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Michael Morris exposing censorship by big tech / Derryck Green discusses Booker T Washington

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
July 27, 2022 1:35 pm

Michael Morris exposing censorship by big tech / Derryck Green discusses Booker T Washington

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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July 27, 2022 1:35 pm

Michael Morris exposing censorship by big tech. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Injections, Medical news, J6 versus the 100,000 Democrats that held siege at Wisconsin Capitol in 2011 for two full weeks. Media called it Democracy but the J6 is something worse.

Derryck Green Project 21 Black Leadership Network discusses Booker T Washington and also the real history of America. Evangelical Christianity and especially the impact of Pentecostal Christians and the Bible on freedom and Slavery.

Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
Beacon Baptist
Gregory N. Barkman
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer

My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. With the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry, and by the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the poor man in this village for the community. Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing lot of sickness, but now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the community is so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in poor and needy communities, those who are really having a problem of the waters.

And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. We thank Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. Thank you and God bless you. We thank Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And it's always my pleasure to welcome representatives from News Busters and Media Research Center and Free Speech America and joining me regularly on the program.

Michael Morris is with us today and also T Rose is with us, so they alternate from week to week. And Michael, just want to welcome you to the program. Great to have you.

Good morning. Thanks for having me on. Appreciate it. Absolutely. My pleasure.

My pleasure. Well, there's there's a lot going on. We were talking about, of course, you know, censorship issues. And I mentioned to you, I had an article that we put up and it basically was a story about over a thousand doctors and scientists who gathered together as a protest against this insistence on injecting children. And we posted a story about the event and some quotes from Dr. Jane Ruby, who was a part of it, who was saying that, you know, look, you know, on the one hand, you know, people get mad at us for saying something. But then on the other hand, we've got parents that come into our offices crying, saying, you know, my child is now sick. You know, this is going on. That's going on.

You know, help me, help me, help me. And she's like, I can't undo what you've done when you when you give your child this injection. The damage that it does is is irreversible.

It's permanent. And go ahead. Well, what's interesting is Metta, which is the parent company over Facebook, is actually asking what used to be called the Facebook oversight board, but now it's a meta oversight board to actually advise on covid-19 misinformation policies. But what's most interesting about that to me, at least, is Dr. Fauci, the Biden administration, et cetera, have, you know, spread some of their own misinformation from the very beginning on the covid-19 pandemic and the outbreak and the origins. In fact, we were told very early on that you can't question where the covid-19 pandemic originated. There was some speculation that it happened in a Wuhan lab in China.

And some later sources corroborated that that is most likely where it came from. But if you said that early on, big tech censored your account. We were told early on that if you got vaccinated, that you couldn't get or spread covid-19.

And then later, health experts suggested, well, that wasn't true, even though Dr. Fauci and the Biden administration insisted repeatedly that it was. Well, Michael, let's let's take this even a step further. Folks, that was Mark Zuckerberg on video, on a video conference to his team, telling them, use caution when you consider having yourself injected by either the Moderna, the Pfizer, what have you.

But he's he's he's telling his staff, Michael, use caution. Now, if that was put out. You know, if that was a post, if he wasn't the CEO and the and the owner of Facebook, the majority stockholder. If that was put out on Facebook. That particular post would be flagged and more than likely pulled down.

Yeah, I think you're probably right. And if you look at what Nick Clegg actually posted here on on their reference to the oversight board, it actually says right here, we're asking the oversight board whether our current covid-19 misinformation policy is still appropriate. Underneath that, it says under this policy, we began removing false claims about masks, social distancing, vaccines and more. So, you know, if Zuckerberg, in fact, was warning about the covid-19 vaccine, it is very likely that Facebook would have considered that a false claim and flag it or remove the content like they've done so many others, including doctors, notably like Robert Malone, Dr. Robert Malone, among others.

So, yeah, crazy stuff. You know, these big tech oligarchs say things out one side of their mouth and then their platforms do things completely differently saying something the opposite out the other side of their mouth. This video that I'm playing actually comes from Project Veritas and James O'Keefe. And and he goes through including he has quotes from Nick Clegg, head of global affairs at Facebook. He says, ideally, we wouldn't be taking these decisions on our own. We'd be taking these decisions in line with our own conformity with democratically agreed rules and principles.

