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David Shestokas #BigTechAttacksFreeSpeech #RightsFromGodNotMan Rick Manning #UkraineLiberty #StopMandates

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
March 2, 2022 4:21 pm

David Shestokas #BigTechAttacksFreeSpeech #RightsFromGodNotMan Rick Manning #UkraineLiberty #StopMandates

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Greetings, Children's Generation Army. I'm so grateful to be connected with you, my listeners. You are some of the most engaged, responsive, loving, and caring people I know. I need to bring to your attention an urgent need for our ministries in India.

While there has become a focus on the Uighurs in China, our ministries in Jammu, Kashmir, and Punjab are being terrorized by those same Uighurs, the Taliban, and the mounting CCP army at the border of India. Between these threats and the lockdowns, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families, our orphans, our widows, our Bible students, and our community outreaches. $15 will feed a pastor's family for a month. $20 funds our sewing school instructor, and $150 a week funds our base operations, the orphans, the Bible school students, even the sewing school, and our senior indigenous pastor, Samuel. So please go to forward slash pastor Greg. That's forward slash pastor Greg, or you can call me at 209-380-8654, 209-380-8654 to make your donation over the phone.

Please call us, contact me today, and make your best donation. Thank you and God bless you. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me.

Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned to Chosen Generation Radio.

Very, very excited to have you with me. If you missed any portion of our first program, our first hour today, do encourage you to go to the website, That's And we'll have the podcasts up there. I'm doing it in two separate hours so you can listen to the first hour. And having already listened to the second hour, perhaps you'll be with us for the whole second hour. If you're with us for the whole program, well, we thank you for that. We were the number one show last week. We continue to grow our audience there.

Excited to be there. Over 600,000 people so far this year have watched hosts at Grateful for that and our partnership with NTD TV. Also the Truth Broadcasting Network and Noble Radio Network as well. And our Salem affiliates and others that are watching the program.

So great to be with you on KYH there in Utah. Mitt Romney may have gotten something right this week. You can read about that at the website,

It's probably the only thing that he's done right in all the years that I've been talking about, Mitt Romney. So I want to welcome my next guest to the program. And then I'm going to read a statement that I read in the first segment, but many of you may not have heard it. And then I want to get David's thoughts with regards to it. So let me welcome David Shostakis, our constitutional expert. David, welcome. Good to have you. Great to be with you, Greg.

Listen, I have you live on Facebook at the moment. So I'm watching you as well as speaking with you. That's just the great, I see this great library behind you. Yeah, this is fantastic. Thank you.

Yeah, the library looks fabulous. You, my friend, coat, shirt, tie, et cetera, et cetera, you're all dressed up for radio sports. Thank you very much, brother. I greatly appreciate that.

And we got the fireplace going on back here behind me as well. So yeah, you know, kind of add that nice little aesthetic to it. But thanks. I appreciate that. Yeah, this is our new studio, our new studio setup. And I'm very much enjoying it. It's a lot better than the bathroom door and the bed and the bedroom. So yeah, definitely an improvement. Now we're going to have a fireside chat, I guess. That's it. That's it.

Yeah, absolutely. So just for those of you tuning in right now and listening, yesterday I was removed from Vimeo. So if you had a link with my testimony or sermons from India or any of my shows, or you went, you know, go to the website or, you know, you were sent that cause you get that in your, in your email. And this morning you woke up and you were like, yeah, I was going to watch yesterday's show.

Hello. Where'd it go? It was deleted by Vimeo.

Vimeo pulled me down Saturday. I got a notification that my program with Judy Mikovits and Brian Hooker and Todd Bensman and Tracy Fenton had been removed because it violated their terms and conditions. And so then they followed that up on Monday with another notification of their claims of violation.

