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David Shestokas Attack On SCOTUS Institution &Justices 2000 Mules Prosecutions Clare Lopez Rick Manning Putin Russia Ukraine War Ambition

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
May 11, 2022 4:25 pm

David Shestokas Attack On SCOTUS Institution &Justices 2000 Mules Prosecutions Clare Lopez Rick Manning Putin Russia Ukraine War Ambition

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Sexual predators and comprehensive sex education both break down inhibitions. That's what they start with. They also gain trust with the child and then slowly start to get them towards sexual activity.

Anything goes. You are teaching children adult child sex. You're teaching transgender issues. Children are moldable.

And influenced by that. They said, okay, now we need you and your team to be able to explain what homosexuality is to a four-year-old student. To introduce this kind of material at that age, frankly, it's child abuse. You're going to teach our children that it's okay for any two children of any age, of any sex, to have sexual intercourse with each other as long as two components are present.

One's using a condom and they both give connection. Did I hear that correctly? It's not a neutral venue. There's no such thing. Okay, the schools are doing your job. They are discipling your children.

But they're not discipling them in the faith of Jesus Christ. It's only the exceptional child that even survives that system. Most do not survive.

Most have not survived. They believe that children are sexual from birth. And that they do not. They deserve and have the right to be sexually active and to seek sexual pleasure.

And if anyone is stopping them from that, then you are judging and oppressing them. Even kindergarten now, they're wanting to teach them more and more perverse information and acts and put that into the children's minds. And once that poison is in a child's mind, it doesn't leave.

They'll always remember what they learned. And it's by design. It's orchestrated.

In my humble opinion, it will be worse before it gets better. Your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the presence of who has called you out of darkness. Thanks so much for tuning in. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Children Generation Radio. I apologize for those of you that are watching.

I'm not exactly sure what is going on with this opening, but it's not liking to play. At any rate, there you go. I am here. Hour number two.

First hour, if you get a chance, I encourage you to take a listen to it. T Rose was with us from Free Speech America and from And if you're not following that, you should be And they put up the cases that they're following and those that are turning in cases with regards to censorship. We talked about that. We talked about Elon Musk.

We talked about something we're going to talk about here in just a minute, which is the disinformation Gestapo that has been created by the Biden administration. Then I shared with you the with my audience the the reason for the Children Generation Radio show and definitely encourage you to help support what we're doing here at Children Generation Radio. We need your support in order to be able to continue to pay the bills.

So anything you can do to help us out would be greatly appreciated. You can do that at PayPal dot me forward slash Pastor Greg PayPal dot me forward slash Pastor Greg. Or you can send your check to faith harvest church p o box 3393 Bandera, Texas, that's faith harvest church, p o box 3393 Bandera, Texas, you can also support our sponsors, every dollar that you spent with our spend with our sponsors simply clean If you use the code CGR capital CGR, you get a 5% discount, you get great, clean food that is healthy for you.

freeze dried, it's a great way to begin the process of storing just in case you can look at shelves and see the supply problems we're having encourage you to support them. You can support my pillow, you can support also CGR wellness, and your purchases with those organizations, including Patriot mobile, the only Christian conservative mobile phone company, all of those supports of those sponsors is what helps us to gain support. If they don't get support from our listenership, then, well, then they can't continue to support us here.

And and we don't receive support without those purchases. So please consider shifting your shopping needs and your health needs and things of that nature to those companies that support us here at chosen generation radio. And you can find him at chosen generation

All right, I want to welcome my next guest to the program and he needs your prayers and support as well. And you can support him at Dave, the number four Dave for He's running for Attorney General in the state of Illinois. He is a constitutional originist, and and and a deep passion for restoring law and order to Illinois and to America as well.

And and the attorney generals have a huge role to play as it relates to that. I welcome David just focus to the program. David, welcome. Thank you so much, Greg. And thank you for the kind introduction. Yes, we're working really very hard.

We're about 53 days from election day here in Illinois, which is June the 28th. And so we're extremely busy, but it's always always great to take some time and speak with you and your you and your audience about the Constitution and the biblical vision that you have to relate to the current events. So let's do that. Absolutely.

