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Melanie Collette discusses the indoctrination of our children / Nan Su and co-host Rick Manning discuss unrest with CCP

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
October 5, 2022 1:59 pm

Melanie Collette discusses the indoctrination of our children / Nan Su and co-host Rick Manning discuss unrest with CCP

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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October 5, 2022 1:59 pm

Melanie Collette Project 21 Black Leadership discusses the indoctrination of our children and a look at what is being done to children through the eyes of an educator. Eight-year-old children are being forced to make life changing choices and teachers are being asked to lie to parents and manipulate the kids. Kanye West and White Lives Matter.

Nan Su and co-host Rick Manning discuss unrest with CCP and how the rumors were overstated. CCP influence on the West, Mullahs, Russia and products we rely on every day.

Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
The Charlie Kirk Show
Charlie Kirk

I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry. And by the prayer and support of Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community.

We know this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. Finally, we thank Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and our help and support of Pastor Grigg Young. Thank you.

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Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. Thanks so much for being here.

Hour number two. So excited to have you with me. Hi. Hi, and I'm so excited to welcome Melanie Colette to the program. Melanie, welcome.

Project 21, Black Leadership Network. Great to have you with me. Thank you. It's a pleasure to be with you. I love that dress. So pretty. Thank you. I'm doing my best out here, Pastor Greg. You look great, dear.

You look fantastic. Well, wow, wow, wow. We just finished talking with David Shostakos about constitutional things and issues related to the Constitution and elections and all those kinds of things.

And I mentioned that we would be bringing up with you about... So Hillary Clinton was the one who called us all deplorables. And now apparently she says we're all Nazis. Wow.

Which is so very strange. And she calls us that based on the number of white males that support President Trump, because obviously everyone who's voted for President Trump is a white male, like myself. Like you can clearly see that I, as a Trump supporter, am a white male who says all hail President Trump and does not critically think about policy or anything like that.

Just really just basically blindly follow other white males like myself and vote for them. Yeah, well, right, because none of us are concerned about inflation and none of us are concerned about high gas prices and none of us are concerned about, I don't know, the invasion at the border. But see, that's racist, because if we talk about being concerned about the invasion at the border, then that means that we just don't like people that illegally come into our country and, you know, and take over our communities at the border and threaten our ranchers and, you know, we don't care about any of that.

And cost the taxpayers money. When we have veterans that are homeless, when we have just regular old Americans who are mentally ill and homeless and having all kinds of problems, when we have kids who have food issues where they're not being fed or don't have access to proper food, we have people who live below the poverty line right here in the United States. And we have children, by the way, they're being perverted in schools and told that their natural boy girl, well, you can't call them boys and girls anymore because they may be something else.

You know, I'm going to have Monday somebody who's leading, you know, the messaging about the detransitioning. But, you know, when you see stories like Chloe Cole, where this poor girl at 13 years of age was manipulated by adults to have a double mastectomy, That's horrible. It's horrible.

It's horrible. And they're making, I can tell you as a former educator, and I have the proof, they are telling educators that they have to hide this from parents, that they have to hide this from parents. They're telling teachers to use their preferred pronouns and gender in school. And then when you talk to the parents, use whatever is on the school record if the parents disagree with using their preferred pronouns.

Well, and let's quantify that preferred because preferred has nothing. You can't tell me that a 5, 6, 7, 8 year old who is, you know, experimenting with creativity, experimenting with, you know, the fantasy and all these. I mean, just good old fashioned creativity, dress up, all that kind of stuff, suddenly has decided that they're going to make a life changing permanent decision to destroy their bodies. And it makes no sense. Since when do we allow children to make life altering decisions? You can't, you're not allowed to drink, you're not allowed to smoke, you're not allowed to vote. But you can make a life altering decision, changing your body physically for life?