And then they just, I mean, they just took the whole thing down. I sent them a letter. I expressed to them my concerns about what it was that they were telling me, what it was that they were saying. I expressed to them why I believe that what they were saying was inappropriate and not right. And they said, so what they said is that my videos were conveying false and misleading health related information that has a serious potential to cause public harm. I was perpetuating false and misleading claims about vaccine safety and that my claims about coronavirus is a hoax, which I never said, by the way, was promoting a conspiracy theory. So that's what they have accused me of. Yeah.

Greg, this is, it's hard to imagine. And I would suggest that somewhere along the line, of course, usually the terms of service of these matters, wouldn't you talk about them deleting your whole, all your, and depriving you of access to all your material. Typically, they always say, well, they don't own it. You own it. And so if you own it, why, how is it that they can erase it off? This becomes a potential beyond, beyond the horrific portrayal of the information that I know you do not promote bad, you know, bad science, bad medicine.

You don't promote any of that stuff. So obviously the claim that they're making is wrong in the first place. But the second, second issue to consider is in fact, you know, the whole terms of service, they're very, always very careful to say that they don't own or control your material, but that you are so that they can avoid the liability. But when they do something like this, they deprive you of the content that you own. And this is kind of a way that people need to start to address these kinds of problems.

When they're erased and they're taken away, what amounts to your material? While they reserve these rights to control what's on their platform, again, to sell you to utilize the platform, they always say you only, you own the rights, you know, you own the property, but then after you, after you put it there, they wind up, you know, depriving you of your property. So, you know, all the politics aside, they, I would suggest that there's a huge breach of contract and that you have a, you have a cause of action because obviously all your shows, all your materials, all have value, you know, and so this is very problematic. We hope that, you know, you're going to make, we're going to make some progress and headway on that. You know, I'm involved in other things at the moment that are tying me up greatly. And, but we're going to start, after next week, we're going to start to follow this more closely.

Well, I appreciate that. Well, I got another new one from them that you can't, you can't state or make a claim that vaccines contribute or cause childhood autism, except that there is direct evidence and Dr. Judy has the scientific and medical evidence. I've got a child that has Asperger's, cerebral palsy, and had a stroke as a direct result of a vaccine that was given to them when he was born. And I have evidence of it from Children's Hospital in Madera where he was diagnosed. And they told us, they told us he'd never seen, never hear, never walk, never talk.

God has done a miraculous work with him, but he still has a number of challenges that are directly related to a vaccine reaction. So you can't tell me that something doesn't happen that I have personally witnessed and can personally attest to when it concerns my own kid. Sorry, you just, my testimony outweighs their lies.

Yeah, no. And, and the answer to all these things has always been more speech, not, not shutting down speech, you know, so that, so that ultimately truth will, truth will percolate, percolate through. And that's the whole point of the first amendment in the first place is that people, you know, people are free to say bad things and stupid things, and they're also free to tell the truth. In which case, ultimately the truth, that's what it's designed to is ultimately to have the truth win by, by repetition, by the, through the competing form of ideas. And so, you know, you can't, they can't tell you, but to penalize you and to essentially take your property, because they disagree with something you had to say is just extremely irresponsible.

And I would suggest illegal. Well, we'll, we'll see if I'm able to make some recovering on some of this, or if they, they block, they, they sent me a list. They initially said, well, you'll be able to get three files. I was up till late last night, clicking on links, but we'll see how corrupted what they sent me is and whether or not, you know, it's still of any value or what, you know, and whether or not I can use it. I want to share this statement. I shared it in the first portion, and then get your thoughts on it.

And we can certainly, you know, talk more about it in the second half of our program, this segment this morning as well. My goal or thought in fighting this is that we're continually by force or resign, giving and having taken ground in the fight for our liberties. I'm glad there are alternative sites, but what conservatives fail to grasp is that under is that the undergirding principles of these alternative sites has to be God. Our founders gave up everything because they saw a greater reward. And because life, liberty and abundant life are not just gifts, but who we are as God's children created in his image to live as Christ and to die as gain. That also holds a person to a true moral code, knowing there will be a judgment day and consequences for evil acts left unrepentant for. Jesus once shared a parable about two sons. One said no and later was obedient and the other said yes, but then did not do what he agreed to. While the listeners gave the right answer, it seems many get confused by the message. Jesus says to them, the tax collectors and prostitutes will enter ahead of them, not because they answered wrong, that the son who acted righteously was better than the obedient one, which he was, but that though they could answer the truth and see the truth, they themselves did not follow their own advice when it was related to John the Baptist or Jesus himself.