And at the moment, those democratically elected anyway, it's nonsense. But Mark Zuckerberg is, according to the information, according to the video, and this is directly this is Zuckerberg video. He is absolutely 100 percent because he mentions vaccines in this July 16th, 2020 video that he made and that he sent out to his staff.

He is 100 percent talking about the vaccines. Well, what's incredible is we actually just put out over here at MRC Free Speech America using our unique sensor track database, a new report called the secondhand censorship effect. It's the real impact of big tech thought policing. We've known for a long time, despite the less best efforts to suggest that censoring isn't real, that it is. It really, truly is real.

And our sensor track database shows that it's real. We have over 4000 individual examples of documented censorship, but we found a new way to measure it. And secondhand censorship we define is the number of times that users on social media have had information kept from them. So when one individual or an entity on, let's say, Twitter, for example, he had censored, all of their followers have had information kept from them because of the censorship that took place. We found 144 million plus times that people on social media had information kept from them. 144 million times where people were impacted by social media censorship.

Facebook was at the very top of the list for that. And I have to say, you know, when it comes to things, you know, we talk about the injections, we talk about the issues when it comes to, you know, pro life issues, right, and issues of abortion, when it comes to LGBTQ issues. We've had censorship issues where we've seen where parents are trying to bring forward and show that there's pornographic material that's in the libraries in grammar schools that's being read to children. I mean, remember what happened to Florida and DeSantis when they passed their bill to say that we don't want this kind of sexually implicit information being disseminated to children ages four through nine. And everybody called it the anti-gay bill. It's not about homosexuality, about sodomites. It is about, in general, this kind of explicit pornographic material.

If it was handed to one of these children, Michael, on the sidewalk as the child walked off the school property and some grown adult tried to share this with them or hand it to them, they would immediately be taken into custody and arrested. But a teacher can start propagating these kinds of things. Russian disinformation is another thing that continues to go out there and be allowed to be pushed out. And there's no discrimination or there's no bridlement of the disinformation that goes out there.

As an example, the continued calling of January 6th as an insurrection, it has been proven via multiple documentaries, along with the fact that there are no charges of insurrection filed. Well, the amount of big tech censorship is truly incredible. I mentioned earlier that Facebook was leading the way, at least in quarter one, in terms of censorship instances. And as far as secondhand censorship is concerned, 86 million times in the first quarter, people had information kept from them just on Facebook, just on Facebook. Users were affected by secondhand censorship on YouTube, 23 million times. YouTube was second on our report. Twitter, 17 million times in the first quarter. They came in third.

It's truly incredible. You mentioned one of the areas where censorship is happening with regard to LGBTQ. We measured that transgenderism was one of the topic areas that was heavily censored in quarter one. Pro-life content was another.

Health information, of course, big tech calls it misinformation when you post things that are related to conversations you've had with your own doctor. And then race-related content and more and alleged violence were other things that the social media big tech companies were censoring people on. It's truly astounding. I just want to name a couple of the people and give instances of what we're talking about here. So Dan Bongino, for example, he got censored twice during the first quarter that we have recorded in our Censortrack database. He had an estimated 882,495 followers at the time. So that means his secondhand censorship total for just quarter one was 1,764,989 just in the first quarter. That's all I'm talking about here.

Right. And Joe Rogan is an example that we've used many times. There are a lot of people that follow him. In fact, 11 million people view Joe Rogan's podcast according to reports. And there were actually 70, at least 70 instances or cases of censorship that occurred for Joe Rogan. We counted that as one in our secondhand censorship report because they all happened at once. So we're actually undercounting.

This doesn't even tell the entire scope of secondhand censorship that is taking place. But we just counted that as one. That was 11 million secondhand censorship.

11 million. Other things that we didn't include in this. We didn't include Donald Trump because Donald Trump was censored a year ago. But if we had, Donald Trump tweeted 18 times a day. He had 90 plus million followers on Twitter. And one single day, if we counted secondhand censorship for Donald Trump, it would be 1.62 billion times that people had information kept from him. Just on Twitter, just a single day. But we did not include him in our secondhand censorship report.

That is just absolutely unbelievable. And I have up on the page right now, 144 million secondhand censorship effect. And again, describe how it is that you come to, you know, that you are identified as a secondhand censorship victim.

