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David Shestokas Memorial Day Honoring those who paid the price Rick Manning Transhumanism Danger of Certain AI Technocrats

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
June 1, 2022 4:51 pm

David Shestokas Memorial Day Honoring those who paid the price Rick Manning Transhumanism Danger of Certain AI Technocrats

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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June 1, 2022 4:51 pm

David Shestokas discusses the relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the giver of our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. God and His laws and our inalienable rights. SCOTUS decision on Texas Censorship bill and the RINO Cover at work again.
Rick Manning with Pastor Greg as the guest discussing the Monkey Pox, the Technocrats, Yuval Harari and Transhumanism, inserting chips and eliminating the population.


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These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here.

I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you so much for tuning in here to Chosen Generation Radio. I'm very appreciative of you, my audience. I want to encourage you. I've got a $10 a month challenge going on right now. I need some support, and I'm turning to you, my listeners, to ask for some of your help.

Just $10 a month, if you can find it in your heart, if you feel the calling of the Lord, if God's putting it on your heart to donate $10 a month, we fight every single day to address truths. We're pushing back. We pushed back very hard in our very first segment today on this whole idea of a Pride Month.

This is not about pride. These are broken people who are pushing a very perverted lifestyle, and now, and I've been saying that this would happen, and it is openly happening. As a matter of fact, there is a gentleman named Chad Green, who is a trustee on the McKinney School Board, McKinney ISD School Board, who was censored. Now, listen to what he was censored for. He wasn't censored because he was promoting the pornographic books that are sitting in the McKinney ISD Grammar School libraries and being given out to five, six, seven, eight, and nine-year-old children. And they are told to read pornographic material that if it was handed to them on the street, they would be, the person handing it to them would be arrested. Literally. Literally. They would absolutely be arrested.

No, no, no. He was saying this stuff needs to be removed from the library. And in a six to one vote, in a six to one vote, the trustees of the McKinney School District censored him and voted that he should resign because he's suggesting that pornographic material should not be thrust upon five, six, seven, and eight-year-olds. And this is what your school boards are doing across the country, and it's why Florida passed the law that they passed. We are here fighting to bring those kinds of stories to your attention and get you aware so you are asking your principals and your teachers and demanding that this kind of smut and grooming to sexually assault your kids is not allowed in your school.

In your community, that naked men going down the street on floats having sex with little boys that are dressed up like drag queens parading out in front of the float, that that's not happening in your city. And then we talk about what's happening with regards to the vilifying of abolitionists. Yes, America was founded as a threat to slavery. Understand the story of William Wilberforce, of Pastor John Newton, and of the long list of abolitionists that founded America. And then we're saving India, and I'm going to get to my guests here because we've got some very important things to discuss with him.

Again, talking about why we're here. $10 a month. If you can help us out, forward slash Pastor Greg, forward slash Pastor Greg, or send your contribution directly to Faith Harvest Church, P.O. Box 3393, Bandera, Texas, 78003. That's Faith Harvest Church, P.O. Box 3393, Bandera, Texas, 78003.

The answer is Jesus Christ. David Shostakis is my guest. He is a constitutional originist. He is running for Attorney General in the state of Illinois.

You can find him at Dave, the number He is a longtime guest. He's been with me on this program now for a number of years, talking about the Constitution and about what it stands for, what it says, what it means, and why it is the basis for law and order in the United States of America.

And in particular, why it defends the rights of the people and limits the power of the government. David Shostakis is with me. David, welcome. Good to have you.

Thank you so much, Greg. It's it's nice to be nice to be with you during this Memorial Day week. I think that when we talk about the Constitution, certainly we talk about many things, and not the least of which is this is a very special week because, of course, it's devoted to the folks that died defending the principles of the Constitution. Although I was blessed to have the opportunity to be the keynote speaker at the Lithuanian National Cemetery this past Sunday, this past weekend. And, you know, we ran and it's a very special place for myself and my family. My dad is buried there. All my grandparents are buried there, two uncles that were World War Two Army veterans, as well as my dad being a Navy veteran from World War Two. And then, of course, the other folks were.

