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Michael Morris #MediaHidingtruth #StopCensorship Darin Gerdes #StopZelenskiSpin

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
March 30, 2022 4:00 pm

Michael Morris #MediaHidingtruth #StopCensorship Darin Gerdes #StopZelenskiSpin

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. And welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it attuned here to Chosen Generation Radio.

Well, my dear friends, so discovered something rather unique. Number one, if you go to our brand new site, and I'm so excited to have you check out the brand new site, That's You will, oh, look at that. And I'm putting my headset on everything.

But if you go to right now, but use Firefox or slim browser, you can watch us live at the website right now on video and it's full screen. It looks beautiful. It's just gorgeous. I love it.

And let me see. Yeah. So this is live now on Firefox.

So neither Chrome nor Edge will play my video properly on the website. Surprise, surprise, right? Does that really surprise us? Yeah.

So anyway, more of that censorship stuff. We'll talk to my first guest about some of that kind of stuff coming up. Bottom of our number two, Scott Eulinger is back with us. We'll talk with him and Rick Manning about what's happening in the Russia and Ukraine. David Shostakovich is with us top of the hour 202-224-3121. 202-224-3121.

That is the capital switchboard. You need to contact your Senator this morning and tell them vote no on Katanji Jackson Brown's nomination for Supreme Court justice. Vote no, vote no, vote no, vote no, vote no. This is somebody that literally has the ideology to strip away all of our Bill of Rights, virtually everything. They're going to take all of it away. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to redress government, freedom to gather peacefully, freedom of the press, any alternative press. The second amendment, nope, she didn't want anybody to have guns in America. She wants those things taken away. The perversion of our children. She can't even tell you what a woman is. We'll talk about that again.

My next guest, free speech, we'll talk about it. David Shostakovich, 202-224-3121. Call the switchboard and simply say, I would like my Senator, tell them what state you live in. They will connect you with your senior and then your junior. You're going to need to make two phone calls, 202-224-3121.

Hi, my name is, I live in, tell them you live in that state. They are, therefore you are one of their constituents. I am asking you to vote no on the current Supreme Court nominee. Vote no. They ask you why, say, I have my reasons and I don't need to express any of that to you. Simply telling you to vote no. Or you can say, because this person is absolutely against the constitution of the United States of America and shouldn't be a Supreme Court justice.

Bottom of the hour, Darren Gerdes exposes Zelensky. Let's get to my first guest, Mr. Michael Morris. Newsbusters, free speech, America. And by the way, you've got to go MRC slash free speech. Cause I looked this week and there is actually, there's a website up that says and that's going to take you to the wrong place. Am I correct, Michael?

Yes. So where you can find our website, it's a slash MRC free speech America. Again, it's slash free speech. And good morning. Thanks for having me on the show.

It's my pleasure as always to have you. Well, I guess we could start with the Supreme Court's situation and how the media is trying to kind of twist the conversation. We have a, I mean, the whole touting of this, the media's whole narrative and the left's narrative and Biden's narrative was this is the first woman, black woman, right? Because of course they don't even acknowledge Clarence Thomas, apparently to the left is not black. So he doesn't count, but this is the first black woman nominated to the Supreme Court. And she doesn't know how to define herself because there's not a definition in her mind for woman.

How's that work? Well, it's truly incredible. And I think you hit on, hit on the point there. You know, we were told at the very onset, you know, by the Biden administration that he would specifically be picking a black woman, an African American woman. And yet when asked during the nomination process how to define a woman, a judge continued Brown Jackson said that she's not a biologist and therefore she could not define a woman. So I mean, it's incredible to me, truly amazing is, does that mean that president Biden is a biologist? I mean, just using their own rules, is that what she's suggesting? Because he apparently could identify her as a woman. I mean, I don't know.

I'm, I'm no biologist either. So maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but the left, it's amazing. They can't even hold to their own ridiculous standards. And of course, what does the media do?

They back them up all along the way. Well, and so I, I just, I guess I'll refer you to the movie kindergarten cop and, uh, and there's a little boy in the movie who can explain the difference between a man and a woman. Um, very concisely.

