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Rock Peters #ExposingtheDangersInIslam #ItsInTheirBooks Scott Shepard #ElonMuskVsBezosVsGates #Twitter #DsnyPrvrzhion

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
April 19, 2022 3:11 pm

Rock Peters #ExposingtheDangersInIslam #ItsInTheirBooks Scott Shepard #ElonMuskVsBezosVsGates #Twitter #DsnyPrvrzhion

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Hi, this is Pastor Greg. Use that code MYPILLOW.COM, promo code Pastor Greg, 800-656-1943. That's 800-656-1943, promo code Pastor Greg. 800-656-1943, promo code Pastor Greg. Or go to MYPILLOW.COM and use the promo code Pastor Greg and get the greatest discounts MyPillow has ever given in their history and support Mike Lindell and his right for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans.

We have a two hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you. Our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years. You are a part of that vision. So please join us at and sign up for our emails today. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now chosen generation where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice and where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to chosen generation radio.

Well, very excited to have my next guest with me. He is a former junior heavyweight pro boxer, who had a very powerful St. Paul on the road to Damascus experience. And it has led him to follow what the Spirit of God has told him that he needs to specifically address. Now I have to tell you that he is a resident of New York. He was there in New York at 911. He has watched the terror that has assaulted his city, up to and including, I might add, and I've talked about this on the program before, the Muslim police force that roams around in the city of New York.

I am not lying and I'll put up pictures in a little bit that'll show you the Muslim police force that roams around. I want to welcome Rock Peters to the program. Rock, welcome. Good to have you. Hey, good to speak with you. God bless you for being one of the clergy that take a stand for the cross and against this terrorism that is called this from. Thank you. You're one.

There's not a lot of men out there like yourself. Well, Rock, I appreciate that God God told me to do, you know, make sure that I address three things when I started this particular program, almost 11 years ago, Islam, the homosexual agenda, and secular humanism. So I have I have tried to be consistent about that.

And that's why we have our Julie that comes on the program. You were there on the ground at 911. I've told folks I was a vice president of the claims conference in Northern California, when this happened, and we had people on military transports out of Travis that were in the air. The some of the very few planes that were allowed to fly but that were in the air and on their way back there, literally within, you know, hours of, of, of the attack on our country. Let's start with that and and and then and then I'd like you because I know you're going to get into and I want you to so we got to go quickly but I want you to get into what you've discovered about who Mohammed was and and and really what Islam is all about. Okay, well let me start with my journey of understanding what Islam was, as you just said I was in New York City on September 11 2001 you think of New York City, and to your gigantic metropolis, but when that day happened it became a village. Everybody knows somebody who lost their lives that day. I watched the buildings come down. And because my my college major was philosophy and theology.

I said briefly for the pieces. I just said in my heart I said we are in a religious war. So you know that the spirit and to this day.

Unbelievably spin is that the terrorists have hijacked it from. So I was curious I bought a copy of the Quran, the next day. I was taking the seventh train I didn't have any preconceived notions. I did not set out to condemn the Quran or anything I was just curious.

And I was taking the seventh train from, from Queens, Manhattan. And I actually thought I had a bad translation. The Quran is like reading a terrorist hand manual. I got to serve 47 verse four which says, when you encounter the infidels strike off their heads make a great slaughter of them, and the rest enslaved now I got to that verse, but I, I said, this has got to be a bad translation. Now that's without single verse in the clan has terrorism, slavery, and genocide, all in one verse, terrorism, slavery and genocide in one verse of the Quran. So I repeat that verse again rock read that verse again. Okay. When you encounter the infidels, this is not a better battle.

When you encounter that's like meeting them and strike off their heads and make a great slaughter of them and the rest enslaved. Genocide, terrorism, slavery, one verse of the Quran. Go right ahead. Keep going.

Sure. So I had a Muslim neighbor. It's freaking me out. I said I just got to the point where it says you're supposed to strike off my head. I said I tell me I have a bad translation. So he had the clan in his top pocket in Arabic. He went to that verse.

I could see his face drop he got embarrassed. He said I wish I could tell you that it doesn't say that but he said that's exactly what it says. And that's why they chop off people's heads.

Yeah. I mean, folks, it, you know, so, so, so here you are now you're on this journey. And so what happens next. I tried to read in the Quran, and it just it's just completely, completely and totally incompatible with the US Constitution. You cannot Muslim American as an oxymoron and let me tell you why. So three verse 28 says take not the Jews or Christians as your friend. Five one says he takes them as their friends is one of them, which means that you are an infidel, and you go down and turn nine verse 123 says wage war upon the infidels. Who are your neighbors. Say that again. Nine verse 123 says wage war upon the infidels, who are who are your neighbors.