Absolutely. I want to start with your thoughts regarding what's happening to Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, and the other justices also that are, I guess, supposed to be possibly joining him in the leaked document. Talk to me about your thoughts related to what's happening to them, and and how they're being threatened by by these very radical murderers. Yeah, this is this is truly problematic in terms of what they're doing in terms of the doxing, if you will, of the Supreme Court justices and folks going to their homes to protest and those kinds of things, because, of course, the Supreme Court justice is not, quote, a representative. They're not supposed to be doing policy. They're not supposed to be being swayed by public opinion. What they're supposed to be doing is following the law. So it's entirely misplaced to be doing protests to them about what what it is that what they're taking, you know, what they're what they're moving forward on this leaked document. And as I believe we talked about previously, the interesting thing about the document is it does that it doesn't provide for any abortion demands.

It doesn't do anything. It is assuming that this is the basis of what becomes the ultimate apparent opinion. And in the case, it is probably the greatest handbag of power by any federal entity since George Washington turned over his sword to the Continental Congress at the conclusion of the Revolutionary War. You know, the court irrigated to itself certain powers and took away took away the rights of the people to decide things in a democratic political fashion and said, no, this is out of bounds for you to talk about. And that's what they that's what was wrong with will in the first place. And this is what this opinion seeks to correct. And then and that's why they that's why the protests are misplaced. The protest is if somebody wants to go demonstrate outside their state capital. I understand that Delaware has taken a new kind of action to protect what they call abortion rights and do see to it that the Texas, Texas laws that prohibit people from providing abortions or allow for personal rights of action.

They're protecting the providers in Delaware from Texas laws. This is this is how it should work. This is I'm not that I agree with Delaware.

But the fact is, is if people want to protest, they should go talk to the representatives. And this is how it works. You do not do this to judges. This is not what this is, not what judging is about. And it's not and it's not to have any effect or not. They should not be, quote, political actors. They should, in fact, be straight, straight interpretations of what the law is. And if this becomes the opinion, it is. And because the opinion and so many opinions, people conflate the issues of policy with the issues of law and policy.

And while they intersect often, they're not necessarily they're in fact, not the same thing. Policy had been made in the creation of law in the first place. The judges should only enforce the law. They should not assume the assume the position of a super legislature. And that's and that's what essentially the proposed opinion does. It says, no, we're not a super legislature. You go back to the legislature, which may which brings me to another point about that proposed opinion. And that is apparently at the moment in response to this, there's a variety of proposals floating around the Congress where the Democrats are trying to federalize abortion, abortion rights through federal legislation. No place in that proposed opinion and no place in the Constitution is the Congress given authority over this subject. And, you know, the authority over this.

So all the all the bluster and all the things that are going on in Congress that were they saying they're going to do some protection if the Supreme Court will not. It's not even it's not their job either. You know, it's I think that that's something that should be taken up with people that are all pushing Congress to do action.

You know, it's not their job either. So so often the important question of law is who decides who decides something? And at the moment and not at the moment, but forever, this question has belonged to the state legislatures. It's been given to them through the 10th Amendment and it doesn't belong to the Congress. It doesn't belong to Supreme Court. It belongs to the state legislatures and whatever, whatever your opinion may be on the subject. That is where you need to take your opinion right to to your to your local state.

Each each state then having the ability to be able to make the decision. Obviously, I'm very I'm pro-life and I believe that life begins at conception. Now, there is an explanation within there by Justice Alito relative to why the Roe decision should be overturned. And part of that has to do with the fact that at the at the time that these cases were put into place and from 1850 to 1919, very clearly, it was understood that you were talking about a human being in the womb. That that was that was a that was settled law. There wasn't really any because I know people have talked about, well, we need to get a case that actually identifies that, you know, that that that that baby is a life. Well, actually, there are there are multitudes of cases going up into the 1900s that that that that actually do say that.

