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Treniss Evans discusses the DOJ, FBI and J6 Commission illegal acts

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
October 4, 2022 1:17 pm

Treniss Evans discusses the DOJ, FBI and J6 Commission illegal acts

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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October 4, 2022 1:17 pm

Treniss Evans discusses the DOJ, FBI and J6 Commission illegal acts and prosecutorial malfeasance, Judicial improprieties, illegal and perjurious entrances of false information. Abuse of process and injustice as the truth comes out regarding the false prosecution against the J6 defendants.

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My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. With the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry, and by the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the poor man in this village for the community. Before, this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness, but now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in poor and needy communities, those who are really having a problem of the waters. And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. Lastly, we thank Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry that help us and supporters of supporting all of us.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio. I have got a very, very special treat for you today and I'm very, very excited about it. Our number two, Matt Long, and I'll be kicking it on as we simulcast our programs together. I'm going to spend an hour with you talking about the founding of our nation.

Okay. We're going to be blown away by how much influence pastors used to have literally, I mean, like, George Whitfield would go to joint gatherings of the House, the Senate, at the invitation of the governor of Georgia, and preach a sermon that was everything political. Okay, I mean, he basically told them how they needed to be doing their job according to what the Bible had to say, and what would happen to our nation if they didn't.

I'm telling you. Anyway, we're going to talk about that for a whole hour today, and I'm going to go through some things with you that I think will be a blessing to you and a blessing to our country so be sure and tune into that. David Lowery, Pastor David Lowery will be with us. He started his program last night here on TECN TV, and we'll be talking about what they're doing to our children, and we'll be talking about issues of race and racial reconciliation and what it means to come together. Love my brother David man it's, he is, he is bringing it to the streets I'm telling you, he and I are going to see each other in two weeks in Chicago. For the first time we'll be face to face I'm so looking forward to that. Alright, man, I'm thrilled to bring my next guest, I heard that he was coming Matt long brought him to Fredericksburg last night, got a chance to meet my, my other brother David, David Sumrall, and his precious wife Cindy which was beautiful. And I am just really excited to welcome, Trenis Evans, to the program condemned USA.

Remember that site condemned USA. Welcome my brother. Hey, thanks so much man I take that's great for having me here this morning. I didn't see your invite for the show to me last night, right, and I went to sleep and, and then I woke up and I've got up and read some, some information for a little while that I'm working on familiarizing myself with it, you know, taking hundreds of pages and notes on this, what we're working on here. We're going to change the venue for the January six dependence, we are going to strike home. We will strike a blow to the belly of the beast and that's my prediction like I told you last night I told people I've been telling people here recently.

Amen. I showed it to Biederman last night some others. I spoke to him about it a little bit I said if I could show you this and he said, that would be impressive.

So yeah, this is what the attorneys that have seen it said, you're going to get change opinion. And that's funny as people said maybe you should duck and cover and keep your head down until after you guys get that because you strike a blow like that into the belly of the beast the beast will be angry. So a little bit, just a little bit.

Yeah, five smooth stones my friend five smooth. So, man. But before I go further, I've got to say this. Usually at these events there's usually, you know, the small events where we don't have security, we usually get at least some loudmouth in the back that has something to say that. And I always you know I always try and ask him well let let them talk, you know, I believe in free speech. So if you came there and you don't want to hear what I have to say and you have something more important to say there's somebody usually gesturing or belting out for the back. I was like man this guy just there's a loudmouth in the back of the rush. This guy's right there a lot with him like usually the loudmouth in the back is an idiot that has no concept of what's actually happening. The loudmouth in the back was you pastor. And I was like, man, I've got to have some time to meet this guy because he's got it right.

He knows the score. And I can't, you know, and I would say things like I'm calling out chip boy and I've asked him I've been to their office I knocked on the door said where is he what's going on I want to talk. And, and they never want to talk to me. These people even model you know the alleged leadership. They don't want to talk to me.

They don't want to talk to someone, and I'll be very clear. I'm always very clear with my congressman, Senator congressional leaders senators, whatever you want to call them I think of them as representatives as you've heard me say, right, right there. We hired you to do a job.

Yep. I didn't hire you to be in charge of me. Yes, sir. I signed my name there and put your name on my ballot. I hired you to do a job. Carrie lakes one of the people seems to have it right. She's a job interviewer she's out campaigning, and she wants to you know I hear some of these people I know they're out there, but that's one that sticks in my mind because she's, you know, so yeah, no, absolutely.

