...two ounce bottle for home use for a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clear.
Even believe I slept better. Get yours today at cgrwellness.com, coupon code chosenjinradio at checkout for a cheap $20 off your first order $50 or more. That's cgrwellness.com, coupon code chosenjinradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Negro products do not treat, produce, store, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people. You should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio. Well, folks, I am live at Tinley Park Convention Center at the Trinity Health Freedom Expo, Trinity Health Freedom Expo.
And this is year number two. And very, very excited to be down here. We just kind of been really taking things in this morning. Folks, there is just a tremendous amount of information for you down here.
Very quickly, I want to mention Robert Scott Bell is running his show from down here. Trinity School of Natural Health, and we'll have Julie on the program here a little bit later. Jonathan Emwort, Health Secrets USA, New Vision for Life, Shape Reclaimed, Thriving for Health, Life Wave, Natural Awakening, Chicago, American Holistic Nurses Association, Millennium Products, Relax, Far Infrared Saunas and Lamps, Jigsaw Health, ZYTO, Simply, Preventative Health Institute, Higher Holistic, Micronic Silver, You're a Uverda Consultant, The Patch Guys, The Founding Principles, Echner, Illinois. As a matter of fact, the Founding Principles, Morley Robbins gave me one of his books, The Cure. And that's the coca-lasis product, by the way, that I take regularly.
Micronic Silver, I don't have their product over here right now, but that's another one that I take. And of course, you know cgrwellness.com. Lots of great speakers, lots of great information, and lots of great people here in the room, as well. And one of those great in-the-room people is joining me right now.
And let me see here. There he is. Dr. Dave Simone is with us.
Well, thank you, Pastor Greg. I really appreciate this opportunity to heal America. I mean, that's what we're here to do. Absolutely. Absolutely.
I will tell you that throughout my career of experience, and I just had the great pleasure of seeing Blanche Gruby and Anita Thabo, who just wrote Chew on This, and toxicology. You know, we treat all these patients for their conditions. Right.
But the toxins that have made them sick have to be addressed, as well. Well, you got to make room for the good stuff to get in by pulling the bad stuff out. Exactly. Yeah. So the thing I've worked on, I started early in my career as a dentist, and four-eyed mercury.
I'm like, in dental school, they wanted to throw me out for saying this was bad stuff. And then through the years, I've always stuck to my guns politically. I'm an independent scientist who will caucus with those that want to stop poisoning people. Right. And yes, I have gotten involved in elections to try to get things done.
So for example, the FDA in 2020 recommended, not demanded, but recommended women and children don't get mercury fillings, the silver amalgam mercury fillings. Finally. And that's a big step forward. And of course, which president was president then?
Not trying to be political here, just saying I do have my White House pins on from that. Yeah. But the point is, is that between the elemental mercury from burning coal, drinking water, air, food, and all that stuff, the human body is designed to remove it with glutathione or methylization. If glutathione is produced in your body, you can grab elemental mercury, and then you poop it out, comes out to your large intestine. Okay. If you can methylate, either with bacteria or vitamin B, and so forth, then your hair is where the methyl mercury comes out, being converted from the elemental mercury you've ingested. Okay. So if you have methyl mercury that you're ingesting, like in water or fish or something like that, is that really absorbed in the body?
But the biggest crime of the century is man-made ethyl mercury. The body has no human defense against it, and it goes through every barrier, your placental barrier into your fetus. And by the way, I am a proud former fetus. That is my sign. There's a meme that's out. I too was once a man trying to get out of a woman's body, and then I was born.
Oh my. Well, I will tell you that nature, I mean, whoever invented all this stuff, God, I'm Jewish and Catholic, so I have a very interesting holiday season coming up. But the point is this, is that the man-made form of mercury, even if they didn't know how bad it was, we've known how bad it is for several decades now. And my five-pronged battle against autism, because I did in my... Dr. Joe Mercola interviewed me like in 2011, 10 million views, whatever. And we discussed how the purposeful, intentional induction of multiple sources of mercury into a child was done intentionally. Now, that's a crime against humanity, which is why the Dr. Fauci case has been introduced to the world court.
