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Back to the Office, Arthur Ashe Legacy, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
The Truth Network Radio
September 4, 2022 7:37 pm

Back to the Office, Arthur Ashe Legacy, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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September 4, 2022 7:37 pm

Hosted by Jane Pauley. In our cover story, David Pogue looks at how some companies are transitioning their employees back to the office, not always successfully. Plus: Norah O'Donnell talks with Hillary and Chelsea Clinton about their docuseries celebrating "Gutsy" women"; Nancy Cordes interviews NPR's Nina Totenberg, author of a book about Ruth Bader Ginsburg; David Martin looks at how one weapons system is shifting the battle in Ukraine; Susan Spencer examines a new documentary series, "The U.S. and the Holocaust"; and Jim Brown explores the legacy of tennis legend Arthur Ashe with his widow, Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe.

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Let's partner for all of it. Learn more at Good morning. I'm Jane Pauley, and this is Sunday Morning. On this Labor Day weekend, we report on a work in progress. When, how, and how often we go to work. What began as a temporary measure to protect against the pandemic has led to a sea change in the American workplace. Millions of us are working from home, many with little desire to return to the office. Employers are divided on the issue.

Some have embraced the commute free idea. Others have rejected it. And some just don't know what to do, as David Pogue will tell us. Is it time for America's employees to return to the workplace? Every CEO has a different answer. We believe the time is now to bring folks back into the office.

We are fully remote and have decided that this is going to be our posture going forward. But these days, it may not matter what the CEO thinks. I don't think you're running out of workers. You're running out of workers interested in working for you.

Ahead on Sunday morning, the new meaning of back to the office. What do you know about America's response to the Holocaust? What documentarian Ken Burns has learned may surprise you.

He'll be talking with Susan Spencer. It's been more than seven decades since the end of World War II, yet some questions are as raw as ever, starting right here at home. How would you characterize America's response? We failed. You know, we let in more human beings than any other sovereign nation.

But if we'd done 10 times that many, I think we would have failed. A new Ken Burns documentary and a closer look at the U.S. response to a humanitarian catastrophe coming up on Sunday morning. And much more besides. Nora O'Donnell catches up with Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, launching their new look at extraordinary women tackling exceptional challenges.

James Brown considers the legacy of late tennis great Arthur Ashe with his wife, Jeannie, plus a look at two larger than life figures who made headlines this past week, Mikhail Gorbachev and Princess Diana. It's the first Sunday morning of the new month, September 4th, 2022. And we'll be back in a moment. When COVID restrictions first kept office workers home more than two years ago, working in pajamas was something of a novelty.

No longer. We asked David Pogue to help us decide where do we go from here? As the pandemic subsides, we're going back to flying, back to theaters, back to restaurants. But back to the office?

Well, yes and no. We believe the time is now to bring folks back into the office, to bring them together. Brian Williams is the founder and CEO of Cadre, a real estate investment firm in New York City. His employees are back in the office three days a week. I do think that there's no replacement for in-person mentorship, training, guidance for younger employees in particular.

I don't think you can replace that virtually. You don't get that serendipitous sort of brainstorming, talking about an idea and then whiteboarding it virtually. On the other hand, we are fully remote and have decided that this is going to be our posture going forward. And we feel very strongly that it is simply the future of work for a lot of knowledge workers out there.

Jeremy Stoppelman is the CEO of Yelp, the business review service. As the pandemic ebbed, he gave his 4,400 workers the option of coming into the office. But they didn't show up. It was something like one percent utilization in all these beautiful offices that we had set up.

And nobody came in? Which makes sense. They save on commute. They have more flexibility in their day.

They could spend more time with their family, have more time for activities. Like a number of other big businesses, Yelp gave up most of its office space around the country. And that wasn't the only benefit to the bottom line. What we've seen from our employees is productivity has sustained at least as good, if not better. And in fact, our revenue is now higher than it was pre-pandemic. Here's where I get stuck. There are other companies, as you know, who have looked at the same data and drawn exactly the opposite conclusion. Everybody's got to come into the office.

Yeah, I mean, it's very confusing to me. We're suddenly able to tap into and hire employees in all 50 states, for example. In fact, we do now have employees in all 50 states. That was impossible in an environment where we were trying to get people into offices. In my mind, if you're not going remote or seriously thinking about it, you're missing out on one of the greatest free lunches in business.

