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Rick Manning discusses the increase in persecution in India / Nan Su discusses the rumors about Xi and a military coup

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
September 26, 2022 1:01 pm

Rick Manning discusses the increase in persecution in India / Nan Su discusses the rumors about Xi and a military coup

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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September 26, 2022 1:01 pm

Rick Manning discusses the increase in persecution in India of our ministry there and how people can help. Also discussed the election decision before SCOTUS on redistricting and how the left and Marc Elias are the actual perpetrators of racism and the destruction of the family.

Nan Su discusses the rumors about Xi and a military coup. Where that comes from and the likelihood that Xi is not going anywhere but that there is a crackdown happening in China under CCP which will be deadly.


My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry. And by the prayer and support of the Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community.

Before, this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. This borewell we have put and the pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. Thank you, Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry.

Thank you, God bless you. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

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Nego products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through Biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice on where you can listen each and every day.

And I thank you for keeping it in tune here. All right, folks, I've got a big program lined up for us. Hour three, Pastor Karl Mitchell will be here. We'll be talking about Black Hebrew theology that has invaded a lot of the black church and a church that he and his family actually founded. And he has now had to leave. But we'll talk about that particular issue. We'll also be talking about the FBI's raid on Mark Houck, who is a gentleman who provides counseling to women that are considering abortion, and had a man that pretty much attacked his 12-year-old son. And he defended his son. And the courts, the local court system determined that he was justified in his actions.

But Merrick Garland's Department of Justice went after him because if you're pro-life, if you love God, if you're Christian, then you probably are a militia violent extremist and on their list. And we will get into some of that. Let's see. Also coming up on the program today, Jeffrey Stevens will be with us. We'll be talking with him about the FBI. George Rodriguez, El Conservador, will be talking to us.

Bexar County Sheriff has decided to open up an investigation into Ron DeSantis. Well, that's probably because Ron DeSantis shipped his prostitutes out of San Antonio. You know, the prostitution ring that the sheriff is running. Because, you know, he hates the fact that he can't run his prostitutes in San Antonio right outside of the immigration center. Yes, George has that on camera.

We'll talk about that coming up. And Nan Su will be with us from the Epoch Times. And we'll talk about all the rumors that are flying around about Chairman Chi and the CCP and China. And was he under house arrest?

Was there a military coup? We'll give you all that from some inside information that Nan Su will bring us at the bottom of the hour. But joining me right now, as he does on Mondays, and I'm excited to have him with me, my good friend, President of Americans for Limited Government. And if you're not getting their updates, then you're not in the know. If you're not getting our updates, then you're not in the know.

Two places you need to sign up get and Rick Manning, welcome to the program. Thanks for having me, Pastor Greg.

It's always a pleasure to be on with you. And I look forward to Mondays because usually you have some interesting reports from ministry in India, sometimes praises and sometimes real challenges and kind of the state of the world stuff. What's going on in India now? Is there anything happening that we should know about? Yeah, there absolutely is. As a matter of fact, I got a phone call from Pastor Samuel in India this morning.

And here's his update. Here in Punjab, all the Christians are going to be on strike tomorrow to get justice. We all Christians want that all the people who attack the churches and beat up the pastors and Christians to be arrested. But some people in the Sikh community gave a statement that we should stop the Christian strike. Even they're saying that they will not allow pastors to enter in any of the villages. They'll beat them up and kill them.

Yeah. And just to give you kind of an idea, this is a situation that I didn't really get a lot into in the last week. But just this last week, here are some updates of the situation in Punjab, India at present. As you know, the Sikhs are against the Christian churches and pastors. There's a pastor whose name is Sukhdev, who was stabbed three times in his stomach and once in the back of his neck. God protected him and saved his life. He's still under treatment in the hospital.

Please keep him in prayer, along with his small children and his wife. The Sikhs are making evil plans to trap pastors so they can launch 500 first incident responses. And so what happens, Rick, with the first incident response is that as soon as an FIR is filed, the police will immediately come out and arrest the pastor and take him away. And then they will investigate what he did. And what the charges are is that Christian pastors are manipulating people. And here's how this works.