And what she's gonna do is is hopefully show these border governors what what they should be doing. Anyway, I did. I'm yelling from the back of the room again I'm sorry about that. Awesome. You're right on point and then you said, you know, and I was like, are they are there's someone that hey they're with us they're on board, and then but they're off topic, and you were starting this guy starts in about the boots and barbecue thing and I'm like, Oh Lord, here we go.

All right, here it comes. And he goes, everybody remember the boots and barbecue and I was like, here we go, we're gonna start talking about vaccines or something else. And I'm like, All right. And then but it's, you go right into, I called out chip away and I asked him, he's on topic. The guy in the back of the room but I was like, man, it's like almost you know what's funny, I was thinking it's almost like sometimes you hear those people yelling things in the back of the room, you almost feel like they were paid to be there by someone else. So they could, you know, kind of accentuate what they're saying or doing. Sure.

It was almost like you sounded almost like someone I would have paid to be there. True. Yeah. The truth is like a lie. I love that statement. The truth is like a lie. You don't have to tame it or do anything to it.

You just have to set it free. Well, and you know what, we want to back one another up. You know what I'm saying? I mean, that's, you know, that was that my mindset was is, man, I love what this man is saying. And I'm so grateful that he's out there speaking out these truths. And it was kind of like, it was it was like, you know, you ever been to one of those? I love going to, you know, a black church. Because, you know, when, when, when the preacher hits the point, you know, everybody says, amen, preach on, you know, I mean, you know, yeah, yeah, I mean, they, they, you know, they encourage one another, you know what I'm saying? And that was my thought was, man, I want to encourage this man to just keep on laying it on.

I tell you, it was beautiful. You know, you talk about the black church, I think it's interesting that, you know, the black church has been known historically to hold a community together very well. Yeah.

And do you find it's, you know, ice funny is that was kind of one of our target rich environments, we felt like when we were planning, we were working on an event earlier this year, like late last year, earlier this year. And one of the targets for that event, were black, were the black churches in Austin, because we wanted people to see that unity that we're not a nation divided by race, we're a nation engaged in the beautiful cultures that we all share. And I always say, bring, you know, you want to come here, come to the country, and you come here, you bring your culture, you bring your language, bring all the beautiful parts. But you leave all those ideas that you escaped from behind about government. Yeah.

And you come here, and you assimilate to a free land, God's land. And that's the way it works. You, you mentioned something, we got into this, you know, I've spent a lot of time with the 300.

It's a Black Grove Regiment. I've been engaged in that, and I'm no pastor, believe me, I always say, you know, people, I'm very clear about this. You know, I was a great center. I mean, I was a Hall of Famer at one time.

And furthermore, I've said, there was a time in my life that they could have called on me, and they would have been like, No, no, he can't play. He's too good. He is a centerstein. He can't play. He's got to coach the All Star team.

I mean, that's where they would have been looking for me as a center. And that's backed, and I own it. And those are things that, you know, we have to own who we are, who we've been. Because if you can't own who you've been, you can't own who you're going to be. And that's just, you know, you got to recognize your past. You can't repent until you acknowledge your sin. First John 1 says, If we confess our sins, He's just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. But it begins with if we confess our sins, and it's the same thing with forgiveness. 70 times seven, how many times? 70 times seven in a day. But but but the caveat is, is they they're supposed to ask for forgiveness now so that you don't hold bitterness in your heart.

You need to let it go and you need to give it to God and you need to not hold on to the bitterness and you need to give forgiveness. But they have to ask for it for it for it to actually happen. Well, there's there's a confusion in our world right now about what the ideas of where we should be ideal ideal.

And I'm all for everyone practicing. I like the freedom of religion. I like the Constitution. So I have a humanitarian first in that in that sense, when we start getting into worldly things, when we get out of the idea of our spiritual body, we start dealing here. And just though you want to deal in kind of segregating the world, I talk to a lot of people, they're not Christians, a lot of times, and I speak have these conversations with them. I say, Okay, if you don't want to put this in God's land, God's hands, etc, etc.

That's great. But then, at least can you admit that it's right to be a humanitarian first, and then a constitutionalist, if you're going to be an American? And would that be consistent? Can we go with that? So oftentimes, I can find some common ground there with the people that are conservative, we get not don't hold Christian values, or find that, you know, we're all And I would suggest that that even though because that argument that they don't hold Christian values, flies in the face of every principle that makes us conservative, our conservative values come from the Bible.

