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David Wurmser #WarDeclaredbyIslamOnTempleMount #JewsandChristiansNotAllowed Thomas Renz #ExposingTheDarkness #Transhumanism

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
May 2, 2022 3:20 pm

David Wurmser #WarDeclaredbyIslamOnTempleMount #JewsandChristiansNotAllowed Thomas Renz #ExposingTheDarkness #Transhumanism

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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May 2, 2022 3:20 pm

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Hi, this Pastor Greg for Cocoa Lasses. Cocoa Lasses right here folks. This stuff is absolutely delicious. Dark cocoa and black molasses. And talk about healthy.

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You can put a little more, a little less. Whatever you prefer. Bottoms up.

Oh man, that's good. Please tell me, apparently one of the whistleblowers is brave enough to come forward and give a name or I would not have allowed you to come. Yes Senator, so we've got three whistleblowers who've given me permission at this point to share their name. Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Theresa Long, DO MPH.

Dr. Samuel Sigloff and Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Peter Chambers, DO and Flight Surgeon. All three have given me this data. I have declarations from all three. This is under penalty of perjury.

We intend to submit this to the courts. We have substantial data showing that we saw, for example, miscarriages increased by 300% over the five year average, almost. We saw almost 300% increase in cancer over the five year average. Cancer is not being talked about except for by Dr. Ryan Cole. Thank you doctor. We saw, this one's amazing, neurological.

So neurological issues which would affect our pilots. Over a thousand percent increase. A thousand. Ten times. That's ten times the rate.

83,000 per year to 863,000 in one year. Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured and sometimes possibly killed. Dr. Corey, thank you so much for your stance on the corruption.

That's precisely what it is. They know this. And Senator, when these doctors are attacked, not necessarily the people in this room, I'm not giving names, they call me. I'm the one dealing with the medical boards. I'm the one watching the witch hunts. I'm the one fighting them off and I'm the one telling them where to go.

I'm going to keep doing that. Senator, we also have, let me give you this last thing and then I'll shut up and get out of your way. 9-28-2021, Project SALIS weekly report. Project SALIS is a Defense Department initiative where they take all this data that doesn't exist supposedly and they give it to the CDC. They're watching these vaccines. On that date, and around that date, I have numerous instances where Fauci and that entire crew were saying it's a crisis that's unvaxxed.

It's 99% unvaxxed in the hospital. In Project SALIS, in the weekly report, the DoD document says specifically And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Children's Generation Radio. Well folks, my second hour today.

And just want to say hello. It's great to be back. Thank you to my pastor friend in Ohio for you and your family and all of your wonderful prayers. I'm so greatly appreciative of those prayers. Thank you very much for that. All of you were praying for me.

I appreciate it. The fever finally broke yesterday morning, actually, and it was funny. I was awakened by my alarm for my medications that I take every morning and I woke up and my shirt was just soaked. From the from the breakthrough the fever and then I thought, Oh my gosh, I got to get up and get on the radio.

Thankfully, I didn't because I don't know that I couldn't maybe yesterday morning, but felt much better throughout the day. And, and here we are. Hour number one was was a powerful hour. I hearkened back to some concerns relative to a Supreme Court case from June 15 2020. That redefined how courts are supposed to be looking at issues of gender, gender identification, and, and, and what's happening to our children, all of those things.

And certainly something to be very concerned about. Let's see. We also well we hit on a lot of topics last hour, including the issue of Russia, Ukraine, disinformation, and the connection between that and what's happening as our own media as a meltdown, because people may be given the opportunity to actually speak once again. It is my pleasure to welcome to the program, my next guest, and he is an expert when it comes to the Middle East, and Israel, and it's my pleasure to welcome from the Center for Security Policy, Dr. David Wormser. Well, it's great to be back.

Thanks a lot, Pastor. It's wonderful. It's great to have you, sir.