The setup goes like this. Someone comes to the church and says, I'm starving. I'm hungry. My family needs assistance, what have you. The pastor says, okay, let me see what we can do.

Let me see how we can help you. And then they will help them with finances, what have you. They'll try to help them in whatever way they can, food, whatever they can do to try to help the person. And the person will say, well, come to my house to help me, you know, bring it to my house. And so the pastor will say, okay. And well, when he shows up at the house, they will accuse him of coming with bribes to try to convert him, you know, to try to convert the family.

And that he has showed up at their house uninvited. And then they will file a report and they will arrest him. And in the meantime, they may even have some people waiting there to beat him up a little bit before the police arrive. And they're planning, they said they want to do that to 5000 pastors in Punjab. And then they're also saying that they're getting a signatures of 10 million people in Punjab to give to the Indian government to pass their very strict anti-conversion bills, something that they did pass in a in a in a state not far from it, that chaps reported on. And they're saying they'll not allow Christians have any open air meetings. And that if they attempt to do it, then they're they're they're going to beat them up. And they are telling young people that if if pastors show up in their villages, that they should kill them.

Wow, that's a pretty grave, grave report. The and just to be clear, this is in India in Punjab province. Yeah, the state of it's actually the state of Punjab, which which encompasses 27 million people, and 65% of them are Sikh. Now, not all of the Sikh are in favor of this behavior. But there is a large segment that is and that's why they're doing the strike and the and the government is predominantly the government positions are predominantly held by Sikh and the seeker saying, well, we're not, you know, we're not going to, basically, we're not going to follow the law and arrest these people.

By government positions, you're talking about administrators as well as elected, right? Yeah, elected senators, Congress, their, their, their, their version of our of our of our kind, because they are, you know, a democracy over there in India, at least at this point. And so what can people who are listening do?

Okay, how can people? Well, we we need to provide some security. I sent funds over to pay for CCTV for the for our primary facilities and and our and our and our main pastor's house. But these pastors over there, that's what they've been told the police came to them and said, well, if you really want us to do something about this, then you need to have cameras. So we can see who has done something.

So we have a face some way of identifying them. Of course, as you know, these are very poor people. I mean, it's not they're not wealthy. We can get cameras installed, we have a special arrangement with we can get cameras installed to cameras for 125 bucks.

So, and so we're in, but just to emphasize, this isn't just like us going down to Best Buy and getting ourselves a camera for a front porch or getting a door by doorbell, there's a camera. You know, we're, we're wealthy by multitudes, multiples over what people can afford to do. These are people who the pastors, they attempt to starve the pastors out, they deny them the capacity to make a living, they deny them the capacity of food, and water. And so even though the ministries are providing food and food and water and others to other things to people, the pastors are targeted for and are deliberately driven into economic despair.

Economic despair. And so they can't just run in and say, okay, well, we're just going to go in the trustee budget. And we're going to put it where it is move some money around and buy some cameras so we can prove we'll be a little safer. They're completely and totally dependent upon people like you who've been delivering, delivering funds for quite a while to India for the various needs to these pastors for their various needs. And this sounds like another one of those efforts. If people want to help out, how do how can they do that?

They can go to forward slash Pastor Greg that's I'm sorry forward slash Pastor Greg forward slash Pastor Greg or on cash app, or on your phone on the app cash app, it's dollar sign, Pastor Greg CGR dollar sign, Pastor Greg CGR. We need this is 10,000 rupees. Okay. 10,198 rupees is what buys one of these camera sets to give you an idea.

Okay. The the average monthly income for these pastors is about 2000. That's that's their total monthly income 25 bucks in a month is about what they will make.

That's what they live on. So we're talking five times that in order to be able to put in one of these camera sets. So in getting out of rupees of dollars, once again, it's $120. $125.

$125. And that's for one camera. That's for two cameras, and they want one on the inside of the house and one on the outside, where they can see you know, the group because everybody's probably not going to get into the house, but they want to be able to see the group. And they want to be able to see who comes into the home. Okay, that's, okay, that's clear. So it's 125 bucks, you can outfit a pastor with a couple of cameras.