Well, it's true. Remote workers get to live anywhere. They can adopt a more flexible schedule and they get to avoid the commute, the office politics, and some of the child care headaches. But it's also true that meeting at the office can be better for spontaneous collaboration and mentoring and building a corporate culture and cultivating a social life. Maybe that's why some companies have gone virtually all remote. Some companies require your full-time presence in person and others request your presence a few days a week. I think we're going through a phase where I would call it an experimental phase. There is no major in any MBA school that I'm aware of that has a, how do you have to change your culture, your recruiting strategy, your supply chain, all at the same time. Steve Cadigan is a workplace consultant and author. My advice right now is to really not make a decision for now and ever after, we are this, we are remote, we are going to be hybrid.

I don't think you can because you don't know how this is going to play out in six months. If you asked any executive search room right now, when we call a candidate, the first question they ask is, is the job remote? The virus presented us for the first time in history, a moment in time where everything was hit pause and everyone stood back and looked at their reality from a different perspective. Gosh darn it, I love shopping on Tuesday and not having to elbow people at the grocery store every Saturday and Sunday. How do we keep people productive, but then how do we keep them from not leaving? You know, with the great attrition, the great resignation, we're seeing a lot of talent leave the workforce in record numbers.

Brooke Weddle is a partner at McKinsey, the consultancy. She says that since the pandemic started, the balance of power between management and workers has radically changed. 40% of employees are considering leaving their work in the next three to six months. That is a hard figure to not take seriously as a CEO. And that's not just service jobs like wait staff.

Across the board. This conversation ultimately is about, are your workers happy? Yeah, and what drives happiness? I mean, they want that belonging. They want to feel valued by their organization and their manager. I think employees are saying, look, we want something different and we want something more meaningful.

And I don't see that going away anytime soon. We're having this conversation about jobs that can be done at home or hybrid. I mean, a nurse, a pilot, a bus driver, they're not going to have any of these options. However, you can still create flexibility for those roles. You can still talk to a bus driver about her connection back to what an organization's purpose is. Those efforts are underway. Already 58% of American workers say they have the option to work from home for at least part of the week.

AT&T Network Center Technician Val Wilson isn't among them. In April, after she'd been working at home for two years, AT&T ordered her department back to the office five days a week. My heart sunk. It's almost a slap in the face. Due to the reason we've been doing the job, it's been proven for those two years. You've patted us on the back for our productivity. To make matters worse, Wilson says that AT&T consolidated three departments onto a single crowded floor of a new building. We're all on edge, so to say.

And then all it takes is for one person to cough or sneeze and that anxiety kicks in again because you're like, where did it come from? So your office morale right now is none. Do you think they'll lose some good talent with that approach? We've already lost good talent. When we were forced back in, we've already lost some. Are they in any danger of losing you if this situation doesn't get better? I'm sorry, I get emotional when that comes up because I feel like I've done so much and put in so much so much to get to 30 years of service.

And to make that decision to leave early, it's painful. As a union steward, Wilson has proposed a hybrid plan to her bosses. She's hopeful that they'll allow working at home two days a week.

AT&T told us, we have been very clear that employees would not work from home indefinitely. In the meantime, Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman concedes that the great shift to remote work might strike some traditionalists as radical. It's a crazy idea.

I totally get that. It's a huge transition. It's disruptive to the way that we've thought about the office for 100 plus years. You have a lot of employees that are doing their job simply at a computer every day.

You could probably go remote and it's going to be a win for everybody. It's been six months and counting of war in Ukraine. And an American-made weapon is helping Ukrainian forces turn the tide.

David Martin reports. It's been a standard, largely unnoticed part of the American military arsenal for decades. But when HIMARS, an acronym which stands for High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, showed up in Ukraine, it changed the face of battle. This capability is giving the Ukrainians the potential to completely change the momentum and the direction of this war. Retired Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, former commander of the U.S. Army in Europe, says HIMARS, which fires a 200 pound warhead up to 50 miles and hits within 10 feet of its intended target, has virtually eliminated Russia's numerical advantage. You don't have to have hundreds of artillery rounds to achieve the same effect as one rocket fired from HIMARS. Is Ukraine still outgunned?