It's great to have you. Um, so, uh, let's get into this conversation relative to what's going on in the Middle East, you've been keeping me abreast to some of these things. And I am, I'm just absolutely, I'm stunned.

I'm stunned by some of these things. One of the things that I mentioned, of course, was the access to the holy mount to the holy places, and and what was going on there. But then your message to me about where Muhammad exterminated an entire city of Jews, and a reference that was made. Talk to me about that as well, because, David, from everything that you sent me, and everything that you're interpreting here, and that you're seeing, and everything that's out there that people can read. There's no reason to believe that this is not an escalation of Islam declaring a war on Jews and Christians, certainly there in Israel, but really, worldwide.

Well, yeah, we have, we have a number of data points on this. The first is what you referred to, which is a slogan that's chanted by some of these people who went up to the temple mount to riot. We've seen it before in a few places, like Hezbollah or Iran has used it. It's Khyber, Khyber, Ayahut, Khyber, Khyber, O Jew, the army of Muhammad is coming back. And what it refers to is that the tribes of Medina, when when when Muhammad fled Mecca to Medina, the majority actually in Medina were Jewish tribes, and they welcomed him. Well, after he established and stabilized himself and started growing in strength, he demanded of those tribes to convert to his religion.

And of course, the Jews and many of the Christians did not. And as a result, he attacked Khyber, which was one of the largest Jewish inhabitations at that time in that area, and he just slaughtered everybody. So the reference to Khyber means we will slaughter you Jews.

It is it is the language through which they say we will exterminate the Jews. So that is what is being chanted up on the Temple Mount several times a day, often by tens of thousands of people at once. The second thing is that the head of Hamas, Yahya Senwar, said yesterday that if Israel tries to reassert its control over the Temple Mount in any shape or form, and tries to re-establish the presence up there to stop the riots and goes and touches Al-Aqsa Mosque, the mosque up there that's somewhat holy for the Muslims, then there will be an attack on thousands of synagogues worldwide.

So okay, wait, wait, wait, that that part repeat that part again, if what happens? Yahya Senwar said there will be thousands of attacks on synagogues across the world on Jews. So that is openly a matter of a prayer. It's a declaration of war. It's a religious war. I mean, we have to come to terms with the fact this is a religious war and it has been a religious war all along.

You know, for those of us in the Christian world, when you think about the prophetic implications, the revelation implications, the end time implications, I mean, with everything else that's happening in the world, these are certainly, at the very least, significant birthing pains when you have this. Talk to me about what they're doing relative to the rioting and who are they impacting with their rioting? Well, they've basically taken control of the Temple Mount.

So it is very dangerous right now. Well, first of all, it is not allowed right now for non-Muslims to go up. The Israeli government, in my view, made a mistake. But, nonetheless, they've done it. They've barred the Temple Mount for the remainder of Ramadan, which, by the way, ended today.

Okay. To any non-Jews to stop the tensions, take away any pretense. So, nobody's going up there other than Muslims. So one of the first people who suffer are some Muslims who want to go up there and pray because they're caught up in this rioting and this hysteria. Very dangerous.

So, that's number one. Number two, Jews across the area underneath, in the Western Wall area, you see those pictures with these prayers, the Western Wall, the remainder of one of the Temple retaining walls. And rocks are thrown from the Temple Mount down on them, so that's being, they're disturbed there.

The Jews anywhere in the Old City are being attacked by mobs. So, it's really a loss of control of the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem. Right now, the Christians are not being attacked, but they're restricted from going to the Temple Mount as well. Along with the Jews. Right. Well, and if a Christian was to go to any of these holy sites to pray or what have you, they would be assaulted in the same way.

There's going to be the same assault that's going to take place on them. Alright, David, for those that are listening right now that have heard the terms, but they may not be, they may have never been to Jerusalem, they may have never been to Israel. Talk to me about that pilgrimage up to the Holy Mount.

What are the key places that a Christian or a Jew are going to want to be going to? And then you also talked about the Old City. The Old City is not on the Temple Mount. That's just around the base of the Mount, correct?