Yeah, that's correct. The while everybody says the 98 page opinion, the opinion itself is 60 pages. And there are 38 pages of appendix which talks which goes through the history and the status of laws around the country when the 14th Amendment was passed. And that has that has great implications because the justices and Roe and Casey relied much upon the 14th Amendment in providing their basis for imputing a right to the Constitution that didn't exist. Because one of the things that you used to interpret the Constitution is how what was the status of life at the time that the constitutional amendment was adopted? And so when the 14th Amendment was adopted, the vast majority, it seems to me that was like 35 of the then 37 states outlawed abortion. So clearly, none of the states that were ratifying the 14th Amendment had in mind that they were also creating some sort of constitutional right to an abortion.

And that's, that's, that's the essence of this historical tour is to indicate that there was never any intent in the 14th Amendment to create such a right that was discovered by the justices and Ron Casey. And so that's, that's, that was the essence of that 38 pages of appendix, the opinion itself is actually 60 pages. Right, but it's, yeah, so, okay, that's, that's important historical historical tour in that regard. Yeah, well, and and and I've put up a number of different things that are that are highlighted out of that on my website at that I would encourage you folks to peruse that are coming directly out of those documents and written by Justice Alito. All right, we're gonna I hear the music. So we're going to be heading into a break here in just a minute. When we get back, we're going to try to cover these two topics, we'll have about seven minutes to do it, but we'll just talk very fast. Number one, I want to talk about this disinformation ministry, and and the implications of the disinformation governance board, as it relates to potentially being just its formation, a violation of free speech, and the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. That's number one.

Number two is 2000 mules. And if you haven't seen that, I want you to know that it is up in its entirety. The entire Saturday night program, including the q&a is up at the website at irrefutable evidence. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a war war two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Let's let's begin. And again I want to remind you folks that you can watch the entirety of the 2000 mules irrefutable evidence, including the q&a and part of that q&a David we were just talking about and and that has to do with the investigations. Jeffins burger, of all people, is is the only one the guy in Georgia, who has said that he is opening an investigation. And in his particular state, they discovered just in in just in the first blush.

In the most narrowed case 250 mules averaging 24 drop boxes averaging five illegal ballots 30,000 illegal votes, more than enough to overcome the 12,000 votes that President Trump lost by. Yes, this is this is problematic in terms of the lack of prosecutions for all these matters I, as you know, I was part of the part of the president's team in Pennsylvania during the course of this and I had my own observations that I testified to before the Pennsylvania Senate, when people talk about prosecutions, and whether or not you can open an investigation. There's, there's really a fairly low bar for opening an investigation that is is, is there probable cause and probable cause or is there actually a very simple concept that asked two questions? One, is there a reason to believe that there was a crime committed to is there reason to believe that this particular individual was involved? That's it. That's all you that's, that's, that's, that's all there is for me need for probable cause. And certainly, you know, any number of things that I observed while during my time in Pennsylvania, rose to the level of probable cause, including, you know, voting from voting from closed and demolished that building scheduled to be demolished. You can go on and on. It's very sad.

It's very straight cord. And the people that are not prosecuted are willfully blind. Now you have a, you have a, or even not investigating. I would say a responsible prosecutor does in fact, even though you only need probable cause to charge a crime, most responsible prosecutors believe and try and strive to have the evidence that they believe will prove the crime beyond a reasonable doubt before they charge it. And so when you hear prosecutors brag about a 95% conviction rate, the fact is, is that's what they should have, because if they can't prove a case in the first place, they shouldn't charge it. So, uh, so the fact is, is yeah, probable cause to investigate, to issue warrants, to look at things. Those are the kinds of things that you need probable cause for to be responsible.

You certainly should have what you believe is necessary to prove the case in court when you in fact charge it. That's not always the case, but that should, that is what can happen. But there's no reason to believe that in fact, these investigations are ongoing. This is the problematic. Well, and, and, and of course, you know, as you watch this, you'll, you'll hear them talk about, you know, who these people are and, and, and the dangers. I mean, this is the they are in danger and put themselves in danger. And those, I mean, it is a very dangerous project, because it is a very well coordinated, well funded project.

