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After Hours with Amy Lawrence Hour:2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
July 19, 2024 6:02 am

After Hours with Amy Lawrence Hour:2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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July 19, 2024 6:02 am

Amy goes over SEC media day as Gregg Sankey was at the podium.

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Pastor Rick Gaston

Hi, I'm Angie Hicks, co-founder of Angie. When you use Angie for your home projects, you know all your jobs will be done well.

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Hire high quality certified pros at Have you ever covered a carpet stain with a rug? Ignored a leaky faucet? Pretended your half-painted living room is supposed to look that way? Well, you're not alone. We've all got unfinished home projects.

Whether it's a door that sticks or a disorganized closet or an AC unit that only works half the time, it all matters. You just haven't taken care of it yet, but there's an easier way. Just download the Thumbtack app. You can search for what you need done and find tons of highly rated pros right in your neighborhood. Check prices, reviews, and book a pro right on the spot. Plus, you'll know what to tackle next, because Thumbtack is the app that shows you what to do, who to hire, and when. Pull out your phone and in just a few taps, say goodbye to all those unfinished home projects and say hello to caring for your home the easier way. Download Thumbtack and start a project today. ingredients yourself or forge them from the supermarket because food just tastes better when it's caught cooked and eaten outside the meat eater outdoor cookbook by stephen reinella is available now jim was at the laundromat when he heard his ear said maracas senor but his nose said hey freshest scent ever following his nose jim found a man point gained scent beads into the washer the scent the freshness jim blurted sir your scent maracas smell amazing you could call them some maracas but most noses call them gain scent beads try gain scent beads way fresher than detergent alone this is after hours with amy lawrence we always like the sexier storylines the more dramatic storylines we prefer to watch train wrecks oh here's a good way to describe it you'll understand right away here's amy lawrence so according to the engineer justin tells us that you are in fact here in commercial breaks colton's not here in commercial breaks i'm not here in commercial breaks so we're just going to wing it we may or may not be talking over your commercial breaks at some point during the show because he doesn't have any computer guide in there to tell him which break is airing and how much time is left in the break and all that jazz so i don't know if it'll be smooth but i do know that we will continue on the air and we're getting a bunch of your tweets from all over the place thank you so much uh even saw one from new hampshire which makes me happy sean says he's listening on the serious xm infinity sports network station and the show sounds fine oh see there's the problem fine is the bane of my existence fine fine is average fine is not memorable i either need to be terrible or terrific i can't be fine whenever i ask my mom uh after she's listened to an interview or some segment i did on the air that i sent to her for her uh listening pleasure uh she will write back to me and tell me what she thinks and her first inclination is it was fine and then she knows how much i hate that so she amends it and uses a different adjective getting a lot of your responses to end about where are you and how are you listening um michael says there have been issues worldwide worldwide and how does michael know wait is he one of the engineers who right now is on the zoom call so what did justin tell you about the group think with the engineers what's going on right now at three o'clock in the morning local time which of course is just now midnight on the west coast what do you say yeah there's some fancy term that he said that is down he goes ah that's the problem i guess that is what so you don't know the term no i don't know the term it didn't ring a bell pull it up now i of course no it does not ring a bell am i an engineer no but he did say that all of the engineers right now are on a zoom call when he was in here really strong up to his ear and there's oh they're talking about that now i'm like okay he goes yeah so i'll get back to you i'll probably be here till midnight tonight trying to figure this out so sounds like this is and again i told you we had people calling from pittsburgh uh guy in radio cleveland right a guy in cleveland also indicated that there is an issue time problem so i went over to the fan studio all the black it's their screens are all black i'm like how are you playing breaks that was over there like they have a sheet of like what every break is so but the problem is he's going to run into a point where they're all stacked and what are you playing so i don't know what they're doing over there i don't know what everyone's doing it's colton in his his anxious energy right now just told you a lot of stuff that you probably don't understand but the fan is our new york affiliate they're also in the same building with us on the same floor 10th floor 345 hudson street new york new york and if you want to send flowers and they are right now dealing with the same issue uh