More or less, yes. That's correct. The Temple Mount is a very large, think of it like a box that was put on. You have Mount Moriah, where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac.

And the mountain then went down north, sloping down northwards to what became eventually the City of David, the ancient Jerusalem in the time of David. Herod, when he built the big temple to sort of make up for all his other sins, he built like a huge box that at the very southern tip included the tip of Mount Moriah, but then a very flat, large area. That large area is called the Temple Mount.

It's the size of several football fields, and it's a large area. On the northern part of it, there is the Mount Moriah. On the southern end of it, under Mount Moriah is a foundation stone, and on top of that is that golden dome called the Dome of the Rock, which is historically, we think is where the temple was, although there's some thought that might have been a little further to the south. Right.

Dr. Christian Widener, I sent you that book that he had written about that. Correct. But nevertheless, that is considered to be the tip of Mount Moriah, the foundation stone. So that is where further south you have the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which borders the southern wall of that perimeter. And that's what's holy to the Muslims somewhat. And then the western wall of that box is survived intact fully as well, and that's the western wall, which you hear the deers go and pray at, because that's the closest to the temple that they could pray without actually going into the temple, which they were not allowed to do for the last thousand some years.

So that is the geography of it. The rioting is on the Temple Mount. I'm jotting, folks, some notes down as Dr. Wormser is speaking about this. So there's an impediment for Christians and Jews to be able to go up to this holy site and just simply pray. Pray over the city of Jerusalem and so on. There are several gates.

OK, go ahead. No, there are several gates that Muslims can use, about six or seven gates the Muslims can enter. Jews and Christians can only enter from one gate, which is the Maghreb gate, which is above the western wall. That is closed. So and generally, when you hear this term status quo, first of all, there hasn't been a stable status quo at all. So it's kind of a red herring anyway. But the status quo, in as much as it means anything, is even in the best of times to avoid Muslim sympathy, Muslim offense.

Christians and Jews were not allowed to go and pray on the Temple Mount. All right, we'll be back right after this. I'm Kim Schaff, certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to a product that I think will interest everyone. It's called Natural Sleep, available at

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. As you mentioned, a polemic. Talk to me about what is written in Arabic there and that polemic and the impact for both Christians and Jews. Well, yes, for Jews it's straightforward because it's believed to have been the Temple Mount by controlling it. It is a symbolic control over Judaism by the Muslims. Judaism is a fallen religion and therefore diminished and the control of its holiest site is in control by the Muslims. So that's straight out what the Temple Mount means for the Christians. It is that plus something else, which is the polemic that you mentioned. The tirade written, the actual letters on the Dome of the Rock are actually a series of statements and those statements are a tirade against Christianity, specifically against the nature of the Trinity and most importantly about the divine nature of Jesus.

It is a humiliating laughing essentially at the impossibility of Jesus's divine status. So the control of the Temple Mount is in essence by the Muslims, a sign that Christianity is corrupting the true revelation through its belief in Jesus and the Trinity. And that's, by the way, why in Islam, the word tawhid is really one of the most important things, unity or the totality of everything because they're saying Christianity has three and that's a separation. So we believe in unity. So Christianity is corrupted. The Jews believe in chosen nation versus not chosen nation.

Again, a division. So but we Muslims believe in unity. So we are again not corrupted, you are. So the control of the Dome of the Rock is an assertion of control over Christendom, over Christianity and symbolizes the fallen state of Christianity. In the idea or the concept of Islam? Correct.

Okay. Now, the other issue that is on the table right now is this assault that's coming down from the north and that's, is that Gaza, is that right? Well, yeah, Gaza, there's always stuff going on on the Gaza border, a little bit of missiles and so forth. But what's happening is that across Israel, the Muslims now feel empowered. They feel to some extent they have this administration that has their back. They see that Jordan has gone off the rails and is threatening Israel to some extent, which is disturbing because Jordan has a peace treaty with Israel. They see Iran being unleashed and they see Russia challenging the west.