So to protect them from being beaten by mobs, and being set up and potentially murdered by trying to help people and going out and being set up in a way that makes it so they are charged with false crimes based on that setup. So it is a you know, there's so many things, there's so much evil going on in the world. It's, it's always astonishing. Yeah, we're gonna take a quick break, we come back, we want to get into some interest rate stuff.

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Nico products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And my very special guest is Rick Manning, Americans for Limited Government. And Rick, there's several big things that are going on.

I guess, why don't we just jump right into the voter issue that's taking place. There's several articles. One of them you guys have linked on your page is with the Washington Examiner that says Supreme Court laws could cripple Mark Elias's crusade against GOP election laws. And I have to say, folks, that my draw to this was the whole Mark Elias. Mark Elias is all tied in with Perkins Coy. He's all tied in with Russia, Russia, Russia. He's all tied in with the Steele dossier, with the Clintons, all of that. So whenever I see anything that has Mark Elias's name attached to it, I'm pretty certain that it's not in America's best interest. Just my thought, Rick.

But go ahead and share with me, if you would be so kind, your thoughts on this and what exactly is going on here. Now, there's a couple of cases that are coming before the Supreme Court in the next term, and this upcoming term. And so they're going to be decided actually pretty rapidly. And they deal with who has power in terms of elections. At the core, both cases deal with state legislators' ability to make the rules as it relates to elections in their states.

Clearly, that's been the case. State legislators have always had the capacity to make the rules as it relates to elections. But in recent years, you've had in North Carolina, the state Supreme Court has been busily throwing out various congressional districts and remapping in such a way that the people in North Carolina are voting for different congressional districts virtually every two years, because of the ongoing legal fights around congressional districts.

Wow. And so there's a question before the Supreme Court, how much power does the state Supreme Court have in this instance over federal elections? And so it's not about state districting. It's about federal elections.

And so it'll be interesting. And while it has an impact on North Carolina, it's not going to make a massive change in the lines per se. It may shift one Republican, one Democrat, but it's hard to know depending on who controls the state legislature. But when you have the other case from Alabama, and it's directly on race-based redistricting, and the federal court had ruled that Alabama, because it had 27% blacks in the state, that Alabama had to have two majority black districts in the state of Alabama. The state legislature put together a map that had one majority black district. And basically, and had the other considerations, geography and the like, making it so the rest of the districts were not majority black. The state legislature is saying that they use non-race-based criteria.

And that's what they're supposed to do constitutionally. And the federal courts are saying under the Voting Rights Act, we get to tell you that you have to have, we can determine that you have to have race-based districts, and how many you have to have. And so the Supreme Court's going to decide whether or not districts should be based on race or not. And it could be a very narrow decision, it could be a broad decision, but the left is scared to death that they're going to change the redistricting rules to allow state legislatures to have a lot more power. And when state legislatures have a lot more power, it creates a problem for the Democrats, because they always attack states that have Republican legislatures. But they seem to be quite okay with, so the worst gerrymandering you've ever seen is states like Maryland and California and elsewhere. But we're talking about equality versus equity as well. We're not talking about going back to some kind of Jim Crow or something like that, or limiting people's ability to vote, or anything along that line.

We're just simply talking about equal representation within... equal representation under the law. And here's the real sad part of what the Democrats' position is. The Democrats don't believe that a black can win in a district unless it's a majority black district. That's historically not true, at least when it comes to Republicans. Republicans regularly elect blacks to districts that aren't majority black districts, and yet the Democrats don't seem to be able to do that. So when you get to Jim Crow, you're going to have to have Democrats don't seem to be able to do that. So when you get to Jim Crow, they're back to their old game of trying to pack blacks into districts to guarantee a hard left response, rather than allowing people to have a choice. And so you don't have things dictated by top-down leadership who gets to rise to the top.

And that's, quite honestly, it's the wrong view. And constitutionally what the courts say, but those are the cases. And Mark Elias is concerned because they're trying to strip state legislatures, conservative state legislatures of all power, and federalize the elections. And that's their objective, is they can control federalized elections. Yeah, through their bureaucratic state, through the administrative state.

That's how they do it. All right, Rick Manning, Americans for Limited Government. Find him at CG contributors.

