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Jon Uhler discusses the evil in the minds of the predators / Jeffrey Prather discusses the patterns he saw in the psyop community

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
August 22, 2022 1:47 pm

Jon Uhler discusses the evil in the minds of the predators / Jeffrey Prather discusses the patterns he saw in the psyop community

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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August 22, 2022 1:47 pm

Jon Uhler discusses the evil in the minds of the predators and how their brains have been physically altered by the choices they have made. Not victims at any point but predators. Also discussed is the trans deception, removing conscience, remorse and empathy.

Jeffrey Prather discusses the patterns he saw in the psyop community and the different levels of warfare in which we have been and are being engaged. Connecting the dots and exposing the evils that are taking over and have taken over our nation.

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R.C. Sproul
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Renewing Your Mind
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You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood holy nation for the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his life. Time passed were not a people that are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy chosen generation topic is off-limits after grace limits and everything I know so grateful for my next guest taking time is of full-time counselor. It has a very busy schedule and he is addressing the issue that that it should be on everyone's plate right now. We really should be on everyone's plate right now because of the damage that it's going not only to our children but to those that are being deceived and and holding it as well and I want to welcome John your programs on welcome his skills were what I say Dr. you will you give a message okay are you busy working folks working right that these were working right right in the book when you know I wasn't doing a three hour day radio show. I might just write that book.

I don't know anyway so John cloaks in brief time goes by so quickly, and I don't want to lose my monarch topic.

Folks in brief, so to speak your background, I use to value your time I was in the early 90s that time counseling primarily focused on survivors of the first part of my work working what were talking and transitioning my own home counties for their services for children and doctors weren't incarcerated for 11 years and started survivors happy Friday night program and healing washout right here generation because we have the player embedded on our website and all of the great programming errors on the chosen generation website John that to that point.

So you been dealing ways. I was survivors you're talking about people who have been raped some form of relatively violent and or force goals.

Sexual assault is not predominately talking about. Yes, the violent rape sense a minor part of the vast majority of it is going to child sexual someone that has regular access to trial. Okay church well and that's why I have church protect. That was my first site. What about predators they love the church has this open policy trying to be loving trying to be accepting or trying to be helpful and quite frankly were not preaching the transforming word of the gospel of Jesus Christ. You know Billy Graham.

Everybody loves Billy Graham. Billy Graham had no problem talking to you about your skin. Billy Graham hit you right where you live. He said euros dinner and you need a Savior and and the good news is that Savior will save you from all of your sin will change your life but he would say you got to let go of this. You can't carry the spin to the other side of the cross.

You drop your skin at the foot of the cross and you get crucified and then he raises you again and that's the power of the cross we lost a son, and chapter 2 really wants to go something this thing about that because there is computer or describe what is going to happen were talking second Peter chapter 2 were talking about our drilling violates children violent problem over in Europe spoiling you talked with me about this about Romans one and you really need me great pause to think a lot on this John.

I really, seriously, have an and I come to the conclusion that you are correct when it talks about the reprobate mind and what that actually means that these are individuals who by choice have said, I don't want anything to do with John. I am going to do these horrible things and I've given my mind over and I'm not there.

There is no turning back.

They won't turn. It's hard to grasp the idea that there's one God reach but but these are people who have said, I won't let God reach me and I know that there are testimonies of people who will say I hated God I hated church. I get all these kinds of things I would suggest that there was a difference because those are individuals who were wounded and they hated out of their hurt and their pain. And that's different than anything or or or or embracing school on rebellion, disobedience, and surrendering yourself and saying this is all this is I want the darkness is John 317 through 20 that they don't that I preached on yesterday. The preachers will preach about that that the condemnation is already here it's already here you're already dead in your sins. In the story Christ comes to change, so you about chapter.