They rejected John and Jesus, even seeing the change in the lives of the followers. At a later time, you would say to them, you speak the right words, honor me with your lips, but your hearts are far from me. Capitalism is based on biblical principles. To do everything is under the Lord, giving your best. Who is he that runs a race, if not to win?

Who begins to build a building, not counting the cost, but intending to finish it? The principles of Christianity were what set the Christian community apart, less disease, more production, happier people, and greater wealth accumulation. The Jews practiced this and Christians did too. Constantine was motivated to embrace Christianity because of the sheer volume of evidence that Christians did everything better than the Roman heathens. Thus to my point, if the alternative platforms do not have a moral God-founded base, and if they have not a plan for succession to maintain that, then we will lose those platforms as well.

Vimeo was great until IAC bought it and then it was not. Our fight is not just for the words that I will, but for the actions that support those intentions and keep them just, righteous, and worth dying for. Only God is worth all that. Only liberty given by God is worth that, for because liberty authored by men can be taken by those same men, and now we're back to square one. Thus, our fight is not for the liberty that we see, but to set free the soul only God can see and only he can give us that kind of freedom. A freedom that I believe is worth dying for, David. Well, there's a lot there, but we'll talk about it, but you're right.

These are the bases of the founding of the country in terms of what you find both in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to execute these principles and ideals that would allow individuals to prosper as they are blessed by God with the right to pursue these matters to prosper. In 2004, I was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down. In both instances, God and his natural cures saved and preserved my life. Recently, I was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole other level. If you want to know more, go to and sign up for an account. It's free to sign up. That's and sign up for your free account. And when you get done, email me at pg at

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Get your first year absolutely free. Now back to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg. And don't forget, you can get more Chosen Generation at

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. I'm my special guest, David Chistokas. And hang on a second. Let me, there we go. Now you can see us.

All right. Well, so David, you were beginning to say, as I had shared about, you know, the rights and our rights being founded on, you know, on, on natural law and God's laws and, and the need for understanding. And after, absolutely. And of course that's expressed in our own founding documents. Certainly the two portions of the opening and the Declaration of Independence. One in fact, where the indication that the United States is assuming its place among the nations of the world, according to the laws of nature and of nature's God. And then, then of course the most famous portion about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The pursuit of happiness is Jefferson, Jefferson puts it a little more eloquently, but in the end, it's because people should be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor. And, but the interesting thing about that is, is in capitalism, people prosper from the fruits of their labor by providing goods and services to other, other folks.

So prosperity comes from spreading, providing things that other people want and desire. And that's, I think that, I think that's very interesting because it still turns out to be an individual thing, but holding, saying that there's something wrong with capitalism because it makes rich people or because people, nobody really remembers that in the first place, even Bill Gates created a computer that, you know, for whatever issues you may have, what he's doing with his wealth. The fact is, is he provided a good and a service that millions upon millions of people wanted, use.

I use Dan and Dan. Certainly aspects of my life are better because of the work that Mr. Gates did, you know? And so he said, this is, this is how capitalism and Christianity kind of converge in that respect because capitalism actually seeks to make people's lives better by allowing, allowing entrepreneurs to prosper. And in terms of making lives, people, people's lives better, that allows the accumulation of wealth, which allows for what it allows for charity. So it's a, it's a long, it's a, it's a long, big circle that it's all about having life better for people generally, you know?

And I, I think your long quote in terms of the liberty interests that are surrounding our country and how they, how they coincide with Christianity and how that was something that long ago, Constantine, Constantine recognized and improved the lives of millions through that recognition. Yeah. Interesting.