Now, when Rachel Maddow on MSNBC says it is fake news that Fauci was indicted at the world court, I agree, hasn't been indicted yet. The case has been presented, just like the Supreme Court works. And in fact, here in Illinois, speaking about vaccines, the COVID vaccine, the mandate was reduced because one of our gubernatorial candidates, Gary Rabin, sued at the Supreme Court and won. And I actually worked for Gary and I work for all the Republicans in Illinois. Red Illinois is my project assigned by the White House. I'm almost there.
We're getting there. But anyway, the point is this, is that if you intentionally flood children with heavy metals and you know those heavy metals are toxic and you know the demyelination of the nerves occur with just elemental mercury, let alone ethylmercury, you're criminal and you are responsible for what you cause. And I don't care whether you call it autism, Asperger's, whatever, you're on a spectrum of toxicology. You've been heavy metal poisoned. We're all about 20% heavy metal poison, air, water, food, and so forth. And then of course there are people with occupational exposure like me to mercury because I remove them as safely as possible by not drilling on them because you've seen the videos of the splatters. And then of course you have the medical exposure, whether it's through dentistry, getting mercury fillings, like in the military and so forth, or welfare children.
So the big secret was is that... Well, and they do that, as a matter of fact. I mean, I know... Mercury fillings are free. Well, we have experienced that down in Texas with the CHIP program.
Exactly. And CHIP has a free dental program, but they send you to the dentists that want to load you up. We took two of our kids in there and in both instances, they do their quote unquote cleaning and what have you.
And then they say, oh, you've got 19 cavities. Of course, if you know, you head out the door and you don't go back. Or at least get a second opinion.
Or use the camera or use some type of... Absolutely. And then what we did was, is we actually went and found another dentist in San Antonio. He did a test and he said, so I think there might be a couple of areas that might need to be addressed here, not 19.
Okay. So as a different dentist, yes. Well, but the whole idea, I mean, this is why, like what you're saying though, is they go into the poor communities that these are the folks that they target initially. They make money off them off the government tit. And in addition to that, they're killing them. Well, what I'll do is I'll just lay out the facts.
Those are facts. For several decades, kids that were of lower economic means went to government sponsored dental programs. They had a mouthful of mercury fillings. In Chicago, they provided free dentistry of 1.8 million poor people in the city.
That program has long been eliminated. And then on the way out the door, we're catching kids up with their vaccinations. So let's just think about this for a second. Let's say you had a functioning glutathione system. Okay. And I give you 10 mercury fillings in an hour for all five of your kids and all breathing mercury vapor in each other.
And I blow out all your glutathione in that 60 minute while you're waiting. And then as you leave the office, they, oh, as a convenience, we're going to catch up with your school vaccines because you haven't seen the doctor and they're doing this. So you get three or four or five mercury containing vaccinations. And that is why, sorry to say, Dr. Thompson from the CDC in 2009 said there's no link whatsoever in 2015 as a whistleblower. Who do you think gave them protection to step up? Who do you think gives all these whistleblowers protection?
It's people like us that provide the shield for them to speak up. And when Dr. Thompson said, by the way, it's four times higher in kids that aren't white. You know why?
Because it's nine times higher in kids that aren't white, but they poison white kids too. So that's what I found out is we're going to, we're going to, we got to take a quick break. We're going to come right back. You got it. We got to take a quick break.
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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit www.chosengenerationradio.com to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. There we go.
All right. Welcome back, folks. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. You're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. We are live at the Trinity Health Freedom Expo at Tinley Park, Illinois. And for those of you that are listening to us live right now, I really encourage you. You know, you said it best.
You said it best. Dr. David Simone is with us. When we talked about epicenters of holistic, I want you to say that again, because I felt like that was just so powerful how you said that. Well, again, Health Freedom Expo is something I've spoken four times here.
I was on the Mercury panels a decade ago. And what you have in this room is you have everybody who is one of the main fighting elements for your freedom for healthcare, for your freedom to choose what your child gets as healthcare. And the wealth of knowledge in here can basically treat... I mean, we should just basically make this a permanent setting and just have patients line up outside and just go through your initial diagnosis and just use the different products available in here.
I bet you that this could be some type of healthcare facility and treatment center in and of itself just with all these groups here. You know, I spent a good chunk of the morning kind of going around and then, you know, it's kind of like old home week. My first year here was last year broadcasting. I got connected through a couple of different folks and Julie said, you know, come on over here.
