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After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 1

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
June 12, 2024 5:48 am

After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 1

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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June 12, 2024 5:48 am

A night with no playoffs, but of course still plenty to do! | Is Aaron Judge the face of baseball? | The Dodgers flex their muscle against the defending champs.


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The number one pediatrician recommended brand. And the majority of the headlines in sports on Tuesday surrounded these QBs because in the United States of America and only in the United States of America. I think we should be very proud of this fact. It's our football and we're obsessed with quarterbacks.

We are. We give them far too much of the credit like they walk on water and play defense all at the same time. And then we blame them for everything. Except when we blame the coach because they can only really be those two people. All the losing falls on either the quarterback or the coach.

Have you ever noticed that? So many quarterback headlines on this Tuesday night. Our hump show. Middle show of the work week.

It always gives us a little bit of a lift. Also I found some fascinating stats about Gen Z. I'm not Gen Z. Jay's not Gen Z. And actually Jay's a millennial but he couldn't be a more atypical millennial if there was one. Jay doesn't really like millennials.

It's pretty accurate. Except for the YouTube part. You're all about YouTube so that makes you a millennial. What else makes you millennialese? Millennialism. My music taste is definitely not. A millennialite. My social media use is not. Oh definitely not. What else about you is millennial? I guess the year I graduated high school. Okay.

That's about it. Well I will say and I know this is not your choice so it's not like I'm putting you in the same category as people who want to save money for the rest of their lives. You do because of the challenges of the economy these days there are a lot of millennials who are living at home still.

That makes me millennial for sure. Yeah and actually just so you know there's a family member actually I'll just say she's my niece and she was out on her own and now because circumstances have changed she's losing a roommate and she cannot afford to live on her own. And this is in the DC area. She is so motivated to be out she doesn't want to go back but she cannot afford the rent even for a studio apartment right now is about what she's paying per month to have roommates. It just doesn't make sense for her to do that on her own and so she's moving home and she's hoping it's just a year but yeah that's a situation for a lot of people and she is a couple years younger than you but it's not easy to be out these days especially in major metros. That's a real thing. But we have found out some interesting stats and trends about Gen Z that confuse me a little but I mean I like it well one of them I like the other one I think huh maybe not but I'm not a Gen Z-er so it's just a different generation. Right and it has nothing to do with well it has a little bit to do with social media I guess. Would you say that dating apps fall in social media is that a social media thing Jay?

It's like in that ballpark. Okay when we talk social media I don't generally think dating apps but you know what Facebook has a dating marketplace or something along those lines. The idea of social media is in the idea of a dating app right like somewhere where you have an online persona.

Alright except it's fake. How often do people what even if it's not a catfishing situation which happens how right how often do people walk into a situation thinking oh I see this guy's picture or I see this gal's photo and man they're super attractive and then you actually meet them and it's not anything like what they portrayed. The picture was maybe like five years ago.

Right or 10 years ago and 20 pounds ago something along those lines. Yeah I know people who married their spouses that they met on social media but that's going back probably 15 years. I feel like it's a completely different thing that was pre-tinder. Tinder right that's the one where you just show up like you match with someone that you show up at their house and that's it. It's got to be consensual I think.

Okay anyway I'm pleasantly surprised that Gen Z is trending away from dating apps but there's another disturbing trend with Gen Z that someone's gonna have to explain to me. So we'll have a little fun with that on our hump show you know we try to get off the beaten path a bit on the hump show. Also we had a fantastic pitchers duel in St. Louis one of the best baseball cities in the country. Aaron Judge is at it again. Is it too early to start talking about him setting new records? Maybe?

Maybe a little bit? I'm not sure what is better for baseball him smashing mammoth home runs or that ginormous smile that he has. He is such a great ambassador for the game. He's a gentle giant there isn't anything in baseball he doesn't do well.

He's I think he well maybe not just as good defensively as he is at smashing balls over the wall. But he's pretty damn good as an outfielder and it's fun to watch him chase down not really shag that'd be a different thing but shag fly balls in an actual game. He loves the fans the way he interacts with the fans during the game is great.