down the hallway and we know this because we share newsrooms or we have adjacent newsrooms and a lot of the computers a lot of the computers in the newsroom are cycling through that blue screen and then restart and then blue screen then restart or they're stuck on a dreaded blue screen which i meant to tweet it's just it's a recovery screen but it doesn't matter you try it and it goes nowhere so right now they don't seem to have any answers though they're doing a big old group think at 3 a.m new york time a bunch more of your tweets coming in in the chicago suburbs on am 670 the score hearing you he says my computer system is also down solidarity that's right solidarity uh patrick says you're on in jacksonville tech crashes are the worst yeah especially when you don't have any idea what's happening or how to fix it uh michelle you're coming in loud and clear listening in albuquerque new mexico on kn ml oh let's see dave's in boston donna is listening in long beach california via 750 the game in portland but that's on her iphone so she's uh listening via an app that connects her to another station another one let's see listening via the odyssey app on my phone in lake stevens washington and then i can hear you live and clear fm radio y'all need a sound guy like me on your staff yes yes we do thank you so much for you to show up at three o'clock in the morning eastern time that's right rumble laura says in california san francisco the bay area listening to you on knbr uh the blowtorch actually i just saw this okay this is courtesy of our friend tim are you ready colton breaking as in breaking news hearing reports of a major microsoft outage affecting banks media outlets and other platforms in several countries rut ro you know what that generally means these days hackers that's a crowd said he goes it seems like we're being hacked uh-huh i wouldn't be surprised and it wouldn't be the first time because we got hacked the company got hacked a few years ago if you remember our email was inaccessible for a few days okay it goes on and this is again scott budman's twitter account he covers tech business ai venture capital and housing for nbc okay so he is a reporter who covers these types of issues he says 20 minutes ago the outage is really widespread affecting airlines airports banks media companies and online platforms in many countries wowsers he says keep sending your updates microsoft and and crowdstrike are his two hashtags uh maybe when we get to a break i will retweet that because that seems like it could be something maybe you should tell the engineers that it appears as though there are widespread maybe even global issues with microsoft colton's busy doing something in there you know he's trying to stay busy well i'm trying to make sure everything still gets done back here i'm trying to podcast i'm gonna get sure this all is going swell over here so can you podcast well i can i could also act silly and say oh no sorry don't you dare so i'm doing my job don't you dare i don't think you're supposed to be podcasting in the middle of the show though uh we stay busy it's after hours with amy lawrence on twitter on twix on i don't call it by the one letter i refuse at a law radio if you want to let me know where you are and how you're listening and i will soon have that post up on our facebook page as well i promise now see here's the thing i have no idea if the phone calls get through but eight five five two one two four two two seven that's eight five five two one two four two two seven uh yeah at some point in the next hour we'll be able to watch the open championship live but for now you've just got me and an anxious colton and maybe a few drops here or there so we know sec media days we're wrapping up on thursday and for those of you who caught my conversation with jenny carlson uh she is long time big 12 and oklahoma college football insider and reporter she's a great columnist i i worked with her at the beginning of her career going back to when i was local in oklahoma and we asked her or i asked her about greg sankey and what he said about expansion and about the sec and how the new schools texas and oklahoma fit and he seems like he's as close to he can possibly be to this line without crossing it right so he's not saying there will be no expansion in the future he's not saying that but he comes close to that line makes it seem like the sec is content and happy and wants to move forward with the these sounds funny to say the core 16 like an oxymoron the core 16 and that they're content and yet like i said he walks up to that line maybe even toes that line and won't go over that line and say but we're not expanding but we're not looking but this is not our future we're staying here so it kind of leads you in that direction and yet he's got to be smarter of course and no better than to ever say never because in the landscape the ever-changing landscape of college sports which very often is spurred by college football let's be honest because of the millions and millions of dollars billions of dollars even college football tends to be if you are a football school and a high profile football school or even if you're in a high profile conference and you're not a football school well then that's where the majority of the money comes from and so a lot of your decisions revolve around what's best for football i'm not saying it's fair to all of the other sports although they do get a piece of the pie if you will