We would love for you to, you know, to broadcast. And I did. And it was incredible.
And so this year they reached out to me again and said, please come back. And I just have to tell you, folks, it's just incredible. And the knowledge, the knowledge base, this is the thing. You know, God has literally given us everything for life and guidelines, literally given it to us. And everything for good health is available to us in his nature, in his nature.
All seed is meant for humankind. Yeah. And if we would just, so I want to go just very quickly back as we got kind of into the whole January 6 thing and so on, which was important. And I wanted you to know where I was at and it was good for my audience to know more about you.
I hope they subpoena me to talk about it. There you go. But what I'd love for you to do now very quickly is talk about the medical side of this and your background on it, and then introduce your book as well. Oh, okay. Thanks.
Got about three minutes left. No problem. So Dr. Dave Simone, I've worked on mercury and fluoride and root canal aspects of how they affect your immune system for 35 years. I've always fought mercury and fluoride.
I've never used it professionally. The last time I was forced to do a mercury filling was for my board exams in 1993. I joined the Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology in 1994, was a member for 25 years, and helped develop the Minamata Global Mercury Treaty at the United Nations.
And in fact, Blanche Groobie and Anita Thabo are standing 50 feet away over there. I worked with Anita at the UN and we had rotating teams. And we brought attention to the fact that mercury poisons your brain.
It's horrible for you. Congressman Dan Burton was here. I did the movie Trace Amounts with Robert Kennedy Jr.
I showed it at the UN. I did the film tour with him. Dr. Brian Hooker is a good friend of mine as well. I just saw Brian. Yeah, he's speaking at one o'clock. He'll be here at two. Okay, great.
And he's speaking at one o'clock. And so, like I said, you have the knowledge base of how heavy metals, toxins, and everything is going into your body and affecting your metabolism. Mercury displaces magnesium in the mitochondria of your cells, making your ATP your energy.
So, of course, you're going to have less energy. So, it's these simple things of, for example, psychiatry. How many times has a psychiatrist addressed the subject of toxicology before writing a prescription which makes the patient more toxic? Because every psych drug is just a fluorine ring, a high fluoride dose.
That's all it is. Listen, when my adrenals and my pituitary gland collapsed, shut down, quit working, back in 2004, they gave me three to six months to live. Part of what they put me on was Seroquel, Topamax, and Cymbalta.
Oh, yeah, high doses, okay? I actually quit cold turkey on them in 2006. We called a detox place in San Francisco. I couldn't afford 1,500 bucks a day. Couldn't afford that.
But my wife was like, you know, can you please, you know, something. They said fish oil, take fish oil because fish oil coats the poisonous because all of that stuff gets locked in your brain. This is why addicts relapse. Attics relapse because the protein in their veins is soaked with those chemicals and all of a sudden, it's five years down the road, they've been clean for five years and bam! A trigger. And the trigger is, is a protein in their head that had that chemical locked in it that their brain started to eat that protein.
It popped open and boom, they are literally right back in their addiction. I think we call it remodeling, but yeah. Well, you know, something along that line.
It's a nice term for all this stuff. Yeah. Yeah. All right. No, go ahead. Close this out and tell me your book and how do we get there?
This is actually Blanche Groovy and Anita's book called Chew on This. Okay. Okay. So we got to get them over here in just a little bit. Yeah, they're just, I'll get them over. Okay.
It's just a health book and how not to be poisoned by your teeth. And how do we reach, how do folks follow you? Oh, me? Well, I am not hard to find. Dr. David Simone, S-I-M-O-N-E. You can just Google me and contact me at my office phone.
I'll talk to you personally and we'll figure out how to help you. Dr. David Simone. Doc, I'm so glad. It's such a pleasure passing it, Greg.
So people can take it quick because it's right, here's the camera. Yes, yes. So look at this. Well, these two are from Trump's right-hand man, Alphabet. That's for stopping the Iran nuclear program.
This is for Willie Wilson, the mayor of Chicago, because I get to work in his office. Wow. Okay. A-10 Warthog covering the Marines. This is my volunteer reserve police for my hometown, a little nuclear work. Mayor Daley put this on me in Washington, D.C. That's where my Homeland Security volunteers since 02. Okay. I took my 06. I took my advanced biologicals.
