort of a balanced view of of the world he wasn't really a leftist uh as his wife was and she's a solinsky person but yes did he allow for corruption yes he did well and again at the end of the day the bottom line here is is is is the shift that took place in our country you know i mean it it started really with carter right i mean you would have to say that it card that it stood at really the door the pathway opened it started with carter carter embedded certain people into our government system those individuals began to build their own little fiefdoms inside of our government structure reagan came along he was a disruptor of that but unfortunately he was forced to take in hw hw was running programs i'm sure that reagan probably didn't even know about because that's how the cia operates then he got full control for four years and look at the buddy buddy system that went on between hw and clinton then for years all the way up until hw passed and and and you know we don't know whatever bill's doing these days well here's the way i look at hw hw and i i know this from watergate that oftentimes an honest cia director can be can be fooled by his underlings they're not going to tell that guy everything that goes on i think if anything hw just did not understand the depth of the depravity that was going on below him i would say that he's a polite guy he writes thank-you notes he's well brought up i don't think he in any way was a willing participant in any of this stuff i think he's an honest guy but your point is well taken that whenever the cia gets a naive as their boss there are a lot of people doing things behind his back they don't know anything about i'm sure bush did not know about this very very closeted program of taping and drugging these folks you know so it had been going on for a long time and it was kept very very much under wraps very few people knew about it and it was so now so when richard nixon gets in and and then hoover shuts the door on the cia now they have to infiltrate the nixon administration and that's what happened that's the story of watergate and and then and then you were mentioning very very quickly final minute but but mcgruder and dean and and their aspirations were more of a political nature uh to to to benefit themselves right dean wanted a portfolio his own intelligence portfolio he sees a bunch of cash in the crp in the campaign arm and so now uh and his boss hr haldeman in the white house did any intelligence within the white house so he wasn't competing with haldeman over at the campaign there's a lot of cash he brings a guy named gordon liddie over to the campaign who will do anything he asks he knows he's got a lot of cash and then he's trying to set up his own intelligence network so that he can have his little folder of information on democrats and on other people and he can act like he's a big cheese he was a guy that nixon had never met he was a uh an operator a real um a real shadowy guy uh but um that's what he was doing and when he saw the opportunity to listen in on democrats he thought gee this is a great opportunity yeah now what happens is we may not have enough time now he finds out the reason they broke in a second time was because he thought they might have information on him in that drawer and that's what he was looking for to see what they have on him uh and uh i explained this in my book all right fascinating it takes a book to explain this whole thing all right which is why we encourage you to pick up the books and we go to the website you can pick up both books there as well as listen to the podcast john always always a joy to have you on the program thanks so much for being with me today and spending this time i greatly appreciate that and very quickly folks i just again ask you to please be praying there is election issues happening in court in pennsylvania as we speak and and they need our prayers we'll be back with more chosen generation radio coming up after this hi this is pastor greg and you're listening to chosen generation radio get more at chosen generation that's chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through a biblical glass if cancel culture and censorship continue at their current pace there will be nothing left of the truth the epic times was founded to keep truth alive we ask the questions we think you'd ask we check facts without regard to any political agenda no one tells us what to cover or how to cover it we have a special trial subscription offer right now one month of the epic times and total access to our amazing online content for just one dollar you'll 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