they get to share in the pot when football's a revenue producing sport it it also raises the level and raises the the money that can be spent on the other sports that are non-revenue producing like gymnastics like field hockey and title 9 plays a role in that too just because the college football team brings in millions and millions of dollars it doesn't mean that the college football team can keep the millions and millions of dollars that's where title 9 plays a role equal money equal resources equal equal regardless of whether a sport is revenue producing or not whether it's men or women you have to be dedicating the same amount of money and resources to your women's programs and your women's sports as you are to your men's sports you don't have to like it but that's the law so when Greg Sankey talks about expansion it's almost like he's tiptoeing around it but he does give us a few parameters like for instance he's not going to be Nick Saban out there closing deals and looking to actively bring other schools into the fold we know who we are in the southeastern conference we're the one conference at this level where the name still means something the southeastern part of the united states where when we expanded we actually restored historic rivalries while adding only 100 miles to the longest campus to campus trip our student athletes will experience you guys are not going to believe what's happening i'll tell you in a second here this is this is like crazy town but just to piggyback on what Greg said they really do want to keep their expansion limited to at least one region of the country i don't know though that to me seems like you are stretching the definition of southeast just a little bit because Austin Texas Oklahoma City well Norman Oklahoma is where OU is those are not southeastern schools that's not southeast territory but if they would expand in the future well then he wants to be clear they don't want that and i think the idea in communicating the distance that is between campuses and bringing that part up is because they don't want a situation like what they've got in the big 10 where you've got teams that have to crisscross the country to play in conference think about it usc southern california versus say a penn state i mean that's essentially the entire country and penn state is not easily accessible it's in the mountains happy valley it's not like near a huge city and so you're talking about a conference that really goes coast to coast now that's the big 10s philosophy and they're okay with it but what Greg Sankey is saying is honestly we want to keep this a little more condensed so that our student athletes aren't suffering with these huge long road trips that really interrupt everything it's after hours with Amy Lawrence now does that mean they're still looking for schools inside the southeast we're focused on our 16 uh i've said before in media days i'm not a recruiter my job is to make sure we meet the standard of excellence that we have for ourselves on a daily basis that attracts interest i mean there's a lot of interest that's for sure he got that right all right Colton are you ready it's dire it's it's worse than what we thought here we go american airlines and delta have asked the FAA for a global ground stop on all flights according to an alert from the FAA itself american airlines and delta have asked the FAA for a global ground stop on all flights there's more there's more my friend Brett McMurphy who actually covers college football says i'm in atlanta and there's a nationwide ground stop all planes in the air have to land and those scheduled to leave are not allowed to holy cannoli it is 3 15 in the morning atlanta time think about it when you're 15 in the morning atlanta time think about the number of people that are trying to get out of town for the weekend who are trying to get to whatever business they need to attend to on Fridays and here we go into a summer weekend and there's a global ground stop potentially a nationwide ground stop wow this is really bad yeah we're worried about us not having breaks right well we got to keep the nation company and informed okay here's more i'm in british columbia canada on sportsnet 650 cannot hear your show no sound at all uh huh i don't think that's our fault but it could be related to this issue jeff says i'm working at amazon and all of our systems are not working so he's working but their systems are not wow sounds like he's not working sounds like he's having a great time not working yeah here's another one from coach palmer three big airlines have all grounded flight seems a worldwide microsoft cloud issue is causing disruption disruptions yeah the cloud isn't actually supposed to be in the air that's a misnomer it's just a metaphor and yet the cloud is interrupting ground travel goodness thank you for the information that you're passing along now i'm just seeing it based on some of the other accounts that i follow on my social media but if you've got more info or intel or if something is affecting your ability to work sometimes a computer issue just know we feel you let's hope the water bubbler is working because i need some water do you need some water will water help your anxiety in there colton have you changed your mind about wanting to work on the show silence baby silence we'll find out we'll see if we can get home tonight well thank god uh oh wait a minute you do ride the train under the hudson river don't you sure