I'm not going to do it cause I think the FCC has issues. The FCC has issues with biology, but, uh, there are female parts and there are male parts and, uh, and, and one sex has the female parts and one sex has the male parts that they are born with. Um, and, and those are what define and, uh, the females can reproduce.

They have ovaries and they have a uterus and they have the ability to, uh, incubate human life where the male does not have that capability. Uh, and, and I'll take it a step further pastor green, uh, X, X, and X, Y chromosome. The left and the liberal media are science deniers of phrase that they love to use.

But in fact on this particular issue, they are science deniers because the science makes it clear. No question. There's no question.

Well, no. And now they're running articles and they're saying, well, you know, there's, there's actually more of a mix up on that than you think. There's, there's, you know, there's, but what's interesting is, is they came out with and said absolute reverse of what they actually promote because what they said was is there are more women who have suppressed XY chromosomes then, then, then previously believed, except that I don't think Leah Thomas started out as a woman.

Don't think so. And the Adidas ads that they've been playing during the NCAA March madness with the man, long hair and a makeup playing volleyball on the woman's volleyball team. Um, again, don't think they started out as a woman with man's hormones in them. That's, that's not the thing for sure. You know, more spin from the left, more spin from the media. Uh, you know, not so long ago, I recall that, uh, we weren't giving women enough attention and now things have been flipped on their head again. And now the left is, is discarding women entirely and instead injecting men into women's sports and, and not being able to define what a woman even is. I mean, what an upside down topsy turvy world we live in when day to day, week to week, month to month definitions are changing, uh, which side the left and which side the media is on is changing. You know, you just can't keep up with the ever changing progressive leftist, uh, both, uh, in politics and in media.

No, that's, that's definitely true. I, you know, another place where, where, where there seems to be a great deal of, well, well, and, and so when it comes to now sliding into the free speech side of this, when it comes to talking about this issue, there's a lot of censorship going on. You're not allowed to, to, to speak out about the, the, the transgender issue. Uh, you're not, you're not allowed to have an opinion as it relates to that. And you're definitely not allowed to say anything when it comes to the fact that they're, you know, using, uh, Kinsey's, uh, perverted science in the comprehensive sex education program that they're teaching to our children. And then we wonder why the kids have such a confused view of themselves and their own genders.

Well, you're right. Big tech is, is out to censor any mention, uh, that goes against the leftist narrative. Recently, uh, Twitter censored TP USA founder, Charlie Kirk, after he declared Rachel Levine's gender on online. Uh, he said, Rachel Levine spent 54 years of his life as a man. He had a wife and family, and then he later transitioned to being a woman at 2011. Um, and then Joe Biden appointed Levine to be a four star admiral.

And now USA today has named Rachel Levine as the woman of the year. And he asked, where are the feminists? I mean, great question. The feminists of old, uh, would rightfully be outraged by this. And, and you know, where are they?

It's a wonderful question. Twitter also appears to have locked the Babylon bees account after the South tire website posted that Rachel Levine was it's chosen man of the year. So you can't even joke about this sort of thing online. No, absolutely not.

Absolutely not. Well, you know, uh, as, as folks, if you listen, you know, uh, we've been banned on Vimeo, YouTube, LinkedIn, and, uh, and there's one other, Oh yeah, that's right. Twitter.

Yes. Uh, the Twitter, the Twitter people have, and I keep having people say to me, well, you know, use a different name or flight up under a different email or what have you folks. It's, it's, it's, it's not quite so easy as all that, uh, especially now. I mean, they, they are, they're working very hard to make sure that folks like me are not allowed to broadcast on, on their platforms.

Uh, so, and, and of course, you know, corporations argue that we're private entities and therefore we are protected and we don't have to adhere to any first amendment freedoms or liberties or what have you, uh, by the way, real quick for it, we're gonna, we're gonna jump off here in a second. We'll be back for another portion with Michael, but in the background you can see there's a book sitting on my shelf called unmasked. And, uh, I, I think, uh, I think somebody, you know, Michael wrote that book, uh, somebody, some guy named Brent bazell. Yeah.

Good guy. Brent bazell. Uh, he's the president of the media research center.

Absolutely. Wrote the book unmasked. You can see it on the show and the bookshelf right behind me. Pick that up today along with right below that dark agenda by David Horowitz. Two very good books. Come back right after this brief break.