In numbers, I'd say yes, but what really matters is effect. And the effect that Ukraine is achieving seems to me at this point to be superior to what the Russians are able to deliver. Since June, the U.S. has shipped Ukraine 16 HIMARS launchers and thousands of rockets, which defense officials say the Ukrainians have used to attack more than 350 Russian command posts, ammo dumps, supply depots, and other high-value targets far back from the front lines.

The HIMARS and other long-range capabilities have given the Ukrainians the ability to reach out and hit targets that the Russians would have thought were safe. Why can't they just move all these command posts and ammo dumps further back from the front line and get them out of range? You still got to get that ammunition to the guns, which are closer to the front. So now you've increased the distance that the trucks have to move, carrying very heavy ammunition. And they've lost well over a thousand of their trucks in this campaign so far.

And of course, the result is significant reduction in the amount of Russian artillery and rocket fire impacting on Ukrainian forces. All that from a weapon made at this Lockheed Martin plant in rural Arkansas, a seemingly minor outpost in America's vast military-industrial complex, which is now racing to catch up with a sudden demand for HIMARS. We accompanied the Pentagon's chief weapons buyer, Dr. William LaPlante, as he made plans to dramatically increase production. We have to plan for at least to double this. Production here probably will need double.

How long can you keep that up? As long as the demand is needed. We can keep production lines open for 30 years.

So you heard the man from the Pentagon. He said probably going to double production. Can you double production?

Absolutely. Chief Operating Officer Frank St. John says the plant is currently turning out about 7,500 rockets a year. We have capacity to produce 10,000 rockets a year. That's a rocket every 10 minutes, if you do the math on that. And we're also doing similar analysis to potentially take that up to 12 or 14,000 rockets a year. So how fast can you do this?

I would say on the order of 18 to 24 months to make any significant changes in the production quantities. The nose cone carries a satellite guidance system which gives the rocket its sniper-like accuracy. But what impresses LaPlante most about HIMARS is not the sophistication of its technology, but the simplicity of its use. There are just three operators, probably 18 to 20 years old, and they can use this and they can use it effectively within a week. Okay, that is to me as important as its accuracy.

It's reliable and can be done by 18-year-old Ukrainians. To see how HIMARS operates in the field, we went to the U.S. Army training range in Yakima, Washington, and they used the same tactics taught to the Ukrainians. This is the hide site where the HIMARS tries to conceal itself from enemy surveillance. Once it leaves here for its firing point, the HIMARS is liable to be detected and targeted.

So the clock starts ticking. The HIMARS launcher has a top speed of 55 miles an hour, but off-road in the high desert, it's more like 35. Once it's out in the open, it has about five to seven minutes to find its firing position, train its rockets on the target, and fire. One rocket every few seconds.

The crew chief of this HIMARS is Staff Sergeant Cammie White. How'd you guys do? We did well.

What does that mean, well? Whenever we get a fire when ready, it's as fast as you can fire. So with that, I think our time was around three minutes. Three minutes from the time you got the mission to the time that the rockets took off.

When the HIMARS fires, the rocket exhaust gives away its position, so it has to get out of there fast before the enemy can strike back. How long do you have to get out? Oh, as quickly as possible. And how long does that take?

Roughly a minute. It's called shoot and scoot, and the Ukrainians are doing it now in their counter-offensive against Russian forces occupying Harsan, making the most of the 16 HIMARS provided by the U.S. Sixteen just doesn't sound like a lot. It's nowhere near what I think Ukraine could use. I mean, look at the effect they've achieved with sixteen.

Imagine if they had three or four times that many. This past week, the world took note of a sad anniversary. Princess Diana, gone 25 years.

Historian and author Amanda Foreman reflects on the enduring legacy of the People's Princess. True national mourning is a rare thing. I saw it 25 years ago after the death of Princess Diana. In fact, I didn't just witness it. I was a part of it. Along with tens of thousands of others, I went to Buckingham Palace to lay flowers in honor of Diana's memory.

You couldn't see an inch of sidewalk. It was just flowers everywhere and people in tears. It's strange to have such strong feelings for someone that you never knew. But to understand why the world erupted in grief then, and why she still has meaning today, you have to realize how revolutionary she was. Diana transformed how we talk about emotions. Until she started being open about her own struggles, which included battling depression and an eating disorder.