So they feel like history's on their side. So they're now showing their power and feeling their oath. So across Israel, especially in the north right now, you're seeing on roadsides where Israeli flags are flying, they're being ripped down and Palestinian flags are being put up. Inside the cities, the same thing is happening.

Riots, not as much violent riots, but large demonstrations are happening where there are chants of Alu Akbar on trains, on buses, in the cities, et cetera. So you really feel a certain sense of, the Arabs feel their oaths right now, the Muslims feel their oaths in Israel and they're pushing it, they're really pushing it. Now, it sort of reminds me of the summer of 2020 here when the police, a policeman needs to assert positive control over a situation or it gets out of control. The Israelis are the policemen of their own streets and they've been too deferential and they've lost control. So eventually this will lead to some sort of an ugly situation. It reminds me a bit of the summer of 2020 and it's going to lead to a backlash. And you're referring to the Jordanian situation or the riots on the mount or the combination thereof? Yeah, I was thinking the summer of 2020 here in the United- Oh, no, no, no, I know, I understand, but I'm talking about what's happening in Israel right now. Oh, yeah, I think all three. Okay.

I think all three. I think I'm free to share this, that the whole escalation was an ambush by Jordan and the Palestinian Authority. The proposal Jordan is pushing as described in the article, and I'll try and get that article up for you folks, is basically a violation of any recognizable status quo since 1967.

It's insulting, it's an attack on Christians as well as Jews. Any non-Muslim to visit the Temple Mount would require approval from the Islamic Authority. All security presence of Israel removed and barred under any circumstances, and only Muslim religious authority has any jurisdiction, presence, police, control over the Temple Mount.

It really needs to be raised. And again, we must understand that Jordan doesn't do anything without US approval, so at least the administration has to have given some kind of green light. Joe Biden is partnering again like Obama did with the enemies of Israel and the enemies of the United States.

I'll be back. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Castor Gray. And don't forget, you can get more chosen generation at And welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Thanks so much for being with me. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to chosen generation radio. Well, I am very, very excited to have my next guest with me. He has been fighting the fight for us on medical freedom, on healthcare freedom, on exposing what's been going on and what's been happening to us.

But more than just exposing it, he has taken up the banner and the cause to take this into court and to challenge those that are essentially responsible for the death of many, many, many Americans. I wanna welcome attorney Thomas Renz to the program. Tom, welcome. It's so good to have you. Thanks for taking time out of your schedule to be with us today. Pastor, Pastor, thank you so much. And hey, I wanna start out by issuing a public apology to you.

My understanding is that we were supposed to have something scheduled previously and somehow we got the schedule screwed up. And I gotta tell you, I'm sorry about that. I always feel honored when someone has me on their shows and I apologize for messing it up. Brother, I know as crazy and busy as your schedule gets and is that those things can happen and all is forgiven, all is well, and I'm just really glad to have you here. And you have been in my prayer now for several years and you continue to be in my prayers regularly. So just know that you've got this pastor in your corner, brother.

Well, I really appreciate that, Pastor. You know, when I started fighting this, people said to me, they said, oh man, you aren't gonna keep up this pace. You know, maybe six months, maybe this, maybe that.

And I will tell you that you and a lot of other people have prayed for me to have endurance, for me to be able to stick to it, for me to be able to keep up the pace. And we're now, you know, probably approaching three years in this. And you know, I'm still going, I'm still going. We're going, we're gonna see how many years someone can go without any regular sleep. Well, let's see, I did it for 42. Well, I did it for 22. So, and then my body said, okay, we're gonna have to do a reset.

So yeah, it could be done for quite a while. I can tell you that from experience. And I can tell you the things you need to do to keep it going, by the way, as well. So I'll send you some information. You know, Tom, let's get down to some brass tacks though, some of the things that are going on. I've been playing regularly here on the program, your testimony before Senator Ron Johnson, especially to my television audience, they see that regularly. As a matter of fact, they saw that as the opening for the program in hour number one today. Talk to me about the Sallis Report.