Sure, yes. So secondhand censorship is defined as a number of times that users on social media had information kept from them. So for example, I'll mention Project Veritas since we talked about them earlier. Project Veritas had 733,000 Twitter followers, right, when they were censored. We actually did not include Project Veritas in their support because we only counted quarter one. But if we had, every time Project Veritas got censored with 733,000 Twitter followers, that 733,000 is the number of times that people have information kept from them.

So that would be included as part of a number. But again, we did not include Project Veritas because this only focused on quarter one. Again, going back to Donald Trump, if we had included Donald Trump in our quarter one study, which we did not because he was not censored in quarter one, he was censored, you know, a year ago. But if we had in quarter one alone, it would be 150 billion times that people had information kept from them in just quarter one alone.

That's Donald Trump, former President Donald Trump. If he had been able to tweak during that time period and had been censored, it would be 150 billion in quarter one if we included in the report, but we didn't. And it's still 144 million times that people had information kept from. Yeah, interesting. I was I was gonna send you mine, but apparently now I finally have been taken off of restriction. Because I am now able to both like and retweet.

In days past, when I've tried to use that function, it has said to me, your account is suspended, you have so many days and so many hours until you can talk to us again. So interesting. Interesting. Anyway, but yeah, it's just it's it's a continuum.

I mean, it is an absolute continuum. And, you know, another story, you know, when you talk about going back to, you know, news and and and what is held out. This is up on on a Twitter right now. Images from February 2011. Oh, my gosh, I got to get into our brain. Let me get her in our break. And then we'll be back with more right after this.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Welcome back to Children's Generation Radio where no topic is off limits. Everything filtered through biblical glasses. My special guest Michael Morris, News Busters, Free Speech America and also, and that's the website up there. 144 million secondhand censorship effect, that's you if you're a follower of someone like me that has their Twitter account or their Facebook account or their YouTube account, you know, wiped out, taken down, suspended, what have you. You are a secondhand censorship effect victim because you don't get that information.

I was about to share the story, images from, and you can go to my Twitter by the way, Twitter handle is at Pastor Greg CGR, at Pastor Greg CGR. We'll see how long they leave me up this time, Michael. These are images from February 2011 when 100,000 Democrats stormed the Wisconsin State Capitol, occupied it for two weeks and the Democrat leaders said, oh, this is, you know, this is what democracy looks like. But when Trump supporters do it, they do this, they shoot them, they beat them to death and they kill them with compression bombs. And by the way, if you watch Capital Punishment, the movie, the brand new documentary by Epic Times called The Real Story of Jan 6, that one in particular shows the video of the compression bombs hitting both men who subsequently died.

And the officer who beat Rosalind Boylan to death, Michael. Well, you mentioned Again, folks, if you're posting on Twitter, you're posting on Facebook and you get your account suspended or if you get a post censored, anything like that, please do contact us. Reach out at,

You can reach out on our contact form at about hashtag contact. That's where you can reach out to us and let us know that you've been censored. But yeah, it just goes to show the standard of the left and the standard of the liberal media and the standard of bias, big tech. You know, they have one standard for the left and one standard for the right, and their bias is truly uncanny.

It's just one thing after another, after another, after another. The most recent bias coming, of course, on recession. You know, this week, the Biden administration puts out that, oh, you know, all of a sudden, two rounds of negative GTB, two quarters, rather, is no longer recession. We're just going to pretend like that's not what the media has been using for years. You know, you know, National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, certainly in terms of the technical definition, it's not a recession.

Are you kidding me? This is what media has used for years. And now we're looking at a 100 basis point increase right in the interest rates. But it has nothing to do with inflation and it has nothing to do with recession. Folks, move on.

Nothing to see as they pick your pocket. Thank you, Michael Morris, censorship tracker dot org. If you've got an issue, reach out to him today. I'm your host, Pastor Greg Chun Generation Radio Booker T. Washington. Have you familiar with that historical name? Derek Green tells us about it.

Coming up next. Hi, I'm Tim Shep, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product's called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets.

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$2.50 will treat a 10 gallon tank. Get your order in today, drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Let me get everything up.

There we go. There is the handsome Mr. Derek Green up on the screen. Great to have him with us. Project 21, Black Leadership Network representative. And we are very excited to have him with us. We have a really cool historical topic that you have written about to talk about today.

And I have the article up and I shared it on the calendar as well. But you talk about, has America forgotten Booker T. Washington? And one of the leading prominent leaders when it came to talking about America and who she was, the founders idea of all men are created equal. And then his fight to help that vision that the founders envisioned. And I think Derek, it is so important for people to understand that our founders truly did have a vision to see liberty and life and freedom and equality for all men. Yeah, that's true.