The whole subject of mental health was completely taboo for most people. She wasn't afraid to discuss her problems and to have someone who was so famous and privileged be willing to talk with such honesty helped millions to do the same. Diana avoided causes that were popular or photogenic to focus on helping some of the most marginalized people in society. At the height of the AIDS epidemic, she challenged the fear and stigma attached to the disease. On the lighter side, Diana loved fashion. By being unapologetically glamorous, she enabled women to show their femininity and still be taken seriously. And despite the sadness surrounding her divorce, she helped the monarchy to modernize itself. Looking back, I think that the tears for Diana came from a sense of real loss. She was the people's princess because she had become a selfless advocate for the least privileged among us.

The greatest lesson that we can take from her life is that with courage and honesty, our vulnerabilities and weaknesses can be turned into our greatest strengths. She's been reporting on the Supreme Court for nearly five decades, breaking some of the biggest stories of the era. Nina Totenberg is in conversation with correspondent Nancy Cordes.

When the lively hour of argument was over, all the justices except Clarence Thomas had asked many questions. Nina Totenberg's lifeless search for facts began with fiction and her admiration for an intrepid teenage amateur detective. I wanted to be like Nancy Drew, and that meant I wanted to be something of a sleuth. Nina has been on the case ever since. First as a print reporter and now for nearly 50 years as legal affairs correspondent for National Public Radio, where she's known for her scoops.

Publicly some Republican senators are standing by the nominee. It was her reporting that caused the 1987 Supreme Court nomination of Douglas Ginsburg to go up in smoke. What I found was that he was a regular smoker of marijuana. He was sunk.

He was sunk. In her new memoir, published by Simon and Schuster, part of CBS parent company Paramount Global, Nina Totenberg writes that growing up in the 1950s, this kind of sleuthing was not necessarily in the cards. I think my mother thought that I would be someone's administrative assistant like she had been, and that was the best I would be able to do.

Her father, the great concert violinist Roman Totenberg, thought differently. Because he played with women musicians, he never suggested to me, oh you can't do that because you're a woman. She found she was the only woman in most newsrooms until she arrived at NPR in 1975. Women were everywhere at NPR doing all kinds of things and even in administrative positions because we paid so little no man would take the job. She became fast friends with all things considered co-host Susan Stanberg and reporters Linda Wertheimer and Cokie Roberts. Today they're known as NPR's founding mothers, but back then their cluster of cubicles was dubbed the fallopian jungle. I took it with a grain of salt at a kind of a compliment because the jungle, you wouldn't dare go in there, right? Right? I'd be afraid.

Yeah, so that's fine. Don't screw with me. One of her biggest scoops came in 1991 when she uncovered something explosive during confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. I found out that there was a woman named Anita Hill who had accused then Judge Thomas of sexual harassment when she worked for him. Anita Hill agreed to speak to her. The relationship she said became even more strained when Thomas in work situations began to discuss sex. And then Hill spoke to Congress. He talked about pornographic material. Republicans were furious and took aim at Totenberg. You've been beating the drum on this one almost every day since it started.

I do not appreciate being blamed just because I do my job and report the news. Listeners got to know her voice and her face which ended up plastered all over the ultimate NPR status symbol. Can we talk about the Nina Totenberg tote bag? The tote bag? I was initially very suspicious about it but I love this.

It makes me look great. Nina also had a knack for befriending Supreme Court justices long before they were named to the court. I first knew Scalia when he was in the Nixon administration and the same was true for Chief Justice Rehnquist. Her most famous friendship with the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg began 21 years before Ginsburg was nominated when she was still a law professor at Rutgers University. I was reading a brief of hers.

There's a whole bunch in the brief that I didn't understand. Her telephone number was there and I called her up and I got an hour-long lecture. That led to more calls and dinners where they talked about music and theater and fashion. They gossiped and they leaned on each other as they both cared for dying husbands. Ruth was married to Marty Ginsburg for 56 years. Nina to Senator Floyd Haskell for 19 years. She knew you weren't looking at her as a source.