He's as I say got a huge smile that shows you how much he enjoys what he does for a living and honestly that easy smile and relaxed manner make him a perfect fit for New York. But regardless even if you're not a Yankees fan it's hard not to like Aaron Judge and for years I've talked about how baseball doesn't do enough to market it superstars and I think that's still the case. We could have a whole conversation about who's the face of baseball these days.

I think a lot of people might say Shohei Ohtani and he's certainly recognizable by face. The thing is he's so private even more so now right. He's so closed up and he's got the wagon circled even more so than the Buffalo Bills. And for that reason because and I'm not saying he isn't charismatic. It seems like when he interacts with people they really enjoy the conversations with him. He seems to smile now and then maybe once a month but he's he's not open enough that American baseball fans can really get to know him. But with Aaron Judge he seems open. He seems candid. He seems authentic. The fact that he likes to interact with fans as well as fellow baseball dudes.

We know a little bit about his life, his parents, his wife. So it's kind of neat that you've also got him healthy this season and leading the majors in home runs. So a couple of baseball stories that we'll get to.

The Atlanta Braves they're scuffling right now as you can imagine trying to find their footing after some devastating injuries. We've got the U.S. Open this week. I forgot until about I don't know a day and a half ago because there's been so much brouhaha over the Olympics and Kaitlyn Clark. Oh gosh Jay. So a guy on our Facebook page I think this was his attempt to get snarky made some comment about how he's so surprised that we talk about hockey or that I talked about hockey.

Because all I ever do is talk about the NBA which makes me think he doesn't listen very often because number one we talk about football even when it's not football season far more than anything. But also I wrote on the post you'll see it when you get to ask Amy anything. Ever heard of Kaitlyn Clark because I think I might talk about her once an hour.

Anyway so yes Kaitlyn Clark. There's no headlines around her tonight. No real headlines.

They're old headlines and we're not going to regurgitate. Instead golf because I finally realized and remembered it was U.S. Open week at Pinehurst number two and this is a course that a lot of people are familiar with. Tiger Woods has a history here and he believes he can win this tournament again.

He last made the cut at the U.S. Open in 2019 has not entered this tournament since 2020. It seems like perfect weather. This is in North Carolina by the way Pinehurst North Carolina. We're talking upper 80s mid 90s very little rain in the forecast. Now the heat could dry out the course and Tiger was talking about how it could be extremely slick and slippery. Not for the players and their spikes but for the balls obviously meaning they're not going to stick where they land. They're going to bump and run and run and run and run which is good if you're trying to get extra distance off the tee but not good if you're trying to land ball on a green that's got a bunch of different undulations or maybe the pin is sitting on the side of a hill.

That's not helpful. So yeah it apparently is going to start out easier and get harder because of the weather and the dry temps. But with Tiger Woods returning to a place that he's really familiar this is a place that gives him confidence. He's teeing off actually on the back nine so the way they do it at Pinehurst is they have to straddle the tee times for between the first and the tenth tee. But he goes early on Thursday morning and then on Friday afternoon in the second round they go later right so they kind of switch you up. Not only do you start on one tee Thursday so he's starting on the tenth and then the first on Friday but they also switch up morning versus afternoon.

The idea is that everyone's facing the same conditions just on the next day. So this is his third start in the US Open played at Pinehurst. Going back to 99 he tied for third.

Would you believe I remember that. I'm telling you that was when I was just getting into Tiger Woods golf and I didn't miss a tournament. And then he also finished second in 2005. He missed it a few years ago because of some surgeries. And he also missed the cut at the most recent major championship which is the PGA but I'm not sure anybody noticed because the whole story after Friday morning was about Scottie Scheffler. So I'm looking forward to seeing him back at the US Open. Other than the Masters wins. I've enjoyed watching Tiger golf at the US Open more than anywhere else and honestly I think this is my favorite major because it's hard. The US Open or the USGA they delight in making these golfers look foolish at times or seeing them try to work to figure it out. And a typical US Open, I've heard this from different golf contacts of mine, they actually don't want the winner to be minus seven, minus eight, minus nine. No they would prefer to have just a handful of golfers in red numbers and they're okay if the winner's at minus one or minus two. They actually prefer it to be that way. And I've also read that they have changed the grass.