So there's about 13 of my family there in addition to everything. And we took we took the time to discuss, discuss some things. And I think we might just take a moment here because everybody is so proud of the Constitution and rightfully so. But one of the things I spoke about that day is that the folks that in fact gave their lives for our freedoms and to protect their freedoms while they take an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You know, they're not going out to die so that the so that a guy in Congress can serve two years or a president for Supreme Court justice for life or some of the many of the other technical details that are meant to put in place a government to protect our rights. It's that the Constitution is there to give life or to execute the promise of the Declaration of Independence. It's there's fifty five words in the Declaration of Independence. And whether people know those fifty five words, they I believe that sincerely the folks that die for these things know in their hearts that, you know, we hold these truths to be self-evident, that they're all better created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that governments are instituted among men to secure these rights, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Those are things that when people swear allegiance to the Constitution, that's the kind of thing when people want to put their life on the line for. It's not it's not it's not the technical details of the Constitution.

But yes, well, no. And to add to that something that, you know, I think is a is a critical piece is our founders understood that, you know, and I respect John Locke's writings, but John Locke didn't go far enough for where our founders were. The founders said, God, literally you as a person are a reflection of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those things that God gave you are not are not even something that are a tangible thing that he handed you. They're literally what he put into your DNA. They are you. So when someone tries to take life, when someone tried to take liberty, when someone tried to block and prevent that that pursuit of what God calls the abundant life.

They are literally attempting to suck the air and the breath out of your mouth and out of your spirit and out of your being that have been put there by God himself. That's absolutely correct. And actually, the entire existence, the United States, of course, is predicated on, as Jefferson put it, the law of nature and of nature's got that allowed the United States to assume its rightful place among the powers of the world. And so those are it's just such a shame that people overlook the Declaration of Independence or we don't teach anymore. And that was that was the essence of my keynote address was was regarding those are the things that people die for. And as you said, it's because we've been breathed into our very being those matters. So even if you're not familiar with the words from the from the declaration, you have this sense about you that these are the things that motivate the existence of the existence of the country and the recognition of us as individuals.

And the respect then that, you know, I believe you have those same rights because I know that what's in me is in you. And, and, and that is why when you think about, you know, America, this fledgling nation became a major power and had major impact in the world. Almost from its inception, when you consider that it took down the most powerful army and and the most powerful at that point monarchy in the world, right? I mean, the United Kingdom was was the ultimate and the end and we broke away from that and we won that battle we won that war.

But we did it because we understood the right place from which we were coming, which was breaking away from the idea of a king being a god to God himself being God and the people who served subservient to the people to we the people. Yes, absolutely. And these are the kind of things that I mean, it was it was wonderful when we had that commemoration service at the at the cemetery and whatnot. And the next day I was in a in a parade in the south suburbs of Chicago with that, but everybody needs to understand the sacrifices that are involved in and protecting those things while they're while they are gifts. We also have to understand that we have to work ourselves to preserve those gifts and to utilize those gifts properly.

Amen. All right, we're going to be coming into a break here when we come out of this break. The Second Amendment is once again, under assault, shall not be infringed.

What does shall not be infringed mean? We'll talk about that. And, and, and quite honestly, religious liberty and religious freedom is under assault as well. We'll talk about that too.

Coming up right after this brief break. I'm your host Pastor Greg, you're listening to Children Generation Radio get more at the website, My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Have you been looking for a trusted long term storeable food company, we have a solution for you. Simply Clean Foods is dedicated to providing the best quality food you can buy next to fresh from a farmers market. Our line of resealable fruits, vegetables and meats are suitable for everyday use, and you won't have to worry about throwing away valuable groceries ever again. Our food is completely GMO free and our stringent quality controls plus testing for heavy metals makes us unique in the storeable foods market. Simply Clean Foods primary focus is to bring clean food to people all around the world and change the way we look at freeze dried food in our daily cooking. When you purchase from, not only will you be receiving high quality food, but you will also be supporting veterans in need across the country and those who are affected by natural disasters.

Go to, that's Use CGR for 5% off, that's CGR all caps for 5% off. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country.

Today we are no longer fighting with guns, instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Hi, I'm Kim Scheff, Certified Natural Health Practitioner. I want to introduce you to a product that I think will interest everyone. A product called Natural Sleep, available at I've been seeing clients in the alternative health industry for over 40 years. One common problem seems to stand out. People just can't sleep.

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Neat good products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed? Where did this robbery occur, the dispatcher asks? At pump number seven, says the man.

Can you describe them? Sure, they add flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter, and it's causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles.

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$2.50 will treat a 10-gallon tank. Get your order in today, drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank, and start experiencing the savings. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. So, great conversation.