That's true. And the reason I wrote this piece is because I just feel like when we celebrate Americans in our history, for whatever reason, Booker T. has been forgotten. And I think that his life's work and the example that he set, not only for the students that he taught in college, but for blacks as a whole, is to say we have something to contribute to society.

And all we have to do is really control what we're able to be able to control to achieve what we're able to achieve. And I think that was one of the lessons that Booker T. Washington tried to implement to people who were watching back in an America that was much more racist than she is today. And so to your point, I think the founders did have a vision for it. You know, just like people complain that there was slavery in the Bible, you just couldn't go and outlaw slavery in the Bible in the ancient Near East.

It was just a way of life, but there were structures and ways to deal with it. Now, again, the slavery in the Bible wasn't equal to the slavery that was here in the United States. But nevertheless, through people like Booker T. Washington, through people like Frederick Douglass before him, and I think culminating in people like Martin Luther King Jr., who used the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution in one hand by appealing to them, but also appealing to the Bible as well, convinced a significant amount of Americans to say, let us live up to these ideals that are stated in the Declaration of Independence and to confer rights on everyone as they are stated in the United States Constitution. Well, I think we should not take lightly to Thomas Jefferson's contribution. He was identified in Frederick Douglass's own autobiography that he wrote as being one of the people who he saw, who Frederick Douglass saw, as someone who fought for equality for all men and setting slaves free and elevating them and so forth.

George Washington, upon his death in his will, freed all of his slaves. That was one of the things that was a part of his will. And so these are things that I think are left out. And I think, you know, you and I, when we go back to from a biblical, you run in the biblical perspective, there is one race. It's the race of Adam, man. Okay. And there's one savior and his name is Jesus Christ, you know, and I think it's really important for us to identify that, to recognize that, to focus on that. And I forget, I was reading something and I think I'm going to be having a guest on specifically talking a lot about this. It's just written on this, but debunking this idea that, oh, well, no, you don't understand Christianity is the white man's religion.

Wow. You know, how horrific to suggest that the greatest act of love by the only true God who sent his son to set all men free from the real issue, which is sin, is something that only belongs to one group of people. That's what a terrible, terrible message.

It is a terrible message. And I think that history debunks that particular perspective, because if we look back into history and we realize that, you know, as Frederick Douglass says, the Christians and Christianity, and I'm paraphrasing, are two different things. You know, the Christianity that was used to justify slavery at one point in America's history, we have to also remember that these slaves, as they started to hear the message of Christ, started to develop their own theologies of equality and brotherhood of all men. And so this was a development that happened and started in slavery, and the legacy of which is still seen today amongst American blacks. And so, you know, history says something completely different, and that particular mentality really came into play after the civil rights movement, during the Black Power movement, when that particular movement, along with black theology, James Cohen, other black theologians, inverted the successes, the race neutrality, and to be honest with you, the Christianity of the civil rights movement, to then justify black power, race essentialism, and a theology that deviated from Christian orthodoxy to justify and legitimize the Black Power movement. So, again, these people say that, but history tells us something much, much different. Thank you so much for articulating that.

I want to begin by saying that thank you for articulating that, because that was so well said, and I'm glad we've got it recorded so we can share this segment. The other piece to that is, is remember that while there was this effort to use Christianity in southern states to try to justify their slavery, there were preachers in the north who were preaching freedom, liberty, equality, one race under Adam, who were helping to support the freedom train, right, that was being used to set slaves free and give them a place to run to in order to obtain that liberty and that freedom and that opportunity. Yeah, that's totally true. And it's interesting because the south was, it was a different cultural cauldron than the north. However, there were churches that communicated in the south with churches in the north that would communicate that there are people on the Underground Railroad that are trying to come to freedom. And so, you know, and then there's denominations, I mean, the Southern Baptist separated from the Northern Baptist because of the issue of slavery. And there's other denominations that had internal conflicts because of this issue. So, again, it's really interesting to try to castigate an entire religion as sinful in the white man's religion and justifying slavery when, when we look at history, there's nuance there that shows that there were internal conflicts between the south and the north over this issue. And the people in the north were not, they weren't, they were better than the ones in the south and they were trying to get people to be free and they were castigating the south for justifying slavery. So, you know, again, history just tells us something that's much, much different than some of the grievance mongers who would have this thing. Which, which does not take away from, you know, for example, Parham, who was teaching under the Assemblies of God and made Willie Seymour sit outside of the classroom and listen through the window. But then when Seymour gets out to California and you see Azusa Street and you see these women that are praying who are red, brown, yellow, black, white, it's the women who came together that began that prayer movement there that began the Pentecostal movement that we know today in the early 1900s who were praying for what? For their children, for their men, praying against the sins that had overtaken them and you had guys like Smith Wigglesworth who comes into that environment and is like, okay, let's get together and change the world, you know. I mean, again, so we can't say no, there weren't issues, we're not saying that there weren't issues, but what we're saying is, is that what was ultimately used to break the back of that evil was in fact Christianity and the Bible.