What is that? Why should we be paying attention to what those numbers are saying? What's your interpretation of the FOIA information that is now being released? And how do we stop this medical tyranny? How do we stop this medical tyranny?

How do we stop it? Well, you know, well, there's a lot there. And I'll tell you, let me tell you that the numbers that we've talked about, and we posted on my website in the front, I think it's at the top of my getter page, and I posted on Tru Social. We even did a Twitter thing. And I know I've written about it in my sub stack. Everywhere I put out there, we put together a collection of evidence. And you know, I actually, every day there was new evidence and more evidence, so I mean, I actually should update it even though it's only a month or two old. But that was the best available evidence at the time.

And I figured it would stand the test of time. So it was indisputable, so we put it out there. And what that evidence included, it included the Sallis document. It included the DMAD data that we presented with Senator Johnson. It included the Pfizer FOIA information. It included some whistleblower info from other military sources and all sorts of other things.

And the thing about this is, all of this shows the same thing. There's zero question at this point, there's been an intentional coverup regarding the safety and efficacy of these jabs. They're not safe and they're not efficacious. They don't work. We know that they don't stop the spread of the disease. So why in the heck would you wanna get this? Well, they say, well, because it might reduce your risk of hospitalization and death, except for that's a lie.

It doesn't. And in fact, I am willing to say, although there hasn't been a study that came out and directly said this yet, but I spend every day looking at these studies and looking at these statistics and I look at these whistleblower statistics and all this stuff I got. And I am happy to tell you that without any hesitation, the more dangerous the COVID is for a person, the more dangerous the jabs are. And even though the jabs may for a couple months lower the risk of hospitalization or death, they destroy your natural immune system in doing so, they pose tons of terrible, terrible side effects. And unless you wanna be permanently hooked on these jabs, where you gotta keep getting a new one every few months for the rest of your life, don't get them.

And if you do keep getting a new one every few months for the rest of your life, with all the side effects and the rates that we're seeing of those side effects, you won't have that long of a restful life anyways. This comes down to, you know, I love that you always talk about in your shows, it's everything comes down to biblical principles. And it comes right down to that, because here's the deal. Faith is the opposite of fear. And if you're going to live your life with such fear of a disease that we, as I said back in August of 2020, has a 0.2 or less case fatality rate, which is roughly a seasonal flu. If you're gonna live your life in that kind of fear, then first of all, you're not trusting God. And second of all, you're not living life. That's not a way to live. You're just existing in terror and in fear, and you're trying to preserve something that's a gift. We're here because God granted us the gift of life. He's going to grant it for a certain period of time.

When he's done, when that loan comes due, it's over. You can't beat God, and you can't beat God. So to spend your entire time worrying about whether you're gonna live or die from, you know, Pastor, you know this. I've ran all over the country from day one of this pandemic or claim pandemic, talking to people, shaking hands, telling them not to be afraid, doing everything I could to share real information. I don't wear masks, except for when I had to on planes or something like that. I didn't do anything the CDC said, and guess what?

I'm still here. I'm pretty sure I had COVID, but I never had a test because I didn't want to give them a DNA sample, which, by the way, also is true and accurate. We know that they were taking DNA and that they were selling that information.

Right. All of these statistics, the DMed shows the stocking rate that the, you know, of injuries. The, oh, and by the way, speaking of that, so this is brand new and something that I'm, I have not had the chance to evaluate fully, but apparently a new CDC study came out and found that there was the jab increases the risk of autoimmune disease myocarditis by 13,000%. Now that's not a surprise if you've been looking at this, but I mean, now obviously they're not going to come out and say it that way. It goes without saying they're going to do everything they can to cover it up, but that's how dangerous this is. You want to know how dangerous it is?