And the government's had my phone for 15 or 16 years, whatever. And get to the feet. Well, these are my baby feet. These are Marianne Hackett, the pro-lifer Illinois, so from her jacket. General John Borling, four-star of the United States military.
That's from his jacket to my jacket. My UN work with the Academy of Toxicology and the Montana Veterans pin because Ryan Zinke should be congressman. Amen. All right.
Dr. David, thank you so much. Folks, we're going to be back. We're taking a break here. We're back with more coming up.
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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting www.chosengenerationradio.com. And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic's off limits.
Everything filtered through biblical glasses and I am live here with Dr. David Simone and great to be with him. And standing back behind him, he's got ducked down into the picture there, guys. There we go. These are two wonderful patriots in this country who know the Constitution, know their rights, and I'm so happy ZZ Top was able to join me today.
Well, you know what? I'm just going to give you guys this word of encouragement, too. It's about we the people, okay? It's about we the people.
It's not, you know, we may be sitting behind a mic or a camera or what, but it is about our job, my job, my heart is to empower you. To encourage you to be who our founding fathers said that we the people are. All rights are reserved for the people, according to both the Ninth and the Tenth Amendment. Powers are given to the government only when we give them. Only.
Only. And what we have right now, and we better change the narrative, we do not have a government, we have tyrants. And we need to start calling them tyrants because they've labeled us as MVEs and DVEs and all this other kind of nonsense. Well, it's nonsense, but we we buy into it when we say, well, the government this and the government that. We need to stop saying it's not the government. These people do not represent us. And that is what the government of the United States of America, according to the Constitution, is supposed to do. And if they don't represent us, then they're not a government. They're tyrants. And that's how they need to be addressed.
I mean, for example, I thank you guys. Yeah. Pick up a card.
The Marzalek brothers. Let me tell you, these guys know what they're doing. Pick up a card, guys.
They got it. Pick up one of my cards right here. Grab one of these.
By the way, it's so you can follow the program. Chosen Generation Radio. Chosen Generation Radio. God bless you guys. Thank you. So in the fight to save this country, it's going to take a big coalition.
That's what I'm trying to build. So, for example, here in Illinois, it's red Illinois because they're saying, is it tyrants? Is it corporations? Is it just profit?
Is it just money? Is it people screwing people over? Is it the Bush regime for 100 years with the Clintons as their patsies? You know, when you say Republican or Democrat or something like that, which Republican, right? Which Democrat are you talking about? I mean, there's lots of victims who are Democrats in autism much more than there are Republicans in autism. You know what I'm saying? Because of the concerted effort to tackle certain issues.
Well, no, I agree. Well, that's why my friend Pastor David Lowery is out talking about this in the black community in particular, because there's a huge target. Huge target. And so every... And again, it's not even the communities of color. It is socioeconomic. If you're poor, that could be anybody. 7.5 billion people in the world are poor, right? And so hopefully, I have 7.5 billion people supporting me. And there's only about a half a billion people called people that love Bush and Clinton and Obama and Biden and all those guys. So it's basically a 10 to one split. The people who are the oppressors and controllers and the poisoners versus the people who are the victims and trying to stand up to it.
And then we confuse patriotism and stuff like that. So I just have one quick comment for you. Okay. Everything that's occurring with the January 6th committee. Yeah.
The committee has falsely presented information to the American people. Number one, we didn't want anybody disrupting an already engaged process of Senator Ted Cruz signing Paul Gosar's complaint. Right. Which is the constitutional directions that it says in the constitution. Okay.
And that took a month of preparation to get that to that point. Yeah. The reason none of the courts had jurisdiction in the cases that President Trump brought for challenging the changing of the voting dates. See, the whole point is that judicial branches in six states changed voting deadlines when the dates could be counted, when only the legislation could do it. That's it. That's the whole thing. That's the whole argument. It's not a stolen election.
It's that judges made decisions that technically were unconstitutional in those elections in those six states, which caused Biden to win. That's the whole thing. That's it. There's nothing else to talk about. Nothing else to talk about. If we could have had on January 6th, everybody just kind of stay put, get some popcorn, because it was going to take three weeks to challenge all six states on January 6th. And we didn't want anybody disrupting the process that was already occurring. Again, we were in separate house debate for an hour before the Capitol was breached. I was in Washington, D.C. for the Obama inauguration and there for the National Conference of Mayors before. And there were hummers parked bumper to bumper around the entire Capitol for a block radius. Were you there for Trump's inauguration in 2016? I was not there for the 2016 inauguration. I have friends that were there for that. You saw the security.