So what is your neighbor saying when you read in that one. I'm going to tell you something, that guy that that Muslim in Queens, Queens, he was the last Muslim to ever tell tell me the truth, ever said what they do is that they care, they, they, they lie and they lie and that you will see, you will see them lie on TV all the time. You know that guy, Judy Jasser. Have you ever seen and Omar contest that they had, and I can't believe to this day that they don't have people like on TV, who will, you know, who will say the truth about it from this guy.

They just lied to that, to this day, 20 years after 2001, we have, we have people saying that it from his religion of peace. It's beyond, it's beyond belief. Yeah. All right, go ahead. Continue your story, please. Well, what I'd like to do is get into how Muhammad was, Muhammad was, he was born 570 AD. His father died slightly before, probably before he was born. He left him five camels, a couple of sheep and an Albusinian slave girl named Baraka Muhammad's mother was the city woman. His mother's name was Amina and she gave him to a wet, a wet nurse named Halima. So when Muhammad was about five years old, he was walking through a field with Halima's son. He fell down on the ground, started screaming and shouting. And two angels had opened up his stomach and were searching around. So the little boy went running back to his mother and his shepherd father. They came back and they found Muhammad standing up straight with his face flush white and he told them the story that somebody had opened his stomach.

Two men in white garments had opened up his stomach and were searching around for something and his intestines. He said, I do not know what they were searching for. So the shepherd father and the mother were afraid that the neighbors would say he was possessed. So they took him back to his mother. And they say, we were afraid your child was possessed. And Amina said, I was afraid something like this might happen. And she gave her son away when he was eight days old.

And she thought from the very beginning that he was possessed. And where do we find this? This is in what book? I got a book that you can't even get anymore. It's called The Holy Sword by Robert Payne. It's like, I think it's out of print, but it's got incredible insights into it. The Holy Sword by Robert Payne. Wow.

Wow. So now let's fast forward to Mohammed's visitation in the cave of Hannah. He was in the cave and he thinks he sees the angel Gabriel, right? Mount Heeja. What the hell is the name of the mountain? Anyway, Mount Heeja.

Mount Heeja. He's in the cave and he thinks that the angel Gabriel appears to him. OK, now we the scripture says the Book of Second Corinthians says that Satan himself can come in disguise of an angel. You know that, right?

Yes. OK, well, we're going to we're going to prove for a fact that that that angel was Satan. And the way we can do that is by comparing the visitation of the angel Gabriel with the Blessed Virgin Mary and Zechariah. John the Baptist father, when the angel Gabriel appeared to the Blessed Virgin Mary, she had fear, but she immediately he had to be not afraid anymore.

Right. When the spiritual being that appeared to Mohammed in the cave, Mohammed was terrified. His visitation was a physical and violent visitation. I will say Satan's first Gabriel, because it absolutely was not the angel Gabriel. And it's it's wrong to say Gabriel. So Satan's first Gabriel appears to Mohammed when he's in the cave. And he says, take and read. Mohammed says, I do not know how to read. So the spiritual being grabbed him, grabbed him forcefully and pressed him so hard that Mohammed could not bear any alert any longer. Then he said he released him and he said, take and read, take and read. So Mohammed said, I don't know how to read that.

What shall I read? He grabbed him for the second time and pressed him so hard that he thought he was going to die. Third time.

Same thing. Grab, take, read, take, read. I don't know how to read or what shall I read? He says, Lord, thy God is magnificent. Take me. You are the messenger of Allah.

Take this message. So Mohammed comes from that visitation physically shaking, trembling, sweating. He goes to his wife, Khadijah, and he says, what is wrong with me?

What is wrong with me? Khadijah, how would I possess? Now, if you get a message from the angel Gabriel, first of all, you have you have peace, you have tranquility. You're no longer afraid. He was scared. He had he was sick. He had suicidal depression.

But three years for three years, he never went out and told anybody about his revelations. All right. Hold that. Hold that thought. We're going to run out of time. So hold that thought. Rock Peters is my guest. And folks, we're what we're doing is is we're hopefully we're educating.

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And I've been putting up for you some pictures. This is a Muslim community patrol car and these are literally roaming around in New York. Muslim patrol cars. Here is a guy that is dressed up and ironically, right, he's parked in a parking lot out in front of a sign that says, we will not forget them.