And the individuals that are doing this are, are not just, you know, college students trying to pick up a little extra money, a large, you know, in terms of, in terms of danger, I just, people often forget, or it was washed over or whatever. It's about three years ago, there was an assistant United States attorney by the name of Brandon wise note. And Brandon was in fact found dead on a beach in Miami.

And Brandon was in fact investigating election fraud matters as a United States attorney. He was found dead on a beach with a bullet to the back of his head and it was world suicide. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, it is dangerous insane.

And I was just gonna tell folks, there's a gal that's in this video, her voice distorted, you know, turned dark and so you really can't make out her out which which they is which is good. In Arizona, who was told, if you come forward, if if you try to do anything to disrupt this process, we will cut you up in pieces and feed you down the garbage disposal. Yeah, and that is not idle talk. No, that is not idle talk that I believe that kind of threats.

Yeah. Well, yeah, well, look at look at what they've been willing to do in certain areas to try to prevent people, you know, who wanted to vote that they deemed, oh, they're gonna vote for the wrong person. And they had individuals that physically attempted to block those in in the last 10 years, in numerous polling locations. I know we've run out of time. Next week, I want to definitely get on this because folks, this this disinformation Bureau that has been created governance board that has been created. This is like unto communism. It's like unto a you talk about talk about, you know, Hitler esque and and Nazi like behavior. There there's there's nothing that resembles what they're doing, other than to call it what it is. And we the people must reject it.

In total. I don't care what side of the arguments you're on. This disinformation governance board must be disbanded. You must call your congressman and your senators and demand it.

I'm Kim Schapp certified natural health practitioner. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a war war two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow. Retailers, shopping channels, and now even banks have tried to cancel myself and MyPillow.

During these times, your support has meant everything to us. My employees and I want to personally thank each and every one of you by passing the savings directly on to you. For example, you can get my Gee's the Dream bed sheets for as low as $39.99 a set.

That's a savings of 60% and the lowest price in history. That's 800-656-1943 promo code Pastor Greg. And remember, they're made with the world's best cotton, grown where the Sahara Desert, the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile River all meet.

They come with my 10 year warranty and I guarantee they'll be the most comfortable sheets you'll ever own. Hi, this is Pastor Greg. Use that code promo code Pastor Greg 800-656-1943.

That's 800-656-1943 promo code Pastor Greg. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

All right. Hey, welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio. I'm your host Pastor Greg. Thanks so much for being here.

I know you have a choice and where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned in. My special guest is Claire Lopez.

And joining us as he does each and every Wednesday in this segment is Rick Manning. So I want to welcome both of you. Claire, welcome.

Good to have you. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Hang on. Let me get the right. There we go.

I got the right screen up. There we go with that. Okay. All right. So, um, there was a conference thing interview thing with Andre Iliad Ilarionov.

Ilarionov. Yes. That's the guy who's a former He's not the guy from Ancomonco. No, I don't think so. No. He's a former close economic advisor for Vladimir Putin.

Okay, that helps. Yes. And there he is. So I am going to play this. The first thing they share, we're talking about Ukraine and Russia. And what he believes are Putin's intentions.

So let me play this for you real quick. Andrei Ilarionov. The final goal for Putin is elimination, destruction, liquidation of the Ukrainian statehood. And for that purpose, he needs to establish military and political control over all Ukrainian territory, either directly or via his puppets in some parts of Ukraine. Moreover, his goal is not only to liquidate Ukrainian statehood, but as it became absolutely clear, his aim is to liquidate, to destroy Ukrainian ethnicity, Ukrainian identity, Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian language. We can call Ukrainian civilizations. The term that is being used by Putin and he's on to Russia regularly over the last two and a half months is denazification.

In the practical use, it became synonym for the Ukrainianization. Okay, Claire, your thoughts on on on what Andrei was just sharing? Well, it so happens that I've been following Andrei Ilarionov for at least the last several months. He is a former close economic adviser to Vladimir Putin, came to the United States back around 2006, I believe, and was at the Cato Institute for a long time. Now a senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy.