CG contributors get signed up for their email. Rick, as always, a pleasure to start the Monday with you. Happy week. Have a great week, man. All right, God bless. Talk to you later. All right, folks, I'll be back. Nansu coming up.

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Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and it is my sincere pleasure folks over the weekends if you were following the news cycle you more than likely caught a number of articles that were out speaking about the possibility that Xi Jinping in China had been put in jail maybe and that there was possibly a military coup that was taking place in China within the CCP and so forth. I immediately, well I got the information from our friends at Save the Persecuted Christians and I thank them by the way. If you're not following Save the Persecuted Christians you really should be because Save the Persecuted Christians does such a tremendous job of identifying when there is a potential threat to our Christian brothers and sisters and this kind of what China at present is one of the greatest oppressors of the freedom of religion and the two groups that they attack the most are are the Falun Gong and the Christians in China and they're not the ones that get the news the Uyghurs get the news but the ones that are really the most persecuted are Falun Gong and Christians.

That's another story. The Xi story is the one and I reached out to my good friend Nan Su at the Epoch Times and he graciously agreed to wake up bright and early on a Monday morning and come on to the program with us. Nan welcome it's so good to have you. Good morning Greg thank you for having me today. Well I sent you over the information with regards to this as we knew as things have shaked out over the weekend there's still not a clear picture with regards to this but it seems as though this is more more rumor than fact but nonetheless there there is something to read in the tea leaves so to speak as it as it relates to this can you share with us your thoughts on on what this might mean and then as we were beginning to discuss I'd like to get into kind of the understanding as a former Russian linguist in the air force during the cold war we were briefed on the differences that existed between Russia and China and and there are two versions of communism if you will and a lot of people today don't understand that because most young people today embrace communism and they think it's better than capitalism another topic for another day but Nan let me let me let me give you the mic please. Yes basically the rumors the rumors about basically based on a few pieces of news actually plus plus some gas that's what what's what has been going on the news is are that the first piece of very important news is on the 21st of these months which was just a few days ago that which was just a few days ago that there's a high level Chinese communist militaries basically the top level communist the military Chinese communist central military committees meeting which is Xi Jinping, Chairman Xi was absent you know kind of like considering the the timing right it's just like about three to four weeks away from the the 20s Chinese Communist Party's national conference which will decide Xi is could continue his term so kind of like a sensitive time period and then he was absent and while at the same time in the same meeting he was absent then there was another commander that commander was removed from his post earlier very early this month so his name is Li Chaoming he is the command commanding officer of northern Chinese military northern theater command you know in China Chinese military are separated to five regions in northern theater southern theater western theater eastern theater and central theater so he was the commander who was removed from his post because there was a rumor about that he was trying to do a coup so now on the 21st the meeting of the 21st the Xi didn't show up but he showed up and he sat on the front row so that really was the really the piece of news that start you know that's a news but it started started the rumor now just a few days ago the Chinese state-owned media people Staley put out an article which says the leaders should not only be able to move up should also be able to move down now think about that that's another piece of uh you know it's a it's the state-owned mouthpiece and then uh it's the official mouthpiece from Chinese Communist Party and in such a sensitive time they put out such an article that also become the second reason that this rumor spread so around so fast because you know that uh the the the the two uh communist leaders before Xi they only serve two terms as a party secretary general and Xi is trying to serve the third term so and it's just the sensitive time and sensitive article being put out so this is really the two piece of news that really causing the rumor now then there are other two rumors that really are rumors so far we are not able to verify number one is that uh there is uh there is a uh there there's an ordinary folk folk and he put out an uh a video that a video clip he shoot from his cell phone basically showing a long fleet of Chinese military trucks right okay military equipment movement I was gonna ask you about that okay go ahead yeah yeah it's it's it's a long fleet that's uh uh starting from Zhang Jiakou city uh Zhang Jiakou is the city uh about 120 miles to the west of Beijing okay uh so you know it's a long fleet of military trucks moving militaries towards Beijing approaching Beijing uh it's sad that when the front end of the fleet approaching Beijing the end of the fleet is still at the city so which is like 120 mile long right we don't know if it is true not able to verify but you know it's a very short piece of a video and it just shows you know military tops you know keep uh moving towards Beijing and then then adding and comment and then says you know it's a long fleet of trucks uh so that it's the one piece