do rut row oh i'm sure it'll be working by then i'm sure i'm sure it'll be just fine if not you could walk the bridges yeah my whole shift's gonna cover my uber to get home that's why people get out of radio because an entire work shift will pay for one uber it's like people who have two adults working in the family just so they can pay for child care that essentially costs as much as one person is bringing home yeah that's rough we'll make sure you get home don't you have to paint on friday oh of course i'm going right to my other job of course oh no well this could be your excuse nationwide outage bridges shut down can't get can't get home i would like to go home this we put together three hours so we're hoping to get a little bit more than that well let's see what happens as we move forward but yes this is dire we'll keep you updated as best we can but you can find me online at a law radio and then also on our facebook page uh i do appreciate that many of you are listening uh john says first midnight shift in five months sounds clear on 97.1 the ticket in detroit boom uh tom in huntsville alabama is listening on the ump while throwing the wall street journal and the new york times while throwing it oh while throwing it because he's delivering papers that's right i didn't know that still happened in the united states of america you know it's crazy we don't i mean we're no longer limited by some of the restrictions that we have when we've got to get to breaks and all that jazz so i feel a little loosey goosey uh it's like the shackles have come off i'm free i'm free i could do whatever i want kind of thanks for hanging out with us bob here's a sin pittsburgh oh now bob hears us in pittsburgh i hope you're not traveling this morning i really do but we'll keep you company again misery loves company so we're also having the same technical issues it's after hours with amy lawrence hi i'm angie hicks co-founder of angie and one thing i've learned is that you buy a house but you make it a home because with every fix update and renovation it becomes a little more your own so you need all your jobs done well for nearly 30 years angie has helped millions of homeowners hire skilled pros for the projects that matter from plumbing to electrical roof repair to deck upgrades so leave it to the pros who will get your jobs done well hire high quality certified pros at have you ever covered a carpet stain with a rug ignored a leaky faucet pretended your half-painted living room is supposed to look that way well you're not alone we've all got unfinished home projects whether it's a door that sticks or a disorganized closet or an ac unit that only works half the time it all matters you just haven't taken care of it yet but there's an easier way just download the thumbtack app you can search for what you need done and find tons of highly rated pros right in your neighborhood check prices reviews and book a pro right on the spot plus you'll know what to tackle next because thumbtack is the app that shows you what to do who to hire and when pull out your phone and in just a few taps say goodbye to all those unfinished home projects and say hello to caring for your home the easier way download thumbtack and start a project today doors take us to summers away or winter adventures and afternoon getaways your dedicated fidelity advisor can help you open those doors by working with you on a comprehensive plan to help you reach your wealth's full potential because doors were meant to be opened visit slash wealth investment minimum supply fidelity brokerage services llc member nyse sipc for heaven sakes i would say that most americans well forget americans most humans within the sound of my voice have accidentally walked into the wrong bathroom more than once so the thing is it's it's fairly it's fairly common it's just that now and then it can be relatively embarrassing depending upon the circumstances i do believe that story was from madison square garden and that was why it was embarrassing is because i was a credentialed member of the media covering at the time i think it was a hockey game and i was not really paying attention well i was paying attention but the doors looked the same up on the media level and so i opened up a door thinking that it was the stairwell and instead walked right into the men's restroom it was not my finest moment and probably like i say it was embarrassing because of the fact that i was a member of the media and made that bonehead move because i wasn't paying close enough attention all right so many of you are weighing in letting us know where and how you're listening thank you so much for that because we're a little bit nervous it definitely is not just a company technical issue i've seen the reports now online that a couple of different airlines in the united states have asked for the ground stop a national ground stop another friend of mine who is currently in the airport in atlanta is saying that they also don't have any flights that are leaving right now so i'm i'm paying attention if you've got updates please send them to me at a law radio but also on our facebook page i just went out and took a walk around the newsroom also got a text from a fellow employee who was on his way to work on this friday morning and he did say he was listening so he sent me a text to let me know that he can hear the show and i warned him just wait until you get here because right now if as i walked around the newsroom