They truly are given over God will bless him go. We sometimes you really don't have a good hard look at ourselves and whatnot aside, we are capable of anything likely I saw myself as I worked was also to stop until you face-to-face with guys that stopped you to be first but then you begin to care enough to try to do as was try to figure out how did somebody become this way hardware is meant in nature nurture what is and that's why I'm starting to really cancel the slippery slope so all the psychobabble really, how far will you allow yourself to go down and there is a dynamic process will be talking about here as far as the danger to Karen's as a person goes further down L, there's a very real active process that happens in the heart so everything about them and become twisted, go inside out, and when the Bible talk about our our unrighteousness is about that process that comes a point where somebody can reach a point with their conscience where not only doesn't bother them anymore, but they reach a point where they start to be okay with it and then they actually like it right and then they're thrilled with it and think somebody who has a and those people end up in politics and law, education, psychology. We call those Michael so somebody only that we are looking in the Cameron say this about their own entries. I did not have sex that will need to get back to business people, and I will not be described by means silly things that Bill Clinton is a classic white James Fallon telling Robert here got a lot of work on science and you can go online just doing online search for a photo of the brains of psychopaths and you will say they are now prominently different.

Not that we needed to prove. Romans one right behind him. Tell your audience. If you think this is just mathematics. You're wrong, because God has given them over and it will never come back to work God has removed the desire to work on us were never going to write very he does he removes his hand never ever want to be any other way than what they are morbid and they think it's to ever be like everyone to be any other that's right. Boy Scout is a pejorative term earlier such Wong thought about that. We're getting away great here when we get back to jail for you this this transgendered trans deception John to be especially given you about about a five minute lecture on on the trans deception and what that is and why you must understand it because ladies and gentlemen is being forced upon children and your grandchildren and every school district in America is pushing back after this I'm going to shoot a product. I think everyone called natural sleep available to John between Klinefelter over 40 years. One common problem and help people to maybe too much stress. Maybe they got older. Whatever the reason, we have a solution. You need to get a great night natural sleep uses a combination of violent mineral economy, or preoccupation, or sweet backpacking liquid formula that tastes great with no negative side effects were correct in the morning and not have it available in 16 ounce bottle home. You are very handy when out like on the ground here coupon code chose to attend the radio at checkout get $20 off your first order of dollars more John coupon code. Children generally feature coupon code didn't radio it. Today everyone is being assigned to the higher prices of the car. Maybe you seen the meeting with a man calls the police. The salesman lobs where this robbery occurred. The dispatcher asked at pump number seven man can you describe them purely at flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter and is causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles. We have an answer for you.

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I have asked for help and 85 is available in 32 ounce bottle are very well traveled back like on the got the first time I cried by I had more energy. About 20 minute clear people he liked a lot better here today TGI coupon code chose again radio check out $20 off your first order of dollars more John coupon code radio. Today you can support a chosen generation and make a cash donation by visiting and now that's a chosen generation with pastor Grace radio were no topics off-limits.

Everything is my special on you and we want to want to take this this segment. Right now we've got we've gone into a lot of different things and was currently given you. I think everything that you need to know to understand John's background in this and how well he understands this issue in this topic and the reprobate mind and and and what's driving this and so that's why he has coined the phrase the trans deception and why it's so important for us to understand what he means by that.

So John, the floor is yours. And the reason why we are here is practical fallout, which is what will find what's called anti-conversion. All defined is really a very driven term to ensure that in therapy there somebody special young person with a gun second alternative lifestyle. They remain there, and that's my concern that's the convergence really issues concerning which is creditors will do anything they can euros is not the quickly which is no longer, and they are driven one problem drinking, they can't settle down until they have done something to make somebody someone is drawing things up there driven by the time somebody was technically now called a psychopath sales versus going to cause so they have overridden their conscience so they have no conscience.

Therefore, they are not sorry as they have no remorse and they don't care about the impact they have no conscience. It's all gone. Once that happens is not employed. Something shows that I could also be very dark but doesn't have to be possessed to be a psychopath some self-respect probably won't touch more one-handed and betas of nature and nurture out as a psychopath is hardwired to produce our actual real-time photos in the real estate and there's no going back. The question is more than one without rain or did it develop over time.

No one can prove tell you that it's all very child bring all conjecture I tell you it's a violation conscience now laid out with financial interest financials like Wall Street money made off.

You will relay that was swelling sexual Bill Clinton to merge my car so a sexual predator drive the kids in the back of his hand. They you know the thing is that putting the claim yeah yeah yeah one of the ones that I turned about are the ones because people understand is, generally speaking, the more psychopathic somebody stand out more closely easy ones. Those are the ones that once the guy goes out the interview neighbors house and also because they wait is one where when the news crew goes out in interviews the neighbors or the church members or the business associates and what you hear this. I can't believe that we never would have just trusted that psychopath is worse than second Peter chapter 2, so This trans movement trans movement did not exist prior to the year 2005.