God bless New York. But they are enforcing Sharia law in the neighborhoods that they patrol. Now, Rock, tell me again the contradiction that you would see in someone who is roaming the streets looking for Muslims to make sure that they're adhering to Sharia law. Exactly how would someone be doing that?

Well, first of all, it's illegal, but I've had experiences like that. If your listeners go to my website,, and they click on Muslims under attack, they will see my girlfriend and myself have just gone to a pro-Israeli rally and we got surrounded by a gang of Muslims. They will be able to see Muslims in America with signs that say, Zionism back to the evidence.

God bless Adolph Hitler in New York City. Zionism back to the evidence, and holy war is the way to heaven. If they go to and click on Americans under attack, they will be able to see how terrorist these Muslims living here in our country are. Let's get back to Mohammed and how he was not visited by the angel Gabriel. From 610 to 613, he's dormant. He's not out evangelizing. At the end of three years, 40 followers he has.

Now he goes public with his methods. Muslims believe that Mohammed is actually the Jewish Messiah, that he comes in one, Noah, Moses, Jesus. They believe that Jesus, Moses, Abraham, all of our prophets, that they were all Muslims. They don't believe that Mohammed started this. They believe that it came before and that we changed it. Surah 2 verse 75 says, they changed it. So they think that we had the Qur'an and changed to survival.

It's absolutely insane. But here we have Surah 6 verse 7, why has no sign been sent down to him from the Lord? And this Qur'an is not supposed to ever be bruised by other than Allah. And Surah 10, 37, 38 says, hey, Mohammed has forged it.

So the people in this town thought it was a forgery. Now here's the way that we've made it. If you've got any Muslim followers, listeners out there, this is going to prove to them that it was Satan, not Gabriel, that appeared to him in the cave. Okay, now every Muslim in the world knows that God would not have angels bow down in the works of Adam and Eve. We know from scripture that when God announced the making of Adam and Eve in heaven, that Lucifer rebelled. And Lucifer said, so my throne be lowered, I will ascend to heaven and make my throne like the Most High God. Okay, I believe that's in the Old Testament, I don't know which book.

But here we go. And when we are speaking in the plural, which is significant because Muslims have a monolithic view of God, it's called tawhid, tawhid, t-a-w-h-i-d. They don't believe in the Trinity, they believe the Trinity is joining God to God. And when we are sent to the angels, bow down and worship Adam, then worship save they all, save Ebalith, which is their Lucifer. He refused, swelled with fright and said, and became one of the unbelievers. That's Quran 2 verse 34.

Quran 7, 10, 11. When we created you, then fastened you, said we do the angels, this is God talking to the angels, prosper yourself unto Adam. Then they prospered themselves all in worship, save Ebalith, their Lucifer.

He was not amongst those who prospered themselves. To him, said God, what hinders me from prospeting thyself at my bidding? He said, nobler am I than he me, thou hast created me of fire, and they are created of dust.

One more, 1761, sir, 1751. We said to the angels, prospere yourself before Adam and Eve, they all prospered themselves, save Ebalith. Watch, said Ebalith, so I bow before him, thou hast made them of clay and me of fire. So those are verses in the Quran that show that God told, supposedly told the angels to go worship Adam and Eve.

And every Muslim in the world knows that God would never ask angels to worship Adam and Eve. All right, we got to take a break. Rock Peters has been our guest. Again, go to his website. And that is You can find it at Natural sleep uses a combination of vitamin, minerals, and some very healthy calming herbals to support relaxation and calmness before sleep. It's a fast-acting liquid formula that tastes great with no negative side effects or hangover effect in the morning, and it's not a habit for me.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. You're listening to Chosen Generation Radio right here on Red State Talk Radio. Get more at the website, Now back to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg. Pastor Greg. And don't forget you can get more Chosen Generation at

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Let me try and find myself here, folks. I know I'm somewhere there.

No, that's not right. Oh, there we go. There I am. Hey, hello. All right. And now let me bring my guest into focus. There he is.

Oh, I can see clearly now. The rain is gone. I'm sorry. I'm not going to break out into song. You guys would all just go, okay, that's enough. We're done. We're out of here.

We're gone. I am very excited to welcome, though, my next guest to the program. He's a fellow at the he's a fellow. Can you say that? I don't even know if that's politically correct.

We probably have to pay a fine to the FEC. I don't know. Right. He's a fellow. Wait. No, no, he's not.