You can do that, though. Well, let me ask you this, let me backtrack just a little bit and let me ask you this because as an educator, obviously you went to school to learn how to teach, to understand how people's minds work and so on. In doing so, was there anywhere in your instruction where they said to you that children at the age of 6 are able to make these kinds of high level intellectual decisions? Not only were we not told that, we were told the opposite, that their brains are still developing. Your brain is still developing even at the age of 18. I don't think it stops till somewhere in your early 20s.

Like what are we even talking about? Or I think the brain development stops around 13, but then you don't have experience. Right, right. You don't have life experience to understand that things are not black and white, that there's a ton of gray in life and that things like feelings and emotions are just that. It's very interesting, I did a media hit not too long ago about this topic and I looked up what it means, what transgender means medically and WebMD had an article that had just been peer reviewed in 2021 and the definition of transgender on WebMD says it's a person who has a strong feeling or a strong sense of being another gender. That's what it says.

What it does not say is that that person is that gender. Feeling. And if you understand emotions which takes time and experience and life's experience and how to process emotions, you understand that feelings are often not reality. Feelings are of good use.

Your senses, your instincts are of good use to help you navigate and be aware of when there's danger and things of that nature. But feelings are not reality. Well, and there's a difference, too, between conscience, your conscience and emotion. You know, you're I mean, what you're doing here is, is you are literally destroying the innocence of a child's conscience.

Melanie, you're you're literally you're just you're destroying the innocence of a child's conscience. And that conscience is a barometer that God gave us because we know inherently to some degree inside of us the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. We certainly do. And that is implanted in us. Now, of course, you know, in this day and age, in this period, in this era that we are in, we are prone towards sin.

And if you understand that we are prone to sin, we are prone to sinful thinking. Then we can process that and say, OK, I recognize what that is. Right. Yes.

We have a barometer for that. Right. Yep.

Yep. But if you take with a child and you break all of that down and that ultimately is what this is. And that's what you know, when someone talks about grooming, that's what grooming is.

The grooming is preparing the child to accept things that they wouldn't. I think about the film Ratatouille. And and and the and the and the rat who's the chef, his his quote unquote brother.

And he says, you know, once you get past the gag reflexes, all kinds of things are possible. Folks understand that Disney and this is exact. I mean, that statement embodies. Right.

The manipulative force that Disney said they are and that is happening in our culture. Once you get a child past the gag reflex. That's right.

That's right. And that gag reflex is what tells you that, yo, this is not OK. That's your barometer. That's your warning.

Hey, red flag, red flag. This is not OK. And as an educator, educators are responsible for helping a child to hold on to that and to get stronger in that particular function, not to destroy it and break it down. But I'll tell you, they don't encourage they don't encourage educators to do that. They don't encourage educators to try to instill some kind of morality. And if they do encourage them to instill morality, the morality is often immoral, which is which is crazy to me.

You know, they're very inclusive environments unless you're a Christian. I tried to explain to a class, I taught financial literacy and economics, and I had this question on a test that we were going over about whether or not it's OK to scam someone financially. And it was a true false question. And I had to explain to a class why it was not OK to scam someone. And then ultimately, you know, once we got past the fact that they didn't care that it was illegal, that they didn't care. It was a nice thing to do.

They didn't care about any of that. And I finally got down to this, which I'm sure if somebody had reported or what I got in trouble for. Well, let me just put it to you like this. The reason why I don't scam people and I don't steal from people is because it's immoral. It's because it's against what God would have me do.

And whatever God that you serve, you need to think about that. There are universal laws. This is what I told the class. I said there are universal laws in place that it's my belief.

This is how I put it on me. I said it's my belief that God has set up these universal laws and the universal laws say that you should not do things like that. It's displeasing to him.

And because of the way he has set up these universal laws, it is going to come back on you. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. There you go.

That is that is the way it is. Absolutely. Absolutely.