He has been contrived 16, for what purpose to get hands on us direct equal access to vulnerable women and children and with cultlike health sophistication and using the same methods of manipulation: in Scientology again.

Parents concerned so there's a there's a mind if your child constructing the best thing to try to help unravel things and in that movement. The vast majority of kids have been under sexual boundaries, but 85% there's another one to talk about guy whose name was Todd hug me. You know that your he was a linebacker for Penn State and everybody's really with Jerry Sandusky story, but this Todd hug me was a predator that no one was like a kid next door everybody thought handsome guy linebacker. What have you started team and he was a sexual predator just like what you're talking about you and Randy foundations have the guys that I'm worried about a man we were out of time. John Mueller will be back with this story.

This situation is not going away. This problem is not going away, and it's especially not going away when you have a courses in school because comprehensive sex education courses that are better that are based on Alfred Kinsey's experimentations on children. That right there seals the fate of your kids.

Please be aware of this. Please consider getting your kids out of public school until they abolished the comprehensive program as it is today more generation right which are for trailer right after this I am to 40 years under each product changed my life by John program or discovered by I was taken by the middle tablet was really feeling any different. So I cried bye-bye did all 15 in the liquid multivitamin (source not arrayed in pre-patient bye-bye Christ without all the work where's the body have asked for help and 85 is available in 32 ounce bottle. You are very handy when I travel back like on the got and I cried by I had more energy. About 20 minute clear people he liked a lot better here today TGI coupon code chose again radio check out $20 off your first order $50 or more John Yukon code radio here today. Everyone is being affected by higher prices. You seen the meeting with a man calls the police assays and logs were this robbery occurred.

The dispatcher asked at pump number seven says no man can you describe them purely at flashing lights along trunk.

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Everyone is being a higher prices of the poem you seen the meeting with a man calls the police assays and logs were this robbery occurred. The dispatcher asked at pump number seven is the man. Can you describe them purely at flashing lights along trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter is causing us all to have to rethink the lifestyles we have an answer for you.

Green fuel tabs Greenfield house by Greenfield global fuel enhancer and conditioner that actually accelerates the combustion process reduces emissions and cleans the entire engines without use of harmful detergents.

Our products are EPA registered have been used commercially for almost 2 decades. Getting doused of the pumps just drop a Greenfield have been to your tank and say from 10 to 20% on your next tank of fuel. Head over to green fuel tabs� That's green fuel tabs� $2.50 will treat a 10 gallons tank your ordering today drop a Greenfield tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings and loan offering light from your computer. Visit to support a chosen generation and make donations.

Now back to a chosen generation, with faster grace writing or no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through the glasses and my next guest. I'm just so cool I want to thank Clay and his group for connecting me with them and will be getting clay on our back on the program you real soon. As a matter of talking to JC about that this afternoon but I saw him on the broadcast of the and and I said man I really want to get this gentleman on my show, my audience needs to be introduced to him and that and introduce the things that that he knows and can share with us so I want to welcome Jeffrey Prather to the program Jeffrey welcome is a true pleasure and an honor sure to have you. By the way, thank you so much for all of your service to our nation okay excellent.

Thanks for helping me to correct that.

Jeffrey, let's begin by talking little bit about that service and and and your background is my audience has a kind of an idea as to what you do and and who you are, well mentioned that I'm actually a product of rape adopted by a great mom and dad. So I went out.

Really glad you got everything and later on I had a experience where God spoke to me and I found a job and see, old enough now to see that got apparently four what he wanted me to do know this spiritual background. I think Israel important to mention there because this is really the more vulnerable we make ourselves the more invincible God makes us.

I have served in the Army I was a military intelligence branch officer and because I was a airport already went straight into commanding the operations operation which is attached to the horses and raters is essential. America hundreds and for the invasion of Panama all I saw another team forces Green Berets training folks they were training along the DEA patient so I started on and they spent their intelligence operations training and software and then I was also recruited into the operations intelligence.