Hi, this pastor Greg goes to the children generation radio show. If you follow my program, you know, I'm a miracle survivor of a catastrophic car accident where I saved my daughter's life, spent six weeks on life support, died four times and broke bones in my head, neck, back ribs, arms, pelvis and both legs. That was in 2017 in 2004 I was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down in both instances. God and his natural cures saved and preserved my life. Recently I was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole nother level. If you want to know more, go to and sign up for an account. It's free to sign up that and sign up for your free account. And when you get done, email me at PG at pastor Greg

That's PG at pastor Greg and I'll tell you how to get well. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night still tired? Stop.

It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike Lindell started my pillow and after his success, helping people sleep better with the pillow, Mike decided to go all in. He found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress stopper and since stores won't carry his product, he's passing that savings on to you. Use the code pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children all today. 800-662-9236. 800-662-9236. Nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and know that you have fed starving kids. Use the code pastor Greg. Call my pillow today 800-662-9236. 800-662-9236.

For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit my Sexual predators and comprehensive sex education both break down inhibitions. That's what they start with. They also gain trust with the child and then slowly start to get them towards sexual activity.

Anything goes. You are teaching children adult child sex. You're teaching transgender issues and you know children are moldable and influenced by that. They said okay now we need you and your team to be able to explain what homosexuality is to a four year old student. To introduce this kind of material at that age, frankly it's child abuse. You're going to teach our children that it's okay for any two children of any age of any sex to have sexual intercourse with each other as long as two components are present. One's using a condom and they both give consent.

Did I hear that correctly? It's not a neutral venue. There's no such thing. The schools are doing your job. They are discipling your children but they're not discipling them in the faith of Jesus Christ. It's only the exceptional child that even survives that system. Most do not survive. Most have not survived. They believe that children are sexual from birth and that they deserve and have the right to be sexually active and to seek sexual pleasure and if anyone is stopping them from that then you are judging and oppressing them. Even kindergarten now they're wanting to teach them more and more perverse information and acts and put that into the children's minds and once those that poison is in a child's mind it doesn't leave.

They'll always remember what they learned and it's by design it's orchestrated. In my humble opinion it will be worse before it gets better. Oh my. Okay.

I was late again. Yeah. All right. Sorry about that folks. Our number one segment number two and it's 21.

I don't know. I kid you not. I was looking at the clock watching that and thinking in my head 21 and I came in at 22. I'm here. My apologies. But yeah we're we're we're we're alive. All right.

Welcome back. We were talking about several different stories. So CIA officer who signed the Hunter Biden laptop letter claims credit for Trump loss according to Zachary Stiber at at Epoch Times story dated March 29 2022. The buy that you know the New York Times came out and said right that the Hunter Biden laptop story was real. So now everybody's saying oh yeah I guess it was real but they all are essentially you know wanting to I don't know change the narrative pretend like it didn't make a difference. Right.

Yeah. It's incredible. You know we can't even find instances where they'll even mention Hunter Biden's name. Look it's this was a post it was made by Scott Woodlock a really good study actually in March 28. At that time it had been two hundred fifty nine days since any of the big three networks that ABC CBS and NBC had even said the words quote Hunter Biden unquote. And as you mentioned the New York Times just on March 16 2022 acknowledged that the Hunter Biden laptop was real and not an example of Russian disinformation. Of course what did we hear for such a long time was oh my gosh this is disinformation. Don't talk about this. The New York Post story in fact was buried by big tech right before the election in 2020.

And it's truly incredible stuff and this can't be said enough. Big tech and big media work together to suppress stories to steal the 2020 election. Well and here's you know part of that article a letter on the 19th of October 2020 which you just alluded to 51 members of the quote unquote US intelligence agency.