All right. He's a fellow at the National Center, as well as the director of the National Center's Free Enterprise Project. The conservative movement's only full service shareholder activism and education program. He's taught at law schools, including Wake Forest School of Law in North Carolina and Willamette University College of Law in Oregon. He had to get out of there pretty quick, probably in Oregon. Anyway, I want to welcome Scott Shepherd. And by the way, that's Shepherd with one P and an ARD at the end.

No H. Don't get confused. We're we're from upstate Pennsylvania. People don't know that the Appalachians go all the way through Pennsylvania. But so where we are. Dad and the wool, proud hillbillies.

And we spelled our name the most illiterate way possible. Baby, I'm rocking with you. I'm rocking with you. Oh, my gosh. I love having you on, Scott. It's so much fun. All right. I love to be all with you, Greg. Thank you.

Thank you. Well, a couple of big things going on. Elon Musk is is continuing his kind of it's kind of a battle with Twitter. And I my feeling on this and I want to get your thoughts on it, obviously, is, you know, if if I mean Twitter right now is trying to play games. And I don't think that they realize how many of us I mean, Twitter's already banned me for life. OK, I got banned before the president.

I was I was one of the first ones out there. You can put that on your wall. I should I should. Well, you know what? They banned me because and I said to him, I said, I'm probably going to get banned for this. I even wrote it in the tweet.

Probably going to get banned for this. But Eric Swalwell is a Chinese spy or. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's that goes without saying. And I got banned for calling Eric Swalwell a Chinese spy. All right. It's it's honestly slightly confusing to me. Well, you know, you can you can you can make up Russian intelligence, so-called Russian intelligence about a sitting president.

That's fine. But if you find real evidence about a former vice president who's running for president, who's now clearly as corrupt as anyone's ever been. That's that's disinformation and misinformation. You know how it works.

Twitter. You also. Hey, you can also if if if you're if you're a black racist, you can also say that every black person should go out and kill every white person. And you can put that on your Twitter feed and you can tell people that you're going to do it.

And then you can go down to the Brooklyn subway and go ahead and shoot people up. And that's fine. But if you say that all lives matter, then you're a dirty racist and you've got to go because people feel unsafe and they don't even pull. I mean, they didn't even have it pulled down after the event happened. That's how we know that it's there, by the way.

I just add the only reason we know it's there is because it was there after he actually did the shooting. This is insanity. Don't. That's saying pastors not saying go out and do this.

What I'm saying is, is that it is insanity there. The bar that they have created. I just had a guess. My very first guest today, Marvin Lowe. Again, Marvin Lowe, the number four F ISD. That's Frisco Independent School District dot com. F ISD.

So Marvin Lowe four. But he came on talking about his son as a five point one six grade point average, which is incredible. But they held an assembly at the ISD at the headquarters and the assembly was to hand out awards to the black student with the highest grade point average.

The American Indian with the highest grade point average and the Hispanic student with the highest grade point average. No Asians, no whites and no and no and no Indian people from India were were allowed or could or were, you know, could be there and their kids couldn't get awards. It was I mean, that's why he's running, because he's like, this is we can't be doing this kind of stuff. Well, it's the straightest up racism you can imagine. It's these people who we've talked about this before, but in the newspeak, anti means very. So antifa, antifascist, it just means very fascist. Antiracism is very racist. And these people are as racist as you can possibly be. And every act of their racism is proof to them to their lunacy of white supremacy. So we can't there's no way to talk to people who have built themselves a quasi religion of insanity.

The only thing you can do is get past them, move past them. And the vast majority of Americans recognize that this is nonsense. And so we just have to we just have to stamp it out. And we as conservatives and libertarians and just centrists, the vast majority now, we have to adopt the tactics of the left now in the polite way without burning anything or or harming anybody. But we have to adopt the top of the tactics of the left to defeat the goals of the left, because the goals of the left are our nightmares. It's really quite it's really quite crazy. It is just it is just really absolutely quite crazy.

Elon Musk, Elon, talk to me about your thoughts on on on these efforts to take over Twitter or or, you know, buy it. And then I mean, he says, look, all I want to do is is is put the platform back into a place where you can actually have free speech. Well, it's first of all, it's so unbelievably revealing that the left has lost its mind so aggressively about this. You've got you've got Max Boot, who is a neoconservative, never a conservative. He just wanted us to be at war everywhere and then and then became a leftist when conservatives decided they'd have enough of that after the debacle in Iraq. He became a leftist and he works for The Washington Post. The Washington Post put on its mascot, Democracy Dies in Darkness, and it's owned by Bobby Bezos or whatever Bezos's first name. So it's owned by a billionaire and as democracy dies in darkness on its on its front cover.