Now I'm not going to go into all the technical stuff, this is where Matt Adams would be far more effective in describing it. But apparently because they've changed some of the grass, not only does it dry out more quickly and make it slicker, but it can also be tough when you're talking about approaches and that type of thing. So I'm looking forward to the US Open. Going to be a lot of fun. The mom-in-law is leaving, actually this is the worst, I guess. I don't know, if this were me and I were leaving at a flight on 5.20 at 5.20 a.m., I probably would not sleep. Six o'clock flights are tough enough. I didn't even know they had flights that left at 5.20 a.m.

But hers got moved up a couple weeks ago. So Bob and Mom are waking up in a half an hour. It just said, oh my gosh, yes they're waking up in a half an hour so that they can make the half hour drive, well make sure they're awake and they've got everything and make the half hour drive to the airport. And she needs to be in the airport even at that hour because it might take her a little time to get through security and stuff.

She needs to be there by 4 a.m. Eastern. Oh my gosh, that's obscene. I wouldn't even go to bed, would you even bother? I don't think I would.

No! If I laid there to try to go to bed, I don't think my brain would let me know I had to wake up that early. Well Jay knows me. I'm generally packing two hours before I need to leave for the airport. And a lot of times I'm also cleaning or taking care of pet things or whatever.

Filing invoices, who knows. It always seems like when I have to fly, I'm doing things at the last second, which is part of my charming procrastinator personality. Do as I say, not as I do. That's what I'm going to tell my kid. Anyway, so I can't imagine that I would sleep. I think I would just stay up. I'd probably stay up. Oh my gosh, because then it would be harder. You take like an hour nap and try to wake up and get to the airport.

It's like a tease. You're in a fog, right? Yeah, that's what I would say. Just kind of stay up, coffee, power through, whatever you got to do. And then maybe just rest later on once you're finally all settled.

Yes, absolutely. That sounds like something that would work better for me. This is why I prefer working nights more than mornings. First of all, I stink at mornings. But second of all, I can't imagine doing what Maggie and Perloff do here on the Infinity Sports Network, where they're awake by three o'clock every morning Eastern time. Obviously, midnight if we're talking about the West Coast.

And they have to come in and be coherent. I did mornings locally in Providence, Rhode Island for a year plus, just a little over a year. It was hell. It was hell. Do you know what I was doing? So I was much younger then, obviously. And I didn't drink coffee at that point. So I still hadn't discovered coffee. I was in my late 20s. And so I didn't start drinking coffee until I was 30. So I was drinking Dr. Pepper every single morning. And my co-host, who was an older gentleman, probably in his 40s at the time, meaning older than me, I don't mean old, but older than me, he would just look at me like, how can you drink that at this hour? Hours are irrelevant. Time of day in radio.

Yes! No, I just eat caffeine and this is how I get it. Every single morning I'd drink a Dr. Pepper or a Coke. It was one or the other.

You need what you need, right? It was awful. And the longer I did the show, the later I would show up. It was so bad, because you know in sports, you have to watch games at night. Now he wouldn't.

He would go to bed. He didn't care. It was hard to do.

Yeah, it was tough. So anyway, I feel for them. I think they're going to be listening to me on their drive.

So we need to be extra peppy and have some extra witty material, so that we can keep them entertained while they're in the car on the way to the airport. What kind of music? Oh, loud. Loud music.

Okay, I could do that. Yeah, although Bob loves country music. So you could throw, Jay just bit a face. Jay's like my niece. My youngest niece, before we got ready for the wedding, I was asking them, hey guys, what kind of music would you like at the reception? And my niece Lauren says to me, auntie Amy, can we not have any country music at the wedding? Honey, it's in Texas.