She knew you were looking at her as a friend. If you have a Supreme Court justice friend you don't ask about their work otherwise they won't be your friend. After Haskell's death Nina met a widower Dr. David Rines and Ruth Bader Ginsburg married them in 2000. I wasn't too worried about it so we told my mother and I said not a rabbi we got a judge. She said a judge I said but she's Jewish. I don't care it's Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

I don't care she's not a rabbi. Rines could cook which meant even more dinners with RBG who always requested the bouillabaisse. She would eat chicken but her favorite was seafood and in her last years of life that last year we cooked for her 23 consecutive Saturdays. Nina's book is titled Dinners with Ruth.

In it she describes how Ruth and Dr. Rines would sneak away to discuss Ruth's medical challenges including lung cancer. She would leave Nina in the dark. And I couldn't say anything so for six weeks I lied to her basically. Why did you feel like you had to lie? A it was a HIPAA violation and B I didn't want any leak. Do you have any regrets?

I do think that I was born under a very bright star. Nina interviewed RBG in public dozens of times. Their last private conversation was by phone a few days before Ruth died two years ago this month. I said to her you were my darling friend and I'm just it's been one of the great parts of my life that you've been my friend.

It turns out that the hard-hitting Nina Totenberg may not be as tough as she would have her sources believe. I think I learned a lot from my friends to be a more generous person. How to be a better friend. I think they taught me to be a better person.

Now streaming. I used to believe in progress that no matter what we do we just end up back at the start. We're in crazy time. The Paramount Plus original series The Good Fight returns for its final season. The point isn't the end. The point is winning.

Yes! There are bad people in the world. The best way to protect the good people is to convict the bad. So here's to us.

The Good Fight the final season now streaming exclusively on Paramount Plus. Filmmaker Ken Burns has said of his latest documentary he doesn't expect to work on a more important film. With Susan Spencer we take a closer look. This wing of the family all died in the Holocaust. All of them.

All of them. That dark chapter in history left an indelible mark on filmmaker Sarah Botstein's family. They died in the ghetto of typhus. They were killed in a killing center.

They died in all the different ways that the Jews in that part of the world died. So it was a deeply personal experience for Botstein to work on a documentary about the Holocaust with Ken Burns. So much has been written about the Second World War, about the Holocaust.

Why did you even want to take another look? Seeing it through the lens of the United States helps us I believe understand the Holocaust itself in a much different and perhaps fresher perspective. We tell ourselves stories as a nation. One of the stories we tell ourselves is that we're a land of immigrants. But in moments of crisis it becomes very hard for us to live up to those stories.

Their film Seven Years in the Making and airing on PBS later this month is entitled The U.S. and the Holocaust. In painstaking detail Burns, Botstein and their partner Lynn Novick unravel how America reacted to this humanitarian catastrophe. We failed.

You know we let in more human beings than any other sovereign nation but if we'd done 10 times that many I think we would have failed. And it's a failure at every level. It's a failure in the executive. It's a failure in the legislative branch. It's a failure in media.

It's a failure in the general population. Many white Protestant Americans came to fear they were about to be outnumbered and outbred by the newcomers and their offspring. That they were being replaced. The documentary cites shocking national polls to make the point. In 1938 just two weeks after Kristallnacht, a night of terror when Nazis attacked and murdered Jews across Germany, only one in five Americans said the U.S. should admit more Jewish exiles.

The following year that number was one in ten. Was this because of a lack of information? We cannot blame America's lack of action on not knowing. There was a great deal of coverage in the newspapers of what Hitler was doing as the situation got worse and worse and worse. Deportations, mass killings, thousands of refugees trying to get out, lines at consulates. All of this was known.

But instead of opening up our doors, we shut them ever more tightly, says Lynn Novick, who partly blames widespread American xenophobia. Celebrity aviator Charles Lindbergh was the face of it. He was an icon. He was a hero. They had songs about him. And he really believed a kind of ugly anti-Semitic white supremacist ideology that the Nordic race should prevail.

He said these things. Americans clapped. One thing that has been cited in this discussion has to do with the context when this all happened. The depression was going on at the time, among other things. There was a lot of leftover isolationism from World War I. Does any of that in your mind give America a pass? I can't give America a pass on what happened and what we failed to do. But I can definitely appreciate the challenges and difficulties that our leaders faced. We did not play a role in the murder of the Jews.

We just did not do enough as a good people to get the people on the edge of this cataclysm out. And that is on us. On us.