So I went to potential for decades and I intelligence officer so that you see all the corruption that was going on with so I saw that Congress Clinton's inculcating the bottle from both sides from the beginning.

While while I will ask anyway. Does it surprise you that there have been no indictments of the Clinton's were probably what they want.

The first political friends family that that that that probably goes a lot further back, and maybe even entities and further back than that, but does it surprise you that no indictments that nobody has done anything to indict these criminal enterprises become a whistleblower and so long you tell them you don't end up there. I was that I was Air Force and sell in the Cold War, so I go ahead I had been working on the tradition of general health and murder for memories very storybook movies on that and so all case working with top of the candidate really ended up destroying my first cartel leader to be guided so that will change their life change in their presence, so called active duty and my informant with, so he decided to show in our for the award, which could have two call Don and I got there I went to the informant and I can't make the remark that Michelle hit her or her. Can people who had been DOJ attorneys destroyed my case and so informant coming back every month to 10 grand and payout.

You cannot send you to combat the so you will pay the informant 10 grand a month I would was mean that that was the operations I was. That was the budget that was that was that was the operation you paying him and he provided you information and that that money gave him the ability to do what he was supposed to be doing and not have to worry about finances so that he could actually be where he needed to be with newly needed to be in order to feed you the information I understand. I just wanted to clarify who don't. So that was part of the operation but yet these attorneys that were in this work arrived and you just made an offhand comment about kind of the corruption of it you really call it corruption. You just blew up my case. All of a sudden now you're the bad guy. Yes, you switch your reason for him to around two all but clearly Joe work now so PR possibility. Most people think of started targeting me, and they started me for 2000 42,009 and finally fired me without ever charging. They made the change that I called her and and Karen candy showing our brawl after being called. You helped me a great deal.

There. Later on I find out that somebody file which was on cartel members well under oath are the agents raised her hand or with him on Cartel Run Dr., North, FL.

Guns going south right which we just kind of a big deal that led to the death of a number of our ages as well with our own weapons) work, and I used to live where he was murdered.

Out of hundreds of Mexicans is my awakening government was corrupt and bureaucratic but really, they were actually writing trucks of the ATF whistleblowers John.and follow some great, great. On two they were there. I guess all this late in the town north and so when I saw what happened to try. I knew what was going on that last thing that we follow 100 break will be right back.

Jeffrey Frazier is our guest Jeffrey Jeffrey generation ready about more right after this is what we are no longer fighting with guns is that we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country because I am going to bless you. I'm having you in a big building to all this boy Mike with my new product line actually worth what here's another tall one myself crazy. Actually there exclusively needed 100% certain thing and are guaranteed to work. For example, one of my dream, but she is absolutely free by want another one premium I could only get another one called the number on your screen or go to user promo code to buy one get one free offers product to product. I think everyone called natural sleep available to your inclined filter over 40 years.

One common problem seem to stand out. Maybe too much stress they would have gotten older. For whatever the reason, we have a clue.

She need to get a great night sleep. I take your uses a combination of violent mental health economy or preoccupation, or sleep liquid formula that tastes great with no side effects were correct in the morning not have a product available in 16 ounce bottle home.

You are very handy when I travel back like on the go here today teacher coupon code shows agenda radio at checkout get $20 off your first order that your coupon code didn't radio your coupon code radio. Today I am for marriage between a man and woman for life from conception following the Bible and I believe that our founders started this nation time in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in security. I believe our Constitution was intended for moral people in the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all sinners and the God in his grace and said his son Jesus Christ died for our sends is just and righteous to forgive us our all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished a little prayer that is found in how transformation is lived out. Jesus is Lord of our lives and we should follow the precepts of legalism works, but a life lived out in love and honor the one who died for myat all. I believe we will fall. You need to have God will bring us into perfect action. Jesus Christ and so man in progress.

I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame that we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will in turn from wickedness that God will heal our land. I believe that as a Christian I must occupy till he comes to call evil wicked about those part of the mandated love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to front with the truth in hopes with their heart will return because their life matters, even if it means that moment possibly means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can finally live quality will attempt to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life is not making and not courageous. Therefore, if you're my friend may not fully agree know that I share what I share because I care if you strongly disagree with these beliefs. They are not available for me and you can choose unfriendly things are put in love.

I wish for you.