of a rumor not able to verify uh but and also there's another piece of rumor which you said that she uh went to Kazakhstan remember we talked about it yes went to Kazakhstan to to to join the meeting of Shanghai cooperation organization yeah he met Putin over there and so the another piece of news is is uh when he was in Kazakhstan something happened in Beijing so when he can went back to Beijing he was immediately taken under control by the leader of the coup and then his wife and daughter already flee out of China and now in Hawaii in United States wow so that's that's another piece of news so it uh so there but there's no pictures of them actually in Hawaii there's no there's no there's no there's no collaborating evidence that's right we are not able to verify uh now there are two piece of news we talk about and then there's two piece of uh the one one piece of it is the the the video clip is kind of like uh uh we don't know if it's evidence but uh it's kind of used so far it's not able to verify but the last piece was completely rumored by right complete rumor okay that's what's going on and and something that that that I conjectured into this uh and and I'll just give it to you we'll talk about a little bit and then we'll talk about more coming out of the break but but that is you know the difference between uh Lenin and Stalin and Marxism in Russia versus what Mao brought back and and instituted as as what became Maoism in China which seems to be what Xi is really focused on bringing back is Maoism to a degree except that he has gone now and had these meetings with Putin this is I think his third or fourth gathering with Putin if I'm not mistaken and to some of these old hardliners who have in mind the Chinese dynasty overlaid by communism there's a conflict ideologically between China's Maoism and and Russia's Leninist Marxist idea and the hardliners in China would be somewhat offended because there was a pretty significant split between China and Russia it's not as though they've been friends for years uh I would say uh that the Mao actually used the tactic that he learned from the the dynasties right how the dynasty control their people to to help the communism you know so they uh the Chinese Communist Party they are they are much worse uh in its inhumane way against the people than uh from Russia uh Soviet Union Communist Party they kill a lot more people uh Chairman Mao kill a lot more people we're gonna we're gonna take a quick break and we'll get right into that hang on my passion is 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generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses so uh nan as we were as we were going into that break i i was beginning to just ask you the question about the the variance in in maoism and how how they how the chinese kind of changed it's still communism but it is mao's version of it so to speak and you were beginning to talk about you know the numbers of people that have been killed in the name of mao's communism and and really um you know the the the danger associated with it and i guess when you look at you mentioned about chi meeting with putin that some of the hard line chinese ccp that are also very much a part of the dynasty mindset might consider what she's doing with putin and say don't get so close to that that's that's not us we're us they're them and let's be very careful where that line is and don't keep trying to does that make sense don't don't violate us by your relationship there yeah i think the the chinese communist party and putin uh they are really coming together uh as i mentioned before uh china russia and uh iran they are quickly forming a group of countries without democracy around these three countries and then china it's really the key in this uh in this group against uh the entire democratic world now uh i you know when people excited about uh she was possibly removed i was not because uh it doesn't really matter who is moving up who is moving down the only thing i were looking at is if uh or when the chinese communist party is going to be dissolved before that i wouldn't get any excited about any change in china well and and you know when we look then from there to the east and we and we look towards russia you know there is upheaval in putin's world and we actually have even seen some news reports coming out of there about protests and protesters and things of that nature which is highly unusual that they're getting that they're able to slip you know film out and media out about something like that in russia that does beg the question about the stability of putin's hold on on his country uh while there are people of protest and there are chinese people protest too uh but you know you look at this uh this regime you know right now uh in china now keep in mind china's gdp it's right currently more than 10 times of russia so russia it's not really the main thread while china is and i'm we we talk about it like last week that uh vatican you know sent its secret delegation to beijing right uh now there was a fresh uh uh it was just couple last couple days uh i think the last friday or thursday there was a uh a report from italian media which said that the vatican is going to relocate its office in hong kong to beijing and so far vatican has been silent uh about uh beijing's arrest of a former cardinal who retired from his post in hong kong joseph den uh you know it's a it's kind of like an interesting move that you see over there you know you can see a lot of people still have this wishful thinking about a chinese communist party clearly out there well and and you make you bring up a a good point with regards to this former cardinal and what's you know what's taken place there because obviously this is a situation that falls in line with that quote unquote secret uh agreement that you and i talked about where the pope has has a bit has basically signed and said i'm i'm not going to criticize any of the actions that are taken against