It so happens I just caught a very excellent long interview with him yesterday on Epoch Times in the American Thought Leaders series with Jan Jekielek. And so Andrei Ilarionov has a very good insight into, you know, Putin himself personally, how he thinks, what his motivations are and all of that, but also a good understanding of Russian capabilities as well. And I recall that even before the invasion of February 24th this year, 2022, Ilarionov was not 100 percent sure that Putin would launch an all out invasion of Ukraine for precisely the reasons that we are now seeing play out in front of our eyes. Namely, that the Russian military would perform poorly, that the Ukrainians would unify and fight to a person to to to maintain their their independence, their their identity, their their nationalist identity as Ukrainians, which is not Russian. And that Russia itself would be sanctioned, marginalized, condemned roundly in the world. Putin himself declared a war criminal, which, of course, he is.

All of these things have come to pass. But so did the invasion. But what we're seeing and I think Ilarionov makes these points in the long interview on Epoch Times for sure, the Russian military is not capable of I mean, we see this now is not capable of conquering all of Ukraine. It's even being pushed out of the Domba. That's that eastern slice.

Right. Right up along the border with between Russia and Ukraine. They are now, of course, all out making an assault to the south to kind of cut Ukraine off from the water body offal for all intents and purposes has fallen. That's on the Sea of Azov. Odessa is now being shelled over there on the Black Sea side. That's that's where the the the offensive is going. But the Ukrainians have shown incredible not just courage, but capability. And of course, backed by by massive infusions, constant resupply of weapons and ammunition and intelligence as well movements of Russian troops and ships as well. So there there are still though there, those that are very concerned, and we'll get to that in the final clip, but there are those that are very concerned about the possibility that Putin out of frustration because he's not moving forward in this war in the way that he'd anticipated that he would order some nuclear strike, whether it's strategic or what have you.

I had Dr. Peter Vincent Prion just reached just in the last hour for the last segment. And he was insistent that he thinks that that we are pushing Putin potentially into a nuclear war. And he is of the belief that along with others that we need to be in a negotiating position. I want to play Andre Ilerinov's insights into Putin's objective, because some are saying, well, let's just give him Ukraine. Well, I want you to I want you to listen to this, folks. And then I would love to get your thoughts on this Claire as well.

All right, here we go. Andre Ilerinov, we know his territorial ambitions in Georgia, in Moldova, I'm not talking about Ukraine, but in some other parts of all Soviet space, and not only both so it's in the Baltic States. And also, we know that in his two documents that have been published by the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs on December 13th, 2021, which has been labeled as Putin's ultimate to the West, to NATO, to the United States. It is clearly stated that his goal is so called de-NATOization of Eastern and Central Europe, and returning NATO to the so called 1997 division line in Europe, which means bringing the total territory of Eastern and Central Europe under the so called in the so called sphere of influence for Russia. Claire, your thoughts with regards to the ambition of Putin?

Yeah, I mean, I think the ambition absolutely was there. I also suspect that Putin is surrounded by sycophants, including his top military command who has been too afraid to tell him the truth about the state of the Russian military, which is obviously now not good. The other thing that we have to note, and the reason, or one of the reasons for the amazing success of the Ukrainian fighters is that over the last eight years, dating back to 2014, Ukrainian military have been trained by American and other NATO troops inside of Ukraine. A couple of things on that number one, the training show the Ukrainians how to do combined arms, that is, your tanks, your infantry, you know, your armored columns, your infantry, your air, all of that together. The Ukrainians have absorbed that they've learned how to do that, for some reason, the Russians are not capable, they're not showing a capability of being able to do that. And number two, the structure of Western military, certainly in the American one, is that the ones who actually manage on the ground fighting as the fighting, you know, goes back and forth maneuver and all of that is the senior non com. That's non commissioned officers, senior sergeants, right? And they are the ones who moment to moment in a battlefield situation make decisions. The Ukrainians have learned how to do that.