half of them are black half of them have the dreaded blue screen colton anything changed in the double well behind the double pane glass thankfully no so you do or do not have access to the computers now well thankfully mine haven't shut off so we're not gonna jinx anyway i thought you said one of them was black in there oh no the one that usually shows the brakes yeah that's still not working right but we're playing breaks and they're playing okay so you can't see it but it's still working correct okay well i just went in the other room again and tried to recycle and restart and it's still just doing the blue screen back to the the startup page and then it goes back to the blue screen and then back to the startup page so it's definitely not loading it is crazy to think about though that microsoft an issue with microsoft cloud could ground planes could cause major outages for media companies all over the country as well worldwide as well as banks well are we a little bit too dependent on microsoft well it sounds like it's not just them i'm looking on twitter again or uh twix twix yes to call it people get so mad that um the cyber security platform cloud strike or crowd strike is down also which is affecting all of this so i don't know if microsoft is partnered with crowdstrike which is a big cyber security company but oh is it yeah so i'm seeing 911 outages across the united states disruptions on international airlines that's scary and as you said before so yeah it's not not great my brother he is a a computer nerd and i say that with all the affection i can possibly muster i'm so in awe of him and his abilities and the computer languages he speaks he isn't actually an expert in security he's been doing cyber security now for a couple of decades and he was in at the ground level he does presentations to companies about cyber security he actually has taken all kinds of classes and has practiced hacking so he can understand how they think and how they get in and all that kind of stuff anyway so he will be waking up on friday morning he works from home in security and i can't wait to hear what he has to say because this is going to be right up his alley i'm sure he'll be geeked out about it unless of course it affects his ability to do his job and then uh he may be just as anxious well he's not really an anxious guy i think colton's got him beat in that area let's see chris is listening on his amazon echo dot on serious xm so we know serious xm is working uh brian's listening on the fan 590 in barry ontario mike on 105.7 the fan in baltimore or baltimore county he says i did notice a commercial or two running and the and and also the show before us talking at the same time so there colton they had the same issue break was running they didn't know it so they were talking at the same time uh he says i didn't think much about it until you told us what was going on when he got on the air uh let's see toronto coming in loud and clear thank you elliot timbs in wichita kansas loud and clear on his am radio oh janesville wisconsin actually a town in wisconsin i've never heard of uh he says i tried to log into my day force app and also tremble electronic eld uh since gosh 30 minutes ago so i could drive my truck he says it's currently not working so weird the wide ranging effects um the ripple effects of having a couple of different companies with their technical issues and it can affect so much wow well a lot of you are listening and i really appreciate that you're letting us know uh you can find us on uh either of our social media sites they're both working and we'll get back to a little bit more of football sec media days you know something that i was interested to hear from sec media days at the omni in dallas uh really for most of the week is how kirby smart would respond to some of the questions now he's got football in his mind of course georgia is considered a national power as we get ready to kick off this 24 season uh but one of the major issues for georgia is that it keeps happening current and former players and you'll know this of course the jaylen carter situation but he's not the only one they keep getting caught either driving at extremely high speeds or what is becoming more common racing with other vehicles that are also obviously driving extremely high speeds and i have no idea why it's an epidemic with georgia players and that's not to say that there are not athletes at other schools doing the same thing but georgia keeps georgia keeps getting popped for it georgia players keep getting popped for it and it blows me away considering what just happened in the jaylen carter accident and so now you've got kirby smart having to address this about his athletes because it's happened way more than it should with one particular football team in one particular athletic department so i was interested to see how he would respond and and we'll hear from him coming up also brian kelly adjusting to life without jayden daniels and if you did miss my conversation with jenny carlson who was covering sec media days right on the heels of big 12 media days with those two conferences i wouldn't say facelift but adjusting to changes really good intel from her after being in vegas and then in dallas again that's part of our podcast i did actually post and uh save the link to the podcast at the top of our facebook page after hours with amy lawrence you can also get it if you find me on twix a law radio it's there as well i