christians or catholics in china and and that's an agreement that he's signed i i'm i guess the question i i have to ask myself is just what exactly did he give away i mean what is he getting in return right what what what what are you what are you getting in return for being silent over over this kind of persecution well first of all would nobody know the real content of the secret agreement between vatican and china that you know the news has speculated that that only less than 20 people in the whole world knew that what was agreed upon but uh absolutely you can see that the vatican has been you know play soft about the persecution against the catholic church in china now there's a there's a in the last few days there was a lot of a there was quite a bit of a complaint in the chinese social media platform now the chinese uh regime is starting a new layer of control in china so they basically right now they say they are they they want to build they they want to build a so-called ten family head system so basically every ten family they say you you need to come up with a volunteer or the regime will assign a designated head of ten families so every ten family need to have a head reporting to the government so you you see that the the control is getting tightened and tightened and tightened and you you see this kind of a system uh you know for i don't know why you know there are always people in the western world uh we enjoy so much freedom here we love freedom here and then they they they always look at china with a lot of rosy pictures it is interesting isn't it they're they're such a such a complete misunderstanding well because and and so someone in the christian world would say oh well that sounds a lot like you know what jethro advised moses to do you know to to break things down and oh that's exciting you know it folks it's it's it's not exciting just just because the devil borrows something that's a god idea doesn't mean that the devil's embracing god i i just have to tell you i mean that's the that i guess that's really kind of the message right nan is this you know just because uh you know china for example has economically said yeah there's there's some there's some good ideas within the capitalistic system and we're going to take advantage of capitalism doesn't mean that they have given up control of the companies it simply means that they are going to use that form against us and and steal and kill and destroy and take over everything they can take over well if you really look at the history uh you know that's how kmt party uh which was the the the government in taiwan now they that's how they lost the control of china it wasn't really because they they really you know so naive when facing uh the rebel uh from chinese communist party i mean you know you don't you don't have you don't want to have any rosy picture about a communist party you know the chinese communist party or russian communist party or any communist party right they all inhumane they are all against humanity well and and folks that you know that's the thing uh when i hear people talking about oh putin is some some kind of hero who's fighting the new world order or what have you i'm like folks putin is former kgb he's a communist at heart and this is a man who who is not there there russia is not converting over and becoming some kind of new western democracy that's not what's going on there and it would behoove us uh to to recognize as you just said my brother the danger danger associated with the communist party it's atheism and it is godless and it is ruthless and we need to understand it uh nan thanks so much for being with us i greatly appreciate folks epic times uh if you're not following if you're not signed up if you don't have a subscription to epic times you really need to uh that that's the first place i check every single morning when i when i when i get ready to get started i look at the epic times to see uh what are the stories and what are they saying uh this they're they're a phenomenal source nan again thank you so much for being with me i greatly appreciate it god bless you sir man thank you thank you for having me great all right we're gonna take a break we'll be back hour number two coming up right after this jeffrey stevens joins us the fbi we'll get into it right after this my passion is the fight for freedom my father fought for a world war ii defending our country today we are no longer fighting with guns instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights i am patriot mobile hi i'm tim shep a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years i went into issue to a product that changed my life the product's called vibe available at i thought i was on a good nutritional program before i discovered vibe i was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets wasn't really feeling any different so i tried vibe is it all the one vitamin mineral supplement it's a liquid multivitamin it's cold pressed whole food sourced non-radiate gluten-free and has no pasteurization vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work it supports four areas of the body cardiovascular health immune health anti-aging and healthy cell replication vibe is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use for a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go the first time i tried vibe i had more energy in about 20 minutes i started thinking clear even believe i slept better get yours today at coupon code chosen gen radio at checkout receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more that's coupon code chosen gen radio get yours today these statements have not been evaluated by the u.s food and drug administration legal products do not treat reduce cure or prevent disease hi this is master greg and you're listening to chosen generation radio get more at chosen generation that's chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass
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