We can't completely eliminate all country music. Her response, you're the bride. You can tell them. It's awesome. You want it. Hunbun, the whole other side of the family is Texan. We can't just say no country music.

He might call for an annulment before we even get out of the barn. But I told you the wedding we went to, Memorial Day weekend, it was amazing. It was country. And I actually like country, so I picked it up when I was in Oklahoma. I love country music. So it was country and then 80s and 90s. It was the best, anything that wasn't country was 80s and 90s. That was the wedding that I was just at recently.

It was 80s and 90s. Okay, and how old were the bride and groom? 35. Okay, so they're a little bit older. These, the people that I went to for their wedding, they were in their early 20s. And still, all the music that wasn't country, 80s and 90s. Yeah, see that's what, 12, 13 year gap.

So that's big 80s and 90s. That's cool. Let's go. I like that. I feel like we should say you're welcome. You're welcome for our styles.

You're welcome for the music. We got it all working. Those are the days. Jay. Those are the days, says Jay.

Who's still technically a millennial. All right, so we've got everything, just everything. We've got so many quarterbacks. We're going to be upchucking quarterbacks by the time this show is over. Just kidding. I don't think it's that drastic.

But some really good stuff. Russell Wilson feels so rejuvenated again. Wasn't it just two years ago? That he was telling us how rejuvenated he felt in Denver with this fresh start and how happy he was to be there. Now granted, what else is he going to say? But for heaven sakes, we just heard this two years ago. I swear I was cutting up his interview in that clip and I was like, wait, is this an old clip we have in our system?

I've heard this. I wonder if we could go back and get his introductory press conference in Denver. Anyway, I'm happy for him. It's not like I would expect him to say anything else, he's a very optimistic person.

It's just that I thought that happened two years ago. And it's not his fault. He would probably still be in Denver if he had his choice. My house ain't for sale. Or maybe not.

Actually, maybe given Sean Payton, maybe he wouldn't still be in Denver if he had his choice. Anyway, quarterbacks and baseball and Gen Z and Tiger Woods, who's the opposite of Gen Z and you know, oh, also a future reporter who's getting his start at the US Open. Little kid got the chance to ask Scottie Scheffler a question.

It was amazing. We need to have this young man on the show. I wish I could figure out where he was from.

I only know his first name, but maybe we can put it out there and we'll see if we get some answers. Thanks so much for hanging out with us. It is the hump show, middle show of the work week, which means you get to ask Amy anything.

Sort of. So find us on our show twix at Amy After Hours. And then also on our Facebook page, Bright Orange Box. It's there. I have no idea why Bo Nix is trending on Twitter.

He wasn't one of the quarterbacks I was going to talk about, but we'll see. Hope you had a great Tuesday. We'll usher in your Wednesday and be as irreverent and as annoyingly goofy as possible.

Some of you are annoyed by it. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. You are listening to the After Hour. One, two, three, four. Those are numbers, but you already knew that. If you want to know what number you're going to pay each month for your car, use Kelly Blue Book My Wallet on Auto Trader.

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It all matters. You just haven't taken care of it yet. But there's an easier way. Just download the thumbtack app. You can search for what you need done and find tons of highly rated pros right in your neighborhood.

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Download thumbtack and start a project today. This podcast. Here's Aaron Judge right. He hit her swings and flies it left center field. His bell back on the run at the wall. It is gone. Goodbye.

Into the waterfall. Oh, Aaron Judge forgot about his manners. He bruised that baseball to run blast number twenty five and the Yankees have a nine nothing lead.

Getting you to the good half of your week. It's the Hump Show on after hours. Emmanuel Babari on the Yankees radio network. Aaron Judge clubs number twenty five. That's the best in Major League Baseball. And he does it in the fountain at Kansas City Yankees route the Royals. And if you're paying attention to the standings of baseball, don't because it's June.