I see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and God, not man side, what is truth life and the way you love offering light from your computer. Visit to support a chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now that the chosen generation, with faster grace radio, no topic is off limits and everything filled glasses. My very special guest Jeffrey Frazier Jeffrey Frazier.Tom you were talking about that that based on all of this background and what you would scream what you would experience what you and gone through. Now you watch the attack on general plan. The attack on presidents from the attack on on everybody who was most everybody of that of the DC capital January 6 the lies that are being, you know, perpetrated regarding that reason that's being done by the G6 quote" commission. You want all this and you were mentioning about there being kind of a template if you will talk to us about that and how does that relate to the stolen election. You because there is a correlation right between that that that whole kind of agenda if you will die. You know I was down general just went through my 10 years ago and for this to happen All and radio show. So I like on so very clear. Because of my intelligence and what is going on because the World War II working with your predecessor to the DEA and they were in filling things even that good after World War II forces there. The CIA went bad very quickly and so the intelligence services started trading the drug trade and we really came alive and came completely with the Clintons now see that the Chinese with Fenton always in the pilot.

Yeah boosters are as a final weapon, but these agencies are totally filtered and so they are control by foreign government is now controlled work for more okay well you know lots to write down his experience, he wrote the book the devil is the Beltway that had to do with the administrative statement that whole process as well. I would think with regards to this my am I correct in that in that thought process. Jeffrey Craig John Prescott, and were spiritual workers and experience AND see so you just right so you know where operates in a martial power the prince about these all that goes on trading Marshall. Federal law enforcement and intelligence is you know it all comes back to what happened now this going off his his friend is his choice of words that I call you. I agree with his words is not so much focused on the daemonic tannic insolence as much as the idea that we have this administrative state that that is basically running rampant with no controls and that they are. And certainly that they're evil, I mean evil has infiltrated our government and its taken over our government and the only way were going to win this back is through Christ and the only way were to win it back is by going going to war spiritually that that's where we have to win this battle will we end up in a in a physical battle is possible, but if we haven't won the battle in the realm of the spirit by by taking our our proper position and as warfare. If we haven't won their first we won't win in the natural, very true.

Generation of war generation war is total chimpanzee.

Everybody finds generation warfare.

World War II screen when they moved faster and better troops and equipment not so fast that they could overcome generation warfare is really warfare or like Indian warfare until 2020. I only lost generation warfare conflicts such as Vietnam now and generation warfare has a lot of spiritual work there for particular reasons and I that the global world war was terror that will be more global.

It is mainly generation warfare operations digital weaponry and so know when you or anyone almost anyone, but if you look at what had happened, where, for example, the CDC now website to infiltrated and they are using psychological operations to not talk to their parents disconnect from the breakdown Jeffrey of conscience, and their in inducing to them the pornography and sexual deviance, and so on is to break down their conscience so that they will be more disposable to all of the things that you're talking about now as well and control them and they can manipulate them yes you to tell you no doubt rented a legal all the commercials and outer continually doubt that America are a lot you really look at the old days were very healthy, but it is another way to families with his guidance � is Asian changing marriage marriage is now in Germany, real soon. You don't so yeah just in conversation with. I talked to about 70 years ago I had a group of Baptist theologians that were on the program with me and we were addressing the Matthew line Bible. Are you familiar with the Matthew line Bible that okay so Matthew line right is homosexual Bible literally. That was the whole focus of it was to try to justify sodomy scripturally and wanted his premises was out of Genesis that when God was looking for a mate for Adam that he considered animals and that and and and and and their hearing it was in how he wrote Genesis chapter 1 and I confronted these guys on why you don't want anything about this. This love itself needs to be addressed before version of it and they were like what we really were not talk about that address that and I believe Jeffrey that is is one of the Church's greatest as they want to dress said they just claim want address them and then they want to address the answers and that in total is Jesus Christ is finished.

He gave us the opportunity to not want anymore here and now. But the church doesn't want to buy that because everybody gotta make their excuses talk a lot about that. Our philosophy was arrested by the time finally was released and you always get the church over the years and I'm very pointed most of their efforts, but I finally get to me it's like okay do you really think that Jesus was crucified because Jews and the Romans knew all he's dying for, so will put them on the cross.

