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Carolina Journal Radio No. 864: Freedom’s defenders see more N.C. victories in 2019

Carolina Journal Radio / Donna Martinez and Mitch Kokai
The Truth Network Radio
December 9, 2019 8:00 am

Carolina Journal Radio No. 864: Freedom’s defenders see more N.C. victories in 2019

Carolina Journal Radio / Donna Martinez and Mitch Kokai

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December 9, 2019 8:00 am

With the N.C. General Assembly wrapping up work for the year, now is a good time to review some of the year’s victories for the freedom movement. Becki Gray, John Locke Foundation senior vice president, focuses on advances in taxes, spending, regulation, education choice, and criminal law reform. She also places this year’s events in the broader context of changes seen since Republicans took over the legislature at the beginning of the decade. Medicine continues to make major advances. But most of those advances involve new treatments for diseases. We’ve seen very few cures in recent years. Rep. Jim Butler, speaker pro tem of the Ohio House of Representatives, is pushing a multistate Cure Bill that would incentivize medical innovators to find new cures. Butler is seeking support for his proposal in North Carolina. A decade has passed since Matthew Bishop co-wrote the book Philanthrocapitalism. During a recent speech at Duke, Bishop highlighted the concept’s continuing significance in the world of charitable giving. As state lawmakers recently redrew North Carolina’s congressional election map, they took public input from supporters and opponents of major changes in the election redistricting process itself. You’ll hear highlights from that public hearing. Mental health issues have played a prominent role in recent years among experts and pundits pushing for health care reforms. Jordan Roberts, John Locke Foundation health care policy analyst, assesses key mental health concerns. He explains how market-based reforms could help address those concerns.

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