Yeah. So one of the things that they, I'm pulling up a history right now, they're saying that they pulled the show down on December 24th, 2021. It was a repeat show. But they, they pulled the program down because I questioned the integrity of the election. And they said, will you not allow content that spreads false or misleading claims about the results of any election within the U S. Oh, you can, you can call out the elections in Russia, right? Apparently that's okay because it's within the U S or that's not within the U S apparently that question whether Mr. Putin was you know, officially elected, but just in the face of lots of, lots of evidence, you know, that you have to, you have to agree, you know, it's a very interesting, we've had, we've had been with the sheriff Ruth of the, of Macon County, Illinois who there was an election held in November of 2018 and it was overturned in June of 2021 election is not over until all the litigation is complete until everybody agrees. It's not over until, until all those things are resolved. And so to say that there's not questions about what happened in each and every election, the only way we can make elections good and decent and, and trustworthy is by asking these hard questions about what happened. And so, you know, again, that's what the first amendment is designed for, to have those kinds of discussions.

We'll let everybody participate. And it's just horrible that this is a position to shut down, shut down content. And, and it was actually a, what they, they pulled in on the 24th of December, 2021, but it was a show from January 27th, 2021 that included, and I'll have to tell my friend, Eric Nipudi, but apparently, and, and he was talking about January 6th and he was there on January the 6th, he was an eyewitness. And so he was sharing his testimony about what happened there and why they were there and their concerns about the election. And it's interesting. I have a report up by my friend, Chris Wright, a major report on election fraud was just released in Wisconsin. Yes. And, and that's something that we probably should, should have a conversation about.

I know we can't talk about it now. We're running out of time, but, and I'll, I'll put this article up. It's on the daily skirmish, by the way, is where you can find the article by Chris Wright. But there's a major new report that is, that is up Newsweek is, is that right?

Newsweek? Hmm. Interesting. All right.

So I'll have to check that out. It involves $9 million of misused parts. So, yeah, there we go. And, and that was something that president Trump talked about at CPAC was the 400.

Well, actually way more than that he mentioned, but Wisconsin special council, Michael gave him a calls for decertification, Wisconsin 20. Are you getting up in the morning, feeling like you and your bed had a bad night, still tired. Stop.

It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike Lindell started MyPillow. And after his success, helping people sleep better with the pillow, Mike decided to go all in.

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Nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and know that you have fed starving kids. Use the code pastor Greg call MyPillow today. 800-662-9236. 800-662-9236.

For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit This is Adam Mundahl with State Air and we are sponsors of Chosen Generation and Pastor Greg. Sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business. And I want to encourage you to join me in sponsoring Chosen Generation and Pastor Greg. Call him today at 830-446-3624.

Once again, that's 830-446-3624. I know your business will be blessed as ours is, and I challenge you to this blessing. Thank you. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And this is Pastor Greg. Thanks so much for tuning in.

I so greatly appreciate it. Did you know Matthew 10 tells us, whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul, but rather fear him who's able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will, but the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear, therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows. I want to encourage you in this Thanksgiving time that God has a plan, has a purpose, and He's working it out.

And He wants you to be a part of it. And you can, through Jesus Christ, His Son, if you've never professed faith in Jesus Christ, I encourage you to do that today. Simply pray this prayer, Father, please forgive me for all my sins. Take them away from me and help me to become the person that you created me to be.

I desire to have relationship with you. And I ask Jesus Christ to become the Lord of my life. I put my faith in Him, and I believe on the promises that you've made.

Amen. If you prayed that prayer, reach out to me and let me know. I'd love to hear from you today. And know this, we are God's chosen generation, chosen for such a time as this. And every day when you listen to the program and you hear the opening that we play, that is a reminder of who you and I are.