They've empowered, they've given us your that authority to their non coms. Russia doesn't do that. No sergeant in the Russian army will do a thing without the lieutenant and then lieutenant asked the captain, the captain asked the major, the major asked the colonel and the colonel has to ask the general. Well, that's why there are so many Russian generals dead, because they are now on the front lines in order to give direct orders because the lower ranking non coms do not have that authority.

And they are not flexible, therefore on the battlefield and a lot of generals, Russian generals are now dead. But But those two things I think have contributed enormously to the success of the Ukrainian fighters in this in this war. Another piece to this that's come out and that is that the there are Israeli commandos that are now in Kiev, and they are there to help train and are training the Ukrainians in how to deal with the insurgents issue, which is an issue that Israel has dealt with right, you know, regularly and is very well equipped to handle. And, and and of course, this has led to Russia joining with Hamas in making threats against Israel. But I think that's a significant piece to this as well, Claire, about 30 seconds, and then we're gonna take a quick break, and then we'll come back with Yeah, that is very significant. I'll note that I just saw yesterday that the Israelis and the Russians have smoothed out their differences. And this is important, especially for Israel security, because of the agreement over Israeli Air Force strikes against Iran and Hezbollah forces inside of Syria, to the north of their border, where the Russians have air dominance and have agreed and have been under agreement for the last several years that they will not stop the Israeli Air Force from taking defensive actions. All right, we're gonna take a quick break.

We'll be back with more with Claire Lopez and Rick Manning. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Promo code PASTERGREG. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it tuned here.

My special guests, Claire Lopez and Rick Manning, my co-host with Americans for Limited Government. And so, I have a clip here again from Andrei Ilarionov, and this one ties in a couple things. It ties in a little bit of history. It ties in Turkey, the Montreux Convention of 1936, which is what is causing Turkey right now to close the straits, which is a strategic issue for Russia relative to their ability to bombard from the sea and attack from the sea. And his suggestion for the need for a strong Western response.

Let's give this a quick listen, and then we'd love your thoughts on this, Claire. Here we go. Andrei Ilarionov. Just during this particular episode of this Russian-Ukrainian war, on February 27, Turkey closed the straits, Bosphorus and Dardanelles, for Russian Navy. And this special operations squadron consisting of the ships from Pacific Fleet and Northern Fleet are still in the Aegean Sea that is not able to go through the straits. This is a real participation of Turkey on the part of Ukraine because it's denying participation of very formidable force on the Russian side that can be used against Odessa, against Nikolayev, for amphibian operations on the Ukrainian coast.

What was the result? Whether Mr. Putin used nuclear against Turkey? No. Whether Putin threatened Turkey with use of nuclear? No. Whether any propaganda person from Kremlin ever mentioned this particular case, these particular actions of Turkey? No, not a single one. When Azerbaijan moved their troops in Nagorno-Karabakh to the area controlled by Russian peacekeepers, were there any threats from Russia went to Azerbaijan? No. Russian Ministry of Defense politely asked Azerbaijanian military to withdraw, for which they received clear answer.

No. What was the response? Nothing.

Silence. So Mr. Putin is using his threats only against those who are scared of those threats. Mr. Biden is scared and that is why he is an easy and very comfortable target to use threats against him. As soon as anyone like President Bush or President Trump or President Erdogan of Turkey or President Aliyev or Azerbaijan are not scared of those threats, Putin has no sense to use those threats or those blasts against any of them. As soon as Western leaders and first of all the United States presidents stopped to be scared of Putin, that would be the beginning of the end for Mr. Putin. All right, Claire, your thoughts with regards to that particular line of thought?

Yeah, no, absolutely. I think Andrei Ilionov has a very good understanding of Putin's mindset. Of course, he worked with him for many years before leaving Russia to come to the United States. He knows how Putin thinks.