It's that dangerous. So the numbers have reflected that and the numbers and the evidence also reflect that they knew this before it even came out. Right. They knew this before in October of 2020 when they were working through what, you know, the FDA VRBPAC list of side effects.

They had all this stuff. They just covered it up and lied to you. And so the real question is, if someone's been lying to you for several years, when are you going to quit believing them?

Yeah, you ought to be doing that pretty quickly. Let's talk real quickly for a minute, just about what you mentioned in the Ron Johnson testimony about neurological issues. And there was some indication that that pilot in the F-35 that went down in the China Sea essentially made statements indicating that he believed that the vaccination that he had taken, the injection that he took, caused him to have some mental confusion and caused him therefore to crash that plane. Yeah, I mean, I've heard that from several people, including military personnel who knew that situation more firsthand. I do believe that's what happened. I don't have the secret military reports to confirm it, but they probably wouldn't be truthful anyways.

But the people who I spoke to who were there said that that's the case. So, you know, here's the thing. This morning, my wife's an aide at a school. She likes to help out. She likes working with kids.

Okay. Said that they had a second grader went down with a seizure today. I mean, you know, if you look at what's happening in schools, if you look at your, the websites for your local funeral home and you see how many people die peacefully in their sleep at 40 years old for no real reason. Yeah, what's happening is terrifying. And we're not even two years out. It's mind blowing how bad and how dangerous this is. And now they're talking about trying to prove it for infants because we need to kill our babies.

I mean, which doesn't surprise me since, you know, I mean, these guys are pushing abortion like they do, but here's the thing, Pastor. Hold that thought. We're gonna go out in 10 seconds. We're gonna come back. We've got another seven minutes on the other side. Thomas Renz is with me, We'll be back with more.

I'm your host, Pastor Greg. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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That's 800-656-1943, promo code Pastor Greg. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. Now, back to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg. And don't forget, you can get more Chosen Generation at And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where the topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Thanks so much for being here.

I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it tuned here. My guest is attorney Thomas Renz. Again, you can find him at And there's a sub stack there that I would really encourage you to get signed up for where he puts up really, really critically important information about the cases that he's trying and about the information that he is wanting to make sure that all of us are aware of. Tom, one of the things you've got up is a story from April 7th. And it brings up the name of Yuval Noah Harari. Tell me about Yuval Noah Harari. Give me a little bit about his background and the concerns of the things he's saying in, I guess, in particular, his push towards transhumanism. So this guy is actually scary.

I mean, he's like anti-Christ scary. So he is the scientific advisor for Klaus Schwab, even though he's a historian, not a scientist. And the guy is pushing the, I guess, the merger between humanity and machine.

And he's doing so, it's interesting. So by race, he's Jewish. He's an atheist, so he's not Jewish by faith, but by race. And despite that, he's a Nazi sympathizer. There in that subtext story, you can see, he actually speaks about how it's too bad that the Nazis and the KGB didn't have the technology we have today because they could control people better then. He actually says at one point that Joseph Goebbels got the, he understood that.

So this guy's really screwed up. He's out there and you gotta understand Klaus Schwab is the head of the World Economic Forum. This guy is his closest advisor and this is one powerful dude.

He's also tied in and this guy has spoken with Merkel, he's spoken with Macron, Obama said he's great, Biden knows him, Bill Gates, all these people are tied with this guy. He's out there talking about using machines to hack human beings. And it's hard for me to even talk about this guy because it sounds like conspiracy theory sci-fi garbage, except for he's out speaking about it and he's speaking about it regularly, he's speaking about it to the Ivy League schools, he's speaking about it to world leaders, he's speaking about it to the New York Times and these mainstream media places and they're all telling them they love him. Meanwhile, he's saying things like God is fake news, Jesus Christ is fake news, human free will is nonsense and that we're all hackable animals and that we need to get used to that. He is literally preaching things that sound like it's straight out of Revelations and straight against anything that we want to win in the Revelations battle. So while he's promoting this, it's interesting because he's promoting that we become, we as hackable creatures, we somehow get connected to these machines, the computers, what have you, that we allow, the first step is allowing universal surveillance and that from there, free will is eliminated. Well, here's the thing, when we talk about the elimination of free will, freedom is inherent to faith. Jesus said, listen, God could have made rocks into descendants of Abraham. In the same way, if God wanted us to be... Robots. We would have been made slaves, we wouldn't have been made free will. If you believe in a creator God, then you have to believe that that creator God created us with free will for a reason.