God bless you and have a great rest of your day. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to chosen generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. So gosh, yeah, you know, I and I forgot, folks, my apologies. I'm just thinking in my own head and talking out loud, but I forgot to press the just the record button locally to record this video. But it is up on on getter and great to be with you folks on getter. It is up on cloud hub. And I'm sure there'll be a record of it on cloud hub and getter. And it is up on Facebook.

And I'm sure there's got to be some way that I can capture it from Facebook before they delete it. And what am I talking about? Well, if you're just tuning in, welcome aboard. Great to be with you. I'm your host Pastor Greg. You're listening to chosen generation radio, which you might well have already known. If you missed any of our previous segments, I do hope you'll pick those up at the website chosen generation chosen generation And we'll have the podcasts up this afternoon. Rick Manning is joining me Americans for limited government to co host and be my well we're just going to co host together. And and our guests will be the topic. Welcome aboard my friend. Happy to be on and enjoy the opportunity to co host with a very important guest, whatever the topic is we're talking about. Well, I greatly appreciate that.

So yeah, an article actually, Chris Wright has written he writes it the daily skirmish and his blog today is talking about big problems documented in Wisconsin 2020 election. Why don't we begin with that? Well, I guess I should finish the thought. So yesterday, Vimeo decided to close my account. So if you've been getting videos from us in your email, and maybe you went this morning or sometime last night, and you clicked on the link to go watch the video, you got one of these messages from them that said, Oh, no, that page appears to no longer be here. Well, that's because that page is no longer there. Ladies and gentlemen, they have closed it. It says sorry, we couldn't find that page. Make sure you type the URL correctly or despite try searching Vimeo, you could also watch one of the videos below instead. Of course, I can't even see the videos below. Because Rick, they have blocked me from their platform to the point that I'm not even I'm not even allowed to go on the platform. How about that? Well, you know, it's they are making a political statement. And I have to tell you the thank goodness for places like getter.

Thank places like the what's it called? The one that Bongino is is involved in the alternative alternative YouTube's alternative videos, videos that are out there. The fact of the matter is we've got it. We have an alt economy that's being developed, and is moving rapidly towards towards coming to fulfillment. And we have to is it's conservatives, we have to encourage investors to, to provide alternatives to the Silicon Valley controlled media outlets. And by media outlets, I mean, places like Vimeo, and YouTube and Facebook and the like, because if we don't encourage those, if we sit there and say, Okay, well, I'm, I'm okay sitting here over on Facebook, and they're leaving me alone and whatever. And we aren't encouraging the getters, if we're not encouraging other alternatives that are out there parlor before they got blown up by those Silicon Valley guys, cloud hub, a number of different platforms.

If we're not encouraging them, then we're going to find ourselves straight out of luck in terms of being able to have places where we can have material up and what's more, the way you get more investment into conservative alternatives is by having more conservatives using those alternatives. And so in some respects, Vimeo and the like are cutting their own throats. Because the more you and your listeners and others are turning towards conservative alternatives to provide the same services, the fewer, fewer eyeballs Vimeo has the fewer, less profit they make. And, and the less others will be utilizing them.

Because, quite honestly, they'll turn the conservative audience away. And that's what you know, that's what they're doing. So it's a matter of your listeners going and finding your stuff on other outlets, and becoming active on those other outlets, and not relying on the Vimeo's and the YouTube's and the Facebook's of the world. Yeah, it's well, and you know, what we need to also recognize and be paying attention to is, is what you know, Vimeo at one time was was not what it is today. Because it used to be that it was owned by, you know, by a couple of guys that developed a platform that they thought would compete with YouTube.

And, and, you know, was going to be open for everybody to express their views. Vimeo was bought by IAC. And I did a little bit of poking around at IAC to kind of see, you know, who, who are those guys? Who is who is IAC?

And, and, and, and what are they? And, and that whole bit. And interestingly enough, what I discovered was is that IAC has an interesting board of directors. And one of the members of that board of directors and that's a part of their leadership is somebody that is a part of the Daily Beast. Heather Dietrich is the CEO of the Daily Beast. And, and she is a member of the business management team. Yeah, I'd say the fact of the matter is, there is a these, the left kind of is very incestuous in this regard.