But just for. Pooh and giggles. The Yankees are approaching 50 wins, as are the Philadelphia Phillies. So those are your top two teams in baseball right now. You've also got the Guardians who are sitting in that in the 40 range as well as the Orioles. They're over 40 wins too. And the Dodgers, of course. So those are your front runners right now in baseball. But yeah, it's June. I actually this is funny. I just walked by.

Going out to one of our side studio so I could listen to some audio. I just walked by our New York affiliate and heard the host saying something along these lines. It's all trade deadline all the time. OK. It's June 11th. The trade deadline is not June 11th. It's not June, actually.

It's way too early to be talking about the trade deadline. This is why I could never go back to local radio. Because for the most part, your listeners want to hear about the same two teams and the same seven topics. And I can't do it. The Yankees are about to win almost 50 games. And I on my way in just heard people complaining the entire time about Anthony Rizzo is the problem. Excuse me? They've got the best record in Major League Baseball. What problem is that exactly?

No, he's the problem. Aaron Judge, he's never been one to focus on the numbers. I don't know. Speaking of being too early, it might be a little too early to talk about what kind of numbers he could put up this season.

And yet people are doing it anyway. I really got nothing. It's still early in the season. Just trying to put together good at-bats. We're facing some tough teams with some great pitching staffs. And anytime we just try to scratch out some early runs, whatever we can to get some runs from the boy, that's about it. He's just obviously amazing physical talent and tools and ability. But now the experience that thousands of at-bats allow you to have, that gets applied with that great talent.

And this is what you're seeing. The Yankees have won eight of their last ten, but the Orioles are within striking distance actually putting together a five-game win streak. That is already too much at the standings. Too much looking at the standings in early June. And no, we're not going to talk about the trade deadline.

It's after hours with Amy Lawrence. So kind of fun to follow this early stage of the career of Paul Skeans. And I know a lot of you Pittsburgh Pirates fans, you love what you're getting with your one-two punch. The rookies who've already attracted so much attention are putting butts in the seats. Talked to a Pirates fan not that long ago. And he's enjoying the start of their careers, but at the same time you feel the shadow of the other shoe that might eventually drop or seems to drop with Pittsburgh all the time.

Where rookies get their start, they make a name, they make some money, and then they get paid by another team. And so that's kind of a bummer. But for now, definitely Paul Skeans is worth the price of admission. But he maybe met his match in his opponent or the opposing pitcher in St. Louis on Tuesday. Two strikes on win. And strike three. Got him with that big slider. One out. That's a pitch that if he can get that going tonight, well, look out. Here comes a two-two.

Swing and a miss. Struck about eight strikeouts tonight for Paul Skeans. Yeah, he still has it as he approaches 100 pitches. His 99th pitch, a fastball at 99 miles per hour.

He leans in to get his location from the belt. Here's his pitch. Breaking ball call. Strike.

See you later. Strike three call. The sixth strikeout of the night for Miles Michaels, and he couldn't have gotten in at a bigger time in the ballgame. On both the Pirates and Cardinals radio network, this game was still scoreless heading into the ninth inning.

Nothing, nothing. Ninth inning. The pitch to Joe. Swing and a liner. One up by Mason Wynn. He'll throw to the plate.

Dropped by Paez. Pirates lead 1-0. Well, they actually ended up scoring all three runs in the ninth inning. And this was a game in which neither of the starting pitchers factored, that's the word I'm looking for, factored into the final decision.

However, it was fun to see those two guys go back and forth. And the possibilities, right, so Miles Michael is not that old himself. He ends up going, let's see, it was seven scoreless innings. He allows just one hit and has six strikeouts. And what caught my attention is that he retired the first 16 batters he faced.

Again, didn't factor in the decision, but it was tense all the way through between Michael and Skeens. I feel like that might be the best I've felt. You know, just being comfortable with all my breaking balls, my change up, you know, the sinker and the four seamer. Paez and I worked pretty good today.

You know, incredible defense all around. As for Skeens, he was on the mound for 103 pitches. Obviously a career high for him. He scattered a few hits, did go into the seventh and was still scoreless, also had the eight strikeouts. I had no idea how many pitches I was at.