And it lied about the Biden laptop, it lied about the Steele dossier. It creates darkness everywhere. And then you've got this unpleasant individual writing for it. It says, you know, it's really a terror for democracy is is having unregulated Twitter and unregulated Internet. What we need is more regulation. So apparently we can't have things and we can't have freedom dictated by a billionaire. So apparently, at The Washington Post, the rule is billionaires can dictate speech as long as they create as much darkness as possible. But democracy dies if billionaires or whoever else step in to allow free exchange of expression. They have lost their minds. And Elon is just trying to recreate the America of, I don't know, five years ago.

And you can see how corrupt every every instance of them on the left have become. You know, and if you go back and, you know, and watch, you know, films from from back in the day, right. You know, I mean, you know, look at look at look at the you know, Mel Gibson and Danny Glover movies, Lethal Weapon. You couldn't make Lethal Weapon today.

No. Well, no, because the only time a lot of people are allowed to appear is as villains. I mean, white straight men are allowed to appear is as villains. We're the we're the new British. You know, that joke from years ago that every time an American movie needed a villain, it was either a British actor or somebody with a British or German.

The new British film. It's really crazy. Yeah, it's it's it's just it's really crazy. So I guess the question then becomes, you know, what what happens?

You know, it's funny. So here's here's kind of a cool meme that I'm going to put up for our our viewing audience. And and I'll just kind of describe it very quickly.

No, it's not the Muslim police. Let's see screen background. There we go. So it's a picture of a big wolf right at at the at the first, you know, board meeting that that Elon would attend. And and and then it's a picture of Godzilla and King Kong. Bill Gates playing the role of Godzilla and Jeff Bezos playing the role of. And and then in in the lower picture is Elon Musk, the wolf and with with a baseball bat and and and, you know, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos running away. You know, I mean, the left didn't have any problems when it was Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos running things.

That's right. Well, and I know that some conservatives don't agree with everything that the Koch brothers do. But you remember the days when the Koch brothers were the most evil thing in the world. And George Soros, who everything he does, if you if you look at it, everything he does has the effect of these these days and and ending prison and ending policing and everything he's behind ends up destroying America. Whether that's his goal or it's just an outcome.

But he couldn't be he couldn't be spoken against. So they were doing two billionaire sets doing the same thing. And now it's Elon Musk and Peter Thiel on one side and and Microsoft boy and Bezos on the other side. And their their billionaires are the salt of the earth and our billionaires are evil incarnate. Well, they don't even try at non hypocrisy anymore.

Every single thing they do is hypocrisy. And we'll be back. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets.

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Many programs look safe until the user enters. For more tips, help lines and hotlines, visit And sign up for our e-mails today. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. Welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. All right.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we are here with Scott Shepherd. And this is the Free Enterprise Project. You can find them, by the way, at

And I want to get into something. Dot org. Dot org. Sorry. No, no, you're correct.

Dot org. No, you can't say that. I don't know.

Is it politically correct? Maybe that's the problem. That could be it.

Filters are coming down. Might have had an issue there because, you know, you're, yeah, I mean, org. Org is, you can't, I don't think you can.

Be careful, Pastor Greg. I don't know if you can write org on your, yeah. You can't be an org. Anyway, there's only, speaking of orgs, speaking of orgs, I suppose Disney is an org now.

And proud of it. Ariel is the only Disney princess to have had a child and the only Disney princess who doesn't have a female part. Oh boy. And now you know Piglet is actually a boy. That's right.

That's right. But you can't say that. It's not fun unless the genders are switched and the script is flipped. But I think Disney and dumb dumb Bob Chapek are learning a lesson that, you know, as it turns out, most average normal Americans, they don't have to be far right.

They don't have to be religious. They just have to be saying aren't super excited about having weird teachers who have these hard left sexual agendas. Having them talk to six year olds who just want to talk about dinosaurs and princesses, talk to them about sex.

No six year old needs to talk about that. And Bob Chapek got on the wrong side and he was lying about Governor DeSantis and he was lying about that bill. And God bless Governor DeSantis.

He doesn't lie down and take it. And so Bob Chapek may be at office a long time before Governor DeSantis is. Well, and not only is, you know, Chapek needing to be probably removed, but you know, you're, I mean, Disney is supporting this. This is what the bill is saying. The bill is saying, let's not ram the LGBTQ agenda. And it is, ladies and gentlemen, it's an agenda and Matt Long and I talked about this in our first program. And let me read this to you. George Barna is a very well respected, very well respected individual who has done incredible work in Christian polling for 30 plus years. Okay.