They they they existed before and they were drawn out of Scripture, the creation of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, where we get our rights, you know, and and it's cool. I agree with you. It's cool.

It's fine. Come be here, live here. But understand that your freedoms, your liberties, your rights, all of that, I'm willing to protect and defend to the point of death. Because of the underlying values that guide America, which are that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are in me, and they're who I am. And it would be then contrary to my character, to not live that out in how I interact with you.

Well, I agree with you 100%. And I think one of the things people have this challenge with is, and I've had this discussion, you know, Lee Valentine is a dear friend of mine, I spend a lot of time in her church. I've probably been in the church.

They're in her community. Hold that thought. We got to take a quick break.

We're going to be right back right after this with my good friend, Trent Evans coming right up. We've been seeing clients in alternative health industry for over 40 years. One problem seems to stand out. People just can't sleep. Maybe it's too much stress.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and my very special guest, Trennis Evans, Condemned USA. Be sure and get to that site, Condemned USA.

And another site that I would encourage you to go to that I'm sure you're familiar with is They had kind of stopped posting for a minute and then I just noticed this morning that they're, that they're, that they're back on, you know, back on track. I was concerned to be honest. I thought, oh man, I hope that the person who's running that didn't get, you know, picked up because they're, folks, look, they're coming after us. They will be coming after us. Well, I'd show you how prepared I am, but I am, I am, I am well prepared sitting here in front of you.

Well prepared. And my gate posts are painted purple. And if you understand anything about Texas and Texas property, purple is your warning sign.

That's it. That is the warning sign. So if you cross the property line onto someone's castle and you know, and you see that their, their fence posts are painted purple, you've already had your warning. And if you're not supposed to be there, then they can consider you to be a threat and act accordingly.

That's the bottom line. What you're talking about as it relates to the truth about J six, what you, what, what, what you saw, what you witnessed, what, what took place and what they've, what they've been doing to you. Well, I didn't witness anything but a peaceful protest. I didn't witness any violence.

I didn't witness. First of all, people have to understand the size of the Capitol. What they keep showing you is a selectively edited video that they have of two main areas. They have the lower West Harris and they have that tunnel. The tunnel was like on its own planet. It's not even in the same world as everything else that happened there that day.

Minus the lower West Harris after they fired the flashbang grenades, killed Benjamin Phillips and Kevin Greeson and the crowd knew it. Well, and, and, and, and you just froze again, but, and, and the, and the rubber pellets that they were, that they were raining officers and veterans. You were, you were freezing for a minute, brother.

I'm sorry. That's why I was yelling from the back of the room. It was on Mike Lindell's TV and they had had a static connection and never had an interruption. And they were bragging about how this connection was six months perfect until I came on their show. Oh, listen, I have, I have gotten chomped when I, I went after Biden's speech and every time that I tried to play that video, literally my computer would freeze and, and, and, I mean, it was crazy. Now, what was interesting was, is when I, when I looked and saw what had recorded online, you wouldn't have known it, but, but within my studio situation, when I was seeing it, it, you know, it, it looked like an electrical tornado storm because every, I mean, my, my screens were flashing off and on.

And I mean, it was, it was, yeah, yeah. They don't want us talking about this stuff, brother. You know, there's additional stuff that is happening there that we can go into a long explanation of, I've talked to FBI agents, I've talked to CIA, I've talked to retired people, I've talked to people still in the industry, and they will tell you an awful lot about how this works real fast and say, oh yeah, so you're experiencing my phone will regularly flash all the way off, have white and yellow and blue screens popping up out of nowhere, and then turn itself back on and tell me that my microphone is active. Hello.

Thank you. It was almost like I've been meaning to get, like, carry a GoPro around because it happens so sporadically. It's happened, I don't know, six, eight times in the last year.

But then when I catch it, when I see it happen, I, you know, I have to, it has to be laying there inside of me and then I watch it happen all stormy. And I say, you know, look, you guys don't have to bother surveilling me through my telephone. Everything I say, everything I believe in, everything that I intend to do to take my country back. You can sit at home and watch podcasts here, like with my friend, Pastor Greg, you can sit at home and watch me speak at General Flynn's tours, you can sit at home and watch me at Red Pill events, you can sit at home and watch me all over the country, right on stage in front of 5,000, 10,000, 2,000, whatever it is, witnesses to the event. And say, yep, he said it right then and there, right there on that stage, because I'll say it and I'll say it again, I've said it in the courtroom, and I don't fear what I have to say, because you will not take my country.