Boy has that become an oxymoron. And I used to be a part of that. I'm embarrassed by their behavior I'm embarrassed by their actions but 51 of them came out and called the Hunter Biden story that was put out in the New York Post Russian disinformation. I know you just said New York Times now has come out and said it's not. I think that also leads into how you know all of the propaganda and disinformation that's out there regarding Russia and the Ukraine and how that I think is being used to divide even within the conservative world a lot of people on you know what's really going on. Well we thought the Ukraine was corrupt. You know the timing of them saying that the Hunter Biden laptop was not Russian disinformation but was true is interesting in light of the fact that they are watching the conservative movement literally divide into a civil war of sorts over who the bad guy is between Russia, Ukraine, Putin, Zelensky, this whole scenario and when you throw that in then all of a sudden now that just adds fuel to that fire.

And I think that's the reason they did it. Well look one thing's for sure big tech and big media are doing all that they can to suppress information that harms the leftist narrative and harms the Democratic Party. We did a special report and this is back in 2020 is related to the Biden laptop story and other things Biden you know that showed that in fact the 2020 election was stolen because of suppressed information. In fact there were eight stories that were outlined and this was a big study put out by Rich Noyes November 24th 2020 that showed that one of every six Biden voters surveyed that 17% said they would have abandoned the Democratic candidate this is Biden Joe Biden then candidate at the time had they known about the fact of one or more of the stories that were talked about in this report. Truly incredible stuff you know you mentioned President MRC President Brad Bozell earlier right well he was on Fox just the other day that he said it when asked by Elizabeth McDonald anchor over there at Fox Business where how is the media doing covering the story? It could have affected the entire election. President Brad Bozell said this well yeah and we documented it if you look at the coverage of the Hunter Biden scandal 9.4% in a national survey we took 9.4% of Biden's voters said he would not have voted for Joe Biden had they known.