And will forever be on us. Sharp limits on immigration had been in effect since the mid-20s, when quotas were set for each country. During the war, a State Department official named Breckenridge Long enforced those restrictions with gusto. He also assiduously worked to sort of suppress information about the true nature of the Nazi threat to the Jewish people of Europe. So reports came across his desk that he should have passed on to other people that he just buried. Reports such as extermination is a policy.

Yes, exactly. We made it hard technically to get here. Paperwork from the government, paperwork, visas, affidavits, sponsors. I mean, you can appreciate now how hard it is just to renew your passport. And you're now stateless. You're in a country that's been taken over. We made it very onerous and hard to get here. So all of this, or most of this, is just paperwork.

And just imagine for anyone who came here, all of this had to happen. In Lynn Novick's files tell the story of World War II refugees desperate to get to America. Among them, a household name. When we started to make the film, it came to our attention that Anne Frank's family had tried to get to America. A fact that I did not know. I don't think most people know that. I don't think most Americans know that. We all know Anne Frank. Everybody knows Anne Frank.

And to think that she could be here talking to you right now, if America had had a different immigration policy. I believe that. I absolutely believe that.

I absolutely believe that. By 1945, two out of every three European Jews had been murdered. Yet even then, only five percent of Americans wanted to let more refugees in, while more than a third said we should admit even fewer. That's after you've seen the horrific images of the liberation of the camps and the bodies piled up and the emaciated people. That is a tough pill to swallow.

Very tough pill to swallow. Are you worried that people will interpret this as sort of a indicting our nation, if you will? I don't see this at all an indictment. I really don't. I think we're really, truly trying to just tell the story of what happened. It's not shaming America.

It's thinking about how to do better. Hundreds of white nationalists storming the University of Virginia. At the very end, there's this montage with no narration. Charlottesville, a build-a-wall rally, a report of attack on a synagogue. What did you intend to convey with that montage? There is, right now, all of the elements coalescing for something bad to happen again. You felt a sense of urgency growing.

I feel a sense of urgency. We're not trying to equate anything with the Holocaust. That would be a horrible thing to do. We're just saying, let's not get there again as human beings.

Please, let's not get there again. They just might be the most famous mother-daughter team on the planet, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. And this morning, they're talking over a little lunch with Norah O'Donnell. How would you describe a gutsy woman? I think a gutsy woman is determined to make the most of her own life, but also to try to use whatever skills, talents, persistence that she has to bring others along.

You can do it in any field or in any area. Whether that's sports or activism or the arts, it was really important to us that there be a wide spectrum of women who have been hugely gutsy for themselves and for their communities. We're hitting the road to shine a light on women who inspire us to be bolder and braver. Hillary Clinton has a new campaign, along with her daughter Chelsea, telling the stories of gutsy women in a new docuseries on Apple TV+.

You literally become one with yourself. Do you think people like gutsy women? I think some people like gutsy women. I think some people are afraid and unthreatened by gutsy women. I think some are put off by gutsy women. Women like comedian Amy Schumer, whom they met for tea. I did go through 10 years of being like majorly trolled.

You won't be able to relate to this. No, not at all. We want this other version of women.

We want you to be pretty and quiet and effusive. And only a supporting cast member. Absolutely. The series shows the former first lady and first daughter who was mostly shielded from public view in a new light. I'm not of the generation that grew up with rappers, male or female, and Chelsea has for years been trying to educate both Bill and me.

It's an ongoing effort. I'm a savage. Which is how the former presidential candidate found herself painting with Grammy-winning artist Megan Thee Stallion. And I was trying to please everybody and make everybody else happy. I was losing myself, I felt like.

So I just had to remember who I was and I had to start spending a little bit more time by myself to just, you know, get back into me. Have you really listened to her music? Yes. Yeah.

Ask her did she really listen to it before the Apple TV Plus series? No. The answer is no, but you did.

I did. But my mother did all her homework, Nora. What did you like about her? I thought she was unapologetic in the way that she claimed her sexual being. She has a stage persona.

She just put it out there and kind of opened herself up. And deal with it or ignore me, but don't minimize me and don't patronize me. The series confronts difficult topics. One episode is fully dedicated to rejecting hate. They wanted to intimidate us. They wanted to silence us. We could back down or we could double down. And so we doubled down. I was also struck, Chelsea, when you said you can't remember a time where hate and, quote, the whisper of violence didn't surround your family.