Pennsylvania Avenue shut down. Yeah, exactly. I've covered J6 extensively.
Okay. Trennis Evans has been a guest on my program. In addition to that, David Summerall is a very good friend of mine. He produced bloodyhill.com.
He also provided a lot of the video for Joshua Phillip, who is another friend of mine, who did the real January 6th with Epoch Times. Did they know that the only way to be successful at overturning the election was for separate chamber debate to be sent back to the states? Yes. So whoever entered the building that day thinking that they could stop the police. See what I'm saying? Yeah, but what you need to do is you need to do your homework to understand that none of the Trump people, none of the Proud Boys, none of the Oath Keepers, they weren't the they weren't the breachers. And in fact, the timestamp, the committee literally doctored the film and changed the timestamp. And the breach that took place on the far side, okay, there were people on the other side who were standing there peacefully praying, gathered together. C-Span.
A 12-hour C-Span tape. And they were waiting for the process you're talking about to take place because they knew that was what was going to happen. Right. And then you have the video that has nearly a hundred different faces of individuals that were instigators who, gee, how strange is it that they appeared in every camera shot where an outbreak happened?
Right. What I'll say is that the 400 people that entered the building probably didn't understand that that action was contraindicated to make President Trump president again. Well, the other piece, now understand, your last name is Dr. Simone Gold, as an example, and her bodyguard. They were on their way to the stage that they were assigned to be at on the Capitol steps, four stages set up, four rallies that had already been planned, peaceful rallies that were going to talk about what you're talking about and inform and educate the people. And suddenly the DC Capitol Police quarantined off those stages on the opposite side from where the breach actually first took place. And then you see it in Nick Searcy's video because he has the video from her security guy. They are ushered into the rotunda.
She is handed a microphone and basically told, here, speak here in the rotunda. And I understand, but I agree. And here's one of the bigger problems. It was a setup. It was a setup.
That's it. One of the bigger problems in all of this is that we have individuals that should even be on the same side. I came on the Monday after that all happened and I had some conservative friends of mine that were on my program and they were, you know, kind of starting to go. And I was like, stop.
I am telling you right now, by God's voice to my ears, this is not what people are saying. It's not when just stop because this is all a setup. I mean, the guy with the helmet that busted out, that was busting out the window that Ashley Babbitt actually punched in the mouth.
If you watch the real January 6th, he goes down and changes shirts and it appears that he puts on a DC Capitol Police uniform on the stairs after she's been shot. Well, that whole day is a mess. The trick is if we could have had the message go out, but look at the consequences. Well, but here's the consequences.
And Dr. David, here's the other side. The problem we have now is the whole purpose of that was to be able to go forward with their desire to criminalize you and me and everybody else, our good friends that were just here with us. That was the whole goal. They had been working for it.
And that's what they had been doing even during Trump's four years in office. He was surrounded by Judas. Look at Peter Navarro.
Look at what Dr. Navarro's book has to say. I mean, Jared Kushner identified as Rasputin. Listen, I mean, you know, there was so much. I just personally wish President Trump would have hired me instead of Kayleigh McEnany to be his press secretary.
Well, I would lay it out there perfectly. Listen, I have a friend of mine that was in the State Department assigned by Trump to be in the State Department, was in the room when the department head came in and said, any orders you get from the White House, ignore. Well, okay. The Tillerson.
Yes. Tillerson was running his own program, not Trump's. Then you had the establishment people, Bart. So what you're saying is President Trump was surrounded by Bush people?
Oh, no doubt. Well, I'm from Texas. Believe me, I know about the Bush people. Right, King Bush. King Bush. I know. And I'm like, wait, we fought a king.
We don't want a king. I know. I know.
Well, you go back to Preston and you go back to the 1906 and you go back to their assisting the Nazis and funneling money. I'm not a big fan of that. Yeah. No, no, no. I share all of that with you to let you know that I have. Yeah, no, I get it.
I really do. And I wasn't meaning to cut you off or be rude at all. I wanted you to know how much you're sitting at the right table.