So to suggest that we shouldn't have free will or that it's not a thing is really an anathema to God. But yet that's what this guy's preaching, he wants us to come, but it's an interesting thing when you look at these tyrants, because they always tell you, free will, free speech, these things are all bad, but they never give up their own free will or their own free speech. Someone's got to control the computer that's controlling the people. There's always another side to this and it's just really an amazing thing to see them lie and manipulate people.

Manipulate people. Well, and scripture clearly teaches us, ladies and gentlemen, that we are slaves to sin. And that is exactly, and sin is this utter rebellion against God. This is one of the oldest tricks that Satan has ever used. Did God really say?

That's really at the heart of the question here, Tom, is he's saying, well, I don't think God really said, because I don't think there really is a God. I think that it's all, that that's all manufactured superstition and nonsense. And I actually just recently was writing a piece about this particular issue, that they now are correlating that religion is now tied to, well, it's what secular humanism really preaches. Secular humanism says that religion is nothing but superstition.

And so therefore, Christianity and the belief in God is just simply foolish, mindless superstition. I've been to heaven, Tom. I've seen Christ and I've met the Holy Ghost. I can tell you that it's no fantasy. It's the real deal.

Well, it's absolutely real. And you know, there's just, there's a few things in my life that are not up for debate. One of them is my faith. I choose to believe in God. I choose to believe and to follow him.

That's not up for debate. I'm not changing, I'm not wavering. That is what it is.

I've given my life to God. That's the way that it is. Now I'm a failure as a Christian, but that is the way it is. What you gotta understand is that these guys, so I'm an evidence guy, so let's follow the paper trail. What they're saying is terrifying.

And I've got links to it in my sub-second. He literally says in a speech, Jesus Christ is fake news. And then they get a giggle from the audience because that's apparently really funny to these people. But, and by the way, remember that the people who giggled at that are the same people who said it was atrocious that these, that some cartoonist in France did a caricature of the prophet Muhammad because it was so insulting to Islam. Now why is it wrong to insult Islam, but it's okay to insult Christianity? I think maybe we shouldn't be insulting anybody's faith.

Just let people figure it out. But the point is is that this guy is out there talking about Christ as fake news, talking about all these things. Meanwhile, like I said, I'm an evidence guy. What I'm finding is when I go through the evidence for this COVID stuff, because that's where my work started, right?

I just thought I was fighting for freedom on COVID. But I get to the point where I look at Anthony Fauci, who's a crook. I say, well, if he's a crook, who's paying him to be a crook?

Someone has to pull the strings. And so I keep following paper trails, and the paper trails keep going to these people who are tied in with the World Economic Forum, tied in with Soros, tied in with these globalist monsters who are just absolute animals. They're speaking out against faith.

They're speaking out against freedom and free will. And ultimately, this is a legitimate battle between good and evil. It really is, you know, there's no question, and I've said this for years, for years, Tom, that the only way to completely understand the wickedness and the evil battle that we are in is to have an overlay of understanding the overall battle that has been going on over the souls of men and over our lives since Adam and Eve, since the fall of man.

And here's the answer. The answer is Jesus Christ. Why would you attack and call Jesus Christ fake? Why are churches accepting those things that God calls an abomination and saying they're okay?

Because, bless God, poor pastors are coming out of seminaries, and they don't know the truth of the word of God, and they've never experienced the power of the name of Jesus Christ. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort and reviling me? No, at the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in, well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

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