Amen. Globalist communist pieces of dung will not take my country on my dying breath. You have to kill me to stop me. I will speak against you, I will stand against you. I will do it peacefully, I will do it in the courts, I will do it, whatever it takes to stop you. Legally, lawfully, I have a constitution and they better start reading up on what the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, the Constitution says.

Amen. An enemy of the state. I'm not the enemy.

No, the usurpers that are sitting, and this is what I emphasize, and then we're going to take a quick break, we'll be right back, but folks, look, we're not anti-government, we're anti-usurpers, liars, and deceivers, and we are about exposing the darkness. Back with more right after this, you're listening to Children's Generation Radio. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under issue to a product that changed my life. The product's called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets, wasn't really feeling any different, so I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food-sourced, non-radiated, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. For the first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clearer. You can believe I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosenjinradio at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosenjinradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

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Can you describe them? Sure, they had flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter and it's causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles.

We have an answer for you. Green Fuel Tabs. Green Fuel Tabs by Green Fuel Global are a fuel enhancer and conditioner that actually accelerates the combustion process, reduces emissions, and cleans the entire engine system without use of harmful detergents.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.

Folks, just as promised, he's with us for a whole hour and I'm really, really honored to have him here. Condemned USA is the website. You need to check out Condemned USA. There's video there. There's updates there. There's information there about what really happened. And as I've said repeatedly on this program for well over, well, a year and a half. But literally, since Nick Searcy, we started playing as soon as Capital Punishment, the movie, came out. We started playing the trailer here on the program to encourage you to go watch it. and The Real January 6th, my friend Joshua Phillip over at Epic Times. You need to watch those films. They are so important. And read my blog.

Read my blog. It is time to stop the disinformation about J6 that is in there. And there's a blog in there about the treason that is being committed by the J6 committee.

The J6 committee is committing treason. The sergeant at arms should immediately, today, go into that chamber and arrest every single member of that committee. And put them under house arrest. And they need to be taken into a court.

And they need to have charges filed against them. Because we, the people, are the sovereigns of this nation. They represent us.

Allegedly. Well, but that is, legally, that is their position. Legally, their position is to represent us. Therefore, when they abuse us, they are committing treason and sedition by attempting to overthrow we, the people.

So there's another point for you there. Add this to your repertoire of lingo if it's not already there. It's abusive process. In addition, it's abuse of power under the color of authority by self-ascribed victims.

Think in these terms. The local sheriff gets his house broken into. Something happens.

People are terrorized. Whatever. Does he investigate the crime? I don't think so. We don't have any of that. This is draconian third world minutia is what that is.

We know better than that. Anyone with any sense. Multiple members of that committee have personal suits against President Trump and other members to include the oath keepers, etc. Currently, personal suits. This is civil litigation that they have been acting against them. How can you not be biased when you filed a suit against them? Benny Thompson that leads that committee.

By the way, folks, Greg's listeners here, Pastor Greg's listeners, listen. Go do your research on Benny Thompson and his time with the Republic of New Africa. It was an American hate group. They used guerrilla tactics to overthrow, to try and upset elections and run scare tactics on people. Go look into the Republic of New Africa and Benny Thompson's involvement.

And he was actively campaigning for candidates from the Republic of New Africa all the way into, I think, 2012. Take a look. Do your research. Even the mainstream media covers this. So, you know, it's really bad if even they'll say it.

So how much darker is it really? By the way, they were under FBI investigation and surveillance for their guerrilla tactics being utilized in the United States of America. And this man is now head of the select committee. Think there's something wrong with that? Well, it's, you know, the thing about this is, is, you know, and that's that in and of itself is taking a semi deep dive, which is which is important for us to do. But you don't the whole issue here is, is you can you can even add a blush of this. You can recognize that that this is all illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous. I mean, I'm not saying that people shouldn't do their research or go deeper or understand deeper. And I love that you bring all of this depth and these facts to expose this. I mean, this is this is outrageous.