Oh, well, I tried the left table. They tried to stick something up my kazoo. Yeah, they do that.
They do that. All right. Hang on just a second. I got to take another quick break.
We'll be right back. Dr. David Simone is with us. We're having a great time here, folks. And listen, one of the big things I want to get off to all of our live audiences listening right this minute, please, if you are in anywhere near Chicago, anywhere near Tinley Park, you really you've got to get down to the Trinity Health Freedom Expo.
This should be on your calendar every single year to come here. The exhibitors are going to help you to get your health back. There are these people. These are the for real people. These are these are this is this this is not, you know, folk phoniness in a bottle. This these are the real people.
That's why that's why I'm on. I mean, what's that? This is through an EVA. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. CGR Wellness is is is part of what I do.
Oh, well, I'll tell you that you have to understand that the entirety of the holistic health care of America is sitting right here. And I mean, even somebody I worked at the U.N. with for 10 years on the Minamata Treaty to make sure mercury fillings aren't used anymore, which is still a battle. Yeah. I needed to be over there with Blanche Gruby, who took over for Hal Huggins, who was one of my three top mentors in science. Okay.
So the mercury global expert. Yeah. No, this is great. All right. We're going to take another quick break. We will be back with more with Dr. David Simone. We appreciate him being here. And folks, again, please get down here.
Tinley Convention Center, Tinley Park, Illinois, Trinity Health Freedom. You can join us live now. And I really hope that you will either either the rest of the day we'll be here till five o'clock, six o'clock tonight. We will also be here all day tomorrow. You can come and check it out tomorrow. And there's going to be a virtual expo coming up in February. Go to Trinity Health Freedom Expo and we'll get that book plugged in the next one. I'll get it.
I will get that book plugged right here in the next one. I'll be back right after this. World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.
I am Patriot Mobile. I thank and praise God for this. Well, that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry. By the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the poor man in this village for the community.
Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. We thank Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry.
Thank you and God bless you. Hi, I'm Tim Sheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at cgrwellness.com. I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.
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Neecoproducts do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg.
And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. I'm your host, Pastor Greg, and we are live here at the Trinity Health Freedom Expo, Trinity Health Freedom Expo in Tinley Park, the Tinley Park Convention Center. And for those of you that might be watching us right this moment, if you are tuned in right now, well, we want to encourage you to get down here and see us.
You can come directly down. We'll be here this afternoon until about six o'clock. That is Chicago time. And then we'll be here all day tomorrow. And there will be a virtual presentation also coming up in February. And so we want to encourage you again, find out more Trinity Health Freedom Expo, Trinity Health Freedom Expo, a part of the Trinity School of Natural Medicine.
Well, I'm very excited to welcome my next guest to the program. And she was so busy last year. She was. She literally sat like right across from me.
And every time that I would think, okay, I'm going to grab her, then she would be busy. Somebody would sit down and we would Yeah, so, but she is with me today. She authored this book Rise Above Chaos, Rise Above Chaos.
You can find her at creativelifesolutions.com. I want to welcome to the program Carolyn Gross. Carolyn, welcome. Good to have you. Pastor Greg, our time is finally here. Yes, it is.
Yes, it is. Well, my, my, my. So tell me, let's start out with what what have your impressions been of the conference so far this year? How many times you've been coming for quite a while?
15, probably 15 years. Wow. Back in Long Beach, when there were 3000, over 3000 people and I couldn't find a parking spot.
Long Beach Convention Center. It's like I'm speaking. I've got to get, you know, so that that long, and I so support what we're doing here. You know, I just had Dr. David Simone was on with me a few moments ago. And he was like, Look, this is where holistic medicine lives right here.
That's right. The people that are here truly represent holistic medicine in America, and in many instances around the world. Oh, that's beautiful. Actually, it was my journey through cancer 19 years ago that got me to the show. The first time and the doctor that had treated me asked me to do a, you know, testimony on healing stage three breast cancer without any surgery 19 years ago, and when I went up on the platform and told my story, they be lined over to the hospital booth, and I ended up being a patient advocate and writing two books on immunotherapy from 2007 to 2017. My goodness.
So this show, beautiful. Well, so talk to me because my for my audience that may not be familiar with that story. Give me give me a brief background just on that. I know that's a major story, but give me a brief idea of you. You were Were you in health practice? What were you doing when this happened?