It's true, Nora. I mean, I remember being a little girl in Arkansas and people yelling hateful things at us, at my parents. I remember in 92 when my father was running for president and someone threw a bag filled with probably red food coloring, but they said, you know, this is the blood of an aborted baby. Like, this should have been you.

Like, really active, hateful rhetoric and actions that just permeated our lives. Personal experiences punctuate almost every episode. You also reveal why you wear a pantsuit.

Yes, yes. You know, I didn't know that story. I mean, I didn't know that story.

It's like by far and away the greatest revelation I had. A state visit to Brazil led to some compromising photographs. I was sitting on a couch and the press crew was like, I don't know what I'm going to do with this. I was sitting on a couch and the press was let in.

There were a bunch of them shooting up. Some of those photos were then used to sell lingerie. And all of a sudden the White House gets alerted to these billboards that show me sitting down with, I thought my legs together, but the way it's shot, it's sort of suggestive. And then I also began to have the experience of having photographers all the time.

I'd be on a stage, I'd be climbing stairs and they'd be below me. I just couldn't deal with it. So I started wearing pants. Do you think there is an effort underway to silence women and to intimidate them?

Yes, I do. While pantsuits may be synonymous with Hillary Clinton, it is another decision she's well known for that she considers gutsy. The gutsiest thing I ever did privately was stay in my marriage. It was not easy and it was something that only I could decide.

And then in my public life, running for president. I mean, it was hard. It was really hard.

And it was trying to be on that tightrope without a net and nobody in front of me because it hadn't been done before. I guess I was surprised that you said that staying in your marriage was gutsier than running for president. Well, it was in terms of my private life. It was really hard. And as you know, everybody had an opinion about it. People who I'd never met had very strong opinions about it. And it took a lot of honestly, prayer and thoughtfulness and talking to people I totally trusted to really think through because it was all being done in public, Nora.

So it made it even more painful and difficult. But I have no regrets. Having no regrets for both Hillary and Chelsea Clinton is another expression of gutsiness, which they hope has universal appeal. There seems to be an undercurrent of a message throughout this whole series that you're trying to show women, tell women to be gutsy, to stand up for yourself.

Exactly. Well, and also, Nora, with the hope that those women's examples can be inspiring to anyone who might be watching. Men and boys. Men and boys.

But I think also so that people hopefully can see part of their own life, whether their own struggles, their own opportunities in the women's stories that we're sharing so that they hopefully can then be a little bit closer to feeling, well, I can be gutsy, too. Against all odds, Mikhail Gorbachev, whose funeral was held yesterday, lifted the Iron Curtain, ended the Cold War and transformed global politics. While the current leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, laid flowers on Gorbachev's casket Thursday, Putin did not attend the funeral. The Kremlin says he was too busy. Ted Koppel takes us back to a moment in time when he witnessed Gorbachev's final hours as president of the Soviet Union. Christmas Day, 1991, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev arrives at the Kremlin for what will mark the end of the Soviet Union and his last day as president.

Back then, I was still at ABC. For reasons of his own, Gorbachev has granted an ABC News production team and me exclusive access. We join him in his Kremlin office. There's an innocuous-looking briefcase holding, we are told, the nuclear launch codes. His successor, Boris Yeltsin, will have one of his people pick it up shortly.

The American president, George H.W. Bush, is celebrating the Christmas holiday at Camp David. Gorbachev calls to say goodbye. It's how the final hours go, a series of goodbyes culminating with a farewell broadcast to the Russian people. George, my dear friend, I greet you. Let me begin by saying something pleasant.

I would like to say Merry Christmas to you and to Barbara and to your entire family. It's how the final hours go, a series of goodbyes culminating with a farewell broadcast to the Russian people. Dear fellow citizens, an hour after the resignation speech, I'm invited back into the office. Third, I understand we're saying goodbye, but I'm not saying farewell.

I hope not. Gorbachev's answer to an innocuous question resonates strangely now, more than 30 years later, here in the United States. What are you going to do tomorrow? Tomorrow I will still be here sorting out some papers and some personal effects. Some will be sent to the archives, some will be destroyed, some I will take to my country home and send to my city apartment. So I have to do it.

