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Carolina Journal Radio No. 834: Assessing the impact of the May 1 teacher walkout

Carolina Journal Radio / Donna Martinez and Mitch Kokai
The Truth Network Radio
May 13, 2019 8:00 am

Carolina Journal Radio No. 834: Assessing the impact of the May 1 teacher walkout

Carolina Journal Radio / Donna Martinez and Mitch Kokai

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May 13, 2019 8:00 am

Thousands of N.C. public school teachers walked off the job May 1 for a march and rally in downtown Raleigh. They called for higher pay, more benefits, and Medicaid expansion, among other demands. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation vice president for research and director of education studies, analyzes the impact of the teachers’ one-day walkout. One of Donald Trump’s major selling points during the 2016 presidential campaign was his track record for making business deals. Andrew Taylor, professor of political science at N.C. State University, assesses Trump’s record as a presidential deal-maker. As chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, North Carolina’s Sen. Richard Burr has a front-row seat for Russia’s efforts to disrupt American society. Burr discussed Russian misdeeds during a recent public presentation at Duke University. Some state lawmakers want to address school teachers’ complaints about classroom supply money by making $400 available to every public school teacher in North Carolina. They have unveiled legislation designed to meet that goal. The N.C. House has unveiled its 2019-21 budget proposal. The House would spend less money than Gov. Roy Cooper while still boosting teacher pay by an average of 4.8 percent. Joseph Coletti, John Locke Foundation senior fellow, assesses the House’s key budget provisions.

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