Almost 50% of Biden's voters have never heard about this it all comes down to one thing to Brad Bozell and that censorship and he's exactly right. 100% learn more at MRC forward slash free speech. Now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom there's no better way to do so than by joining the Association of Mature American Citizens AMAC. AMAC is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America well over two million people have joined and now carry the AMAC membership card. AMAC was built by regular folks to feel the same way you do you're not alone. AMAC believes in and stands up for the values that made America so great. We're fighting the good fight against reckless government spending and the ever expanding scope of federal government. We believe in the sanctity of our Constitution so if you're 50 or over and hold to traditional American values you no longer have to feel alone call the Association for Mature American Citizens AMAC and get great discounts and support your values call today 855-696-7930 855-696-7930 use the code pastor Greg get your first year absolutely free. Do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders spending on crazy the prospect of more mandates lockdowns inflation and the list goes on there's something you can do buy from companies that believe what you and I believe we need to stick together now more than ever and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012 Patriot mobile Patriot mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider they offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers Patriot mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multi line accounts they are 100% US based providing exceptional customer service most importantly Patriot mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom constitutional rights sanctity of life first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972 Patriot 972 Patriot call today use the code chosen Patriot forward slash chosen are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night still tired stop it doesn't have to be that way that's why Mike Lindell started my pillow and after his success helping people sleep better with the pillow Mike decided to go all in he found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress stopper and since stores won't carry his product he's passing that savings on to you use the code pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children all today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and know that you have fed starving kids use the code pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom there's no better way to do so than by joining the Association of mature American citizens AMAC AMAC is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America well over 2 million people have joined and now carry the AMAC membership card AMAC was built by regular folks who feel the same way you do you're not alone AMAC believes in and stands up for the values that made America so great we're fighting the good fight against reckless government spending and the ever-expanding scope of federal government we believe in the sanctity of our Constitution so if you're 50 or over and holds a traditional American values you no longer have to feel alone call the Association for mature American citizens AMAC and get great discounts and support your values call today 855-696-7930 855-696-7930 use the code pastor Greg get your first year absolutely free did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation now back to chosen generation with Pastor Greg and welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses my next guest is professor of management on the faculty staff at Charleston Southern University holds an undergraduate degree in government and psychology from Liberty University and MBA and MA in public policy and a PhD in organizational leadership from Regent University and it is my pleasure to welcome also a fellow broadcaster on TECN you can watch TECN from the chosen generation website that's the player that's up on the chosen generation website and you can watch all of the TECN broadcasts live from the chosen generation website as well so just want to let you know that and the best browsers to use our slim browser and Firefox if you're watching on Google or if you're watching on edge we're going to look like like those people that walk into the funny mirror exhibits at the at the circus okay so if you want us to look you know semi-normal you should definitely use a different browser Firefox probably be the easiest one people are familiar with or slim browser. Darren Gertes is my guest Darren welcome good to have you thanks for being here. Hey thanks for having me I appreciate it. Absolutely absolutely well I you know we can take this from a lot of different angles but there's as you and I were talking about a little bit in the green room I think there's a lot of disinformation that's going on there is some some who claim or have put out this information that Zulinski was put into power in 2014 which he wasn't he didn't come into office until 2019 the person who was there in 2014 in the original revolution when Crimea was invaded by the Russians and Dinesk and several of those areas was Parashchenko who turned out to be somebody that did not get rid of any of the corruption and that's why the Ukrainians got rid of him in 2019 during President Trump's tenure and Zulinski was put in power but talk to me about Zulinski's leadership in this crisis that's been going on and and your thoughts you know I mean I had somebody who said to me well yeah but you know Zulinski was on a national program and why is he just wearing a t-shirt why didn't he dressed up why isn't he this or that or the other talk to me about your impressions of Mr. Zilinski and what what you're watching what you see absolutely so let me frame it from where I come from so I teach leadership management power and influence organizational change organizational behavior all those kind of things now I also have a master's degree in public policy so I'm reasonably well versed on that side as well so that's where I came from I wrote a book about Zulinski and it was a hurry up offense but I got it out in just a couple of weeks and that was after I hear him say so let me back up the war breaks out I'm reading about Putin and by the way with what you were talking about with the propaganda read Putin's playbook it's a great book I highly recommend so I'm reading about Putin and you know just trying to make sense of of what's going on because I was just like okay he's saber-rattling it's just about you know he's just doing the Kim Jong-un he's just trying to get you know some concessions or whatever so then he invaded and I'm like wow okay two days in you hear about uh Zulinski on the street saying hey look there's a lot of things out there um I am here I'm in Kiev my wife and family are in Ukraine we are not traders we have not left we are here and he's calling them to arms but he's doing it from Kiev if he did it from a hotel in Paris it would have fallen flat