Just focusing on executing. I know the first few innings were kind of quicker and that, you know, allowed me to get a little bit deeper into the game. But especially in a game like that, like just being able to pitch deeper into it, it was a lot of fun. I thought he did a good job using the split or the splinker or whatever we call it. To keep him off balance and then he went to the fastball when he had to. So overall, very impressive. I mean, to get out of the first and third situation, nobody out.

I think we continue to see growth out of Paul. It was hard to scrape together runs against these two pitchers and even the bullpens, though. The Pirates get a fielder's choice that drives in a run and they get a sacrifice fly as well.

So that was kind of fun to see. I would absolutely rather buy a ticket and get a pitcher's duel than I would see a home run derby. Although the actual home run derby at the All-Star game I think would be a lot of fun. But yeah, this chick digs the pitcher's duel.

What do you think, Marco? What do you prefer? I would, if it's crazy offense, then the pitcher's duel. But I would kind of lean towards the middle if there was such a thing and give me good baseball. More balls than play? Well, I want to see a few runs scored.

I don't want to see it. Look, a pitcher's duel is fun if it's total domination. But it's also sometimes, put this nicely, inability to hit. Because we see that way too much in Major League Baseball. We've got guys who are like, do you even have an approach as you go to the play? Domination from good pitching is one thing and that's fun.

Bad hitting is another story when you wind up. So there's a lot of ways you can get to 2-1. That's true.

That's a good point. Although the stats last year would indicate, and I don't know how much this has to do with, it's more about the defensive shift, right? So that was one of the big changes that was made last year along with the pitch clock and that type of thing. But we did see a lot more baseballs in play last year. And Commissioner Rob Manfred pleasantly surprised me. We did see more of that and fewer strikeouts. Yes.

Which was good. We also see a combined batting average of like 240 around Major League Baseball. So they're putting the ball in play a little bit more, so we're seeing grounders fielded and getting runners thrown out at first base. So we're seeing a little bit more of the actual game of baseball, but we're not seeing good quality hitting. And I know batting average is not the same, it's not the be all, end all, I get it, blah, blah, blah. There should be more than like 10 guys in all of Major League Baseball that can hit 300.

That's a problem to me. No wonder in Milwaukee on Monday night, the biggest entertainment was how they were going to get that bat down from the net. That was my favorite part, Jay, and I loved it. Not so much, even without seeing it, not so much the fact that the bat was hanging up there dangling over the Blue Jays dugout, but that the crowd was following that more than they were watching what was on the field.

And when they finally get it down with this big pole and the ring on top, there's a rah in the ground. Again, that's fun and that's fun. But we do have an issue where that's more entertaining because guys can't hit. It was pretty entertaining.

So that's my little gripe right now. How about having a rabbit in the outfield? I mean, come on, how can you not be entertained by a rabbit or a cat in the outfield? We'll update you on the bat saga in just a second. First the pitch to Kirk, ball strike one, and I think you can guess what just happened from the sound of the crowd.

That was our favorite part of that whole game. Again, that's fine. I'm good with that. I just want to see guys be good at baseball. Is there an easier way to put this?

Be better at the game that you play professionally. Can we just hear it one more time because it's fun? We'll update you on the bat saga in just a second. First the pitch to Kirk, ball strike one, and I think you can guess what just happened from the sound of the crowd. That's so great.

I feel this is a validation. Fans are paying attention to everything that happened. They're not on their phones.

They're watching the bat hanging there above the dugout. Get outside. Put your phones down. Watch what's happening around you. Isn't that what they say?

Now, there are nets up, protective nets now, but if that bat had flown into the stands, say, 10 years ago, it could have hit someone. And so that's what they say. Put your phones down. Watch what's happening. Beware of flying objects.

People are paying attention. Yes. Probably posting TikTok videos of the bat hanging in the nest. Watch the pitch to Kirk. Jane, I love that. Well, if you don't get good baseball, at least you get the entertainment value.