And they make certain that they are that they flow into each other's work. And when Vimeo got to got bought, they got changed. That's one of the interesting things about Silicon Valley, this gets a little technical, but Silicon Valley is run by something like venture capital, people who invest a little bit of money, and with the hopes of getting a big return at the back end, those people who invest in venture capital, when they get approached to say, buy an Amazon or buy some, some big company that wants to buy that product, those people say, I don't really care about the product, I want to make a massive profit.

So let's sell it to Amazon. And so that's how these little companies start out. When they get some, they get some people using them, they become kind of commonplace. And then they get bought by a bigger fish. And the people don't who running them, even with all good intent at the time, have no idea what they're doing. They have no option because the people who are their investors, their funders, demand that they sell to somebody who's going to pay billions of dollars. And, you know, that's how these companies get taken over. And you end up with a company like Vimeo going exactly opposite its original intent. And you know, I'm really kind of surprised with IAC because the chairman and senior AC is a guy named Barry Diller.

Barry Diller was chairman and chief executive officer of Fox Inc, and created the Fox Broadcasting Company. Which I find interesting that that he that he, you know, that that that everything has moved so far left, of course, he, you know, he left there in April 1992. But and from 84 to 92, Fox wasn't a hardcore left kind of an outfit that I remember.

No, but he was that he was part of the Hollywood kind of cabal that has always has at least been last four years and playing pretty well. But, you know, bottom line is, you can, this is why the conservative, they, the actual organizations like rumble, that have been set up specifically, to be can to reach conservative audiences, where they view that as being their their audience that they are trying to try to be service, those people like who come in and say, we are going to be cancel culture free, and have that as the DNA of their organization. That's why we have to support those people. Because if you're canceled culture free, then your whole DNA is that we're not going to give in to the to the left into the Silicon Valley in the world. And you're going to say no to this to the person from the left, who's trying to buy your company, so they can cancel the people who are using it. That's the you know, so that's why we as people who want to have free speech, have to jump into the fray and say, you know, I recognize that I don't get as many interactions on getter as I do on Facebook.

But I need to be on getter and active on getter. Because you have to build up those alternatives by them in the marketplace, we have to build them up, get them to transactions, so that they are not susceptible to be squashed downstream. And that's a choice. It's a simple choice we all have to make.

And you can sit there and you can watch videos on Vimeo, you can watch videos on YouTube, you can watch about Facebook, or you can watch them on rumble. And, you know, chances chances are, pick which one you're going to utilize, you're gonna have on your screen for entertainment purposes, because that's who's who you're monetizing. That's who you're giving your your dollars to. And so my suggestion is, as conservatives, as Christians, we have a responsibility to begin being consumers who put that at the forefront of our decision making.

Yeah, it's it's time to it's time to start picking and choosing where you spend your money and where you spend your dollars. And and again, as you said, you know, not spending and that's one of the reasons why Patriot is the place to get your cell phone service. Patriot is the only Christian conservative mobile phone company in America that is national there on all the towers there everywhere you want to be. And I would encourage you to contact them today 972 patriot use the code chosen 972 patriot use the code chosen or go to patriot forward slash chosen for free activation. Now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom.