Hello I know I will even tell you that there's a point in the Gospels were one of the writers of the Gospels talk about a gathering that they had were the same amongst themselves. You know this guy otherwise were going to lose our authority in our power that the Romans have given us. They even recognize their authority was supposed to be coming from God for a minute, folks, this is were doing the same thing that the church is doing today believing that their rights in their privileges and all of their okay and they made only don't we don't get involved in politics are they 501(c)(3) have baselined their soul over to the government because if they have the political and they also said to the government the world won't talk about our little certificate and we will talk about these things in the government post to be going on. By the way, here in America we got the idea of what came first Samuel 89 Romans 13 that we are the scholars that's who we are here in the United States of America know your Jeffrey everything is upside down and backwards and sideways. And that's why when the Mets were in my yeah and you love to talk about all probably smarter and that very directly and purposefully anyway to go to Rome before he was killed so that he could specifically speak in front of the government.

I'm sorry. Yes generation war is very low, no killing hundreds of thousands, maybe million not obvious to most folks in 5 to 11 really start to look very where the woman makes war upon her speed.

We get into genetics right there and no movement of changing the genetic DNA that all that very very lightly. I'm not in the diary but your relation is one look a lot like your first course and crown.

It had grown up around about this phone arrow arrow Whitehorse white coat you'll read more into China on the way so you first.

The first one for sure not overwhelmed with all the time.

But the point is that digital weaponry that allows people to be related. They become antennas and everything that women or men. Men can have all this stuff.

That's very much going right back to the original sin which is which is not the settling one sandwich really won't die and convincing lies through so we are really now generation glow for a lot worse. I mentioned it was pretty easy to see, although the hard work grow from the Nazis in Ukraine from mainstream media attention to all of that the Geo warrant which you what a great athlete. I think this because I can work with those tools and really show our intelligence aspects of Geo warrant use that line was crossed with intelligence. They don't want to reveal too long for your own probable cause parallel PC just totally line.

I don't like it here is related that is why we need the war no longer happening in the you would have to write something that actually made sense relative to why you are asking for that warm and now they just make things, talk tomorrow with Scott.

You will hopefully with hard CIA will be talking about this he knows now the possibility that strike was actually working for the CIA under an FBI banner bringing the CIA into the United States and I talked years ago about Brendan and the operation that he ran in order to try to entrap Pres. Trout and Russia and and what he was offering to the Italians, and several other countries and strong-arming them and working with them and bringing all of these intelligence assets. Knowing that it was all lies. Every bit of it was why John Brennan should be brought up on charges of treason in my throat but when they leave behind the school where can also have programs with no legends and placed in their running slip stroke was government as though he still is because there's apparently ties between him and in this home are Lago situations that are starting to come to the services role as it relates to. I don't know exactly what, but all related to the home are Lago situations which is not surprising, because the thing that I've heard is that was running the Russia Russia Russia operation is the same prove that when looking for the documents that were actually going to indict every single one of them and those of the documents that apparently president from declassified and took with him so that he would have the evidence necessary at some point for the prosecution under protective self. Only in your misguided operate foreign influence operations again when you see Gordon call me that is falling apart completely in themselves deeper and deeper, it's because they're attempting to practice this information, but they're amateurs added to it very well but this is another feast of information that I think you people need to understand is that shape this information and understanding. This information, and that's something that I was trained as a Russian linguist and intelligence during the Cold War was understanding from Russian distractors how effective it and what Russian disinformation looks like and and and it's you know it's ingenious it really is supposed Jeffrey Frazier, please go to his website Jeffrey Jeffrey II think I found a new one source that I didn't enjoy having only program more often and I'm really appreciative of the time is that with us today. Thank you. What went alright remember at the end of the day. God has a purpose and a plan for you right here right now and he's going to hold you accountable for what you do at the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem how to fight the good fight, share the good news of key people in check strategies on your life to be a beacon of truth in the darkness did you shrink back in fear when the demand change my message to call evil good and good evil respect my love for that of another line with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life have you filed your cells and compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch of the young ones converted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort in reviling me know.

At the end of the day. I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love this creation and I will go to my grave telling the world. Evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world, that no matter the evil in the world. I will never give up.

And in spite of the hate I will love and truth. God bless you all and they love remove the veil so you all might do is rest

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