Well, here's a here's a good one for you. September 13th, go look at the open transcript of my last court appearance where I told the judge that the select committee has fraudulently altered time stamps. I'm on record in the court. I mean, are we all familiar with perjury and treason? You know, making false statements to a judge, especially for January six defendant. They know that's like hell or high water kind of stuff. You just you better not do it.

It's not going to be good for you. I stood in court on the record and told the judge that the January six committee fraudulently altered with the intent to deceive the American public with eight million dollars of our taxpayer money and created Hollywood style production with theatrical voiceovers. Right.

Creating an access between events where they fraudulently altered the order of events and tampered with evidence, crimes of omission, crimes of commission. And it's just she said, well, but we can't do anything about that. That's Congress. And I said, well, no, that's that's incorrect, because in the same she had just asked me if I had because of part of my sentencing, et cetera, if I'd be willing to testify before the select committee.

So I thought, wait a minute. So what you're telling me is you want to have this nexus, this ability for me to have to testify before the select committee. Not that I'm not willing to believe. Let me get to the point. Right.

Right. Well, you want me to have to say this court wants to order me to communicate and testify before the select committee as a part of my punishment. But yet you're telling me that what they do there is not relevant in this court.

So because I'm pretty sure because I brought up to her, I said, well, your honor, I'm pretty sure it says the United States versus she said, well, you're being tried by the Justice Department. Well, unfortunately, the Justice Department is part of the United States, just like any entity of the United States, just like the FBI brings charges against you. They can't say, oh, well, the CIA was holding the information and we didn't give it to you in your trial on a Brady violation. Right.

Right. Doesn't get the ability of individual entities to withhold information and you'd be tried and prosecuted. And the United States government to hold these parts of information, particulates or anything about your case from you, the defendant.

It's called a deprivation of your constitutional rights. Well, what about the Judiciary Committee within Congress that supposedly has oversight over the Department of Justice and over the FBI? Oh, wait a minute. Oh, you mean they're not connected.

Oh, no, that's right. Because what are they doing if they're not giving oversight? Go ahead.

Yeah. So the United States Congress Select Committee is usurping the authority of the judicial branch at this point. A proper committee under the rules of the House must be comprised of members of both parties that are put there by both parties.

It does not give one party the right to select members from the other party. So that means a committee must be made up of a lawful circumstance, a lawful set of rules. And these are very clear rules that they're disobeying, which is why I have a TRO, temporary restraining order, seeking full injunctive release against the House Select Committee currently in the Fifth Circuit here in Texas. So we need a courageous Fifth Circuit judge to keep going forward. He's keep moving forward to this point and entertaining this case because it should be entertained, because they are violating the law and they are persecuting people under authority that they do not have.

I want to because we're going to run out of time just because our time constraints are what they are. I want to talk about that for a minute, because you mentioned something about that last night that I thought was significant. And that is the FBI going in. I've been arguing for months that the FBI has no jurisdiction to be going in to neighborhoods and doing what they're doing, and that local law enforcement should put an end to it, but that citizens have a right to defend themselves against unlawful acts of the government. The guys over at Waco tried that.

I think they tried to defend themselves against unlawful acts after they were all dead and people were dead. Well, and when I had David on, I've told my audience that, too. I said, look, Ruby Ridge was the first test and the murder of Weaver's wife, okay, and shooting at the baby. Then you had Waco, second test. Then you had Bundy Ranch, third test.

Then you had the wilderness thing and the murder of LaVoy Finicum, okay? She's an amazing lady. She called me in January and said, Trinis, I've seen you speak and I see what you're doing.

It's almost like I'm watching LaVoy. She said, I'm cautioning you. I'm cautioning your wife and I'm cautioning your family. Please be careful.

They will come for you one way or the other. I met her and Chellis up in North Texas at an event that I spoke at and they were the keynote speakers at that event at a Texas Rangers cemetery up there, up north. We had an event up there not long after LaVoy was murdered. She sent me the LaVoy tapes, all of them, and I just got tripped. Her newsletter came in today. I respond to him every single week.

Yeah, no, he was an amazing man, an amazing American, an amazing believer and follower of Christ. She sent me LaVoy's tapes and she sent me all of what was public and she sent me some things she asked me not to share from his personal collection. Watching that, I had no idea. I knew that that was, it was kind of a distant memory to me, the Bundy Ranch thing. Since then, it's interesting how Roger Root is one of the main attorneys there. I now spend a lot of time with, he's been a fantastic individual. I spend a lot of time with other members from out there now. We've come to find there's quite the nexus between January 6th and the Bundy Ranch events.