know it's easier to bookmark it so that you have it access to it all the time as we're well forget the technical difficulties as we're searching for our next producer here in after hours some of the socials falling through the cracks so i hope that you'll just bookmark it and save it so you can find it on your own thanks for hanging out with us thank you for making this bearable i actually find it somewhat amusing that colton's more stressed out than i am i'm just gonna keep talking until he tells me to stop talking i'm all ready to rumble i'm fine now it's like all right it's playing now it's out of my hands i'm just more concerned about getting home that's my concern oh okay well can you wait to get concerned about that until the show is actually over oh i am i make sure the show comes first but i you know what if i help you with your uber i'm hoping that doesn't have to come okay i'm hoping i'm hoping so too you'll get host you'll get home somehow somehow it'll happen even if you have to walk what is the post office motto well it used to be i don't think it applies anymore neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor blah blah blah blah blah yeah i don't think that applies to the post office anymore i go days without getting mail at all uh i don't need my husband to be hearing that that obviously is old thank you so much for weighing in on both of our social media sites at a law radio and also on our facebook page i mean many of you are weighing in and saying you can hear loud and clear and i'm glad that you're also letting us know whether or not you hear commercials which is kind of funny but there's many of you that that can't hear or even if you are listening to the show you're writing us to say that we also have computers down at work so michael says it's a nationwide thing because my job computers are down as well some of you can't hear us and i'm sorry about that not that you can hear me say i'm sorry about that right now oh never mind that's like me chasing my tail um a lot of you are reminding us that there's a and i don't know if it's happened yet but that the faa is petitioned by a couple of airlines to do a nationwide ground stop so we'll we'll see if we can get the official update on that whether or not that's accurate now some of you are saying on social that's what you're hearing but you know that uh sometimes every now and then truth is optional on social media which means i don't want to pass along inaccurate information so until i see it somewhere online that that's actually been the case i don't want to start a panic with all the people who might have flights on friday it's after hours with amy lawrence uh coming up top of the hour if you have tv well why would you want to tune into anything else except the show i know it's been scintillating for the first couple hours our guest is unable to join us because of technical difficulty so we're sorry about that we'll have to worry about that next week i know i did tease him earlier in the week hopefully be able to get to him next week so you just got me and colton and whatever we can drum up uh but at the top of the hour usa starts its coverage of round two the open championship barring any microsoft technical difficulties there and then we're going to continue on and welcome into friday and know that at some point uh it's going to be okay it's all going to be okay we've got our crack team of engineers on some kind of a zoom call that are working on it have you seen them because i just walked through the newsroom colton hide nor hair of them do you think they're hiding in their engineering department most likely huh it doesn't seem as though anyone has done anything out there maybe nothing can be done yeah i don't think they know what to do it would be the first time no i'm not being snarky no not at all all right so talking a little more we'll do some houston texans next hour we're talking a little more about sec media days just to kind of wrap things up uh greg sanky petitioned a ton about whether or not the conference might continue to expand trying to maybe outpace the big 12 not big 12 sorry big 10 and uh become the the biggest the baddest the most bloated conference in the country he does call it a nationwide conference now but at this point kind of tepid on sharing any information with us we're on a need-to-know basis and he doesn't think we need to know what's happening behind the scenes but still some of the the different headlines to come out of sec media days uh did you see that in t-town the field will soon be named after nick saben this obviously isn't a huge surprise if you think about some of the iconic coaches around the country pat summit the court is named after her at the university of tennessee in knoxville i'm pretty sure that in stores connecticut the floor is named after gino arema and so this is something that happens on a fairly regular basis away oh jim bayheim the court is named after him at the carry it wasn't the carrier dome anymore uh but in syracuse so now alabama is going to name its field at bryant denny stadium after nick saben so it's going to be a really long name i don't know what students will end up calling it what uh locals will end up calling it but this is a neat way to honor nick saben a way to memorialize his contributions to the university and to the athletic department and certainly to football and the football fans um so they're going to rename it and they're already playing the