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They are 100% US-based providing exceptional customer service. Most importantly Patriot Mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom constitutional rights sanctity of life first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972 patriot 972 patriot call today use the code chosen patriot forward slash chosen. Thank you for tuning into chosen generation chosen generation is about equipping encouraging and challenging this generation to engage culture and to fulfill God's plan and purpose for our city county state and nation to be the Christian influence and life that we have been called to be. Pastor Greg is committed to seeing God's life-changing power work in you. If you need prayer today or have a question you can reach us at 830-446-3624. 830-446-3624. If your church or group would like to have Pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation he is available to bring that same life-changing message and anointing to your event again that number is 830-446-3624. 830-446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening because you are God's chosen generation. Hi this is Pastor Greg host of the chosen generation radio show if you follow my program you know I'm a miracle survivor of a catastrophic car accident where I saved my daughter's life spent six weeks on life support died four times and broke bones in my head neck back ribs arms pelvis and both legs that was in 2017 in 2004 I was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down in both instances God and his natural cures saved and preserved my life recently I was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole nother level if you want to know more go to and sign up for an account it's free to sign up that's and sign up for your free account and when you get done email me at pg at that's pg at and I'll tell you how to get well you can support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting and now back to chosen generation with pastor Greg and welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses yeah I'm going to be putting out the information about what what Vimeo did and let me explain my goal or my thought in fighting this and that is this Rick we continually by force or resign have been giving or having taken ground in the fight for our liberties I'm glad there are alternative sites but what conservatives fail to grasp is that under is that the undergirding principles of these alternative sites has to be God our founders gave up everything because they saw a greater reward and because life liberty and abundant life are not just gifts but who we are as God's children created in his image to live is Christ and to die is gain that also holds a person to a true moral code knowing there will be a judgment day and consequences for evil acts left unrepented for Jesus once shared a parable about two sons one said no and later was obedient and the other said yes but then did not do what he agreed to while the listeners gave the right answer it seems many get confused by the message Jesus says to them the tax collectors and prostitutes will enter ahead of them not because they answered wrong that the son who acted righteously was better than the disobedient one which he was but that though they could answer the truth and see the truth they themselves did not follow their own advice when it was related to John the Baptist or to Jesus himself for they rejected John and Jesus even seeing the change in the lives of the followers at a later time he would say to them you speak the right words honor me with your lips but your hearts are far from me capitalism is based on biblical principles to do everything as unto the Lord giving your best who is he that runs a race if not to win who begins to build a building not counting the cost but intending to finish it the principles of Christianity were what set the Christian community apart less disease more production happier people and greater wealth accumulation the Jews practiced this and the Christians did too Constantine was motivated to embrace Christianity because of the sheer volume of evidence the Christians did everything better than the Roman heathens thus to my point if the alternative platforms do not have a moral God-founded base and if they have not a plan for succession to maintain that then we will lose those platforms as well Vimeo was great until IAC bought it and then it was not our fight is not just for the words that I will but for the actions that support those intentions and keep them just righteous and worth dying for only God is worth all that only liberty given by God is worth dying for because liberty authored by men can be taken by those same men and now we are back to square one thus our fight for liberty is not for the liberty we see but to set free the soul only God can see and only he can give us that kind of freedom a freedom that's worth dying for dying for your thoughts kind sir 100% it's a you know the fact of the matter is the author of liberty is is God there is no liberty without God it's the government given liberty is not liberty at all it's merely the chain it's just the loosening of the chains and it's a um and so it is worth uh fighting to make certain that um that these companies even the ones that want to want to cancel you that they understand the mistake they're making that they understand the the place they're falling into yeah and it's a and by uh and so i think there's that you can do both i think you can go and uh there's we're not called to be outside the world we're called to be in the world we're just not called to be of the world and so when you're engaging with people on various platforms that's a thing in the world that's fine um but it's it's very important that we we in my estimation it's very important that we uh engage our that we do intentionally um reward those who are risking capital risking uh wealth risking time energy and effort to create platforms that are going to be free uh not just today not just tomorrow but presumably for the next decade right and that is a and by free i don't mean cost free i mean uh able to communicate on freely whether or not you are on the left or the right and it is a and it's that enduring principle the ability to have a have free flow of ideas and competition of ideas that without that our our