All right. We're about a minute out from taking our first break. Hillary Clinton has called. And this ties into this whole idea that somehow we're supposed to be the, you know, the Nazis, the authoritarians, the dictators and all of this. And the morally decrepit when the things we just talked about are the things that Hillary Clinton and her ilk are pushing on and involving themselves in doing. They're they're they're pro abortion, which is the murder of babies. They're they're pro deforming these children and and changing their God given sexual orientation. They are they are in favor of of breaking down and destroying the borders of our country and destroying our our economy and all of these issues they're directly engaged with.

And they're partnering with entities that would do the same. We'll talk about that. And then I also want to get your thoughts. Kanye West shows up in Paris.

White Lives Matter. Got to talk about that when we come back. Melanie Colette is with me here on Children's Generation Radio. I'm your host, Pastor Greg.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. And welcome back to Children's Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My very special guest Melanie Colette, Project 21 Black Leadership Network.

You can find them at, and click on Project 21 to keep up with all the great things that they are doing. And you know being a conservative black American, you become a pretty large target for the left. They don't like black conservatives.

They do not. They do not like us thinking on our own. It's really weird. It's really, I find it just so strange how they don't think that's racist. And I can't, and I consider myself to be fairly bright and I can't, I can't process why they don't understand that we feel as though that's racist.

To say that if we don't think a certain way because of the color of our skin that something's wrong with us. And for them to then come out and accuse, you know, all of us of being Nazis, right, you know, which was, which is identified. Number one, they like to throw that and say, oh, fascism is on the right. Well, I'm sorry, but fascism, communism, socialism, they're way over here on the left, folks.

Okay? Oh, and let's talk about how anti-God that is. And people forget, like whenever we bring up the Nazis and what happened during the Holocaust, we forget the Christians that were persecuted and that were also killed. It was not just race. It was an attempt to also rid the world of Christians as well. And let's also be clear because there is an issue when it comes to people, you know, of color and how Hitler addressed people of color as well.

Look, that was about 100%. And that was also connected to America's own role in the 1920s, which is why the Republican Party was birthed. The purpose of the Republican Party was to give black Americans a voice and a vote. And, you know, when you talk about all created equal, I mean, George Washington was one of the strongest proponents of equality, in spite of the fact that, yes, George Washington had some slaves, but Washington also treated everyone as being on the same plane. And that was why, in his will, he set them all free. For sure. And, you know, Bible readers understand that the first to enslave folks were Egyptians.

What are we talking about? What color are Egyptians? Where's Egypt? Well, and let's be clear as well that even today, the number one slave trading nation in the world is Absolutely. Africa. Is Africa. Absolutely. Yeah, Africa.

150%. Right now, today, slaves are being sold in Libya for 400 bucks. Where's the outcry?

Yeah. Where are the marches? Where are the protests? Where are the people in Congress demanding that the United States, the most powerful nation in the world, do something about that slave trade?

Where are we? Well, where's Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam that professes to be all about, you know, the black people, where are they in condemning the slavery in Nigeria, and who's putting those people in slaves? Islam? Hello. Yep.

Hello. No, no, no one's saying a thing. Yeah, no. No one's saying a thing. But boy oh boy, are they blowing a gasket over a certain rapper who showed up in Paris in fashion week wearing a t-shirt that says White Lives Matter.

Oh, man. This is so easily triggered. Like, Kanye, he's not even assuming you're a super genius. Like, this is so elementary, what he just did. It's like playing, it's like a cat playing with yarn.

He's launching his new line. How can I trigger lefties today? And I don't do it all the time. But sometimes I do. Like, I feel his, I feel his energy. Because sometimes I just wake up and I'm like, they're really getting on my nerves. Let me see how I can trigger them today in one post. I'm telling you. Watch this.

Watch me post something and trigger lefties. And they're so just emotional. And all they did, everybody's talking about it now. Yeah. Well, and you look at how woke, you know, CRT and what they're forcing.

And they forced it now through ESG into the companies. I mean, let's be honest, okay? Every commercial that you see, 65, 70% of commercials are either a black man and a white woman or someone of color is the main character in the commercial. We're talking about still a population that is in the minority, the majority of our population that is not reflective of that. That's not racist. That's just a fact. I say that to people and they're like, but still.