My first book, so my first book was staying calm in the midst of chaos, and it was trying to encourage overachievers to take care of their health so that they didn't derail into burnout and life disaster. And that was I'm sorry. I mean, you got to understand.
Okay, so in 2004 at 42 years of age, I'm told you've lived 75 years of life in 42 years and your pituitary gland and your adrenal gland are done. They're just we're sorry, but they're done. You're the reason I started my business. Yeah, well, apparently so. But remember, we teach what we need to learn. So I was already, you know, familiar with burnout, of course, right?
Yeah, yes. So that that was the beginning of my speaking and publishing career was staying calm in the midst of chaos. But I was doing that speech before 911.
And then 911 happened, and then it became huge. Right? Right. Right. Well, then, I mean, because then, you know, it was like people got turned on to, hey, we we're in trouble.
We're in trouble. That's right. That was just that was actually the match. The match got lit. You know, now we're in such a different experience, but we take them as they come.
They've lit a bunch of matches. You know, I remember, you know, thinking during, you know, the Obama years, right? Because, you know, everything was set up for him to do what he did. It really was if anybody was paying, I mean, they have been setting it up. And then it was as though he dropped, you know, what at that time appeared to be some kind of a nuclear bomb that just exploded everywhere.
And then we thought, well, okay, we'll get through, you know, we started we kind of saw some light at the end of the tunnel towards the end of his term, except that he just moved six weeks down the block and and set up a shadow government. Now, I'm not versed on all that. No, no, I understand. Well, the impact you're talking about the impact. Yes, correct. On society and human life. Yes, ma'am.
So the only thing is, I just always comment when I don't have an ear. Well, you know, well, but but and so we are and it doesn't matter, you know, where what what side of all this you came from you, you know, if you came from the side that believe that it was tearing down our nation and that it, you know, we were fighting and struggling to hold on to something or if you came from the side that said, Oh, you know, America, you know, I've always said, you know, America is a bad place and all those other kinds of things. And you felt like, you know, you were in a war.
I mean, both sides have felt like they were ignited into a crises situation of some sort. What's interesting that you would go there right at the kickoff here of our interview is that when I come out and do health shows, and I'll be lecturing at this event at three o'clock, and my title of my lecture is health ninjas rise above the chaos, and the importance of the self responsibility. But what I also the benefit I get when I come into a show like this, and I'm out in California, so I mean, I really had to come and do a show, you know, is I'm getting amazing field research, and you're kicking off the interview with just what everybody's coming and talking to me about at the booth, the destruction of our country and just watching it and how important for us to be proactive.
And can I just say kind, and a little bit savvy and do some research right now and maybe every once in a while show up at live events so you can discern the difference between truth and what's out there on the internet that could brainwash anybody. That's just a thought. Well, you know, but but doesn't that okay, so and and so now now now I'm going to blow your mind.
Oh, baby, blow my mind. But, you know, so doesn't that also speak to this whole issue of health? Because, look, there there are a lot of gimmicks that are out there.
There are a lot of there's a there's a lot of, you know, empty bags, so to speak. And you got to be able to figure out what's the real and what's not. Otherwise, you can spend a lot of time, a lot of energy, a lot of money and and possibly end up worse off than you were when you started down that road. Well, of course, having worked in the cancer field for 14 years, I saw firsthand how people went from being very healthy and functioning to, you know, either being disabled or dying. So I realized how important it was to make informed decisions 19 years ago. And my innocence was lost because I had no idea what was going on in a lot of agencies.
But I'll just talk about big pharma specifically. I had no idea until my diagnosis and I knew right away that they were trying to scare me. And I'm like, why would you try to scare me? I've just been diagnosed with cancer. I mean, that's a huge part of my story.
And that's also why I took, if you will, the breast or the ball in my hands and said, I'm going to go my own way on this. One thing that I want you to know as well is that in the 90s, before I started my company, I knew that this digital age was going to happen and that it was going to really disconnect us as humans. And so when we talk about having a truth, an ability to discern truth, that's why I'm encouraging your listeners, get to live events, get to church live in the sanctuary. Because we need to be with people right now. You can feel the rough edges from all this distancing.