We should have the microphones on right when we're having our conversations in the break. It's great stuff. So, a couple of things to hit on. We'll try and get the 2A thing in here, but there's a case that was just decided today. The Supreme Court temporarily blocked Texas's social media anti-censorship law, and it's an interesting split in the court. You've got Sonia Sotomayor and Stephen Breyer, liberal justices, but they were joined by John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

On the other side, you've got conservative justices, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Neil Gorsuch, and they were joined by liberal justice, Elena Kagan. Just kind of interesting. Now, David, you had some thoughts on that, so let me let you quickly go into your thoughts with regards to that, and then I had some rebuttal thoughts to that.

Yeah, certainly. At the moment, of course, it is just a temporary injunction while this lawsuit proceeds, and the Texas law essentially limits these giant tech companies from blocking content with which they may disagree if they have 50 million or more users. And it's kind of a blanket prohibition, and I'm not so certain that on its face, while it's different in scale, it's not so different in terms of saying, Master Take Baker, where they say that they can't make him put on a cake, something he doesn't want to.

That's his medium of choice, is his take for his communication. And in terms of this thing, typically, of course, there's a whole situation that private companies are not bound by the amendments to the Constitution. Those are amendments to limit government activity. And the Texas law is overly broad.

I'll let you make your own argument, and then we'll talk about it. But the Texas law is very broad, goes across all social media companies. It doesn't differentiate from one company to another based upon perhaps a parent alliance with the government. And so I don't know that they shouldn't allow this to proceed without damages that may occur by doing the limitation and changing the nature of the companies. While I may disagree with the companies, let's assume momentarily that for the most part, as a broad scope, they are in fact private entities.

Now it's your turn. Okay, well, see, but you don't already know that's okay. So my argument to David was that these entities have clearly indicated, well, Facebook in particular has clearly indicated that they are taking their walking orders from the Biden administration. They met a year over a year ago with the Biden administration, and and and vowed that they were going to follow what the government wanted when it comes to issues like the COVID situation, or when it comes to, I don't know, whatever the the transgender issues with the sensitive issues. They were going to follow the government and they were going to follow the government's lead and they were going to help the government by censoring individuals on their platform, thus making them a government agent that that is, is is one piece of the argument. Now, to what David also said is, is that the way in which this is written, it's written in such broad strokes, that it's it's just essentially it's poorly written law. It's poorly written, the legal, the legal justification for it, if it were written in a more appropriate manner, might well be there. In other words, that they can't act as a federal government agent, and then also get away with what they're getting away with.

Right. If they if, in fact, they were tailored to a situation where and or they were indicating that, in fact, say Facebook was acting as a government agent, then then they could apply a different kind of First Amendment concept right to this to this circumstance. And at the moment, the Texas justification was that they called them these entities, these tech companies, common carriers, they analogize them to a railroad or a phone company or, or other kinds of folks that deliver services to the to the public generally, and they're not allowed to discriminate on the basis of either political ideology or any number of the other protected classes. And so that's, that's the Texas argument. It's not a First Amendment argument. It's actually a right and 14th Amendment argument.

Well, it's and it's not a good argument, quite frankly, folks, because then it makes them a public utility, which means that then if they get away with that, then the state can start demanding that you have to pay to be on that platform, you have to pay the state to be on that platform, just like you have to pay for electricity or or any other public utility. There's a there's a train, they catch you. Absolutely. There's a problem. I just want to throw this last thing out and Matt long and I talked about this, I guess a week ago, but this is what I call a rhino cover law. Okay, just like their argument about title 42 title 42 hasn't stopped two and a half million illegals from coming into the United States just this year. Okay.

Title 42 hasn't stopped that title 42 rhino cover. All right, Dave for a days the number for a Thanks, Greg.

You bet. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am patriot mobile. Have you been looking for a trusted long term storeable food company, we have a solution for you. Simply clean foods is dedicated to providing the best quality food you can buy next to fresh from a farmer's market, or line of resealable fruits, vegetables and meats are suitable for everyday use, and you won't have to worry about throwing away valuable groceries ever again. Our food is completely GMO free and our stringent quality controls plus testing for heavy metals makes us unique in the storeable foods market. Simply clean foods primary focus is to bring clean food to people all around the world and change the way we look at freeze fried food in our daily cooking. When you purchase from simply clean, not only will you be receiving high quality food, but you will also be supporting veterans in need across the country and those who are affected by natural disasters, go to simply clean

That's simply clean Use CGR for 5% off that CGR all caps for 5% off. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am patriot mobile. I'm Kim chef certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to products that I think will interest everyone a product called natural sleep available at CGR I've been seeing clients in alternative health industry for over 40 years one problem seems to stand out people just can't sleep. Maybe it's too much stress.