country fails capitalism certainly fails and the uh and truth and everybody can't stamp out truth but the people who the people who are on platforms are allowed truth to be heard are being denied the capacity to actually know the truth um at least through those platforms they choose so it is important provided in those platforms as much as possible and i think that that's a critical point and i think we we should talk about that because there were two things that were really the predominant and driving factors and the reason that vimeo gave for that that they were moving based on content and one of them had to do with january 6th and had to do specifically with elections and election integrity and there's a brand new wisconsin report coming out that calls into question whether or not i mean they're they're saying that the wisconsin certification should be pulled based on the evidence that they have found evidence that they have found arizona uh had there are many who would it would state that they came to the same conclusion now there were those that got in there apparently that sabotaged those results i don't know all the all the behind the scenes of that but my understanding is is that it was only read the entire when you read the entire arizona audit report it's very clear that thousand tens of thousands of votes were illegally cast and the would you go beyond the one piece of the executive summary um that the entire the conclusion is that uh that the arizona election was fraudulently uh won so there's no it's that's the results those are facts those are facts georgia has issues as well so now we have georgia wisconsin and arizona joe biden doesn't win the election i'm sorry but it's a fact it's a fact okay the sad thing is the sad thing is because of these platforms people don't you know you're saying that well and then yeah and then i want to get this in because it's so important the other piece to this rick is the issue relative to the injections i have a personal family history story that i can talk about two of my children who were vax injured and are still suffering the consequences of vax injuries today today okay so that's my personal testimony but then when i bring on a doctor of the stature of a dr judy mike of its or a dr brian hooker or a dr jim thorpe or we'll have dr pete and bricola is going to be coming on the program very soon uh or uh you know any of these other doctors that i've had on my program dr brian artists who go through and explain the issues they tell you why people are dying in the hospital uh you know and and how that can be stopped and and we make a presentation at thomas rens has been on this program several times ladies and gentlemen and he's given legal affidavit sworn testimony from dod individuals you see that on our program regularly here's my point with this my point is is that somebody's got to be out here rick telling the truth about these issues somebody has to be out here sharing it people are dying because of how the issue is being treated i'm not suggesting that there's not a covid i'm not saying that i'm not saying that i'm not saying that people don't get sick i was sick rick you know that i was definitely ill i got double pneumonia coughing up blood i was a mess and you had to come in and help do my program for me so i'm not saying that it's not a problem and that you better not treat it i'm saying let's get proactive about taking care of it there are good positive things that you can be doing and man my doctor told me straight up if you'd gone to the hospital they would have killed you i'm just saying yeah i'd say uh it's sobering that the uh the group think wants to kill any idea that might impact safe lives it's it's it's it's scary it's scary and that's blood on their hands and to the folks at vimeo i would just simply say this silencing me taking away my rights at the end of the day when i stand before my god i do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that i sent my son to die for and redeem how did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check how did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message did you call evil good and good evil did you forsake my love for that of another lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which i call an abomination have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort and reviling me no at the end of the day i want him to simply say the evidence is in well done thou good and faithful servant i love my god and i love his creation and i will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only god is good and jesus came to save the world that no matter the evil in the world i will never give up and in spite of the hate i will love in truth god bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his hey this is pastor greg for only 400 just 400 american dollars we can drill and buy the equipment to put in these life-changing wells would you consider making a donation today forward slash pastor greg forward slash pastor greg only 400 changes thousands of lives for generations you can be a part of that today forward slash pastor greg please consider making your best donation today greetings student generation army i'm so grateful to be connected with you my listeners you are some of the most engaged responsive loving and caring people i know i need to bring to your attention an urgent need for our ministries in india while there has become a focus on the wiggers in china our ministries in jammu kashmir and punjab are being terrorized by those same wiggers the taliban and the mounting ccp army at the border of india between these threats and the lockdowns we find ourselves in need of additional financial support i'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families our orphans our widows our bible students and our community outreaches 15 will feed a pastor's family for a month 20 funds our sewing school instructor and 150 a week funds our base operations the orphans the bible school students even the sewing school and our senior indigenous pastor samuel so please go to forward slash pastor greg that's forward slash pastor greg or you can call me at 209 380 8654 209 380 8654 to make your donation over the phone please call us contact me today and make your best donation thank you and god bless you
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