Again, that's all good. I'm all for that. And hot dog races.

I'm all for the hot dog race. Have you seen The Fridge? The Fridge?

Yeah, I forgot what stadium he's in. Well, let's Google it. I need to see The Fridge. Oh, what was the other guy's name in Atlanta? The Freeze. The Freeze. Now there's The Fridge. The Freeze was like a slim guy. The Fridge is a big guy, kind of like an anchor in like a four by four idea. Beat The Fridge.

There you go. He makes it look like you're not going to beat him. Like, oh, anyone could beat this guy.

Or you are going to beat him. Gives you like a head start like The Freeze did. Then he turns on the jets. Huh. Who is The Fridge and beat The Fridge? Fascinating.

Nino Dandon, aka The Fridge, became a viral racing sensation for the Gwinnett Strippers. Oops, Striper, sorry. That would be something. It is. I watch it. You know what? I think everybody's going to baseball games now.

The Gwinnett Strippers this season, now he's winning awards. Oh, man. I think we need to figure out where is. Oh, here's the next question. Where is The Fridge now?

Don't you love it when Google fills in the questions that people are asking in recent years? Oh, no, that's The Fridge from the Chicago Bears. Never mind. Wrong fridge. I figured you were going to get some of that. Well, now we need to go see not just The Strippers, but The Fridge.

Beat The Fridge. Sign me up. Never mind. Okay, send your questions for Ask Amy Anything.

Don't ask me about The Strippers. On our show account, our show Twix, at Amy After Hours, and then also on our Facebook page. Next hour, this is what you're in store for, Marco. As a father of three, we've got some new stats about young people and their job interviews. Now, I know your kids are still a little ways from job interviews, but I just want to prepare you. That's right.

You can go on job interviews. That's fine. Go get a job. What, your son just turned 10? He's about to turn 10? Yeah. Plenty of time. Go, go, go. Just wait. He does nothing else. Go ahead, go.

Go make some money. You are listening to The Fridge. Here's why April chose to vaccinate her child. I think actually meeting someone who was not vaccinated and now has a lifelong struggle with a childhood disease really cemented for me that it's super important that we as parents continue to vaccinate our children.

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Go to or download the TuneIn app to start listening. Shohei crushes one. Deep right field.

Forget about it. It's halfway up the pavilion. Shohei Ohtani with home run number 16. It went 433 feet.

And now Freddie shoots one. The opposite field. Left center field.

It's traveling and it is good. Freddie Freeman makes it back to back for the Dodgers. His ninth of the year.

Double digits for L.A. Their lead is nine. One ball, two strikes. One on two out in the sixth. Hayward hammered right field.

Are you kidding me? Into the Ranger bullpen. That's the fourth home run of the sixth inning. What is happening?

This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. This is what the Dodgers can do on the Dodgers radio network. Bombs away.

All right. And the potential is already there. Just because they show up at the ballpark, the potential is there with the MVPs and the lineup and the bats. And it's got to be a lot of fun for fans when they do all come through in this fashion. Now, not so fun for the defending World Series champions, the Texas Rangers, or for the pitchers that were marched out there.

You had you just had a parade. And so for the Dodgers, they end up with 15 runs on 14 hits. They start out with three runs in the first. They tack on three in the fourth. Seven spot in the sixth inning. And of course, they don't have to play the bottom of the ninth. But yeah, a bunch of home runs, four of them coming in that sixth inning. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. It's the Gwinnett stripers, not the Gwinnett strippers.

There's a very big difference there. Notice Jay volunteered when I messed up, of course. Want to check it out, Mr. Fridge? Beat the fridge. I want to beat the fridge. I would like to beat the fridge. Do you think you could beat the fridge?

This coming from a guy who once told me that he could get ready for a half marathon in two and a half weeks. I did say that once. I was naive. Our phone number is 855-212-4227.