Maybe they've gotten older, whatever the reason we have a solution you need to get a great night's sleep. You can find it at CGR natural sleep uses a combination of vitamin minerals and some very healthy calming herbals to support relaxation and calmness before sleep. It's a fast acting liquid. formula that tastes great with no negative side effects or hangover effect in the morning and it's not a habit for me.

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And welcome back to generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Okay, hang with me on this folks. Hang with me on this because I'm just I just want to tell you up front.

This is gonna sound kind of out there, but it's but it's really not. And and so I want to I'm going to I'm going to kind of bring you through it a little bit. I want to welcome Rick Manning. You know what, Rick, actually, so you're going to be the host and I'm going to be the guest. Okay, okay, this is good. I'll be the host you be the guest and so this is going to be really interesting because I'm unclear but Pastor Greg and welcome to the program.

Happy to have you here with us today and you know, we off the air. We were talking briefly about this crazy kind of notion is pat being bandied about by some people who apparently don't understand that they're people but but that human beings aren't actually necessary for commerce something called transhumanism. You tell us a little bit about that and why why do you support it? Well, I don't. Okay, that was a zinger. That was a zinger. Okay, so let me just get on record as saying that I don't support it.

You know, denial is the first form of defense. No, I don't support it. But we were so we're talking about this and and and, you know, there's a there's a guy that's out there. I'll introduce him in just a second.

But I want to introduce a guy that's on our side. That has been talking about this and connected to somebody that you've heard quite regularly here on my program. The first name that I want to bring to your attention is the name Patrick wood. Patrick wood has been talking if you if you look up technocracy news, technocracy news, t e c h n o c r a c y, technocracy news, you'll find on there is how he tracks this. And he wrote a book called technocracy rising, Rick, that came out as it's been quite a few years now. But talking about how science and scientists going all the way back into the late 1800s. That this that these technocrats would use science to try to eliminate God, and to try to convince us that science has all the answers. And we I mean, that's what climate change is scientists saying they've got all the answers. You know, the theory of evolution and Darwinism is scientists saying that, hey, we know how this all started.

And we've got we've got all of the answers. Dr. Jeannie Mikovits was on the program last week, and she talked about scientism. And she talked about how scientism plays a role in those vaccines that you've been getting going back to the 1930s. But the monkey pox vaccine that you've been getting since the 1960s 1962, in fact, is when they started incubating viruses in monkey brains. And by doing so they commingled monkey blood, and monkey bacteria and monkey viruses with the virus that they were extracting to create and the vaccine they injected into you and I Rick, so when we get a vaccine. And everybody, you know, unless you're a vast majority of people have been vaccinated for something at some point in their life.

Absolutely. The vaccine is essentially been created in in monkey, some kind of monkey blood or something. Monkey brain incubated and monkey brain, okay, sir, and hands and incubated monkey brain. It picks up some aspects of monkey DNA. Meaning we are being we have effectively been vaccinated with and had monkey DNA injected into our system.

So that's not not not necessarily so much the DNA of the monkey, but but the bacteria and the viruses animals have different bacteria and viruses that they carry that kill off other bacteria and viruses so that they don't get sick, but they're which is why which is why there's, you know, avian flu or the COVID virus are all actually trained in the basis of them are there from a different species that and our body is not equipped to dealing with that virus because that virus doesn't end up in our in our system. Well, and scripture tells us that we're not supposed to commingle our blood with animal blood and and and not only, you know, would we look at that and say, Oh, man, that sounds like Dr. Zhivago, right? You know, I mean, like, you know, the, you know, the, the island of Dr. Zhivago, and all the, you know, strange monkey people and all that other weirdness.

But the reality is, is that that kind of stuff has been happening to us for a very long time. And again, if you'd like to know more about that, I suggest that you go back to the back and listen to Dr. Judy Mikovits, who is a virologist, you can listen to Dr. Brian Hooker, who's been on my program as well, who actually got out of the plant genetic program, the government plant genetic program that he was in, because he had ethical issues with some of the things that they were doing. I'm leading somewhere, Rick with this, and you mentioned about, you know, transhumanism, go ahead.