And I'm like, but no. It's numbers. Like, look at the numbers. It makes sense if you look at the numbers. But now, like TV would have you believe that every couple's in a racial now. There's literally no black couples or white couples.

And I think and I know we're gonna run out of time, but I think this is hilarious, too. Let's face it. Okay. I can't use the hair care that you use in my hair. I'll have a problem.

But you can't use the hair care that I use in your hair. I mean, God, reality. That's exactly God uniquely created each of us. Okay.

And as such, you know, we have different things and and and subsequently they're created that way. Anyway, Melanie, it's been great. I love you. God bless you.

I can't wait to have you back again. All lives. Hey, let's just close with this, folks. All lives matter. Now let's watch their heads explode. All right.

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$2.50 will treat a 10-gallon tank. Get your order in today, drop a GreenFuel tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. Welcome aboard, folks. Good to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio. I'm joined by Nan Su of The Epoch Times along with Rick Manning, my co-host, Americans for Limited Government. Gentlemen, welcome. Good to have you. Good morning, Greg.

Well, so I just sent this over to you, Nan. I thought you might have seen it, but yeah, the CEO of Conic, which is the election management software company, has been arrested in Meridian Township in Michigan. And he's being held on suspicion of theft of personal identifying information.

The Los Angeles County District Attorney, George Gascon, of all people, has had him arrested and I believe they're extraditing him to California for trial. Interesting. Well, in the past, we have heard a lot of talk about, you know, things related to CCP coming to the United States to trying to manipulate the election.

I hope this time they actually did a good investigation and really found what this guy did. Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. Now, the other thing has to do with the border, but Rick, you had some specific questions that you wanted to ask Nan this morning, also with regards to what's happening with the CCP, I believe, and Iran and so forth. Am I correct? Actually, there's a couple of things that I'm asking about. One, a week and a half ago, there was a lot of talk and chatter about President Xi being in trouble in Beijing and rumors of people being arrested and Xi potentially being under house arrest and a lot of different things like that. And so, Mike, I really wanted to talk to you and find out what, if anything, you heard to indicate or to tell us what the heck is going on internally in Beijing. Well, actually, Greg and I, we talked about that last week. Yeah, I think we did have some conversation, but go ahead and because, you know, it's still on everyone's radar with regards to what's going on, especially in light now, also the fact that the Iranian mullahs are in trouble in Iran, and the mullahs depend heavily upon Xi and the CCP for their support.

Okay. First of all, the rumor came out because Xi visited Kazakhstan between September the 14th and 16th, and then he went back to Beijing and then he didn't show up again for another week. And then on the 21st, there was a high level, actually top level, Chinese Central Military Committee meeting, and he didn't show up in the meeting. So then the rumor, that's how the rumor started, and also there's a large military movement caught by people, ordinary folks near Beijing.

So that really made the rumor overheated. Now, Xi actually showed up on August 1st to celebrate leading all the top level CCP leaders on August 1st to celebrate China's National Day. So that basically discredited the rumor, and also because China's CCP's National Congress meeting is going to be held probably on the 16th, around the 16th, and then they have another meeting to prepare that in the week before that. So it's usually, you know, because whatever the coup, the rumor didn't happen, so people mostly expecting that Xi is going to get what he wants from the National Chinese Communist Party's Congress meeting.

It's called the 20th National Congress of CCP. So he's going to continue to serve as a top leader of the Chinese regime. In terms of the relationship with the mullahs in Iran and Iran's, the interesting scenario we have where Iran is providing technology to Russia, of all things, to fight in Ukraine in terms of drone technology. But Iran also being dependent upon China for a lot of wealth and support to get around the sanctions that had existed against Iran and against the mullahs, at a time when the mullahs are in trouble internally with their people.