That's 855-212-4CBS. I saw this on social and I thought of you all. First of all, I'm glad so many of you checked out the Blue Angels documentary after we talked about it on Last Night Show. A bunch of you reached out to me and said that you really enjoyed it. At my suggestion, you went ahead and watched it. I know Jay said he was going to watch it at some point.

I can't wait to get your review of it. But I saw this Peacock deal that's available right now. It was shared by another, I think a former sports executive. Actually someone who used to work for Fox Sports and also helped to found the Big Ten Network. So he's worked in sports and is sharing with us.

I think this is interesting because it's a competition. He's sharing with us that you can sign up for a year of Peacock right now. 20 bucks, flat fee. For the whole year? For the whole year.

Now that's according to Bob Thompson, so I hope it's right. But I can't imagine if he worked in sports as an executive, he'd throw it out there just for the hell of it. 1999 for a year of Peacock.

It's a sale going on right now. And he says you can get the Olympics, which of course this is an Olympics year starting in July. The thing is the Olympics are aired on about seven different networks on TV. But do you remember, was it three years ago in 21? It was. There were events that were exclusive to Peacock?

Yeah, you're right. There were. There were some that were airing overnight that we couldn't watch because they were only on Peacock.

All right. So he points to the Olympics, the Big Ten and half of the NBC-NBA package, though I'm not sure if you sign up for it now how much of the NBA actually get because I think they don't start until 25. But anyway, I was a little stunned as someone who used to work in sports that he didn't mention the NFL. Isn't that the biggest draw for Peacock right now? And I think, is there WWE? There may be some other entertainment value in the sports arena on Peacock if you want to Google it. But yeah, I was kind of surprised that this former executive didn't mention the NFL's WWE. Yeah. Because every single... And Premier League, sorry.

Oh, thank you. So WWE, Premier League, Olympics, Big Ten, maybe some NBA, but I would say the largest, most compelling argument for this sale of a year of Peacock would be the fact that you get every Sunday Night Football game, right? So you can get all of those Sunday Night Football games plus the exclusive week one Friday game in Brazil. And I'm pretty sure there's also a Peacock game in December that's exclusive to the streaming service. So for those of you who are kind of bummed out, remember last year there was a playoff game on Peacock? This year it's a playoff game on Amazon Prime.

Jay's counting on his fingers, I can see it. There is two exclusive Peacock games for this season. The one is the Brazil game, as you said. Right.

And... I think it's December... It'll be a wildcard game, again. So one of the playoff wildcard games will be exclusive on Peacock, yeah. I thought there was also one in December, but maybe that was the Sunday Night game. I was kind of looking through. So yes, every Sunday Night Football game, the Brazil game, and then in addition to that, you get a playoff game, a wildcard game, according to Jay. So like I said, I felt like it was missing. I was surprised that he didn't mention the NFL because that seems to be the connection with Peacock, at least that we talk about on the show.

So sports fans, I don't know. If it's worth it to you, you can save yourself a bunch of money, you can sign up. There is no commitment beyond the one year. 20 bucks? I've got 20 bucks and a sock in my drawer. I feel like I could spend it.

This type of a sale will attract me. I'm not going to pay 20 bucks a month for any streaming service. I don't care if you run the world and you're putting the world domination on the streaming service. I'm not paying 20 bucks a month. But 20 bucks a year? That's pretty good.

That's a good price. I'm thinking about it now. I told you I was signing up for no more streaming services. Does this make me a big fibber?

Maybe. What about you? Do you have Peacock? Which ones do you have? Or collectively does your family have? I think most of them, honestly. Alright.

I think I have Peacock. I'm not sure though, but for 20 bucks, if I don't, that would get me to buy it for the year, probably. Yeah, I'm thinking about doing it. Also, by the way, Disney's about to start cracking down on password sharing. Oh? Not that it applies to us. It won't affect anything here. Right, does it? What do we care? I just wanted to put that out there.

It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Here's why April chose to vaccinate her child. I think actually meeting someone who was not vaccinated and now has a lifelong struggle with a childhood disease really cemented for me that it's super important that we as parents continue to vaccinate our children.

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