Yeah. And while I assume, given the fact we're talking monkeys, that the that the lead in is to this thing that's apparently not all that uncommon in Africa, but it isn't supposedly all that transmittable. And that is this monkey pox thing that they're trying to scare us with, which just seems odd. But so are we talking Are we heading into the monkey pox world to talk about monkey pox here?

Well, we're headed into the monkey pox world, but but but where I wanted to bring us more into the technocracy world. And, and, and, and a greater threat. A number of years back on the show. My friend AJ Rice, you know, AJ, I believe.

Yes. AJ is a publicist, and he provides us with a number of our guests, along with Sandy Frazier, who's another great publicist. And, and Jenny Kavavar and and Jackie Jones, and there's a bunch of great folks that work with my with my scheduler calling on getting great people on the program. That that that being said, aging introduced me to a couple of individuals, probably eight, nine years ago, before my accident, that were involved in AI. And, and, and, and, and at a pretty high level. And what they were coming on to talk about was their concerns about the, the pending danger that AI was going to be that, you know, everybody thought, oh, it's, you know, it's cute to have a car that drives itself is cute to have a, you know, a robot that'll, you know, clean up or pick up or, you know, do little chores for you, or what have you and, and, and it's cute to have, you know, supposedly a smartphone and, and, and it's, you know, it's cool to have, you know, a refrigerator that does this and a toaster that'll do that. And, and you may have seen the commercial, right, where you've got all the appliances that are talking to this guy. And and and then he says, No, you know, but the one thing that I can't do here at home is drive a car and then he goes outside in the car that he bought that was delivered, he goes out and gets in and drives off.

You know, everybody thinks, oh, that's, that's really cute. His concern that he raised, Rick was that if you want to talk about threats to man, then you need to talk about the threat of AI. And we now have Elon Musk has talked about putting chips in people's heads, so they can somehow somehow use the chip in their head to connect to the internet.

And it and you don't have you don't even have to have a device. No, that is, I have a lot of people talked about that Elon Musk has also said that AI is the great is a greater threat to humanity than nuclear weapons. Exactly. Or the same reason you're talking about. It's a it's, it grows, it grows exponential is ostensibly self learning.

And as a result, you end up with machines with no absolutely no moral ethical codes for whatsoever making unit decisions based on greater good decisions that and with no met ethics, no moral and hence, if they decide that man because they've been programmed this way, by the way, if they decide that man is effectively not efficient, then the only efficient thing is to is to wipe man out when you get Terminator. Yeah. So you've all Noah Harari mark that name, you need to know it, you've all Noah Harari. This is a guy who's a part of the World Economic Forum. He's an advisor to the leadership of the World Economic Forum. But he's also, you know, he's viewed as as one of the, you know, new intellects, he says there is no need for God.

In fact, we need to eliminate people with their ideas about God, because God is a defunct concept, and it's an antiquated system. And he suggests that there are economies that can be created that do not need humans. And one of the examples that he gives is a steel mill, that that that manufacturers steel, and now sells to a company that produces robots. And so the steel company is now producing steel in its plant, supposedly without the interdiction of human beings. And then that steel is transmitted via a non man you, you know, vehicle or of some sort, over to another plant that now has an assembly line and robots that grab a hold of that steel. And then produce more robots. And voila, there's an economy that doesn't involve man.

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Yeah, that's okay. We kind of switched roles in the break as I went off on how you ended. Why don't we start out where you ended in terms of Yuval Harari and then we can go and talk a little bit about what we did in the break because I think he may think he's probably very smart. He's got a PhD in something from somewhere.

But the bottom line is, he has a massive problem in where he's going with this thing. Well, so what he is, is he lives in Israel. He's considered a public intellectual historian and professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. And what we also need to understand is that Israel is not a religious state. Israel is a secular state. And most of us might assume, because Israel and the Jews and the relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but in fact, Israel is, I believe it's either 62 or 65% atheist.

And, and, and thus, you know, one of the most secular nations in the world. And then I'm going to throw this back to you. So we talked about the fact that we have a steel mill now that is making steel that is now sending the steel over to a robot factory that is creating robots or some other form of technology using this steel and thus humans are not necessary. Humans still become consumers to a degree we was trying to give an example of a position where humans are not even needed as the consumer, but humans as consumers, thus, though, you don't need 7.2 billion people on the earth. So you could you could live with, you know, maybe a billion at the most right here, or maybe a couple of billion.