It's too rough. And here's the other part to that. Look, the truth is the truth. I was listening to a live event, pastor talking about, you know, faith and faith moving mountains and, you know, and operating in the realm of being of faith healing. And I operate, I mean, I've seen raise the dead, blame, walk, blind, see deaf, hear all of that. Well, I am it. I'm it and I've been a part of it. And we see it in our meetings in India.
And I'm over here in, well, I broadcast from Texas, talking over Skype. And the pastor over there is like, pastor, we had another one. We had another healing. It's not me. It's God.
It's God that does it. Amen. But here's the thing. And it was really neat what he said. He said, we don't try to tell somebody that what's there isn't there. What we say is, is okay. We acknowledge the thing. Now we're going to speak to the thing.
Be be gone. We're going to tell the thing to go away. We're not going to say, Oh, there's no mountain. We're not going to paint some ridiculous picture of what doesn't exist. We're going to talk to the actual thing in the sense of it needs to go.
And we're telling you to go. So another thing that's been huge for me, because I wrote Rise Above the Chaos before the pandemic, was the moment that it showed up, and I'll have this in my lecture, but I lecture all over the country on this. But the moment that it showed up, I said, you know what, I've already been through cancer and I'm not giving this virus one inch of my life with fear.
Right. I'm not going to let it blow out my circuits of my central nervous system, the fear of it. And so once you make that decision, and that's also a faith based decision, that saying, I believe my Heavenly Father will protect me. He will send his angels to have charge over me. And that he did that already. He demonstrated in your life and my life, Pastor Greg.
So why would that change with this thing? This, you know, drama. And so I want people to know that that's very important.
It's an insidious fear that's on the planet and in the consciousness of so many people right now. And you know, what's interesting is I got through at least two years and four months. I was getting ready for a lecture in San Diego. I went to get a facial and the woman had to stop my facial because her son had been diagnosed with COVID. So she was dressing and feeding her child with COVID.
And then she went literally 20 minutes later and did a facial on me. And I thought, well, okay, Jesus, that's the closest I think I really have been to the virus now in these two and a half years. And you know that I just went to my rituals of discipline and all of my immune support and you know I was fine. But you know, even everybody gets their faith tested. And I'm not just talking about now. Right. The pandemic and such. I'm talking about anything.
We get it tested. Well, you know, sister, listen, I got it. Oh, I had it.
Okay. I have chills fever the whole bit. I ended up with double pneumonia and I was coughing up blood. And but I sleep in a hospital bed. And I told my doctor, I said, Look, what are they going to do? Put me in a hospital bed.
I'm in one. Okay. What are they going to do? Give me some drugs.
I can take those here. I'm taking natural stuff here that they won't let me take there. And they're going to try and stick some kind of a mask on me that I know is going to kill me. Guess what? I won't go to the hospital. So you do whatever you're going to do.
But I'm staying put. He gave me azithromycin. He gave me dexamethasone.
He jokes to this day. He said, I gave you the most dexamethasone I've ever given any human being in my practice's history. And we did video telemedicine video every day to check on me. And then I started on Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, their protocol of vitamin D3, zinc, quercetin with bromelain, and then a pepcid for the antihistamine.
And I throw in mushrooms for good measure, but that's what any cancer survivor needs. Yeah. Well, and Dr. John Apsley said, you know, throw in Coq10 because that's another one that's, you know, so I threw, but here I am. But you claimed your power. And that's another important thing is we have to claim our power with whatever our health challenges are, with whatever our fear challenges are.
I hate to say this, we're going to run out of time here. CreativeLifeSolutions.com. I know, right?
CreativeLifeSolutions.com is the website. Rise above the chaos, redefine your life, coaching, books, speeches out there in the midst. Retreat.
I'm doing retreats now to help people recalibrate. Helping people to get there, to take back your life. Don't let, you know, it's about faith that perseveres. Don't let the chaos rob you, steal you.
Look, the one who comes to steal, kill and destroy is Satan. The one who comes to give you life and give it to you more abundantly is God. Accept God's gift. Accept his son, Jesus Christ.
And then you will have the truth. Amen. Carol, thank you so much for being here. I greatly appreciate it. Carolyn Gross. Carolyn Gross. Reminder, get down here to Trinity Health Freedom Expo and you can meet her in person. We'll be back with more Children Generation Radio coming up right after this break.
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