Some of the players were again present on January 6th on the grounds. Pete Santillio was on the show there where we broke the information about Dan Love. So there's a whole other story that was there live with Pete on the air when he called in and maybe after they went down to the FBI on Dan Love. I know Pete. I've been on Pete's show a number of times and Pete's been on my show a number of times. Pete's a good man. He's a good guy. He certainly is. We're going to take a quick break.

We'll be back with more with Trennis Evans coming up right after this. What can we do to help the J-6 POWs back after this? My passion is a fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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I am Patriot Mobile. And again, Be sure and get over there and get the updates with regards to what is really going on. Read up on this. There is so much to understand because you look at, you know, there's Nimhoffer, I believe it was, who said, you know, they came for the machinists. And, you know, and they, you know, yeah, folks, listen, they came for the weavers.

Okay. And nobody paid any attention. They came for Waco. They came for the Bundy's. They came for Lavoie Finicum and they murdered him.

Okay. And then they invited everybody to come. There were four stages that were set up on the grounds at the Capitol with permits. And most of these people were going to go there until President Trump decided to have a rally at the Ellipse. And that kind of interrupted the process, if you will. But there were going to be four rallies. The stages were there. But they blocked the stages off so the people couldn't even get to the stages.

Even the speakers, Dr. Simone Gold, couldn't get to her stage. They forced her into the rotunda and then they decide to prosecute her for having forced her in to the rotunda. Anyway, okay. Now, we've got a big trial that's going on right now. And that has to do with Oath Keepers. And one of my close friends, Trapp, was heavily involved with Oath Keepers and with Stewart. I don't know if you knew Trapp, but Trapp was the guy that helped to run Sheriff Mack's first congressional campaign. So tell me about, yeah, what's going on with Stewart? And you know what, I'm going to have to come back on your show.

Yes, you are. I'm going to come back with you because we're going to talk about all those permits. Who signed them?

Liz Cheney. Who was a part of that? I'm going to tell you that there's a lot you don't know or a lot of most people don't have any concept of what happened with those permits. I did take a deep dive into that.

I've spoken to the permit holders. I know who it was about it. And you're going to be shocked to hear some of what I can tell you about that, but we'll save that for another time. So let's get into the Oath Keepers. You know, I didn't have anything to do with the Oath Keepers. I'd heard of the Oath Keepers. I was familiar with the work they had done at the floods in Houston, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Maria. They went to work hand in hand with police.

They worked with local, state and national law enforcement to include National Guard at tragedy events like Hurricane Katrina and Maria and many others to serve the public. When they said to the police, what can we do? How can we help? Where do you need us? And I'd say, can you go do search and rescue here? Can you go do this here? This is a zone we haven't gotten to or we aren't going to get to till tomorrow. This is an area where we're a short police force to protect this area from looters and vandals.

Can you help us? And that's what they did. They offered assistance, rendered aid to law enforcement in a time of national disaster. And that was the primary function of Oath Keepers. They even became a security force that people could hire for security, politicians, et cetera, at a reasonable cost. And that's what the Oath Keepers did.

They provided veterans a means of work, paid opportunity and volunteer opportunities to serve their community, to continue upholding their oath. Fact. No disputing that.

No one's ever disputed that until the January 6th event, the weaponized Biden DOJ. Now, as we go on moving into that, Stuart Rhodes called me on August 31st and said, I need help. We had a conversation. We got our big group online of our powerhouse attorneys, which we have a lot of household name attorneys.

And we're not going to sit here and list them all. We have a lot of paralegals. We have interested parties. We have legal researchers. We have young lawyers just came out of law school that are dying to learn from these people that are volunteering their time. Some are now paid researchers or engaged in this and are going to be taking some of these January 6 cases under the guidance of these more experienced attorneys as they be as they get barred later this month.

So anyway, so let's move. When I say bar, that's for those of you who don't know this, when they collect their actual license from the government. Yes, sir.

From the Bar Association. Right. Which is a shit in itself. Sorry. No, it is. It is. Absolutely. It is. Well, it's just like having a driver's license to drive on a road that you're paying for.

Why would you do that? Well, there's something in Texas law about traveling. My good friend Paul Crown has been to the Supreme Court many times and Texas on that had the case cast back down to the lower court.