He knows that as a bully, that once somebody stands up to that bully, that he'll back down. The one thing about that agreement that dates back to 1936, an international agreement on the regulation of the passage of naval warships through the Bosphorus, that is the strait that separates Turkey from Europe across Istanbul from Europe, the one exception to regulating naval ships passing through there is if those ships are based in the Black Sea. Now, the problem, of course, is that Sevastopol is the naval base of Russia. It's on Crimea in the Black Sea. So it seems to me a little bit difficult to regulate that naval traffic. Obviously, the Bosphorus connects the Mediterranean to the Black Sea, and then the Strait of Kerch connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov. But it is the Russian naval base, which is located on Crimea, on the peninsula of Crimea at Sevastopol that juts into the Black Sea.

So I think that's a bit of a difficulty there. And of course, unfortunately, as we're seeing today, the Russians are pounding Odessa, which is apparently their next target there on the Black Sea. Now, Rick, go ahead.

Let me let you jump in here. Yeah, the in terms of the next target in the Black Sea isn't the goal to create a kind of a land bridge between Crimea and Russia and that's why Odessa is the next stop. And secondly, given the fact that Ukrainian wheat flows through the port that's falling right now, and I can never pronounce the name, but Mariupol, how much of a problem does this cause with the inability to get Ukrainian wheat to the Western world in terms of starvation? Absolutely.

This is the topic for a whole other show. The threat to world food security is very acute and only going to get worse, especially for some of the places in, for example, North Africa, across North Africa. Egypt comes to mind, in particular Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Algeria, all these all these African countries, plus sub-Saharan Africa, too, that depends so heavily on imported food and in particular imported wheat to feed their populations and not only quantities of wheat, but at prices that they can afford and subsidize for their poverty-stricken populations. And what's happening now is that the wheat crops ordinarily coming out of Russia and especially out of Ukraine, let's say Ukraine, typically are shipped out through the ports along their southern coast. That would be along the Sea of Azov, which is now essentially connecting mainland Russia with Crimea and then through the Kerch Strait. That's why they're shelling Odessa, another port through which Ukraine is not able to get its crops out. And I think we've talked about before, the other way out for the crops of Ukraine, grain crops, we're talking wheat and barley and corn and soybeans somewhat, too, would be by rail. And that would be to the west and outward through Poland. Unfortunately, however, the gauge of the rail lines don't match at the border of Ukraine, don't match with Poland. It goes back to Cold War times. A very difficult operation to either offload, reload the rail cars full of wheat or whatever it is, or lift up the cars and change the rail gauge underneath the cars, another difficult procedure.

By rail gauge, you mean the width of the wheels on the rail? Yeah, that's what I was saying. Right, so they wouldn't... But this is very serious for the rest of the world. The other thing that people may not realize is that both Ukraine and Russia are main global sources of fertilizer and pesticides and the ingredients that go into them.

And that affects American farmers as well as farmers in other places around the world. So, obviously, food supply, very serious, and we're seeing the food supply issue impacting us right now all over the world with the shortages on shelves, even right here in our little town, in our little community. Clara, last piece to this, do you believe that Putin would push the nuclear button and do you believe that the people who he is in charge of relative to that will push a nuclear button? It's just kind of a brief answer, but what do you think? Yeah, no, I think it's a serious concern. I think we should take it seriously. But I think I agree with Andrei Iladionov that the way to deter a bully is to stand up to him with strength and credibility of strength.

And that's what NATO and the West and the Ukrainians certainly are doing that the rest of us have to do. All right. Thank you, Clara, so very much.

Rick Manning, thank you, sir. I'll be back with more tomorrow. Remember, at the end of the day. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Have you been looking for a trusted long-term storeable food company? We have a solution for you. Simply Clean Foods is dedicated to providing the best quality food you can buy next to fresh from a farmer's market. Our line of resealable fruits, vegetables and meats are suitable for everyday use and you won't have to worry about throwing away valuable groceries ever again. Our food is completely GMO-free and our stringent quality controls plus testing for heavy metals makes us unique in the storeable foods market. Simply Clean Foods' primary focus is to bring clean food to people all around the world and change the way we look at freeze-dried food in our daily cooking. When you purchase from, not only will you be receiving high quality food, but you will also be supporting veterans in need across the country and those who are affected by natural disasters. Go to That's Use CGR for 5% off. That's CGR, all caps, for 5% off.
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