Very well respected. He is now the director of that at the Cultural Research Center, which is located at Arizona Christian University. And here's what he wrote. We did a national survey of millennials.

I'm having the center send you a copy of the report in a separate email. We found that 30% of millennials identify as LGBTQ. Identify.

Not necessarily engage in the lifestyle. Now listen, now listen to this, listen to this, because it's significant. Among 18 to 24 year olds, guess what percentage identify as LGBTQ among 18 to 24 year olds? Well, it depends on who's doing the polling and what Q means, but I'm sure that because they wanted to ramp it up, they got 19% or something.

It's no, it's 39, but here's what you need to understand. No, Scott, listen to me, listen to me. Here's what we have to understand. George Barna is a serious pollster. He is a Christian, a very strong Christian. He's working at a Christian university.

And this was out of, out of the sampling and his surveys are, have been pretty dead on. He was one of the first ones to talk about the fact that mainline denominations, and think about this, 65% of mainline denominations reject the biblical definition for marriage. 65% of mainline denominations reject the biblical definition of marriage. They have said that marriage between two sodomites is equal to marriage between a man and a woman which God ordained. So here's my point. The point of this is what Disney has been doing.

This isn't brand new, ladies and gentlemen. They have been doing this agenda. They have been breaking down family structures. They have been making parents look like fools and the kids look like they know everything there is to know about the world today.

And they have done this intentionally, Scott, to break down the family and they have inserted this perverted idea of sexuality and sex and been encouraging. And all this bill was saying is we don't want ages four to nine sexualized. That's all the bill does.

Well, that's the key to it for me is that it's not the bill. They're lying about what the bill says. All the bill says is let kids be kids. And they're not even saying that if some kid comes with a problem to a teacher, the teacher can't talk about it.

They're just saying teachers can't lead classroom discussions about sex. That's it. That's it for babies.

This is insane. And here's my issue is even greater as a pastor, as a Christian parent, I had five kids. I've got three grandkids.

That's my issue. My issue is, look, my 10-year-old granddaughter who just turned 10 is not ready for this conversation. Okay? Not coming from some, you know, left-wing radical teacher handbook, okay?

Okay? 11-year-olds aren't ready for this conversation. But Planned Parenthood, according to Monica Klein, who worked with them for 10 years as a consultant, and many others, including people who have had clinics who are now believers, Abby Johnson being another one of them, they say Planned Parenthood is trying to groom kids between four and nine so that by nine years of age, they have their first abortion. You say, Pastor, you're crazy.

You're nuts. I'm telling you, they will testify to this, and they will show you the documentation. Monica Klein, Scott, was on my program talking about this. Scott, what can we do about these woke corporations, and in particular, what needs to happen relative to Disney? I know we're dumping their stock.

Is that enough? If you own stock, keep the stock and be on the investor relations lines and pages as often as you can be. Go to Disney movies with some of your friends and don't, what we have to do is emulate the left without being violent and without burning anything, but go to the local movie theater when they have Disney movies and pick it.

Go to local Disney stores and pick it. If you drop Disney Plus or whatever, let the company know exactly why you're doing it and you're not coming back until all of this is reversed and that woman who said the not at all gay agenda at Disney, just because this is aimed at kids and kids shouldn't be sexualized, is gone. Sean Fuchs, by the way, they're going to Disney World, they were at Disneyland, just outside, they were kind of in the parking lot area, and they actually had a rally, they had a worship rally there, but they talked about, they had kids come up and talk about it, they had parents come up and talk about it. They were being vocal and just saying, hey, this is wrong, it's going to destroy these children. Go to Walt Hyer's ministry about the transgender issues, a guy who was transitioned for eight years and then woke up and said, oh my gosh, but he has got story after story after story. At the end of the day, we'll all have to answer. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Hi, I'm Kim Schaff, certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to a product that I think will interest everyone. A product called Natural Sleep, available at

I've been seeing clients in the alternative health industry for over 40 years. One common problem seems to stand out. People just can't sleep. Maybe it's too much stress.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Neither products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry. And by the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community.

Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. God bless you and keep us in your prayer. And this pastor is, Pastor Jackie has been doing the ministry here in this village. And really this village is really in a big need of church building. Keep us in prayer. God bless. And this is this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful.
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