They always cast it back up. They've been kicking that back and forth until Paul was recently killed by his son. But that's a sad story. But moving on. And we've lost some great people on the road in this thing.

It's been scary. I lost a dear friend of mine that traveled with me to January 6. So God bless my friend Mark.

May he rest in peace. This is, you know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take you off course. Go ahead. Stay, stay. Yes. No, stay with us.

I know we're limited on time. So there we go. So what's happening in the Oath Keepers trial is one of the most despicable moves by a federal judge and the government that has ever been blatantly, openly provided to the public to see.

Judge Mehta has continually insisted that this trial must move forward. We know that the January 6, January 6 select committee has engaged in its own investigations that they call evidentiary findings, etc. They put me up there on that thing. They put countless people up there and run their names, run their likenesses, run videos of them that they've altered. And they've done this with the Oath Keepers as well. They've also done Proud Boys. They've done it to anyone that was part of any kind of name group. Three percenters, Oath Keepers, militia group that they call militia groups. Show me when they've ever been charged with a crime as doing in the course of their duty with firearms or militia.

The police were always thankful for their presence. That's the way it is. Those are the facts. Until the weaponized DOJ of the Biden administration, the heavy handed FBI, DOJ, etc. So prosecutorial misconduct is a very difficult test to meet because you have to prove that someone knowingly and willfully, knowingly and willfully did something as an officer of the court to deprive someone of their constitutional rights. Your constitutional right is clearly stated that you have a right to all evidence against you.

Nothing can be withheld from you as a defendant. You tell me how, when the select committee won't release it to the DOJ, that these people have all the evidence against them. They keep leaning on the idea, the people in the court, the officers of the court, to include Judge Mehta and these prosecutors, the AUSAs, leaning on the idea, well, we can't control Congress. They're holding withholding the information.

OK, you got a statute of limitation of five years. Let's hurry. Why are we so interested in getting this trial in the air right now, right here before the election? Furthermore, you have members of the select committee that this benefits politically.

They're getting a lot of airtime based on this. It's an ethics violation to hold this trial as opposed to an election in the first place. Secondly, prosecutorial misconduct. So you tell me that these prosecutors aren't aware of the fact that these individuals at the select committee are withholding information from the American public, i.e. the defendants named the Oath Keepers. So even if they're guilty as sin folks, I mean guilty, let's just suppose for one minute that they went there to overthrow the government. That was their sole intention.

Let's just give you that for a second. Even if that's the case, they're going to win on it. They're going to win this in the appellate court based on a Brady-Giglio violations. Brady-Giglio clearly states that all the evidence must be provided to the defendant. And so the test of that prosecutorial misconduct are explained. Furthermore, the rules of professional conduct as they exist for an attorney to the Bar Association provide that all officers of the court will uphold in all cases and manners the constitutional rights of all individuals in the court. Now, so you're telling me that this is somehow that you're upholding the rights? This is a clear deprivation of constitutional rights. So it's also judicial misconduct. And I tender this based on the change of venue motion that's coming for. And in addition, in addition, what's going to happen here in the judicial misconduct? You know, the DOJ seems to be confused about this.

They keep entering this stuff into my court documents saying, look what he's saying. These are legal opinions. These are political opinions. And I have the right to them. And I say them steadfastly and stand behind them. And I'll say I'm under oath. These are because they're facts.

I can read what black and white language says. There is no opportunity to escape from that reality for these people. We got one minute. OK, so when these people are held and I believe these judges will be impeached, I believe these prosecutors will be held guilty for knowingly and willfully committing prosecutorial misconduct. But they think they get away with it currently under the veil of this weaponized Biden DOJ, which tells you if they're willing to go this far, do you really think they plan to give you your country back even if you vote for it? Let's be real folks. Well, and at the end of the day, you know, that that that leaves us with minimal options as to how we're going to take back our nation. But the pressure points have got to be on our own individual representatives.

I mean, that's where. And we'll have to bring you back very soon to talk about that, because we really do need to talk about solutions. So let's talk about getting you back on maybe a little bit later on this week. All right. Trentis Evans has been our guest. We're going to take a break. Our number two is coming at you right now, and we will be joined by David Lowry on the other side. I'm your host, Pastor Greg.

You're listening to Children Generation Radio. Remember to get to All of this fight that they are fighting costs funds.

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