It's the big wash. And a haunting answer to an earlier question. Was there a Russian fable that might explain to an American child why Gorbachev, so popular in our country, was being forced out of office in his? Centuries ago, there was a young ruler in the Orient, and he wanted to rule in a different way, in a more human way, in his kingdom. And he asked the views of the wise men. And it took 10 years to bring 20 cards with volumes of advice. He said, when am I going to read all that?

I have to govern my country. Ten years later, they brought him just 10 volumes of advice. He said, that, too, is too much. Five years later, he was brought just one volume, small volume. But unfortunately, 25 years had passed, and he was on his deathbed. And when the wise man looked at the book, the wise man looked at the book, he didn't even give the book to that dying man. He said, well, all in all, all that is here can be summarized in a simple formula. People are born, people suffer, and people die. People are born, people suffer, and people die. Mikhail Gorbachev would live another 30 years, widely admired throughout much of the world, for bringing an end to a communist Soviet Union.

But Gorbachev was mostly ignored and sometimes even reviled at home, for the very things that made him so popular in the West. Serena will take one final bow. Serena Williams had a magical run at this year's U.S. Open in New York, and the sight of many of her triumphs bears the name of another tennis legend who changed lives on and off the court.

James Brown caught up with Jeannie Ash to remember her husband. With its white roof silhouetted by the New York City skyline, for 25 years, Arthur Ashe Stadium, a cathedral of tennis and home of the U.S. Open, has hosted some of the game's greatest moments, while honoring one of America's greatest athletes, Arthur Ashe. Any name could have been put on this stadium, but they used a name who was about inclusion.

Jeannie Matussemi Ashe was Arthur's wife. She was at the opening of the stadium named for her late husband, 25 years ago. What could be a more wonderful memorial than a tennis stadium named for Arthur Ashe? The luminaries across the globe who showed up, says what to you. All of the people who were here that night, got to see Desmond Tutu.

It was an opportunity that the name and the event provided for everyone who was here. And that so spoke to who Arthur was. And Arthur Ashe was much more than a tennis player. Born in segregated Richmond, Virginia, he was the first black man to win the U.S. Open in 1968, followed by historic triumphs at the Australian Open and Wimbledon.

He was married to Jeannie from 1977 until his death in 1993 from complications of AIDS, which he is believed to have contracted from a blood transfusion during heart surgery. Jeannie says she wasn't just married to a world-famous athlete, but to an activist who used his racket and his voice. Are there still country clubs in this country where you wouldn't be welcome?

Oh, yes, there are some tournaments I can't play in Alabama. With his fame, he spoke out on race relations and inequality. In these times, 1968, it's really a magic moment. These times, 1968, it's really a mandate that you do something.

You must. Arthur's activism mimicked his tennis play. Methodical, strategic, nuanced, yet impactful. I think what may have gotten under his skin was that he didn't feel he was doing enough. Not doing more meaning. There were African Americans who were marching, who were getting their heads beat in, getting hosed down.

Arthur wasn't doing that. But he still felt that what he was doing was opening doors in his way. Opening doors his way meant getting arrested for protesting apartheid in South Africa.

Being a voice for AIDS awareness and creating the National Junior Tennis League in 1969, which continues to bring the game to underserved communities. But for Jeannie, who is an award-winning photographer, and Arthur, it all came down to one thing. We often talked about how the public perceives the African American image. The only image we would see would be of the way other people saw us, not images of how we saw ourselves. One of the reasons why I make photographs is to photograph my community, to photograph the love and the dignity that Arthur sought on a very early date. The image was a profound way of showing our activism together as a couple. With his name and image adorned on the stadium walls, the legacy of Arthur Ashe continues to serve.

What I want you to know is who Arthur Ashe was and why Arthur Ashe's name is on this magnificent structure. Thank you for listening. Please join us when our trumpet sounds again next Sunday morning. Well, I need it and maybe you do too. From the newest interior design trend, Barbie Corps, to the right and wrong way to wash your armpits. Also, we're going to get into things that you just kind of won't believe and we're not able to do in daytime television, so watch out. Listen to Drew's News wherever you get your podcasts. It's your good news on the go.
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