What's the play? How is that all fitting together? What's China's play with that? What are they trying to accomplish? Well, Greg and I, we talked about several times about what happened on the Euro-Asian continent. There's a huge camp that's quickly forming around China, Russia, and Iran. China signed a huge economic deal with Iran back in March of last year, and China was going to provide 400 billion worth of economic aid to Iran following the agreement while as a return, Iran is going to provide constant oil support from Iran to China.

And now, right now, they have to transfer those oils over the sea. But China and Iran has been in discussion for close to a decade to build a so-called energy corridor. Originally, the energy corridor was designed to connect China and Iran through Pakistan. But now, it's with Afghanistan falling into the hands of the Chinese Communist regime. So basically, geographically, between Iran and China, that's the two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan. So now, they can build the oil pipe to connect China and Iran, and also the Iranian leaders are also talking about having China to help them build a high-speed bullet train. So those in the whole entire region, all these countries like Kazakhstan, Turkestan, Belarus, so all these countries, they are pretty much under the heavy influence from these three countries. So you can see they are getting up together right now, and just like between September 14th and 16th, China's top leader, Xi, met Putin in Kazakhstan when they have so-called Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting. And this is related to you and I's conversation about the Indo-Pacific strategy, and the fact that the Indo-Pacific strategy has now essentially been hijacked by China, by Xi, and by this triad of evil, really, which is Russia, China, and Iran. So as you're looking at this on the going forward now, what are the next steps that you're seeing as this is playing out?

Because the CCP are continuing their aggressions. One of the areas where they are involved is down in Mexico at our southern border, and they are very much engaged in helping the flood at our border, as I understand it. Can you speak to that a little bit? I actually did not have much of evidence that they are interfering the flood of illegal immigrants coming through the border from the south, but I heard people talk about that. I'm hoping that someone can do a much deeper investigation to actually have more findings on those aspects. Yeah, there's a video on that.

Hang on a minute, let me see if I can find that. And I thought I sent this over this morning, but you know, I'll tell you, I've been getting hacked all morning long. Okay, taking down the border, taking down America, USA betrayed, taking down the border, illegal alien invasion, Communist Party goal of destroying the US. This was a seminar done by Frank Gaffney with Todd Bensman, Michael Yan, Trace Bradford, and Ben Barquam, and specifically talking about the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party and what's taking place at our border. Yeah, I haven't saw that piece of a video yet. So I want to encourage folks to go to,, and check out the videos that are up there. But there is a video webinar addressing the nature of it and then the Biden administration's. Can you talk about the Biden administration's tentacle tie? You know, let's take a quick break.

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Rick Manning, Americans for a Limited Government President. Rick, you were asking Nan a question in the break. Go ahead and ask that question, and then we'll give Nan an opportunity to answer it. Yeah, Nan, thank you for the time. One of the things people wonder when we sort of hear problems like this, we say, you know, what can I do about it?

I'm just a person on most of the radio, but what can I do about it to try to help things happen? Well, I think the number one thing that people should do is everyone go home and check your retirement account and try to stop the money from your retirement account flowing to China. Now, I'm not sure if people really updated United States currently have direct investment. I'm not talking about the trade. I'm talking about direct investment, meaning cash. In China, you know, more than $100 billion, and that's just from United States alone, but the entire Western world. You were talking about hundreds of billions investment in China. Now, I often ask people to think about it during the Cold War between United States and Soviet Union. If the Western world keeps pumping hundreds of billions of dollars investment into former Soviet Union, will former Soviet Union communist regime ever collapse?

It will never happen. So if you go back to your retirement account and look for who is managing your retirement and voice out your concern, ask whoever managing your retirement account, stop sending money to China. I mean, if you have those big names managing your retirement account, like State Street, BlackRock, Vanguard, I'm sorry. You know, Chinese government is in your backyard. Your money is investing in China, possibly even investing in those defense industry, military rocket industry that's making rockets and naval ships. So that's the number one thing that we should take care of.