Ukraine would be no longer Ukraine it would be just a an arm of the Russian Federation by right now but because he stayed because he said yeah truth I am here because he did that he led by example and so I found that fascinating and then uh shortly thereafter that's where you have the titles that I use in my book uh where uh the US government is saying uh hey we can get you out look I need ammunition I don't need a ride wow who is this guy so I start reading all about like everything I can about this guy right because I already I recognized certain leadership principles very clearly right up front so first of all there is never a doubt in anybody's mind from the day of the invasion what the direction should be the vision was clear we are going to stay and we're going to fight and we're going to win like that is what he kept saying kept saying kept saying um I've read every word of every speech up through yesterday I did not read this morning uh I haven't gotten through it yet but I've read so it's like 70,000 some odd words that he's put into speeches and they're all very focused on uh so they're very focused on encouraging their his people and they're all very focused on when he's talking to a different nation so when he's talking to Britain he invokes Churchill we will fight on the beaches we'll fight on the landing strips we'll fight in the right and then he added the the next line he added um a mountain range and rivers in Ukraine like like they knew what he was doing yeah right when he spoke to uh the prime minister uh of Canada he said Justin Justin Trudeau Justin how would you explain to your son if bombs are falling on Edmonton how would you explain it if there's a naval blockade of Vancouver or if the CN tower was hit by a missile strike and like if you're a Canadian that resonates when he spoke to our congress did you watch when he spoke to our congress I watched part of it I watched part of it yes so that speech was just like I showed it in my power and influence class because it was just so good like what he did um like he's invoking mount rushmore martin luther king 9 11 um uh pearl harbor look you remember that day on 9 11 when the when the sky was falling that's what it's like for us every day and he was very clear in saying I don't want American blood spilled on Ukrainian soil if there are if there are individuals that want to come and be a part of what we're fighting for which is freedom and liberty and the independence of Ukraine that's fine but I'm not looking for nations to come I don't want UN forces I don't want to be an occupied state I don't want any of that all I'm saying is is give me ammunition and make it fair by helping me with air support because I can't fight back and it's interesting to note darren that the Russians now they just put out I have I have the article written from the uh interior minister of defense from Russia because they have so many soldiers over there that are literally turning themselves in and becoming POWs because yeah I would too they were sent with rotten rations they they were ill-equipped for this battle and and they're getting absolutely no support because Putin I mean this is an absolute disaster from Putin's perspective and if you I think were were you on uh TECN going through Putin's speech the other day yeah so okay what you saw was my podcast the leader Smith podcast and uh the first episode that I touched on this was going through Putin's rationale in his speech on February 24th and then I did one on Zelensky part one Zelensky part two yesterday I had an urban warfare specialist telling me how he would defend the street well what disinformation yeah what disinformation you know and you were uncovering it you were unpacking it very well by the way thank you for that but yeah yeah absolutely just unpacking all of Putin's lies and disinformation I mean I mean you know and I had Scott Eulinger on was yesterday he'll be on yesterday he's a former station chief from the CIA station chief that was over there uh just after the fall of the wall I was a cold war Russian linguist in the air force um so I you know we we understand about KGB and Putin and so on but think about this folks you have people that are that are arguing that somehow Putin is you know the right guy doing the right thing about economic resets and what have you and you know if if the guy living next to you kept threatening that he was going to come into your house and steal all of your belongings would you not arm yourself get an alarm put lights out put cameras out do whatever you needed to do ask somebody to come over and and and provide armed security on your property to protect you from said neighbor I mean it only makes sense and then and then suddenly now you're the bad guy because you're defending your nation which by the way has been invaded since 2014 they've been battling this for eight years eight years ladies and gentlemen when you get back into the history of this and you start understanding the orange revolution and then what happened in 2014 with the Maidan revolution um and then you understand that the reason that they haven't folded right now is because since 2014 they started waking up and going you know what we really need to do something that's when Putin grabbed the the um the areas of the Donbas and Crimea and just annexed Crimea and somebody wanted to tell me the other day I was having this conversation with someone who was like well but Crimea legally decided that they wanted to go really with 98 97 percent of the vote vote uh the people voting in favor of that with 123 of the population voting that that wasn't legal so I mean come on even if you had 97 where have you ever seen in a democracy anybody vote 97 on anything so right there that that tells you alone that that wasn't legal but yeah so and what you don't hear about is all the people from Crimea Crimea Ukrainians that fled to Crimea to come back into the Ukraine when that happened and the outcries why is it if everything's so hunky and dory then why has Putin had to lay down an iron curtain and it's interesting because the Russian disinformation says oh no that's Zelensky no it's not Zelensky that's shutting down communications it's Putin back with more with Darren right after this this is Adam Mundall with state air and we are sponsors of chosen generation and pastor Greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want to encourage you to join me in sponsoring chosen generation and pastor Greg call him today at 830-446-3624 once again that's 830-446-3624 I know your business will be blessed as ours is and I challenge you to this one thank you do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders spending on crazy the prospect of more mandates lockdowns inflation and the list goes on there's something you can do buy from companies that believe what you and I believe we need to stick together now more than ever and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012 Patriot Mobile Patriot Mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider they offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers Patriot Mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multi line accounts they are 100% US based providing exceptional customer service most importantly Patriot Mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom constitutional rights sanctity of life first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972 patriot 972 patriot call today use the code chosen are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night still tired stop it doesn't have to be that way that's why Mike Lindell started my pillow and after his success helping people sleep better with the pillow Mike decided to go all in he found giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress stopper and since stores won't carry his product he's passing that savings on to you use the code pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children call today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and know that you have fed starving kids use the code pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 for the best night's sleep in the whole wide world visit my this is Adam Mundall with state air we need people on radio willing to speak about the bible the constitution and putting god back in our nation again so join me in sponsoring chosen generation and pastor Greg call him today at 830-446-3624 that's 830-446-3624 this has blessed my business and it will bless yours thank you look i am for marriage between a man and a woman i am for life from conception i am for following the bible and i believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles i am in support of our military and believe that america should play a role in world security i believe our constitution was intended for a moral people and that the bible contains the only true moral code i believe we are all born sinners and that god in his grace and mercy sent his son jesus christ to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins he is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness i believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer but it is found in how that transformation is lived out jesus is to be the lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts this is not legalism or works but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins faith without works is dead and is no faith at all i believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that god will ultimately bring us into perfect action through jesus christ spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress i believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall but we repent and get up and move closer to jesus i believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that god will heal our land i believe that as a christian i must occupy till he comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts as a part of the mandated christianity that to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me it means that i must risk scorn to stand for truth and that i can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world god is my everything and jesus is the love of my life that does not make me weak but strong not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous therefore if you are my friend while we may not fully agree know that i share what i share because i care if you strongly disagree with these beliefs they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me i do not say this in anger but in love i wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that jesus christ is the only way to salvation and that god not man gets to decide what is truth life and the way god bless you you can support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting www dot chosen generation radio dot com and now back to chosen generation with pastor greg and welcome back to generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical classes thanks so much for joining us our number two will be coming up david just focus joins us we'll talk about what's going on with the supreme court and i just want to again remind you and give you the number 202-224-3121 please contact your senator uh collins and mansion now have apparently both said that they intend to give their green light endorsements to katonji brown jackson this is the most radical nominee for supreme court we've ever had in our nation's history she will literally unwind the constitution of the united states she doesn't even know she's a black woman how how how how's that even possible but we'll talk about that with david coming up at the top of the hour here darren just laughing talk about it talk about two different polar oppositions of leadership style right so when you have to contort yourself when you have to contort the argument so badly it's a bad argument if i can't give johnny uh an aspirin at school but i can give sarah an abortion without your permission something went wrong right if you have to then contort yourself into somehow justifying that that's a bad argument and that's just a good principle for you know going forward in life okay i'm sorry no no no no no no no you did good that was great no that was perfect all right so uh so darren you wrote an e-book about zulinski uh there's a there's a few things uh let's see zulinski is a soros puppet uh zulinski is a homosexual because we got pictures of him dancing on a table looking kind of weird uh zulinski is and you kind of you know defrocked that so to speak in our previous segment uh you know zulinski is not really in uh kev he's not he's not really in the the ukraine uh zulinski is a part of the uh new world order and the new monetary reset and uh and and and and he's the one that you know uh is in charge of the bio labs that and and putin is oh wow and he's the one who's ordered his people to kill ukrainians and then propagandize it and pretend like it's russians that are doing it yeah so let's let's take these one at a time sure zulinski is a zor uh soros puppet zulinski himself said if i went back into the academic um library to scroll back through and see how you know where any comment of zulinski or soros um you know put keywords zulinski and soros into the database and see what came out there was one that came out a couple years ago so this was not like so if you look back it's almost like the question of when did trump become a racist right if you look at when people started calling them a racist it wasn't until he became a republican and ran and then everybody started calling them calling them a racist like if you go back before that you don't see much about those two keywords come together same kind of thing here i saw one thing and zulinski was saying look i'm not i i don't interface with soros there are people that have worked and you know been uh to soros um funded uh events or things within ukraine but i i don't have any connection so no he's not a soros puppet okay let's go to the next one uh he's dancing around in uh in this weird uh and it was weird because i watched that video too right so it was in this weird like leather he's wearing high heels what's going on okay so he was