That's what's so important to understand. Yes, 100% and it started with abolition, it went through the South, the North, like you said, were very adamant against this particular practice. They didn't want to actually even hire clergy who were slave members or justified slavery. So this long train of history demonstrates that it started with abolition and it did take some time. However, again, during the civil rights movement, we finally see that we finally transcended that which held us back. And so, and to your point about the Pentecostals, I mean, there were people, there were blacks and others who worshiped in the North and there was blacks and whites in some areas in the South that would worship together, although segregated. But the Pentecostal movement seemed to me to be one of the first interracial movements in Christianity, Protestant Christianity in our country because it was just a group of people that were coming together, irregardless of race, praying together.

That's a phenomenal movement that I don't think a lot of people take into consideration. Amen. All right, we're going to take a quick break. When we come back, we'll have more with Derek Green. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. We're listening to the Children's Generation Radio.

I'll be right back. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Children's Generation Radio Ministry. And by the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Children's Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community.

Before, this community was drinking dirty water, and that was really causing a lot of sickness, but now they are getting pure and fresh water. And all the community is so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Children's Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. God bless you and keep us in your prayer.

And this pastor is... Pastor Jackie has been doing the ministry here in this village, and really this village is really in the beginning of a church building. Keep us in prayer. God bless you. And this borewell we have put, and pure and fresh water is coming, and we are so thankful for all of you. And we thank Pastor Greg Young and Children's Generation Ministry and all the supporters to put the borewell. Thank you.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Look, I am for marriage between a man and a woman. I am for life from conception. I am for following the Bible and I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles.

I am in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our Constitution was intended for a moral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners and that God in His grace and mercy sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins, He is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer but that it is found in how that transformation is lived out. Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts. This is not legalism or works but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins.

Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ, spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall but we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that God will heal our land.

I believe that as a Christian I must occupy until He comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated Christianity. That to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. That God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life. That does not make me weak but strong, not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous. Therefore if you are my friend while we may not fully agree know that I share what I share because I care. If you strongly disagree with these beliefs they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that God not man gets to decide what is truth, life and the way.

God bless you. Welcome back to Show Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. My special guest is Derek Green and he is with Project 21 Black Leadership Network. You can find it at Look up Project 21 Black Leadership Network and you will find his articles. The most recent one of course is Booker T. Washington and I know we got into a lot of really great stuff in the last segment. But I want to ask us to bring it back around to talk about what are some of the specific accomplishments of Booker T. Washington that people have, you know, because as you say at the beginning of the article, right, you mentioned Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Carter G. Woodson, George Washington Carver, W.E. DuBois, Reverend Martin Luther King.

All names that people are probably somewhat familiar with in some way shape or form and yet Booker T. Washington kind of allies, I do not want to call it the ash heap of history, but he kind of allies to the side. Talk about some of his accomplishments. Yeah, well, you know, one of the main things is that he was born into slavery. He was born on a plantation. He did not know who his father was, though he suspected it might have been a white man that lived several plantations over. He was free from slavery around the age of nine and he wanted to go to school, but his father wanted him to work in the local mines. And so they traveled from Virginia where he was born to West Virginia.

And he just worked in the mines because his father thought he'd be more beneficial bringing in money to help the family. But he never lost his interest in education. And he finally heard about a school that was set up to teach recently free blacks. And the school now is known as Hampton University.