In other words, two thirds of us don't need to exist. The other piece I'm going to throw in and then I'm gonna throw it right back to you, Rick. And that is he also has a trans human concept that he has pitched, similar to what Elon Musk talked about of putting a chip in a human being that that and then there's question as to whether or not the human controls the chip or the chip controls the human being.

And and and there may be some idea of some give and take in his concept relative to that. Rick, go ahead. Okay, fine. I've got five minutes to deal with all that. Okay, let's go back to the first of all chip in the head stuff.

Okay. You're still human if you have a chip in your head, but the chip does have a capacity control you control through visual inputs. For instance, we know from virtual reality where we have the Oculus, the very rudimentary virtual reality we have now that people put on the Oculus mask or whatever it is goggles, and they will lose all place and time because they the world they are in is the world they see. And as a result, they will run into walls that run in, they'll, you know, hit people without meaning to they'll do all sorts of stuff, because they're reacting to the world that they see and are experiencing through their eyes.

And I think that in some like 90% of our sensory senses that we actually react to in our actual visual senses, from what I read. Anyway, so yes, that is possible. But you don't need a chip, you just you just plug people into virtual reality machines. And then, and quite honestly, you rewire their brains in relation to their inputs. So that's, that's a more dangerous thing than the than the what he's talking about in terms of chip in the brain.

It has the same effect without having to do surgery. But on the on the robot thing going back to that. Let's just do his little simple universe, you have a steel mill that does makes a steel, it's all it's all robot run, you have a parts place that turns that steel into something into parts, and it knows what parts it's turning it into, you have an assembly place where those parts are turned into other robots. And so then you have these other robots. And so those other robots are being created, but they're being created without a purpose.

Because the steel the economy they have, if they need to have in his his own world, okay. A, it has to have somebody provide the raw material to come into the steel mill. It doesn't just sit there doesn't, you know, exist as somebody create the electricity to come in the steel mill. And so those robots, the AI realize that they're dependent upon some external factor for their ability to make is it make steel, their ability to make the parts, their ability to turn it turn into new robots into being recreate reproduce themselves.

They're, they're dependent upon external factors in order to do that. So, and the AI ad will always will ask itself a simple question, because it's learning, ask itself a simple question. And that is, it will say, there has to be something more to this, because we have a dependency, there has to be something more to this.

Right. And as a result, they will decide either that the things that they create, it's what they're going to worship the things they create, that's something more, or they're going to because that's part of their labor, or they're going to worship something that's external that they don't know and understand. And that last thing is exactly what will happen because worshiping something you create is not logical.

It doesn't make sense, right? You created you're the creator, right? So they will. So they will end up worshiping a creator, an external creator, who is the founder of their feast. And they will discover God faster than, than you've all her Rory, with all his education and who's educated himself out of God, because essentially he rejects God because, because he's trying to justify ungodly choices he's made, and not and try to avoid the wrath of God by denying his existence.

And my friend, you cannot deny God out of existence, and even the machines that he envisioned will discover God because that is the answer. Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. No doubt.

Well, you know, it's there, this is going to be a consistent thing. I just thought that it was something that, you know, as believers, we need to be aware of what is being put out there. And as parents, we need to be aware of it. Because this kind of these are academics. These are these are individuals who are going to have an influence into the world of academia.

And subsequently, they're going to have an influence on your kids. Yes, they are. And remember, he's not he is not. He is not a transhumanist. He is an anti humanist. He is against humans.

He's declined. He's defined humans as being unnecessary parts to a world that works completely separate and without humans. And he believes that you can create stuff without the initial idea to create it.

And I'm sorry, you cannot. And he's basically denying the world around him and trying to think his way out of a box he's built. And that box. He can't get out of it because ultimately, ultimately, he's going to have to confront a simple fact. And he has a creator who sets the rules of the road. And if he doesn't agree with those rules of road are interesting, but it's not relevant, because those rules of the road are set. And that is what we all confront when we are honest to our deepest deepest souls.

We think really are honest about it. And ultimately, you have two choices. You can choose to worship the world around you, and your creations, the guys, the golden calf, something you create, or you can worship something that created you. Those are your only two choices.

And the choice is pretty obvious. And that is why I suggest that the embrace of Darwinism and how it is it is still you know, it's not it's not something that's argued about that much anymore, unfortunately, but it is something that sets the ground rules by by entering into and teaching that there is no creator, that things just suddenly appeared. Man, that takes more faith than anything I can tell you.

Back after this tomorrow, at the end of the day. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation. And I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good. And Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

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