an entertainer he was in tv for years and what he's doing is actually parroting a boy band in ukraine a well-known boy band it's like if you had um uh new kids on the block or uh or in sync or one of those guys in sync or yeah that's right for something along those lines and that's what it was now you see this misinformation all over oh zulinski's gay he's doing this no no no no i have in front of me on my on my screen the article from the los angeles blade if you don't know what the los angeles blade is the blade the washington blade the los angeles blade is as like a gay newspaper like focus toward everything lgbtq plus alphabet whatever okay and they're saying no it's not that it's even cringe-worthy like it's it's not it's parroting this particular group that that group targets girls not boys and that's not what it is so even they are saying so i want to take them at their word and say that that you know they're the authority on what is or what is not you know lgbtq plus okay what else is there um the team well you'd you'd defrock to the t-shirt situation and him being in a t-shirt and then and then them saying oh no he's not in ukraine uh you know look at the sheet behind him or the curtains or whatever so what we're skipping is he a nazi okay oh this is right thank you yeah yeah important so this is this is part of of uh putin's actual speech right if you look at his his uh address on the 24th they're going into denazified ukraine who gave him permission to go in and denazify ukraine and where are the nazis i'd like to know um zalinsky's actually jewish or of jewish heritage his grandfather is was the only survivor of four brothers uh that survived fighting against the nazis he's yeah he's not he's not nazi okay now there's nazi symbolism that is in ukraine and you'll still see um so let's let's think about it like this i i've given this analogy before if you had um uh a people running around with shay guavera shirts you know the red thing with shay with the beret looking up right in order to kind of look anti-establishment i'm cool you mean like the people you mean like the antifa people no i don't even mean like that i just mean like no i just mean the average guy walking down the street trying to pick up a girl right don't i look dark and brooding like they don't know anything about martha's platform but oh look at me um that's kind of what it is and it's more an anti-soviet um thing than it is it's not like pro-nazi it's anti-soviet right you got to understand the history here the history is that like okay we got about a minute we got about a minute yeah so think about this why did why did the nazis roll over ukraine and go i mean the fight didn't i mean when the nazis started fighting with the soviet unit they rolled over ukraine because the ukrainians were like i'm not fighting and go right by and they went through because in the in the uh 1932 to 34 the soviets starving the ukrainians that's right yeah yeah so um so during that time period they're starving so they hate the soviets then they hate the nazis then they hate the soviet masters again and look i mean they were invaded again here in 2014 they're you know it's just a mess but i are they nazis no are they satanists no are they um gay or is the zalinsky gay no is he a let me and let me just throw this piece in with regards to him as well the ukrainians fought to have their ukrainian orthodox church recognized by the greek orthodox church because of the corruption in the russian orthodox church and so the disinformation is against the ukrainians and their church there is when revival christian revival happening in the ukraine on in on massive numbers and that's what they're doing and that's why they're they're winning this war against instrumental odds thank you dear and gertis hi this is pastor greg host of the chosen generation radio show reminding you that we have a two-hour program monday through friday with great interviews on topics that impact you our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years you are a part of that vision so please join us at chosen generation chosen generation and sign up for our emails today i thank and praise god for this uh uh borewell that god has enabled us to put in this uh village with the prayer and support of pastor greg young and chosen generation minister radio ministry and uh by the prayer and support of the uh pastor greg young and the chosen generation ministry we could put the borewell in this village for the community before this community was a drinking a dirty water and that was really causing a lot of secrets but now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for pastor greg young and chosen generation ministry and all the supporters and we pray for all of you that god would bless you and god would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community those who are really having a problem of the waters god bless you and keep us in your prayer and this pastor is pastor jackie has been doing the ministry here in this village and really this village is a really in a big need of a church building keep us in prayer god bless you and this is this borewell we have put and uh hey this is pastor greg for only 400 just 400 american dollars we can drill and buy the equipment to put in these life-changing wells would you consider making a donation today paypal dot me forward slash pastor greg paypal dot me forward slash pastor greg only four hundred dollars changes thousands of lives for generations you can be a part of that today paypal dot me forward slash pastor greg please consider making your best donation today we thank and praise god that god has enabled us to put the borewell here in this community with the prayer and support of pastor greg young and chosen generation ministry and this community is so grateful because now they are getting pure and fresh water in their home and they are doing well and their health is doing good therefore we would like to request all the all our supporters and pastor greg young and their chosen generation ministry that there are many villages in Punjab those who are really having big problem of getting pure and fresh water in their villages in their communities and god if god is putting in your heart to donate anything to do or to put the borewells in a needful and poor villages then you can directly contact pastor greg young or a chosen generation ministry and we pray and we bless all the people those who have been doing and supporting this borewell through pastor greg young and chosen generation ministry and this pastor is doing the ministry in this community and please keep us in your prayer and we are praying for all those who have been supporting to put this borewell through pastor greg young and chosen generation ministry god bless you and god be with you all and always keep us in your prayer we are also praying for you thank you and you can hi this is pastor greg host of the chosen you are a part of that vision so please join us at chosen generation chosen generation and sign up for our emails today
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