ceremony even though they haven't had the official vote but they would dedicate that new stadium or the new stadium name i should say they would christen it with the new name well it's not the stadium let me make the distinction it's the field at the stadium so it would be nick saben field at bryant denny stadium how about that um and again it's a really long name we'll see what people end up doing and how they end up shortening it but they are expected to do it on september 7th when south florida is in town even though nick saben is not only alive but is very much a presence there in tuscalusa still on campus he's got an office there at the stadium and so it's neat i like it it's a living tribute which means that he can be appreciated and know he's appreciated even before he is gone from tuscalusa which may never be the case but as long as he's here and he seems like he's got a ton of vitality and energy still glad that he glad that he can be memorialized as a coach even as he turns his attentions elsewhere so that's one thing that came out of sec media days on thursday is something else that i mentioned this before the break i was interested to hear how kirby smart would respond to questions about the rash of speeding citations and reckless driving citations and even arrests for so many georgia bulldogs these are the numbers georgia's had at least 25 arrests or tickets given for speeding reckless driving and racing going back now just a year and a half to january 15th 2023 and it blows me away that it's become a major issue among georgia players when offensive lineman devin willock died in a high speed chase according to police there was also a member of the recruiting team chandler lacroix and police say that these two vehicles were not only racing at high speeds but were not sober that alcohol factored into the crash of course jaylen carter had to answer a lot of questions about that before he got drafted by the eagles five georgia players known to have been arrested or cited for driving related issues since early march you even had one player get jailed he was charged with dui that ended up getting dismissed but still facing reckless driving reckless driving and guilty to failure guilt oh he pled guilty to failure to maintain his lane all kinds of other issues that's an that's a problem and i don't i don't know why is human sometimes when we have the suggestion or when it becomes let me see if i can explain it a different way when it becomes something that gets a lot of attention even if it's not a great idea it seems like other people other human beings tend to try it and this is an extreme case but some of the uses of social media whether it be to bully whether it be actually in cases of live streaming tragedies or attacks that type of thing i don't want to get specific because it it gets really morbid really quick but it it's almost like the suggestion one person does it and then other people think okay you know what i'll try that even though it's reckless and in some cases criminal some of these stupid social media trends like surfing on the top of trains i mean people die when they try to do it and yet they do it anyway so i don't really understand that it's like the power of suggestion that lore is just too strong and i get i get that immaturity and and youth factors into it but i would think it would be a cautionary tale and not the other way around and kirby smart says we're doing what we can to punish guys and discipline guys who cross those lines yeah i think the number one thing is disappointed you know anytime you have you know anytime you have a situation like that you want your kids your players to make better decisions and i always say you can't be outcome related and i'm very disappointed in the outcomes but i am very pleased with our process we've put in uh in terms of education uh driver safety requiring defensive driving uh education talking about it having leaders stand up and talk about bringing speakers in and talk about it suspending players dismissing players which we've done i don't know to this point any coach in college football that suspended a player for a driving citation we have we have and we've also dismissed players based on uh driving citations nobody's done that so uh hopefully they get the the idea i mean colton just made the point in my ear that this is a football coach but he has to deal with this or his football team is going to continue to face arrests tickets some cases uh having to either pay money or maybe even serve jail time smart goes on to say that georgia's searching that's the word he used to find the best ways to get the message across to players and he says the issues have been discussed in meetings 162 times as of tuesday i don't know if that's accurate if that's bloated but anytime you have to discuss it more than once in the wake of what was a fatal crash that took one of your own players is concerning it's after hours with amy lawrence master outdoor cooking this summer with the meat eater outdoor cookbook the inspiring and practical new guide from stephen reinella host of the meat eater podcast and television show with over 100 recipes for meat fish poultry and game birds accompanied by lush photography and easy to follow tips the meat eater outdoor cookbook is the ultimate guide to open air cooking whether you've hunted the ingredients yourself or forged them from the supermarket because food 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