And so Booker T. decided that he wanted an education. So he left West Virginia. He walked almost the entire way back to Virginia, to Hampton University, which was over 500 miles. He slept under boardwalks during the day or at night and worked during the day just so he could get enough money to get to Hampton. And so he finally got there and he demonstrated to the headmistress that he was worthy of being accepted because he cleaned several rooms. And the reason he was so fastidious with the cleaning was because of his former mistress, while he was a slave, taught him not only the basics of reading, but how to clean and take care of oneself. And so he entered the school.

He entered Hampton. He ended up graduating. And several years later, he was called on to do what his life's work was, which is to create another black institution to educate these recently free blacks. And so that school was called Tuskegee.

We know it now as Tuskegee University. And so he created this school. And an interesting thing about Booker T. Washington, and this is one of the reasons why I wrote the article, is because he not only wanted to educate recently free blacks in the classroom, what he also wanted to do was teach them what we call trades today. So he wanted to educate them, not only through their head, but with their hands. Because he felt that in the South, if they were able to be educated in the classroom and learn trades, they would be able to go out into the communities in the South and not necessarily work for others, but be entrepreneurs.

They would be able to provide goods and services to their local residents. And so that was what he tried to do. And so he accomplished a lot.

He was able to go to the North. He was able to convince a lot of people to donate money to continually build up Tuskegee. Now, the interesting thing about this particular school is that they didn't have any buildings when it first started. So the students who arrived not only learned in the classroom, but they helped build the buildings on the campus. And so Booker had been, he instituted a well-rounded education. And so one of the reasons I think that Booker T. Washington is kind of given a consolation prize is because of a speech that he gave in the South during a time when planned violence was increasing, lynchings were increasing.

There were Darwinian ideas about black inferiority that were increasing. And he gave a speech, which I think was a strategic speech that said to the people at the exposition in Atlanta, listen, we can be separate as fingers, but one as the hand when it comes to social issues. He told both blacks and whites to cast down their buckets where they were to, in essence, to allow whites to allow blacks to provide them goods and services from what they were learning in some of these institutions. And so a lot of people say that Booker T. Washington's speech at the Atlanta exposition was a compromise with white supremacy. However, I just think that the people that criticized that speech didn't fully appreciate what was going on in the South and the increasing tensions between both blacks and whites, what was going on.

And so it's easy to sit back in a very nice and posh and comfortable area and say, oh, that's wrong, but it's a different story if you're raised in that environment and you see what's going on. Booker T. Washington wanted to protect blacks' physical interests and their material and economic interests. And so I think that the speech was strategic.

It wasn't a compromise necessarily, but people call it a capitulation. And I think that's why he's not on the throne with Frederick Douglass. He's not on the throne with Carter G. Woodson or even Reverend Martin Luther King, which, interestingly enough, when Martin Luther King first started his ministry, he started quoting from Booker T. Washington. And a lot of people called him, you know, Uncle Tom's and called him Ray Sellout's because he was quoting Booker T. So even during the 60s, you know, Booker T was very experienced a little bit.

So it was, yeah. So I think that, you know, Tuskegee, too, I don't know, because I'm not familiar with that as far as the history is concerned. But is there what's the tie into that and the Tuskegee Airmen? Is there a relationship between the technical school and the Airmen?

Yeah, if I remember correctly, they were, the Airmen were taught near that, in Tuskegee, but near the school, if I remember that correctly. So, yeah, so that, I mean, there's just a lot of historical presence in that particular area. And there's a lot of historical examples of blacks transcending the racism and discrimination of their time. And so what I would like to see is that even though Booker T. Washington may have misjudged the attitudes of people in the South, blacks today in the 21st century, again, in America that's not as racist today as she was back then, can take the example of Booker T. Washington to transcend their life's challenges.

Life is going to give you a set of challenges. That's just the way it is. But in this particular cultural condition, we are able to transcend it in a way that these people, that they demonstrated that they were able to do then.

So if they were able to do it then, why can't we do it now? No doubt. Derek Green,, Project 21 Black Leadership Network. Derek, thanks so much for being with me today. I greatly appreciate it. This has been an incredibly insightful segment together and we'll be sure and make this available, folks, for you to be able to share with your friends. Back with more tomorrow on Children's Generation Radio.

Have a blessed rest of your day. Stay tuned. Lots of great programming right here on TECN TV. The Exceptional Conservative Network, the number one urban online television network. A hundred and forty one thousand viewers last week and set a new record.

So very excited about that. I'll be back with you tomorrow. God bless you. Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation. And I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good.

And Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up. And in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile.
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