Each one of us can voice our concern. You know, China, after joining WTO, 2001, from 2001 to 2021, China's economy grow tenfold. Tenfold. And, you know, 20 years ago, China's economy is equal to the size of Russia's economy today. So, you know, Russia's economy just one tenth of China today. So, you know, if you're talking about who is the biggest threat, think about why Putin is able, you know, try to put up a nuclear threat. Think about that.

I mean, in 1962, they, you know, they faded away, right away. But Putin is like again and again making that threat. Because why? Because he is counting on China. He is betting on, you know, if, think about this, if the Western war have a full-scale nuclear war between United States and Russia, you know, who is going to benefit the most? Say China doing nothing during the nuclear conflict. But after the nuclear conflict, you know, both countries, Russia and NATO and United States, all destroyed. And China is there. So who will dominate the world? So that's why, you know, that's why, that's what Putin is betting on.

If he have a limited scale of nuclear war, you know, the United States will not be able to respond. There's a couple of other things too. We talked about at the top of this program about the individual with Conic Industries who was arrested. And one of the things, one of the big things that they're concerned about is the data mining. Can you explain to our audience why China would be data mining like that?

Why is it so important for them to get data? Well, there is a totally wrong chemistry here in the relation between United States and China. China, CCP treated United States as their number one enemy.

They looked for to really destroy United States and destroy the freedom that we enjoy here, to destroy our system. So that's why they, now, but why at the same time, our government still treat China as a competitor. You know, we thought they are the competitor.

They look at us as a number one enemy. This is entirely wrong industry, wrong chemistry between, in the relation. And there are even academics in the United States talking about, you know, it's not good if we don't have China as a competitor.

I mean, this is, this is really a wrong chemistry. We, you know, they really try to destroy us while we thought we cannot. There are still academics talking about that, that we cannot live without them. So this is just something fundamentally wrong and China doing all this data mining. It's all because they are making the preparation in hope one day they will destroy all our systems. And speaking of the systems, they, you know, folks that you and I are directly impacted by batteries, chips, EV, all circuit boards. That means phones, TVs, vehicles, medical supplies is something else that we don't talk a lot about.

I'm going to switch up again and throw this one in. The Humpty Dumpty Institute. Yeah, I haven't read that piece of news yet. So I hope that you are talking about an election.

No, well, yeah, isn't that, isn't that what the Humpty Dumpty Institute is related to? The election is, it's absolutely a serious concern supposed to everyone. You know, there's a lot of discussions about China trying to interfere with our election.

As President Donald J. Trump said, no, no election, no, no country. So we really have to pay attention to what's going on in the, you know, if China, we need to get to the bottom of it to basically identify what Chinese regime has done trying to manipulate our election result. The Humpty Dumpty Institute is a congressional organization, and they are involved in our congressional members going and interacting with the UN. Man, you need to investigate these guys, and the reason you need to investigate them is, is my understanding is, is that they are heavily influenced and heavily tied into the CCP. Well, there are, there's not only one organization, quite a few organizations really doing, trying to connect the CCP top level leaders with our congressional leaders. They really doing a lot of lobby, you know, doing all these things, which really need to get attention from everyone. Yeah, well, the issue, hopefully this issue with the Connick CEO, who is, this is the election management system, and it's just really, it's just peeling back the scab of understanding how involved the CCP has been in so many things that are happening in our country. And how much, you know, you talked about the influence relative to retirement funds and investment strategies and the money that's being funneled in to China from America that is making a lot of this possible. But that's coming back into America in the same way that you had the five guys that were in Finding Courage who talked about why did they torture these people, why did they treat these people like it? Because they were atheists, they said, and because of the fact that they were paid money. And the more money, the more torture that they dished out, the more money that they got paid. It's godless, and it's evil, and the more money, this is all about money, and power and control. And that's how the CCP is taking over the United States of America, and it's happening right under our noses. And the representatives in Congress and in the Senate are playing into it and in many instances partnering with it, maybe known, maybe not known. And I hope that we can continue to investigate this and identify this very real enemy.

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